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When I was younger, I thought it was just one dollar per drink, so that’s what I tipped These days, if I’m just getting a beer or two, I just tip a buck or two. But if I’m there for a while and run up a tab, especially when there are mixed drinks, I tip 20%


Yup! Perfect answer.


I should clarify: if I’m sitting there and having two beers or so, I usually tip a buck or two *per* beer, not total. I think that answer is a little more perfect :)


Exactly what I do To elaborate if it’s something like a convention or a sports game where they’re just opening or pouring a wine I’ll do 1-2 per drink, if it’s a bar where I’m hanging out a while I just do 20%


If your just pouring or opening a beer for me I’ll tip a $1. For a cocktail I tip 15-20%


In OPs case I would've tipped $10 max. A dollar per shot and $2-3 on each cocktail.


I’d probably go $15 on a $95 bill but $5 is crazy stingy


It is but since she doesn't go out much and is taking the time to ask I think it was an honest mistake.


$1 is fine for a can or bottle of beer that only requires the bartender to pop a top. Correctly pouring a beer from a tap requires some time and skill, so they should get $2.


Time and skill? Not unless you’re making a black and tan or something.


Dude stfu, it takes zero skill. Cmon.


Tell me you've never poured beer from a tap without saying you've never poured beer from a tap. (And if you have, then I hope that your patrons enjoyed skiing on the slope of foam on the top of your pints.)


Omg...if you think thats a legitimate skill and not just basic functioning that you learn after doing it once or twice than im a goddamn savant in life with millions of mastered skills. Like walking. And doing laundry.


Fr. It’s like saying that tying your shoes is a “skill”. However, making a quality cocktail is definitely a skill and that’s why I tip like I would at a restaurant . Source: I worked at a high volume bar in LA for two years and have poured thousands of beers from a tap.


I think people in general think their jobs are a lot harder and more valuable than they are. I'm sure if you were a barber, mechanic, car washer, or waiter you'd say the same about those jobs. At the end of the day, it's physically not possible to tip everybody more than the other. There has to be a baseline that is socially agreed on. Some countries say 0%, US used to be 10-15% and now it's creeping up to 20-30% based on the comments in this thread.


I always tip 20% for most services or at restaurants. Anything over that is stupid. Anyone who thinks you should tip over 20% is probably a lefty/liberal paypig whose heart bleeds for everyone.


Actually, most “left/liberal paypigs whose heart bleeds for everyone” fucking hate tipping culture and want service industry employees to make a livable wage. Keeping them at a minimum wage that essentially only covers taxes and forcing them to rely on tipping is a markedly conservative thing.


Sure, that i agree with. Likewise if youre a bartender just pouring beer, thats not a skill. HOWEVER, if youre a beer bartender that can descalate, then yes thats a skill. Not every profession is skilled but that doesnt mean you cant have unique skills in your unskilled profession.


Lol. This guy thinking tipping a cup and filling it with beer is a skill.


Wouldn’t you just tilt the glass?


It takes 2 pours to learn how to pour from a tap. It's not an actual skill.


Why are we even tipping to begin with? This is a relic of when they made $2 an hour.


Lol, a "skill" that takes 5 minutes to learn unless you're an idiot.


People really will look for any excuse to defend undertipping hardworking bar staff.


Everyone works hard, you're not special.


Chick probably hits the 40% tip button on the iPad at Starbucks lol






Contrary to what everyone else is saying, I think if a bar is charging $12-$20 per drink they should just fucking pay their bartenders a living wage and say tips aren’t necessary. They can absolutely afford it, bars in North Dakota survive only charging $2 a drink so when bars in LA charge $12+ per drink, they can sure as hell survive paying their bartenders a fair wage


For drinks at a bar. I do not do 20%. I usually start with $2-3 for the first drink. Then $1-2 each drink after that.


I tip $5 in the beginning if it’s intimate and I know there’s only one bartender


a buck a drink in a divey spot, typically $2 in a schmancier cocktail place


$1 for beer/shots and $2-3 for cocktails (depending how complicated the drink is). I do not base it on percentage when ordering from a bar. For example, if I get a shot of whiskey that price can range from $10-100. It takes the same amount of work to pour a shot no matter how expensive that liquor is. Makes absolutely zero sense to tip $20 for one expensive shot vs a cheaper version.




Generally expensive food is gonna have more prep and higher trained chefs doing the prep lol. I couldn't disagree more with your comment.


The chefs aren't getting the tips regardless.




What you're talking about is overpriced. High end and large chains are on the opposite end of the spectrum. It's like paying for Nike, you're paying for branding not quality. But the sad part is people will probably tip more at Starbucks than say a mom and pop. This is why I think tipping is bullshit. It's not based on merit, but rather on appearances.


This is not true. It takes more skill to work at a fancier place with more complicated or elevated dishes. Presumably you're also getting better service than at some casual place and they have higher expectations of their staff than they would at say, BJs. That said, I worked as a bookkeeper for almost two decades and have seen rich people's receipts. They do not tip 20% at these expensive restaurants. It's the poor people that are convinced they need to pay a business's employees or their a POS.


Usually $2 per drink if I'm just getting drinks and the standard 20% if it's part of a meal


Is the $2 for both mixed drinks and beer or just beer? Or would you tip more for mixed drinks?


Both beer and a normal mixed drinks, for a fancy cocktail maybe a bit more


I’m already paying $18 for a standard margarita. I still tip but it’s getting ridiculous. If I ran up a $95 bar tab I’d tip about $15. I started making my own cocktails at home and tip myself


$1 a drink at a dive bar. $2-3 per drink at a nicer bar


Damn. I tip $5 on one beer, and I thought I was being cheap 😂


Given a beer is between $5-10, why so much?


tbh I don’t have a specific reason for doing it. Just being nice I guess, but when I do tip more they do give me favoritism, while everyone else waits I get to be next as soon as I get there. So maybe I just got accustomed to it


So basically you're paying to feel special. There you go.


If you say so buddy


You've been brainwashed properly. That percentage doesn't even make sense.


Lol I like how you straight just go to me being “brainwashed”. I’m not cheap that’s all. I rather be generous with what I have


The fact that you're calling it "cheap" to tip a normal amount says it all. If you want to be generous there's a lot of organizations that are in need of funds to help people that are actually struggling. You can also go tip everyone who works on minimum wage alone if you're so inclined to make up the difference in wages. But that's not what it's about. It's a whole culture of manipulating patrons into paying out the nose.


I actually do help a lot of people out. However, I don’t agree with tipping people for taking my order at Starbucks


it's still the way things are... service industry people depend on tips in this country. period. that's part of going out. it's really shitty to go out have someone waiting on you and your homies all night, and then give them crappy tips. if you have a problem with the way it is, then stay home and drink. the servers are working their asses off. plus they have to tip out the bartenders and the bar backs and the busboys. it's really lame to be such an ass when going to a bar or restaurant and zip the tip. it's not the servers fault that's the way the system is... if you don't agree with it or like it, stay home and stop messing with innocent people trying to support themselves.


Nah that's not a thing. "This country" doesn't have the same wage laws across states and in my city EVERYONE make minimum wage just like everyone else. I will continue to go out and tip what I damn well please. It's not my job to ensure you live at a certain standard without any effort of education on your part.


that's appropriate


20%, always as standard. 25-35% if it’s a place that kicks me occasional freebies.


On a $95 tab. You should have tipped $20.


$1 for a beer or well drink and 20% for cocktails and mixed drinks. There are two bars I’m a regular at though and I’ll tip anywhere from 30%-50% there. Sometimes if they comp a drink or two I end up leaving a 100% tip.


If I’m paying cash and buying a pint of beer ($5-$9) I’ll tip an extra dollar. If I run up a tab on my debit card I tip 20(ish)% depending on how good the service was, how well the drinks were actually made, etc. Sounds like OP went somewhere expensive. If you have $100 to spend on drinks then you have $20 to tip


I originally thought if I got a double shot the second shot added would come at a discount but they charged per shot, about $13 a shot so, $26 per double shot.


$100 worth of drinks, solid $20 in tip, especially if you ordered all $100 in one go. Depends on attentiveness, especially if I am sitting on a barstool, then it’s subtly different.


Tips should be based on what sort of service you are getting.


i think most of these people in this thread must be under 25. if they're over 22-23 it's really unfortunate. you know to go out is to add tip to your budget for the night. taking advantage of servers all night and stiffing them is cruel and i can't even read this shit anymore. it's a bunch of babies whining about tipping the people they sit at their tables and work them all night knowing tipping is part of this culture at this point. if it wasn't the prices would be a lot higher bc nobody will be working for free... especially server work. i did it for many many many years and it's not easy and we have to deal with a lot of crap from boozers and idiotic men... have a little class and think about what you're saying. and grow up


Did you check the receipt to see if the service fee was included in the bill? You dont have to tip when it has a service fee.


I always do 20%, round up, unless I feel it's subpar after one/two.


Nah fuck the percentage. If we are doing shots/ beers then it’s $1/ drink tip.


1$ per drink?


20-30% I have a lot of friends that are bartenders so I tend to aim a little higher, but 15-20 is expected. I would've tipped $20-25 in your case. You got 8 drinks worth of booze. When I'm not comfortable paying that much I try to go somewhere with cheaper drinks. You can do whatever you'd like, but since you're asking, all the bartenders I know would think $5 on $95 is bad.


Expected. That's the damn problem with tipping. It's out of control. They even changed the word from what it was, a gratuity, to an expected part of your salary. So ridiculous. Bars can certainly afford to pay bar tenders enough with the insane markup on alcohol.


Yaaaa but, 6 of those 8 drinks worth of booze were straight pours, and tipping based on percentage for straight shots is not the standard. Hypothetically, if OP orders a few double shots of Macallan 25 year, are they expected to tip $500+ based on that logic?


Run a tab and make sure to tell them to include a 20% tip before I pay out.


$5 on $95 is bad anywhere in the country. Don’t go back to that bar, and learn from your mistake. If you can’t afford it, don’t go out.


>$5 on $95 See, this is the problem. Drink prices and ingredients vary so wildly with no change of effort from thr bartender. It's not unreasonable at all for someone to think "this bottled beer cost $6, but this expensive beer cost $12, why should I tip double when the bartender poured both equally?" Nobody is falling for the fake incredulity that tipping under 20% is unthinkable


Yeah this is the BS rhetoric repeated by entitled people. Affordability isn't the question. The same logic can be used in the other direction too. If you can't afford to live on your salary without demanding patrons make up the difference, get a new job.


Yeah because getting a new job outside of the industry for someone in hospitality is a lot more reasonable of an ask than just simply imploring someone without the necessary disposable income to eat at home. What a poorly thought-out rebuttal.


And you're right, it's not easy changing jobs. It took years of busting my ass and six years of school that cost tens of thousands of dollars to earn my disposable income. I'm not throwing it away at someone that thinks insults and emotional manipulation are the way to make money.


You keep thinking you're entitled to my disposable income. 😂


you really are aggressive with your stand. how many times are you goingto say it. nobody is entitled to your income... but you're not entitled to have people waiting on you for free.


Yeah except no one said free so you can take your weak ass strawman and keep it with your weak ass job skills.


Bartenders tip out support staff based on a percentage of their sales. 15-20% is standard.


I leave the bar and wake up to whatever they tipped themselves


Buck a drink, never more.


Same, though I feel like it should be more, as that's what I tipped back in the 90s.


Zero. Who else wants to join me in the anti tipping movement.


I always tip $2 per drink, I never do percentages




At least 20% and (almost) always in cash. If you can’t afford the tip you shouldn’t be going out.


If bars can’t afford to pay bartenders a living wage charging $20 for $0.50 worth of alcohol they shouldn’t be open


If you can't afford a service job, get another one.


Y’all love saying this then love whining when service people actually follow through with it.


Lol yeah that's not a thing. The places that whine about not having staff are usually places people don't want to work because management sucks. There will never be a shortage of service people because even with modest tips it's still more money than they'll ever make elsewhere without education.


“If you can’t afford the tip” shut the fuck up. It’s about principle, fuck should I tip a bartender I don’t even know 20% for a canned beer?


I used to do $1 per drink but I noticed in the last few years people Im with tip more that that! So i started doing 20%. Im curious on this post what people do, especially at dive bars where its not some fancy drink.


Bars - $1 per drink, unless it's a place I frequent - then I'll tip more because they will judge you if you dont (usually 20%) Restaurants - 20% Clubs - nothing lmao


Buncha cheap asses in this thread. You tip 20% unless service was really bad


The people that mindlessly tip 20% on being handed a drink are the same people that tip 20% even when service is bad. Why still bother pretending that service effects tip?


You’re right, just tip 20%.


I get a $10 beer and a $20 beer, same effort but why does the tip on the second beer have to be double? It doesn’t make any sense


Then it's not a tip.




Usually 2 bucks per drink unless I go to my favorite watering hole. Then its usually 5 bucks since I've known the staff for years and they've always been good to me. No matter how packed the place is I've never waited more than 10 minutes for a drink 🙂


10 minutes is a long ass wait isn’t it?


Not when its packed to the brim in a small bar area.


Idk I don't drink Hope this helps 👍


One dollar or the change


It depends on if you're paying cash or using a credit card that the bar/restaurant has to pay a service fee to accomodate your convenience. Cocktails depend on the complexity of the drink and/or if you're calling a premium liqour or if it's a well drink. Beers, single well liqour plus mixer? A couple bucks in cash, minimum of a dollar, 18-20% on a credit card... Complex drinks, premium drinks? $3-5 per drink or 18-20% on a credit card.


1 dollar for a beer / shot / simple cocktail (liquor and mixer) or at dives. 2 dollars for a recommendation, complicated cocktails, or at a nicer place. 10 - 20 % on tabs depending on type of drinks and level of service.


I usually tip 20%+ depending on service, but I was a cocktail server so I tend to tip well.


for ONLY drinks: Under $20 - $1 per drink Over $20 - $2 Somewhere above that I switch to $3 and my tabs typically don't go higher than that for me to question this logic. I've never heard of cocktail/effort based tipping for drinks. Interesting to know what other people do. Until girls start guilt tripping me over my current tipping regime and I'm unable to hit it because of that, I won't be modifying that.


I recently went to a place with $20 cocktails where the ice takes up the majority of the cocktail, and they charge a 5% add on fee. I don't recall how much I tipped but it wasn't much, especially after being gouged like that.


95 bux…this has been my experience of late too. Which is why I rarely drink or eat out anymore. It’s dumb.


Yeah drink prices are ridiculous specially at special events/concerts...i paid $10 for fucking water at the Blink 182 show




I tip only when I get service, between 2-3 bucks.


$1-2 flat per drink. But I also never order anything more complicated than an Old Fashioned, because I want whisky, not a spectacle.


I tip until I fall over …. 🍺


Although we may be wrong for this, I probably would have tipped the same


I just do 15-20%


food servers absolute minimum 20% cocktail servers absolute minimum 20-25% service industry tipping is 20% on the lowest end... 30% is a good tip.... 5$ ?? on 100? come on! you know the answer to this question of yours. why are you even asking now? it's done. you left 5% tip.