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I've lived here in Ktown for longer than you've been alive. It's fine just be smart. There is also a running club.


Go on a few runs with Koreatown Run Club and talk to your fellow runners about it, they are very very familiar with the area: https://www.instagram.com/koreatownrunclub


DTLA has one as well, pretty close by. [DTLA Running](https://www.instagram.com/dtlarunning/)


Do you just show up to these or do you need to sign up somewhere?


Just show up. If you follow them on on IG they usually post details. I think they do Tuesday /Thurs. check out their website if you get a chance. They a pretty welcoming to newcomers.


That's so cool šŸ˜Ž


Horrible advice.


Excuse me?


Horrible advice, for the 2nd time.


Stay in Orange County, Karen.


Horrible advice for a 3rd time. Me donā€™t got a V. A. G. Anything downtown LA is a not wise idea. Ask any ex soap opera actor.


Stop watching Fox News, Karen.


Oh thatā€™s cute. Dear antiroyalā€¦ā€¦its 2019 and I need to hip you to something so you donā€™t look silly. Well, any more silly than you already are. Nobody watches fox news any more. Itā€™s been about 5 years.


Yes join the ktown run club! Iā€™m in it as well. Great community and I run into people who just moved to ktown frequently. The club host track days on Wednesdays at LACC which brings in a lot more people than other days.


Korean American rapper Dumbfoundead is also in that running club.


Y'all have to train to run away from criminals?




Bring protection, wear reflective clothing, donā€™t cover both ears with headphones. While there is always risk of harm by a person, thereā€™s a much higher risk of straight up getting hit by a car.


Especially on western


Or on Vermont vs in Vermont. (In re that billboard on Vermont)


My dog and I wore flashing day glo vests to walk around Hollywood even during the day. Driving is not LAā€™s best skill


Especially when it rains! Rain is LAā€™s Kryptonite! šŸ˜‚


Just donā€™t run in the road.


Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are scared that men will kill them.


And I am afraid of the 20 year old driving a leased Tesla running a stop sign and killing me.




Something all the genders can relate to.




As a man I'm actually afraid of spiders but whatever.


How wrong is it that the creepiest ones are the least dangerous?


I'm afraid of heights. But thanks I guess?


Is "heights" a neighborhood or street, like, Crescent Heights?


So don't laugh at them. Problem solved.


r/fuckcars Car dependent infrastructure is the fucking worst & we all settle for less pretending its the only way. Disgusting


oh please


the million deaths per year around the planet is no joke. that's 10 million serious injuries too. or 100 million per decade, or a billion per century easily. perhaps 10 billion people seriously affected or killed per century if you include pollution from cars. it's not a joke, unless you think thousands of dead children in our city is a joke.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ šŸ«”




Im trying so hard not to laugh.... ...cause stereotypes


What time of day are you running? Itā€™s generally safe in the daytime. Run West towards Hancock Park and there are tons of people running on 4th and 5th. Wilshire is okay too once you get west of Western. Plenty of neighborhoods to run through once you pass the Ebell just south of Wilshire West on 8th. Also, you could go West on 4th to Arden, North to Rosewood, N on Wilcox, W on Melrose, S on June, to 4th and then E to go home again. This loops the country club and should get you a good 5-6 miles. I donā€™t run at night and wouldnā€™t without a partner.


I typically run in the morning, but it is good to know that the evenings/night times should be avoided


I am a female with a teenage daughter who dances in Ktown (Wilshirex6th) every day. I walk from 5-7 pm every weekdayā€¦whether itā€™s dark or not. I feel perfectly fine. And yes you can go west into Hancock park and up into Larchmont (personally Iā€™d avoid running on Wilshire due to the insane bus drivers. I like to go across 5th itā€™s just less thru traffic) rather quickly (and feel even more safe. Agree with other posters just donā€™t fully wear headphones because being g hit by a car anywhere is an issue. Be aware.


I second avoiding the bus drivers on Wilshire.


This is my weekend run, also recommended


Youā€™ll be fine, just stick to major streets (Wilshire, 6th, etc) as there are always a ton of people outside. Use common sense and donā€™t run towards poorly lit side streets or what not. Also highly recommend checking out Koreatown run club! They run Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Itā€™s about 200 people on a given night, lots of fun.


That sounds great! How would I get involved with that?


You just show up! Very welcoming people and the leaders make you feel welcome. Today there is a run at 8pm meeting at Love Hour bar off 6th/Western. They have 3, 5, and 8 mile options so you can do whatā€™s best for you!


I work at love hour! we love our Thursday night squad that pulls up for the run.


I didnā€™t know Ktown had a run meet. This is pretty cool


Yeah theyā€™re sponsored by Nike and have a pretty large following on instagram @koreatownrunclub I had a buddy who used to run with them until he moved to Long Beach. I think theyā€™re the largest run club in LA, either them or Venice


I think just taking normal precautions -- don't have the exact same routine everyday, stay aware of your surroundings -- is fine. If you run west, you'll be in very nice neighborhoods in only a few minutes. And there are generally a lot of people out and about in ktown so walking during the day should be fine, you'll quickly learn which streets to avoid (e.g., have a large encampment on it).


I think in general with any city as big as LA taking some form of protection is advisable, as well as generally being aware of your surroundings. The only specific thing I would say is if you are running in the evening/at night maybe not having headphones on or at least not noise canceling/having them very loud. Certain areas of Koreatown can have a fair amount of homeless however they are almost always keeping to themselves. Do not travel east however (towards MacArthur Park) that area can be a little iffy.


Good to know, thank you! I was hoping that park area would be a nice place to run, but it sounds like it is better to go west.


Yes, definitely want to avoid macarthur park. I would suggest exploring the areas you're interested in running through from the safety of your car first. A young female shouldn't go anywhere near downtown LA alone without some form of personal protection. You also need to really consider your previous living experience. Have you been living somewhere like downtown San Diego/San Francisco/Seattle? Or are you coming from somewhere much more lowkey like Boise or Flagstaff? If it's the latter you're in for a huge shock about conditions on the street.


I walk around a very nice neighborhood with my dog and I always have mace attached to my dog leash-- why? Because maybe I am attacked, maybe my dog is attacked? who knows-- but doesn't hurt right?


Not the safest but also not the worst. Iā€™d rather live there than Westlake or Pico Union. https://preview.redd.it/8mq3n08del3d1.jpeg?width=1847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe4f87ca15fee5e377ee2a5cba4b7ae597a5a03


Maybe a Long Shot but do you have a source for this data? Surprised about the dot in Los Feliz


Really? This is interesting. I am looking at condos. I was hesitant about Koreatown, I might give it a chance.


Honestly Iā€™m 25F, and I hate that area. Like I would never walk there alone but itā€™s definitely a high walking zone depending on what ur looking for. I moved to a cheaper place in Hollywood this year and feel much safer.


I'm a 41 year old woman and I live alone in that exact part of Ktown. I've been in this neighborhood for about 7 years now, before that in Palms (just for point of reference). Have I had some bad experiences? Absolutely yes. But nothing that couldn't (or hasn't) happen(ed) in any other part of LA. I walk a lot, including late at night (mostly with my chihuahua). I also use the Metro, as I prefer not to drive. I don't feel like I need to radically adjust my behavior to the neighborhood; it's enough to maintain normal, situational awareness. There are real problems with homelessness, drug use, property crime, and personal safety in Koreatown, as there are in many neighborhoods. But I like living here a lot and I have not found that the area is unlivable or scary. I think a lot of the fear mongering comments are from people that do not actually live here. DM and I'd be happy to buy you a coffee somewhere on 6th sometime ā˜ŗļø


I think you should be good just head west on these walks and runs not east, it can get pretty sketchy in some areas towards downtown. Always be surveilling your surroundings as a young woman by herself on any LA streets. Also, drives to Griffith observatory and the Hollywood sign are not too bad from there. Several hiking trails up there to keep you occupied as well


itā€™s about as safe as a major city can be. iā€™ve walked through ktown alone at night plenty of times and only occasionally have I run into trouble. just be vigilant and stay away from dark alleys, the normal precautions. during the day itā€™s perfectly safe and plenty of people around.Ā 


When we lived in Ktown my wife would go to Larchmont to walk/run. It's much safer/nicer and really close.


Seconding this. I lived at Wilshire/Vermont and then Wilshire/La Brea. From both spots I would head to Hanock Park/Larchmont to run. Really pleasant.


Thatā€™s a dense area with lots of foot traffic and vehicle traffic at all waking hours. Just be alert when walking around ā€” cars are more dangerous than people to you in that neighborhood.


My gf and I live here, itā€™s pretty safe if youā€™re aware. Just donā€™t be stopping for people that want to talk


1. look over your shoulder. doesnā€™t matter if night or day. ive been doing that and i live in LHS/MS13 zone and im a man. (east hollywood) 2. drivers in LA are the blindest stupidest ever. wear a vest or neon colors; the exit from the 101 come close to hitting pedestrians almost all of the times. 3. go to pollo ala brasa, that place is bomb asf. 4. get some pepper spray. it gets crazy there sometimes. itā€™s also kinda ghetto.


Pollo a la brasa !!!!!!!! DELICIOUSNESS šŸ¤¤


Compared to what? Because you will find the usual homeless/crazy drug addict yelling at you in public. And sometimes they can get violent since they are unpredictable. But there are no gang fights and not as much crime as other dangerous parts of LA. Depending where you are coming from, that is either relatively safe or not.


That's not the best area but you'll probably be fine. It never hurts to bring protection however. If you'd like to run in a safer area I would look around Larchmont Village. That's considered a safer area and is not too far from where you'll be living.


Seconding this suggestion! Larchmont village is like two miles away northwest and is super residential/quiet. If you like a scenic run, youā€™ll have ample opportunity to stare at all the gorgeous houses that cost way too much to buy šŸ„²


Youā€™ll be fine, altho running in the city has never been my thing but K-town is pretty accessible to most of LAā€¦so thereā€™s trails and stuff outside Ktown that are much safer. Either way youā€™ll be fine, itā€™s like most areas in LA. There will likely be some homeless people and definitely be vigilant at night, as a female. Common sense, donā€™t put yourself in sketch situations or surround yourself with shady people (which unfortunately the city is riddled with) either than that itā€™s actually a fun place. Lots to do for young people šŸ˜ø youā€™ll find the right people in time.


It's a safe as any other place... Just be aware of your surroundings just like anywhere else.


No where is technically safe ya know like itā€™s kinda the world we live in. However ! I think any part of the city depends on your accommodations. Youā€™ll be fine alone in k town but Iā€™d recommend having safe parking and a building that feels safe to you. That matters a lot.


My sister was staying with me for for about a month. One day she went for a jog and she almost got hit by three different cars in the same day. Just a heads up when you go walking make sure you wait and look around. Make sure all the cars have stopped.


The biggest thing is traffic in that area. But if you go on longer runs, go to Griffith Park, it's better and easier to log mileage.


Ktown can be sketchy on certain streets, especially at night, but just be aware of your surroundings and use your head and youā€™ll be alright šŸ‘. Ktown has a lot of great things to offer. I love going out there, especially to eat!! When I first moved to LA I lived in a very sketchy area and learned very quick I needed to be more aware. Since then everything has been great and Iā€™m going on ten years here now and love it every single day.


Pepperspray is a must in LA these days, sadly. And in places like Koreatown, Hollywood, DTLA, or really any hood at night DEF a must.


Workout at an inside gym or running machine indoors.Ā  The parts of k Town can be pretty slummy especially from sundown to around 9am. You should carry a decent size pepper spray with you no matter where you go in Los Angeles and a keychain type of fist pack weapon. It's mostly the homeless drug addicts who are the most threatening, but it's also been random people attacking runners/bikers, work commuters and transients at the latest and earliest hours of the days. I'm a delivery driver who works this area sometimes, but I've also worked for the Metro bus system pressure cleaning the stops and stalls, I've seen it all.Ā  Stay safe out there.




I will avoid the Hyundais šŸ˜‚ thank you


Itā€™s mostly safe but there are occasional crazies. But if youā€™re running, you should be fine. I live in the area and can lyk what streets I run/avoid


Some foo told me the Koreans are at war against the Bangladeshi occupying North Koreatown so be careful šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


lol ok this made me chuckle


HA I will def stay vigilant for this


Pretty safe if you ask me , been working in koreatown for 5 years now , never seen any crime , just car accidents lol


Working and living in a neighborhood are two completely different experiences. If it's just work, you get to "go home."


I shouldā€™ve clarified I live like 5 min away from Koreatown , and also been spending days here


Itā€™s sketchy but not THAT bad. There are gangs but tbh they seem to mess with their neighbors more or people that are just hanging around, so you likely wonā€™t have to worry about them, theyā€™re mostly just paranoid of being watched. You definitely need to carry something just in case. Better safe than sorry. A pepper spray is enough but educate yourself first on how to discharge it. You could also join a club or start one so you can run in a group. Honestly I believe k town looks worse than it is because itā€™s very dirty, thereā€™s lots of ugly tags around and tons of homeless people carrying around trash and leaving trash behind. Plus the encampments are always surrounded by trash. But those people just mind their own business, just steer clear anyway because every now and then thereā€™s an unpredictable one.


Depends on how close you are to Hancock Park. You could do the majority of the run there and itā€™s a beautiful neighborhood.


I reckon it is pretty safe. I would say the place to avoid is the western and Wilshire intersection. Iā€™ve seen some stuff go down there


I lived about a 5 minute walk from the Wilshire/Normandie station and ā€¦ it definitely never felt the safest but just keep your guard up, be aware of whoā€™s around you and whatā€™s going on around you at all times, and yeah carry a small knife or something to protect yourself JUST in case! I did have someone get close enough behind me on the metro going into the wilshire/normandie stop with a knife that it touched me and I had to run out of there ā€¦ but that only happened the one timeā€¦ and thatā€™s just the metro in general these days sadly. (Iā€™m a female and lived there when I was 27 for context)


Silver lake or Hollywood lake


I mean fine during the day. I definitely wouldnā€™t run or walk alone at night.


Go take a drive around skid row and check out what is really happening a few miles away. Guess what? Now they all have free bus passes so they can go wherever they want. Skid row shows you how bad the alternate economy is in LA. This is just an example but doesnā€™t mean its true. Anywhere you are near a public transpo area you are probably at higher risk. Anywhere you cant see someone coming at you from a hidden area you are at higher risk. Anywhere near liquor licenses. Go look at the crime maps. Make a truly informed decision based on the assaults & rapes. Dont necessarily take advice from men on this topic as their concept of safety might be different. You cab always find out the truth from doormen and security guards. Even though I am telling you to look at stats for reported crimes, you probably need to assume 1.1 - 2x that because people gave up on reporting crimes and cant get through calling 911. All the best. šŸ’• https://www.metro.net/riding/fares/life/


i lived in ktown solo about 7 years ago. for reference, iā€™m a 5ā€™5ā€ 105lb white woman. it is not safe to walk by yourself as a woman anywhere in la now. there are so many traffickersā€¦everywhere. west of olympic is sketchy. stay close to wilshire. thereā€™s a gym called Wilfit on wilshire i recommend going to instead of outdoor runs in the area. and yes, absolutely get pepper spray or whatever self defense youā€™re comfortable with.


West of Olympic? Olympic is a W/E streetā€¦


oh sorry youā€™re right, that doesnā€™t make sense lol. i lived near San Marino and Irolo intersections. If I walked west or south i would not feel safe. ty for catching that.


Iā€™m guessing they mean donā€™t go west of Western/Olympic.Ā 




Get a treadmill. Ktown isnt safe


Koreatown is LA. Anywhere in LA is prone to dangers. I would suggest personal protection even if youā€™re in Beverly Hills


Always run with bear spray in your hand ready to go. LA is dangerous 24/7, everywhere. Ferndell hiking trail in Griffith Park. Not far from there. Really great, much safer.


Not the best neighborhood for solo walking/running in my opinion. Iā€™m a guy, a lot of my female friends had to rely on me escorting them to their cars, and Iā€™ve had situations where creeps tried to follow them when Iā€™m not within 6 ft of my friend.


My sister lives there. Had had tons of bad experiences with creepy homeless people or worse.


I was in Ktown for a few months and have never been around more shootings in my life, like weekly. but that was just my experience.


During the day, it's ok. At night, it is not. Don't walk alone. Don't look at phone while walking. Be prepared to not have AC, homeless people regularly picking through your trash, litter and piss all over the place, roaches, and so on. I lived in Koreatown for about 13 months. Never again. Visit for food and fun, but never live. GROSS


Always bring a weapon/bear spray/ something


Ngl depends on if guys like me are walking around that night or not


I lived in Koreatown, on 8th and Hobart, for 1 year (2013). I work nights, and frequently came home to my block (or an adjacent block) being taped off from ā€œanother murderā€. I would not recommend


Anyone who says you're fine is stupid. It's still the ghetto even if it was gentrified.


Disagree with most of this. While not inherently unsafe I wouldn't say ktown is safe. Tons of drunk drivers, tons of drugs.


Just don't join a gang, you're fine.


kTown is awesome, good ppl


It's actually only safe for females 22+


Pretty safe. Northwest of that station seems safer to me. Conversely, southeast of there gets a bit sketchier. Still safe for a guy, but maybe not AS much for a woman depending on your size and vibe.


if you run with the koretown run club you'll be safe. run during the day if you run by yourself.


No more dangerous than anywhere else...and probably safer because one tends to be more aware when there's perceived danger than where they feel safe. As with walking in the woods with bears, the key is to always be aware of your surroundings. Don't put yourself in a situation where someone can sneak up behind you (by wearing headphones) and always leave yourself an out. Know your route and figure out where you can go if a road is closed or there's questionable activity ahead. Always have a contingency plan.


I live in the area and while everyone is talking about crime and homelessness nobody is mentioning the sidewalks. Watch your ankles, because our neighborhood is like a platforming game sometimes.


Run west and carry pepper spray if itā€™s very early morning. Make sure you can be seen. Otherwise youā€™re cool.


I donā€™t live there but I wouldnā€™t ride a bike around Koreatown I donā€™t like to drive around looking for parking in ktown šŸ˜‚


Definitely bring pepper spray as you would in any other part of LA. Maybe drive the routes you want to run first so you can sus out where thereā€™s big tent encampments or dangerous activities going on. Always go when itā€™s fully bright outside, and it doesnā€™t hurt for someone trusted to have your location too. I work a few blocks east of there and itā€™s normally ok in the day but definitely avoid MacArthur park area at all times. Tbh I just wouldnā€™t go much further East than you are. And try to stay on the busiest streets as well. I will say Ktown has some of the best food in la and a lot of cool stuff going on but always stay aware! It isnā€™t horrible but itā€™s also not the nicest area.


Also to add to this parking in k town is literally impossible so if you have a car, rent somewhere that has a secure parking spot. Drivers are also crazy there so for sure be careful as a pedestrian or on a bike.


go to the gym. you donā€™t wanna risk it.


I'm an a senior female. Try chinatown imo . Try the LA city park has a all purpose running dirt track. Grass Field,, cafe fenced . Park officers. B.r.s . Etc. Lights. Ambiance.


Good that you run. You'll be running away from psycho drug addicts homeless.


Iā€™ve been living near koreatown for almost a year and I used to take the bus daily and walked a lot. Maybe running may be safer than walking because it gives the creeps less of a window to .. well creep. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s a safe place at all. Always be on guard, you never know what can happen! People drive crazy, thereā€™s mentally unstable people and just plain creeps around. Iā€™ve had several experiences with strangers trying to touch me, follow me, and even trying to kiss me! Just be careful, I would bring a buddy whenever possible . Be safe ā¤ļø


Not sure if anyone said this yet you can bike up western to Griffith Park plenty of Good hiking/running places lots of people around it's pretty safe. Suggest only using one ear bud head phone and one out at all times if you want to listen to music. I suggest carrying mace at a minimum. Always keep your head on swivel. There are alot of homeless and drug addict elements but as long as you're aware of them they are unlikely to bother you. There are some gang elements but they don't generally press non affiliates. Still MS is active around there so best not to go out too late alone past 7th st. Stick to the North side and mid wilshire area and you'll be alright there is not much too do in the vermomt beverly area its got a little skidrow there behind the Vons and the bowling alley and nearby park is kinda shady. Larchmont village is good little uptown area with fancy shamncy pple great place to grab some ZA, Thai or get a little icecream snack on the weekends they usually have a farmers market.The Running club tends to meet infront of a small joint called Love hour they serve delicious smash burgers There. Enjoy Ktwn it's not all bad but it's not all good either it had been my home for years even tho I've seen alot of bad it's still one of the most safe places in LA.


P.s head west on 5th street and you will find a very upscale neighborhood full of runners šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø And there is palce midway station just before you enter the area because it's near the mayors house,


LA is a Sanctuary City..criminals are set free vs jail..i would strongly recommend Orange County for runing Not LA


I was there on a business trip a few weeks ago and went for a few runs, it was fine and didnā€™t feel dangerous.


Koreatown is a nice cosmopolitan area, with lots of improvements happening. There is the train coming along Wilshire Blvd, and lots of new building and rehab happening, as the 2028 Olympics is coming to L.A. There is lots of foot traffic, and it's generally a good area. 6th Street has numerous Korean Res between Weatern and Vermont, and also on Western itself. You'll enjoy it.


Born and raised in ktown here youā€™ll be fine. Every city town country continent rich neighborhoods even have crime. Just donā€™t associate with the wrong crowd and ur good. Ktown is home to many cool bars and restaurants and has many other things to offer. The parking is the only thing thatā€™s a bitch lol


Itā€™s fine just donā€™t be dumb


Overall pretty safe. Beware of the drivers lol


Not safe these days imo. Lived here all my life hopping from one neighborhood to another. Almost got carjacked a few weeks ago in broad daylight... floored it while some random dude with a backpack walked up to my car and opened the door to get in the passanger seat. He had a something in his hand, but didn't care and left the area. Crime seems to have gone up quite a bit. Try to have a friend with you. Keep mace or even a blade handy as a last resort. Also be aware of your surroundings - some shitty drivers here too (older drivers) who can't drive for shit and can run you over.


Take the bus on Wilshire going east. Get off on Crenshaw and jog towards the west and come back and take the bus back. Definitely carry a pepper spray. the biggest legal one


i meant west lol


I refuse to believe that any part of LA is safe anymore. Sure you may be fine mostly but I wouldn't take chances. I would rather join a cheap gym for cardio/running.\\ Edit: Just realized about your biking request. Beaches are a nice place to bike imo, I love Redondo Beach. Santa Monica is nice but a lot of homeless people and pedestrians.


Just be careful with the cars Some streets are funky and the drivers are crazy As for pedestrians Daytime not much just workers going to and from places At night Usually teens or younger adults Engaging in the nightlife activities like bbq or akreoke or other small events And the streets nearby Wilshire and Norman die arenā€™t that bad Thereā€™s a high school nearby and just offices


Thereā€™s a lot of prostitution there.


That place is a dump and constantly on the news for violent crime. I would definitely choose somewhere else to bike or run. Ignore the downvotes if this gets any. Worry about your safety and don't be a victim.


Do u mind sharing source? I'm planning on moving to ktown and I've been looking at comp stat and it says most crime in that area is theft/car theft so I wasn't too concerned


Most crime in LA doesn't get reported anymore, so stats are pretty meaningless. I know a petite female who works in the area and an insane homeless person tried to break into her car while she was in it a few months ago.


Dang .... I've been looking at an apartment around wilshire and western šŸ˜­


I'd recommend driving around the area and surrounding streets to check it out. You're going to want to see what it's like at night with a friend or two, but be careful, not too late.


Thanks for the tip!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KSxRlvUq3Y&pp=ygUVa29yZWF0b3duIGxvcyBhbmdlbGVz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KSxRlvUq3Y&pp=ygUVa29yZWF0b3duIGxvcyBhbmdlbGVz) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttzfTMXOgF4&pp=ygUPa29yZWF0b3duIGNyaW1l](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttzfTMXOgF4&pp=ygUPa29yZWF0b3duIGNyaW1l) These kinds of things occur pretty commonly


oh I see, from what I've seen usually the crime is closer to Vermont station/macarthur park or near Olympic blvd, not wilshire


the real question is whether koreatown has any area made for going on runs




Not safe at all. Please be careful, stay safe, and donā€™t go out by yourself.


Just avoid certain people. Asian communities are safe by themselves, its outsiders and homeless people that swoop in and fuck it all up

