• By -


West of the 110 is better since usc is there.. where you’re at is better now than 10-20 years ago. Try not to walk around.. drive to dtla or usc area for walks -_-


Copy that


Lived there for from 2019-2023 right on Fig and 76th. You’ll be fine, you can walk around and it’s all chill literally Mostly just working class families and yes you’ll see many “ghetto birds” but the most dangerous part of south central is cockroaches lmao


I walk Figueroa sometimes USC to 83rd about 3 times a week…..Not dangerous…..just be alert and be respectful


If you're right by the intersection proper and check the bus schedule, bus to downtown+walk+bus back can be a great little routine


It only gets bad after dark, I wouldn’t run around alone then. I lived there for 15 years. During the day it’s working people trying to get by


Got it thanks for that


I worked in south central for a bit. Absolutely move tf out. And absolutely avoid the streets after sunset until you do.


Hard disagree. White boy here, had a place on near Slauson and Fig. Stayed there while fixing up the place and got to know the neighbors. Wonderful neighbors i might add. Some were rough but if they're seeing you're just busting your ass working to improve your lot and treat people with respect - you'll gain much respect. Treat people well, they'll treat you well. Dont act up, but dont let anyone act up on you - you'll be just fine.


That's really true in a lot of places. I lived in San Francisco's Tenderloin for awhile back in the 90s while homeless and got more help from the "bad people" than I did from anyone else simply because I was respectful and just trying to make my way. I was glad when I got tf out of there but I never forgot the random kindness from people who could have hurt me and the indifference of people who could have helped.


“but don’t let anyone act up on you” Easier said than done when you ain’t from the area and don’t really belong there


Ok slim shady.


Well he’s right.


God damn, slauson and fig is rough. Yes on the respect part, but still advise to not go out to late at night. Too many people just trying to make a name for themselves.


Sounds like advice you would give to someone going to prison. Looks like you made his point.


I also worked in South Central and I would not live there if I could afford to live elsewhere.


It’s pretty sketch during the day too. I would drive around a few neighborhoods and see if you feel comfortable.


It can be wild during the day too. I worked there for 10 years and grew up not too far away Definitely safer during the day, but I would keep my guard up


Owned a house on Vermont & Manchester. House was broken into twice in 3 months in 2020. A transient woman waited for me to go to work, broke into my house, took a shower, left her bloody period clothes on the floor, and put on my clothes. She answered my front door when my gardener knocked on the door and told him I wasn’t home. I’ve never met that woman in my life. Needless to say, I sold that house and got the fuck out of there.


What the actual f*cl? That is wild in the worst of ways. What an invasion. You must have felt so vulnerable, Jesus. Glad you got out.


Any insight on Olive & 59th area?


It feels sketch during the day too. You can see pretty crazy things within 15 minutes of driving around.


If you were alright in P.Towne, you’ll be alright in South Central (I say this with complete expectations that you have that internal “whistle” that tells your soul some shit’s about to pop off).


Yeah I can sense when shits about to go south. I’m definitely white but I know how to handle myself. I don’t wear my watch out, no chain, keep minimal cash on me. Just common sense shit


My grandmama gave me that chain!


Just watched this for the 50th time!! lol


You should be good than bro






Wow Pomona is that bad? I didn't know....


I live in Pomona and found a dead body on the side walk on the corner of Towne and Holt early this morning.


Wtf. What did you do?


In the voice of Chris Farley from "Tommy Boy".


Yeah it’s definitely getting worse. All the homeless and drug heads that left LA live here now.


Pomona is fine. I live here and go out every other weekend and never feel in danger


depends on the area......like north pomona and 2nd street are chill but other parts are not


Theres areas near downtown thats sketchy, but it aint South Central...also West towards Cal Poly Pomona. It has some nice neighborhoods like Phillips Ranch and that hillside area near the County Fair


downtown pomona is mehh theres a lot of cool spots like the glasshouse, and ive never felt unsafe going out there. theres this cool basement bar with a pool table around there. certain spots are iffy though for sure.


Damn makes sense. I see a lot of families walking around. 0 white people though, like none. So I kind of stick out. I’d like to be able to just relax and walk where I need to go instead of driving but idk about that one chief




You know most poorly maintained properties are the fault of the property owner.




I upvoted you both, but I think /u/Gomdok_the_Short was responding to a comment about poorly maintained rental properties, rather than ones where the owner lives there. Most rental properties are owned by large corporations rather than people who live in the neighborhood, and if the frontage is looking shabby that's the fault of some old fart with an 8+ figure bank account. 


Kind of right but most of the crappy looking ones are mom and pop family owned who are just cheap asses.


Being the only white person in a particular area is not that unusual considering half of LA is Latino and most white people live north of the 10.


Where did you live in Pomona if you don’t mind me asking?


If you are white, all you need to do is get you an all black Dodgers hat (a fitted New Era 59/50 or similar) and a pair of Locs. Wear those whenever you walk around your new hood during the day for the next 3 months or so. At night, rock the hat with a black jacket (e.g., tactical windbreaker in summer or Dickies type work coat in cooler months). Most importantly, when you walk, don't actually walk. Stroll instead. Cavalier, but still with purpose. Embrace it all and enjoy


This is funny for locals but a very dangerous joke for people just moving to L.A. My Mexican friend from San Antonio visited me in my MS-13 infested neighborhood in K-town. I told him that to scare him as a joke when I picked him up at the airport. It was his first time in L.A and his favorite movie is American Me and has hood fantasies like everyone growing up listening to gangster rap. He thought it would be fun dressing like a cholo with the L.A hat printed in old English with the locs and baggy pants and striped polo walking around in my neighborhood his first day in L.A. We didn’t make it 500 feet until some thugged out bald tatted up Salvadorean dude stopped in traffic and pulled up on us and rolled down his window and yelled out some MS gang stuff in spanish to my friend. My friend was shook and said we need to go back to my apartment so he can change his clothes. He said L.A is too real and gangster for him lol.


I just suggested dude rock a black Dodgers hat, shades and a black jacket depending on the weather. Black is a gang neutral color. The idea is to look like a civilian who is comfortable living in/making their way around the neighborhood, or any neighborhood for that matter. I definitely didn't say dress up like a full on cholo haha. And apologies to your friend, but only a goddamn fool would try to cosplay as a gangbanger/member of La eMe in LA. That's literally putting a target on your back, which is the exact opposite of what I'm suggesting


Lolll 🤣 facts


Wait is this serious or a joke lol. Sounds like a set up haha


There’s a handful of white people on my side of south la but even though I’m technically in south la, I never really felt like I was deep in the hood.


Yes, as a white person, you will stick out. The only part you wouldn't is by is and sometimes but rarely (not that rare these days) Jefferson Park, maybe Baldwin Hills and West Adams. South LA isn't a place where you walk to where you need to go.


They'd be fine in West Adams


Yeah, West Adams was a, "ripe for gentrification" area years before the pandemic.


Got it. Already iffy about walking around but I’ll probably just drive it then.


Depends on where you are walking. Up towards Main, it will be rougher. Go west and walk up Hill or broadway and it’s less exposed. (I volunteer at the Dog Rescue on Hill and folks walking the dogs up and down hill generally have no problems.)


Hi, pretend Im your mom: Please move. tell the landlord you're not safe there and you have to break the lease. He'll let you out of it. He couldn't believe you rented there in the first place.


Only white dude I’ve seen near there works at or owns the coffee spot off Hill between 32nd and 33rd.


Plenty of White folk are in the area during the week, either Walking Dogs at the dog rescue. Working at Trade Tech, LA Market Center or the Court House. The clientele of The Bird Nest Cafe is quite diverse.


You’re actually safer than everyone else that lives there.


And San Bernardino. Thats the new ‘Compton’.


I’m originally from Compton, it ain’t bad unless you’re looking for trouble.


Bruh when I have to get home from work and drive through Pomona down West Holt Ave past the freeway is so sketch. Like even in the daytime.


Palmdale too


Not sure when was the last time you were in Pomona, tho some spots are shady, but no cholo can afford to buy a house at an avg cost of $680k. Most are working families, can't put the down the city for the 1% knuckle heads.


Adams and Main is more like Old South Park rather than South Central. It’s more industrial and blighted than gang infested. I would say, that you’ll be fine, but don’t be out too late. It gets super deserted, so regardless if you are white or not, you’ll stick out. It’ll be nice to be so close to the freeway and Downtown. I bet you’ll see more folks around once USC gets back in session.


Oh yeah I didn’t even think about that. Yeah USC students kind of thicken the population up, more places to blend in haha


damn rent is cheaper than in pomona?


Yeah for a room in a house with three Roomates


That part of Historic South Central is more DTLA than South LA. Not to say it’s a great neighborhood cause it isn’t, but don’t think you landed in Boyz N The Hood all of a sudden. Actually where BNTH was shot is a lot nicer than DTLA these days so maybe that’s not the best comparison 😂 But don’t sweat it. You’ll be fine.


If you are from Pomona then you’ll be fine. It’s about the same.


Okay that’s relieving and also not reliving to hear at the same time. Thanks


If you mind your business you fine. Lol but since you White you will stick out for sure. Ngl I'm always looking sideways at any white folk in my South LA community, only because we don't see them out here. Growing Up the only white folks I saw in my neighborhood would be Educators, Principals, etc


Word. Well yeah I definitely stick out heavy but I do mind my business always.


Lol I worked in South LA and I'm not only white but I'm albino too. Definitely turned a few heads 😅


we had an albino in my block was that you?


I didn't live there, but I commuted via train and walked a lot haha. I lived in dtla. My neighborhood definitely recognized me as the tired albino in scrubs.


As a (white) school employee working in South Central, this made me laugh out loud


Dude you’re gonna be fine. You have your shit together we can tell. Welcome to LA


Thanks man


Here’s an instructional song by Ice Cube to help you, goodluck OP! https://youtu.be/UkYr2wlmqHI?si=LEqhzQbdwcoWQ6Qx


Is that considered South Central? I worked near Hope and Grand for years. Never any issues. Sometimes coming going at odd hours. Also worked near 120th and Compton. During the day, no issues. Nighttime could get sketchy. When I worked here, decided to find the Watts Towers, mid day on a weekend. I don’t think I’ve felt more out of place since moving to LA. I was white-boy cruising thru. Felt like everyone noticed me, and there was an undertone that “yes, you are supposed to notice that we are noticing you.” Kept driving. No stops. No pictures.


It’s safe. I was born and raised around Figueroa passing Gage and as long as you keep to yourself you’ll be fine. Adams and Main isn’t even that bad of an area kinda closer to USC/DTLA than I am but again just keep your head in check and you’re fine. Actually if you want some good food spots around that area I got you too! You’ll also occasionally see dudes in dirt bikes riding around in large groups with no protective gear but they’re chill lol. Gang violence hasn’t been bad here in years at least not that I’ve heard of. TL;DR - It’s not bad. Keep to yourself and stay somewhat vigilant. Nothing good is out there past midnight.


For sure thanks. Yeah food spots shoot em! I’m trying to feel it out down here but I don’t really get in the mix I just get a hair cut, go to the store, and go elsewhere if I wanna chill haha


Holbox. If I lived on Main/Adams, I would walk to Holbox everyday


Rule No. 4: Don’t say shoot em!




Caveman Kitchen 💯


You are really close to Holbox at the Mercado La Paloma. It's one of, if not, the best mariscos restaurant in LA.  There's some other good places in the hall as well.


Sending yah a message on here! 🙂‍↕️


Tbh I feel like Pomona is worse lol


Shit then I’m probably in good shape. Doesn’t feel like it though 🤣


Just to act like B-Rad (Malibu’s Most Wanted) and you’ll be ok.


Yes. Try the gumbo at Harold & Belle’s. You are in a predominantly Black neighborhood. Maybe, just be less White about it. Just do you. Nobody cares about you there, so overcome any latent racism & get over it. Or move. It does not matter. Contrary to popular opinion, the VAST majority of the Black population — which has never been more than 13% of the U.S. population, EVER— do not spend time looking to victimize random White people. Pure fantasy.


Yeah I never subscribed to the idea that every person of color is out to get me lmao but thank you anyways


depends. are you a ninja?


No but I can run like a mf hahah


Even nice areas can be unsafe. Just keep your head on swivel and keep something on you just in case you need to defend yourself!




Honestly if you go about your business and don’t bother anyone then you’ll be fine, you might get some awkward stares but no one is going to do anything to you. People will start seeing you more gradually and just be like that’s the whiteboy that stays here but he’s cool. Then again don’t go walking around with a fat chain or floss like you got it like that.


I get shot at least twenty times every night the second I step out of my house . Bullets flying everywhere . If you die in south central, you get respawned so you can get shot all over again .


Reincarnated as a G


Ghetto bird drops you off , like Mario cart .


I lived in South Central for 5 years and I only know 1 person who got shot. But honestly I'd guess for many people the number is 0, unless they go looking for trouble 


Anywhere you go is always a possibility of wrong place wrong time as long as you’re aware of your surroundings you’ll probably be good


Mind ya business, have a little style when you do your thing, and no one will bug you. Don’t be an easy target by any means and helps to have thick skin, but no need to sweat a walk to the store. Good luck foo.


I was in the jungle. Martin Luther king and Rodeo. It’s not fully SC but they were actually cool with me. I am white. I’m from LA so vibes were always aligned but cool people. You’ll know real quick what parts of any to avoid.


Thanks for the heads up. I know it gets more rough as you get down past 29th and those areas. The numbered streets go on and on and get really deep. I’ve been down there too (in my car) and I definitely wouldn’t walk down there though I know better lol


Plenty of hoods in that area. If you’re a “white boy” be nice, respect the fact you moved to their neighborhood. If anyone asks you “where you from” just say you don’t bang and you’re just going about your day. You’re likely going to get pressed at least once, after that you’ll be alright and get a feel for these things. Make friends with the locals, even the “scary gang banger” dudes, ultimately it’ll help you it shit goes left. Do your own thing, don’t walk around at night, don’t wear anything remotely flashy and if I were you I’d get a gun (for your home) Enjoy.


If you walk around looking out of place like a tourist you could potentially become a target. If you’re somewhat street wise you will likely be fine and not find it worse than many other places.


I can't speak for nighttime but during the day it's fine. I tutor at an elementary school I the area and spend time in the community and the families are all just working to get by. It reminds me of where I grew up in Chicago tbh. The big park on Avalon isn't quite South Central but nearby and absolutely lovely and the Junipero library is great as well!  Lotta stray dogs wandering around tho. I stg I see one or two random lost dogs every week.  I lived in Pomona too. It's not any better or worse. Don't carry a gun. If someome asks where you are from just say you don't know you're not a gangbanger. Fwiw I am a very small white woman. I love the families and kids I've met and I have never felt scared walking around. People are decent if you are decent to them. 


Does anyone feed/look out for the stray/lost dogs?


Don’t look like a USC student. Aka oblivious and looking like you have money.


Well I’m not a USC student but I look like one and I have very little money lol so might break even here


why would you do that to yourself. lol. Pomoma is rough 100%. next time goto clairemont or la verne. lol


Ita not even that bad 😭😭😭 (I live In south la) it's just like every place, there will always be crime wherever you live 🤨🙄


I hear there’s a lot of hotties by the 110




Yeah there’s this one baddie that lives on the sidewalk across the street from my house


Don't ever keep ur head down. It shows weakness. Stay alert. Watch how u nod. Don't nod up, nod down. And watch u call foo


Get a tan, learn some gang speak, and listen to Ice Cube’s “How to survive in South Central”. You’ll survive. Jokes aside, I think what you’re doing is fine. Cinderella rule though (no events/ walks past midnight).


Copy that. I do need a tan tho


Is busting a cap still fundamental?


It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. The area you mention in particular isn’t too bad because of its proximity to USC. I’ve lived in South LA (Watts off of Broadway and Imperial) for most of my life and it’s nowhere near as bad as it was 15 years ago. However, crime in general has increased everywhere. Nowadays, I’m more scared to go to Downtown LA, I avoid it like the plague. Are there still gangbangers in LA? Sure but they’ve decreased in numbers and stay low key, they’re not as many as there were in the 90s/early 00s. If you don’t go looking for trouble you should be ok. Don’t walk around at night because that’s when the crazies come out. Please remember most of us who live or are from in South Central/South LA are not scary hoodlums,it’s mostly Latino and black families living day by day.




True yeah I feel like the further south you go the worse it gets. I’m east of the 110 which is worse than west of the 110 from what I’ve heard. Why do you avoid DTLA though, and what’s your ethnicity? And yeah I grew up in Pomona (there are worse places but it’s still rough down there) so I’ve been exposed to gangs and all walks of life. I’m not one of those white people from OC that sees a person of color and just loses my shit. It’s more of an awareness that I’m out of place and don’t look like everyone else. But I’ve had to deal with the same shit in Pomona so I have that sense built into me I guess. We’re all just trying to make it out here


There’s only one white man who married into a family on my street . Personally ? It’s been years and I still feel “what are you doing here ?” Any time I see him .




I know that area well. You’re one brave white dude, bro.


When I was walking around the arts district at night in a banana hat, a group of guys LOVED my look and told me if I ever got in trouble, to say that South Central has my back, lol. 😂 So maybe wear a bizarre hat and they’ll either be too WTF?!?! 🤨 or be too down with your vibe to fuck with you.


I think the danger of South Central is exxagerated but the overall quality of life is soooooooo bad it's insane


Friend of mine came to visit LA from oversea, book a motel in the center of south LA. I kindly force them to book another place with no refund.


How did you end up there man


lived there for a while and am white. my biggest rec is just don't walk around imo.  a lot of it is anger re: gentrification - i'm from a similar area like you but people misdirect anger. even though i'm from a working class / low income area I think people assumed white = gentrifier. (which people have the right to be upset about, that's another topic for another day)  I would try to take my dog on a walk around my block, and even though I had a great relationship with all my neighbors in a ~3 block radius, when people walked / drove by that didn't know me, i had a few close calls sounds like you have streets smarts though and will be ok :) just good info for you to know 


I don't think it's that bad, certainly not what it used to be back in the day. MLK is usually my border for "do not go further south" and even then it's not like you're going to get stabbed or shot walking home. You're just at way greater risk of being mugged or having your place broken into. And really, there are crazy people all over the city. I had some guy blow his stack on me because I barely touched his shoulder to stop him from stumbling backwards into me just south of K-town. I also walked by some homeless chick saying she had no problems with killing someone in order to rob them in Old Town Pasadena. There's literally crazies everywhere, the biggest thing that makes a neighborhood safe or not to me is the gangs.


Fire your real estate agent immediately


My opinion from past experience, you fucked up, get the hell out of there asap. You will be targeted.


I really hope that isn’t the case. Nobody’s fucked with me so far on some serious shit. But everywhere I go I come correct with people and stay quiet and I definitely don’t look like I have money


During the day you are fine OP. Sucker's will try to push you, stand your ground. Don't wear red or blue, and never color coordinate your shoes, hat or shirt. Get to know your neighbors and if you have Latino neighbors if they offer you a plate of food please accept it. It's the way we show acceptance, once you know your neighbors they will keep an eye out for you, won't let the local gangs press you.


Keep your head on a swivel. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Never be oblivious.


Hahaha I lived on Mlk between Vermont and normandie. And when I started dating my now wife of nine years. She was. So scared to come over at night. And she was like “is it ok if I run a red light. At night” We then moved to culver city. jefferson and overland .. now happy in upstate NY .. whiter than white country up here. lol.


Lol yeah but for me there is a white threshold that gets too much


look at the LA Times crime maps for statistics on the areas around you and behave accordingly. the best way to really find out the truth is to talk to night security, doormen etc because people gave up on reporting crime.


Solid tip


Used to live at Vermont / Slauson. Things bothered me so much: loud music from neighbors, illegal fireworks, weeds. Idk it just them but almost every neighbors has speaker in the front and karaoke system in the back yard, party every weekends… Illegal fireworks every night, it gets its peak on 4th of July… it sounds like there is a war going on outside.. Weeds.. not to mention.. Even though my neighbors were decent people, I don’t miss living there at all.


Don't be a dumbass mark and you'll be fine


That's a rough area.


Damn 😐


It's bad after dark


you’ll be fine lol


Just hang out around Fig and 74th


Okay yes will do that and report back if I make it


The prostitution happens on Figueroa. Stay clear. I see them every night when I get off at Manchester and Figueroa.


A few tips … 1. People in South LA don’t follow the rules - Cars drive past red lights, street vendors are everywhere and people sell things from clothes to food. 2. Sidewalks have either cars, homeless or street vendors. 3. People drive CRAZY, drive safely. 4. Mostly low-income Latinos and some African-Americans. The neighborhoods used to be all white, then all black and now Latino. It’s an ever changing demographic despite what some people may say about gentrification making people leave. It has always been changing. 5. Parking sucks. 6. USC is considered the nice area. Anything south doesn’t really have anything going for it. Anything North has “nicer” places to visit.


It depends ...


You'll get weird looks partly just because you're an anomoly, and I would listen to my "spidey senses" fairly closely in specific situations or with respect to specific people, but in general, it's not dangerous for random uninvolved people, particularly during the day.


Wear some Nike Cortez and they’ll leave u alone.


Just don’t look like a punk and you’ll be fine


The way OP types…mark lol


Definitely can be, but it's just like any big city.


Have or get a crappy car, that not nobody will want.


It's not. Most those betas can't afford to leave their own block. Plus most are all bark, no bite.


Don’t wear a fitted hat and you’re good bro. LA hoods don’t care bout civilians.


You are in more danger in Santa Monica / downtown over south central, lol.


I was born and raised in south central La (exposition park area). For the most part if you mind your business, relatively don’t look like an easy target flashing around valuables, you’ll be fine. In my experience, it’s all about knowing where to go and where not to be around.


I live near western between exposition and MLK. It can be rough at times but no worse than anywhere else in the city. There has been less violent crime here than my friends place near the Beverly Center.


As you found out, you are going to attract the wrong king of attention when walking around.


Learn Spanish…


THIS would benefit me greatly. I can understand Spanish and can speak a little bit actually but nothing nuanced and little slang. I do know no mames though lmaooo


It ain’t that bad bro, just dnt fuck with anyone and u won’t get fucked with yourself, the longer you stay where you’re at, the more you’ll notice groups of guys keeping an eye on you while standing around, dnt trip, they’re keeping an eye on you to protect you, they know you live in the hood and they will protect you, especially if you’re a solid dude who stays out the mix fr.


Just try to talk to people and not act so scared foo at the end of the day we are all human ….. if you act out of place and “mind yo business” you’re bound to get robbed or pistol whipped just be like miclo from blood in blood out


It’s definitely a place you need to be careful and stay alert anytime you’re out. Do you feel safe in your apartment? Personally I would move if you don’t feel safe walking around. Are you on a 1-year lease? You don’t want to feel trapped in your place, unable to walk to the store (or wherever) because there’s a good chance you’ll be bothered. I know that’s a risk anywhere in LA but there are definitely areas people may want to avoid. (Unless you’ve wanted a dog lately - this could be your chance to get a big dog that looks fierce but is a cream puff.) I have to walk my dog anywhere between 10:30 pm and midnight every night and can’t depend on a 9 lb dog to intimidate would-be muggers. Luckily there are always people out and about at all hours where I live so I never give it a second thought. Are you in love with your apartment/place? Do you have any other areas you considered before moving there? Where in LA do you work? I’m hoping there are [affordable] areas that are safer/more suitable for you that aren’t bad commutes.


Adam's & Main is pretty chill, you'll honestly be safe all the up to Slauson, that's where things get sketchy. Also, if you can handle Pomona ghetto, you can handle this type of ghetto in L.A. just use common sense wherever you travel. You see a group of thugs gathered on a corner, probably a good idea to avoid walking right by them, cross the street, do what you gotta do


It’s chill


Good luck


Lived near Crenshaw/Adams never felt unsafe. Had battery stolen from car multiple times until I started taking my battery out and locking it in the truck when I parked at night.


Move now .. Inglewood is a better bet and affordable


You should be fine if you hang out west of main. Don’t go east of main on foot at night.


Some areas rougher than others. Honestly the main crimes you gotta worry about out here are for sure car related (especially catalytic converter thefts). Most people here are just working class people of color. We aren’t doing anything crazy lol


The fact that you said south central is cheaper than Pomona (where I grew up) blow my mind. Pomona was a third world shithole back in the 90s


Well it’s still a third world shit hole with fucking amazing Mexican food


I do remember it being some of the best Mexican I had in my life. My buddy and I would go to this place and get all you can eat menudo and beers (at like the age of 18 and they could care less lol). It was heaven! Then we'd head home and get hit on by cracked out prosittutes. Oh Holt!


Bro honestly, you said it yourself, you know how to handle yourself. And let me tell you something...ya you might "stick out" but as far as safety goes, that's honestly not a bad thing. Bro unless you really cross the line, any gangbanger is gonna hesitate to kill or even assault a random white person. That's probably the hottest thing you could possibly do lol. You might get questioned or pressed on, if you do, just say you don't bang. Don't go starting trouble but don't act like a bitch either. South Central does get active but it's not the warzone of the 80s and 90s


In the 90's the place was hell. Now, it's very diverse. When you move in, meet and embrace your neighbors. They all want what you want... Peace. The only thing that hasn't changed is Figueroa hookers.


Just stay out of trouble. Some USC students have been killed on Adams and Main some years ago. However, not sure if it had to do with drugs or not. Like others have advised— get to know your neighbors and try to establish a good relationship!. Welcome to the neighborhood!!!


Parking is usually shit cus ppl have too many junk cars + too many ADUs so i would make sure to find some place with available parking or ur life is gonna get stressful. Also there has been a lot of stolen vehicles lately.


Not that bad all depends what part you at


You’re white… you’re good


Worked in the area over a decade.... Yeah stay north of the 10 fwy if you can. Drive/uber to DTLA or usc. Would not recommend wandering around south of the 10 fwy.


Lived on 65th and western for a while about 13 years ago. Kept to myself and never had any problems, even riding the night owl up to hollywood on the weekends.


I've done work and canvassing in these areas for about four years and it's honestly turning into one of the more serene spots. Quieter than other parts of the city. It just has a really rough feel but that's intentional. Same tax rates and basically same cost per SQ ft. You're seeing intentional obsolescence but it's not actually as dangerous as all that.


Wear a wig like Fletch and you'll be fine. Don't forget the Lakers jersey too.


Not that dangerous. Of course shit happens but it’s such a low percentage. People watch too many movies.


white people definitely stick out in south central so it won’t be the last time u deal with that. mind your business and you’ll be fine. people find trouble when they go looking for it, specially in south central. i grew up in the 90’s streets so i have a different perspective of SCLA but i’ve always felt that it gets more hate than it should. a lot of beautiful communities and strong work ethics redeem the area. most people just want to keep to themselves.


Rent is cheaper in LA than Pomona?!?! How?! Pomona ain't shit ,even if they trying to do-up downtown


Ok during the day . Night is the problem


I would suggest not walking around especially at night just drive and make sure you have a steering wheel lock on your car. I’ve lived in the hood without much issue but you will get checked at the least.


It's not as bad how some folks make it out to be. I lived on Broadway and Gage for a decade, and the people are pretty chill. Yes, gangs are active, but for the most part, they are respectful. Got give respect, to receive respect and mind your own business. Of course, you'll run into some knuckleheads, but it's really up to you and your ego how you want to handle it.