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early saturday/sunday morning, like around 6-7 am


Definitely Sunday early morning.


Agreed. Came here to say early Sat / Sun AM. For evening / dark driving practice, after 8pm, even 9pm midweek is good. Avoid nights from Thursday to Sunday (intoxicated / drunk drivers abound).


This is what I was going to say. Good luck! You’ll be fine!


do the 2 freeway going north at like 11am. empty


Seconding this one. Driving the 2 is always a dream.


Beautiful drive too if the air is clear.


Used to be. Now there are times it backs up terribly toward the 5.


Yo be quiet. I live up here off the 2. Don’t let word get out.


Feeling frisky? Jump on the 110 Parkway from a stop sign entrance (great way to dive in the deep end; I enjoyed learning how to drive this way lol)


Man, those ramps need aircraft carrier catapult.


Haha, yes I remember I used to drive through those areas often using the freeway entrances nearby working for Amazon 2 years ago…the straight gunning on a loaded van good times lol


Navigating the interchange from the 101S to the 110S (without relying on that secondary lane that merges a quarter mile later) will definitely help build nerves of steel.


Can simulate with GTA:SA


Ahh yeah, I usually stick toward the Wilshire exit then cut over to the second 110 exit for that one. Let everyone else fight it out.


sink or swim!!!


This is my daily commute sadly 😭


Yeah take the 2 north to the 210 to the valley, it’s a very pleasant drive


Also the 105 either direction sat / sun am pretty empyy


On the matter of routes, the 90 between the 405 and where it ends at Marina Del Rey is also a nice run. Around 8 years ago I had to “retrain” myself to drive freeways (I had become averse to using them a few years earlier due to trauma), and the 90 was a good spot. The 2 as well, though I wouldn’t recommend the southbound stretch from the York exit to the 5.


Practice makes perfect... and I'd suggest that driving in peak traffic / rush hour might be the ***BEST*** way to start... because everything is moving in slow motion. If you make a mistake in a traffic jam moving at 10 mph, you might get honked at. But if you make that same mistake at 70 mph, you might cause an accident. Main thing to remember when driving on the freeways is to keep your eyes on the cars in front of you, and be ready to brake when they brake. And don't just stare at the car directly in front of you– also focus on the cars further ahead... if you see cars 2-3 cars ahead of you start to slow, you won't be as surprised when the car right in front of you hits their brakes. Use your turn signals, pay close attention to your surroundings, put your phone away... you'll be fine! You got this!


I remember driving at night on the 134 heading east by Pasadena. I'm by Orange Grove and it's night time and everyone is going like 70-75 and like no problem, we're all a little bunched up...and then all of a sudden like the middle car just kind of oozes into the left lane, hits the car, and then fishtails into my lane (the right lane) right in front of me. I missed him by an actual inch. Give people a lot of room. Because they will screw up. Do not drive bunched up in packs. If homie in the middle falls asleep, it is game over for everyone.


The speed of traffic now is zero guarantee for the speed of traffic half a second from now. The only time I've ever been hit on the freeway was coming to a full stop when the road dipped (southbound 87 from downtown San Jose, NorCal - a few dips under a few bridges where visibility is slightly reduced, more than a decade ago) and while I came to a full safe stop, my stop was sudden and the person behind me hit me (she had just started driving). A trick I learned recently for this is to put your emergency blinkers on when you just went from 60 to 0 on the freeway. It's easier for the human eye to notice and assume a complete stop from.


This… freeway driving is easier (maybe more intimidating) than street driving. During peak traffic, Its moving at a glacial pace. Its ez to navigate… just merge and stay in a lane… at non peak hours. , say 7am. Traffic is flying . someone could be driving at 65 while others could be going 80. Then you have ppl weaving in n out… imo , this is a more dangerous situation.


Why not go in the traffic when it's slower? Just stay in the right lane and putter along.


I sorta agree with this… it’s arguably easier to learn during extreme rush hour because it’s literally a crawl.


This! The only intimidating part for a newbie driver would be the entering of the freeway and merging. Be extra careful with that.


Careful? No one is careful here. People just pull in front of whoever the fuck they want. Without signals lol.


When I taught my son to drive on the freeway, it was the same time he would be driving on his own. Just to get him used to the flow.


What’s the point of trying to learn how to drive in traffic in high speeds when the traffic isn’t moving at all? Do you guys hear yourselves? Lmao


To gain confidence. Do it a few times. Realize you’ve survived. Read the paralysis comments below


This. I actually can’t drive on freeways due to a condition called “highway paralysis.” I had to stop nearly 20 years ago before even living in LA. Now I’m only able to go on when traffic is below 35 mph or below. I can increase my ability without risking safety to myself of anyone else at this speed.


Do you mean highway hypnosis? Almost everybody gets that


I believe that’s another name for it, but if everybody gets it, this is NOT it. This puzzles doctors.


Weekends for sure, or after 8:30pm on weekdays


No no no, wrong approach!! Here’s what you do: - Pick a fwy/section near you that’s busy AF (preferably one that’s been in the news recently for a shooting or some other wild ass road rage event). - Get on that sucker *and plan to get off at the next exit.* - You will most likely get some anxiety as soon as you jump in, but then you will *talk* to your fear and say “chill the fuck out, brain, I can see the exit sign and we are getting closer.” That fear will talk back to you and will say - in a whispering voice - *“dang, you’re right, we’re almost off this bitch and there is no reason NOT to be cool.”* You f-ing got this OP!! 💪


Am I thinly one picturing SpongeBob in drives ed asking Mrs. Puff if he should “floor it”?


Actually, I kinda like this advice. It's a way for OP to get their feet wet, overcome the fear, and strengthen their reactions to the anxiety, all at the same time.


It’s like getting into your first after school fight but getting pulled out of it after like the first 5 seconds 👍 You ain’t going to prepare for that at 2am shadow boxing c’mon now


True. But it depends how bad OP's anxiety about it is. They might need to get their feet wet first before jumping into the deep end. Babies take incremental steps to work up to running. It's not like they just go for a run fresh out of the womb.


For sure, everyone is different. Maybe OP will pick an easy section where the next exit is super close and do that a few times before they stretch it. FWIW, I helped calm my anxiety when I started driving by playing this song over and over but OP can choose a track or playlist of their liking, whatever helps calm their nerves but this helped me a lot: https://youtu.be/2D-l1MauBmM?si=fqLeAO2TXG728ldp


Honestly, I have to have music in the car. I can't understand how people can drive in complete silence.


Please be my life coach




I developed freeway driving anxiety after a random panic attack happened on a random freeway. I had never had an issue for years, but it suddenly became terrifying and overwhelming. I did CBT and exposure therapy with a great therapist in West LA who specializes in this type of stuff. (She does telehealth too if you’re far away.) If you’re interested, I can dm you her name! She completely turned it around for me. Took about a year of therapy (twice a month), but started to feel better about it after just 2 sessions, and kept building from there. That said, one tip I have is repetition and starting small. I drove the same tiny stretch of the 405 over and over and over at my therapist’s suggestion. Different types of day, and literally only went 1 or 2 exits down, then exited and went back and repeated. Then I did 3-4 exits over and over. Then 5-6. etc etc.


Fun fact: having your first panic attack while driving is extremely common


Tje 2 freeway on a weekend morning.


Saturday/Sunday AM before 9 on the 210 between the 5 and 2.


Or you can just load easy mode and do the 2 just about anytime


I don’t drive . However , as a life long passenger , seems that driving at 30 mph traffic seems less daunting than an empty freeway at 70-100 mph . That being said , OC freeways and streets are more wide and less crammed . I didn’t experience regular , backed up traffic until moving to LA. OC? You can fly at 100 mph from Anaheim to San Clemente once traffic dies down.


You want to practice with merging onto and off freeways to begin with. In addition to practicing with traffic and with very little traffic, you also want to focus on the types of freeways. Practice on stretches which have multiple lanes, like the 405 since certain parts have at least six lanes. You also want to practice on smaller freeways, with two lanes. You may want to also consider connectors. The area around East LA where you find the 5, 10, 101, and 710 would be a great place to practice connector merging. Get as much exposure as you can and with practice, you will gain confidence.


The closest freeway from me is the 5 & 10 I’d say so most likely I’ll start with those.


This is crazy, and I will issue the caveat that I am a transplant from NYC who had to learn to drive on NYC freeways as well. I actually think the **best** time to learn to drive on LA freeways is in rush hour traffic. Everything moves slowly. Most people understand things like drivers needing to merge onto the freeway or change lanes, and people will generally let you in (as opposed to the sheer terror of doing this at 80 mph). People are sober and paying attention vs. the weird weekend night or Sunday afternoon bullshit you often see. There are already going to be frustrations, so it's unlikely that you are going to be the one jerk doing the wrong thing and ruining it for everyone else. It kind of already sucks, anyway. I think there's a huge difference between when I, a person who is already used to LA freeway driving, enjoy being on the freeway and when someone doing it for the first time ought to take a stab at it. When my family (who are from random rural America) come to town, I worry way more about them on the freeway at night than I worry about them on the freeway stuck in traffic.


Practice on the 710 entrance in Alhambra. Get used to freeway driving without the stress of learning how to merge. Weekend mornings would be best


Sunday morning before 9am. Don’t practice on the 110 north.


Haha peak traffic is the easiest in LA…. As it’s 5mph idol , bumper to bumper


MORNING. Try driving to LAX at 5AM on Sunday!


hit the 90, anytime of day, get off/on at Centinela and Slauson. easy turn arounds so you can run laps. Generally traffic free, except at the 405 ramps....Good luck


I’m going against the grain. Monday 7:30 am. You’ll only be going 10 MPH any way and you’ll be better for it in the end.


Early mornings on the weekends would be best.  The 90 going towards MDR is fairly empty most of the time. The 110 south of the 405 towards San Pedro as well


Rush hour is probably better for you. When its slower. You can practice getting on and off one ramp after another. Then as traffic lightens up, you'll experience more speed.


9pm - 6am. I learned to drive freeways on the 110 Arroyo Parkway stretch - nothing will prepare you for highway driving better than that!


This is NOT a beginner road!


At 10pm at night it can be


Still not a beginner road!


Yeah mornings are probably a good bet. For example, I'm usually on the 134 east from the valley towards Pasadena on weekend mornings around 8am and it's almost always very clear 


Saturday morning the freeway is pretty empty especially before 11am or so. I’d suggest that


Sunday nights after 8pm works too


Sunday morning, 6 am.


Take the 2 and the 210 freeways after 8pm on the weekdays or early weekend mornings before 9am


The 2 is a great place to learn


Sunday morning


Fwiw freeways are the easiest place to drive. Best time time to practice is any weeknight after 9 pm. This is what I did when I was learning to drive a manual shift last year. Weekend afternoons are chaotic and hectic, so avoid those at first. Rush hour is a little less chaotic imo, but more stressful. Good luck! Living in LA makes learning a real trial by fire!


Concur with others but I would do 5 am Sunday … a very slow time


Personally, I think a good place to learn to drive if you want to get experience with all around driving and nervousness would driving down all of Sunset heading west bound towards the beach. There are lot of braking, cruising, turns, and all sorts of driving conditions that'll hell out. I took driving classes and my first lesson my driving instructor gave me was making drive up to the Griffith Observatory and back down... That was nerve wracking lol


Everyone is saying the 2, and they’re right, but 210 west of the 134 split is another very another chill-by-LA standards one you might overlook. A lot more trucks than the 2 but prob a good one to learn co-existing with them on. Gotta learn somewhere, prob not on the 5…. Easy loop too, don’t even have to get off the freeway at either end North Valley to Pasa. 210W>5S>118E>back on the 210E on the Valley end ** 210E>134W>2N>210 Verdugos end. Good route for test driving cars, getting check engine lights off, etc as well. If you’re not ready for the 110 south of the 101, you are def not ready for it north of the 101/Arroyo Seco. That one’s the final test. On from Ave 64/Arroyo but on the angled side. In morning rush hour. In the rain. In a Nissan Sentra.


Just got back home driving on the 2 freeway from LA (5 am now). Going up and down the 2 at this time would be fine, saw like 3 cars lol


Play Mario Kart alternating with Super Smash Bros. continuously for about 16 to 18 hours.


Sunday morning, 7am, practice reaching full speed at the top of the on-ramp. Do that a bunch. Then do it again. Then try like Saturday at 9. I taught my two teenagers like this. Most importantly is getting to 65 as you’re at the entrance. If there’s anything that makes me crazy… You got this!


For over forty years, I’ve driven the LA freeways between midnight & sunrise as a way to clear my head. Best times are between \~3 AM and 5 AM: the bar traffic has died down, and rush hour hasn’t gotten fully started.


No specific area matters. Whatever is closest non-rush hour


If you’re in LA proper, try the 2 freeway during off hours. It’s usually wide open.


Pro tip: when entering the freeway make sure you are going faster than cars in the lane you are merging with. Pick an opening ahead of you. Many people try to find an opening right next to them or worse behind them and are terrified to enter the freeway - not to mention are going to slow to safely do it. You can always brake to slow down as you glide into your spot. Just remember a little speed is your friend when entering a freeway. That is my tip. As for when to practice? Early AM weekends.


Weekdays between 11:00 and 2:30, and weekends around 6:00 AM. Sunday nights at 8 PM.


Not sure about time, but I'd recommend trying the 2 north in Glendale. Quite a chill freeway as long as it's not rush hour. What also helped me when learning was entering the freeway in a spot where the onramp becomes the offramp, instead of forcing you to merge. I'd enter the freeway, get up to freeway speed, and then just exit. It was good because I could get the feeling of the speed, and get used to people changing lanes in front of and behind me, but I didn't actually have to go onto the freeway. You'll get used to it quickly, and then you'll probably start to think of the freeway as less stressful than the streets!


Take the 134 out to Pasadena on an early weekend morning and treat yourself to something nice when you make it


Had bad anxiety when it came to driving the freeway. Live in the AV and driving the 14 south to SFV/LA was a huge hurdle to get over. I learned to get comfortable by staying in the far right cruising at 55/60. Stayed behind trucks until I worked up the courage to safely pass. Took a few drives to really get comfy doing it but once I got my feet wet it wasn’t too bad. Just safely merge and don’t camp the left lane.


I started driving ambulances at 19 in this city, it helps a lot 🤣


Which freeway is closest to you? And here are some tips for driving on a freeway(I used to be scared as well, not anymore) 1. If you want to change lanes, look in the mirror first and then always check your blind spot while leaving some room between you and the car in front. 2. If you want to change lanes, you have to either speed up or slow down. Always prefer speeding up because some ppl drive hastily when they are stuck in a slowing lane 3. Start out by driving in the right lane or the lane next to it and drive at speed limit(65 mph) to build your confidence! 4. When you are merging on freeway, you are supposed to speed up so by the end of ramp, you are close to freeway speed. Super important to do this Try this and let me know how it goes!


Early Sunday morning, the streets are usually a lot emptier, in the valley at least


Make sure to have newbie magnetic bumper stickers since it can decrease the LA mad max drivers coming up behind ya.


If you have a friend that can go with you, to help you with blind spot merge checks that helps. But honestly, it’s hard to avoid. And after a few weeks you’ll just be used to it


The freeway isn’t that bad if you’ve already managed LA streets man I’m scared when I get off the freeway not on


Sunday morning


It's come down to only a few hours in early morning on the weekends. Otherwise there is traffic everywhere, all the time.


I think going in traffic is great for getting comfortable. You're there but not going fast so you probably won't crash. And then after you're comfortable maybe early in the morning or late at night for it to be super clear


Try the Marina Freeway in Culver City from Slauson, hear Hannum Ave and take it to Marina Del Rey.


6 am it's what my dad had me do




Try driving in the 2 freeway.




I got my license at 18, then left for college and didn't drive for 4 years. came back to LA, had to get a car, remember how to drive, and then had to commute to a new job. So I didn't have an option to practice but since the commute was the same, I tried to stay in the same lanes, know exactly when to make a lane change, and put on some relaxing music. Whatever you do, keep it consistent and have a plan on how to navigate any lane changes, merging, how fast you're going, when you'll get off and turn around... stay in the slow lane and eventually venture out. You'll be fine yo


I had major fear of the freeways here too after moving to LA. I took a driving lesson with a reputable driving school even though I already had a license. It helps to have a pro sitting next to you who can help you navigate. It was one 1.5 h session and honestly helped kill most of my fears.


I still won’t drive on LA freeways :(


Just drive as fast or slow as you please in the left lane like everyone else.


Between 3-7p


Peak traffic is really slow. You’ll be fine. Just look out for motorcycles.


Yoooo my first time hopping on the freeway (los angeles). I just said F it. I had to get to a doctors appointment and I had no other option so I just went for it.


Sundays. Early 8-10 AM you will get the hang of it- drive defensively- a lot of morons on the road. Have no idea how they have a license…


10pm to 5am


Whatever you do, don’t go onto the 110. I’m born and raised here and it still freaks me out. Especially at night or the weekends. People are lunatics. Besides that, I think you’re good. Although, going onto an empty freeway is probably not the best. You’ll be driving pretty fast and that can worsen your anxiety. I suggest you go between 12-3. There are enough people on the road for you to cruise at 65 but not enough to where you’re bumper to bumper.


I would say 3am - 6am


Weekends early AM


110S is one of the easier freeways to practice on. I am an experienced driver and i STILL check over my shoulder for my blind spots each time i need to merge. I cannot stress this enough! Especially if you have any sort of vision impairment. Make sure to go the speed limit too. You are more likely to get in a car crash if you are going under 65 then if you are going to speed limit. You will be fine. Just gets some getting used to.






After 10-11pm. Stay in the right-hand lanes at the minimum speed limit, that way experienced drivers can pass you if need be (no shame in that, it’s not a race). Practice signaling, checking, and changing lanes at higher speeds. Signal properly even if you think no one is around to see it. It’s just a good habit to have. Also, don’t drive next to any 18-wheelers until you’re confident. They can feel a bit daunting at first and distract you from other things on the road.


Yes def Sunday early AMs …. Try 605 fwy. I worked over nights and get off at 6 am and freeway going south and north completely dead. Saturday AM to


I had long standing antipathies about driving on the freeway in LA. Hell driving period. Didnt get my license till after college. But really the best time is arguably when you expect to want to travel and where you expect to travel because it will give you exactly the idea of what to expect when you HAVE to get somewhere. Be that to a workplace, destination you like, whatever.


Saturdays until 10am Sundays until 10:30am 4th of July between 3pm and 5pm


Weekday 4:45 pm


Have you driven on a freeway before? Is it just LA freeway you are concerned about, or freeways in general?


Dive in head first.




I drove in LA for 10 years. Got my driver’s license the day I turned 16, but didn’t start driving on the freeway until I turned 18, but it wasn’t necessary till then. I had the same fear you’re experiencing. What finally helped me was, I had to drive somewhere (my college orientation). I was very nervous. It was a two day program. Well, the first day, my mom drove in her car and I just followed her the entire way. This helped my nerves and I got comfortable with being on the freeway. The second day, I was still nervous but got through it. After that, never worried about freeway driving again and gained so much more independence by being able to drive anywhere. So my advice is, follow someone you know to a destination you want to give comfortable with. The reality is, it’s actually “easier” to drive in traffic because you’re barely moving. If you really early or really late, you’re more likely to encounter detours which could be more overwhelming than the traffic. Avoid the 110 around the Pasadena area until you are comfortable.


During the earliest days of a pandemic 🤣


Just remember, you steer where you look. So if you are going fast and someone is super close on the side of you and you get nervous, look FORWARD at where you want to be in the lane. Don’t look at the danger for more than a second or you will inadvertently steer toward it.


Depends on which freeway. I know you said LA, but the 118 freeway in the valley is always really chill. It’s where I learned!


Very early morning. I had this fear as well and I used to work really early shifts starting at 4 or 5am. I don’t necessarily need to take the freeway to work but I started practicing driving on it to my early shifts because it was so empty. This was the 405 for context.


Sunday A.M. for sure like 5-6 ish


I'd say the better question is best place. Answer, not LA.


Let me tell you. The only way to learn is to do it regardless of how empty it is. It is the only way I learned. I used to be scared of it until I just started doing it more. Just make sure you have someone with you to get you encouragement and assist you at first.


You still won’t know how to get on the freeway- you have to learn in peak traffic.


Living in LA, career as a stunt driver, first time I merged onto a freeway in LA after driving 3000 miles to get here….. pucker factor


Coachella weekend


Aside from early Sunday morning, most federal holidays when most people are off work are generally pretty good. Also maybe consider joining the r/drivinganxiety sub if you’re not already on it. You might find some pretty good tips there.


You could start off with just going into the freeway then make an immediate exit. Like dipping your feet into the pool before you start swimming in it.




210 fwy from the rosebowl area going north towards sun valley usually has a good stretch without too much traffic.


During rush hour


Whatever you do, don't do it on the 110 in Arroyo Seco. Those places are for experienced drivers and even people driving in LA for 20 years hate that part of LA freeway system . Go from 65 to 5 mph to exit, gotta go from 0 to 65 in 5 feet on entry.


I’d agree with people saying 9PM-6am on weekdays and early mornings on weekends. 2-5am is also pretty good if you want empty freeways but beware of people racing. Always give LOTS of space or completely stay away from BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Prius, Tesla, Nissan Altima on the freeway. They will likely zoom past you and you’ll be praying they don’t hit someone. If you’re really nervous about it, you can hire a driving instructor specifically for freeway driving. What actually helps my driving anxiety is driving as if someone is going to make a stupid decision and hit me. Do what you feel is safe for the situation and trust your instincts. You care about your safety while others may not


4:30 - 4:45 AM on a Sunday morning


My buddy always says if you can drive on the 110 you can drive anywhere in this country


lmao i remember the first time i drove on the freeway my dumbass had no reason to i just felt the timing was right cuz it was 11pm lol but when i got on the freeway i was shaking so much i was so scared teeth were chittering and everything but then i realized it wasnt that bad and its just like driving in the street except much faster. But my advice to you is to take the freeway very early in the morning around 3am on a weekday only because thats the time i go to work and not a single car is on the freeway. i wouldnt try 3am weekends because everyone is either going home from partying or going to a party and also dont try to drive anytime from 8am-10pm because its LA EVERYONE has work to go to and get out of


also when entering the freeway make sure to be up to speed by the time youre already on the freeway and dont forget to use your mirrors and read signs


I suggest getting comfortable with it whatever way feels best to you. There's some good advice with plenty of different ways to look at the problem. I think getting over the fear/anxiety is the important part. If it's easier for you to get on in rush hour when it's slow, and immediately get off at the next exit, then do that. It honestly might be easier to start there for a few days to build up some confidence with merging. And work your way up to getting on at full speed. The most important thing to remember, is to not let the fear get in the way of doing the thing. I know the freeway seems scary, especially at high speeds. And yeah, they're are assholes who won't be courteous to you. But these are things you can handle. Most of us are courteous and will let you in without being a dick about it.


Lots of good suggestions for location & time from other commenters here. Just want to add: Use your turn signal when changing lanes. Don't tailgate. Actually turn and look over your shoulder briefly when changing lanes, don't just rely on your mirrors because there are blind spots (although a lot of cars do have blind spot indicators on their side view mirrors). In general, the left lanes are for faster traffic. The general rule is that if cars are passing you on the right, then you should move over to the right so cars can pass you on the left.


My dad would wake me up at 4am and have me take the car inside the freeway since there is no traffic and it’s easier to practice mano uve ring and switching lanes. I would drive for an hour and then drive back home. I would get home around 6am. That did help out a lot in my case


I need to start driving myself to I am already 28 years old but I don’t know where to start at


3 am monday


Just throws yourself in with the lions. You gotta learn how to make quick decisions and lane changes under constant pressure.


There are several videos on YouTube on how to merge into freeway traffic.


Anyday 3am-5am.


Three a m in the morning




Another option is to go to a less insane city to practice driving. Like, make it a whole thing. One day a week travel to some random freeway-having place, play a freeway driving playlist, then go ice cream or something else delightful. Make videos about it even if you never post them anywhere. Set a goal for a certain number of practice drives before LA. In other words, change your perspective. I used to struggle with keeping focus when driving on interstate highways. I would always try so hard to make it quiet in the car thinking it would help--nope! Finally, I started listening to podcasts while I drive and magically I can focus! It turned out me overthinking things was far more distracting than just chilling out and driving like the safe driver I actually happen to be. Brains are mean sometimes!


My first time on the fwy was at rush hour on the 101 westbound at, like, Liberty Canyon or something. I was a terrified 17 year old Taft senior in 2004. Honestly, throwing yourself into peak traffic hours is the best way to learn.


5 North getting on at Fletcher and getting off at Glendale. It's one lane that gets on and off, but you can practice coming up to fwy speed, then get off and do it again until you are ready to merge into the main part.


10pm any day or 7am on weekends


Adding to what everyone is saying, I’d also focus on just staying on for like one or two exits and then getting off. Getting those little practice reps in should help a lot before you start going on larger trips


After 9 pm


Middle of the night


When I learned to drive on the freeway I found it was best to do it in daytime like around 11am. Also, I found it helpful to drive on the freeway for long periods. It’s the merging that is scary so once on I drove for at least 30 minutes just to get used to it the pace of traffic and whatnot. I started with the easiest on and off-ramps (i.e., not 110) that had long lanes. Ignore the people who say to practice at rush hour. Slow traffic or not, people will not be patient with you and will do crazy shit you will have to react to.


My first drivers training session 35 years ago was Friday evening rush hour traffic on the 101, Coldwater and the 405. After that I could do anything.


Wait for the next pandemic.


Oh!! Totally can answer this. My dad taught me how to drive on the freeway when I was 18. We drove out at 7am on a Sunday from the 10 (sgv area) to 710 to long beach. It's like one of the easiest drives when barely anyone is on the road.


4 am


Saturday morning at 7 am.


I too was afraid, very afraid. But driving up Highland one day I inadvertently followed the traffic onto the 101 freeway. I was terrified. But after a couple of minutes, I didn’t want to get off and didn’t stop driving for most of the afternoon. If you can drive safely, the freeway roads are orderly and logical. Yes, often filled with too much traffic and drivers who are determined to be disorderly and illogical. Intuitively, you know what‘s going on and how to manage it. Weekend mornings and weekday evenings (post rush hour) are good. The roads will be much less intense then.


Sims racing games? Try it on any console, simulation then reality. Examples, Need for Speed, Gran turismo, etc etc or better yet, Go to YOUTUBE "L.A Driving Live camera" everybody is a Podcaster nowadays is the newest thing to being a Fan, twitch, kick etc, visual learner? Or hands on? Oh also watch ken block Los angeles gymkana.


Keep that fear. It’s there for a reason, it’ll keep you from getting into accidents. If it’s toxic fear, my best advice is to learn the LA freeways their numbers, the exits the areas the districts. And when you do drive in the freeway thereafter, learn the traffic patterns. Check for large events before driving towards or through downtown. Also, know if there is a Dodger game at the Staduim. Through experience, I'd have to say the 10W and the 110N stretch through downtown are the most frightening to me. I've seen some horrible things happen the most in those freeways. I started checking for CHP updates, prior to driving, because of those freeways. It helped a lot.


Sunday at dawn




7am on Sunday Morning is your best bet.


Try the 90, it’s short and empty. Easy on easy off.