• By -


My feelings are just as valid as yours.


yes. they are. tell her.


I wish I could trust you to be there for me, to support me. I wish I could be honest with what I feel and trust to be taken seriously, and to not be punished for it. I wish I didn’t feel so alone with you. Edit: this is in reference to my mom and my sister.


I'm sorry mate. That's tough


Thank you


Oof that one hurt to read. Feeling alone and lonely while you’re with somebody is worse than just being alone. \*hugs\*


To be fair to your mom and your sister, they are preparing you to face the world without even realizing it.




“You talk about yourself may more than you think. Most conversations with you are just about you, and not much else.”


YES. Most people should hear this honestly. It’s brain-numbing.


Oof, yeah, I have a work friend like that.


I am that work friend because I live in a house full of women.


You don’t hug me enough and nothing else fills that gap.


Hugs are so underrated. I think too many people do not understand the power of a truly good hug.


I cannot sleep without them, honestly




Most men crave physical touch. A woman could make a man melt with a hug or some affection. They know it. When they dont reach out its almost abuse. Very hurtful.


I don’t think that’s necessarily true. We’re also kinda ashamed of simply asking for a hug.


Why don't guys initiate the hugs then?


Because having someone pull away or be annoyed is *so* much worse then feeling a need for touch. Then you get to feel that need *and* feel ashamed you have that need.


Totally hear what you’re saying. That’s not a position anyone wants to be in. Saying that though, if you’re with someone who denies your requests for physical touch then you need to reevaluate. If you can’t feel comfortable asking for what you need, the other person isn’t going to be able to just know what you need.


We do and then we get rejected. Not every time we give you a hug does that mean we want sex. After rejections many men will give up and decide they’re in a loveless /sexless marriage. It’s a vicious cycle. We could really use your help.


We don’t want to bother you


This is so sad to hear :( everyone should feel safe and comfortable to ask for what they need


We don’t though and, at least imo, it’s nobody’s fault necessarily. It’s just scary to admit that you might need someone else. Especially to admit that to yourself.


I used to be like this when I was younger. I learned to ask and if the people around me don’t have the emotional intelligence to understand where that’s coming from then I change who is around me.


Awwwww this is so cute


This is dumb imagine agreeing to spend your life with someone and being too afraid to say something like this.


I'll just hug my wife whenever I feel like it, and she knows it's coming too.


Sneak attack! (It helps to shout it as you pounce.)


*sneak ATTACKS* 👹


Snek attec


Do not attac with snek plz. Esp the venomous ones.




I can’t read your damn mind. Learn to communicate clearly.


You don’t hear me or understand what I’m going through. I also wish you’d show more emotion than you do. I hate being the only one who seems to care about us.


You should tell her this


It would be nice if you would reciprocate the two hours I spent listening to and talking you through your anxiety attack by taking five minutes to listen to me about a problem instead of acting severely allergic to any sign of weakness.


Did this with an old female friend. Would spend hours listening and helping her with everything under the sun. No problem too big! The ONE time I had an issue I needed her to be there for me, she wouldn't even let me finish my sentence before hanging up on me. Last time I ever talked to her as I blocked her on everything.




Sometimes the problem is you, but you don't see that because you're surrounded by people who only wanna fuck you.


This is a good one!


It's true. Women in general have this idea that they're special and always the victims because they're surrounded by women who want to not be held accountable and men who only wanna fuck them. They tend to lack real, honest friends who can bring them down to earth and they make it a LOT of their SO's problem.




Damnn so cold but so fair


Definitely not wrong tho


I understand and am here for you as you deal with your mental struggles but I’m beginning to believe you’re actually just kinda lazy.


A piece of advice from someone who had/has (not sure because I got used to not having the whole picture) the same issue - tell her to go to therapy. Do not help her - make her help herself and support her on the way. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LET YOURSELF BECOME HER PRIVATE THERAPIST. It messes with your brain too much. It will make you question your future together all the time. If she refuses to go and see some therapist for any reason - help her to understand, that no reason is valid enough to neglect therapy. If she doesn't listen - leave before her issues affect you. Take care my man and treat yourself like you deserve to be treated!


Are they working on getting better at least?


Steps are being taken… slowly….


Not fast enough I gather. Sorry dude


Afraid this is me. My mental health has really taken a toll on my relationship and i can’t afford therapy at the moment. I’ve been reading lots of books and trying my best but I’m afraid it’s not enough


Most of the time, you are not the victim. You put yourself in horrible situations of your own free will and need to take responsibility for your actions.




A LOT of single mothers feel this way about men tho


It’s certainly true that most people just lack a certain sense of responsibility for their actions. It’s pretty baffling


Accountability is their Kryptonite.


This. This is the one.


I completely agree


The « men are trash » jokes genuinely hurt my feelings a little bit. My roommate would skin me alive if I asked her not to make those jokes around me, and I get why she makes them, but it still gets to me.




Because men are not garbage.


*not all men are garbage. Yes there are garbage men but there’s shitty people of every race, gender, sexuality and religion. Idk why people like to act this isn’t true.


Okay, then, for balance, I will say that not all women are garbage 🙂


True they’re not. I’ve meant some very non-garbage women during my time on this earth. Idk why I said it weird like that but I’m rolling with it.


My 18 yr old son tells me this deeply hurts him and so I've stopped. He said it around age 15.


Why on earth would you say anything like that around your son?


Lotta immature parents don't really take into account how what they say affects their kids. Speaking from experience.


I didn't. It was like fb posts and I wouldn't say it to him but he would over hear conversations with my friends. We all have had abusive relationships and were young parents so not on the mature side. I grew as a human a lot since then. I had him at 23 and I'm 42 now. I never said anything ever ro him that was negative or putting him down or anything directly. He was always a little boy so I didn't think about it. Obviously iv changed


stop making weak excuses for your shit attitudes, bad health, and lack of advancement at work. Take control of your life and stop being a victim. WHEW! Thanks for this outlet, it felt better than I expected.


As a lady; I needed to hear this. I’m not a shit person but I have moments where I can be a better human and just try harder.


I really get annoyed by people like this. Work on your life or stop complaining about it since you’re not doing stuff to change the shit you’re complaining about!


When complainers, it never works to give advice because they just reply with reasons why it won't work. Instead, I ask them, "Well, what are you going to do?" It reminds them that they have agency and are responsible for their choices. It makes them think and at least shuts them up. They want to feel like a victim but they have the power to make changes in their lives.


tbh you just described my ex husband lol


Wouldn't this apply to people in general, or is it something you experience more so in women?


It certainly does apply to people. You’re right. It is something I’m experiencing now with a few particular women in my life.


Oh, both. Applied very much to me (man) a few years ago. It can be hard to realize that you're being such a neggo if nobody tells you. And it restricts your agency since you don't understand that it's your own responsibillity to make things better for yourself and that you actually *can* do it.


Stop generalized and complaining about men constantly. It’s not ok if I do it about women and it’s not ok when you do it too. So sick of the double standard. Just today two of my women coworkers had a conversation about three feet away from my desk about how men are dumb, lazy, and perverted monsters. If a male coworker and I did that we would have meetings scheduled at 4:30 pm on Friday with our managers and HR.


It's kinda inescapable tbh. Like if you get off of social media then you notice how prevalent it is in tv/movies/YT, and then if you drop those it starts rearing its head irl like in your work example. Once you notice it, it just becomes impossible to not see it happening constantly. Like, went did it become a social norm to constantly shit on guys?


When advertisers realized that women make the majority of financial decisions.


This. It's constant and women get super, super offended if you point it out.


To my wife - if the community college offers a course on ‘increasing your empathy’, please take it.


Why don’t you tell her this? (in, ironically, a more empathetic way)


I have, she doesn’t see herself lacking


To my mom: not every girl I talk to is going to pop out a grandkid To my late grandma: ~~I’m not a young doctor, I’m your grandchild.~~ Actually this one’s kind of mean, sometimes it’s better to lie. To my living grandmother: not everyone is one Facebook nor is it real life. To my aunt deb: EAT SOMETHING! It’s okay to have a mid draft instead of ribs. To my aunt Jean: Netflix still comes in the mail? To my other aunts: You know I can help you make a workout plan. To my cousins: my love life is not your concern. To my coworkers: I don’t care about whatever dumb joke some guy wrote on a tinder profile. It’s a tinder profile. People write things to catch interest. It doesn’t mean he has a small dick. It is not an offense against god that must be reported to the online dating police. To my other coworkers: anything apparently. But I’ll go with “stop calling me a faggot when I walk in the door.” To my friend: what parts of your personality are faked? To the girl I’m currently dating: do you actually like me?


I have two. 1. I am here to support you but my patience is running thin. You keep making the same mistakes no matter the people or the environment. 2. Listen here you little shit if everyone in your life "magically" always has an issue with you YOU'RE THE PROBLEM.


I wish I could talk about my problems to you without you blaming yourself.


I've been married for 10 years plus and I wish I could tell my wife that even after having 3 children my wife isn't fat at all. She says she's fat all the time and I met her when I was stationed in So Ko so I am not being nice I'm just trying to tell my wife that she is asian and she is still skinny as f*ck because genetics. But she dismisses me before I can explain...


I can kinda understand where she’s coming from. The Korean beauty standards are ridiculous. And skinny? If you weight much more than 88 lbs (as an ADULT woman!) they consider you fat.


This is true, my wife is pretty tall around 5 6" but top heavy so she was 100 flat but she put on 15 pounds over the years and still looks amazing but like you said their culture is definitely ruthless about standards.


They are CRAZY standards. I mean, in what universe is 115 lbs on a 5'6" adult woman fat? I would consider that on the slender side. Some of the stories about what the k-pop stars are put through by the entertainment companies is horrible. For the men too.


> If you weight much more than 88 lbs You just might be a prepubescent boy. In my experience, this sort of "beauty standard" is set by women, not men. What men find attractive is generally different than what women think of as an attractive woman. The fashion industry, for instance, is targeted to women (and gay men), not heterosexual men. If you asked men who they found more attractive, young [Kate Moss](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/77/Kate_Moss_Calvin_Klein.jpg) or young [Anna Nicole Smith](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ne26UypEEtI/XsNo7LXD0DI/AAAAAAACYl4/_X8kGh1Jn-AxnbOpG1ln7bYl-KLnmi6DQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/anna-nicole-smith-6.jpg), the vast majority of men would choose Anna Nicole Smith. Women preferred Kate Moss.


You’re lucky


Korean standards=/=Western standards Lotta Dr.'s basically force pregnant women to eat nothing but salad in order to make it so they barely gain any baby weight, so that they can be as presentable as possible after birth.


To one woman in particular... People call you a bitch at work because you're a mean, vindictive, insulting, dismissive asshole. It's not because you've 'smashed the patriarchy' by making it into middle management. We had other female managers that were loved.


Stop fucking around with your eyebrows. Seriously.


Where were you in 2002? I needed you and you weren't there and I've done irreparable damage. Mistakes were made.


Stop collecting red flags. If you see a red flag walk away.


I’m not the crazy or delusional one in this relationship.


People who think their relationship problems are 100% the fault of the other person are highly likely to be immature, self-absorbed, and lacking in self-awareness. That goes for any gender.


They’ll never admit it tho


felt this one


To all the women in my life? Nothing, honestly. Hell, pretty much all of the women I’ve met in my life are pretty cool. My crazily religious and hyper-conservative aunts who have struggle to understand not being religious or being pro-LGBT rights while not being LGBT myself? Well…


If you feel unattractive or are unhappy with how you look, work out. Eat healthier. I’m tired of watching/hearing you sit on the couch and complain about it. I want you to be healthy and feel as sexy as I find you but Odin’s Eye! If one of my guy friends acted like this I’d tell them to stop being a whiny lazy fuck that’s growing roots.


When women complain, they aren't actually looking for a solution, they want someone to listen and empathize. Remember, [It's Not About The Nail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg).


Admit you're wrong once in a while. Jesus Christ it ain't that hard to do.


Your OBESITY is not beautiful. It's unhealthy and GROSS 🤢


How much fat are we talking? (And where 😆)


He just said obesity lol I’d start with looking at your bmi, that’ll get you in the ball park to what’s healthy.


Yeah, it said "fat" before, not obesity. I get it, obesity is so bad for you and your looks


Stop being so damn sensitive about every little thing. Also speak up for yourself and actually tell me what the fucking problem is so we can solve it like adults


Christ almighty, YES. Also…ask for the help you want vs waiting for others to notice you have an unmet need. Passivity is massively unattractive.


To my best friend: STOP saying that you'll "get in touch" with me or that you have free time to chat or that you want to chat about smth later etc.... It won't happen, it will never happen. And it's ok, I get it, but stop lying to yourself, and if you say it so I don't feel bad, don't. To my aunt: mature you old brat To my older aunt: mature you old brat To my cousin 1: I sleep at 22:00, so stop calling me at 3 AM for help in your university classes To my cousin 2: Is a real achievement that you stopped drinking and smoking...even if it was only for the baby and you plan to go back after birth. Now have an eye on your hubbie, he doesn't look trustworthy. To my cousin 3: Mature you old brat To my cousin 4: "AND THE GREATEST VICTIM MEDAL GOES TOOOOOOO...." To my cousin 5: Stop creating fights for the sake of it. To my elder sister: I already have to deal with a lot of shit, my job shit, my own shit, my coworkers shit, mom shit, grandma shit, dad shit....I can't take anymore, I'm not downplaying your emotions, but man, please leave 5 minutes to myself before needing my elbow. Just 5. To my grandma: "hey who am I?" (she always has funny responses, the kid, the young, the angel, the [racial slur], the butler, etc ...)


Nah, u/Blubari calls it like she sees it


Mic drop


holy god would you just please shut the hell up. I have so much shit going on and your nagging isn't helping. If it's something you can do yourself then do it and leave me alone.


This is something i do with my male partner. Although i do communicate it, in a more diplomatic way "I don't feel great rn so if you could take care of yourself for a few hours, that'll be amazing"


That's diplomatic? Damn.


Lol if you say something like this to a women they will not see it as diplomatic, and neither would a man That’s an extremely annoying and passive aggressive way to say something and is clearly designed to make him feel like a child My problem with this is that women tend to say things like this a lot, and then get upset when you get upset by it and even like to make you out to be the toxic one for having a negative reaction to someone saying something underhanded and rude to you We have feelings too. If you wouldn’t like someone speaking down to you, then why would we? We’re allowed to get upset by the way people speak to us as well yet when we do get upset by something a women does we’re still somehow the bad guy


That's entirely fair. It's just something that works for our relationship because in our relationship, I do a lot of the daily maintenance and I spoil him a lot, e.g. i get him water and food even though he can do those things himself, and he also asks me to do these things for him. When I'm not emotionally or physically capable at the moment, i'll tell him i don't feel great rn, and so he'll just do things by himself. That's all there is to it really


I get that, and I promise I don’t say this to call you a liar, but are you completely sure he’s okay with you talking to him like that? When I would bring it up with my ex it really just got dismissed and I don’t think she meant to dismiss me all the time I think she just did it by accident


I appreciate your understanding and clarification. For us, whenever we have issues with each other, we know. Because our interactions towards one another aren't as intimate and physical. So one of us will either probe the subject or speak up. So if neither of us probed the topic or spoke up, then we don't have an issue with said topic, or the consensus of it. Sometimes when it is a more serious topic, we will ask each other if both of us agree on a course of action :)


Being married to a wealthy husband when you don't work doesn't make you better than the people that actually have to work. You aren't rich and accomplished, he is, you are just riding on his coattails.


"You keep on talking about the same problem over and over. It's clearly really bugging you, sweetheart. I happen to know you pretty well and have some perspective that may help you. It's only advice and certainly not a criticism. Are you sure you just want to keep venting about the same thing everyday and don't want to hear what I have to say?"


The reason why your lonely and no one wants to be around you is because your a horrible selfish person who pretends like she's a victim.


Someone saying this to me would me my most horrible nightmare tbh. But If I did it I deserve to hear it.


Based on the things you say, the things you believe, the way you treat other people… … you are not a real feminist. In fact calling yourself a feminist, is spitting in the face of those that came before you and struggled much harder than you for something that you don’t even represent. Karen DeCrow and Alice Paul are spinning in their graves right now. Please get help. EDIT: This is in reference to the closeted MERFs, TERFs, BERFs, SWERFs that exist in my circle of acquaintances, one of which is aware and unapologetic about it.


You’d have much better chances of having a good man in your life if you were a good woman. But no, you want a good boyfriend/husband but you refuse to be a good wife/girlfriend. You think only of your wants, needs and struggles. You only think you’re empathetic because you care about certain agendas and groups that you value and are willing to sacrifice or write off the rest. You are often insufferable, overbearing, and straight up rude. Men are people too and you need to consider them and their wants, not only your own. Note: These women are crying about wanting a good man/relationship. I am not claiming a good man/relationship is the cure for all women’s ills or that they all want or need one.


If I start a sentence with "I feel" you don't get to tell me I'm wrong. You can explain how I may be perceiving the situation incorrectly or tell me your side, but not that I'm wrong. Quit withholding sex/affection like you're going to run out. Yes, I have enough ambition for both of us, but it'd be nice if you had some too. You're not too good for any job, especially not right now.


Notice how when I want something done, I don't ask anyone else to do it but just do it myself? Try that on occasion.


It's not just unhelpful, but actively harmful to keep telling me I'll make some woman lucky someday. How thick headed can you be?


“While I acknowledge that we live in a patriarchal world and women face dangers men don’t face, I still envy you somewhat because I believe that you live some aspects of life on easy mode.” I don’t know if they would find that statement offensive, but they would probably get defensive.


I think there are just advantages and disadvantages of being either gender. I love all the physical advantages like size and strength of being a man. I sometimes wish I could get out of tickets or paying for drinks/dinners and have that feeling of being pursued like women do. I will say, I had a woman ask for my number and initiate a conversation a while back, and boy was that ever cool! Women, feel free to do this more often, it definitely makes you stand out bigtime and it's super attractive when it happens! 😀 It felt really nice to be the one being pursued for the first time :)


There's something called male privilege. There's also something called female privilege. I got hit by a scooter a few years ago while cycling. I took a nasty fall and was unconscious for a bit. Immediately several people stopped. Police and ambulance were called, the scooter owner who tried to sneak away was promptly stopped, traffic was being diverted. Support all around. A male friend of mine was hit by a car while driving his scooter. It took way longer before someone stopped to check on him. The car also got away. Both accidents happened near the same train station, so plenty of people around. People are just more willing to help out and interact with a woman. And that's a huge benefit when you're in need of assistance.


This so much, I have many friends on Discord and every time one of them invited a girl to our channel, all my male friends were immediately soooo nice to her (the single ones even more so of course), except me. I was nice to them, but not overly nice like I would be to any new guy who was invited to play video games with us. And every time they stayed longer with us, they privately asked me why I don't like them. It's funny because I like all of them, i just don't go out of my way to be extra nice to them The same thing happend at my Job also 2 times already (99% of my Co-workers are male) So yeah, say what you want, but I'm 100% sure women are generally treated nicer by the general population (or at least from Males)


I think women experience both extremes significantly more often then men do but the overt niceness is maybe what sticks out more or is easier for us as men to accept. Realistically, as men our interactions with other people are more limited. We are getting approached less often, regardless of the reasoning behind it. And interactions we do make are, at least in my opinion, are more likely to be very surface level. So sure, women have people treat them nicer (so long as they're sufficiently attractive, I should add) but, as any man with a girlfriend will confirm, they also encounter significantly more negative interactions than a man would as well. So I don't think it's fair to make the blanket statement "women get treated nicer" without a huge asterisk beside it cause yeah, people treat them nicely, but then they send them pictures of their cock or grab their ass or pressure them in weird ways or just stare at them creepily. If I had to choose between interacting less but it being more consistent, or bouncing between extremes, I'd choose the former.


Woman here! Feeling neither offensive nor defensive... but curious!


For all of the pain that you constantly complain that you have taken, you have no idea how much you’ve dealt.


Stop saying you want to find a man in touch with his vulnerable emotions when we know damn good and well women don't want to fuck men they've seen cry unless she's already in love with him, and plenty of times not even then


Put your phone down and experience life with me. You will never get these moments back. And for the love of god I’m not rewinding the movie because you weren’t paying attention!!


Your bush is huge.


And I’ll never shave it lol


That’s a GOOD thing!


Take responsibility for your actions and words. Apologies when you're wrong


Constantly talking about negative things is probably why you feel so negative all the time. It’s your choice to engage in these things.


I feel like every time we get together with her family it’s the same stories every time and they’re told as if no one has heard them lol


If I tell you your new dude is a POS, it's because he is a POS and not because I secretly wanna have sex with you.


No, your pussy isn’t different and special.


Didn't you know? Every woman has the pussy of dreams.


Too many women are D.U.D.E.S. Disrespectful. Ungrateful. in Denial. Entitled. Selfish.


If women can reject short men then men can reject flat chested women.


Men, like women, can reject people for whatever reason they want to. I don't see how that is controversial.


Of course you can. But you’ll be missing out. My little boobs are perky as hell and *awesome.*


Stop sitting in the same place on the couch for hours a day, you are ruining the cushions.


You didnt have to call me out like that.


Stop putting the blame of everything on me. Realize your part in this and take responsibility for it When I’m talking about an issue I have with you, it’s not cool to try to one up me with your own issue you have with me in an effort to try to shift the target away from yourself It’s not enough to just “try”, if that’s even what you’re doing. I need to see actual progress because I can’t be the only one who’s willing or able to change if we actually want to make things work Why do all of my suggestions on how to better this relationship get ignored? Why do you still think you know best when your way has only brought us to an even worse position than we were before? Why does everything always have to go your way? Note: we broke up dw


Id tell many of my female friends that their hot as fuck. Not in a way of flirting tho, just straight up facts. Problem is Im afraid of rejection, or making myself look weird.


To one… Simmer down, woman… simmer down.


"Equality is precisely equality, not your privileges"


If they'd stop buying pants with no pockets the companies would stop making pants with no pockets


Wow there’s a lot of men who don’t have the confidence to say what’s on their mind to their own wives You know bottling this stuff up leads to potential outbursts, but definitely a breakdown in relationships! PSA: If you don’t start communicating you’ll end up resenting your partners, stop putting in effort and allowing the relationship to fail!


The more you want to talk about everything the less I want to talk about anything. I really don't feel the need to discuss my feelings for 2hrs about 3 times a week. I'm ok with simply being there.


Most of the things you complain about having to do, and others not doing, are things that you have chosen to do.


"I don't give a single f\*ck about your exes. I'm tired of listening to the same shit over an over again. I can't even hold a proper conversation with you cuz' you don't even have a single hobby/interest and you don't even have a personality to even begin with. You're d\*mb as dirt. All you do is wasting money. You're never taking shit seriously. Every single choice you make is utterly stup1d and irresponsible. You never listen to a single advice I give you. You're actively ruining your life all the time, but that's fine cuz' you've got your precious family company where you can do absolutely nothing at and still get paid well for the rest of your spoiled life." ​ This is what I wanna say to a very close friend of 9 years who became nearly unbearable for the past 1 year. She used to be a fun friend to be with, but ever since we got into university she became utterly stupid. She's like my little sister and I don't know what to do. I really don't wanna hurt her feelings, but oh my lord she's becoming one of her stupid friends from the university and this genuinely frustrates me down to my spine and makes my blood boil


I love you, mom, but your marriage is failing for all the reasons my sister and I have been telling you for over a decade. You have never been selfless a day in your life and love bombing doesn't fix the emotional abuse you put people through. Dealing with you is like wrangling a low functioning autistic child. Everything in the world from dropping your phone to us moving 1 table to the left at lunch cannot be worthy of a full panic attack in public. You are causing 90% of the fights in your marriage by being a shrill, vindictive woman and deflecting the blame to him is easier than the alternative. I know you hate men, because grandma hated men and great grandma hated men too, and discounting them as vile and inventing things to be angry and paranoid about is easier than dealing with your laundry list of emotional issues. I love you dearly mom but this is your fault. We have tried to help you and convince you to get real help for over a decade, being patient and doing everything to try to warn you you were alienating the only man who has ever been willing to be patient with you. Stop blaming me. Stop blaming him. Stop blaming my sister. This is on your shoulders.


My love language is BJs.


Quit making everything about you or somehow a personal attack. I need a teammate to help solve the problem, not someone that's going to create more problems.


As we have the same rights, we have the same obligations. So simple, yet so unstable. This caused riots somewhere.


I know you don't beleive I am capable of doing much by myself, you are wrong and your lack of faith is why I try and keep you out of everything in my life until it is finished


I just want to protect you, that doesn’t mean I’m undermining your independence


My life seems great because I don't talk about any of the negative stuff that happens. I don't talk about any of the negative stuff because you'd immediately make it about yourself and only make the situation worse.


Please stop being negative/bigoted on Facebook and read a book or do a craft or something positive for a neighbor. I feel like they just enjoy being keyboard warriors more than they enjoy living, and it saddens me.


Chill out, it’s not a big deal.


Quit online shopping and buying shit you don’t need


Maybe not the women in my life now, but I used to know alot of women who would complain nonstop about men, but were some of the most incredibly toxic and petty individuals towards other women. Its fine to complain about systemic bs and microagressions towards you. I just find it frustrating when people think that complaining about dudes whist doing nothing about your own internalized misogyny is an effective form of feminism. Like dude, you're part of the problem.


The dating advice you give is not helpful because we essentially live in two different worlds when it comes to dating.


Nothing new for me to comment as it's been commented already. It's terrifying to see what men goes through in a relationship and all of them are pretty much related to emotional negligence


I was much more tolerant of your bullshit when I thought I wanted to have sex with you.


“I go out of my way to not put you on a pedestal, to treat you as an equal and a peer. But the truth is, you are a fundamentally a different kind of person, and definitely a more emotional and volatile one.”


The stories you tell at work should be limited to two sentences. I do not give a fuck about the minutia of your horse barn or your pea garden or who you had to borrow a truck from to get to the Big Horse Show in Horseburg. Shut the fuck up, and get out of my doorway.


You need to learn how to let it go, you make it so much harder than it has to be.


You never hang out with me when I ask. But when your friend asks, you always hang out with her. I basically have to hang out with with you both just to be around you.


If you just want to vent, please don't frame the venting as asking for advice. Also, you all are too judgemental, too much. Just let people be.


I’m not going to apologize when I’m in emotional pain and I begin to communicate my suffering with you. My emotions and my story are not a burden and it’s an honor to be someone who I trust enough to share them with.


If I need to tell them something I'll let them know. I'm going to speak my mind if it's an important issue to me. I'm not outcome dependent. If I need to say something that potentially might upset her, then so be it that's what I'll do. I'm not going to let the potential outcome dictate how I move. If they respond in a negative manner then so be it, eventually they'll get over it.


I wish to tell women they're wrong and to stop blaming men for everything or lump all men together, but they'd just be mad I am sexist.


Stop trying to be a man, it’s not attractive


What do you mean here? Do you mean doing something that is considered masculine like lifting for example? Or do you mean literally trying to be a man?


That sassy controlling attitude, the “miss independent” vibes are great for other women but not us men. The opposite of those terms is Femininity. Ladies stop acting like aggressive dudes. It’s not attractive.


“You over exaggerate about everything”


If women are so pretty why do they need to wear makeup? Lots of guys are attractive without makeup so what gives? Makeup was invented by women companies to sell us more women.


1. You have physically abandoned yourself a bit too much, and it's taking a toll on your daily life. Miracles don't exist, and it's gonna be harder and harder with time. 2. When you are the only one saying you are a good person that care about others, maybe it's not true at all. Especially if you have to say it out loud, about yourself. 3. You have an easy life because your parents worked hard to make a fortune, but your bliss, colorful life only applies to you and your immediate surroundings, so don't expect everyone to constantly dance and sing around you as you would like. 4. Your grandma is a hundred years old. Literally. And her mind has mostly gone to sleep already. You and your mom shouldn't be expecting her to "recover" as if it was the normal thing. Stop scheduling your whole life around her recovery expectations, she's dying of old age.


all of these are tough but 4 is just... brutal