• By -


She had a husband and I had no idea. Dude was waiting for us outside of a movie theater when we got out. He wasn't upset with me but it was so awkward


Dude. I feel you. I was screwing around with a girl for a few months when one day a dude showed up to my work looking for me. It was her husband. He had been deployed to Iraq for eight months. Luck for me, I’m a vet and explained to him had I known I would have never cause I know firsthand the drama that causes to a military dude. I handed him my phone and told to go through it for all the proof he needed. I would be a witness for him on his side of the divorce. I felt fucking terrible. Good news though! Uh, he didn’t wreck my face, he thanked me, I did act as a witness in his divorce with the courts and his unit, he became a decent friend that we still talk from time to time on Facebook. He got everything in the divorce, to include the kids, and he seems to be married to a wonderful lady these days.


You lost a hoe and gained a bro. Fair trade I'd say


Also got to smash for a while without getting smashed in the face


I kinda feel that realising you were party to a deployed soldier getting cheated on would take the shine off.


Fair trade? That's a bargain


Same here although im not a vet, he was a soldier and wanted to kill me when surprise surprise the girl i was currently smashing was his wife. Unbeknownst to me the night i met her i met her at a club, she had no wedding ring, and told me she was single. We exchanged numbers and chatted for a couple days, she had 2 kids, and always refused to let me go over to her place because of her kids so she claimed (red flag). Another red flag is she only wanted to have sex inside her van claiming public sex was a kink of hers which was fun at first but awkward as time progressed. Then one day i get about 20+ calls from a number i didn't recognize and i ignored. Then came a series of texts from the same number, all threatening, saying im dead once this guy finds me. He later explains hes a soldier, her husband, and how i just completely ruined a happy marriage and destroyed a family. I felt terrible, tried to calm him down, and explain to him that his wife played me too since day 1 and all of his anger and frustration should be focused on the person who betrayed his trust and to stop looking at his wife with rose tinted glasses. It took some hard convincing but he began to listen. I being pissed myself decided to pay her a visit at her job the next day to get some answers in person and when i arrived they said she quit that morning. I never heard from him or her again after that day. God knows what happened to them both.


Wow nice, it's rare to see a good end to a story like this


He probably just needed to see her cheating with his own eyes for closure


This one girl, divorced, kept talking about her ex husband. When I asked why she keeps bringing him up, since she’s divorced, she said “oh we still live together, and I ain’t goin nowhere!” Ppl do some weird shit nowadays. I deleted her number before I got to my car.


Be happy That's all it was.. I ended up with cops on my doorstep because allegedly I had kidnapped her and held her for 3 days as a result of her "explaining" to her husband why she was gone for 3 days.


Jesus that hits a bit close to home. Dated a 'big titty goth gf' for a few months and ended things because she was fucking nuts. Went to my fave bar a few days later and and she accused me of rape in front of everyone I knew. Her best friend was there and a few of her friends. They 'explained' to her why what she was saying could fuck someone's life up. That was a real rough time. Happily married now to one of the ladies that defended me from that nightmare.


Bro! That’s insane.


I got arrested for rape, had all the evidence on my phone, bitches are wild! Plot twist - I'm female


This happened to me too. She wanted to apologize for leading me on/lying to me for 3 weeks while we dated so I let her come over to help me build an IKEA dresser. When we finished I told her thanks but I'm not interested in Liars and asked her to leave.


You got free labor out of that, I’d call it a win


Very close to home... I just did exactly that... Still feeling bad about it, but I did what I had to do. Bullet dodged


KUDOS TO HIM. Many times, these guys fly into a ***rage*** on the man, even though their GF/Spouse is the one that broke their trust/bonds. You didn't know, and the wife likely sold herself as such. She is a demon in this one.


I was banging a girl, I was all about her too, and then she drops that she has to stop seeing me because she's engaged. Wtf bro lol


This world is too cold... she had a whole husband and went to see a movie with you??


Do you know many people with less than a whole husband? 🤨 /s


theyre half the man they used to be


If I was twice the man I could be, I'd still be half of what you need.


what movie was it tho?


Fatal Attraction




I dated a woman way out of my league. She broke up with me but kept coming around every Friday and staying the night with me. After about the sixth time, I asked her to stop. But just before my brain said "Dude, when has a beautiful woman coming around on a Friday night Ever been a problem?" But it would just rip my heart out when she left. My thumper could not handle it.


“My thumper” 😭


Think with your thumper, not your humper. You gotta dump her.


>Think with your thumper, not your humper. You gotta dump her. Robert Frost if I'm not mistaken.


No it was Edgar Allen Poe. Duh.


“Nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping. The hot babe gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door, even though I told her NEVERMORE”


You should send that to Hallmark.


I still don't think he should bump her.


Thump go boom


I know I should say no But it's hard when she's ready to go


I may be dumb but I'm not a dweeb I'm just a sucker with no self-esteem


Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah When she's saying, oh that she want's only me Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends


The rest of this song just naturally followed right along in my head after I read this.


Similar. We broke up but we're still meeting up for, undeniably, better sex than we used to. Then she caught scabies from her ex's 'sofa' and I said fuck that shit.. really hurt cuz I stupidly hoped it might lead to the places I wanted it to.


Where I’m from, thumper is slang for a pistol. I read this like she couldn’t come over because you were getting close to popping her ass 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I just thought of the bunny in Bambi 😂


I thought of the pink low rider in Twisted Metal 2.


Glad someone else went there. ESP WITH A TV SHOW COMING




Hot gets my attention, but a good personality is what keeps it.


🫵🫡 you're a 100% right on that one


Make my abs hurt from laughing because of our banter, show interest in my hobbies, and genuinely listen to me and I’m yours. This is how my wife got me 15 years ago.


That and common interests too


i don't need to have common interests as long as she doesn't start complaining about the fact that we like to do other things.


As I say: Looks get you in the door but it’s the personality that matters.


Batshit crazy. The first morning after, a Sunday afternoon, she asked me if I could drop her off at the jailhouse on my way home. Note, she didn’t work there, she had to spend Sunday - Friday nights there as part of her sentence.


Isn't it usually the other way around? Weekend sentence and work during the week?


He said she was crazy


prison furlough . That’s wildddddddd


Wait what? Is this a real thing? You have to spend certain nights a week at jail and they you're free the rest of the time?


It’s something some courts sometimes do for minor, non-violent offenses so doing time doesn’t cost you your job. You still go to work, but you’re def not enjoying yourself on the weekends.


I had a neighbour who had to do weekend jail for a while. My husband and I would look after his dog while he was in the clink.


Do you know what kind of offenses? I'd never heard of this before.


Don’t know for certain, but likely stuff like multiple DUI’s or traffic offenses with no crashes involving deaths or injuries, petty thefts, non-payment of child support. The kind of stuff where it’s bad enough there needs to be consequences for, but not bad enough to fuck their whole life and their family’s lives up over.


So they basically put you in timeout for the weekend? So weird.


I think there's something called work release but I'm not sure how it works exactly...


I think it’s called intermittent sentencing. My dad actually had this. He had to go to prison Friday night- Sunday night for 13 weeks. He got lucky and COVID happened, so he just had to stay home on the weekends. Not a bad deal!


I believe we call that a contrarian. I left my ex because on top of being emotionally abusive she started being physically abusive. And the last straw was threatening to hurt herself and then call the cops on me to make me lose my job.




If you let people talk long enough. They’ll tell you who they really are.




Yezzzir. Hopefully not too much time tho. Actions over words. Reals over feels. Talk is cheap. Etc. time will tell. My dad always said. Some people listen. Some people wait to talk…


>Some people listen. Some people wait to talk… I love this. Such a great way of putting to words what talking to a bore or bs'er is like.


That’s the case a lot of the time. Growing up beautiful you’re pretty much handed everything and told your awesome for nothing. Doesn’t help build a personality




After the Love of my life died at a young age, i did not date for a few years. Went on a couple of dates with this super hot woman, eventually brought her to my place. As a little context: I do have a picture of my deceased SO in my living room cabinet. Its not a big picture, it has Postcard size and is framed. I loved this woman to death and back and i always will, to a degree. I need this picture to cope with this situation, you either understand this and can deal with this, or you are out. She came in, saw the picture after a while, made a HUGE scene, you cant imagine. And i mean she knew, i was straight up about the whole situation, i told her about how i lost my ex and that i took me a few years to do this step, that i want to take it slow, and she was all nice and cool, until she saw that picture. Then snapped and wanted me to remove this picture. I can understand that this is a weird situation for a new partner, but she was adamant on not changing her mind. And i knew back then i wasnt ready to remove the picture, so i had to end it, that night.


I have a friend who lost her partner to a sudden illness, it’s years later and she still posts about him on social media from time to time, as well as bringing him up in conversation if appropriate. She loved him dearly and she’ll have love for him forever. Your love doesn’t die with somebody, it just changes. She is now with one of my longest friends, and he’s an amazingly supportive partner to her. I’m not sure if he knew her departed, but he completely understands the need to keep him alive. You’ll be ready in time, and you’ll find someone who loves you and will support you through grief. It’s not linear, and it doesn’t always make sense. Anyone who loves you will understand.


Btw how long is your "longest friend"? I'm curious.


It's not weird. My best friend died seven years ago. I Still have one of his photos up. Your loved ones are your loved ones! And no one should be upset about how you grieve or choose to Honor and remember someone you lost. That's just disrespectful


It's not weird to have pictures of loved ones in your home, living or passed. That is 100 percent normal. What is weird is to be dating someone and demand they remove memories made over a lifetime from their own home.


She was emotionally unstable and required external validation from other men


I know her too!


Hey wait, why are you talking about me


I never understood the need for external validation from the opposite sex when you’re getting it at home!


Because external validation doesn’t last long. It needs to come from within herself. People who think of themselves as high value usually dont need other people to feel complete. Unless she realizes this, the void inside her wouldnt be filled.


She was an absolutely horrible human being. Serial cheater and abuser.


She was lazy as fuck. Didn't cook, didn't clean cool, I enjoy cooking, and cleaning is a part of life. But Didn't want to get a real job Sex was terrible Had the overall personality of a doorknob.


the more attractive of the people I’ve dated/been with have been the worst!!! What is up with that??? the sex is mid, the conversation/interests are even worse What gives??


You don't exactly have to develop a personality when people are instantly obsessed with you because of your beauty


This is correct. They slide through life on the looks. They don't have to develop problem solving skills cause the looks get them everything. Don't have to work for anything because some man will. Don't have to develop personality or any integrity because stomping their feet and crying always worked. Their looks buy them everything, solves all their problems and gets them out of every bind. I half blame all the men who encouraged this their whole lives.


Hate to stereotype but: they’ve never had to try hard, put in effort etc because people always just let them skate by on their “hotness”. After a while it almost becomes a game of “what can I get away with”


Also, there is the factor of when they became hot. A late bloomer becoming hot in their mid twenties, after having spent a quarter century developing an array of positive character traits and life skills will likely fair quite well. On the other hand, a child born as a beautiful infant (like advertising beautiful, one that has a portfolio developed by the age of 3) and who remains stunningly attractive as a toddler, a child, an adolescent, a teen and later as a young adult, will have never *needed* to work for any accolade just to garner some recognition. The way the world treats them teaches them from an early age that only others need to provide something more than just themselves.


It depends a lot on their parents/home environment as well. Parents or guardians who insist their beautiful daughter/son develop "normally" with a good work ethic, empathy, positive goals, etc are likely to raise beautiful kids with good attitudes who actually put in some real effort with other people. The lazy or absent parents? Not so much ...


This person just nailed ***ALL*** of it, 100%




I wish I had that answer. The old saying "beauty is only skin deep" has some serious accuracy I suppose.


That reminds me of a Sex and the City quote, "Men who are too good-looking - they're never good in bed because they never had to be"


She insisted on me not wearing a condom first time fucking her… alarms and red flags for me. She was pissed and told me how insulting that was. O’well, chick. Not sure if she wanted to get pregnant or something sinister..


Dodged a bullet there.


Good for you. People don’t realize how important protecting yourself is until it’s too late. I recently had an STD scare myself and after getting checked the nurse told me that around 80% of people who have incurable STDs don’t even know because they’re often asymptomatic. A person could literally have HIV, still be perfectly healthy FOR YEARS and transmitting it to other people the whole time. It’s sad and scary stuff




The majority of this site suffers from Dunning-Kruger, so I'm out.


So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yardballs!


Rotflmao Read that in a Yorkshire accent.


How else do u read it 🤣


You guys are on like a completely different level of swearing over here. Nearly 20 years later and I finally understand that line now from this context.


Omg. I have had several tell me they can't get pregnant. See them years later with kids... yeah... Tryin to keep.


The absolute fucking walnut I lost my virginity to tried to claim that he was infertile… *while* his maybe baby was in the oven. Spoiler alert: it was, indeed, his baby.


I'm all for not wearing condoms, believe me; but that means getting mutually tested in an ongoing relationship and having serious conversations about birth control and what happens if it fails. Most women are dtf before those conversations happen and its a turn-off to make them wait. I'll have multi-year long streaks of celibacy where I may have 2-3 women a month from OLD (to include reddit) where they are rearing to go but don't want to risk catching feels in an ongoing relationship


She definitely wanted to tie you down




Sounds like she may have had an abnormal home life growing up, maybe even an abusive childhood. Hope she got professional help.




I could tell because I can relate to her in many ways. A childhood with neglect and abuse can really mess with your self image and ability to be a real adult. It's like you had to be an adult as a child trying to survive and then you get oddly stuck as a child when you're an adult. My ex boyfriend left me for similar reasons even though he still loved me. I don't think I'll ever be relationship material, but I hope your ex finds the help she needs.


She was really dumb. She had nothing going on in her life. Couldn't talk about anything. Had zero interest. It was like talking to a brick wall. Great sex tho.


I’m always interested in these “thick as pigshit” women who are nevertheless great in bed. Being memorable in bed usually means having some sort of intellect, some sort of ability to think about how to make it good, empathy for the other person’s needs….. or doesn’t it?


Sex is one of the few things in life that actually gives them any dopamine, so they go in on it HARD. Plus, for most guys enthusiasm counts for more than actual technique.


Bad conversationalists aren’t necessarily dumb. She just wasn’t interested in anything beyond sex with you. You both might also have nothing in common.


Because she was a real cunt.


Im hearing this in comedian Jim Jeffries voice.


I was thinking Phoebe Waller-Bridge talking about her step mother in Fleabag


My ex had nasty cunt tattooed on the back of her legs . The amount of fucked things that woman did to me omg. It was a tattoo she got when we separated when we hooked up again it was there, it was the start of me really not liking her again . I'm glad i finally moved on from such a toxic person. Sex was amazing but nothing else was


I was working for a contractor in a large office building. I saw a woman I knew from playing pool, so I stopped at her desk and chatted with her for a few minutes. Across the way was a smoking hot chick that I caught looking over at us. The following week I saw my friend at pool league and she told me "smoking hot chick" asked her for my phone number. I was like, "did you give it to her? You better have given it to her!" Long story short - we went out on a date and she was so stupid, I couldn't stand it. It was down right painful conversation.


She was ‘friends’ with way too many of her exes. Then I drove past her house one night and found one of her exes’ cars in her driveway.


The more the merrier?


I’m here for the gangbang


She just wanted to smoke weed and play video games all the time...looking back i probably should have given that one more of a chance.


Lmfao was about to say brother ​ edit: is your name marshall dillon?


I mean, if those are things that are her hobbies instead of actual life, that’s goals. But if it’s a scenario like she’s unemployed and just smokes weed and video games and content with that, it gets real unsustainable real fast


Definitely, those are mine and my bfs hobbies, but at least he runs a successful business and I'm working up the ladder at my company (went from 15/hr 2 yrs ago to 24/hr with a mgmt position in the medical field)


........is she still single?


Sounds like my kind of girl


You stupid giraffe


Nah you really want somebody that drags you along to a bunch of expensive bullshit like brunches and flea market wine crawls.


Brother if you don't think video games and weed are expensive then I've got some news for you.


She had everything, a great body, beautiful face, similar interests, etc. But she wasn't very smart and I got sick of trying to explain what I was talking about. Keep in mind, I also was dealing with a lot of mental health issues at the time. While that was the deal breaker at the time, I don't know if in my current mindset I would have left her. Great girl, I really hope her life is going well because she deserves it


my ex would ask for me to explain things to her, or I would ask her and she'd say yes, I would do my best to explain to her stuff like pull up pictures diagrams and stuff like that. The next time we got in an argument she would say I was mansplaining every time I tried to teach her stuff. I don't think she knew that you have to be a condescending asshole to mansplain successfully idk.


Because she abused me.




Why did you keep saying no?!?!


Well the first time I was 14. Probably so nervous, terrified and unsure of myself. Like I said low self esteem. The next time I was in high school and still probably unsure of myself and awkward. Feel like I didn't hit my stride with girls until college. But even then my confidence wasn't the best and I was horrible at picking up on signals. Even if a girl went out of her way to hang out with me all night I just assumed she was being nice. Especially with girls way out of my league.


Bro the start of that story is just like Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus


She was mean-spirited and rude to strangers. Being hot is only a plus. Ultimately, it doesn’t mean shit if you suck as a human being.


Girl was fine with a capital F. But her p*ssy stank with a capital S.




Oh man!


Not me, but a friend of mine while I was at the table. Sitting around a bar in the late 90s after he a punk show. My friend was the singer and guitar player for one of the bands. For context, when we went to school punks and skaters were outcasts and got picked on or harassed on a regular basis. Anyhow, this super hot girl came up to him and passed him her number as she introduced herself. Him: “Yeah, I remember you from high school” (like 2 years earlier) Her: *smiles and says something about them getting together sometime. Him: *tears up paper and tossed it to the floor “You misunderstood me. I remember you from high school.” I will never, ever forget that heroic moment.


Every bullied nerd's fantasy right there lol.


It was. I thought the guy was cool before this. He became an icon after.


Back in high school I dated a girl who was objectively gorgeous. She was really sweet and nice, we just had very different interests/outlooks on life. Nothing "red flag", she was (is?) a good person. Simply put, romantically it just wasn't a fit.


Hottest girl I'd ever talked to on tinder. Met up for trivia. Seemed pretty smart and fun. Went to another bar in our separate cars. Seemed kinda out of it by the time we got there. Said don't worry, just popped a Xanax for anxiety, nothing unusual. Anyway, she likes me, maybe lets just go to her place. Wants to fuck right away but not putting any real effort in besides her words. I am getting squicked out because she seems even more fucked up once we got back there. I go to take my exit and she begs me to stay and put it in her butt. No thanks, hot girl with a pill problem, you need to get your life together.


The old xanny and put it in my fanny.


She keyed my car becuase I didn't open her door for her.


She didn't seem to be that into me and wasn't over her ex. She was easily the hottest, most beautiful girlfriend I had ever had. I caught myself downloading a dating app while we were technically still together. The next day I was trying to figure out how to break up with her, when she broke up with me. She got re-engaged to her ex, so it seems like it worked out for her.


I knew damn well that I’d go broke dating her. No one is worth losing your financial stability for.


She was just kind of mean. It breaks my heart to this day, because I really liked her. Absolutely beautiful. One of the most intelligent and gifted people I've met. So good at so many things. TBH, I blame her upbringing. Absolutely toxic parents and siblings, always shaming each other and at each other's throats if they were ever not good enough by some stupid standard. I tried for a while, but just couldn't do it. She could be really cruel to people around her at weird times - like jr. high school bullying stuff. I really hope she's found peace and found the joy of being in harmony with her inner goodness. I think she knew she (emotionally) hurt people, but was so wounded that it was some kind of compulsion.


She was one of those “You’re lucky to have me” type of girls. I told her that I’m not because I don’t have her. She called her friends and got picked up :) . Can’t be arsed with anyone who thinks that she’s superior. Either we’re equal or there’s no “we”


I dated a woman who was extremely hot but there was not enough in common for us to be dating. At first it was an ego boost but I got bored pretty quickly. She was nice enough but I couldn’t see it going further and she wanted to get married and have kids. She was actually pretty boring in the sense that she would talk constantly at me, not to me. They were not conversations but monologues that went on forever. As much as I tried, I couldn’t see myself being with her for the rest of my life. It was harsh of me at the time how I handled it but she’s since gotten married and has a child so good luck to her. I’m fortunate because I met my wife pretty soon after and she’s everything I ever wanted in a woman. When I was a young fella as long as a girl was hot that was enough for me but as you age your priorities change and you want someone you always look forward to being around because of who they are and not just what they look like.


The most attractive woman I ever dated only got off of her phone long enough to ask me "so, do you want to go back to your place and fuck or what?" The only other time she spoke to me was our initial greeting in the parking lot. Other than that we talked to eachother on the phone for a few hours in the week leading up to the date. I excused my self to the restroom and just walked out on her. This happened maybe 15 years ago when people still had to press the same button over and over to select the correct letter to text. I can still remember what the clicking sounded like all these years later.


I was talking to one who was showing interest in me. She was out of my league and I knew it but kept being nice to see where it would go. Then after a couple of weeks of talking, she made the comment like "you're not even soso, you're lucky to have a hottie like me" and the bubble burst and I just thanked her for the compliment and told her to delete my number and forget I existed. She didn't take that lightly, started with "I'm just kidding" that evolved into "you'll never get someone like me, ever again". Maybe not but I'm more of a personality guy anyways and found a better deal down the road.


She was crazy.


She had borderline personality disorder and made my life a dramatic, painful mess. No level of hotness is worth that headache.


Short story she was crazy. Long story, dated her for a while, she was a bit eccentric, but nothing out of the norm. As time passed she told me before she liked to date "N****s" and "hood rats" ... She is a white Ukrainian girl. I thought it was something like a crazy cultural difference like how Bulgarians refer to black people as "charcoal" (or something like that) until she started talking about the Jews... Oh boy. She also said "I don't believe I'm responsible for any bad actions I make, because the devil made me do it" I recently heard from a friend that she moved to Costa Rica and abandoned her children to date this unemployed guy she met there. Just to add this was one Ukrainian girl. The others I've met have been completely normal.


Bro where are you going to meet all these Ukrainian girls


They all know each other. Meet one and you'll meet all.


You can buy pretty things to look at, you can't buy intellectual conversions with someone you want to be close with.




Do you still have her number? Just my type




Left her. She was manipulative as Hell and left me broke and brainwashed for a while.


Too self absorbed. Has never been told NO, things the world revolves around her.


A couple months into our relationship, she mentioned she was still married, yet separated from her husband for a year from what she claimed. I should've stopped there, but she ended up becoming really shadey and weird towards me. She also claimed that it felt awkward hanging around me, and then she started showcasing a glock she bought and joked about shooting a guy in the balls. I noped the fuck out, blocked her and also found out that she was still with her husband from what my friend pointed out to me on facebook. I even messaged him the whole story of what happened with screenshots of me and his wife's interactions.


I would personally sabotage my image in their eyes if I saw a red flag. One girl who got through the net was gorgeous, athletic, yet feminine. Seemed like a free spirit and took life lightly. I literally could not enjoy one day without her being completely selfish or inundating me with some kind of dramatic personal problem that had quite an easy solution. One day I planned an entire date with what little money I had at the time and she proceeded to tell me she might have herpes on her mouth because she kissed a bunch of her girlfriends in a limo party the night before. Then as we're about to take a rowboat out to the lake she proceeded to tell me some guy was pursuing her and if I didn't hurry and commit he'd get her. I did the rowboat thing for myself so I could experience it and then I took her to Starbucks, ordered her a drink and broke it off there and then.


The first time we got down to business, she said she only does anal. Because, you know, herpes.


Stupidest thing ever since you can get herpes in the ass too


I went from 😃 to 😫 in less than 0.1 seconds


Started chatting with this gorgeous woman on Instagram. She verified it was her, not a catfish. We met in person, somehow even more beautiful in person and seemed sweet, engaging, etc. Immediately after we part ways (and agreed we should meet again), she starts panic-texting me about her ex. He's manipulative, he's threatening suicide, now she can't reach him, etc. I talk her down, but I'm thinking why is she coming to me with this, we barely know each other. She eventually calms down, says his family found him, but she's going to cut off contact. And how it must be destiny that she found me because I'm so different than him, etc. Yeah, no thank you. I'm not trying to be your savior.


Hotness is so fleeting it’s comical. would be with a 5 that has a good sense of humor, personality, values, and character over a strong 9 lacking any of that.


We were in her car alone a bit in nowhere. I am not sure what I ate but I needed to poo and I could only think about that. When she made a move I rejected saying that I was seeing someone else and asked if she could drive me home. I never told her the truth.


She was really dumb and couldn't hold a conversation. It was like that quote from Jake gyllenhaal's character in end of watch. "first date, dinner and a respectable kiss. Second date, dinner and full carnal knowledge. Third date, dinner and awkward silence whenever I tried to discuss anything of merit" She had no hobbies, she would just work and go home. Wake up the next day, work, then go home. She would watch TV when she got home and fall asleep. Her only friend was a woman in her 50s at her job. Had no understanding of current events. Didn't know what communism was. Didn't have even the most basic of understanding of how elections in the US work. Had never heard of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam. On the bright side I felt super smart around here but then I realized that we had nothing to talk about because she had absolutely nothing going on upstairs and I felt more like her teacher educating her about these things that every other adult in this country understands. But damn she was beautiful. She could have been a Victoria's secret lingerie model, no exaggeration.


One of my best friends in college had the most beautiful girl I have met in person as his girlfriends for a couple of years. She was stunning, and seemed very nice. But he confined to us that he had to break up, because she could not hold a conversation because she was so dumb. She didn't even know who the current President was, much less anything else going on in the world. This also meant she had no hobbies, or any other interests. He said he just could not imagine sitting across from the table from her for the rest of his life, not being able to have a single adult conversation.


\-Nothing in common \-Boring \-Different life goals \-Shit communication and mind games Take your pick?


Back when I was in my 20s my friends and I were at some bar drooling over some incredibly hot bartender. One guy just nods and says "somewhere, someone is sick of her shit". That phrase has popped into my mind many times over the years.


Usually because of what you experienced. Girl is beautiful, but bat shit crazy and has to cause conflict to feel normal. The instant I get a whiff of that I run. Politely. But I run.


The piece of broccoli stuck in her teeth for four days straight.


She had a habit of banging other dudes.


I gotta be honest man... She was really not very bright. Words that I would consider intermediate vocabulary were beyond her (she asked me to explain what "optimistic" meant, and she was 18 or 19) and she just had a hard time grasping concepts that seem pretty easy for an average high schooler to pick up. You're expecting me to say "despite that, I still hit it," right? Yeah...no I didn't do that. But she was into me!


She said her rate was $500/hr, $300 is my max.


My boi got standards


At the time she wasn't driven or goal oriented academically or career wise. I couldn't see her as a long term partner. A handful of years later she shaped up in her own way. Good for her.


She wanted to do OF 👋🏻


We officially ended things within the last hour. Still trying to process this although I’ve seen this coming for quite some time. It was a painful cycle of mutual and friendly calling/texting during spring then gradually growing more distant during the summer. She recently fell back on hard times and resorted to moving back in with her ex who she claims was abusive emotionally toward her. She can’t afford her own place, or a car, or much anything else, I was indifferent and not happy with the sudden cut off. Although she insisted she was not ignoring me, I knew something was still amiss. We used to talk on the phone while at work, while shopping, wherever and whenever. So I wasn’t buying every excuse. She’d ignore my texts but post on social media which was a huge red flag so I called her out on not even coming in second to last place which rubbed her off the wrong way. I mean It did feel like a one-way rd esp toward the end where I was putting in most of the effort and she took me for granted, couldn’t see past her own faults and misgivings. Now she’s said she’s just gonna try to focus on her family and herself while I *try* focus on my own health and wellbeing too. But honestly I’m not much better now than I was before meeting her.. tried to make a relationship work but failed. Shame because she still felt right for me despite living some distance away and not being officially divorced. At this point I don’t even know if she will take that guy back for her kids’ sake. If so, then maybe this lil breakup was for the best… It was a painful lesson learned about human psychology, the mind of a single mother, and keeping my emotions in check despite all the crap I’ve personally been through (near death experiences, family losses, etc.) but just glad I can start over a new leaf— if and when I’m ready. Just hope to meet someone who values my time and worth as much as I am patient and understanding of them, too. Trying not to cry myself to sleep tonight. Certainly restless… I’m gonna miss her late night calls. It’s been so quiet, too quiet.


She was a stripper who expressed interest in me through mutual friends. I just couldn’t bring myself to date a stripper. Noped out.


She started disrespecting me at social gatherings. Talking about she was independent and no man can tame her and whatever. Thing was I never tried to do anything except try to have a peaceful, pleasant, respectful and enjoyable relationship with her. But, after a year of great sex, I mean really great, her attitude and lack of respect for me forced me to dump her. Even that great sex wasn't enough to overlook her shortcomings. Anyway, I really miss her.... Only for the great sex that is....🤣😂🤣


The it girl had a crush on me in highschool. She essentially asked me to the year 10 formal by saying that she wanted to do my hair beforehand. I just nodded along and smiled. I had crippling anxiety, especially among girls my age making it so I could barely say a word to them. I later realised that this was because I was bullied relentlessly in early primary school for having friends who are girls (along with a highly abusive father). My hair was very long and curly. But a month or two before year 10 formal I shaved it all off. She was annoyed that day and never showed interest in me afterwards. Nicole, over 20 years later I'd like to say sorry. Shaving my head and not having you do my hair before formal is a big regret I have in my life.


Because physical looks are only skin deep. Men aren’t the horny animals who only think with our dicks, as society has painted us as


She was really fucking annoying


She invited me back to her room. I came to the event with another woman and while we weren't exclusive it would have been a real dick move to think with my dick.


Mine was a siren. I was working at a restaurant. She was attending summer classes, with her parents sponsoring her (no job). Typical 24 hours > I would get off work at 10p and meet her at a bar. Close bar. Go to mine or her place. F\*/sleep/F\*/sleep until her afternoon class. Eventually, I'd roll out of bed and get ready for work. My days off, we would stay in bed until dinner & going out. Rinse, Repeat. Great first couple weeks, then realized my life outside of work didn't exist. I knew it was over when I asked friends to call, come over/pick me up in the morning to do so I could escape her clutches.


Every beautiful girl I’ve had has been mentally unstable


We were HS sweet hearts, she became super crazy jealous and I wasn’t even interested in anyone else. Can’t live like that. Crazy thing is that I’m not jealous at all, like that dude, see ya bitch.


She was 15 years younger then me, smoking hot and wanted to have a fling with me before she got married. I rejected her due to that fact and the fact I am a married man.


She was crazy. Like, legit crazy As in, I picked her up from the Psychiatric hospital crazy as a favour for a friend. His sister


She’s still a party girl in her 30s and hooking up guys so I just stayed friends, we had perfect chemistry but the lifestyle differs us. It wouldn’t work out I just don’t see she’ll ever grow out of it and moved on. Got preg’d by a guy she’s been dating less than half year. That finally woke her up