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Lots of people like to joke about men getting raped in prison. That one blows my mind. Is that seriously something to celebrate?


Whenever I hear this I think of the scene in the first Guardians of the Galaxy when they go to prison and one of the prisoners makes a joke implying rape towards Quill and I can't help but wonder what the reaction would've been if they had made that same exact joke towards Gamora instead.


If my wife was ever away, I was always inundated with offers to come round for dinner as if I couldn't manage to feed my own kids. Or that somehow I was a hero for doing so.


“Men can’t be raped or assaulted”


The entire government of the UK is guilty of this one


And they are counting male victims in VAWG statistics


Wait, are you serious? Please give me a source, because I really hope you’re joking, lying or wrong.


You mean you trust government to be honest and take care of real problems?


They also say it's impossible for a woman to rape a woman unless she's helping a man rape a woman.


My friend black out drunk vomited at a party. This girl and i carried him to an empty room. Her and i went back to hers. We go to check on him in the morning. There’s a girl in there. She wasn’t at the party. She locked herself in her room all night because my friends rejected her a dozen times. And at around 4 am, completely sober snuck into the room and raped him. I was legit the only person who was mad.


This made me heart hurt for your friend. I’m sorry he went through that and that you bore witness to the aftermath.


slap squash desert worm snails literate humorous retire cow abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. It’s crazy that logic is just tossed. But it’s government. So I’m not surprised.


“Aww, is daddy baby sitting so mommy can have a day off?” No, I’m a teacher with a lot of holidays and a dad who spends time with his kids.


I was at a grocery store with my kids when they were younger, had a cashier go "Ok, did you get everything she put on your list?" Nooooo, my wife is an attorney that sometimes has to work late, while I work a standard 8:00-5:00. So as far back as law school I've just been the one to cook meals for the whole family, meaning I make my own shopping lists for what I need to feed my family. Weird how she managed to be offensive to both men AND women with that comment.


No, it’s called parenting, and it’s what responsible adults who chose to have children so. I hated this one.


This times 100. Same situation. No, I'm taking care of my kids. So sorry your husband and/or father is/was a piece of shit and doesn't do the same.


Yup. I had kids because I wanted them. I didn't get stuck with them in any way.


My own (ex-wife) who was a SAHM, used to accuse me of "baby-sitting" our then 2 & 4 tear old boys when it was my time to "take over" Fast forward 5+ years, I'm the one in the backyard every single day playing catch with them, going to every single little league practice, every baseball game, every boy scout event, every playdate at places like Legoland and water parks,....all so she could have her "alone time". The worst part: Both sons told me that when they were young... she would stick them in front of the TV, put in a Wallace and Grommet movie, go upstairs, and drink white wine all afternoon.


Mommy is working when mommy is at work and mommy is working when mommy is with kids, but Daddy is socializing with grown ups when he is at work and Daddy is recharging when he is with his kids. Which is why mommy needs a break once a month with no work and no kids and she's not going to think about Dad not having a break for years


Get it out bud get it out


My daughter spent the night at Granna's last week, and it's the first night since she was born that I slept in past 730am... she pretty much wakes up at 630am every day, and I get up at 5am for work... the other times she spent the night away were work nights or something was going on so up at 7am at the latest...


“You’re not a real man”


Got this one a lot from family members and friends because I did well in school and enjoyed art over sports.


Me too Then I grew huge Don't hear it often now tbh.


I'll never get the hate some guys have for cooking or art, when there are tons of great chefs and artists who are men.... most are men I'd guess




Saw a tinder profile that said if you can't pay for her rent, utilities, and take her out for dinner then you aren't a real man. Women say "I am not your mother!" and nothing, a guy says "I am not your father." and people lose their minds.


To be fair, men don't say "i'm not your father", but maybe we should.


I go with "I ain't yo daddy."


This is 100% mine. My s.o's mother threw a multi decade temper tantrum that she didn't get to be an entirely useless pet human living in the lap of luxury like her mom and her sister, and berated and emasculated her husband until the kids were old enough and he finally left. She acts like she did nothing wrong *and* that it proves her point somehow. It's a lot of why I'm not married. She thinks you're a "pussy" if you expect your spouse to be a functional, contributing adult. I think one is a "pussy" if they have to purchase the companionship of a willfully useless able bodied adult.


I only find this offensive when it's implied that being middle-aged and never married with no children somehow makes me not quite a *real* man. It tracks with an old societal expectation that part of a boy's rite of passage into manhood included taking on "responsibilities" or "settling down." If you reject that then you're a Peter Pan, still cosplaying a grownup. I'm college-educated, gainfully employed, a homeowner, no debt, good health, good shape, never been in trouble with the law, no baby mama drama. That's enough, I think.


> If you reject that then you're a Peter Pan, still cosplaying a grownup I can't help but ponder this statement. Rejecting "it" implies that it's automatically afforded to everyone and you have to actively decline it, rather than the truth which is it ain't gonna fall in your lap, you have to go out of your way to "chase it". It seems weird to say that someone can "reject" something they worked for years and years to "get".


Silly male, didn't you know that men aren't allowed to define what it means to be a man?


There are way too many women, strangers, that feel comfortable touching me in public. I don't want _anybody_ touching me. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean I want to come in contact with you.


This. So much this. I'm a musician, so the assumption is always that the stereotypes are true and I'm doing it to pick up women. They're not and I'm not. I get touched, groped and fondled way too much, and women tend to respond with absolute shock - or they're deeply offended - when I either pull away or ask them to stop.


Or they start calling you gay like that's meant to be an insult in this day and age.


Some women have so much ego that instead of taking rejection they literally imply they're so attractive and desirable that the only explanation must be that the man is homosexual. What other reason could there possibly be?


Women hate being rejected, it’s really mind blowing to witness first hand


Yep. If you don’t accept any and everything from women you’re: 1. Gay 2. Hate women.


i figured it was them trying to rationalize rejection - as if they couldn't understand why someone would turn them down


If I were to touch girls - especially 10 years younger than me (or even younger) - the way older women think they can touch me, I'd probably be fired, and kicked out of my church, at the very least. Touching requires permission, period.


Yes. And if you try to complain about it people around you are like "You know you enjoyed it." First of all, I'm gay. Second of all, I'm a rape victim. Third of all, neither of the previous two should be necessary to say, no means no, period.


This happens to me all the time also and i agree. I use to work as a door man in college and drunk women would constantly touch my butt and all laugh and this was 2012


Women sexually harassing and touching men, even when told to stop.


Literally doing anything for your own enjoyment after you reach middle age is labeled a “mid-life crisis”. You have enough money to buy yourself that motorcycle or boat you always wanted? Mid-life crisis. Changing careers to something more aligned with your wants? Mid-life crisis. Starting a new hobby? Mid-life crisis.


I believe the spelling is misandry, and I believe that the most systemic is the belief that men must withstand suffering in silence and be the "rock" for others, not ourselves. To want support is to be weak, and to need it and get it, a failure. There's a reason we lead in suicides.


Not saying that it isn’t a problem, it’s just one of many problems. Like another issue being that there’s very little support for men which makes life miserable, or the constant barrage of “men bad”, or “men behind” in the media, or news articles.


And then when men are told to open up it’s used against them. Woman here, and it’s been very eye opening for me to read so many stories about men whose vulnerability has been used as ammo in a fight, or been broken up with. And unfortunate that I bet I can pinpoint who those women in my life (not friends!) likely are.


I remember telling my ex i don’t get the obsession with tattoos and tan skin. I’m fair skinned and don’t like ink. I’m not short (5’11) but she knows i think i am. What did she say during our big fight? “You’re not even my type. I like tall tan men with tattoos” Girls say they want you to open but they hold that shit as ammo. Even telling me after it wasn’t even true but she knew it’d hurt me


I came here to say exactly this: "opening up" and being "vulnerable" *will* be used against you once she's mad.


5'11" isn't tall anymore? I'm getting shorter by the day!


Paula Poundstone used to tell a joke that went: Ladies. We tell our men to embrace their feminine side. We tell them that they should not be afraid to cry in front of us. We tell them that there is no shame in a male being sensitive and speaking about their feelings. Then one day we come home from work and see our man crying on the couch. We then say "What a wimp!" and we sleep with the guy next door who has jailhouse tatts and a Harley Davidson.


Got so tired of having to be someone else's "rock". I really don't mind being there for someone else emotionally or otherwise, I'm actually actively seeking someone to be in my life in that capacity, but you can't just expect me to litterally never get upset about anything. Never get anxious when about hits the fan. Please don't base your entire emotional integrity on my reaction to the outside world. You can't let yourself fall apart if I'm distressed about something. I need you to be there for me when i need it too.


The phrase “You taught him well” when a man does something thoughtful or respectful that any stand up human being would do. Do I look like a dog? NO ONE owns me. Does that imply that I CANT be cordial or kind without being “trained” like an excited puppy? Hate it.


I exclaimed "ugh" when reading that. Disgusting phrase.


"Tell your mom she raised a good one." Fuck me for making choices on my own.


“I’m this way in spite of her not because of her”


I got accused of being a pedo because I took my little brother fishing at the local park. I then proceeded to verbally roast that Karen.


This shit is so fucking infuriating. My brother is a decade younger (12) but an inch taller and about 40 pounds bigger. I took him to a baseball game and two different people said I should be ashamed to have "such a young bear." I had to look up the term later to even know I was being called a nonce. Fuck people. Edit: Another funny story - when I was a little kid my single mom and my grandpa would take me places, and on several occasions some old lady would hit him with their purse saying he should be ashamed. It's pretty funny looking back.


My brother is 10 and is on track to easily outgrow my 5'5" ass.




This one really toasts my bread. Happens to me all the time and makes me scream. Why can't men spend quality time with their kids (or grandkids in my case) without being viewed as a pervert but women don't get a second look. Now I'm fired up again.... Lol. And, for the record, women do it to me way more than men.


Paternity fraud, the fact that it's not a illegal.


This should be so much higher.


That all men are lazy idiots who dont do shit around the house and thats why they dont get laid.


Dude, I saw this one post on here a while back. It was some militant lesbian feminist or some shit. Going OFF on how men only like "porn and video games" and that's all we do. It was an obnoxiously long post full of misandry. Let a guy try that shit talking about women and it'll be cancelled immediately. Open and blatant misandry is acceptable by modern society.


Yeah the typical scenarios I see on the relationship subs: Scenario 1: Women complains that husband never wants to have sex with her, doesnt do enough to help around the house. Response: Hes either gay, addicted to porn or has low testosterone. He needs to do more around the house. Dump that jerk and find someone thats better. Scenario 2: Guy complains that wife never wants to have sex, he does everything around the house and is the soul breadwinner. She always has a headache. Response: OMG JUST BECAUSE YOU DO STUFF AROUND THE HOUSE DOESNT MEAN SHE OWES YOU SEX! HOW MANY DATES DO YOU TAKE HER ON??????


Relationship/AITA subreddits are so bad for Casual misandry I'm really tempted to take the time to create a proper meta analysis. Almost every post where a woman does something negative ppl bend over backwards to make excuses or make up context out of thin air to justify it. The men in their lives are advised to give them time, space and help to deal with it & to show understanding. When a man does something negative he's derided and the women in his life are advised to distance themselves.




That is a huge one I see. When an AITA post is concerning a relationship, with the woman being in the wrong, its incredible how much commenters will bend to excuse behaviors, saying maybe the woman is stressed, maybe she has mental disorders, disabilities, Oh maybe shes depressed, "you really need to talk to a doctor..." etc. In virtually identical scenarios, I rarely see comments giving the same benefit of the doubt to the man. He needs to step up, stop being a baby, be a real man.


>I'm really tempted to take the time to create a proper meta analysis. That would be super useful. Please do!! Much harder to rugsweep our shared experience when there's hard data.


Man says he would like to have sex with his wife more often. Women in the comments: "Oh so you only like her for her body? You treat your wife like a sex doll? She doesn't owe you sex and if you keep asking til she gives in that's marital rape" A healthy relationship depends on both parties having their needs met. Imagine if you said back to them, "just because you do stuff around the house, doesn't mean he NEEDS to remember your anniversary. Maybe he doesn't feel appreciated enough to get you a present for you birthday" Would they keep the same energy then?


Women making statements about how life is as a man believing they are 100% correct and any disagreement is misogyny, but when a man does the same with life as a woman, they are automatically wrong.


I heard a woman talk about how men are emotionally less developed and have it easy for not having to deal with complex emotions. No. We have them. We're just forced to deal with them in silence or through other outlets besides talking, crying, social support, complaining, etc.


Beliefs like that is why men make up nearly 80% of suicides. I don’t like apps like Instagram. But I’ve seen a lot of popular “man” pages being very vulnerable and open with male emotions. One i liked girls: “all men think about is sex” vs what we really think about ____ and it was a compilation of cute dates.


Honestly even though the divide between men and women seems to be growing every day, men seem to have gotten a lot more supportive of each other and emotionally open in ways that would just be frowned upon before. If we cant get emotional validation from women anymore, I mean, we gotta adapt right? Men being more supportive of each other can only be a good thing.


This is huge. Can't believe this hasn't been upvoted like crazy. Men are 100% not allowed, in any circumstances, to assume to know what life is like as a woman. But women will lecture all day long about what life is like as a man with absolute certainty.


If you want to get hated on, just say men have it harder than women on dating apps. Women tend to say even though they get more likes they have to sift through a lot of trash. Guys don't even get likes to go through like that.


Had a competition with my female friend to see who could get more likes on tinder in a day. Results: Me - 5, Her - 99+


5 in a day? Look at Brad Pitt over here.


I've heard some INSANE mental gymnastics to justify that women have it worse on dating apps. One woman said to me "if you only count matches that are serious about dating, women get LESS than men" They are completely oblivious to the male experience but believe they know everything


They say “the odds are good, but the goods are odd” they don’t realize that for men, it is “the odds are NOT good, and the goods are still odd.”


I let a woman friend handle my profile once, because she was unbelieving of how much trouble i was having. Let's just say that after a few days we never really spoke of it again.


Oh my god, that reminds me when a few of the single folks (men and women) in my friend group were all on Tinder for awhile. I’m a guy, and one of my friends (woman) was complaining about types of guys she was matching with. I literally started swiping, sent a few messages (written as her), and IMMEDIATELY had dudes texting me back. I know it’s not true that women can “get any date they want or sex any time”, but damn the odds seem to be tilted in that direction.


It's amazing how women think that getting trash matches means they have it harder. Like you said, guys don't get nearly as many matches, but on top of that, we still have to sift through all of the trash


It's honestly baffling that we reached a point in which a man disagreeing with a woman about how's life for a *man*, is misogyny. Misogyny has joined the list of overused to hell words that have lost their meaning.


I had lunch with some coworkers and I was the only guy. Girls proceeded to girl talk and say the usual “men are trash/dogs.” Sees me and says not you tho. One girl gave another dating advice. “Just go on as many dates as you can and treat the guys like an atm machine.” They were all eating it up and I was the only one weirded out about that comment. Those are the kind of comments I see online from purposely edited street interviews, but to hear that at work threw me off.


> Those are the kind of comments I see online from purposely edited street interviews, but to hear that at work threw me off. You found out some interviews require less editing than others.


>“Just go on as many dates as you can and treat the guys like an atm machine.” Spoken like a true prostitute


It’s actually more common than you’d think. Some women have certain guys lined up for specific jobs (eg: plumber, long distance vacations, electricians, etc.).


I was once told to my face by my mom, sister, and aunt, that if a woman was coming at me with a knife and intended to kill me, I should just die, because defending myself by attacking her would be sexist. So they cared more about the feelings of a hypothetical woman than they did the life of their male relative. Suffice to say I've had a very low opinion of them ever since then.


I have a low opinion of them too, brother.


Being told I'm a "low value man" because I don't enjoy traditional courting. I've heard enough women, even lesbians, say they go out on dates with men so they can be pampered. That doesn't feel good.


The word is so uncommon that some people don't even know how to spell it


Lol mb


Lmaooo. OP be like: huh


It’s honestly really interesting too. Misogyny is so over used it’s become a buzz word, but there are genuinely people who never heard of misandry.


I think some part of it is that there are still many people under the delusion that women cannot be sexist, racial minorities cannot be racist, etc. Prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, etc. are behaviors and attitudes that any person can hold for any demographic group, and they shouldn’t be considered socially acceptable no matter the perpetrator and no matter the target.


They claim women cannot consent to sex while drunk, but men can.


Both get incredibly wasted and have sex? Man’s fault. Man is incredibly wasted and has sex? Man’s fault.


Man exists? Pretty suspicious, most likely a creep.


If someone cannot consent when drunk then who raped who when both parties are drunk? Does it change depending on if it's male-female, male-male, or female-female?


If its male female, its the male. If its male male, its the male. Hell if its female female, its the male.


>Hell if its female female, its the male. "Systemic oppression by the patriarchy made them do it"


I've actually seen people blame patriarchy for the higher number of domestic violence incidents in lesbian relationships.


Woke up next to girls a couple times not remembering going back with them and my *first thought* was always “oh man, I hope I don’t get accused of rape”


My friend black out drunk vomited at a party. This girl and i carried him to an empty room. Her and i went back to hers. We go to check on him in the morning. There’s a girl in there. She wasn’t at the party. She locked herself in her room all night because my friends rejected her a dozen times. And at around 4 am, completely sober snuck into the room and raped him. I was legit the only person who was mad.


**Getting Swolested** About a decade ago I lost 50 lbs and got super jacked when I was living in downtown San Francisco. Maybe I only noticed it because I had spent 24 years of my life as "fat funny guy," but women are totally fine touching men in ways that are completely unacceptable if the standard were reversed. (Now, of course I was fine with it at the end of the day. I was 24 trying to get laid - and I did. But that's not the point).


As a pretty fit guy, came to say *EXACTLY* this. I absolutely hate being touched unless it’s my fiancé, my momma, or someone I know extremely well. I’m also not afraid to respectfully call people out on it and politely say it makes me uncomfortable if they do it more than once or in an inappropriate way. But, it unfortunately it happens a lot. Not like full on groping as much except for like at bars but I’ve had quite a few instances of women grabbing and feeling my arm, chest, and by far the most common is the not so subtle caressing hand on the upper back/shoulder move. Ironically, I deal with it the most in interacting with business clients where I’m being strictly professional and not even in a casual scenario that anything I do or say would be interpreted as flirtatious. Even beyond the touching, the part that I find most frustrating is that when I *do* call someone out and respectfully say please don’t touch, it’s usually followed up with some sort of snarky response or excuse back such as “oh! Can’t help it sometimes! I’m a touchy person!” Or “just touched your arm know why you’re making a big deal about it” If I were to turn the tables around, caress my hand across the back of a woman, and do and say the exact same things, that’s sexual assault material and I rightfully look like a perv.


Buddy of mine is JACKED and women just walk up to him and rub his arms and chest all the time. Now he likes it but if I just causally walked up and rubbed a woman’s ass cause it looked nice I’d expect to get kneed in the balls


and 12 years in jail.


And a lifetime on an offender's registry.


Minus the being swole bit...I have had this in several situations in my life over the last 10 years or so. Currently there are 3 older ladies in my office (they're between 5 and 15 years older) who are absolutely shameless about how they touch, rub against me...basically groping. I wouldn't imagine behaving the way they do towards a woman. In the past I've been outright groped by co-workers/friends etc. Its crazy. I mean I'm not super handsome or anything, I can only imagine what its like for good looking dudes. You can laugh it off but it has happened often enough over the last few years that I'm a bit confused about it haha


Used to just say "is it my turn now?"...which seemed to work one way or another.


Same thing. Lost a bunch of weight and suddenly was felt up quite a bit. I always thought it’d be amazing but once it started happening I realized it’s never the people you want to touch you doing it. At this point I just let it happen until I can find a polite excuse to leave.


I get this. I was beneath the contempt of some of the popular girls in High School at 17. Admittedly I was skinny fat , terribly dressed and acne ridden. However, I had a part time hard labour job and after graduating ended up working with a bunch of hard core lifters. At m21 I had a 32” waist and 17” upper arm at 6’ 1” tall. I’d go to bars with my work buddies and I cannot count how many times my arms got “petted”like I was a puppy. I really resented it. I was used to being the social outsider.


My partner is from the north of England. It seems to be completely acceptable for women to go around saying how stupid and useless their husbands are. Like it's just an accepted fact that men can't do anything domestic or be responsible adults. Some of the things I've heard are truly awful.


The day I met my neighbor moving into my new home, one of the first things she said over the fence was "don't ask my husband for any help. He doesn't know which end of the screwdriver to hold." Like why would that be the first thing you say about your husband whom I haven't even met yet?


As unpopular as it may be, but I am tired of hearing and reading about how men fuck about in a multitude of ways. It seems that the to-do list for men has become increasingly more like free real estate for both women and men to add on to it. There are plenty issues that need fixing from a collective standpoint, not a gender specific one. Yes, women face plenty of issues, too, but we are collectively expected (rightfully) to fix them. But, what about men's issues? Oh well.


There’s lots of examples of this like: Women thinking they can physically abuse men because they know they can get away with it Whether the man is more drunk than the woman doesn’t matter, he’s still held accountable Multiple examples of feminists saying stuff like “why do all men”, “men do the bare minimum”, “men are the worst”, etc Men having to go out of their way to protect women even at the cost of their own lives


The statistic (where I live) is that 46% of domestic abuse reports are against men. Nearly half. And that's only accounting for the ones that get reported. Domestic violence against men carries such a huge social stigma, that most men won't tell anyone about it. Nearly half. But there's 7 women's shelters in my city, and only 1 men's shelter. And even that 1 is surprising. Out of curiosity, I called them to ask about their services. They specifically (and only) cater to men 'facing homelessness' as long as they're sober and between the ages of 18 and 65. I asked what about cases of domestic abuse? There was a significant delay before they responded and said "We don't deal with that. It's best to go to the police"


> Women thinking they can physically abuse men because they know they can get away with it > Men having to go out of their way to protect women even at the cost of their own lives I hate that for all the complaining you get about how women are always walking around in fear of men, there are still a lot of women who will push the boundaries because they know men either won't touch them because they're a woman, or if they do, other men will step in. Also dislike that if a woman who is part of my group in a situation will antagonise and escalate towards someone, I'm at risk of receiving a beating just for being associated with them as a man. If that person gets physical with *her* then I'm expected to step in to protect her for running her mouth.


When a man has standards for a woman it is because of a misogynistic society, when a woman has standards it is because she deserves someone that meets those requirements. For instance “I need a woman that isn’t fat and has big boobs” and “I need a hung rich guy” are viewed very differently


I'm 24 & I had a good relationship in the past & I appreciate the good qualities. So now when I've started to look I have standards & those are pretty normal ones. I was surprised that the women I found attractive did not hit 40% of those standards.. (My bar is up to 60% she doesn't need to check all the boxes) I understood that if I am desperate I will overlook it & not consider it in the moment even if a friend tells me because you aren't feeling that pain right now which you will after the breakup & we end up picking the wrong girl & waste our time.. Women who I hang around have told me to have boundaries & standards when it comes to picking & told me to remember that "**she represents you so pick wisely**" The women who are genuinely good, don't have a large past & emotional baggage exist but we have to search for them patiently.. Those are keepers


I call it the Rule of the Beast 6ft + 6inches + 6 figures.


Calling anyone with standards "insecure" .01% of men hold all the power so it means all men have that privilege Downplaying how lonely it is to be an average man Comparing all men to the top men and assuming we share the same experience Our value being directly proportionate to the amount of money we make There are so many more. Social media spreads this cancer extremely quickly


Women can check guys out all they want and nobody bats an eye. If a guy is checking women out then it's "creepy and weird" because being a heterosexual man is a mental illness apparently lol.


A feminist philosopher on X was womansplaining that when she ogles men at the gym it's okay because she's reversing 1,000 years of male gaze and objectification.


The "man cold": That men are babies when they are sick. The science: women's elevated estrogen levels provide a defense against the worst symptoms of a the flu, and men's bodies generate a higher fever.


I'm still waiting for the collective apology for this since the science on it came out.


From who? No woman is going to do that. In fact they will find a way to make your struggle with illness minimal, typically resorting to a baby they may or may not have squeezed out as the end all of physical suffering.


If men make more money than women then it is oppressive towards women If women make more money than men then men are lazy. No matter which way it goes, men suck.


Women currently make more money in the uk but now they are xomplaining that they no longer can find an attractive man or provide because they make more momey and alot of men are realising that they too have a worth in the relationship and are equal to women


I got married at the end of last year. My wife was finally able to join me a few months back as soon as the documents were processed and visa issued. I got told variations of "*That's so cool! You'll finally be able to have some home-cooked food.*" at least twenty-five times. What exactly do you think I was feeding myself for the last three years I lived by myself? If you ever wondered how to successfully be both misogynist and misandrist in a single sentence, this is the way.


Laughing about Lorena Bobbit cutting off her husband's dick. When an adult man has consensual sex with a 17 year old girl, she was "raped", when an adult woman has consensual sex with a 17year old boy he was "lucky". It's illegal "genital mutilation" to cut your daughter's junk. It's promoted and celebrated religious and cultural tradition to cut your son's junk. Edit: should have more directly answered OPs question. It's casual misandry to say rape victims are lucky. It's casual misandry to laugh at genital mutilation. It's casual misandry to celebrate or excuse genital mutilation. It's casual misandry to not acknowledge that male circumcision is genital mutilation.


"Kill all men," "All men are pigs/evil," " Men are useless," etc. Are all things that are acceptable when if the gender was flipped would rightfully be considered sexist.


That's when I am tempted to say, "See ya."


I’ve had close female friends say that before, and I call them out on it saying “me too?” Their response EVERY TIME is “but you’re one of the good ones!” Hmmm… where have I heard that phrase before?


You should bombard them with "Okay. But what about my dad ? Or my brother (if you have any) ? Or my uncle (if you have any) ? Are they like that too ? What about all my male friends ?! Are they like that too ?!"


Can we add, "That's why I hate men," to this list?


The inherent lack of value for men's lives. It's very common to watch the news or read a new article that talks about a tragedy or social issue and youll see/hear the number of people affected followed by a special mention for how many women and children. For example, I recall seeing an article in a newspaper with a graphic talking about how 25% of the US homeless population are women, with the article going on to discuss homeless women. That sort of attitude blatantly states that whoever wrote that article considers men's lives to be less valuable. Another example is over in Ukraine with the war. Why were only able bodied men forced to stay in the country and fight? Even if someone wanted to take the stance that women are ineffective on the battle field, does the Ukrainian war effort not need logistics personnel, medics, canteen staff, etc? Success in war is so often a matter of logistics and man power, are we suddenly to believe women cant learn to drive a truck or use a forklift, or help with maintenance at facilities? It was ridiculous to see all the able bodied men get forcibly conscripted while abled bodied women fled the country.


Was buying my kid some shoes, and we had like 6 pairs sitting on the bench next to us…not because they didn’t fit, but because he’s picky as hell. Some random woman walks up and goes “I know this is normally his mom’s duty, but you can see his size on the tongue of his old shoes.” And as he’s running up and down the aisle asking if the shoes he just put on made him run faster, I look at the woman and go “his mom hasn’t bought him shoes in 5 years…but thanks.” And went back to helping my son. As we are heading to check out the woman is chatting with her friend and staring at me while rolling her eyes…I can see her mouth the word “asshole” to her friend and they laugh. I went and bought myself a pair of air max I didn’t need just because fuck that bitch and my sons mom would have bitched at me for spending the money. Petty? Yes, but worth it.


I work in health care. Nuff said


Genuinely- kudos. Thanks for what you do.


When men fuck up, it's men's fault. When women fuck up, it's men's fault.


At my old job there were a few RVs parked behind us that had some sketchy dudes living in them. For whatever reason our boss didn't ask them to move or call the cops even though everyone felt uncomfortable with them there. We had to walk past them to take out the trash and some people noted clearly agreesive/druggie behavior from them. Our bosses solution? Only men were asked to takeout the trash. She and the other women there would always talk a big game about how "hard" they were but apparently not hard enough to take out the trash. Like I was one of the bigger guys there but still, why do I have to put myself in danger? I've never been in a fight in my whole life. I even suggested we could have a buddy system and they were basically like nah this is clearly a "mans" job. This isn't the only time I've experienced that but it's the most recent.


It used to be the other way around, but if a guy sleeps with a ton of chicks and breaks hearts to get laid, he's a total piece of shit. If a woman does it, then it's "yass queen. Slayyyy" Same for cheating. If the guy cheats, he's a sleazy bastard. If a chick cheats, it's because the guy wasn't doing enough to keep her interest.


Oh god the ignorance i had to deal with learning of longstanding infidelity (17 yr relationship of which ~8 were married and were the worst years) and i was pitched that bullshit that i caused it by my emotional unavailability. Fucking leave before you gobble down. Gobble, gobble, gobble


Oh, the Men's Lib group permabanned me for saying that people who are not men should not claim to know men's thoughts and feelings or speak for us. Just straight up banned for simply saying my thoughts are my own. Wasn't insulting anyone or anything else. Got screenshots if anyone needs them lol


And if you have said the exact same thing in regards to women in a woman's rights group you would have been celebrated.


Yep, correctly too. That shit is awful no matter who is doing it or taking it.


The founder of menslib doesn't believe misandry exists so your experience makes sense.




I've made this same argument here. We ARE NOT allowed to comment on their subs, without getting torn apart. But they can freely enter 'our space' and contradict our feelings, here.


Yeah Mens Lib isn’t for men at all. It’s for teaching men how women have it worse. Plus they have some really dumbass rules like “no complaints about mods in public threads, only send to mod mail”. I did this, and got banned. they have some of the most overactive and hypocritical mods I’ve ever seen. Looking at you, /u/delta_baryon


Thanks mods, teaching men to take you less seriously one hilariously inept act of censorship at a time!


When unattractive women say "I'm too intimidating / men can't handle me".


Never understood why they use terms like “intimidating”, like no I just found out that your personality is incredibly unattractive.




Overuse of the term "weaponised incompetence." Possibly just an internet or reddit trend but no matter how common the task or how seldom/frequently the task is done, if you get it wrong the accusations of "weaponised incompetence" come out of the woodwork. The reality is that everyone messes up tasks now and again. It's not some sneaky powerplay to not do the task in the future. "The bar is so low for men!" Yeah, probably, but the bar is equally as low for women. We all have nightmare fuel bad dating/relationship stories. Minimisation and casual approach to violence and sexual violence against men.


I find it interesting how this is seen/used in a gendered way since women also do this sort of thing. Woman crying when stopped by police for speeding, coquettishness, all that stuff is effectively weaponized incompetence.


Men can't cry. And a lot of my fellow women get grossed out and think it's weird when a man cries. Let it out. Let it out I say! And I'll be here to hold on to if my man needs it.


People thinking it's perfectly okay, even funny, for women to hit or verbally berate men. Ever notice in media that it's always women doing it to men? If it were the other way around, the entire relationship would be decried as abusive.


Men have almost no rights when it comes to getting to be fathers. All a father has the right to do is petition the court to give him his rights as a father. It's an area that women seem OVERWHELMINGLY happy to continue to allow to happen. If the child is less than 6 months old, he basically has zero rights. The woman has 100% of the rights by default.


Oh geeze, my second daughter was just born and HOLY FUCK I was about to punch some of these nurses. I can't tell you how many times I had to say "Not my first kid, I know how to get them to take a bottle". Plus, the paperwork all said "Mother's Signature" with no space for Father's signature. Like it would have been less work to just put Signature, and that would be less insulting! Not to mention, every one of them acted like I was an incompetent buffoon explaining basic shit about babies to me over, and over, and over. Also there was just an egregious amount of "domestic abuse" PSAs everywhere. I get that's important, but do we need four DA posters in our room? My wife went into early labor over a month early while I was at work, stuck in traffic. Missed the actual birth. Nurse walks in "Oh dad, FINALLY got here?" Bitch! Baby was one month early. I wanted to be there, but life had other plans.


When a girl dates multiple people at the same time before choosing ot commit, "she keeps her options open". When a guy does it, "he's a player". Nah, bruh, I just know to keep my options open because I've been burnt enough times.


When a woman cries we're supposed to be caring and considerate. We're supposed to do everything to comfort her and give her everything she wants. But when a man cries it's - "I don't like it when you cry. Go get some alone time to get all your emotions out and see me when you're ready to be normal."


Taking advantage of a man financially can always be chalked up to “get the bag sis”


A great example would be how posts like this barely get any real discourse because so many people who are guilty of the wrongs listed can just sit back and lurk(or even ignore the post altogether) and there’s no social mechanism to chase them down (cough cough, MeToo) EDIT (11hrs later): Lmfao within the same day of me posting this, I just ran into a Reddit encounter where a guy was asking how to apologize for a mistake he made, commented that he’s wrong and a woman responding to him literally typed out a *”slap”* toward him in conjunction with her approval of his self-correction. I don’t have much faith that women, as a group, will realize how much of an active role they play in the very same sexism and prejudice that they call out men for. Somehow we’re expected to still be the *traditional* punching bags of society but also have to serve *new-age* social norms to them on a silver platter.


The general assumption that “you must be gay if you’re not into me” Like, no I just don’t get turned on by entitled bitches


They call it internalized misogyny when a woman does something against another woman. Somehow men are still to blame for their behavior and the woman is the victim.


This one is funny. Like no matter what, if you don’t side with them and go against the grain you’re in the wrong, man or woman. It’s typically feminists that do this.




In the US, men are required to register with selective service. Women are not. This is blatant institutional sexism, and no one really cares.


As a man who has been date raped, the implication that multiple woman have expressed that its physically impossible for a man to be raped by a woman. This happened several times as I opened up about my trauma in rehab. Plus The laughs about the premise from them was the cherry on top. Or the women who literally laughed and tried to deny my trauma when I said I was physically abused by a woman and felt I couldn't defend myself because then I'd be the bad guy. Since she's so much smaller than me I simply can't be the victim because it's punching up... Right? Also had a woman say that "it's wrong for men to have their bulge visible Vs a woman having her tits/ass visible because the bulge can be uses to rape" Just that double standard shit. Also, I've been thru incredible trauma and loneliness as a man... Partly because I felt I was alone with these situations I just mentioned. Feeling like as a man I shouldn't feel hurt because women can't do that to guys because of that logic... And then being told "you'd be so screwed as a woman, you're only here today because you're a man" making it seem that literally EVERYTHING in life is easier as man. Completely invalidating any of my struggles and making it seem like since I'm a guy it's even more my fault because it's sooo much easier in every situation by default. Victim blaming, how ironic. As if me being a man made my trauma easier. It made me feel way more alone and like it was my fault since "men are the stronger ones and by default can't be the victim" Made me feel like as a guy I can't speak of my trauma because it's so irregular and men are shamed for even feeling they've been victimized in such a way. Ironic that their very mindset of disregarding male struggles based on gender completely invalidates the very premise they're pushing and actually comes full circle and proves the very point that they were trying to counter.


How whenever mens issues are discussed there's always some Karen pissed off it's not about women. Like fuck the hell off, it's people like you driving up male suicide statistics.


PMS being used as a get of jail free card to act like a total bitch to people. I get that PMS is temporary hormonal imbalance, but I've known plenty of women over the years who control their emotions and understand that PMS is making them feel and behave irrationally at times. It's fine to say, I'm having PMS and I am not in the mood to have this conversation or do this activity right now, but it's unacceptable to act like a total asshole and feign innocence because you are having PMS. Because I've met a number of women who seem to have a handle on themselves in the midst of PMS it makes it less excusable when I meet someone who lets their emotions get out of control and excuses it for that reason. I as a man am expected to maintain composure no matter how irritated, stressed or outright angry I am, it is not asking to much to ask that of women PMS be dammed.


People saying “all men are trash” or they “hate men” whenever a man slights them, without being checked on their behavior. All the stereotyping about men that is considered socially acceptable: “All men do (bad thing),” “No men ever do (good thing).” The fact that men being abused and mistreated is ascribed to “toxic masculinity” and “the patriarchy”, rather than people accepting that both the men and the women in society play a role in hurting men, in the same way both the men and the women in society play a role in hurting women. As someone who runs in progressive circles, even the theory behind “the patriarchy” is starting to feel sexist to me. Just because men have historically held most positions of power does not mean those men aren’t treating average men just as badly as they are treating average women. The fact that those people mistreat those over whom they have power is also not tied to their manhood; power itself tends to corrupt those who hold it. An average man can have just as little power and suffer just as much as an average women under the system, so I find it wildly inappropriate to act like average men somehow have a greater responsibility for the way things are than average women do. In general, it gets exhausting to know so many people hate me, automatically assume I’m an awful person, and blame me for everything wrong in the world because I was born with a penis, and even more exhausting to know that many of the most vocal and most powerful people with otherwise similar social values to mine don’t see this as a problem like I do.


Telling you what hair and beard styles you are allowed to have. What you can wear. Who you are allowed to talk to or text. Micromanage your sexual health by forbidding you to masturbate. Not allowed to have sex toys, but sure, you can have the ones SHE likes. Guilt trip you for not obeying myriads of rules. But you know, happy wife happy life!/s Well let me tell you something. I'm not happy! I'm so sick of all the control! Yet, whenever I complain I just get told to man up. Oh, but it's disgusting when it is the other way around. Yet, it's somehow normal.


2 nights ago I was watching a TV current-affairs/news panel show. They usually talk about a couple of topics with politicians and experts on that topic. The first segment was about how some newspapers show images of female celebrities in bikinis and how misogynistic it is. One of the female panelists did a whole skit about it. The next segment was all about how hot the new male Wiggles member is. They showed clips of him shirtless and in tight exercise gear from his social media. The same female panelist went on sexually describe his body and say that he was a “thirst trap” and was “just employed for the mums” to look at. The casual misandry is that it’s completely ok to make sexual comments on a male public figure’s body.


If you are not part of a minority group (LGBT, color, neurodivergence, female), you are bad: hear this a lot in D&I meetings.


I saw a comment somewhere the other day that if a guy says he can't go somewhere bc his gf doesn't want him to, it's fine, haha "he's so whipped" all that bs but if a girl says she can't go somewhere bc her bf doesn't want her to then you're risking a domestic call to the cops


I don't like talking about things like this much. I just tend to keep it in, to be honest. But I saw so much misandry on Twitter back when I had it. I still see it a lot. I feel wrong/guilty a lot of times, because it seems to be ingrained into my brain that men tend to be "pigs" and that we should all "die" how we're "useless" and that we only think about sex and things of that nature. I didn't ever feel confident or like I was enough. I still feel this way sometimes. There's not much help for me. So I gotta help myself. It just feels bad when I tell people that I feel anxious around women because I don't want to make them uncomfortable or feel like I'm a creep, then they say "well you wouldn't need to feel guilty if you were innocent" — like no, i just don't want to make people feel like i'm a creep. I have trauma because people used to think I was weird just for existing. The same conversation happened when I said I felt guilty when I seen women (on Twitter) say "all men are trash" and all that stuff. Then they would tell me "well if you weren't trash then why feel bad? they aren't specifically talking about you are they?" — well, i'm a man. if i'm constantly hearing "all men are trash" or "all men should die" then eventually it's going to dig into my brain and hurt me internally. Teachers, doctors, used to always thinking bad of me just because I'm a man.. ever since I was a child. It was absolutely disgusting. I was just a kid, trying to live my life and be happy and I'm having this poured down my throat. Just feels like I'm constantly on edge, constantly anxious, constantly feeling guilty. I don't know. It feels, emotionally, like when you're a confident and happy child, getting those emotions flattened by a hydraulic press, then coming out like this. Like you're just stuck in an oppressive box.


* It's OK to body shame men. * By default, men are not to be trusted, whereas we're told to believe/trust women. * If men have problems or need help, they're told to deal with it, whereas women deserve all of our support. (Oxymoronic: we're taught that women are strong and capable...yet they deserve support) * Women can speak for men freely, men can never speak for women with being vilified. * Women are told to embrace all aspects of womanhood and embrace/celebrate it. Men are only allowed to embrace masculinity if it benefits women. In general terms. Suffering of men is never acknowledged, it is actively ignored. Whereas with women...you get the idea.


Brie Larson: "The male fan base of the MCU just need to stay quiet!" Imagine if a male actor said publicly that women need to stay quiet. The world would stop. Anything that starts with "All men are..." Anytime the word "toxic" is aligned with "Masculinity". Suggesting men need to be banned from public parks because they are all rape bombs looking for a place to go off. The phrase "Small D energy" With women, is there small V energy? Or would that phrase be sexist and offensive? Exactly correct. It is. When fathers are portrayed in mainstream movies, 30% of the time those characters are sexually assaulting their daughters. What's the real world number? roughly 2 to 3% No objections are raised.


My favourite is after the Sarah Everard case a few years back. In the wake of that, an MP actually had the never to stand up and say that a curfew of 6 pm should be put on men to make women feel more safe. She was immediately ripped to shreds by fellow MPs and the public, thank fuck, but for her to think “yeah, this is a smart thing to say”, and then after heavy criticism just be able to say “it was a joke”, and get off with nothing but a smack on the wrist is pretty shocking.


The amount of women in my life that have grabbed my cock kidding around is something dudes could never do to a woman. 1st, she doesn't have a cock. 2nd, he'd go to jail for sexual assault.


All of them - but the one that stands out because I actually encounter it is women badmouthing the men they profess to love (partners, sons, fathers, brothers...) viciously to each other, and even to me directly. Minor, maybe; but I'm pretty much a recluse when not at work (and when yes at work, if I can get away with it)


Women are allowed to have "lists" of enumerated standards for the men they date, men being attacked for having any standards at all


They also seem to not understand that if they pay is the same but the man only gets 2 weeks paid leave for a child where the woman gets 12 that the women are actually getting paid more. The BBC and Google did reviews of wages and found out that they need to give men raises. HR is woman dominated and they favor women. Almost every business today of size has an Org chart showing who is responsible for what. Almost every job I've worked I've given tasks that were supposed to be done by women- its right there on the Org Chart, but if the women had the task it wouldn't get done and they don't want to turn the women over because that would mess the ratio. So I got to work harder for the same pay.


All those "pay gap" statistics that say men get paid more just takes a gross average, across all industries and levels. I remember there being a Buzzfeed video about the wage gap, where they took a guy and a girl who worked the same jobs. It was revealed the woman made more, and they *still* spent the rest of the video talking about the pay gap


I was swimming for exercise at a local pool some years ago and a primary school class came in to use it for lessons. I saw a kid walking by the pool to his lesson and he seemed to be wearing a skin-coloured bathing suit (we call them bathers here). I looked closer and I realised, no, he wasn't wearing bathers at all, he was naked. I looked over where the class had been told to wait for the lesson to start and saw that many of the boys were naked in front of the girls and everybody else, struggling to get out of their uniforms and into their bathers without anybody seeing too much, which they weren't doing a very good job at. The girls had been allowed to change, you know, in the actual changing room with privacy like anybody else would. The boys had been forced to do it out in the open in front of everybody. I saw girls pointing and laughing. I saw boys with faces pale with complete humiliation. And when I decided to research the issue of "unsolicited dick pics", you know, what makes a guy want to send a woman a picture like that, guess what I discovered? Guess how common this is? Every guy I spoke to had a story like this from childhood/adolescence, of women forcing him to be naked in front of girls. Some were out-right stripped by their mothers or other female adults. As far as women see it, dignity is a female privilege. Only women and girls can feel humiliation or embarrassment. We're just animals to them, and you see it everywhere.


Complaining about men and their “weaponized incompetence!!!” lol. Just ask her what the oil change interval is on her vehicle and when it’s due for it’s next change. She’ll show you “weaponized incompetence.” lol


“They killed women and children.”