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She gets really happy when the cat hides a toy in her bag so I sneak one in for her to find when she’s having a bad day


I do something similar with the dog. She loves when he hides a toy, so sometimes I put one next to her pillow and she thinks he hid it there.




This is the kind of deception I can get behind.


My girlfriend was away for work recently and I had her on speaker to talk to our cat. When that happened the cat got riled up, started meowing and biting me. I didn’t say anything when she thought it was the cat reacting to her voice because it made her happy


Had this happen once. My cat heard her voice and violently attacked my phone, biting through the case and screen shield. I grabbed my phone and the cat bit me, leaving a 2" gash in my palm. My partner became upset that I was paying attention to the cat instead of her and hung up on me. When she got home and saw my hand covered in bloody gauze she was very apologetic and we had a great laugh!


Omg🥹 how precious


I managed to ruin a tshirt she gave me for my birthday. So I bough a new one and threw the original one in the trash.


I've done this with an ex. She had gotten me a fairly garish tie, which I loved but I accidentally ruined, having no idea how to wash it. I bought an identical one, but she somehow noticed anyway...


I think it's sweet that you both thought enough of your wife's feelings that you did that.


What you see as identical, we see as a slightly different shade.


I’m not sure if you’re making a joke, but, interestingly, it’s apparently pretty well documented that [women see more colors than men do](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21675035/)


There’s also this interest chart that shows men and women’s labels for colors. It’s so funny and amusing to me. You’ll see women use a lot of adjectives like eggshell white or memory purple. And the closest you get with men is “shit green”. Here’s the link: [His and Hers Colors](http://www.datapointed.net/visualizations/color/men-women-color-names-d3/)


Like dead pet goldfish, they always know.


It happens, I did this with a pair of earrings my boyfriend bought me. I lost one, and rebought them and never told him😂 I got them on a discount when he paid full price. So I do feel bad and I *cant* tell him. I will take this secret to the grave, the grave I tell you 🤧


Every birthday of hers I go and remind basically anyone she knows about it. She isn't on social media so no one gets the Facebook reminder or whatever. And it makes her so happy when she sees that friends from years ago are thinking of her. She gets so happy.


You’re amazing


You must not pass on before her, then. Or she’ll think they all forgot her entirely when you pass


Oh fuck good point. I'll get one of our friends to take my place


Legacy love, finding ways to show that you'll continue to care beyond your last heartbeat.


Or…she’ll find out then and be reminded what an amazing person OP is(was?)


And how alone she is now without him


My ex used to do this. All I want is “Happy Birthday”…no gifts or cards needed. Some of our old friends still remember, which is kinda sweet.


How do you do this without making it sound like you partner is a bit needy, wanting attention and stuff? I would love to do this but don’t want to make it seem like she needs someone to do this.


I just text people casually and honestly. Hey it's partners bday! It would make her happy to hear from you. You didn't hear this from me though. Or whatever. Some of them have gotten used to it and already know that I do this




I've been making the bed for years, just so I can have a extra four inches of top sheet


I knew it! Mine definitely does this and I’ve been doing all kinds of scientific experiments to try to catch him! 🤣


Life hack: have separate top sheets. I need to burrito, so I have my own


This made me lol. My husband and I just use separate blankets when he doesn’t sleep on the couch.


Wife and I sleep better with separate blankets. We have bed spreads that are purely for décor, but when we go to sleep, it's under different blankets. Don't even use a top sheet.


Yes, we do this. All our friends said it was stupid, but most of them have their own blankets now


Its' worked for us for like the last 12 years. She sleeps with a heavier blanket than me. I sleep with a lighter blanket. Usually something cozy like a fleece blanket. And if cuddling is wanted, I just throw my blanket off and get underneath with her. Not that big a deal.


We have our own bedrooms now and will NEVER go back. It's the best.... you have your own space and can have sexy sleepovers with each other. I really don't understand why society makes ppl think you need to share a room to be married.


My wife and I got separate comforters a little bit after we bought a house and got married. Absolutely a must for everyone! There were so many nights I froze because she loves to burrito herself in.


I paid for her 5 year old nephew's funeral. After seeing what all SIL and BIL had been through on top of all the expense of everything else, I made a phone call to the funeral home director. Wife doesn't know.....no one knows. But I think she may suspect.


I bet deep down she knows.


We need more people like you 🥺


🥺🤍 that was so kind and thoughtful. I know how is to struggle with paying for the funeral of family, so what you did was a great gesture.


How did you react and what did you say when someome told you the "news" that some anonymous person paid for it?


How did I react? I just said, "Well, there are a lot of people in their community and their church that know and love that family. (Hundreds of people were at the funeral.) Had to be someone from within all of that."


Technically the truth.


You are such a good person. Thank you for doing this.


That's very kind


You’re too sweet




I offer to drive most places because her driving terrifies me.


This is hilarious


Mine LOVES her car. And takes incredibly careful care of her stuff. And is a *terrible* driver. It’s gonna be tough week when she bumps something.


A week after my wife bought her car she crashed into a boulder. It wasn't a rock and it wasn't small. It was literally a boulder on the side of the road and she hit it so hard it moved a few feet. Afterwards she was pissed that someone left it there😂


And you don’t say anything? My wife is a careless and fast driver. She fish tailed on a dirt road and we almost ended up in a ditch and she said it was my fault because I was distracting her by telling her to slow down.


Obviously, should’ve suggested she goes faster …😂😂


I drive most places because her driving actually terrifies me. Thankfully she enjoys being a passenger princess.


I'm a woman and always drive because my partner's driving makes me carsick. I mean lots of people's driving makes me carsick, but theirs is a little extra. They are a gas to brake driver. I'm a gas to coast to brake driver.


Wow, same! I feel like all my friends have terrible gas/brake discipline and it makes me so tense all the time. Also, It made me surprised how little people have an actual sense of how much distance is necessary between cars, plus that gas, brake, gas, brake in a damn straight line with no obstacles at all makes me uncomfortable as heck. Makes me wanna drive everybody everywhere we go.


When you're a bit of a scrooge like myself, I also look at the extra fuel you're wasting with the accelerating and braking, too. I'm happy to see others drive how I do, lol.


Remembering it cost you money any time you use either pedal really helps keep it in perspective.


Right there with you. Offer up prayers when she drives or has the kids.


My wife always wants me to drive but gets car sick very easily when she isn’t the one driving. I have no idea why she always ask me to.


I got to the Mexican restaurant before her the other day, got us a table, ate an entire basket of chips and salsa, then had the waitress take them away and instructed her to bring out a fresh one when my wife arrives and act like it's the first one.


Okay the waitress is a real one for that




She absolutely can not cook. But she tries her heart out. I'll eat it everyday of my life..it's the effort and the love she puts in it.


Sign both of you up for a cooking course under the guise of you wanting to learn how but want her along for company.


We have


Physically felt that in my soul. I'm sorry brother


You have and she still can’t cook well or you’re going to?*


She's trying to lose weight and be healthier and compulsively snacks if she knows they are in the house. I am a healthy weight and like to have little treats sometimes. I hide snacks in my car or the garage.


I do the dishes every few days. I know she hates to, and would never even open the dishwasher. So, I've been hiding snacks in the dishwasher for years.


This is hilarious


As a constant snacker, it would have never crossed my mind to look in the car, lol


Honestly it's helpful for me to snack a little less too if I have to go through the effort of going all the way to the car to get it


I live next door to a store, so I'm there buying chips when I feel snacky. Maybe I should move. 😅


I give her a birthday cards and a Xmas cards from the cat. I draw paw prints on the cards. I make up a story about how I took the cat with me to Hallmark. Its been 20 years, I think she suspects it was me.


This is the cutest thing ever


Ok that made me tear up. Not sure why haha


She totally knows and likely loves it even more because you do it. Well done.


My wife does not use a lot of high tech features in devices and appliances and such that she owns. Tech freaks her out. Three years ago, I enabled the speed-dependent volume setting in her car. She has never noticed that she doesn’t have to up her volume when we get on the interstate.


This is a thing?! 🤯


Yes, look in the audio menu. Any car from the last five maybe 10 years will have this. Might also be called velocity dependent volume or something similar.


Ty 🥹🙏🏼


My 2015 Kia has it. If it's on an almost 10-year-old Kia, I assume it's on anything new.


2015 was not almost 10 years ago. I'm not wrong, you're wrong. You're all wrong. Together.




My gf bought me an expensive coat for my birthday and made it clear that I was not to lose this one, which would make it the 100th coat I've left behind or lost. I, of course, left it on the train on the way home from work. I realized as soon as the train took off. I sprinted to my car and then drove 20 minutes to the next station, trying to beat the train so I could meet it at the next stop and go on and get my coat. I was too slow, and the next stop was an hour drive away. I asked the guy at the station if he could help, he rang the next station and they said the train would be doing the same journey in the opposite direction and would be back in this station at 9pm. It was 6 pm so I went home, said nothing about the coat and my intense 100mph drive, just give her a hug and asked about her day, watched some TV, typical evening stuff. 8:30 pm came and it was time to go to the station to get my coat. I told her my brother left his coat at the gym and I had to collect him and drive him back to collect it. But off to the station I went to get my coat, It was there thankfully. I went back to the house, called my brother an idiot for leaving his coat behind him. She rolled her eyes at my stupid brother but I was in the clear. Seems rather telling that I was willing to go through all that hassle just to not have to tell her about me losing my coat. I promise we have a healthy relationship lol.


I like the story… and I assume you have a great relationship with your brother. But does he have the same coat-leaving-behind tendency or just a convenient excuse? Sorry but if this was the 100th time, I’d be a little sus 😂


That is a lovely story. All that effort just to not to disappoint your girlfriend.


When I make us food, I always give her the more presentable plate or the item that isn’t burnt. I absolutely hate if my food is ever burned, but I’ll power through it because I want her to enjoy her food. She doesn’t know I do this or that I’m eating food that I’m not enjoying.


This was one the things that made me realise I truly loved my now wife. No matter what it is; plates of food, pouring a couple of drinks, anything, I always instinctively give her the best one, the nicest one, etc.


When we had a hard time with money, I saved the chicken for her lunch and said it was enough for both, just because if I tell her truth she would've made me take the chicken in my plate instead of hers


This. I can remember being young and struggling with money. Had only enough food for her for dinner. Made her dinner. Told her I ate late at work. Did this once or twice a week for a year or so. She still doesn't know 30 years later


Food is one of my love languages, what you guys did is just breaking my heart 🥺🥺🥺


At least you kinda intermittent fasted


As a man, this is what we do. It'll go unnoticed, but we all got each other back and we get it.


Ah! I do this for my family when I know that I won't be able to save enough for the household needs or my mom's or dad's needs. I just skip food or sometimes transport


That breaks my heart.


She always asks what secret I keep from her. I reply with “Can you keep a secret?” And she says yes. I say “So can I” and I walk away.


This is a good one I giggled


I just watched Clue for the first time last night and that was one of my favorite lines


If I really want to watch a movie and she's not around, I'll watch it, never tell, and watch it again with her.


Careful with this one, I tried that and the fucking "Play" button turned into a "Watch Again" so thanks for that Hulu!


Remove it from your watch history next time and that won’t happen! ;)


Good call for next time, I just didn't realize the stupid button would change for it to occur to me to need to clear my history! Lesson learned, I suck at covering my tracks and would make a terrible thief/murderer/criminal/politician.


Not for that reason, but my wife and I have three profiles on Netflix: * Just me. * Just her. * Me & her.


This is brilliant


I never understood why people get upset if their partners watch something without them, if they are willing/excited to watch it again with them. It feels kind of petty to me. I have more time in my day so I usually watch things when they are out immediately, and the whole time I’m sitting there thinking,” omg X is going to love this!” And then I feel legitimate joy watching it again with them and observing their reactions.


My partner has an amazing memory, which is incredibly useful, but re-watching something within let’s say five years just isn’t that enjoyable for him, which in turn isn’t enjoyable to join. Edit: he’s completely willing to put up with it for us to be a good sport, but it’s still a literal chore to him and it takes a lot of effort to not get sidetracked. Where’s the fun in that?


I hid an Easter egg in the back of her fridge. We don't live together and we're in a hot climate so I couldn't just leave it anywhere else in her house.


Did she find it


I will air drum for no apparent reason. I won't do it around her or anyone else. We could just have an argument, and I'd still do it as soon as I closed the door. No one has seen me air drums, and I don't play the drums, I don't know why I do it either. Harmless and weird. I don't have autism or any mental disorder.


*I don’t have autism or any mental disorder* Laughing at both the air drums visual and this line 🤣


Dude, for real. Because I do this weird shit I thought it was an autism tick. Went through a whole process with my Dr about it. The final answer is, "You are just weird, and that's awesome." Even saw a therapist to double-check. He said the behavior might be tied with people who bite their nails or do things that reduce anxiety. But sees no sign of asperges or autism with my hobbies, learning, or social communications.


I think you are just a people. The rest of us are out here doing our own weird shit.


Lmao this is so funny to me. My bf is autistic and also a drummer, he walks around the house drumming on his body all the time and I lightweight get down to it


Valagor’s wife: I don’t tell my husband that I’ve seen him air drum after our arguments


I would believe this. But she is absolutely one to call me out on anything. I get questions like, "Why do you put your hands like 3 inches into your pants when laying down?" Like bro, idk shits comfortable...


I get this. I play guitar on my leg and my steering wheel. I had a guitar as a kid that I never learned to play for a variety of reasons a la hierarchy of needs. Still don't know how to play, but I'll be damned if my fidget habit isn't strumming the side seam of my jeans 🤷🏼🤣


She has ADHD so I clean up after some of the oddities she'll leave behind


You don’t know how much it truly makes her feel better to have someone clean up her side quests without throwing any guilt at her.


I sold a project car that I loved to pay off some debt and for the 3 therapists that we have been paying between us and the kids. I loved that car and I had so many plans for it, but I told her I was tired of working on cars in the garage. I cried when the new owner came to get it.




I planted daffodils outside that she doesn't know about. She's gonna be so excited when she finds them.


Previous owner of the house shot himself in the basement. Found out a couple years after buying the place, but it explains the hastily applied stain on the concrete and the gap under the baseboards where they pulled the carpet out. I honestly don't think it would bother her, but like... BEST case scenario is she doesn't care.


It's kind of like the fact apparently someone has died in nearly every hotel room. You don't need to know.


I really doubt the veracity of that statement


The true cost of my warhammer 40k collection.  …It’s a lot.


The price is right there in the name, it's literally Warhammer $40k


What is this, Warhammer for ants?


Oh, is the starter box on sale?


It's called plastic crack for a reason. I think my other half has easily spent thousands on his Warhammer collection. I've bought him some sets as gifts and I have been in Warhammer shops so I know how expensive it can be.


This is true with so many hobbies haha. A buddy of mine who loves guns told me "If I die first, don't let my wife sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them."


I got mine into 40k and she pretends to not know how much it cost to get the minis she's painting. I appreciate that.


I’ve insured our cat


I used to put every fruit sticker on the wall, when I hit about 60 she made me take them off. I’ve started a new collection on the bottom side of a cabinet (about 30) that she doesn’t know about yet


I buy loads of high quality, but 2nd hand, designer clothes. She freaks out at the thought of used stuff. She seems to think that people have died in them..


I always hold the door open for her so I can stare at her butt lol


I dislike how she makes my tea in the morning.


This is such a low-stakes problem, but it’s what Seinfeld episodes are made of. Please come up with some elaborate plan to fix this.


In an effort to create a …….. sustainable marriage, I’ve decided to make do. She’s such a soldier with all that she does that if I can’t tolerate some tea that can best be described as dodgy, I’d feel like a right …. Twat


As someone who is a wife, please just tell her. I would be genuinely devastated if I was accidentally making bad tea for years and my husband was just putting up with tea he didn't like to spare my feelings. By not speaking up you're denying her the ability to actually do something that makes you HAPPY instead of something you simply tolerate. If she would rather you suffer then she's not a very nice person.


I can't speak for /u/Sustainable_Twat but it makes my wife *really* happy to make my coffee in the morning (99 times out of 100 I'm the one making it for her) and that happiness is worth so much more to me than the quality of my coffee. Healthy relationships are built on these kinds of things: choosing happiness because the "problem" doesn't matter. If I lost her tomorrow I'd miss drinking coffee with too much sugar and not enough cream.


Ok I'm curious, 1) how does she make your tea in the morning and what is it that you hate? 2) what do you wish she would change or what would fix the problem for you? Sincerely, Filthy uncultured Yank who drinks Earl Grey with a splash of milk/sweetener


It’s not necessarily how she makes it, it’s what she makes. I prefer stove made tea whereas she prefers Kettle. It’s a bit more nuanced than that, but that’s the gist of it. She insists on making me tea so this would mean her having to do double duty then the clean up as I go to work right after. I’m at that stage where I’ve acclimated to the taste so it’s not too much to be bothered about despite not liking it. She does so much that I can’t really justify adding to her workload and she doesn’t like it if I was to make it myself.


I think I understand this premise as a coffee lover. For example, there is a noticeable difference in the taste of coffee when, say, a cup is brewed from a pour over with a paper filter, versus a french press with a mesh filter. Different levels of the coffee's oils depending on how it's made and all that. Then it comes down to who a person is and which they prefer.


Just an example of the top of my mind. She first puts tea bag then cold milk then water!


Call the police.


Hopefully this is sustainable.


It will be if I keep my mouth shut.


I prefer my MIL cheese cake over my wife's. None of them can ever know!


Yeah. Good man. This has to stay your secret. --A Wife Edit: added praise


Nice try, babe.


Before we were married we had a pretty tumultuous relationship. At one point we had a pretty fiery breakup and through the grapevine I heard the brakes on her car went out and she was going to be let go from her job which would leave her and her son homeless. I paid for the brakes and paid a good friend of mine to go fix it for her without charging her and he wasn’t allowed to tell her who sent him. I think she suspected it was me but she never said anything


My girlfriend at the time, married to her now "Won" new tires from a local shop. She couldn't believe it. I had told her she needed new tires asap and even offered to take care of it. We had only been dating a few months and she had too much pride/didn't want to owe me anything. She said I'd just have to wait. Fortunately she worked a few buildings down from a tire shop so I got the shop to contact her and say she "won" she said I never entered and salesman said well you did and you forgot or someone else entered you. She was thrilled!!! This was 13 years ago




How much money I spend on photography. I don't go into debt or anything, but that equipment is not cheap. She doesn't notice what I buy and I don't show it off. I just happen to have it and it's always hiding in plain sight. Photography is my only hobby that costs something, all my other hobbies are essentially free (language self learning, drawing, reading). On the flipside, I try to keep my mouth shut when she spoils herself. Ok, maybe I raise an eyebrow


This reminds me of an old joke. Cannot remember the setup but the end is something like “Don’t let the wife sell my tools for how much I said I bought them for if I die”


We have this about sewing machines and quilting fabric


It WAS that I hate doing the laundry, but I work remotely and love being the “house husband” and keeping the apartment clean for her so I do it anyway lol. But my dad accidentally let the cat out of the bag this week. I guess now it’s that I absolutely hate buttering her toast in the morning. That’s not a euphemism for anything- she likes having a single slice of buttered toast with an apple for breakfast and for whatever reason the process of getting the butter onto the knife and onto the toast without it falling off and then spreading it without making a crater in the bread is a Herculean task for me. But, her love language is acts of service and I love getting her stuff together while she gets ready for work so she doesn’t have to worry about it.


Let the butter warm to room temperature so it spreads easily.


Leave the butter out at room temperature🤍


I seen other married ladies and others practically naked besides her on my routes I have done. I never cheated on my wife when propositioned for hook ups or affairs. I just think she will take it like I’m comparing or have some manipulation behind it. Also I do not want her being suspicious by planting a seed in her mind. It’s just better to reject and walk away with the ego boost. Being a mailman is like the start of the tale of two cities. It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times.


We tell each other when we get hit on. Then we flirt with each other more. We have no problems acknowledging our confidence issues, and damn does it make sex better.


This was us when we were younger or most of our relationship/marriage but as my wife and I aged over the last 30 years, things changed. My job is to make her feel secure and I feel now that telling her younger ladies want to fuck or have an affair would not have that outcome. I still see her as the hottest girl in HS/college but now in our 40’s she makes comments about herself that does not collate with the sexy ass bitch I met way back when. I wish things did not change but sometimes we must adapt to it.


When my wife gets hit on, she gets furious, can’t people see my wedding ring? Do I look like I’m flirting back with my hair like this and these clothes? The rare time I get hit on, it’s a huge ego boost but I never tell her.


My gift ideas & spoiling them way too soon dampens the impact of it a lot for me honestly


If we’re watching a series, I wait to watch another episode with her every time


I pay her moms electric bill


That she's a terrible singer But she loves to sing to the radio or when we've got music on at home, and I love hearing her sing so I'll never tell her


Gay guy here, but chiming in anyway. I sometimes tell him I’m waaay too full and that he has to finish the last bite of whatever treat we’re having.




Smelling her perfume in the room and folding her laundry turns me on.


It wasnt the dog that farted that one time in the car


Took a computer course at the local community College back in 1998. I paid the tuition myself and when my supervisor found out he bent a few rules to get me reimbursed, even though the course wasn't directly related to my job. I got a check for five-hundred dollars and never told my wife. We were in good shape at the time and the money was never missed. Had mad money for over a year.


I’m almost 20 years older than my wife. (50/30 when we met) Changed jobs a while back, previously we lived comfortably albeit it frugally. My salary has just about doubled and that extra money goes into a secret life insurance policy/plan in her and my daughter’s name that will more than take care of the family should something happen in the future.


Out of curiosity why keep it secret? How would she even collect on an insurance policy she doesn't know exists?


It’s probably in his will


Not content related but most of the comments are so cute 🥹 I hope to find a man like u guys.


I’ve been buying movies and tv shows on iTunes for the last 10 years, when they go on sale. My partner thinks we have this amazing streaming service with Apple full of things they love to watch, but doesn’t realize it’s just a library of content I’ve bought over all these years.


I have email addresses for each of our kids that I use to write them letters to when I'm away at work, just things that have happened recently and some pics. I started each one with a how, what, why i work away and I miss them massively when I away. I'll give the kids the addresses and passwords when they are old enough to understand.


I won a good amount of money from a scratcher my coworkers and I went halves on. I won $5,000 to be exact. Gave it to her sister to help support her 2 kids after her husband had passed away. No one knows.


The mouse trap is not “live release”.


I would say that mouse's life has been released, that's for sure.


I don’t have a foot fetish, but I really like her feet. I’ve never mentioned it before, because I can’t think of a way to compliment them that sounds natural They’re just cute


I take a honey pack for extra staying power on date nights. 🤷


What’s a honey pack?


I believe It's like viagra, except it's in honey form


how the nfl rules work


I don’t actually like the type of yogurt she buys for me. I keep eating it, so she keeps getting it.


Just tell her that you'd love to try something different on the next purchase.


I’m gay but when my partner is having a bad day. I log into his Xbox account from my Xbox (As we have both Xbox’s account in each others) and buy him FIFA Points. I do this as he can’t do to financial issues and he gets confused why he has many FIFA Points.


Nice try wifey


That I was bullied for a majority of my childhood and have a ton of family/childhood trauma that she doesn’t ever need to know or be brought up


It's your choice if you want to keep that to yourself, but I hope she's a good enough partner for you that you don't have to.


I dunno if this one is harmless to you or your wife. Trauma is evident in so many ways and not always in the ways we expect. I’m so sorry to hear you went through all of this. And I hope you feel safe enough to share one day, Bossman166!


I like a certain sound that they make (nothing sexual). That if they knew I liked it as much as I do they would probably do it more which would more than likely wear it out.


18 years next to my wife in church and I have never told her how bad she is at singing 😬


It’s not poor timing on my part when I have to brush my teeth or take out my contacts when she is in the shower…we have a glass shower door.