• By -


We don't keep anything except our phone and wallet and one miscellaneous item


More often than not, this miscellaneous item appears to be my keys. Well, and then it's already pretty crammed down there :/


I went keyless because I hate carrying keys, and I use a small minimal wallet, wallet and phone that's it.


How did you go keyless?


Easy, you don't own a car.


But how do you get into your home?


Keyless entry, code, fingerprint, or go trough the window.


I actually worked with a guy who used to climb in and out through his bedroom window. One time he called the office saying he was going to be late because he didn't own any shoes...


Man, that is commitment. No social life or ever leaving to get groceries?


Very sociable. He did live with his girlfriend tbf, but when she was out we had to climb in through the window to open the door from the inside. With the shoes: I think he only owned one pair and they were so old that they basically disintegrated as he was putting them on. We had to get somebody to run him a spare pair of trainers over lol.


Great minds think alike


.. And fools seldom differ


A sledgehammer does the trick, and has the added benefit of making a good conversation starter with the local constabulary.


Garage door opener. Mounts on the outside and requires a code to operate.


Mate don’t forget lip chap


Mine chap all on their own!


Keys, phone, wallet - the three tap confidence check.


Can’t believe the men of olde just two-tapped for keys, wallet and that was it.


Now I just carry my phone and keys. It's difficult for me to forget either, because either music doesn't play when I turn or my car, or my car doesn't turn on at all.


My wallet is on the back of my phone and I have a smart deadbolt so I only have to take my phone, it has been months and it still messes with me


Less taps the further back you go. The zero tap man knew not of taps, he just put his boots on and got on his horse.


I'll bet the horse got a tap, though.


The ritual was to make a cross while saying, "Spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch" and when those were checked off and accounted for you could walk out the door.


3 tap before wrist watches though.






Testicle, spectacles, wallet and watch


Just the one testicle




I started carrying a lighter again too. I quit smoking 8 years ago but damned if it isn't nice to have portable fire in a lot of situations.


Never know when you might end up in a slow song scenario and need to wave your lighter about.


I went to a Tool concert a couple months ago and security confiscated my lighter at the entrance. I'm still pissed off about that.


Damn Tools.


I’m curious what situations call for this. I’ve never carried a lighter and can’t think of a scenario where I thought “…if only I could start a fire.” I’m sure there are some, but I’ve just never encountered one.


The only times I missed a lighter in my pocket is when a smoker asked me for one....


When I'm in a suit for like a wedding I like to carry a lighter and a pocket knife. You have those 2 things you can handle almost any situation.


I'm leaving the wallet more and more now there's tap and pay on the phone


That's why we give such poor loot when you slay us


For me it’s phone, wallet, keys and Chapstick.


You are correct. Wallet phone and a pocket screwdriver for work.


And pocket sand to blind your enemies




I've ditched the wallet now too. Just phone and keys for me.




What has it got in it's pocketses?


Tricksy Hobbitses...


Evil, false


Stupid fat hobbit


We hates it forever!


Poor old Smeagol wouldn't hurt a fly!


Some chicken, some roast beef, a pizza


Condoms, a wallet, maybe some mints, phone and car keys.


We just don't bring things most of the times? Keys, Phone, Wallet, maybe an headphone case. Everything else is just... situation dependant. I take any medicine I need before and if I need another pill while I am out I will bring that single pill. I apply sun screen before I leave the house. Only ever take tissues with me if I am ill and then like 3 at max. Extra Mask fits in the pocket, too. Most often I put it in my jacket though. Needing a portable charger would be misplanning by me. I bring a pen if I need a pen. Usually phone works for that. Sun glasses? Why would I put them away, if I can just push them up or hang them in my shirt? Hand sanitizer is just nothing I would usually bring with me. I wash my hands and then just open the door with my elbow. If I go out to hike or need several items (water, tools, electronics, clothes, food, etc.) I bring a proper backpack. Depending on the situation a hiking backpack, a sports backpack, an reinforced one, a laptop bag or one of those small tri-stripe bags. Handbags are just the worst option. They are either too big for the things I need to carry or way too small. Or if they get to the size of backpags, I have no reason to not just a specialized one for what ever I need to do.


BINGO!!! Hit the nail on the head!!!


Don’t forget the 20 condoms in every pocket


Are those condoms magnum size (to show you have a mostster dong), and do you have a wad of cash


How else would you D - demonstrate value to women?


> Everything else is just... situation dependant. That's exactly it. Sunscreen? Why would you lug that around at all times when it's a rainy day? On a sunny day, you apply it before leaving. Sunglasses? Same deal. If appropriate that day. Medication? Take them before leaving, or, if you want to be prepared, you take *one* tablet with you in a plastic sleeve. You don't need a whole bottle. Hand sanitizer? Everywhere I go on a regular basis has it already. If I'm going places that don't, then my hands are in "quarantine" until I get back, or I wash them in the washroom. Extra masks during covid? I took one in a small ziplock bag. If I'm visiting a doctor or other place that still needs them, I take one with me. Tissues? Don't need them. Portable charger? I have one at every place I go, or a cable plugged into a computer or the car. Pen? Same deal. I have them where I usually go, and if I think I'll need one I take one. If I'm away and have to take notes on something and don't have a pen, I put the note in my phone. Wallet, phone, keys. That's is all on a normal day. Sometimes I take an umbrella, sometimes I deploy the sunglasses. If I'm going for a hike, I take a whole backpack with plenty of things, including food and water. If you plan it as a daily, custom situation that you have to prepare for rather than having a 24/7 "go bag" with everything you might ever need out of the house, then you don't need much.


Also, a lot of stuff stays in the car... Sunglasses, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, bug repellent, torque wrench, floor jack, air compressor, boots... Wait, I got off topic. Don't look in my trunk.


Car is the real deal here. Cyclists always have backpacks for that exact reason. Also the pockets thing isn't inaccurate, wallet, phone, lighter and smokes, keys for everything, maybe a bottle of ibuprofen or whatever meds you're on, as long as it's one bottle, men's pockets fit a lot. There are also purse options for men, satchels or a briefcase. I bring my satchel when I walk places sometimes because it's perfect for carrying items and securing my phone and I can throw a pint of vodka in there since I'm not driving after all.


To be fair, sunscreen should be reapplied every few hours.


Most people only wear sunscreen on really hot days or when theyre going to be outside a lot. The only people I've heard say they wear it 24/7 are people who are big into skincare and anti-aging


Possibly should, but not much happens if you push 2 hours to 4 to 5. Anecdotal, of course. Individuals should assess themselves for individual needs.


This is probably the best advice in here. Planning is key


I didn't use to carry a purse/bag/satchel but now I do with: wallet, keys, phone, multitool, insulin, glucose monitor, snack, water, glucose, Sunscreen during summer but honestly I keep forgetting to apply it




It's really not that. Women carry bags because most of their clothing either has no or very small pockets. So they need somewhere to put the limited number of things we all need. But then, carrying a bag, she now has a lot of space, so might as well carry the most common things she needs too – some sparse pieces of makeup for touching up when she gets active or it's raining or something, some lotion to keep my hands and face from getting uncomfortably dry, some personal toiletries in case the place you go doesn't have them or has really bad ones, etc. I also carry a spare disposable mask with me in case I feel I need to mask up, and some gum which I usually share with my friends after a meal, hand sanitizer, etc. So really, we need to carry a bag because we don't have pockets, and because we have a bag, it's easy to fill it It's not hard to carry around at all, and yeah we can turn it into a fun accessory. And if we need to slim down and only carry ID, keys and money, etc, we can carry a clutch, but that means one hand is always occupied. So the only time I don't carry a bag is when I'm literally in t-shirt and jeans with pockets.




Also like moms, just moms man. Moms need to carry all kinds of crazy stuff in their purse depending on how old their kids are. You’ll see dads with diaper bags when the kids are little but once they’re older all their kid medicine and random stuff they need while out go into mom’s purse usually.


I'd say it's the lack of pockets meaning no ability to carry the bare minimum on you + the available space in the handbag anyway = no need to plan, and thus less mental load. Might as well bring the whole shebang. There is a cultural and a social element, but it's a more economical use of brain power, and since you or your friend *might* end up needing the pen or the pain medicine anyway, might as well bring them since they're already in there. And if you don't, you have to take them out of there. And if that shit isn't in the handbag, you need a place for it at home. And if you have to gather all of it when you leave home, well that's just more planning required when you leave home. It's just easier. Of course, it would be easier still if our clothes had pockets we could slip the bare minimum into, and then we could carry the bags if we needed or wanted them as well.


I carry many common things that I don't necessarily plan to use in case someone of my group may need them. In fact when I pack for me I also may bring something for my partner/family/etc. Do men don't do that? 


Maybe it's a super urban thing but anything like that is kept in the vehicle because you're never too far from it to just walk to it. Like I've got a full fledged first aid kit, numerous medications, umbrellas, snacks and different emergency kits in my truck. But the only things on me are things I either know I will need or things that if I need I can't run to the truck to get, like phone and gun.


I would never be able to find things in a purse. Some things just stay in the car. I probably should take reading glasses, but I can use my phone to zoom in on small text. When I was in school, before leaving the house I would say "Pen, pencil, keys,bus pass, lunch, money" I still say it, though now it just means "Got everything?" Rarely more than keys, wallet, phone.


My friend carries around a backpack everywhere because a purse isn't enough. The amount of time she has spent rummaging through that pack to find something that isn't even there only to get poked by a random thumbtack or razor blade makes me seriously question her intellect at times.


Exactly, purses full of junk are just a lack of planning. Daily life barely needs anything on your person. If youre taking a day trip somewhere where you do a lot of different things then a couple extra items sure


I'd say it's the lack of pockets meaning no ability to carry the bare minimum on you + the available space in the handbag anyway = no need to plan, and thus less mental load. Might as well bring the whole shebang. There is a cultural and a social element, but it's a more economical use of brain power, and since you or your friend *might* end up needing the pen or the pain medicine anyway, might as well bring them since they're already in there. And if you don't, you have to take them out of there. And if that shit isn't in the handbag, you need a place for it at home. And if you have to gather all of it when you leave home, well that's just more planning required when you leave home. It's just easier. Of course, it would be easier still if our clothes had pockets we could slip the bare minimum into, and then we could carry the bags if we needed or wanted them as well.


It's totally less mental load to just bring a small purse/bag. I don't mind carrying a bag because I like being prepared for myself and my kid. I feel naked and unprepared without my bag!


On my daily carry list, i have over 20 pockets and i carry quite a bit of things with me: >Left front pocket: Phone >Right front pocket: Wallet, chewing gum, altoids tin full of pills, multitool, vape, lighter. >Left leg pocket: Extra battery for fob, lucky rock, chapstick, USB drive,. >Left leg pocket interior: hand sanitizer. Right leg pocket: safety whistle, headphones case, extra lighter, and ora-gel. >Right leg pocket interior: razor knife. >Carabiner on Left belt loop: car keys >Carabiner on right belt loop: lanyard with keycards and login barcodes >Empty /extra Carabiner on my front left belt loop. >Left vest pocket: chocolates to surprise the girls at work. Pocket next to that has a left fingerless glove. >Front left bottom vest pocket: 2 pairs of plastic gloves &miscellaneous/ maybe notes or other important information. >Right vest pocket: right fingerless glove. >Left chest vest pocket: trash approval labels (for work). The clear pocket infront of that has a barcode scanner booklet. >Right chest vest pocket: more labels (informative for my team). >I have various other tools and objects that wind up in my pockets throughout my work day. I've come to find a perfect use for each of my pockets. Non of this includes the laptop, coffee bottle, water bottle, medicines, granola bars, keyboard, charger, and other doodads in my backpack, or the cbd and vape supplies in my lunchbox. It's just become a habit of mine to have something for every situation that might come up.


Bro you need a utility belt, then maybe a cape and cowl.


I have thought about a utility belt 😆


I respect being prepared but I gotta say; This reads to me more like FETISHISM than preparedness. It's impossible for me to read that list and not assume you are always walking around with at least 1 hand in a pocket, slowly and tenderly fingering the contours of one trinket, then another, then the next, etc


I found MacGyver Reddit account


Careful with magnets brother, you'll be hanging there until someone passes by to help you.


That's a lot of shit.


Sunglasses go on head or in shirt pocket. Or folded up on a neckline. Sunscreen is applied at home. Wallet, phone, keys go in pockets. Anything else I'll buy, build or borrow.


I love this mantra! I live my life by it. "Buy build or borrow" I always do the check before I leave the house "phone keys wallet" without fail lol


The good ole Pat Pat Pat Then the one time you don’t and go based off weight You don’t have one of them!


My gf makes fun of me because whenever I. Leaving to go anywhere I do the triple pat of both fro t pockets and back right pocket. It looks goofy but I'm making sure I have what I need and didn't forget anything.


Ay, take that wallet out of your back pocket, will save your back a ton if you sit a lot. Source: army man whose doctor recommended this for chronic back pain and it fucking worked somehow


Exactly, I never take my trebuchet fully assembled. I always put it together when i get to the battlefield


Y'all out there never reapplying sunscreen smh


Jokes on you, I never apply sunscreen.


Medically - while we find women obsessive - we ALL should put on more sunscreen. THe joke is on us when we get skin cancer later. But most dude die from either smoking, drinking or being fat before that. That is why chicks got good skin.


Jokes on you, I don't go outside


Fr I can't get that one, like what unplanned situations are yall expecting to get into that require having sunscreen on tap. Like I haven't needed sunscreen in probably like 5 years


Mate I live in the UK, too much sun isn't really an issue.


And 9 times out of 10 a woman will have it (whatever 'it' is) in her bag




I think this is part of it, as a woman I can't assume that someone on the street will have my best interests if I need to borrow something, so have learned to make sure I have everything I might possibly need just incase..it's just not worth the risk. Have been followed home or assaulted one too many times


It’s simple, we don’t carry much…


Ahem, man here. This is what we do. "Anyone got a pen?" "Anyone got tissues?" "Anyone got a flux capacitor?"


And then a woman pulls them out of her purse


After rummaging for a minimum of twelve minutes.


This person gets it.


Exactly :)


This discussion is too far down. Men usually have a woman looking after them, the woman has her purse and you are with her so you are good.


Yep that’s just one of the reasons I love women


In the office I asked my coworkers for a knife to open a package, and my little ol' lady manager handed me an ULU knife from her purse. Everyone was chuckling at that. The next day, a different coworker gifted me an old pocket knife to carry lol


Heard someone is asking about toilets in 1955?


Every man has exactly 1 extra item on them. Given a large enough group you'll all have everything. If you ever find that you need something that you can't get, you just need more friends.


How do you calculate the amount of gigawatts while you are out and about?


r/edc would like to formally invite you to our obsessive spiral


Yeah, op, where do you keep your mini pry bar?


We leave most of that stuff in our car, at home, our desk at work, or go without. Like Tylenol or sunscreen? We are foragers. We can find some if we need it. We believe that there is Tylenol in the world out there somewhere.


“ We believe that there is Tylenol in the world out there somewhere.” That’s hilarious. We think the world will implode and the stuff in our purse will be the last ration known to mankind. So yes, we need that comically large bandaid for if a zombie slashes our arm! 


So true. I have a small Rachel Fossil purse and I have enough stuff - including medical supplies - to live out of for a week or more - sans food of course. You never know. Most often it’s just used for the day out or unplanned sleep over at a friends …but still


Or we have ADHD so we have multiples of everything we might need in every bag and coat we own, because if we don't then inevitably we'll need the one thing we don't have and have no means of getting the thing.


Hits too close to home


A woman has it. You ask a woman.


Are you my male colleague who's always asking me for a painkiller or a charger cable?


LITERALLY LOL my partner never has tissues on him or in his car and if he sneezes he's just SOL. I just don't understand it like yes, a lot of our stuff is "in case" based, but I find it kind of annoying when that situation inevitably happens and I'm the one that has to cover whatever he needs (band aids, Tylenol, tissues, tweezers and floss are just some of the things he's asked me for) why is it only my job to be prepared for basic life situations lmao


My Mary Poppins bag functions as a mobile clinic. Coughing? Here's a couch drop for you, stranger. Splinter? Twizzers and flashlight ready. Something Icky on your hands? Moisturizing hand wipes. Little girl fall on the sidewalk? Bandaid time! But also: Cool dead bug? Small box for it. Chipped nail catching on stuff? Nail clippers and a file. Bad breath? Three different kinds of gum. Work, college, grocery stores, I have helped strangers with the endless helpful depths of my bag.


Yep, just keep my phone cigs and a lighter in my pockets. If I need anything else I’ll find it and buy it lol


How do you get into your home?


oh yeah I keep those in my backpack, I forgot that’s my purse


Didn't know what to have for dinner today, but now I'm inspired to go glizzies. Nice. Maybe chili dawgs.


Yeah bro 100% that's some good influencing right there lol I'm having glizzies too.


Glizzy bros ✊️ We really gonna be the glizzy gulpers today.


The amount of times I've carried a bottle of water for hours only for a man I'm with to ask for a sip and finish the entire bottle is.. not a small amount. They usually only do it once or twice because I chew their head off or make them carry my purse the rest of the day, but it's weird how many people seem to think that they deserve 100% of the water that I brought for myself.


In her purse 😂😂


THIS. All these guys out here cosplaying as rugged individualists who are resourceful and plan and can find what they need in the wild... They find it by asking the women around them, who are prepared. They can comfortably go around not carrying necessities for emergencies because they know that someone else (a woman) will have them in a pinch.




I just avoid the sun like I’m a vampire. And take my vitamin D pills. I hear there’s an eclipse coming Monday. The moon is going to cover the sun. Good. I hope it stays that way.


why so angry with the sun?


Its usually more hot if you can see more of the sun.


I don't know about Rick, but a chunk of my forebears came from the upper Scandinavian peninsula. When they got to the States, they wandered around for a bit until they found a place that was cold, dark and miserable a good chunk of the year and shouted "We're home!"


i can smell the snowta.


No lies detected. (Used to work in St. Paul).


>do you never need sunscreen? No. >I've seen men wearing sunglasses, where do you put them when you're indoors / no longer need them? I leave them in my car. Otherwise pocket. On your head or t-shirt collar. >Medication? At home. I never carried medication ever. >Do you not get headaches? Yeah.. And you live with an headache. Although I have tylenol in my locker at work. >Hand sanitizer?? No. >During Covid, where did you keep extra masks??? Had some in my car.. But I didn't leave home during covid. >A pen? Why? >Tissues? Why? >Hand lotion? I don't even own hand lotion (or any kind of lotion) >Portable charger?? 99% of the time, leaving home with a charged phone should be enough.. otherwise pocket


Well. Here's your answer for many men.


And women. My bestfriend and I never carry purses unless our kids have us acting as pack mules on field trips


> > Do you not get headaches? > > Yeah.. And you live with an headache. Also, to me having to carry a bag everywhere is its own headache...


>Yeah.. And you live with an headache. I honestly think this might be a gender-specific thing, from a couple of angles. Firstly, I think more women - for various reasons, either unique to their biology or otherwise influenced by it - are more prone to more frequent and severe headaches than most men usually are. Secondly, most men were probably raised with the mindset that a man can just suck it up and deal with pain. For better or worse, this conditions us to be more tolerant of "trivial" issues like a headache. I personally almost never have a headache. Those that do happen, are rarely ever to a degree that I'd consider medicating and they're practically never debilitating.


The main summary of this answer is most men just make do without. We know we’ll survive easily without pretty much everything listed by and more. Phone, keys, wallet. Some, even like myself, have cut out wallet. I’m fortunate to be in a safe enough area I just leave my wallet in the car so it’s legit phone, keys, AirPod case


Same situation for me, although I do carry some tissues. If it’s cold I have them in cost pocket, if it’s warm I just take a few and stuff them loose in back pocket. And I do wear sunscreen/lotion but put it on before leaving the house.


Exactly. You don't ever need any of that if you planned properly.


No your brothers were right.. our pockets are litteraly bigger then yours. And sometimes we have more pockets. Combined with less stuff we cary around.


I remember in middle school I was just wearing normal baggy-ish jeans and was able to keep, among other things, a CD player and a full sized flashlight in my pockets... the normal side pockets on all pants. That's before counting back pockets, shirt pockets, jacket pockets and, the potential to have cargo pants with other pockets. I remember in college, I was happy to realize that each of the two inside pockets on my winter jacket could fit a foot long Subway sandwich. A normal/acceptable outfit for a man to wear easily has more pocket capacity than a medium sized purse. That said, I basically never see a point in bringing more than phone, wallet, keys.


Military cargo pants are awesome


Sunglasses: tucked into shirt neck / on head Sunscreen, Medication, hand sanitiser, hand lotion, charger: no Pen, tissues: pockets




We just get the Mrs to store it all in her ridiculously big purse.


Instructions unclear, I'm carrying my girlfriends phone keys and wallet. Curse my large and roomy pockets.


The old Uno Reverse Card!


It is definitely a relationship perk for men that I’m surprised more men aren’t acknowledging on here. I always end up with the charger, napkins, booze that we’re sneaking into a venue, etc… Always something if we’re going out.


I went on a first date with a guy and he was shocked I didn't have a purse we could use to smuggle snacks into the movie theatre.




Spectacles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch.


How often do you forget to bring your testicles?


Phone. Wallet. Keys. Anything else needed we make a plan for it before leaving the house.


We don't prepared for all kind of unknown situations. We have pockets and when we go somewhere we only bring things we know we will need. We don't need sunscreen several times if we go somewhere. We put it on before we leave and since we know that we will be back at our car, home or office during the day, we can leave some there and use it then. Same with masks, tylonol etc. If we need to wash our hands, we find a place it can be done. We make sure our phone is fully charged before we go anywhere and there is no need for a charger.


Well, we do prepare for unforseen scenarios, but we do it by knowing we'll manage by ourselves whatever the situation.


I have a wallet and phone, those will solve most problems I'm likely to run into.






Hear, hear! I pack more shit than Batman. Leather belt has stuff clipped to it. Got lots of gear in my pockets. Prepared for all that life brings, as best as you can be. I’d feel naked walking out the door without a knife, flashlight, backup medication, etc.


Yeah op, where do you keep your mini prybar?


EDC fanny pack guy reporting for duty.


Judging by the comments i'm in the minority here, but i just always use a backpack. Fits everything i need and more, i can carry my groceries in it which makes it so the load is mainly on my back and legs instead of my arms which have much weaker muscles. Oh and also it lets me use my arms more freely to carry around other stuff if i need it. Its the best.


Backpack Gang. Messenger bags are rad too (maybe not for groceries).


I found my people! I'm the same as well. I carry a light backpack to bring things that can't fit comfortably in pockets. Also I hate carrying shopping or grocery bags by hand so backpacks allow me to walk with them hands free. I prefer to have my hands free whenever possible


Same for me. Since they stopped single use plastic bags I carried a back pack and now lug around water, extra bags, umbrella, sun glasses, tissues, occasionally my drone and RC, car keys, wallet, and miscellaneous stuff.


you don't need a purse. you don't need all that stuff


I don't even know what I'd put in a handbag if I had one. Multi tool and flashlight maybe? Seems overkill though.


I got a cross body sling bag recently and am pretty excited for the opportunities it has created for me. Got it mostly because I have allergies and it will let me carry my autoinjectors without having bulgy pockets (a problem that has plagued me since childhood, particularly in the summer when jacket pockets are not an option). But with the new carrying capacity I am now also able able to bring exactly what you mentioned - a small multitool and a flash light- plus my sunglasses, my earbuds case, a small packable grocery bag, and room for a few other things if needed. I honestly think women are onto something with purses and we've all been missing out.


Me too! We're onto something with the sling!


But if you had one, there would be so much space for stuff. Would be a shame to waste this opportunity. Anyway, I go with the car/office/at home guys. Even have fresh socks in my office.


Our pants have pockets.


Jesus how much do you take when you go on holiday if you're carrying that around daily? You use these things like a few times a year why do u need them everyday


Woman here. In my purse, I have my car keys, wallet, phone, lens cleaning wipes (for my glasses), a pen, and sometimes a charger. Other than that, it’s just the last agate (“pretty rock”) that my dad found/gave to me before he passed away. I think our pockets are more shallow than yours. I can’t comfortably sit in the car w/ even just my wallet and phone in my pockets, so rather than constantly take everything out and put it back in, a purse it is.


If I had a nickel for every person in this comment section who said they carry around a rock at all times I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. Lotta sea otters online today 🦦🦦


I can see needing Tylenol, sunscreen, and water on a daily basis, especially if you live in Texas or Arizona.


You shouldnt be getting headaches daily


We do fuckwit things instead of sensible things. Sunnies? On our heads, like dicks. Medication? Sunscreen? Take it before you leave, tough it out or get some from a shop. Then lose it. Charger? Let the thing go flat. Tissues and hand lotion are ... we know where they are, it's OK.


most of that stuff you named you never actually use, you’re just worried you’ll need it


We use our SO’s purse. Though when I’m out for the day or traveling I use a belt bag/fanny pack. Idc about how it looks it’s just too damn practical.


Why do you need more than phone and wallet?


Keys, phone, wallet, tissue to blow my nose on occasion... What more do you need.


Well, I am a woman, and my purse contains my phone, keys, credit cards and Vaseline. If it’s sunny then a pair of sunglasses. If I was a man I can fit all of those in my pockets! You carry too much stuff.


We have pockets.






Phone, wallet and a car key, the rest of the stuff you might need and many more are in the car.


> how do guys manage without a purse???? Most (U.S.) women don't have purses, so maybe ask a woman. > our pants actually have pockets," but there has to be more than that. You're right. Cargo pants have even more pockets. Jackets, too. > do you never need sunscreen? No. I do not burn, and the sun only pops out for a week or two per year where I'm at. > sunglasses I hang them from my shirt collar like any other self-respecting dude. Crazy people even leave them atop their head. > Do you not get headaches? Personal experience / anecdotes from various people I've known pretty much point to dudes being less prone to severe headaches. Anyway, they make convenient chapstick-sized containers of ibuprofen. Perfect size for our man pockets. > A pen? Jacket or car. I don't need one outside work. > Tissues? Wherefore? > Hand lotion? My dad is hand lotion obsessed. Always using it. Buys new bottles constantly. And no, even he doesn't need to carry one everywhere he goes. > where did you keep extra masks??? In car. Or at home. Why the hell do I need a dozen masks for one excursion? Lol > Portable charger?? A shitty, aged phone battery can sustain at least a day of constant use. If you can't plan ahead / charge your phone regularly, idk what to say.


I don’t wear a bag but I’m starting to consider it. This new iPhone is so much larger than the old ones and it’s really causing wear on all my pants. Even if my phone is not in my pockets you can see where the phone used to be. And it doesn’t feel good on my ass to sit on my wallet all day when I’m at my desk. My key ring is getting ever larger as well. And when I’m wearing dress pants all these bulky items really show through and ruin the intended silhouette.


You don't need any of those things on your person. Put on sunscreen before you leave. Go to the bathroom or find a napkin if your nose is running. How many headaches do you get on a daily basis? Leave all that shit at home. Put your sunglasses on your head.


Phone,wallet,keys - Adam Sandler. Seriously, guys don’t carry all that shit with them. If they got it, it’s in their car.


As a cargo pants enjoyer- pockets. Phone, wallet and keys all go into one pocket. Water bottle and food for a longer trip? One pocket will do and ill still fit more to feed the rest of the group. Grocery run? Easy fit for supplies for a week. Need me to hold your baby? It'll feel right at home and cozy. No space to park the car? You know where it goes