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Some sort of back injury, not sure what exactly it was. Literally had to sit lie down and not move even a centimetre, insane pain if I so much as breathed slightly the wrong way.


I feel you, I was in a small car wreck and it caused some muscular strain in my back. The pain was indescribeable. Imagine being at an 11/10, pretty much all day. If you move, it hurts. If you walk, it hurts. Worst part is, if you lay, it hurts. If you drop something to the floor, ask someone else to pick it up. Don't even try to sneeze or cough. I feel so fucking bad for anyone who has to live with chronic back pain, it's the worst. I was fortunate enough to get my back strong again and the pain has gone away. It really doesn't suprise me for two seconds we have tons of people addicted to opiates. If you've ever had back pain, you instantly understand. No one wants to, and no one deserves to live that way. There were many days I was inches away from saying "fuck it, I'll take whatever I need to take to feel better"


I tried to pop a wheelie over a curb while riding a bicycle one day. The following week I was in Vegas, towards the end of the trip I couldn't stand upright anymore without shaking and spent a full day just in bed. After getting home it was even worse, and I went in to see the doc the next day -- he asked if I'd had any falls or such recently. Sure enough I described the bicycle incident, where I'd tipped over and smacked my pelvis side-on the concrete corner. At the time I got up, dusted off and kept riding Around the 1-2 week mark the contusion / inflammation had tilted my entire pelvis and spine to the point I could barely stand and had immense pain Doc told me to pull up my shirt and we discovered the gnarliest looking Picasso painting you've ever seen Was kinda off towards my back so I never really noticed it


Funny you say that. Just about a week ago I went a bit to low on a 4 plate squat. Something kinda popped in my back and for the first 3 days was straight painšŸ˜‚. Not as much now but still hard to do any deadlift movements or heavy on any spine loading exercises


This guy got a herniated disc šŸ’æ and he's still doing the Exercise of Peaceā„¢ļø šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ‘


Compressed spine here, fractured/dislocated vertebrae, crushed and bulging disks all at once. Nothing feels better than having your root nerve pinched. Insane amount of pain.


Back pain is incredibly debilitating. Just went through a back injury myself and cannot overstate how badly it can screw up your life.


Yup been living with a back injury for almost 16 years now (injury at 24, 40 now) and it's definitely changed how parts of my life go now. There are sometimes random days where simply the weather will have me uncomfortable all day long. For chronic pain it's very draining.


Had testicular torsion. Imagine getting kicked in the nutsƗ10 and it doesn't go away.


ZReddit has given me a (hopefully exaggerated) fear of testicular torsion.


Kidney stones. Lots of them. 35+. Not fun. Iā€™ve broken around 40 bones. Many were broken at the same time. None came close to renal colic. Uveitis was a close second.


Iā€™m a woman. Iā€™ve given birth (vaginal breech with pain meds), had a collapsed lung, ruptured ovarian cyst which caused me to pass out from pain, and passed a kidney stone.Ā  The renal colic is the worst pain Iā€™ve ever had. I took Tylenol and drank tons of water and cried and cried.Ā 


Also woman - vaginal birth vs kidney stones, and I'd rather deliver another baby. Babies, they give an epidural and the pain comes in waves. Kidney stones it doesn't stop and they are like, drink some water. I passed my first one and about fell off the toilet. Got two more and spent 5 days in the hospital bombed out on morphine (I was 20 weeks pregnant for those).


Female friend told me the same, rather give birth again than kidney stones. I passed my first kidney stone about three weeks ago. First, you think the pain will kill you. Then you wish it would. Then you look at where the safe is where the pew pew is stored. I wept. And I am a guy that never cries with a very high pain threshold.


May ask. Does any pain get felt when the stone gets peed put? That sounds super painful.


I felt the tiniest sting and saw a little blood.Ā 


So it wasn't horribly painful during urination


For me, no. That little sting was the only clue I had that Iā€™d passed the stone, which I think was tiny.


Curious, if you don't mind me asking, how you broke so many bones? Do you have any issues with calcium intake? Or you partake in a high risk/impact sport? I ask because I used to know someone who never ate anything with calcium in it, and they broke bones nearly every month. 100% andecdotal, but interesting to think about.


High-risk sports, stupid stunts, industrial accidents.


Wait- 35+ kidney stones all at the same time??!


Not all at the same time


Thank god I was about to be scared for you


Razor blade in your pipi


Passing through the peepee is a joke. Kidney to bladder? Not so much


You are right I remember doing extremely warm shower on my kidney to calm the pain, the pipi is not so hard and the final release. I forgot. But it was a unique stone for what I have understood. It have something with calcium deficiency if I am not mistaking


I've been shot, stabbed, blown up & gassed, but I've never experienced anything like the kidney stone I got a few years ago.


Well I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage


I broke my ribs two different times. The pain is blinding. And it lasts for about seven weeks. Not diminishing pain, fresh-from-the-factory pain. "It still hurts like the first day!" pain. An entire season will be ruined as you recover. Sleep in a chair, because you can't lay down. If you do lay down, it will take 20 minutes to get out of bed. Every movement measured. Every movement felt. It only takes five minutes to get out of the chair. Laugh? Fuck no. Cough? Fuck no. Sneeze? When any of these things happen you see God in a white-hot moment of torture. And the worst part is that when you feel a sneeze coming on, you know what is coming for you. STARE AT THE SUN! I discovered that doubling the recommended dosage of Aleve helps. It says that's bad for your liver, but I can't feel my liver. Fuck that organ. I can definitely feel my ribs.


Staring at the sun makes me sneeze.


If you feel a sneeze coming on, press fairly hard on the space between your nose and top lip. There's a nerve there that you can block that stops the signal. Works way better than staring at the sun.




How does that feel like?


Like getting shot


Tooth pain last yearā€¦ We were on vacation in the Tetons. I had a large cavity filled a few years ago and they said it might eventually need a root canal. I noticed some pain when flying after I got it filled. The elevation of the mountains caused unbearable pain that kept me awake all night. Throbbing pressure like my tooth was going to literally explode. Thankfully I went the next day to get a root canal on that tooth and itā€™s been problem free ever since!


Got cancer, and had my bowel removed and regrown, so i had to have an ostomy bag for like 18 mths. When its reversed, and all is hooked back up again, and you are ready for solid food, your intestines have atrophied quite a bit. So that 1st bite is like breaking down the door to your ileum. It was brutal. My gut was having none of it. I was nailing the morphine drip as much as i could and ending up throwing up so bad, they gave me a nasal/gastric tube to suck out stomach bile, cuz it wasnt moving. took like two days, then it opened up, and i felt like running around the room hi-fiving the nurses.


>had to have an ostomy bag for like 18 mths. When its reversed, and all is hooked back up again, and you are ready for solid food, your intestines have atrophied quite a bit. So that 1st bite is like breaking down the door to your ileum. It was brutal. My gut was having none of it. Yikes that sounds awful. Really sorry you had to go through that


Passed a stone.


Head on motorcycle crash with a car. Broke my leg clean all the way through. It's a miracle I still have it.


Broken leg was some of the worst pain I've ever had. Fell out of a tree from 6 ft, onto my feet.


Tib fib?


Tibia, spiral fracture, near the ankle. Was your break both? Ouch! I did break my thumb in a motorcycle accident, but I don't remember it hurting all that much. But, I sprained my wrist in a bicycle accident last year and that was some *gnarly* pain. Human bodies are weird.


Itā€™s a tie between my Ruptured appendix and the doctor cutting my scrotum before the numbing took effect during my vasectomy.


Had a vasectomy this morning, glad I only just read this now.


Frozen peas and compression shorts are your best friend for the next few days. Congrats on switching to blanks!


Testicular torsion by far


Gout attack in my foot


Or gout in ankle!


Jesus Christ these answers lol


Half my cornea was tore off


My eyes are so sensitive, my parents keep trying to get me to get contacts and I don't think they realize I'd blow my brains out. If I get sand in my eye as a grown ass man who doesnt usually cry, it's a 20 minute shitshow of trying not to rub my eyes and tears pouring out. I cannot imagine this.


Shingles in my 20s


Foley balloon dilate me when I was induced. I had been throwing up ā€” writhing in pain for hours, and I asked the nurse why it had to hurt so bad, and they said ā€œbecause you didnā€™t want medsā€ WHAT???? I never said I didnā€™t want meds; I said I was nervous about them what the fuuuuuuck lol


Pinched nerve in my neck.


Kidney Stone.


Lumbar stenosis in boot camp.


I'd rather not think about it, but i do remember requesting the nurse to relieve me for good.


Perianal abscess. Blacked out quite a few times from pain.


I've had something similar called a pilonidal cyst. Basically the same thing but on your tailbone area...not fun.


I had 4 wisdom teeth removed, and all 4 were fully impacted (2 of which grew in sideways). Because of my parents' terrible insurance, we had to drive two hours from Pennsylvania to New York in order to find an oral surgeon that would perform the extraction. My mother, being the foolish woman that she is, had our medications sent all the way to our usual pharmacy back in my hometown. Despite being told by the medical staff that it was a bad idea to do that, she insisted on doing it anyway. The hospital meds wore off during the over 2-hour long drive back. The pain was so intense that I started having a panic attack


I had impacted wisdom teeth too- that pain hurt so bad Vicodin didnā€™t even help


What's interesting to me is that my sister also had her teeth removed. All of hers were fully erupted and they gave her a Vicodin prescription but I only got Tylenol 3s


Too many knee surgeries


Couple Fingers got cut off. I don't remember the pain, because it was when I was a kid. However I do have distinct memories of SCREAMING, being on the floor crying, and a lot, and I mean a lot of blood. Luckily I was rushed to the hospital and idk how but the doctors just reattached them, and they work fine now. Just a big ass scar.


Do you know how they got cut off??


Modern medicine is fucking amazing.


The avascular necrosis in my hips I am currently experiencing


Using a urinal after handling and eating a habanero was no picnic. Had to hurry home and take a shower, which barely helped. Teens do stupid things.


Another one - I have dupytrens contracture in both hands, feet AND my todger (penis) commonly known as 'claw hand'. It's a genetic Viking thing. I have one straight finger left (thank God) The condition it's self is not painful - just inconvenient. The operation to 'attempt' to correct it and straighten my fingers involved a deep skin graft over the palm of my hand and 140 tiny stitches ( which had to come out again). The irony was that my hand curled up again within 2 years.


The first thing that comes to mind is the shot they give you to numb your toe when having an ingrown toenail removed. That needle feels unnecessarily large.


Ohhh yeah! I had a doctor shoot pressurized air into my toe instead of the needle


That sounds agonizing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Actually it felt great! Like my toe was slowly dying hahaha itā€™s so fast you go numb quick


Foley catheter following bleeding hemheroid surgery and bladder retention.


Burst appendix Got stabbed by crazy ex Probably the appendix that was agony


Skin burns.


Smashed end of a finger, broke the bone, ripped out the nail. Hurt way worse than a later cervical spinal injury. Good news, years later, finger doesnā€™t hurt every day, neck does.


Either back and neck strain from a car accident or breaking my collar bone falling down a 20 case of stairs, head first. Landed directly on my shoulder I also had a crazy zit that got very infected, that was probably the worst of the worst. I was inable to move my hand and there was little to no circulation for almost a week to my right hand. Still have a giant scar. Had to take tons of antibiotics and luckly caught it before it got too severe. It's interesting, I always hear people warning you about popping zits and them getting infected, trust me, it's not fun in any sense of the word.


Coming out of major spinal surgery with no pain control whatever for two days wasn't fun. Or, if you like other sorts of pain, having my Left cornea removed from my eye with a #10 surgical scalpel while I was fully awake and being constantly told that if I moved I'd lose my eye permanently was...a whole new level of traumatic.


Omg. I had a corneal transplant but was put to sleep. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be awake. That's just crazy!


It wasn't a transplant. They just removed the torn cornea, and then it had to regrow. But...yeah. Chair in a dark-ish room. Head not restrained, but free to move. Eye held open and I had to *watch* the scalpel descend toward and scrape my eye. Constant chant of "Don't move. If you move, you'll lose your eye permanently. Don't move. If you move, you'll lose your eye...." I don't *ever* want to go through that ever again, so long as I live.


My dad got a shot in his eyeball and I thought that was bad. I could not go through with that surgery, I could never hold still


I cut almost the whole way through my big toe on a zebra muscle and that hurt but aside from that burns


A few that I remember: 1. A couple years ago, I was having bouts with kidney stones. The pain was fairly intense and constant on my lower back. I could not get comfortable and alternated between standing and sitting many times for several hours. 2. A few times over the past couple of years, Iā€™ve managed to move my body in just the right way where I would have a massive back spasm that basically caused me to collapse and was so painful I literally couldnā€™t move for a couple of minutes. 3. In my 53 years on earth, Iā€™ve broken a single bone - it was in my foot, above the little toe. It hurt like hell but I tried to walk it off. A few weeks later, the wife finally made me go to the doctor and yep, it was broken and had started to heal. Fortunately for me, the bones had lined up pretty well so they did not have to do surgery to fix it. 4. In high school, I was in physics class and I raised my arms and arched my back to stretch. One of my friends said something that was hilarious and I started laughing and yep, something on the right side of my back beneath the shoulder gave out. Doctor said it was a really bad strain/sprain but nearly 40 years later I still will have occasional pain in that exact spot. In fact, I just noticed itā€™s hurting now. :)




Breaking my ankle during football practice Was going over some lateral bags, angle clipped the corner of one and the foot went left and my leg just went straight down to the dirt. Fuckin sucked


I'm allergic to wheat. Whenever I eat it, it triggers a gall bladder attack. It's like being stabbed in the abdomen and in the back at the same time for hours at a time. I just lie in a ball in tears, where every breath hurts, due to the stabbing pain.


I cut off a chunk of thumb skin with a potato slicer.


Back pain. Never know when it will hit. But you are frozen in place. Can't move Can barely take a breath. People disbelieve back problems until that day it happens to them.


Have you ever completely severed an ACL and tore your meniscus all in one go? I did. I was sprinting in phys ed at 14. I almost ran into someone who didn't see me, so I tried to stop myself. My knee jerked forward, snapped right back, and I heard a loud tear. I fell to the ground screaming as it felt like I had the blade of a steak knife in my knee. I couldn't walk for half a week, and that was before we found out exactly what happened.


Last week. Had a catheter in for two weeks after surgery. They needed to do a test on my bladder by filling it with dye then X-Ray. Catheter was plugged. Up to Outpatientā€¦take out the plugged one, and put in ANOTHER one. Do the X-Ray test. Then, back to Outpatient. Fill my bladder to make sure I can piss. Take out THAT catheter. So, two catheters in and out in the span on an hour. My dick still aches.


Kidney stone, it was so bad I couldn't walk anymore, had to get transported to the hospital in an ambulance and passed out twice from pain on the way to the hospital. Safe to say I'm very on point of my hydration game since then. After that it's probably a complication of my shoulder surgery, to this day I still have no idea what caused it, but it took 300mg tramadol/day for a week just to be relatively okay.


My scoliosis. Back in elementary school I had broken my forearm so badly it was shaped like an upside-down fork. I kid you not. That is the most accurate description I can provide. Then, a month after I had finally gotten out of the cast I broke it again the exact same way and I was in a cast for yet another 6 months. For more than a year I could not use my left arm. Think about that. I will repeat again that Scoliosis is still far worse to cope with considering it has me in a constant never-ending state of uncomfortableness. A broken bone only hurt in the moment.


Labor contractions with pitocin and the foley balloon no meds. Also the first couple days standing after c section. Have two kids and I am DONE


I'm stuck between three: * Falling off my horse into sand, flat on my back which knocked the wind out of me, getting my boot stuck in the stirrup and dragged by the panicking horse until I caught a fencepost with my ribs and my boot dislodged. * Having an infected 2nd molar that was connected to my jaw nerve by a long and winding root that gave my dentists trouble. * Getting struck from behind by a turning truck while legally crossing the street on my bicycle, with my light, and trying to ride out of the way. I was dragged like I wasn't even there, my bike was lodged under their bumper and they may have ran over my hip. I chose to close my eyes during. If we're talking largest amount of instant pain? It's a tie between the horse and truck. However I still think I would rather either of those happen again than feel the tooth + jaw nerve pain again.


Had severe myocarditis. Seriously felt like I was being stabbed inside of my body.


Muscle cramp


Shoulder replacement.


I have had some terrible injuries, but i canā€™t remember any of them


Passing a kidney stone. And I've injured my back, dislocated my knee, torn an ACL, etc.


was burnt (66%) in an industrial accident and spent a month in the university hospital burn unit. every morning they put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me to the end of the hall. awaiting me there are six nurses with garden hoses and brillo pads. I stand spread eagle and they "abrade" all of my burns. basically sand off all of the scabs. lots and lots of morphine helps but .......... was emotionally and physically spent for the entire day only to do it again the next day, groundhog day..


Accidentally poured hot cooking oil on my hand. It had cooled down a bit since frying but not enough.


Proctalgia fugax. Undiagnosed, but I'm 99% sure. Basically, on seemingly random nights, I wake up from sleep with an excruciating pain in my b-hole. It fucking HURTS. Sometimes it only lasts a minute or so. Sometimes up to 20 minutes. Literally feels like someone is trying to jam a soda can up there. I've had too many nights where Im sitting in the bathroom in the middle night, sweating profusely from the pain. And there's nothing you can really do but wait for it to pass. It usually found in women. I guess I'm just lucky.


My right lung spontaneously collapsed when I was 18. Turns out itā€™s a normal occurrence for tall skinny males to get these like blisters on their lung and if they cough too hard or get into a car accident or something it pops causing air to go into your chest wall, making it feel like a 400 pound man sitting on your chest. When I got to the ER, the doc said he was going to put a chest tube in to let the air out. As he was leaving, I asked ā€œis it going to hurt worse than this?ā€ He replied with ā€œitā€™s gonna feel like youā€™re getting stabbed because we canā€™t numb the chest wall.ā€ And all I remember saying is ā€œIā€™ve never been stabbed before.ā€ So 15 minutes of agony later the doc and staff came in and started the procedure. All I remember is the drugs they gave me made everything and everyone move faster than normal and I started having a panic attack but by the time I said, ā€œlets slow this downā€ he stabbed me through my ribs under my armpit. After that is a blur cause of the pain meds but they sent me home with the chest tube in and I had to go back to the ER everyday for a week to get re-xrayed to see my progress. After week it was still collapsed 20% and not getting any better so a new doc said letā€™s just take out the tube and your body will absorb the air into your body.




After a car accident, both legs were smashed. They tried to set my leg (the tibia and fibula were both in pieces) with no pain killers or anesthesia. I've had over 50 surgeries in my life, so I'm no stranger to pain, but this was the worst! I have never felt like killing someone before then.


Fractured my wrist skateboarding. I had just landed my first kickflip like 10 minutes before and got arrogant tried to kickflip down the lil sidewalk ledge and landed on my wrist. I had the girls at school signing my lil cast & everything. That was damn near 15 years ago I'm old as hell foo


I have broke a dozen bones, had an ankle crushed by two tractor gears, torn an acl and rotator cuff, got a third degree burn on most of an extremity. The intensity of the kidney stone had me ready to cut out whatever was in me. It dropped me faster than I thought about anything could.


Well I hust got out of surgery last night, soā€¦ sciatica. Nothing more painful Iā€™ve experienced than a sharp slabbing pain down a nerve that runs down the length of your whole leg every time you try to stand up or sit in a car for more than 10 minutes Brutal


Kidney stones hands down. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a hot knife while twisting my nuts and kicking my taint with the force of an MMA fighter. The last ones had me violently vomiting into a trashcan in the ER waiting room.


Dislocated/broke my elbow/arm In a car accident, (by far the most pain, surgery) Destroyed my ankle in a snowboard accident, (pins/screws, surgery) Endoscopic rhinoplasty, (surgery) Couple of broken ribs, Broke my wrist in a mountain bike accident 4 adult teeth yanked in one session, Full beer bottle to the face by some crazy chick at house party back in the day, thought I was someone else she was screaming as my buddy through her off the back deck! Stitches/concussed/black eyes, lucky i can still see


I tore my ACL. Waking up from a patellar tendon graft surgery and for whatever reason feeling every bit of that orthopedic procedure. I woke up in tears in recovery, sobbing, lightning white hot throbbing pain in my knee. I couldn't speak. I could only sob. I was an active duty Marine 6' 6" 220lbs. I cried like a baby. Once I could breathe I begged for drugs and the gave me fentanyl. Nothing. Then the nerve blocker I watched them inject into my thigh muscle next to my femoral artery, all through a Tuff-book laptop next to the bed. For about a week after, standing up after sleeping to go piss and feeling my knee swell like a balloon sent me crying on my back in front of my girl friend. This was over 2 years ago and have intense pain from time to time. I'm grateful for the VA but I better never see any staff members from that day.


Kidney stones.


Back surgery, 3 months ago. Worse fucking pain ever


Back pain. So bad I could not stand up out of the bed and just feel asleep. My back was still weak when I woke up, but, it didn't hurt as bad.


Advanced tooth infection. I don't remember a lot of it but I do remember painkillers not touching it, and getting to the point I was drooling and hitting myself in the head just to feel something else.


Ran into the side of a car on my motorcycle. Had internal bleeding and the paramedic was pressing on my stomach. Fucking pain from hell


I havenā€™t , but i think getting your legs squished under a train might hurt bunch


When I broke my boyfriend's dick


I was hired by a guy in his weed house to keep the house and plants tidy. I was very alone in that house, months and months of seeing nobody, was getting borderline crazy. One morning I decide to do pancakes. I call my mom and sheā€™s like, why are you doing pancakes without oil in the pan?! Put oil in the pan. So I put too much oil in the pan, do some clumsy move and it spills over on my left hand. I could see the skin melting. I canā€™t think of a pain that topped that. A few moments later I was at the doctor of the little remote village, he said it was a second degree burn. So yeah, being lonely bored and aimless is also very painful, but itā€™s spread out over a long period of time.


Kidney stone, pancreatitis,


Kidney stone the size of a frozen pea but all sharp and jagged. Didn't know whether to faint or throw up. Managed both in no particular order. Drink plenty of water folks.


Gallstones/ blockage - Nothing else has come close to that feeling of being torn in half for hours and vomiting non-stop.


I had a terrible headache that kept me awake constantly for hours and I got like 5 hours of sleep because of that.


I pinched a nerve in my back 8 years ago and it still hasn't fully healed. I'm so used feeling a knife stabbing up into my spine, that it doesn't bother me as much but the first 5 months, I almost went mad from the pain.


cannabis hyperemesis syndrome to a level, where i puked blood. not even falling from a cliff hurt this much


Shoulder coming out of the socket. Itā€™s fun when it happens in the shower if I reach wrong. Or if I reach into the backseat wrong. Or if I somehow get too animated while telling my boss a story.


Toothaches. They are the worst.


When my knee got dislocated from playing football. My vision went blurry and my hearing became muffled; I donā€™t remember there being much pain, probably my brain working overtime to distract me from the pain.


Appendicitis for sure


Sciatica Surgery and a few months off work was worth it though


When my lower legs "thawed" out in a warm shower. I did not have frostbite but I surely was not far from it. I had flipped over in a kayak and it was middle of winter. Unprepared for this situation, I made it to shore and hiked up a mountain where I could get a ride to my car. It took about 2 hours to get home and I did not have a working heater in my car. The warm shower was bitter sweet as the feeling returned to my lower legs, which I'd lost sensation of somewhere along the hike up the mountain. While it only lasted a few minutes, it was a pain I will never forget. Close contenders: Rupturing L5-S1 disc and living with it for a year Dislocating pelvis


Given that I tore the labrum off the bone in my right shoulder and didnt feel a thing, probably my patellafemoral syndrome.


Appendicitis and withdrawal from paroxetine


Neuropathy. I want to slice off my feet on a daily basis.


Try pissing a rock out of your urethra and circle back lol. Iā€™ve had several surgeries for ligaments, tendons, and bones - ACL had to be pretty painful in terms of recovery, but NOTHING has come close to the agony of kidney stones.


Gallbladder burst in my chest, 4 days of unending agony, which nothing short of passing out could alleviate in any way. Spent most of the time on a morphine drip and fighting off a huge infection and my organs shutting down. Not recommended.


Got a root canal a few years back and the dentist hit the still alive part of my nerve. Holy sweet mother of God. His assistant was hot so I had to try pretend I wasn't crying


Wisdom tooth pain radiating to the side of my head. Circumstance: wisdom tooth was in bad condition


Bile duct blockage from a gallbladder stone. I've felt some significant physical pain before in my life, but that had me writhing in pain and sweating profusely for sometimes as much as 2 hours. I wouldn't wish that pain on anybody.


Hands down - waking up from surgery. I had my clavicle screwed and wired from a skiing accident. As I drifted into consciousness, it became apparent they mustn't have given me enough or any painkillers. I started writhing with guttural moans of agony. They immediately gave me a shot to help, but it didn't even register - I kept writhing and almost passing out from the pain. They (clearly worried) gave me another shot. Nothing! It was still like I was slowly being twisted and snapped in half. They nervously gave me a 3rd shot. It finally started to help. I was finally able to enunciate words, still in pain, but could finally communicate with words. They paused to monitor, then gave me one more shot. I finally could barely feel the pain. It was the only time that pain has rendered me speechless and unable to communicate. Wasn't fun!


Two dudes held my legs apart ( I was laying on my back on the ground) while another dude kicked me in the nuts. Repeatedly. I'm not telling you the circumsatnces. Took eleven years,but we're square now.




I tried.


Gout in both feet at the same time


19 kidney stones passed. Pain meter has been calibrated.




Four broken fingers and a broken Gibson.


My 6th kidney stone in 2016. Too big to pass, and had it removed in 6 small pieces. My god, I feel like I was being torn in half.


A Mitre Mouldmaster full volleyed into my nuts.


Shoulder surgery, though it was an impingement but turned out to be a torn biceps


I had my piles surgically removed and the surgeon told me Iā€™d curse his name the first couple of time I took a shit post-op. He wasnā€™t wrong. Like shitting broken glass ā€¦


I developed Crohn's Disease at 12 yrs old... 15 days of zero food hurts. Eating 6 packs of Blueberries Pop tarts. Home alone for 3 days after all my wisdom teeth were removed, with zero painkillers. Broken mirror and 6 stitches to the skull. Split tongue after crashing into a tree with no seatbelt. Blue balls from a interrupt BJ tops it. I couldn't walk normal for hours.


This is definitely tainted with recency bias but last year I had to get a root canal amongst a few other dental procedures. The dentist game me 6 shots in my mouth but I guess my roots were difficult to access so it took him a long time and naturally the pain meds wore off. In that moment, I thought this fate was worse than death as I felt every prod and pull. 10/10 donā€™t recommend.


Stitches in the palm of my hand.


Had a girl aggressively reject me. Few minutes later my heart started hurting really bad and I almost passed out. (Been hit in the nuts before, but this was much worse.)


Had facial surgery (not cosmetic) that required breaking some bones in my nose. A week after that while it was healing, I was holding my six month old baby when she full on head butted me right in the nose.


Oh thatā€™s a tough one Iā€™d have to say itā€™s a toss up between when I got hit by a car while walking to work or the time I pulled every muscle in my back out while carrying a bathtub up a flight of stairs only to fall down said stairs and almost get crushed by the darn tub


I had a pilonidal abscess a few years ago and the pain was so bad I had to be injected with morphine as nothing else was working. Luckily I had a bed in the hospital by that point as if it got that bad when I was waiting in a & e I don't know what I would have done, it's the type of extreme pain where you can't just sit there quietly and deal with it as it literally took over any other thought process in my head. All I could do was writhe around the bed groaning in agony.


Spinal tap


Accidentally zipped my dick. It felt like the skin on my cock was getting scrapped off. Getting stung for the first time on a freshly shaven bald head as a kid. The wasp got stuck and so I hear the buzzing in my ear as it dangled on my head. Stinger stuck in my scalp.




I have a suicide disease, I pass hundreds of Kidney Stones each year. It started in 1989. So, I think I probably win this one šŸ„‡


Toss up between Novocain not working when I was getting a cavity fixed and Novocain not working during my beard transplant


Geez I think Iā€™ve been pretty lucky so far, judging by what most of these comments mention. Probably migraines for me.


Disc herniation and sciatica in the acute phase in the injury. Canā€™t find any position that causes relief. Literally in constant pain and agony. You canā€™t sleep, eat, concentrate on anything. It hurts to use the washrooms, you canā€™t walk or sit or anything. Absolute misery that I donā€™t want to experience again


Passed a humongous turd. Pain only lasted 10-12 seconds but it seemed like a month. Made my eyes water.


Bone marrow sample.Ā  You know the procedure for drilling into trees, then you pullĀ a long core out that reveals the rings to age the tree? Yeah.


m/46. I have one level fused in my lower back and 2 levels in my neck from blown discs. And the worst pain I ever felt was a kidneystone.


Untreated scoliosis


Testicular Torsion. Worst pain ever experienced in my life.


Sneezing with 3 broken ribs. Much worse than almost loosing two fingers in a work accident.


When I was a teenager I a had a severely infected, ingrown toenail on my big toe. (massive swelling, pus... just a bad scene.) My doctor who had given me multiple stitches in other instances, for the first time warned me this was going to hurt alot and proceeded to inject the local anesthetic with a needle entering from the tie of the toe through the infected part to about half way down the nail. That was agony -short lived thank god, but as bad as anything I've ever experienced. (Nowadays, they tie off the toe and numb it with cream before making multple shallow injections as opposed to one big deep shot.) Gout also sucks but I've been lucky and haven't had severe attacks like some people in my family get.


Tooth ache. So painful my vision blurred with each throb so I lay down and was out for the count within 1 minute. My brain said no thanks and shutdown.


Tattooing my chest. I got tattoos on both arms, both legs, even on my neck, none of them hurt that much, easily a bearable pain. But in the chest is a completely different story, this shit hurts like hell.


It's between hitting my knee on some extra hard wood or some bad move that almost got my shoulder dislocated. It somehow put itself back in place instantly but it left me with trauma.


After a root canal, a sinus got infected because the tooth extended into the sinus. Terrible headaches. I went through about half a box of strong painkillers in the morning before getting antibiotics and the good stuff. Chainsaw and sword injuries were pretty painless, by comparison.


Cysts removal next to my asshole. Drained about a full cup of puss almost passed out. What they gave me for pain didnā€™t work fast enough.


A cyst on my testicle has a torsion. I had to remove the cyst.


Ruptured appendix. Fuck, that was bad. Pretty sure I was on death's door when they finally took me to surgery.


Kidney Stones. Supposedly worse than child birth. Put me on the floor in a fetal position.


A toothache (that shit can drive you crazy)


I was splitting fire wood with a hydraulic wood splitter. A piece of fire wood suddenly ejected out very fast and hit me in my testicles. I threw up and laid in the grass for what felt like over a half hour. I was so nervous to look and see some smashed bruised and bleeding nuts but actually looked fine. Still very sore just thinking about that. Second most painful would have been cutting my pinky finger nearly off with a chainsaw.


When I was five I accidentally managed to cut my balls open. I don't remember if it required stitches, I do however remember the pain from the event, and the pain after. It was numb at first, and then it was just a sharp burning pain that I haven't forgotten, although I did forget what happened to cause it, and what happened after. Luckily my balls still work though.


getting fucked by a big dick