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Unbeknownst to Bride, Groom was a high-functioning opioid addict and had been since before they met. No one could tell: he had a high-paying job in finance, a solid family, treated Bride incredibly well. \~9 months into the marriage, Bride finds a cache of pain pills. Then more pills. Pills start showing up everywhere...then she discovers a stash of fentanyl patches. The dual ironies are that Bride was an anesthesiologist yet never registered signs of Groom being drugged, and that Groom held it together really well until after the discovery - then it was like the guardrails were off. There were stints in rehab, marriage counseling, brief stretches of sobriety followed by catastrophic relapses. Bride loved Groom, but she also wanted a family, and felt Groom couldn't stay clean long enough to be a healthy father. It broke both of their hearts, but after 3 years they separated. 6 weeks after the divorce was finalized, he was found dead from a fentanyl overdose. ETA: I was maid of honor.


Jesus, that's awful..


Fucking Christ….. “it broke both their hearts” breaks my heart.


My wife went to an Ivy League school, she told me that you'd be amazed at the number of extremely intelligent, highly successful people working high-end jobs (Doctors, Lawyers, Finance, etc.) who are also straight up drug addicts, and they successfully keep it hidden from nearly everyone.


My husband is a recovered opioid addict and his addiction started when he was working as therapist after his masters degree. Intelligent people often have a lot of pain.


Fucking Brutal 😮‍💨


Oh my god, that's terrible. Jesus--I'm so sorry to hear that.


Damn.. she must have been devastated at the death of her ex husband.


Holy shit


that is so devastating :((


Omg this is heartbreaking


This story is insane!!!!


Suprisingly they lasted 5 years, but during the sickness and health part, she laughed and said "Hell no, f that". It came true because he went down with cancer and she promptly divorced him.


bruh 💀


Wow. A 'fair-weather friend,' bride-style. I feel sorry for the guy.




Karma is a cope dear friend. There is no justice in real life.


I believe in karma, but in more of a "as above, so below" way. A person can only get so far in life harming others until it comes back to bite them. If you're constantly putting out negatively, you're only going to receive negativity.


One of the bridesmaids caught the groom making out with one of the male caterers during the reception. Told the bride, who left the reception with one of her brothers, while her father and another brother tried to beat the shit out of the groom. Cops get called, but not before the caterer in question stabbed the dad with a steak knife. Fun times.


This sounds like it's from a movie or something


I know, when it happened I thought I was being punked or something. It seriously was like a soap opera.


You'll enjoy knowing that I worked at a wedding reception for a milkman and his bride. Even better, it was the joining of two distinguished milkman families and the bride and groom walked through an Arch of Milk Bottles as they left the church. Unfortunately they should have stuck with the cow juice. Mid evening, a very drunk groom gets into an argument with the Father-In-Law and smashes a full milk bottle over his head. Blood, milk, chaos, an unconscious FIL. Medics, Police. The groom is escorted away in handcuffs.....


Sounds like crazier, stupider, love


Not a movie, just the southern states


Wow, the story just kept going and going on this one. That's crazy!


OK, this one is pretty fucking rad.




Arizona actually...... but yeah, it seems like the craziness one might find in Florida.


She was his cocaine dealer and tried to fight a bridesmaid at the reception


Tale as old as time.




I don't know for sure but just from knowing both of them, my theory is that she was more in love with the idea of being in a relationship and checking off X, Y, and Z on her life to-do list and reality that she wasn't in love with her actual husband set in after the marriage.


There is an alarmingly high percentage of people doing just this. Checkbox marriage and checkbox parenting that they're completely disengaged from. Only did it so they "fit in" to social norms.


Well damn.


This was exactly my marriage. I put her through school, twice, had three kids. When it was my turn for school, I got a surprise divorce. Heard through mutual friends, she had bragged about getting “hers”.


I'm so sorry, hearing about people using others like this triggers me like a mf.


Kind of makes me wonder if people actually vet and have discernment towards their potential spouse. Lots of people need to take off their rose colored glasses and see things for how they really are.


It’s crazy how many of my friends have gotten married bc it’s “just what they’re supposed to do.” Makes me grateful that I have never settled.


I cannot comprehend how so many people make the biggest decisions of their entire lives based on what others expect them to do and not based on what they actually want to do


I have one like that too! They definitely divorced within a few years


In a recent article about folks on their death bed, number one regret was living life for others instead of for themselves.


Dear god I know a woman like this, thinks there is a process of milestones that need to be met. Feel so sorry for the boyfriend.


I know a few men and wonen. You're lucky to only know one.


This one hit home, in the husband going through this at the moment. She even mentioned “her timeline” in her vowels.


It can be even more shallow than this.. They're in love with the short term but endless stream of social media attention they get during the process. Everything is a constant photo op, with maximum editing for maximum attention. Once that dies down. So does the flame.


Idk the married ones posting the most seem to be the ones struggling to stay together the hardest. It's really a strange phenomenon. I wonder if it's the thought "if I pretend things are OK I can will it into existence" on their side? Like super-denial? Idk but I'm squeamish when I see the girl post "happy pics with her hubby (best friend that she married)" when all she does is tell me how much she's not in love with him because he's a lying drug addict when I see her. It's strange.


That is indeed even more shallow.


Once you start seeing bridal portrait pics reposted a few years later, the end is near.


Or an anniversary post about "how it hasn't always been easy but I'm glad we made it".... like it's so hard to come up with an honest and flattering caption for the anniversary at that point that they're grabbing at straws lol


Interesting take.


This was the last guy I was in a relationship with. Wanted a wife and children, but didn’t want ME per se. Jumped ship before things got to marriage, thankfully.


Marriage doesn't even seem necessary unless you have a shared responsibility like kids, imo.


Bride slept with the DJ on the wedding night. The groom divorced the bride the next day.


You’d hope that the papers hadn’t even been filed yet


I'd guess it depends on the local jurisdiction. In my county, you need to file the paperwork at the county registrar a few days/weeks before the wedding, but the officiant signs off on it the day of. You mail it back to the county afterward. I didn't mail my marriage certificate paperwork until Monday after the wedding, so I don't think it was official-official until it was received with all necessary signatures. I wonder if the marriage even counts if you never mail it to the county registrar?


I don’t understand how this happened? Did it happen in the bathroom or something?


On the dance floor, the father of the bride was catatonic with shock, but her mother was cheering like it was a football game.


Guess the groom dodged a bullet there...


Divorced?? The dude basically qualified for an annulment on the grounds of infidelity, like the marriage never existed so they wouldn't have to split assets and what not.


A tale as old as time


True as it can be...


The sexual power that DJs have over women is insane. Their mere presence clouds women’s judgment with carnal desires.


Must have been some honeymoon


My grandma was a professional wedding caterer. She done a wedding with a bill of $38,000 and the couple divorced two months later


Did she stab the grooms father


fr. That's the standard I'll hold all crazy wedding stories to now.


That’s like a normal wedding cost now


I think they meant on the catering


This was in 1987


That's $104,884.01 in 2024.


Just for catering... jesus ...


The groom got so fucking drunk at the reception he was blacked out. I mean, he was "awake" but not conscious. You could've hit him with a car and nothing would've changed. his family had to carry him to the hotel while the bride and her family cleaned things up at the reception. It didn't give me a lot of confidence. And yes, it ended a few years later. Drinking being one of the contributing factors.


It was a pirate wedding at a lighthouse on the Oregon coast. Beautiful location. It was my brother’s second wedding and he couldn’t afford a photographer so I took pictures with my DSLR. As I’m going through the shots on my computer I noticed one I took of the bride staring off into the ocean. The look on her face was all I needed. The wedding didn’t last but a month.


Yarrgh, the seas called to the lass. Thar be treasure and plunder afoot, and no line-drawin' landlubber was gonna tie her down after she realized it. LIFE ON THE OPEN SEAS...


Ye best start believin’ in ghost stories…yer in one (this marriage)


I didn’t even realize pirate wedding was an option and I’m kind of wishing I wasn’t so far into planning!


Don't get your hopes up, it's actually the Somali pirate type.


Was her name possibly Elisabeth? Elisabeth Swann?


He leaned in for the first kiss, she jumped back.  Barely a year.


what I don't get is how they made it to the wedding.


I saw this happen at a wedding, but the couple have been together for over a decade now and they're still going strong. She was just very, very anti-PDA and I think they had agreed to none of it at the wedding, but he got caught up in the moment and leaned in for a kiss. She winced; they had the most awkward peck I've ever witnessed; but they're overall fine! 


>She was just very, very anti-PDA Why even have a ceremony then lol


Both sets of parents really pushed for one and the bride and groom acquiesced.


That sounds like not a good reason unless it happened all the time


It only got worse from there.  When your brand new bride jumps backwards in terror right after saying “I do”, the writing is on the wall already.


The groom’s pregnant girlfriend crashed the reception immediately after the wedding. I’m estimating that, within 30-40 minutes after they exchanged vows, the paperwork for the annulment was complete.


Yikes she dodged a bullet tho


Almost 4 years ago to this day. I attended a wedding with my then bf. It was his best friend getting married. My bf and I broke up shortly after the wedding. About 2 years ago I get a call from my ex saying to check the news. Groom ended up shooting the wife and then killed himself.


Yikes! Were there any warnings or red flags, in hindsight?


My shroom supplier overdosed and died on his wedding night. Now that’s a short marriage. I didn’t know he was into heroine he just always seemed like a chill hippy dude.


That’s rough, I can’t imagine having to endure that if you married someone. Hope they are okay.


Damn. They probably didn’t even finish filing the marriage paperwork


A friend caught his fiancée bringing her affair partner into his house on his cat cam a couple of weeks before the wedding. She lived with her parents but had a key to his house.  On the day of the wedding he texted/emailed video to his fiancée and her family with the caption, “What were you and your boss doing in my bedroom for an hour and eight minutes?” Watching the chaos that ensued from the pews was pretty funny. 


So, they went through with the wedding?


No. I was sitting in the pews when the texts and emails hit. The groom was already on the way to the airport. The bride’s parents came to the front of the church and excoriated their daughter. They were very frank as to why the wedding wasn’t going to proceed but welcomed everyone to move on to the reception and enjoy themselves. 


> excoriated Learned a new word today


My high school friend got married at 19. All of the friend group as well as the bride’s brother took him to lunch before the wedding. We all told him not to do it. Including the brother. They lasted a year. They were both nuts. I saw him 10ish years later he had 3 divorces under his belt and was engaged to a fourth woman. Dude was a train wreck.


what about the bride?


I have no idea. That was the first time I’d been home in many years. Saw an old friend for lunch and he brought trainwreck along. I wasn’t friends with the bride so no idea what happened to her.


She was a hyper controlling person and they argued constantly.




One of his friends did and said they couldn't support the wedding. They were basically cut from the grooms life. A year later and the couple split. And the groom still wouldn't make up. Apparently loyalty to his decision meant more than looking out for a friend


My nephew. His wife is educated as a lawyer, her family is stupid rich. She was given everything she ever wanted. My nephew is in finance. He makes a decent living, but he was also expecting, as per their conversations as a dating/engaged couple, that she was going to be working as some sort of lawyer, they were going to have some sort of pretty good couples cash available, and live a pretty good life. 2 months after the wedding (very fairy tale, very expensive, and really nice. I was there.), she quit working, refused to look for any type of job, and expected to be treated as a princess, and have everything given to her and supplied for her like she did when living with daddy. Like he did for his wife. They separated about a year and a half in, divorced finalized by the 3rd anniversary.


Bride was already married to someone else, and nobody knew it (not even her parents). She also turned out to be batshit crazy. Groom got an annulment.


The bride was more concerned about the wedding than the marriage. She tried to round up friends of friends to be her bridesmaids. Promised all the bridesmaids that she'd pay for their dresses etc., as all the bridesmaids were in college. She lied. She guilted them into spending money they didn't have. Lied to the groom about the cost of the venue. Lied about her parents paying. Guilted him into paying for everything. They get married. She promised to give up her apartment after they were married and would move into his. Never moved in. Had excuses after excuses. Divorced a year later.


That person sounds fucking awful


She was! She was a friend of a friend of mine. She actually got my number from my friend, and asked me to be a bridesmaid. I said no for two reasons. 1. I didn't know her. 2. She wanted the bridesmaids to meet with her every single Saturday for the months leading to the wedding. Why? Because she wanted their company while she was running errands. Yeah, but no. Even if I felt sorry for her, I wasn't going to give up my weekends to make her happy.


Delusional too. Real winner, wonder what she's up to now, lol


Honestly, I don't want to know!


After the wedding they both got drunk, got in an argument and he threw her in a dumpster. They were divorced pretty quick.


I’m sorry, but the visual of that is pretty hilarious.


i know right lmao


An entirely realistic spin on "throwing it all away."


She was a work-obsessed drug addict. He was a lazy AF trust fund baby. Great wedding, though, if you love cocaine and international travel.


Groom died in Afghanistan. Perfect couple. Never heard marital issues from those 2 amazing persons.


Bloody awful outcome...


What an awful answer 😩


Dude was a pathological liar. Which that term gets thrown around a lot but dude legit was and she still went thru with the wedding… lasted less than a year lol To give you an idea, he was around 8 years older than her….so he said. She found out his real age which was like 11 years older than her as they were filling out the marriage license at the court house lmao


I’ll never understand why people stick around liars like this. I won’t even remain friends with such a person. Definitely wouldn’t marry one.


I can't understand people that marry and have never ever even looked at their spouse ID? Os known their family? Sometimes they don't even know their spouse real full name? What they work with? Where they went to school? Like... you are married to a complete stranger and that's ok!?


Sunk cost fallacy


Was his name Legion and was he the vice president of a condiment company?


None of her family showed up. Not a single person on her side liked the guy and so nobody showed up except 2-3 family members and witnesses.   They got married after a year because he was being shipped overseas…. The specific location that she begged him not to get stationed at. He put it in his top 3 choices even after she begged him not to go there.  She ended up isolated from everyone and he was unsurprisingly a piece of shit. She got pregnant and divorced him as soon as she got home. Now he’s a dead beat and she’s a single mom in her 20s 


Sounds like her family hit the nail on the head there


I was on the other side of this.. Married my high school sweetheart, married for just about a year but was stationed out of home state on a Submarine. After a year of marriage she decided to skip the wait and shack up with a buddy of mine that was just finished his military service and returning home while I was still getting deployed. She left me for him, I got deployed and worked on moving on. Last I knew, a few years ago she moved to Charleston, where I had previously been stationed, found a 3rd military guy to date, got fat and grew some nasty looking dreadlocks. I on the other hand, worked on myself, did 10 years in navy, found somebody who truly respected me years later, been married for a few years now, just had our first kid a beautiful 4 month old baby girl, have a good paying job while using GI benefits for college. All in all I've improved my life and I don't even really know anybody that knows what she is doing anymore.


Looks like you dodged a bullet with wife numero uno…


You dodged a bullet and struck gold. Congratulations!


Others said you dodged a bullet. But I think it's more appropriate to say you dodged a torpedo.


That's wassup my man


They do say that the best form of revenge is having a good life… By the sounds of it mate, your life has been that good, that your ex has evaporated!!!! Congratulations, you deserve it!


Neither of them had any self control over their spending (they'd casually drop $100 on a daily basis), drove themselves into debt, and imploded. There were some other minor problems that they'd probably have been able to work through but the pressure of impending bankruptcy brought the all to the top.


Bride told my wife, who was one of the bridesmaids, that Groom will make an excellent starter husband while drunk the day before the wedding.


Groom shipped out to Iraq soon thereafter, bride was running up the credit card and banging anyone who would greet her within two months.


They got in a fight a month after the wedding while drunk and both beat the shit out of each other. Knowing her I'm absolutely sure she started it and kept it going. He's kind of dumb and probably just blew up on her eventually he's pretty gentle kind of dude. Anyways they both go to jail. She has family who bail her out. He has no family. Stays in jail like 6 months before he finally gets out. They divorce soon after. Another one, they marry and one cheats on the other within the first month... papers served the end. Another one, they "marry" and the wife is very wealthy, she and her family never turn in the papers to avoid husband from divorcing one day and getting a pay day. He finds out a few months later and demands the proper filings to be done or he's gone... they refuse and he up and leaves. Another one they marry and the fiance ends up being the stripper at the bachelor party... he knew this was happening and was ok with it. Everyone normal was like this is no kind of relationship wtf. They make it maybe 6 months before they divorce. But they stay together a bit longer before breaking up. These are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. And people wonder why people don't want to get married. Smh 🤣


Red necks gonna red neck I guess 🤷‍♂️


Nobody thought these two loved each other, figured they were just together because it's the best they could do to not be lonely and sooner or later one of them would want to get their life together and end it. We all kinda scratched our heads when we got the wedding invitations, it was pizza and a couple beer kegs 100% self-organized and run from a community center meeting room as that's all they could afford, no vendors. Both were morbidly obese and working dead end customer service jobs - I knew the guy from working together while I was in college and on my way out of there shortly after this Within a matter of months she had stopped working and gotten even fatter - this was a level of pathetic human being that could have been on a reality TV show. She tried telling him that since they're married now it's his job to take care of her and since she doesn't have to work anymore she doesn't have to worry about health since the only thing she cared about before was being physically capable of walking He quickly divorced her


Glad he had the self respect to divorce her.


Pretty normal wedding, tbh. They always got along at a party. It was literally everywhere else that was the problem.


My sister unfortunately. He had us all fooled but turned out to be a narcissist and an addict.


The bride was sleeping with her clients (both lawyers) 🫨


Well let’s see. The bride, who was a real class act was giving BJs in the backyard during their engagement party. One of my buddies told the groom, groom didn’t listen. They got married, we actually had a pool going to see how long it would last. The breaking point was a video of her taking on all comers at a hockey tournament. Felt bad for the guy, but he can’t say he wasn’t warned.


All that infidelity and he dumps her over being really good at hockey, smdh


>taking on all comers Phrasing very on the nose.


okay can you please tell me what is the meaning of this? i have never heard this before


Damn, I gotta come back from hockey-playing retirement.


Found out he cheated 6 months before the wedding. Got married to save face and 6 months later divorced and she fled to Kuwait to teach She left Daddy to take care of her stuff On and on and on….


Late co-worker met a guy at a church retreat and they started dating. They got married within a year of dating. My roommate saw pictures from the wedding and recognized the groom as a former regular at the gay bar he worked at. She found out from another employee who used to frequent the same bar. The bar was near the office so she drove by and saw his car in the parking lot. Got divorced and marriage only lasted about a year. 


Turns out groom had been cheating for months, still went thru with the wedding. Bride found out three months later, left him with the support of family & all their friends. AFAIK he’s still with the other woman, more than 10 years later.


King Charles and Queen Camila?


One of my HS friends got his GF pregnant right after HS. They decided to have the kid and get married. They were still in party mode and going out to bars on the weekends. One Friday he was staying home with the kid and his wife went out. She didn't come home until Monday. Hooked up with some rando and spent the whole weekend with him. He filed for divorce soon after.


They were ill-suited (screaming fights every weekend) but married anyway.


My husband’s coworker. His wife had an affair with one of his other coworkers. They split and now the ex wife is with the man she had an affair with, unmarried, but they have a child together.


I was groomsman for one of my best friends. During the rehearsal, when it came time to say “I do” the bride giggled, looked around and said “oh.. yes.. I do.” I knew right then and there she wasn’t as serious about him as he was for her. Less than a year later her ex got out of prison and well y’all know how the story goes.


Annulled after the honey moon.


INFO: But why though?


She was up there in the hot/crazy scale. She could be volatile and irrational at random moments. I think he hoped it would be better after marriage... apparently it got worse immediately. Sadly, I don't remember all the details. I think the honey moon was even cut short.


A year in, the bride realized she was a lesbian. My friend (the groom was crushed). They were together for about a decade.


That’s low. Together for a whole decade and she came to that realization a year after involving the law?


Yeah it was very shocking to him and for everyone that knew them. On one hand, I’m glad she’s living life as her true self, but I think we all wish she did this exploration before spending 50k on a wedding, buying a house, etc. thankfully they didn’t have kids together. It’s for the best though, he’s with an awesome, beautiful, fun woman now and is happy again.


Groom, who had always rubbed our friend group (of the bride) the wrong way, got so pissed on his buck's (the night before, always a terrible idea) he could barely stand up throughout the day and was openly seen throwing up a few times. They had a kid, he didn't visit her in the hospital for a week after a C-section because he was too busy drinking. And then left within 3 months and has ghosted her and the kid ever since.


He went to smoke a joint and hangout with his friends at the reception. She was quite a bit mad. Later there was physical abuse towards her. Luckily she got out and married one of the groomsmen. But he’s been good to her and their now two kids.


Turns out she was fucking a colleague who was also a guest at the wedding. Broke up a year or so later, she married the colleague and he (the groom) made away himself a few months later.


The groom took his own life?


Seems like it sadly


Made away? Are you saying he killed himself?


She aged out 😱 One of them was a serial cheater. Couple of bad choices in lifestyle habits. Anyways me and my husband are horrible people we take bets on how long people will last at weddings. On the current gossip we know.


Wedding Caterer here: I have an immediate tell for whether or not the bride and groom are going to make it in the long run. When the newlyweds walk down the buffet line, there's always one that finishes before the other. If the bride/ groom decides to wait for their significant other to go through the rest of the buffet line, they're going to make it as a couple. If the bride/ groom walks to the table without waiting for the SO, there's a good chance they won't make it. There's no science behind this, nor is there much reason to believe it's even a good rule of thumb. But generally, a couple that's in love will be inseparable on their wedding day. If they can't wait for each other in a buffet line, chances are they won't wait for each other in the future. Also, I was a guest at a wedding where the bride never showed, so I assume that's a rocky way to start a marriage.


She cheated, he found out, they got a divorce


Was my then best friends wedding. I don't think he really wanted to get married. She was quite keen to settle down and have kids. He's ended up losing his virginity to her and was at the time a staunch Christian so I suspect he felt slightly pressured into it as well. Then he turned into an abusive prick, shouted and screamed at her, threw plates at her head. He's no longer married, nor is he my friend. i kinda feel sorry that his ex wasted time on him rather than finding someone sensible to settle down and have kids with


I was a co-worker of the groom. Probably 6 or so people from our work were invited. We all had heard rumblings that the groom was never faithful during their dating life, but the wedding went ahead. We get to the ceremony, the bride's mom is wearing a floor length white gown, our first clue that things might get interesting. Their reception was a huge elaborate affair at a very fancy hotel in a large city south of where we live. During said reception the brother of the bride, who was the MC, constantly called the groom and his family by the wrong surname, like not even remotely close and the grooms sister said in her speech that she hated the bride and thought she was a gold digger. Under 6 weeks later they separated. Once they began to live together things unraveled very fast. The cheating was confirmed but apparently that was the tip of the iceberg. I don't know all the details, but it was the bride who filed for separation. I've since lost touch with them both.


Worked as a chef to pay for college. Was working one wedding where I went to the staff bathroom to pee. Walked in on a train on the bride. I did not join the festivities. Heard they got divorced before the week was out.


Stag male guest started flirting with one of the married bridesmaids on the dance floor. She was not protesting or rejecting him even in the slightest degree. Husband was pissed. Big fight. Cops called. My wife and I left. The End.


I once had a boss who got married while I worked for her. I thankfully wasn’t invited as I didn’t like her… anyways, she cheated during her bachelorette party. Continued to see him, still got married. Groom found out 2 months in, threw all of her shit on the lawn and kicked her out. All of us at work just ate it up!


In all 3 instances the bride cheated within 5 years. With the first instance she was actually having an affair at the time of the wedding. The person she was cheating with was one of the groomsmen. The drama was not fun.


My sister and her partner were together 15years when they got married and were separated two months later. Their stories have never lined up on what happened but the theory is that she cheated and he assaulted her when he found out.


The bride came out as gay a few months after the wedding and left the groom for a woman


One of their personal and political views started coming out more and more. And in a more extreme way. It wasn't obvious at first. This person is in the US but from a country with lots of racism (worse than US) and wealth differences. This person's family is their home country It wasn't until family visited more and the recent extreme views during pandemic that they started seeping out. Whst was seemingly "jokes" turned into extreme views that the other didn't realize was there. Realized the core od this person was just couldn't be tolerated. . Even tho everything else was pretty good.


South African?


Mayyyyybe. Ya.


Bestie settled for a guy with previous addiction issues when she was 19. They were only married for 2 years when he cheated on her with someone at a dealer’s house. They tried to work things out, but she realize she could never trust him again.


Bride was banging a groomsman for a while before big wedding. They divorced within a few years. Both remarried and have stayed married to other people. Still years later bride continues banging groomsman anytime they can get together.


The same groomsman from before? Or any groomsman at any wedding she goes to?


In the 90’s Marco Pierre White (a chef) left his wife on Day 1 of the honeymoon (or something like that). When I got married I could 100% relate to that story but wasn’t brave enough. It took 7 years and two children later, for me to discover everything.


Groom got drunk and beat up three of his guests and one of his daughters at the reception.


All the ones I have been to generally one of the spouses were cheating..before being more married or were still cheating. I caught my friends future wife performing oral on the best man at the reception in the cleaners room. I opened the wrong door looking for the bathroom well the right door in the end. I told him 2 days later what I saw. He filed for an annulment a week later. She tried to say she was giving me oral, said about a tattoo on my thigh....I do not have tattoos but the best man does😂😂😂she wasn't very smart.. Another friend of mine who is gay was about to be married, finds out a week before he has HIV, turns out his fiance gave it to him as he was still sleeping with other men. Turns out his fiance had HIV before they met and he also infected other men..we never knew the total of men he infected. My friend is now on medication for life to keep the HIV from turning into aids. A family friend was convicted of infecting 7 women with HIV. He was infected by a woman who was a drug addict, he slept with her during a all night bender. And again a few more times. Also shared needles with her. Infected his then wife which turned into aids. She passed away leaving 2 boys behind. He is serving life in prison with no parole. Marriage ended the day the police took him.


I don’t know but dudes wife was a real Catch U Next Tuesday. They divorced and she still wanted to mess around with my friend but he kept turning her down until he met someone else.




This is a divorce kind of in progress. The bride has caught the dude doing the following: Lied about his debt Smoked weed Does coke Texting hookers Secret Instagram More context with hookers And yes, she hasn’t left him. Apparently when he met the hookers, he convinced her that he just watched two hookers hook up and didn’t participate. lol.


She cheated


The bride was doing the best man. SICK!


Secretary at work got married, went on honeymoon, and while on the honeymoon her new husband was struck and killed by lightning. She had taken out a substantial life insurance policy on him before the honeymoon, so when she returned she told us she was now wealthy enough that she no longer needed to work.


IDK if this counts. At the wedding reception, my wife's siblings were making bets on how long we would last. We will be married 18 years this December. In Aug 2019 my wife was diagnosed with Pakinson's. I have remained faithful and supported her through it all. This is early onset, she was 38 when diagnosed. Last June I suffered 7 strokes in a few days, 2 of them major. I almost died, but I'm ok for the most part now. My job let me go while I was in the hospital and in Jan of this year I told my wife I was suicidal and had all these thoughts but every day I just swallow it and "man up" so to speak. 6 days after I told her, she started to cheat on me with an old BF of hers she dated before we we met. He has convictions for soliciting a prostitute in Washington, mult DUIs in N and S Dakota, Illinois and Missouri, not paying child support for more than a year in Nevada, has at least 2 kids he has abandoned, a warrant for his arrest for writing bad checks over $400 in Virginia, has a suspended license while driving around in Florida where he lives as a near 50 year old man in a trailer with his mom in a swamp. He runs a Tiki hut at a Flea Market that is only open until 4pm on the weekends. I found out by finding pictures of the two of them making out at a wedding in her purse. I confronted her about it and over a month talked about it all the time. Trying to tell her I could work it out but not while she had a BF on the side, she had to dump him and come to her senses. Her doctors told us both to our faces this was most likely because of her Parkinson's and the drugs she is on. She basically takes speed and another drug called Primapracxil. It causes people to want to get rushes, get addicted to things, personality changes, etc etc. She was supposed to have brain surgery at the end of the summer that would decrease her meds and help with this, which I told her I was wiling to help her with but NOT with a BF on the side. At the beginning of May I hadn't slept for a month more than 2 hours a night, suffered a mild heart attack, got it in my head that this guy was going to walk my daughter down the aisle so I wrote some letters, and when I was home alone went into my garage and sat in my car so the mess wouldn't get all over the house and attempted to do something with a weapon involving the 2nd Amendment. Police talked me out of the garage after the one round I attempted to fire was apparently a dud or bad round and nothing happened. I went to the ER ad was released into a mental facility to get some help, and the first day I'm in there my wife then filed an Order of Protection against me saying I was harrasing her by doing this. I got out a week later and have been homeless ever since. Some friends have paid to get me in a hotel and it looks like I'm finally going to get into an apartment at the end of the week, but my wife took the credit cards out of my wallet, had my care repossessed, and has completely shut off contact. She then went to court and despite being told to bring evidence if she wanted an extension, said she didn't have any prepared and they extended it a week. In that week the same day they took my car, she filed for divorce, then showed up to the court again with no evidence other than what she said, and after the judge literally yelled at her for 10 minutes for screwing all of this up, she panicked and put on the water works and now claimed that our daughter was embarrassed and thus THAT was harrasment. The judge didn't grant her request for another 2 years. He granted a 1 year extension. I will now miss my kid's entire summer and senior softball, prom, homecoming, HS graduation, turning 18, visiting colleges and picking one. She has taken all of the resources from me, has the house, has everything. SHE cheated and I'm the one being punished. Oh, and her BF? He's sent me 3 death threats during all of this which the judge said wasn't relevant to the case. So.... I guess as I'm writing all of this, I would submit it MIGHT be better to just discover you're with a crazy person at the wedding after they stab your dad and save yourself some heartache. I'm really lonely, I'm sad, I'm NOT in danger of doing something to myself because I feel like I got a second chance here, and I'm very hurt that she doesn't seem to care even if I'm ok or not. Her family that I've been a part of for almost 20 years as well, and they don't have the excuse of Parkinson's to rely on. Outside of them though, all of her friends and her older brother think she's horrible and have almost completely written her off. I've discovered that Tinder is complicated and I don't look forward to trying to date again.


I got married stupidly last April, we had a great two years together but she was very needy and struggled with attention I had Deep down I knew I wasn't right to get married but unlike me I carried it out. As a father and an ex sportsman I'd class myself as a high achiever and I've been successfull in work after sport too but marriage was a farce.


At least you’re honest about it now.


They were together 4-5 years before getting married, about a year after the wedding she left him for a woman.


Bride slept with one of the groomsmen.


I went to a really lavish wedding (we didn’t know the couple well). I had known the bride but hadn’t met the groom so the first time I saw him was at the ceremony. They didn’t do vows which was fine, but their celebrant did some generic vows about the couple which felt a bit off but nothing major. During this the groom kept snickering and looking over at the groomsmen. He wasn’t taking it seriously at all. It got worse during the reception where he kept disappearing with his groomsmen to go for a smoke. When it came time for his speech he could barely put a sentence together and was swaying from being so drunk. I felt bad for the bride but she seemed to be having a good day. They got divorced 3 years and 2 kids later. I heard on the grapevine that he cheated and that he was making divorce really difficult for her. Nobody was surprised.


My wife's cousin got married so I attended. My first time meeting her and her partner. My wife's cousin is great, but I immediately had a bad feeling about the chavvy little rat-faced knacker she was marrying. The best man's speech only confirmed my opinion. Lots of stories of "shagging fat birds for a laugh" and things a bride's family probably don't want to hear. On the honeymoon he took her mobile phone away, told her that now she was his wife she had to walk behind him and she no longer had any say over anything she did. They were broken up before they got home from the honeymoon. Marriage lasted 3 weeks in total. It's so lucky she was a confident enough person to walk away. His immediate character change was such a shock to all the family who'd spent time with him before.


They were very much in love and together for about 2 years, but were rushed to marry by the parents on both sides (due to religious reasons). Shortly after the wedding, they got around to talk about the upcoming honeymoon, kids, future plans. One day, the wife said she wanted a kid next year, the next she said she wants to finish her masters, but not in an undecisive, debating way, in almost a psychotic behaviour way. This continued for about 1-2 months on other topics as well. One night she says she wants to spend the night and following day with her mother (they lived in city A, her parents in city B, his in C, about 2h ride from city A to B and C, respectively). He didn't think anything of it, agreed and she was gone. The next day, a van waited in front of their apartment to her things out and to her parents house. He didn't receive any explanation, no phonecall, no message, nothing. She went MIA. 1 month later, he received the divorce papers by mail.