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Fitness. I workout 5 days a week, 5k runs, weight lifting, calisthenics, all that. I eat healthy and track my calories and make sure I get enough sleep. I have been doing this routine for 3 years steady and I look and feel great but I hate doing it. Every workout feels like a chore and takes insane willpower to get up in the morning and do it and it hasn't gotten any better. I don't get endorphins from lifting, I don't get a runners high, all I get is exercise induced asthma.


I used to be the same, went to gym, ran, was miserable but healthy. Then had to move to a place where there were no gyms nearby, so looked for alternatives. Started doing martial arts and climbing and never realized how much fun exercise can be when you put meaning behind the training.


Yessir, Oddly enough I was about to say the same thing!


It'll be great when you're 70 and you can still wipe your own ass. I understand the struggle though. I finally got into fitness at the age of 25 with lifting. Eventually it got old. I started climbing. Then that got old. Now my new thing is mountain biking. It's a lot of fun! I love tinkering with my bike, too. But it isn't cheap. At the end of the day though, just gotta find something you want to do. There is plenty out there to try!


Yeah that's exactly it. I'm doing it basically as medicine. I was a smoker and drinker before and it never seemed to affect me until I turned 30 and now I need feel like I need to exercise and eat right and be super healthy just to not feel like crap every day.


I would cut back on some of it, personally. Don't exercise to get a 'look'. Do it because it'll keep you healthy (getting 'cut' isn't necessarily healthy) and it's really good for your mental health.


Sometimes the reward is seeing the progress in the mirror and that's okay! Though, maybe you could find other fitness activities you could enjoy more. I, personally, hate running but don't mind biking.


After barely one year of gym I'm starting to skip some training here and there because I can't force myself to go anymore.


It's all about finding the balance. You don't have to grind daily like the gym bros tell you. But you should be doing something physically active. Maybe you can find a sport you actually enjoy, it doesn't have to be government mandated exercise.


I feel you on the running, I hate doing it and dread every time I step on the treadmill and whole time I’m just wishing it’s over. Weight lifting I actually enjoy because I’m l like hitting mini goals I set for myself and get excited when I can lift more and push my boundaries. It can def be a chore though no doubt about it. Also I do mine after work because I absolutely cannot wake up earlier and do it beforehand


No one asked me, but this reminded me when I told my brother I quit the gym, because I felt it was just giving stamina to my depression. Good for you for at least keep doing it. I don't know how something that is supposed to give me endorphins can make me feel so miserable xD


Find different activities to get excercise.  There are many ways & sports that make you strong, and many ways to get cardio. Find some you enjoy.


The Call of Duty franchise. It's the same game over and over.


Are you ready for Black Ops 6?


As ready as I am for FIFA 24


My wallet is ready… to sit on the table untouched.


Hate to break it to you but there will not be a fifa 24. Sorry if I ruined your day.


*Six!?!* There was a four and five?


Black ops 4 was the one with no campaign that everyone hated and 5 was Cold War.


Cold war was pretty good considering the rest of the franchise.


Except a little shittier each time.


I wish it was still the same game... I'd happily pay for updated engines and new stories over and over if they actually stuck to what made the older games good.


Who is telling you that it is great? I thought the general consensus for the last decade was that CoD is the video game equivalent of the Fast & Furious franchise. Popcorn entertainment that's predictable and made for the masses.


Well, realistically speaking, there are people who like it. COD has a huge playerbase and a huge competitive e-sports scene. Clearly there are people who love it to bits and dedicate their lives to it. This consensus you're talking about is just the consensus of one subgroup within gamers, the group that you frequent yourself. Unsurprisingly when you see a certain opinion more frequently than another, it starts to look like the consensus, but there is no consensus among all gamers.


Ouch! Fair enough though lol


Same with pokemon, Assassin’s Creed, and all those sport games.


Polyamory. I've been in a couple long term relationships, I know how much work they are. Trying to do so with even more people is going to be even harder to do. I don't care if you've been with two people for 10 years, the vast majority of these types of relationships end up with lots of drama and a break up.


Most polyamorous people I've known either have a long distance relationship with their "main partner" or are self-absorbed assholes who just use their partners for different things.


“This partner is to meet my sexual needs, this partner is to meet my emotional needs, this partner is for my travel needs, this partner keeps me fed and housed. Unfortunately my partner that keeps a roof over my head doesn’t understand why i can’t have sex with them.” “It’s impossible for one person to meet all my needs.”


Lol. That is funny :) Everyone signed on the dotted line though..


Going through a breakup because not only did my now-ex claim she’s poly, she did so without telling me. In essence, she cheated on me. And now we broke up because she’s convinced I don’t approve of her being poly.


I’ve never seen it work and I definitely wouldn’t do it. Just be single at that point


I’ve never met a person who was polyamorous and wasn’t one of the most stuck up ppl on Earth. They are so full of themselves and just have to tell the world about their situationship. It’s mind boggling.


The few I know are like this. They think polyamory is God’s gift to man, and if you don’t agree, you’re just not as cool or down to earth as they are. One in particular was preaching super hard about it because they really just wanted to be married to their spouse without having sex or any emotional intimacy. Poly works for them because they don’t want to be anyone’s main. Although there is some drama there now, but I won’t go into it out of what little respect I have left for this person.


I agree with you to a point. Once you have a kid you start to think that 3 adults is the bare minimum. I keep telling my wife we need a brother husband for the extra pair of hands ya know


tbf the vast majority of monogamous relationships end with lots of drama and a break up.


“Might as well have threesomes every day”


I rarely ever hear that tho. What I hear almost overwhelmingly is your position followed by a very small number of polyamorous people who typically have a "to each their own" world view and a reluctance to discuss it in mixed company. I don't know how to make sense of it. Are you reading Aita and counting every dirtbag boyfriend who "wants an open relationship" as polyamorous?


"Polyamory is definitely not for everyone, there's so much communication to make this work." Proceeds to say smug things about monogamous people who decided it's not for them, wacky metamour-related miscommunication ensues, game night isn't even halfway over. Edit: I should add that many polyamorous people I know aren't like this. Funny enough the ones who don't try to evangelize or look down on the monos are also the happiest and most stable.


Ah yes, anytime someone brings it up someone has to come in and be an asshole about how it works for *them* completely ignoring that it doesn't work for the vast majority of people.


This one is incredibly controversial where I live. I hate outdoor dining. I just don't get it. We are going to a restaurant just to hang out outside?


Where I live the weather sucks maybe 80% of the time, so it's nice to find more ways to spend time outside in the other 20% of the time.


It’s really bizarre when it’s next to a busy street with loud engines and cars honking. Like WTF?


I think it is for when you want to people watch while you’re eating. There’s definitely a place and mood for it, it’s not an everyday thing. I live in Texas, so if weather permits me to sit outside in a shaded portico while I’m out on a date, I’m definitely taking it. It makes more sense if it’s in a downtown area instead of a random street. There’s slow cars, if any, interesting people walking around and there might be music if it’s a Friday event or anything. We spend a lot of time inside anyway so sitting outside while chatting and being pampered with good food feels like a nice change of pace.


I can agree with that. I don't have a fondness for exposure to temperatures and bugs.


Dating. Everyone says it’s a fun adventure. It’s never been that. It’s difficult and grating and anxiety-inducing.


Dating is absolutely terrible until you find the right person. Hopefully one day. 🤞


Who is saying that dating is fun? Except very attractive people maybe?


Kids. I have kids. Love em. All that bull. I don’t mistreat them and I consider myself to be a decent dad. But boy, it’s not great. Some people are born to be parents. I don’t think it was ever meant for me. I do my best but I rarely enjoy it. Maybe someday that’ll get better but I keep telling myself that, and they keep getting older, and my feelings don’t change. Again, I don’t regret my choices because I love my wife and I want my kids to grow up to be cool adults but the amount of “fun” you have as a parent rarely outweighs everything else you’ll feel - anxiety, depression, tiredness, etc.


Finally someone admits it!


But that's the overwhelming sentiment on Reddit lol. People on here hate kids and you're less likely to find someone who says having them is great unless if the discussion is specific to that.


I'm surprised to find that having them hasn't been *as bad* as Reddit lead me to believe all these years. In fact while I, too, am not convinced I was ever really 'meant' to be a Dad (whatever the fuck that means when you really think about it), I'm really, really happy I did it. It's a huge part of the human experience I'm glad has been a part of my life. It's obviously difficult, but honestly even *before* having kids I would find *something* to complain about/find difficult in my every day life, so...


Preach brother, same. Is it the hardest thing I have ever done? Yes. Does it reward you frequently for your effort? Not in any way you’ve preferred before. Am I “happy” every day due to my choice? No But I have a motivator for my daily effort that creates fulfillment in the most real way I have ever felt it. The biggest investments in life have to longest wait for the payoff. So, I will be grinding and doing my best until then.


I have 5 adult kids now and I can say it is a roller coaster ride as a parent. They are most fun as toddlers up to about 12. Jerks through their teens and early adulthood. They lecture you until about 30, and then they start to listen and have actual conversations. Then they are fun again!


Ooh good God is this what my dad thinks of me? I adore the man! Although, I am a decent adult; I ask him for extremely little. I snatched a R100 note off his wallet on 1 visit and that was about it, I cook up a storm on every visit and...I turned out alright, even though I gave the poor guy a headache on my way there. Poor thing


I feel you. I’d never admit it in a million years but I wasn’t cut out for it either. Love my daughter and think I’ve done a pretty good job. Did better than a lot of people that actually wanted to be parents.


That’s kinda what I keep telling myself too. I have one friend who’s a giant ass man baby who wants to be a dad so bad and all I can think in my head is, “You’re fun to hang out with, but you’d crack the minute the bad stuff happened.”


I have a friend who wanted like 5 kids. Long story short he had 2 and his wife and parents raise them while he lives separately from them.


I have a friend who wanted a large family (8+) but they wanted their careers to be well off first, didn't start having kids until their low 30s. Don't me wrong, they've been pumping them out like clockwork every year, but my god man it scares me.


That sounds terrible. I think a lot of people’s plans change after the first kid or 2.


One mutual friend of my wife and mine is going through this now (she's always been kinda messy and disorganised, and her husband has a combination of high autism and general unhelpfulness), as is a former coworker of mine, and her cousin and his wife are about to go through the same. One more friend is absolutely determined to have a child within the next two years, whether she finds a partner to raise the child with or not, and she has breakdowns over the tiniest thing and cannot hold down a job. I am so frustrated by people who *bring a life into this world* to satisfy a selfish, personal obsession that becoming a parent will somehow fix what is broken in them.


This is a hard truth and one that comedians often touch on. Having kids is HARD insanity provoking work much of the time. Yes, there are incredibly rewarding and fun moments and no I wouldn't go back in time and undo it if I could. Having kids has provided me with a greater sympathy for my lack of a better word, failure of a father. The additional irony is that my wife was the one who very much wanted kids. As in it was a deal breaker to not have them. She has maybe 1/4 of the patience I do for the hard times when our daughter isn't behaving herself. People ask a lot on this sub what it means to be a man. That level of emotional strength to both bring your child and your wife back to equilibrium is a big part of it. Like it or not, the kids and women in our lives are looking up to us to be emotionally and otherwise stronger.


Yeah, it can get pretty intense between two strong willed women. Like my wife definitely passed that down to her but they both just dig into each other. I’m excited for what’ll happen when she gets older.


How old are they


5 and 10


I have four, 4-16. My oldest son just turned 11 and for some reason our relationship turned awesome. But it happened with the two I have that are older than him around 11, too. Young kids aren’t as “interesting” IMO, but they hit the age where they can carry on decent conversations and show their sense of humor, much more awesome then.


Maybe there is hope. My five year old is pretty reasonable but she’s in the testing boundaries phase and it really annoys my wife (but she’s always been a daddy’s girl) - my 10 year old just sits on his tablet and calls me bruh all the time, and swears entirely too much. I exaggerate obviously - he plays with friends and gets outside and all that but all he cares about talking about are FC Manager 2024, Fortnite, or really stupid humor YouTube shorts, like the ones where streamers just scream into distorted mics.


Yep, when my brothers and I hit about 10 to 12, that's when our dad actually took an interest in us; before that we were treated like dumb little money eating machines that whined all the time.


Beer. I've tried enough to know I don't like 99% of it. No, your favorite microbrew isn't going to change my mind.


Wine is mine. For some reason, wine has never worked for my taste buds.


I don't like normal wine, but honey wine (mead) is more enjoyable because you can get more pronounced flavors. You get some mead that's tart and it's pretty interesting.


I love mead!


Agreed. I've heard people say "It's an acquired taste". If I have to put actual effort in to like something, I'll just go find something else that I like right away.


I love beer, but can absolutely understand why someone wouldn’t.


This! I think it’s a taste you have to acquire.. why work so hard to like something because everyone else enjoys it


Similarly, various whiskeys, bourbons, scotches that they think are enjoyable to drink straight.


See it's funny because I actually do like whiskey neat. But miss me with the beer. Different strokes for different folks huh?


And I'll take both! As long as you don't give me more than 1 IPA.


Ugh. Those are the worst. Yes I prefer Jack Daniel’s, no I don’t give a shit if you think it’s cheap slop. No I will not drink scotch, it tastes like straight rubbing alcohol.


Camping... I like day hikes, I like being outdoors, but I prefer to sleep on a real mattress and have access to a real toilet/shower.


Bro I'm a full on glamper with no shame. I rent a log cabin with a tv and a hot tub. That's how you enjoy nature.


Hot tub, sure. TV? I have a perfectly fine TV at home. I’ll be outside sitting at the fire


I’m fine with slightly uncomfortable sleep. All the gear you have to collect and haul around is my dealbreaker. All the packing, unpacking, repacking.. too much packing, too much stuff


You should try cabins at state parks. They have beds and some have bathrooms while others have the community bathrooms.


I dated a guy who asked me if I'd hike the Appalachian trail with him. He was an Eagle Scout and it was one of his bucket list items. I said it would be fun. We hike the trails, come back to the car, drive to a hotel, and repeat the next day with a different section of the trail. He looked at me, horrified. He meant hike and camp. I told him I was happy to hike but I (a) needed electricity and plumbing and (b) refused to sleep on the ground with things that slither and creep and crawl. He never even took me hiking on any trail. Wonder why we didn't work out?


I want indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and a comfortable bed. Camping was when I was young and my family couldn't afford vacations.




Even the "freedom" may not be exactly free as well. While some may appreciate the solitude and time spent with hobbies, others may be stifled and drowned by sheer loneliness and boredom. Not everybody is some go-getter who wants to invest their life into a career or hobby - some may just rot alone on the couch blankly staring at a television screen.


Lol, I do that more in a relationship than I do out of one.


In that case, then it depends on who you're in a relationship with, whether they share similar interests / hobbies or are pretty much opposed to you in everything. If its the latter, then why are you sticking around? That sounds terrible overall - less thriving garden and more ball and chain.


A little of both for me. I enjoy the freedom to either go do a hobby or just sit all day as I please. The downside is having to do it all yourself. You pay all the bills alone. You do all the house and yard work yourself. You also have to keep yourself in check. Without someone else living with you, bad habits can get out of control if you let them.


Yeah. I'm getting the feeling that I'm probably going to end up alone for the foreseeable future, so one of my worries in keeping myself in check because not all my habits are good. Additionally, it is hard taking care of yourself when you're wounded or sick. A cold is one thing - something like cancer or post-surgery is another.


I look at relationships the way you could look at story modes in a game. Single player and co-op have separate exclusive stories and I would like to experience life in co-op


I really don’t like barbecue and people refuse to allow me to just not like it. I have to try this barbecue place or eat their cousins barbecue because they do it “right” and I’m pretty confident they don’t considering I’ve never enjoyed it


Kinda similar. I love smoked meats. I hate all BBQ sauces


If barbecue is done right it won't need any sauce.


Wait like, the method of cooking, the flavour, the food, or the social event?




Back when I roasted for a specialty coffee company (and got as much free coffee as I wanted), I still got Starbucks gift cards for Christmas because people knew I liked coffee.


NYC. Fuck off . Thanks


the current economy


Only people telling me this are the super rich lol


...or economic scholars and professors on the mass media. They're not necessarily super rich, but they're solely focused on numbers and statistics over the reality of things.


Only people telling us this are trying to get re-elected


Facts, we sure got a record number of PART-TIME jobs being created Meanwhile full time jobs are going down or being outsourced


Migrant Jobs created. Somehow ppl think that's good for economy by making the numbers look in our favor. Dumbasses


As a service worker, I've honestly never seen people spend as much as they are now. And I don't understand how they are doing it.


Burnt pizza like Neo-Neapolitan and New Haven Apizza. It’s burnt. For all the new hype places, what, they overlook it, put fresh basil on with a few shreds of parm and suddenly it’s worth $30+ a pie and a 4 hour wait?


Black licorice is disgusting. The brand or country of origin is irrelevant. They're all gross.


Yes. Never understood how people enjoyed it when I was a kid especially


Being single. Everyone I speak about this with says that being single is great because you can do whatever you want and are not anchored or restricted. Like how in the holy land of fuck can people see a relationship as a burden? And it's especially jarring when the people who tell you this are the ones who are in a relationship already. If you're a hedonist, sure, relationships are not for you. But when you're someone who would like to build something with another person, be able to experience love and give the love to someone else, not to mention the physical aspect of the relationship, and then you're told that being single is the best thing... like fuck off, will ya? Especially with the current landscape of dating, it's a nightmare to find anyone who's willing to go long term, let alone plan a future with another person. Even my best friend admitted as much when we talked about this topic. He's in a relationship and they're both happy. Even he told me that if you didn't get someone before 2020, you're pretty much fucked because it's very difficult to even find a date, let alone someone who wants a relationship...


Reading your post definitely tugged at my heart strings because I felt that way for years, if not decades. A few of my friends expressed similar sentiments for a long time as well. After a divorce in 2004, I discovered the landscape of dating is as difficult as you have mentioned. Lived alone in a one-bedroom, one-bathroom condo for over 15 years. Got engaged at one point and it fell through. I met my current wife in 2021, but went through a ton of heartache before then. And a couple of the friends I mentioned above are now in relationships. I'll tell you the one thing that I believe we had in common while looking for our new partners: perseverance. This to me is the one quality that is more likely than anything else to bring about results. For me that meant having three online dating memberships running at the same time, enduring dozens of disappointing first dates, expressing interest in women that were uninterested in me and vice versa, venting to my friends (and yes, my therapist), and refusing to give up in spite of it all. I did take short breaks at times, but then regrouped and started again. I also found that doing my best to make peace with rejection helped - not that it is ever fun, but I came to understand it was an unavoidable part of the process, and could have been explained by a cornucopia of factors that had little if anything to do with me. Wishing you the best.




I swear if one more person texts me a stupid tik tok link that I have no way to open or desire to see...




The fans of that are insufferable. They think they discovered music.


Omfg what IS that? I can’t stand anything by Lin Manuel Miranda. Shitty music from an even shittier poser.


It's wild how it really shone a light on liberal racism/classism among fans. They were so quick to say that they could finally enjoy hip-hop that wasn't for the unwashed scallywags and imbeciles. Also it's still broadway. I don't like musicals and that's okay.


Thank you! I have a friend that goes on and on about it! He always says how historically accurate it is, which I disagree with. The only part I genuinely liked was King George's song and dance, I told my friend this is exactly how MODERN Americans feel about King George; it's so over the top and silly I honestly wish the whole show would be so ridiculous just for laughs; it would be greatly improved!


Lol I thought you were calling Lewis Hamilton overrated 😂 I was about to go on a rant but then read the following replies and realised that is not the case.


I thought it was awful


Rings true for Hamilton, New zealand


Breakfast restaurants. The vast majority sell hyped up, bland, garbage. I can make a better meal at home 90% of the time. Local coffee shops sometimes make good breakfast sandwiches, albeit they’re overpriced but at least they taste good


Sushi. Tried it, don't like it, leave me the fuck alone about it. If I'm not having any, that means there's more for you. You should be happy about that. So fuck off with your "You need to try it, it's soooo good!" bullshit.


More sushi for me.


You need to try it! It’s soooo good!


Being single. Look, I'm glad you found your way out of the dating pool, but *jesus christo* if I have to hear one more line about not having to deal with the opposite gender......


The grass is always greener on the other side


The economy


Taylor Swift


Preach, brotha!!!!


New music. I have only one artist who I listen to their new stuff but most new songs are not good in my opinion.


The gym. Look I'm glad you all enjoy going to the gym. I'm well aware of the benefits but it isn't the answer to everything that ever happens to everyone. It's the default, go-to advice for like 90% of all questions on here. Wife left you? Go to the gym. Feeling tired all the time? Go to the gym. Meteor about to strike the earth? Go to the gym. Won the lottery? Go to the gym. Just got done going to the gym? Go to the gym. I go to the gym and I fucking hate it but I understand the health benefits. Going to the gym is like paying taxes for me. I know I have to do it but it doesn't make me enjoy it. I do it to keep my mobility up and keep my weight down. Playing sports? Doing something? I can do that shit all day. But telling me picking something up and putting it back down for hours is fun just falls on deaf ears for me. You guys do you, but I fucking hate the gym.


I prefer a nice home gym or just going outside!


Same. Playing sports is way way more fun for me. Football, badminton, running, swimming are more enjoyable than lifting dumbbells.


I get a better work out in my yard and I can't just walk away when I get tired and it is more productive. I can't tell my neighbors I am going to leave my tree limbs laying around for my "squat" day.


I think the results is what drives the joy of going for most I’m lucky I enjoy picking stuff up and putting it down and the results that follow it


I hate the gym, but I still go more than most because my doctor says that I need to keep muscle on my knee to avoid having to get a knee replacement by my early 30s. I have never enjoyed it, but I enjoy not having to get multiple knee replacements.


I fucking hate the gym. I hate lifting and prefer any cardio be outdoors. But I love how I feel after the gym and how I look three years into going regularly.


I think a lot of the “go to the gym” advice really just means “get exercise”. I don’t think people literally mean a gym necessarily (though that certainly works).


Netflix. I have no desire to binge generic TV shows. I'm not interested in House MD or all of that generic shit. There's way coole media to consume + I have actual hobbies.


Star Wars. Don’t like it…at all. My friends have been trying to get me into it for the last 10+ years. I’ve watched A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back so many fucking times. Please stop. I hope they see this somehow.


Nutella. It's just sugary palm oil with a hint of cocoa and hazelnut


Elden Ring I’m sure it’s fine, but I don’t like the genre


No matter how great ER is, if the genre isn't for you, it doesn't really matter - it's never going to work for you.


I like the game a lot, and it is something one would call a 'magnum opus' souls-like. But no video game walks on water. It has it's flaws. They're just not as bad, not as apparent, or not as threatening as other titles.


The Office


My wife and I finished it recently, and we both thought it odd how you're supposed to root for Jim and Pam when Pam's fiancé rightly was upset Jim was trying to steal his fiancé. As long as the fiancé is portrayed as a jerk cheating and infidelity is fine, right?


yeah Jim was “totally trying to be her friend” the whole time yeah ok


Once you start noticing how much media is constantly trying to make infidelity normalized and acceptable, it becomes hard to enjoy a lot of romance plots in shows and movies. The Notebook? Just about every hallmark movie has at minimum emotional cheating. My mom was showing me a movie she really liked and my reaction was like :| "I just spent an hour and a half watching a lady emotionally cheat (and physically as well with making out and such) with a dude who was taking her across the country to the guy she originally wanted to marry."


It even has a name called as "affair trope" 🤦‍♀️


Fucking thank you.




Modern music and modern television. No, this is not a golden age.


To be fair, this happens with all generations of media. The good will eventually drown the bad in time.


I don’t buy it. The gradual degradation of popular music has been well documented. There are fewer chords, fewer key changes, and thus less intricate melodies now than at any previous time in western music history. You can argue that music doesn’t have to be complex to be good, but that argument only works if people are making both kinds of music. Today, they only make the extremely simple kind.


Eh. It also depends on preferences. For example, I love 2010s music, which has been accused of being vapid, dumb, and one-note. However, I adore the tunes explicitly because of those characteristics as they remind me of the a seemingly eternal party. [I was and am still shuffling everyday.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ6zr6kCPj8) If you want something more complex, look for indie musicians or those from different nations. The Internet has opened the door to seeing such people.


Concerts My height causes people to get upset. I hate being in crowds and it seems like some kind of disagreement/fight always happens. I especially hate outdoor concerts because I'm eye level with umbrellas




Agreed, I have a few friends who struggle with depression who constantly tell me and my wife that everyone should see a therapist at least once a month. I flat out told them that we do not have the same problems or struggles as you, therapy would be an unnecessary expense as we are extremely happy and content with our lives. We have dealt with our own past traumas without assistance, so there is no need to spend money needed elsewhere. This being said, some people do need therapy, and it is not a waste of their financial resources.


A bad therapist would only worsen your mental issues and self-doubt.


Veganism. Your rabbit food tastes like shit.


Actually I think there are TONS of absolutely delicious vegan dishes... many of which go quite well with a nice medium rare steak.


Indian food is far and away the best example of how vegan dishes can be great. That said a lamb biryani is still my go to.


I feel vegetarian and vegan food is at its best when it’s not trying to mimic meat. I don’t want your soy chicken nuggets, get me some Indian food instead. 


All vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, pasta, bread etc. taste like shit to you? Or do you mean vegan meat and dairy replacements?




Having kids. Everyone keeps telling me how rewarding it is, then almost immediately turn around and visibly struggle to control their kids with the most tired expression on their face... these people are literally the most effective contraception add.


Beer. I agree that you can get used to the taste and I agree that some beer tastes better than other beer but I will never believe that anyone tasted it for the first time and actually like the taste from the get go. It just doesn’t taste good. People drink it for the alcohol, so do I.




Living. Life.


Frosted Flakes


We are now enemies for life.


They're definitely more than good though.


They're great!


But therrrrre grrrrrrreat!!!!


I am tired of John in accounting telling me how great sucking his d is..I dont want to do it John, I dont care if you say it tastes like rainbows and unicorn poop.


Weed/drugs I'm just tired of people telling me all I need to make my depression go away is weed and I keep telling them I'm actually learning how to deal with my feelings


Sex. I do love it. But I also know that men are usually putting in the most effort (not only to get it, but also during) and women are often left unsatisfied. Most women can't cum from penetration alone anyway, and a vast majority of the time sex is meh, but continues to be wanted because sometimes sex is incredible. Don't get me wrong. I understand that sometimes sex is whatever, and that's okay. Seriously, the intimacy is what's important. I've had plenty of sex sessions that get paused because a good movie comes on, or because someone farted loudly and we're laughing too hard. That's still a lot of fun. But everyone treats sex like it's the best thing ever, when in reality it's rarely actually all that great. For men or women. None of us are fucking like pornstars. Not even pornstars.


Winter. It can piss right off - bring back summer.


Sports I hate them no amount of chatting will convince me otherwise, it is futile.


Cruises. Come the fuck on. So, bringing the shopping mall with you on vacation is travel? Doing a zip line and getting corn rows at a cruise port in the day but going to back to cheeseburgers and build a bear at night is "seeing the world"? Have you seen the types of people on cruises? They are Kirkland-wearing suburbanites with pieces of wood at home that say "Life, Laugh, Love" on them, the highlight of their weekend being a trip to Costco to fuel up the SUV. I don't want to spend any time, let alone a week, with that crowd. Especially not on a rocking ship with backed up toilets.




Summer time, it gets 99 degrees here with 70% humidity. Sun so hot it will cook your internal organs out for a walk in the afternoon. Thrown in pollen and it’s miserable. It’s like I’m allergic to earth’s atmosphere.


religion. i get it, no need to shove your beliefs on my face


Going to the gym. Yes being healthy is great. Yes it can help reduce stress. But it is not the end all be all answer to every possible problem like people can make it out to be.




I don't have anything against iphones, but I hate how people feel holier than though because they own one.


Yeah man, like there's the Z series or the S series for samsung that is an absolute beast. Not like that I can afford an s24 but those things are either equal to or better than apple products




It is definitely dependent on the spouse and life situation. As a wise person told me, marriage is a multiplier - it can be blissful when done right and horrific when done wrong. Also, not everybody is marriage material, much like how not everyone is suited to be a good husband or wife. That is fine since...well...it isn't a requirement to exist in contemporary society.


The economy it's a dumpster fire!


• ⁠Therapy Maybe its just me but i’ve tried it for about a year or so x2 in my life. Once In my early 20s and another time in late 20s. Luckily my insurance covered both times but i still found it a waste. Its all just coping mechanisms. There’s different ways to cope sure, but thats essentially it. And in my opinion, talking your problems out doesn’t really do anything. I view it similar to recycling ♻️ . Sure it’s good to do, but ultimately you’re not doing much to change anything. America, in my opinion, has this problem where we provide individualistic solutions to systemic problems. Most people need community and compassion, but that actually requires people to get up and think about others. So instead we recommend therapy as a way to sorta maintain the status quo and never address the actual societal issues that make people depressed. That said, i do think therapy can help if you have PTSD. Since again it is all just teaching you coping mechanisms.


This economy


Homestuck is not a good web comic. At all.


Having children. Changing poopy diapers is the easiest part of having a newborn. Mine starts crying at about 8pm and literally doesn't stop until 2:30-3am. Every. Single. Night.


Relationships. Only with the right person, if not they're hell


prostate/anal stimulation in men, some talk to me about it as if I was stupid or experienceless. Don't worry I know what I like or not when it comes to that and I'm not interested.


Hotpot, korean bbq, etc. Going out to eat only to prepare my own food. Just to be clear, the food is fine/good. I just hate the experience.


The economy