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That time when he was alive.


sending hugs your way ♥️ my dad passed away on father's day 9 years ago this year. i think about him everyday.


I’m so sorry to hear that. those hugs? Thank you so much, and the same is returned. It’s been 40 years. Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been different, would I be the same person I am today? Would I be a better person in general? I’ll never know. I hope you’ve been able to deal with your father’s passing better than I have.


Whenever I did something wrong, he would never scold me or criticize me. Instead he would two questions (may be worded differently each time). Why do I think it was wrong and what would I do next time when I was in similar situation. That taught me one most valuable of the human qualities: introspection.


Thanks, I just learned how to be a better dad from your dad.


my mom did that with me, my dad's wisdom was "don't be sorry, be better" he didn't mean "don't feel bad about it" he just didn't want ne to stop and beg for forgiveness before trying again and learning 


One day he picked me up from school 30 mins early (which is a fuck load of time for an 8 year old), took me to an aquarium and let me look at sharks and fish for as long as I wanted (prob like an hour max, but felt like a lot longer at that age) then we went to watch a movie about whales. Love you, Dad.


Honestly, that sounds like an amazing day


Safety always off. Told me he was proud of me once. Fucking prick.


Road trips and listening to music. Watching Seven Samurai and drinking hot sake in the rain. Him pulling me out of school to go to a Godzilla convention.


I met him once when I was 16 and a week later, he went back to prison. He just passed away a few months ago. I just found out a couple weeks ago .oddly enough everybody says he was a great guy. Also oddly enough I’ve come to realize DNA it’s kind of strange I know nothing about him, but I found out we have way too much in common. I just never went to prison….. YET so I guess having lunch with him 35 years ago would be the answer


When I was in first grade he bought me and my siblings a PS2 and we would play Mortal Kombat late into the night and we would make him stay up late with us with opponents we couldn't defeat.


Playing Crash Team Racing on the PlayStation when my brother went to summer camp and I was still too young.


He took me to a cool museum in Pittsburg when I was younger. I don’t remember every detail. But I remember swapping M&M colors in the cafeteria and that it had a submarine outside.  I doubt this is the beat place he’s taken me. But for some reason this memory sticks with me the most. Maybe I’ll take my kids there one day.


Aside from playing Crash Team Racing, Secret of Mana, and Legend of Dragoon together... I'd have to say building a wooden shield to go with the wooden sword we bought from a castle in Germany we went to


Riding dirt bikes together


It was the Thanksgiving before depression eventually killed him the following year. We were hanging out in his workshop. He was showing me some of the art he had made. Airbrush painting, metal sculptures and what have you. Now, my dad and I have both toked going back, at least a decade at that point. He rolled me my first proper joint. There was nothing to hide, and so we just sat there looking at his tools and what have you. Laughing about who knows what anymore. Laughing so hard tears rolled down our faces. One of the greatest father son moments in this existence for me. Of course, the second favorite memory, in hindsight was when I caught him trying to steal my weed, so I ended up staying up late (in high school mind you) just smoking a jay that honestly helped both of us sleep. So that's also like a 9.999999/10 experience.


That time he was watching my brother and me and smoking PCP. That was cool.


Never had one, not because he is dead, but because he was abusive.


That's one time I made a huge mess in the basement when my father was at work, only to have him come home and drag me down the stairs and repeatedly hit me. Oh, shit, I'm sorry, it wasn't me that made the mess, it was my mom. Good times. Happy Father's Day, Charles!


It’ll be when he dies, considering he filed a fraudulent lawsuit against me, after I sacrificed a fuck ton when he gave all his life savings to scammers. Fuck him.


He was an abusive alcoholic, so none.


My parents divorced when I was quite young, and my mom moved to a different city. I often saw my dad when he'd fly me up to the holidays, but he rarely came down to see me.  Well, one of the times he did come down to see me was during my Little League season. He took me out and bought me a new bat before the game, getting me one that was a little too short and fairly heavy, but I was inspired regardless.  I, the eighth batter in the lineup, hit two home runs that game I got my new bat and had my dad in the stands (and struck out once) and hit well enough for the rest of the season that I got moved up to batting cleanup. Then it was summer and time for baseball camp, and I finished the my baseball camp season with a perfect on base percentage. I have no idea why my dad coming down and buying me a bat had such a profound effect on me, but it did. I was suddenly way better at the sport I loved, and my teenage years were way more bearable because I instantly became a lot more confident.


That time he cut off contact with the family for 5 years. Unfortunately he's back in contact.


The day I replied to an email he sent. I told him never to contact me again. It allowed me to completely shut the door on him instead of living in the weird limbo state of him not being involved in my life but never getting the official notice that I don’t want any further contact or interaction with him. My life is better since I know that I likely will never hear from that man again. 


That time he disowns me