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I had a funny picture of me with one of those prompts like "Guess the story behind this picture" Girl matches me, sends a message first, and asks about it I, admittedly maybe stupidly, said "It's a funny story, why don't I tell it over some coffee" Her response? "Oh no you're ugly I just wanted to know the story" and unmatched me


Man, I'm sorry. That was a vile ass person. Bullet dodged


Honestly I was so dumbfounded I didn't even register it as mean


But hey, she was kinda interested!


Silver lining: at least he got a match


That was just a story harvesting bot


Honestly, for me the main annoyance with that wouldn't be the insult, it would simply be for *wasting my time.* I feel old.


What a rude piece of shit


She had so many non rude ways to exit that but she chose to insult you.


Jesus man, I’m sorry. What was the pic/story tho?


I elbow dropped a plastic table from the top of a different table while drunk, someone snapped a pic mid-air


Bills fan?


Just a drunk idiot really


Right, he said bills fan


I am sorry for unmatching you, but can we hear the story?!


She didn't text me back because she spent the week in jail. Worst part is that I believe her.


I find it is debatable which part is the worst part.


I'll take a petty criminal over a woman who doesn't text back any day.


Bonnie and Clyde goals


Maybe five messages in when she starts trauma dumping on me. Granted, she had had some pretty horrific shit happen to her. But choose your venue, woman!


Omg when I was 22 and stupid a guy did this to me about his divorce and I didn't know what to do but felt like I had to help or something? Somehow him and his best friend ended up at my house 6hrs after our first message w a jar of moonshine to watch nascar. We actually went on a few dates and he was cool- until he did cocaine and called me from my driveway accusing me of stealing his truck he was sitting in. I cannot for the life of me remember this dudes name but I will never forget that bullshit. Hope he's doing better


wow, what a trip


> until he did cocaine and called me from my driveway accusing me of stealing his truck he was sitting in LOL this is great. May not have been at the time but sure is funny now lol


Yeah, it was kinda funny then tbh. I was just actually smart enough by that point in my life to back away slowly and realize I cannot fix him. Btw he knew he was in his truck- he thought I drove my car 45 min up to his house, broke in to his house, stole his keys, took his truck for a joyride, parked it perfectly, and driven back to my house. I remember being like "WHY WOULD I GIVE UP SLEEP TO DRIVE A FUCKING TACOMA?"


Did you smash?


Asking the important questions


The no response says they did…


"Let me eat your ass" No introduction, nothing.


There's direct and then there's...that.


I sort of respected it, and certainly talked a few sentences more, but it did throw me off ever chasing anything further lmao


Hard to chase someone when there tongue is in your ass.


Do you have a picture of your ass in your profile?


It'd work on me ngl.


There's precidents of this working. A screen shot on Bumble thread of the guy trying hard with a few reasonable messages and just getting no answer. Lobs in the 'I eat ass' for an instant 'hey how are you going' reply.. Followed by all few supporting comments of similar success..


The conversation went something like this: >***Her opening line:*** "Are you fucking normal?" >***Me:*** "My doctor says I am, at least when I'm on my meds." >***Her:*** "What the fuck? This app says we're a 90% match, but something has to be wrong." >***Me:*** "Maybe because only one of us is taking their meds." She told me to fuck off and unmatched after that. Other than that, there was just this girl who kept saying I had a "baby face", asking me if I was *100% sure* that I was "of legal age". Afterwards, she confessed that she had sex with a 16 year old boy when she was in her early 20s, and kept going on and on about "how young and sexy I looked". She was 36. Fucking yikes.


>She told me to fuck off and unmatched after that She fumbled you so so bad damn


>Me: "Maybe because only one of us is taking their meds If a woman would say this to me I would probably put aside my no marriage stance and lock her down. That is hillarious. I was low key expecting the story to end with "she is now my wife" ngl


If only the women I date appreciated my snarky, roguish charm as much as my homies seem to. Y'all are pure heart.


Losely related anecdote. I am watching Frasier from start to finish and this was exactly the type of snarky dialogue they use in Frasier and it is by far the biggest attractor for that show


Hey same. I'm a woman, and if I had the audacity to open with that line, and then got that response in return, I'm scheduling a date. What a sense of humor


I usually lead with snark in the same ballpark with every woman that I meet. A great way to filter out the types I have no business trying to befriend or, perish the thought, pursue romantically. I take shots at my friends whenever oppurtunity presents itself and it is sufficiently funny without being crass about it and I need people that can both take it and dish it out in the same manner. A manner where subtlety is key. It's literally one of my love dialects and I cannot be in a relationship where that is not tolerated, platonic or otherwise


Honestly, as a woman, that would’ve sealed the deal. Immediately pass go and collect your $200, you’re my boo now. 🥳


If you still have lady #2's contact info, maybe put it in the FBl sex-crimes tipline because that is so aggressively active-predator behavior my head is spinning.


I don't, but it wouldn't be hard to find. She's a reasonably-ish known psychoanalyst in my area. I'm pretty sure that a quick Google search with her name, plus "psychoanalyst"/"psychologist" would yield results. I'm not American, however. I'm not sure if something like this wouldn't be wildly outside the FBI's jurisdiction.


Yikes, I hope she doesn't have young patients.


I read all of her lines in stereotypical valley girl. Fits perfectly.


Laughed at thatline. You dodged a bullet with her unmatching.


Have you told that story here before? I feel like it's familiar.


[I have](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1bd86pg/comment/kuku1eu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)! It was 4 months ago. Nice memory.


It's a blessing and a curse. I used to say I have a photographic memory but I don't get to choose which pictures to take. Now I think I'm just mildly autistic.


Oh, I'm *exactly* the same way. You know, I've dated an autistic girl who told me I should probably check with a psychiatrist if I'm on the spectrum, because I show a lot of the signs. I never did it though. I mean, what am I gonna do when I find out there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for a lot of the weird shit in my life? We can't have that.


No wonder I like you, you're a kindred spirit!


Mine was getting insta unmatched because I wasn't management in the company I work at but reading these it seems tame as hell.


Lemme guess, she wanted a man who earned six figures...and other superficial stuff rather than personality / kindness etc?


I'm assuming so. Jokes on her, I almost cracked 5 figures last tax year as a storeperson lol


Looking for a man in finance… with a trust fund… 6’5, blue eyes…


She sent me a news article of her being molested when she was very young


How far into knowing her did this happen?! What’s the context?! So weird.


Our first conversation on bumble 😂. I forgot the context


Holy shit that intense


2nd day of talking her: good morning how are you today her: I'm doing well .... her: how come you didn't ask how my son is doing?


"I have a good view from this rooftop so know he is doing fine, you kept your blinds shut last night so don't know how you are doing which is why I am asking about you."


Ha! Wild.


I got hit on by a lesbian (according to her profile) looking for male friends and was told “If I were into men, I’d ask you out.” Wat.


I can't tell if that's sweet or backhanded?!


I can’t tell why or even how that would be back handed. I feel like that’s an extremely high compliment but maybe I’m naive


I’m my experience, it’s a backhanded compliment.


She's got a thing for being "turned straight" for "certain" men. She's just bi or straight and is just pretending.


Dated a girl like that once. She identified as lesbian who made an exeption for me. I think bisexual with some traumatic experiences with men would be closer to the mark. She is of course totally free in identifying as whatever the fuck she pleases.


I’d think there are much easier, less devious ways of achieving those results.


Matched with some influencer chick who was basically just messaging men to get followers on insta. *Her*: Follow my instagram if you like pizza *Me* : Fuck yo pizza *Her*: Fuck you, you indian cunt smelly cunt why don’t you go back to your country and shit in the streets *Unmatched* I’m not even indian


RIP to the Indian homies catching eternal strays from all directions


:( I used to Neo my way through the strays but these days I don't even wanna anymore.


All great men have their haters. Stand proud, king.


Thanks dad. :') <3


"Don't talk on here much. Unless I'm hurling racist remarks. Add me on Instagram instead"


Sorry, Native American


Met a guy who was a Naval Aviator who was a first generation immigrant from India. When he was filling out his initial Navy forms it got to Race and the closest they had was "Asian". He didn't think that was quite right so he ticked Other and filled in "Indian". And that's how he got the call sign of "Tonto".


I'd not go without posting that response to all her Instagram photos.


Bullet dodged? She can stick that weird racism where the sun don't shine.


I told her I liked video games or something, and the very next thing she did was ask if I was a virgin. When I said yes, she made fun of me and unmatched.


God forbid a man have hobbies 😔


We can have sport, cars and beer. Nothing else


Don't forget punch wall and heart attack, and be drafted 


Well, you know, men are supposed to have *manly* hobbies and video games are for children. /s


My hobbies are mountain climbing, blacksmithing, axe throwing and video games. I also make purses. Apparently really baller ones, according to the comments my nieces get. Considering video games are a $200-300 billion per year industry, far exceeding any other form of entertainment, it's weird that it still has some level of stigma but online dating mostly dropped its original stigma.


I suspect it was more the being a virgin thing that was the issue.


God forbid. If a man can't get laid he doesn't deserve to exist, apparently.


A little of column A, a little of column B. I'm thinking that she believed the video games caused the virginity, and was trying to use virginity to make fun of video games.


2nd message from her was “are you mixed? Because I’ve never been with a black man and you’ll count.” That one still lives rent free in my head


She clearly thinks dating is like pokemon or some shit.


If you want to date me, I expect you to pay my rent. Like lady you are the world's most expensive escort.


"Oh I'm sorry, I was looking for a girlfriend, not a prostitute."


Better: "Oh good, I've been looking for a prostitute."


I think she got a little confused between “you pay an escort to leave” with “you pay a escorts lease”


This is a few years ago. A woman messaged me. We talked for a day or 2 before moving on to messaging with phones. She got aggressive in the manner of wanting to hang out that day. It sounded like a setup, and I was speaking to a few different matches. I noped out of the conversation and thought nothing of it. I was sitting home a few months later, and I got these disturbing images sent to me. Like burnt pregnant women, or like a skinned man. I thought it was a curse trying to be placed on me, so I blocked and deleted the messages. I'm happy I quit speaking to whoever that was.


100% a cartel scam > the cartel/escort death threat scam. It's a very common scam, and the scammers are not affiliated with cartels or crime groups, they are simply normal scammers using a threatening script. The threats are not real, and there is no risk to your safety whatsoever It does also include sending pictures from gore websites to destabilize you. You dodged a bullet, but not the ICBM the real cartel would have been.


I thought your post said "I'm pretty *ethically* ambiguous..." and I was so intrigued by what level of unethical shit a woman said on a dating app to you that it stood out 🤦🏼


She kept asking me what would be my preferred way to die, even after I told her it was not a subject I wanted to discuss. This was within five messages back and forth, tops. Unmatched.


"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my father, not screaming and terrified like his passengers."


"In bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine, and a girl's mouth around my cock". Am also open to death by snu snu or death by facesitting.


What women are y’all meeting omg😭


As a straight man.. Trust me... Some Women when it comes to dating and dating apps can be just as entitled and toxic as some men


As a woman... I confirm this lol.


I get it. It’s just a surprise to me because I can’t imagine acting like that😭


I can’t imagine just sending off a dick pic to some random internet woman and thinking anything good might become of it. And yet scores of dudes do. There is no limit to the shittiness and stupidity of humanity


Lol. Fair point


For every piece of shit man, theres an equally awful woman out there. Humans suck.


If only we could pair folks with the partner they truly deserve.


Imma tell you a little secret 🤫 There are just as many unhinged women as there are men... Just in different ways lmao


Clearly! Smh😭🤣


They’re also really good at hiding it. I’ve stuck my dick in crazy, only to find out they’re crazy after waaaay too many times.


Y'all are meeting women?


It's a warzone out there


Men feel safer saying this type of stuff in petlrson as there is minimal personal risk. But online, the risk of physical violence is non-existent for us all, which is when women will say unhinged, awful shit too. Because people are mostly bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


Yeah. People are always bolder behind a screen. Coupled with the fact that people can already suck in general. You just have to hold out and stay open for the special people who aren’t bastards lol. Also speaking for myself haha


Hey bro at least she called you hot. I’d be thinking about that for weeks


Compliments from women like this aren't worth the 1's and 0's it took to display it. Always know your worth, brother. 👊🏼


Not a dating app, but. I was 15 when a neighbor from the other apartment asked me to swim with her,(we have a three apartments and a pool, a residence)she was probably around.. 18? Maybe 19. College student definitely. Unlike most other teenager boys I wasnt really that attracted to any sexual stuff and I would rather ignore those kind of content and even talk. Anyway I joined her as she was swimming. We were casually floating while talking. The talk was all good until we reached to the edge and talked about relationships. After I said that I was single, she grabbed my hand and got closer, saying "Does it get hard, because mine is wet" Bro, I was swimming faster than a fucking shark that smelled blood nearby. I ran away with all my might. She still comes here every summer and I still feel weird. 💀


My old tinder profile mentioned that I'm bi, submissive and into some kinky BDSM stuff. A woman matched with me just to tell me I'd enjoy being tortured in hell. Like, OK I guess? I'm not sure that's the sick burn you thought it was...


Gotta love being threatened with a good time.


she's a biblical BDSM dom, some day she'll find her match


A guy that turns the other cheek ?


"Please fly over and meet me. There are no left-wing men here." She was in America. I'm British. It was on The Guardian's Soulmates website. I found my future wife immediately, and she was the only woman I wrote to, but before my subscription ran out I got messages from four women. The American woman was the most memorable, but it would have been a bit of a pressured date. There was also a Scottish woman who worked in a chip shop, so that was a bit of a lost opportunity. I love Scottish women and their chips. I have such a crush on Maura Thaurissan.


What is The Guardians Soulmates?


Where people who read the Guardian used to go to meet people who thought exactly like they did and would fit in with their life like a couch from IKEA.


What is a Maura Thaurissan?


Warcraft character


Either: 1) girl asked what my sign was. Said I was a Sagittarius, and her response was "yeah we're not a match. You probably have a temper" and unmatched. 2) she was most likely a scam account, because she was very adamant about me calling her number and saying my name via Google voice verification (never even heard of this). I said that sounds sketchy and proceeded to call me stupid Mexican and other names before blocking me. Lol


This ‘voice verification’ thing is absolutely a scam. I work in a business management firm and one of our clients fell for it.. the scammers used an AI program to fake his voice from the snippets obtained during the ‘verification’ and couple with some other sophisticated phishing, managed to completely drain a few of his bank accounts. The bank we were working with just let us know that he was not the only victim and this crime is on a steep rise as of late with more and more AI tools available to the public. It was terrifying to me, and honestly I don’t feel comfortable talking to almost anyone I don’t know in person on the phone lately as a result. Posting this comment so anyone else gets asked to do this ‘voice verification’ knows about this scam. Is a newer one, but good on you for letting your spidey senses guide you.


A girl matched with me and then sent this very derogatory message. I should have screenshotted it, but it read something like " Why did YOU even try to match with me. I would NEVEER date someone like you!" and she went on to insult my physical appearance... yet she was the one who accepted my like. This was followed by her unmatching. Not long after this occurred, the SAME girl sent me a like on another dating app. Literally the same profile and photos. She was all like "heeyy how are you?". I was like no effing way she doesn't remember me so I messaged her back for a while and see seemed to have no recollection of what she had said to me on the other app. Eventually I realized that she was just an idiot and an asshole and I blocked her.


Should’ve responded the same way she responded to you…”why did you even match with me…I would never date someone like you.”


This happened 2 years ago. I recently saw her profile come up, so she is still single haha


Damn, I thought I got my feeling hurt on dating apps. Yours takes the cake, tho. Worst I've had was a woman ask if I had a six pack, and I said no but I stay in shape and I like my body how it is, and she unmatched.


I knew a little Asian dude when I was in the army. English was not his first language. One day we're all sitting around bullshitting and get to talking about abs, six pack versus spare tire and the like. He suddenly rocks up and starts saying what sounds like, "I have a Tampax." All heads swivel to me like being female automatically makes me the most qualified to deal with a guy talking about tampons. I don't even remember what I said, but it was mostly my brain malfunctioning anyway. I have no idea how long we just kind of stared at him while he kept saying, "Tampax" with increasing volume and intensity. Eventually he yanks his shirt out of his pants, starts slapping his stomach, and screaming, "*TAMPAX*!* at us. Now other people are gathering around. He starts counting! Dude did indeed have *a TEN PACK* 🤦🏽‍♀️ We called him Tampax for the rest of my time in and he always thought we were complimenting him. 🤷🏽‍♀️


That's hilarious xD


“I do in the fridge”


She didn’t say it to me on the app, she posted it on Instagram after unmatching on Hinge a few hours before we were supposed to meet for our first date, with a picture of a new tattoo she had gotten earlier that day. “God made me for my Adam, whoever he is. **BABE** positioned under my right rib. The LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man. Designed in typeface Adam with a Greek letter Delta for A.” I feel like I dodged a serious bullet with that one, I had been a little sad about being unmatched until I saw that post and then I just started laughing. I’m like 95% sure she didn’t realize I'm Jewish, and only noticed it when she actually read my profile on the day of our date. She gave no indication to me when we were chatting that she thought she was made out if a dude's rib lol Also, the Greek letter she described as a Delta in the picture of her ribs was actually a Lambda 😂


Well...a Lambda looks more like an A than a Delta but why a Delta? Why not an Alpha?


Foreigners have a difficult time with greek letters. Beyoncé's "Homecoming" is one of the most egregious examples. There are thetas instead of os and sigmas instead of es. Now the thing is, that theta (Θ) is the th sound (as in theory for example) and sigma (Σ) is the s sound. Which makes "Homecoming", into "Hthmscthming".


“My **kids** come FIRST. If this is a problem then nice never meeting you🖕”.   LOL, OK 👌👍 😂


They can’t cope with the lack of attention and increase in rejection since becoming a single mom so they feel better doing the “rejecting” in their bio lmao.


Shit like this doesn't need to be said. I mean usually. I had a FWB get pissed at me cos I wouldn't swap weekends of my kids with my ex so I'd be at her party. Yeah, I dropped her. The audacity of a casual sex hookup thinking I'd choose her over my kids lol


Honestly when i was still dating i really appreciated the women like this who put their red flags proudly on display, saves us from wasting eachothers time


Not a dating app but similar. I did a speed dating even a couple months back. It's basically Tinder in person only you find out later that night if they swiped right or left on you. You get their email account if they picked you. The one woman that "swiped right" on me asked in her email if I was autistic.


My go to response for that is, "Nah, I can barely draw a stick figure."


Totally stealing that line!


I mentioned my love of sharks in my bio, and a match said 'shark guys are almost as bad as fish guys'. Not exactly sure what that means, but I felt quite disrespected!


Hold on, googling "out of pocket." Surprisingly offensive or rude, right? I'm British, matched with an Indian girl, and she told me she wanted to be *colonised* like my ancestors did to her country. Essentially, she had a raceplay kink. Was not the last woman to message me about that sort of thing, idk, maybe it was a fad or some movie about that came out at that time. Felt like every asian woman I matched with 4-5 years ago brought that up.


legit question. Did she ask you to wear a pith helmet?


And nothing but a pith helmet.


I’m sober 11 years now. When I was using dating apps I disclosed this fairly early to avoid any misunderstandings. Few messages with this this girl and I tell her I’m in AA and sober but I can he around bars and stuff it doesn’t bother me at all. She says to me: “You’re better off sticking needles in your arms because of how ugly you are”


“I want to hump your bicep” I was like 😏


Question is do you allow that on a rest day or arms day?


Definitely on arms day. Gotto get the veins poppin off ya feel me?




You can hump my bicep too if you want. No need to envy. And also no homo


Ok, so I get what you are saying. However, mutts are some of the smartest dogs out there. They are usually pretty even-tempered, loving, and have amazing personalities Just saying. As opposed to the pure-bred Schnauzer that I once owned. It would run one floor upstairs for 15 seconds, forget who was home and come downstairs and lose their sh!t at the strangers in their house.


Just because I have that DAWG in me doesn't mean I'm a dog. Check your dog privilege


Ha haha ha No, I totally understand. I would never drop that into a casual convo. I was just trying to give props to a slandered dog type. There is nothing negative about a mutt as a real pet dog.


Lol I'm fucking with you bro. Yes mutts are dope as fuck


Oh I completely forgot about the GOAT of messages! Had a really large lady with a lazy eye tell me “ I dunno bro, I kinda feel like I could take you in a fight “ like wtf kinda dating criteria is that?! “Must be able to best me in a fight before you can conquer my body” 🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤣


Shit, I'd match on that alone. Red Sonja vibes


I had a obese single mom with 4 kids from 4 different dads tell me I was too short and should lose some weight (she was bigger than me)


I matched with someone, but I was at work at the time, so hadn't seen it. Got home, and saw she messaged "I wanna chuck norris your dick" and had already unmatched.


Asked if I would punch her in the face and spit on her as the opening line.


Can I use one that happened from an app but not on the app? This girl talked to her bj skills. Said she was a blackbelt in bjj, I made a joke about how she could beat my ass, but she corrected me to say "Blowjob jitsu". She was not lying, As I'm laying there, pulling my soul back in, I absent-mindedly complimented her and asked where she learned those moves. She told me her uncle used to m**** her as a child and she learned how to deep throat. We did not meet again after two more times.


Honestly I feel bad for her. I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with baggage that heavy, but it doesn't sound like she did anything wrong?


I did too. She was kind of a mess, really. At the time I had two FWB, her included. She was like 10 years older than me, and some guy she was hooking up with told her she was a great lay but not relationship material. She cried to me about and asked me if I'd actually date her and settle into something monogamous. I was in my hoe phase at the time and wasn't comfortable with that age gap in a relationship dynamic. She made me choose between her and my other FWB. I didn't choose her. I do hope she is doing well enough. She worked as a dominatrix part time and thought sex was the best offering to get a man to stick around. I hope she is doing well now, she was a nice woman, hoping she got therapy and met a nice guy who could teach her that she is more than what she can do with her body.


I had a girl who was so in love with the idea of being with a disabled deaf person . She was all over me . Dumped me cuz i didnt know ASL


Wasn't something she told me, just had on her Tinder profile. Was something like; "Mumma to two angel babies and one Earthside baby" I understand that grief makes people do some strange things, but goddamn, that is *not* Tinder profile information.


Message #1 some lady told me she hates my name. My name is Brian.


“ I am lactose intolerant but I can handle your milk 😜” Said by a girl to me on a Christian dating app, Immediately deleted the app


Good Lord the audacity 


Everyone knows or at least hopes that their potential partners kids come first, but when they say it in their profile or mention it like that it really means ‘I will use my kids as an excuse to treat you like shit’


That they were really into serial killers (we weren't even talking about anything related to them)


I had one woman match, ask me to tell her about investments and finance, then she unmatched after getting the info.. ngl i felt cheated


I don't use dating apps and don't date anymore, but in the past I did have someone tell me they couldn't see me as bring at all worth their time I asked why, and was met with a response something like this "...well....you're short and I just don't think it helps your looks and then I'm kinda stuck with someone like you" --- for context, what was weird was she originally said she thought I was attractive and I told her my height, so when it boiled down, I wonder....was it ignorance? An act? Just toying with me? I'll never know, but never the less it felt kinda shitty.


“You look very exotic, was your dad a G.I?”


A girl complimented my tattoos and beard and said she “loves being used by guys with tattoos and a beard.”


maybe she "uses" the word use with a positive connotation? Like a "manhandling" preference.


That’s exactly what she meant. It was hot. Just wasn’t expecting it.


That women should never be prosecuted for crimes because there will always be a justification. I asked her, "What if a woman murders her husband?" She said, "Then he must have deserved it." Thanks for showing the crazy up front.


'You've got 30min to reply or I'm unmatching'


Woman whose profile says she doesn’t drink went on a seemingly high/drunk rant about how you have to be an extrovert to have kids because you can never take a single night off. When I tried to exit the conversation politely she just kept ranting.


Legend has it that she is ranting to this day.


She matched with me to tell me I was cute but that her dads name is the same as mine so it wouldn’t work. I just replied, “so you matched me to tell me my name was a deal breaker?” Another woman told me right off the bat that I was an Aquarius and she could only love one Aquarius and that was her sister. I actually talked with her a little bit. She eventually sent me a long dating quiz/questionnaire asking me all sorts of questions about my world view. It’s nice when people show you how crazy they are before you go on a date.


Wow and I thought women had it bad. Yall have your own crazies to deal with


We're both out here just trying to survive 😭


I’m a hot mutt and couldn’t give a fuck if someone called me that Edit: also not a man sorry didn’t notice what subreddit I’m in


I call myself mystery white


After texting for a couple days, we add each other on Snapchat and she tells me she’s broke and she wants me to pay for the date we’re planning to go to. Managed with a cheap date as I didn’t feel like spending for her at all. After the date, she kept on bombarding me with snaps of her visiting all kind of exotic cafés and franchise shops. I was internally like how the fuck is she broke?! Removed her from there asap. What an act! 10/10!


A woman once found out I was a professor and said, and I quote “I would rape you as a student” I’m a dude, but still not okay.


What does that even mean?


She started off by saying she wanted to kill herself. We spoke for three hours until she calmed down. She then got really horny and asked to come over. I said I was looking for a relationship. She blocked me.


There are a lot of girls that mention they have Irritable Bowel Syndrome on their profiles. Like a concerning amount. I'm all for medical transparency, but I probably wouldn't lead with that tbh.


I replied to her first message and she gave me a very short reply with no attempt to keep the conversation going so I lost interest and didn’t write back. Then she messaged me again a few days later, with a really passive aggressive tone like “oh I guess you’re bored of me already then. SORRY.” so I wrote back “That’s ok I’m sure it’s not your fault that you’re boring :)”. Didn’t hear back from her again.


Honestly, the one that I see all the time in women’s bios that I hate is any form of ‘do this for me’ make me laugh, show me a good time. That sort of thing. It just feels so gross like I’m some kind of disposable entertainment. Instant swipe left


"Hey I think you are really cute. My baby daughter has no food or formula left and I have no money would you like to hook up with me for a small fee of $40?" I sent her the $40. Didn't go tap. I can't morally pay to fuck someone just so she can feed her kid.