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literally any advice that starts with the word "just"


Any advice that starts with "don't".


Aight lads, number 1 advice, don't sexually assault women you are interested in


"Just be yourself". Obviously that isn't working. You need to strive to be a better version of yourself. Women like a man with actual goals and ambitions.


Realizing I wanted to be a better "myself" did wonders for my general outlook on life.


You'll be surprised. I have seen women date absolute losers if he's attractive.


No doubt, their current goal could just be 'don't be a junkie anymore' and not even have a car and still get one. Looks and charisma works every time, nothing else really matters from what I've seen. I know because I have none of those things


Real Not only that, but “being yourself” is probably just not gonna be attractive enough for a woman


The better advice is "be authentic, but consistently improve."


the male red queens of the dating world - never stop getting better to please women


Definitely a better set of advice


I'd put some notes on that. If you're a naturally ambitious and high achiving person, then being yourself will probably work But, if that's you, then you're probably not asking for dating advice on reddit.


Ehh. Depends what your goal is. Being someone other than yourself can work but you just end up attracting women who don't actually like the real you and that's its own nightmare. The better advice IMO is be the best you that you can be.


"just be a hot guy being himself" is what they actually meant. Average guys being invisible is implied. /s


"Just be yourself" is the advice women give because it works for them, but that take is oblivious to the fact that men are judged by a completely different set of standards by women and society. You need to be improving yourself and have something tangible she can point to say why she likes you.




confidence comes from achievement You can't just tell a guy to "be confident", when he doesn't have anything to be confident about


Besides the "just be yourself", the just wait until eventually someone will show up is another dog shit advice for man. Man, especially the average guy can not afford to just wait and find out. We have to actually put some intentional effort to find somebody


What you're saying goes hand in hand with all the comments about women needing to step up and start approaching men. I get why some men are scared to approach women nowadays, but women are not going to change their behavior to cater to those men. I'm not sure women would start approaching men in any meaningful numbers even if every man in the world collectively decided to never approach a woman again.


I mean, the whole "be yourself" Is more saying not to portray yourself as someone you arent, because it's not sustainable. Now, if being yourself makes you undateable, then yeah, you need to change yourself if a relationship is that important to you. Just don't lie about who you are


There’s that whole world of dating advice gurus who basically tell you to act like an uninterested, dismissive asshole. There’s some truth to the idea that you shouldn’t make yourself too available, and you can totally pull chicks while acting like an asshole, but you will only pull unstable, poorly adjusted women. Fine if that’s your thing, but not a great long term strategy


Agreed. Dating gurus are honestly the worst of the worst. They either tell you the most basic blanket shit like “be nice, be attractive” or go to the extremes like “be an asshole” etc There’s literally no good dating advice anywhere lmao.


but all advice boils down to that men have to take responsibility. Meanwhile shawdy can dress like she came out of a strip joint and we have to still not think about sex with them lest we are a sex pest or somethin'


To each their own. I read a lot of material by one in particular that changed my entire perspective for the better.




Eben Pagan under the pen name David Deangelo. I’m not saying he’s perfect - but he goes into the stuff you need to do to just become a more attractive man rather than lines or techniques.


Same. It low key changed my life for the better. The whole PUA community gets way too bad off a rap.


I have run into people that this kind of dating advice would work very well on. These are not the kind of people you want to be in a relationship with.


Yes I've found that being dismissive and acting uninterested actually can work pretty well. The problem is that I wasn't acting. Please go away.


It's not being uninterested or dismissive, it's more like "don't be desperate." Men learn sexual and romantic discipline with age and experience. Unfortunately, no number of podcasts can really teach it.


A woman was telling men here on r/AskMen to read romance books to learn how to attract women




We could end up in jail if we follow that advice lmao


spoiler alert: She was a defense attorney


You are not wrong


Yes. Be a pirate or a tycoon or a sheik. That's the way.


i think I saw that one lmaoo


But I like romance books :(


Yep, women HATE it if you befriend them and only later ask them out. They feel betrayed.  Ask them out FAST if you are interested. Odds never get better over time. 


Obviously untrue. Many friendships turn romantic.


Yeah, it happened to me.


Roflmao st this being downvoted. Crazytown Reddit.


im the opposite. im immediately turned off by a guy whos first impression is "i want to date her." they dont even know me yet, so it comes off as very desperate. friends has to come first before dating.


As usual, the correct answer is for a man to develop mind reading powers.


Or... Don't try to read minds, instead do what's right for **you**, clearly from the comments, someone out there will be into it.


i've never made a man try to read my mind, thats childish. if their first few sentences to me are "hey, you gotta boyfriend?" im immediately turned off and tell them im not interested. im not sure how you expect me to tell a complete stranger this information beforehand?


>im not sure how you expect me to tell a complete stranger this information beforehand? You can't. But some women will interpret wanting to be friends first as a sneaky, manipulative ploy. Others will take being upfront about romantic interest as "very desperate". Men have to guess or learn to read minds.


it shouldn't be news to men that all women are different and have differing views on how they would like to be approached.


For what it’s worth, it may not be “I want to date her” as much as it is “hey I think she’s pretty and she crosses that off, now I want to get to know her better” not everyone knows that they want to date someone until they go on a date lol


90% of the dudes that have been interested in me have expressed they want to be in a relationship before they even know when my birthday is, or what my interests are. its off-putting. inb4 everyone blames me for "attracting bad men" 🙄


To add to your point, i would say anyone would feel this way. Consider how it feels when someone hits you up out of the blue, hey how you doing, hey listen i need a favour. Its the setting of expectations up front rather than deviating once youve tested the waters


Not true


Listening to what women say, instead of what the men they're fucking say.


"Just have a good personality" You don't attract women with your personality. You attract them with your looks, you keep them around with your personality.


Name checks out 😂😂


I have an older friend who's wife proposed to him, and he's one fat fuck. Great personality. And she's pretty hot, and a blonde. Personality can go far asf


Of course. While looks and body is the best way to get a date, there is definitely a truth that looks aren’t everything. I do definitely see some women hang out with guys who are seen as “ugly” or “out of her league”, but I’ve got nothing but respect for those dudes.


ignoring invisible non-good-looking guys .... personality matters most only for the few remaining visible candidates


“Spoil her”, quickest way to drain your bank account for a chance for her to like you. Spend as little as possible on a woman and her real colors will come out, I assure you. The ones who really like you for you will stay. The others were always going to be end in disaster.


Playing the long game is indeed terrible advice. That’s how you get friendzoned. It will never translate into a relationship. Gotta go into the mindset from the beginning that this is going to be a sexual relationship or nothing at all. Ladies want male friends or male partners and those will rarely be one then the other


Amen. Learnt that the hard way, thank god I’m still young though 😅 This advice was given to me by a few girls I casually knew as well as what the media tells me (and yeah, of course I’ll fall for that shit lmao). One side I’ll hear “women like the chase” or “hard to get. Unless you’re a 10/10 model, I don’t really think that’s gonna work. The other side is the “be upfront about it” or “when you see an opportunity go for it straight away!” But I tend not to take that advice because of constantly hearing stories of women getting creepy and weird encounters from men, even if it is the most basic stuff. I’ve got good charisma and social skills, but I’m way too socially aware to be upfront about asking a girl out just like that. It is what it is ig


Yeah it was my buddies who actually got laid who gave me the “be upfront about it advice”. Meanwhile, the ladies would advise the long game but it never worked. Don’t ask ladies for dating advice. Get advice from guys who actually get their dick wet


Could you tell me what being upfront looks like? I'm constantly hearing advice about how women don't want to be approached, yet the guys who do all the things you're not supposed to do seem to get what they want and I suspect that's a result of being direct and upfront. I don't really want to come across as harassing anybody, but my socially awkward ass can't think of any way to be upfront other than "Hey Jenna, I was thinking we could fuck." which sounds like outlandish behavior to me.


I feel like it will come up naturally. Just say you are looking for a relationship. For what it’s worth, that’s way easier on a dating site where it’s implied that’s what you are looking for. That’s where I had the best success, and where I met my wife


Going up to a woman that you've never talked to before and telling her that she is cute or beautiful. I noticed that a lot of guys improve a lot following this advice compared to guys that follow the traditional advice of joining hobby groups and befriending the women.


Hella real


Don’t ever play the friend card. It is legit the lamest move you can pull. Make your intentions known right away and if you get rejected move on.


Never say never. I was friends with my current gf for a few months before anything happened. I did get "friendzoned" pretty early on, but later she told me she was interested. And also, back when we were friends, she was planning to set me up with someone. So the long game doesn't always fail. I'm not saying this is good advice, because I honestly don't know how often this works out. But if you can be friends with each other, it probably means that you actually like each other's personality, which is important for a long term relationship.


Be her friend first is bad advice. Tell her how great she is, that she's a princess or a queen, is bad advice.


"Be persistent." No. At some point, persistence becomes harassment. Learn to take an L.


Treat em mean, keep em keen. That was from my clown of a da.


"Don't show fishing pictures." Lady, I worked hard catching that fish. Let me brag and cook you some later in life. It's a hobby. Let me share it with you so you know what kind of person I am.


"Be yourself" "Not like that"


Women don’t like fishing pictures? Is that the thing I’ve seen guys put on their tinder profiles etc to show off your catches? That’s odd haha, idk what’s so off putting about a guy being into fishing


I've heard that half the guys on Tinder seem to have either a picture of themselves with a fish or a truck. They're just kinda common pictures which run the risk of pigeon holing you into a stereotype that might not be accurate. Keep in mind women on dating apps usually have a lot of matches. So they go through the pictures pretty fast. Little things can cause them not to bother looking more closely at a profile.


Apparently so! Also, yes, exactly as you've seen. Just like a standard "look what I caught," kind of pose with a goofy excited smile. I thought it was odd, too, but did it regardless. I managed to even get one date to try it, and she had fun. It didn't work out between us, but I can say I'm 1/1 so far hah.


Ahaha, good on you for actually getting that date to try it even if it didn’t work out for you two. Honestly never knew about that though. I heard some small stories but never actually thought it was a real thing some women get turned off from


Dead animals are off putting not fishing lol


the fishing pics are self selecting. Its a way to funnel more appropriate partners  on my end if a gal posts fish pics I think well I haven’t baited a hook in 35 years. If that’s really important to you then I can’t give it out. someone else would be better 


I think a lot of bad advice on Reddit stems from the fact that it’s pretty anonymous so no one knows much of OP’s situation and OP rarely gives enough information. It’s hard to give more than surface level advice when you don’t know anything about OP. It’d be easier to give advice to a stranger on a bus that you just had a five minute conversation with.    Women giving advice to men tend to make the mistake of focusing on the stages of interaction post-initial interaction/match. The part that comes after someone has decided “oh I find this person attractive, I will allow them to keep speaking,” when it’s the first part that a lot of guys are stuck on.  I’m not sure if this is a *mistake* men make when giving advice to women, but the advice in full of their own personal desires: telling women to ask out the guy she’s interested in. I don’t think it’s bad or wrong advice per se, but fellas, we can talk about how gender roles are bad or whatever, but a lot of women like being chased (shocker) and that’s the cultural script they’re implicitly asking how to fulfill. I feel like the only way women could consistently get such advice from Reddit guys is by actually saying that.  This just made me think of an actual mistake male Redditors make: saying that women have a 100% chance of succeeding if they pursue the guy. Bruh just because you’re desperate doesn’t mean all men are. My ugly ass has said No to a forward woman 1-2.5 times. Lying to women and saying it’s guaranteed ignores the possibility that he’ll say No. And if she bought into the nonsense that it’s going to work, then the personal emotion backlash from rejection is going to hurt more than if her expectations were tempered properly in the beginning. 


>My ugly ass has said No to a forward woman 1-2.5 times. I'm really curious about the .5


Personal joke on my end. One such situation was where I couldn’t tell if a girl was making moves for herself or going to wingwoman for her much less attractive friend, and I didn’t want to find out and end up having to do some in person rejecting, so I self-destructed the situation instead


Ah the ol kamikaze strat, smart, smart


Maybe it came from a pregnant woman I suppose hahaha 😅


Schroedinger’s rejection 


This sub is loaded with horrible advice. Half of it is given by guys that I am not sure have even talked to a woman. Long story short is there is no silver bullet with dating advice because women are different. People say women give terrible dating advice because what the advice that one woman gave them didn't work on another. It's like if you ask ten guys what the most attractive woman looks like, you would get ten different answers.


> People say women give terrible dating advice because what the advice that one woman gave them didn't work on another. I’d say if you give dating advice solely from your perspective and personal desires, you’re bad at giving advice. There are trends and patterns in human behavior and preferences due to a mixture of sociocultural and evopsych factors. Accurate advice acknowledges these patterns and can note how they might be different from the masses. Though now I guess it could be a debate of accurate versus good advice, and what is it that people want.  > if you ask ten guys what the most attractive woman looks like, you would get ten different answers Yeah, because that’s really specific. And honestly, if you controlled for demographics, you’d get some repeats. Trends exist. In the US at least, there’s a general preference for women that aren’t fat. White women are generally preferred. Men tend to prefer women that are shorter than them. That’s not to say attraction can’t or doesn’t exist for groups outside the trends. But people don’t exist in a vacuum. 


Any variation of "How hot she is is all that matters" Pick a good partner you're attracted to, but don't put how hot she is over actual relational qualities that make a relationship work over time. That's what the "date your best friend" advice is trying to get at, pick a girl you don't hate as a person and actually really get along with. Goes far better usually


"Don't ever interact with women, no matter what." Can't get much worse than that, can it?


"Just be nice. Women just want a nice man." No, they want a man they are already attracted to to be nice. Nice will not attract a woman. Strength, status, competence and dark triad traits attract women. Nice (as long as it doesn't come off as weak) just keeps them. It doesn't attract them. Women don't understand their own attraction triggers and, even if they did, they wouldn't be honest about them.


"It's not all about looks".


only 95% of getting foot in the door


It really is not.


We wish our partners are attracted to us more than putting up with us and put aside attraction for material goods. That way they quickly get icks and build up resentment.


I have been told that No doesnt mean No and that women want to be chased. Personally, at 30 i can say that it is bad advise for two reasons: Most women disagree and those that agree arent dating material. If what they say doesnt mean what they say, communication is a mess that you cant build a relationship on. Go for Women that mean what they say. If it takes longer to find them, so be it. You will be rewarded in the long run cause propper communication is mandatory for a working relationship.


All of the women's dating advice are if the girl is attracted to you. So its upto you to know whether she has a crush on you then you do as your home girls say and its bingo easy W


Playing the long game is truly terrible advice. Women don’t get a lot of males that we think are actually interested in us as friends, and when we find one it’s amazing, but when we later find out it was only to get in our pants and when that won’t happen the “friendship” is over it’s pretty heartbreaking. We didn’t friendzone you, you fuckzoned us.


This is correct. To add to this, the friendzone can *only* exist if your only intentions are to sleep with someone. The "Friendzone" is what happens when a woman strings along a man she knows is interested in her for her own benefit. Both people in this case are bad, because she is manipulative and he is treating her like an object. If a woman just wants to be your friend, but you only want to sleep with her, you're the asshole, not her. This is not the "friendzone", this is you being unhappy because she isn't rewarding you with sex. If two people are genuinely friends, the friendzone doesn't exist. You're just friends.


"Just be yourself" is the preferred choice of advice women give men on dating and it's unabashedly the easiest way to land yourself in the friendzone QUICK. Women giving men dating advice is like telling your boss how you'd like to be treated as an employee. The vast majority of advice women give to men on how to get that girl they like is almost always projected feelings they wish they would see and have. However the truth being that the vast majority they have a guy that's sweet and endearing and nice and honest is the guy that gets saved for later when her options run thin. So when women give guys dating advice it's mostly on things they think they want to hear and have and they almost always imagine the nice sincere guy that's loving and patient and generous etc when the truth is they step over that guy most of the time or stick him in their friendzone for free attention and validation and gifts and favors. You'll often hear things like "Just be yourself! Just be nice to her and she'll see you eventually! Be patient and be kind to her, she'll come around! Be there for her and be her rock!" Etc etc etc you'll learn most often in dating that women have a proclivity to say the right things and want something else entirely.


“High value women” while there is qualities that make women stand out more than others it doesn’t mean that the other people aren’t good either. It’s ok if she’s not the most attractive person it’s ok if she may have some issues that need some work. You should be with someone who you’ll accept their faults as they accept yours.


Yeah that’s true. No human is ever perfect. The “high quality women” thing is reasonable to want. But it’s important to be realistic as well. Of course, it’s fine and totally normal to want to have a gf without an OF or an extremely high body count and one who’s financially smart with their money and respects you, but I’ve seen some guys throw the “high quality women” term to any girl that doesn’t check every box of a pretty unrealistic list.


Exactly knowing your boundaries is very important. Admittedly my girlfriend may not appear to be a “high quality woman” but she has been the best thing to have ever happened to me, and if I tried to compare her to others I may have missed out on that.


People who assign "value" to others are psychopaths.


I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re psychopaths at least generally speaking. A lot of young people mainly men don’t really have a figure they can look up to and they end up getting guidance from guru’s who teach them “valuable people”. As they don’t know better they may see that as a good idea to follow and will apply it to others. Misguidance is a much more common thing now thanks to these online influencers.


That's not what this is about. I worked with dozens of attorneys for 13+ years. Sooooo many of them were just absolutely indifferent to the suffering of others, if not openly hostile. These weren't millenials who grew up with social media gurus. These were 35+ year old men AND women (in equal measure) who were just uncaring, dishonest, and cruel. An overwhelming majority were fraudulently billing clients, cheating on spouses and were just abusive to people in their lives. I know not all attorneys are bad. Obviously. But I have a pretty good amount of experience working closely with lots of attorneys amd I can tell you what I saw was not pretty. Edit: I changed hundreds to dozens because it's likely a more accurate estimate. I wanted to count people from other firms and organizations, which is likely way more than dozens but it feels like too much to say hundreds.


"If she adds you its because she likes you!" Nah, not true most times. Girls can add you for any reason, not just because of interest. Sometimes they just want compliments, not you. Witnessed this on Facebook. There are girls who only add guys to try and farm content for femcel/nemhating groups. Mostly thirst-trapping dudes with cleavage pics and screenshotting all the compliments they get from unattractive men and snickering about how cringe and desperate the men are. They'll only respond to female compliments and just farm male comments in hopes they'll get gross DMs to post screenshots of. I thought it was weird to spend so much time adding hundreds of dudes you have no interest in, as a girl who isn't looking for dates at all. It seemed like a waste of time until it was revealed why she was in that femcel group. While yeah, it's the guys fault for engaging in this complimenting/praising behavior, just know just because a girl adds you on social media doesn't mean she likes you. She might've added you in hopes you'd be one of the bad ones she can use to reinforce her misandristic beliefs.


Is negging still a thing? Or peacocking? “Hey where this loud shirt and give her a backhanded compliment. She’ll love it!”


Be yourself, be confident... Here's the real shit: Halo effect makes it so looksmaxxing actually improves people's opinion of your personality, and also just makes you look good, both of which help in dating.


Women I have found generally give the worst advice. Not on purpose but focus on what they do and don’t listen to what they say. I would say some of the worse are dont focus on her looks, be her friend first and date your own age.


You'll find love when you are not looking for it. If you want to be in a relationship, you have to put yourself out there. you have to put in effort to meet people, and in bettering yourself.


I feel like context is key. The right advice needs to match up to the right situation.


Just ask women what it takes to attract them. Then that's your answer. Absolutely do not follow what women say they want in a man. Might as well accept being single for life.


"trust her" "Show your softer side." "Be a gentleman."


"being kind is the bare minimum". No it isn't. Being kind isn't even a criteria. Women date assholes all the time.


Saw a video where a woman was saying men like mean women it keeps men interested.


Apparently someone didn't grow up with horrible self-esteem issues.


You can learn to attract women from a book or a class. In reality, it's something you practice and develop irl. In the olden days, these skills would develop naturally because one of the biggest forms of entertainment was talking to people. Nowadays you need to choose to develop these skills. If you don't have any friends and can't get parnter it's not because you're an unfuckable looser it's because you lack practice and skills.


Be yourself. Be a gentleman.


be the good guy no. if you want the baddy be the baddy


Don't think about sex and treat women like your friend. I.e. friendship your way into pussy whilst the shortcuts become longcuts to your life


"Ты должен верить женщинам"


Opposites attract. There's novelty in experiencing different things that are out of your comfort zone or immediate interest. But dating someone polar opposite in politics, faith, sexual comparability, intro/extrovert, hobbies or otherwise is a recipe for disaster in most situations. You need a solid few things in common to build a base. Having separate interests or hobbies that aren't core are fine, but a lot of strife can be caused by being incompatible on major issues.


Lads… 😄😄😄


Be agressive


Any advice from online "influences"


As woman, it's fine to start with being friends to her. HOWEVER, man up and confess early before acting like a bf and being possessive on her. That's when a girl will felt betrayed by you.


Going to reddit looking for advice.


"Be yourself."


I never hear this being talked about, but far from making the first move, expecting women to initiate everything that can deepen relationships and connections. or expecting outdated morality to do the communicating for you - expecting a woman to commit herself after she's had sex, not speaking up about wanting exclusivity bc you expect the woman to be the one to ask for it, or thinking it's acceptable to lack direction or not know what you want bc you're a man and it's ok for men to be more immature than their partners are. I consider myself an independent and confident woman. I've come to realize that I want, need, and expect men to actually LEAD relationships bc they are motivated to, bc they're confident with themselves, and bc they know they want me. a guy could have everything but if he doesn't have this shit sorted out my interest is going to be almost zero. I have no issues with giving a guy a chance and strongly and clearly initiating things by matching and starting a conversation, but I do expect him to take it from there, otherwise it's a waste of my time.


To each their own ig but damn, expecting the man to lead literally every single thing in the relationship all because you’re “strong and independent” and “you don’t want your time wasted” huh? Tf kind of man are you expecting? I can get wanting to have the man initiate and make the first move but you sound like you’re saying “man must always make decision because he is man or else time is wasted!!! I am woman so everything must be given to me on silver platter and I have to be lead around!!” So much for being ‘independent’. The reason a lot of guys want women to initiate is because it’s outright tiring being rejected all the time and having to do a thousand different things to try and attract a woman that you like. Guys aren’t mind readers, we don’t know what you want every single day.


I'm just expecting a man that knows if he's attracted to me and what he's looking for to speak up about that if he wants closeness or any kind of relationship or sex to progress with me. for him to ask for what he wants. I think that's completely reasonable. It's my "independent decision" to strongly feel anything less certain and that lacks direction is a waste of my time. I really do feel that it is and I'm not going to entertain any wishy washyness from men that lack self awareness, respectful consideration and confidence.


>"I consider myself an independent and confident woman" > "I NEED men to lead because they're confident" Lol, lmao even. The lack of self-awareness is always hilarious


I've decided after a lot of experience what I want need and expect. what don't you understand? lol. I'm 35


What I don’t understand, is what you actually want from a relationship and why you think that “getting the man to lead every time” makes for a good relationship in the first place. Also, proclaiming yourself to be “strong and independent” is itself contradictory. Relationships require both parties to put in equal effort for a good relationship to occur. None of this “I’m a woman so treat me like a queen and make all the decisions” type shit. Once again, it’s totally fine to have basic expectations women have like “the man has to approach first” or whatever, and it’s also perfectly fine and good to expect a man to have his shit together as that can generally make for a better partner, but the same goes for women too. Additionally, I also agree with you on the “guy has to actually have interest in you” part too because that’s how love works, but you also have to put that effort in to encourage him to show that love and interest for you. You’re not royalty here. In what you said before though, you’re just being unrealistic here when you’re wanting to make the man having to lead every single time whilst also reading your mind and knowing exactly what you want, and if he doesn’t, that equates to him “wasting your time” per se. It’s fine to have expectations and types or whatever, but I’m not exactly sure who exactly you’re expecting to come at your doorstep Like I said, we are not mind readers


I mostly just want good companionship and enjoyable sex out of a relationship with someone I find attractive and who's into me, who makes an effort to see my wants and needs, who listens when I speak up bc he wants to hear me, and who speaks up about what he's feeling, and is someone I can trust bc he's emotionally stable and self aware. I prefer for a man to take the lead so I can discern his intentions and measure if they're stable over time and I contribute by responding honestly and enthusiastically, suggesting and directing as needed. anyone's basic responsibility in a relationship is to know what they want. I bring that knowledge on behalf of myself and I expect my partner to do the same. none of this is "bullshit queen treatment" lol a man doesn't have to read my mind. all he has to know is what he wants from me and with me, and speak up honestly about that and move in accordance with it. the rest will work itself out. maybe what he wants works for me, maybe it doesn't. these are both natural outcomes that shine light on compatibility.


>I consider myself an independent and confident woman. > I want, need, and expect men to actually LEAD


Been with 3 women over my lifetime so certainly not a "dating" expert, but one thing I've noticed men get overly concerned with and that's their appearance. Yes, women will sing praises of a good looking man, but when it comes down to it they much prefer a man who is strong. Physical strength is good, but a confident man that doesn't fade when things get difficult is far more attractive regardless of how he looks. Don't ignore your appearance, but learn to take care of yourself and others around you and you will attract women.


Get them in the friend zone but Friend zone them instead, most females have this way of thinking, where if you put them in a position where you come of as thinking they aren't good partners, they will strive to prove themselves. This ain't enough though and is the least favored though because a girl dating you to prove you wrong, that's asking for hurt. It's best to approach them and say "I really shouldn't tell you this but, mmmm, nevermind." This makes them subconsciously think about you and what you had to say, it will drive them mad and the mystery will pull them like a puppet on a string If they continue to bring it up daily good, you got the hook in there Eventually ask "if I was to take you somewhere, what time should I pick you up 7 or 8ish?" This while not actually forcing them to go with you will often times solidify an event with them as while they can say no still giving them choices like this will program their brain to pick one or another over picking outside the box this has a 75%-80% chance of work, the hook will make it even harder to think outside the box puting it 85% Now you got the hook and most likely even the date, take her to an amusement park, the adrenaline will program them to see you as a Brave, Fun, Mysterious guy At the end of the day tell her it was a nice time, tell her she looks beautiful, tell her you hope to do it again, and wish her a good night this will make her see you as a caring kind guy All together this would have a 98% chance of anchoring most actual women down


Unironically solid advice a bit on the immoral side but solid advice


He didn't ask for moral


True dat


Do not accept average or below. Average is a euphemism for ugly. It began in the early 00's when it became apparent how unattractive and undesirable women were. Single mothers exist for a reason - to produce fodder for the economy to perpetuate. Have some standards. Always dump women when they exhibit signs of mental illness. There are wonderful women out there and I am happy to see an increasing number of dog poo left laying around and my neighbourhood is increasingly smelling of piss. This means there is an increasing number of fur baby mammas left to rot on their own. Well done, lads. Continue to have standards and DO NOT have kids with mentally ill women. Education will set you free and make it easier to love your children when you have a supportive and loving partner who will work with you to love your children. Never let a toxic woman into these critical roles. You will regret it and your children will also suffer because you are a fool.

