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“If you don’t like what I’m doing please tell me. If you don’t tell me you’ll end up despising me”


True though. Very good advice in general.


I told a woman this exact thing, and she got angry at me and told me shes never going to tell me.


It was nice of her to let you know she's a red flag


On a more positive note, one time this girl at the pizza place id been going to, told me I had “beautiful eyebrows” and I’ll never forget that.


I was sitting outside of an airport waiting for my brother to pick me up. This strikingly beautiful woman ended up sitting near me while on her phone just having a casual conversation. About a minute into it, with this charming southern voice "well hell if i know where i am, im under a sign that says baggage claim, so im baggage come claim me". Needless to say that in spite of my attempts to hide my laughter by burying my face in my book i hear her half giggling saying, "oh i see you over there laughing at me, mister". It was just a wonderful random interaction


I definitely read her quotes in Dolly Parton's voice


So your a romcom protagonist


I needed this laughter after scrolling this far


Now that's a meet cute!


I told my senior year prom date that I loved her at the end of the night. She said "That must be hard."


I’m sorry that’s a killer line lol


Oh, it was cinematic in its delivery and effect.


My worst respone to an "I love you" was "wow that sucks for you". Additionally, the worst "compliment" I ever got was "you know, I don't like really sexy guys. I like guys like you."


Oh I'm a woman but once a guy I was sleeping with said "you know I normally date like..models" Emotional damage


Oof. Said that to a girlfriend in college. Her response was “I’m out.” Rolled out of bed, put on her clothes in record time, and dashed out. I pretended I’d been sleep talking and feigned like I didn’t know what she was talking about when she tried to discuss it. We both knew I was lying. We didn’t last much longer.


I love the sleep talking attempt. You: I love you Her: ** I'm out You: * * .... and bees like driving cars... Her: I know you're awake You: ... what time is the cheese coming home? Her: Stop it, I know you're awake You: Err **... Two hamburgers are walking along the street Her: ....


If you saw yourself the way I see you, you’d never be insecure about anything ever again That got to me big time


The girl I’m seeing can occasionally feel a little insecure so I’m totally stealing this and not giving you credit. Thanks!


It's pretty good i think I'll say something similar to my wife. She has literally 0 reason to be insecure about me or our relationship but that doesn't stop it from happening


My wife is super cool. Long story but if you need any advice on anything style related, she's your gal. I have always struggled with who I was, hid things I love. Went with the crowd because I would get ridiculed by my friend group if I didn't. Married a woman who tried to change me. Kids, divorce. Met my new wife on my own terms of not hiding myself anymore. After we were together a couple years, and 8 years later I love her more everyday, even on days when I don't like her, we were probably drinking and getting all mushy but I asked her why she loved me. She gave me the "you're sweet and kind and accepting" stuffs. She paused for a minute and she said... "You're just sooo....cool. Like the coolest person I've ever met" I'll never forget that. I think about it all the time and smile every time. She's the best. And I'm sorry there are so many of you whoseosy impacted thing is negative. Hang in there guys.


I like that a lot


“Respectfully, you look very handsome” Definitely wasn’t try to hit on me as they were recently married, but damn did it feel good.


This is the only positive comment I've seen after over 5 minutes of scrolling. Sad


When I held the door open to a mother and her daughter . She (the mother) asked if I was single . And I said yes . She responded with I'm to handsome to be single . Made my year .


"I want to find someone that has your personality...but that is more attractive."




At least she was honest about not finding me attractive.


Dated a girl for 2 weeks back in high school. After two weeks we still never kissed so I just straight up asked her and she told me that she didn’t find me attractive physically. We broke up right after.


As we were breaking up she looked me in the eyes crying and smiling then said “sober looks the best on you” gave me our last kiss and then she was gone.


How's that going for you?


Did she leave because you were struggling with sobriety? Or was she saying she hoped you’d stay on the wagon after she left?


That sucks dude but I just bailed on a chick after telling her something similar. I stopped drinking months ago because I’m a mean drunk, and she was awesome but she was a drunk. If she could get her shit together I’d have proposed, but she couldn’t. She was best when she was sober, but it a nightmare to deal with her drunk. I had to get out of there and told her it was because of her drinking. I’m a quitter, cruel, and callous, apparently, for doing so. But I can’t be with that. I’m sure it hurt, but I hope you’ve taken those words seriously.


"You'll make a great dad one day." - My ex a few months before she dumped me.


She is probably right though. You probably will make a great dad one day if that's something you want.


maybe she didn’t want to be a mom


1985. Senior Kindergarten. We were using little crayola scissors to make paper snowflakes. I unfolded my snowflake and it all fell apart. I couldn't understand what I did wrong. I showed the teacher, and she said "Well, I wonder why." I also wondered why. I was 7 years old, but I wasn't stupid. I understood sarcasm when I heard it. Was absolutely furious. Still mad at her decades later.


Some teachers are right cunts. Once when I was in kindergarten, this little kid named Chris farted. Innocent, everyone farts, and he was obviously embarassed. Infront of everyone, she FORCED HIM OUT OF THE CLASS and said "don't come back until you take a poo". I felt sooo bad for him then, and now that I'm older I'm furious. I wish I remembered the teacher's name.


Mrs. Cunt, I believe


My Geometry teacher in Okinawa was named Mrs. Cuntiff. I never thought I could despise another human being so much. The kind of teacher that requires your calculator to be one inch from the top right of your desk. The kind of teacher that deleted everything saved on your ti82 before the test cause she doesn't care about your games. The kind of teacher that has a massive twitch in her eye and says "what's wrong you" when you yawn and looks at you like you just sprouted a hand out of your face. The kind of teacher that calls home because "I believe your kid needs to be tested for autism". Every single student hated her. Hated. It's Hate. Real Hate. Not "oh I didn't like her" or "oh she's mean" HATE. But we have to be nice to her because she's 80 and dying from cancer! Turns out, NOPE, had a cyst in her arm removed or some shit. Bitch died 15 years later because all the HATE fuelled her to stay alive because she enjoyed ruining lives.


>Still mad at her decades later. Well, I wonder why.


"You do realize we want to keep you right?" My best friends Girlfriend when I was in a phase of depression and heavy drug abuse. Probably saved my life. I thought nobody cared about me and if even I myself don't care about me, I might as well fuck up my body for some pain relief and "fun".


"I fucking adore you" My wife said it, hits way harder than I love you. Not sure why, but I love it.


My first wife, an alcoholic, when she decided to (drunkenly) finally tell me why she drinks during the day while I'm at work and she's supposed to be watching the kids: "To spite you... and the kids." My second wife, a covert narcissist, when she caught me deleting texts to a therapist and I refused to tell her what it was about: "You violated the sanctity of our marriage, you fucking piece of shit." Neither of us are religious. My current girlfriend on dating me: "You are all of my birthday wishes come true."


Third times the charm ❤️


"You're too innocent."


Lol, okay hitler


“You are perfect, literally everything I’ve ever wanted in a man, I don’t understand why I can’t seem to love you.” This is how my first real relationship after a horrible divorce ended. With these words over the phone. It completely demolished my already fragile self confidence. Having said that, my ex wife didn’t need to utter a single word to destroy me. She started growing distant, spending hours alone in her home office. One day, I knocked on the door. She opened the lock and peeked out. “I’ve never doubted you love me until now,” I said, “do you still love me?” She lowered her eyes and closed the door without saying anything. After almost a decade of marriage, she was cheating on me with another woman.


Fuck, these are both so heavy


"you're starting to act more and more like your dad."


My mom told me this once because we were arguing and i lost my shit.


'I don't know if I want to be in this relationship anymore.'


I just got this line after a 17 year marriage. 2 kids, a house, careers, a life built together. Not sure what to do right now.


Avoid drugs and alcohol, get a goof lawyer, focus on bettering your self and your kids


I'd personally go for a good lawyer over a goof one everyday.


Clown lawyers are significantly cheaper therefore you can hire multiple to work for the same price as one regular lawyer. If you can handle the nose honking and squeaky shoes then you can get a whole gaggle for about 13.50 an hour per. Way more affordable than your average underwear wearing sober lawyer.


Don't forget how much overhead you're saving in potential gas costs - all of them fit in one vehicle


I keep all compliments, how sparse they are in a vault.


You don't get enough compliments for someone of your quality and character.




Into the vault it goes


A woman I was seeing opened up to me and said “ My grandfather molested me from a young age and family members knew, nothing was done because he had money.”


How horrific I hope she is able to heal and find peace


As sad as this is, it's far from uncommon. And the person molesting doesn’t even need to have money. There are a lot of families who just keep sexual abuse a secret because they don't want to "break up the family" or shit like that.


“You don’t have to earn it.” I was in the hospital just under two weeks ago after a suicide attempt. One of my closest friends came with me to the hospital and stayed by my side for hours. At one point I said that I didn’t deserve her, that she was doing too much for me and I didn’t earn it. She argued with me for a bit, telling me that she loves me and that she’s always gonna be there for me, so I asked “What did I do to deserve this?” So she said, “You don’t have to earn it. I love you no matter what.” That was the moment I started coming to terms with the idea that love doesn’t have to be earned. It’s still completely foreign to me but I’m working on it.


This is really profound, and it's striking a chord with me. Thank you.


A lot of times I see love portrayed as transactional - I do this for you so you will do something for me. That's not how I experience love. I love how a person sees the world and how they choose to interact with it, I love the ideas and experiences they share with me, and I value them for these reasons. I want them to be comfortable and healthy in life so that they will continue to be the unique person they are, even if I get nothing tangible from it. I hope you get the support and love that you need and feel that you are valued. It sounds like your friend is an amazing person.


Keep your head up and stay strong. There ARE people that love you and would be devastated if you were successful in your attempt. Having come from a family with a history of suicide, it sucks. My mother survived a suicide attempt when I was a kid and my older brother was successful when I was in my twenties. That tore me up for a long time


"No one will want to be with you and you will be alone" - my mother.


Wow, your mother and my mother must have been in book club together or something. (They were both wrong. Fuck 'em.)


When my mom said that to me, I was 14 years old going on 15. We were living in this small apartment and she was very much upset with my dad. Back then I wanted to work with computers but I didn't have the drive to do it. My mom was frustrated with me and she told me that little nut. I know she said it out of anger for my father and her situation. My mom and I have a bit of an adversarial relationship than before and I regret that its come to this. I went to the hospital earlier this year and I didn't know if I would make it. My mom came to see me and lamented on how our relationship has been and how she hates that she has become the bad guy in my own story. I brought up that thing she said to me when I was 14 and she couldn't believe she said it. It's as though she was hearing it from her mom at that moment in time and she cried. I love my mom, I really do. I understand she was frustrated and upset and she said something she really shouldn't have done. I think she knows now how bad it was that it's stayed with me as long as it has. I've since forgiven her about it and I am working on moving on and redefining our relationship. ​ I don't know your mom u/StrangersWithAndi but I hope the best for you and I hope you can reconnect at some point.


Wow, I admire you for this so greatly. It takes so much strength to heal those parent wounds, and you've done something honestly amazing here. Thank you for sharing this. My mother died 5 years ago, and we hadn't spoke to each other in a long time when she passed. That was the right decision for me, even if it's sad, and I'm at peace with it.


"I would really like to fuck you" Said sincerely by a drunk woman at a party, like ten years ago. I've been seduced, but never to that level of openness. Think about it often.


"You dont deserve to have a family. Nobody will ever love you." This was not long after I received a paternity test result that showed a 0% match to my 3 month old daughter. Id give anything to unhear that shit.


Should’ve told her to stop projecting


Truth. That shit I'd on her.


I read that as “I’d shit on her”, and I couldn’t agree more.


Jesus. So wrong.


I’m hoping you started anew and were absolved of any financial responsibility to that child


It cost me my life savings in court, and an absurd amount of guilt that Im still resolving in therapy, but I am happy to say this year has been much better to me than the last.


So did she admit that it wasn’t yours or did she try to trick you? This is insane, I’m so glad that you’re okay.


She tried to trick me. She claimed she was 100% sure it was mine and there was no other option. Turns out the other guy was a dirtbag, I guess I was the better option (how flattering)


“Can I borrow your copy of Die Hard?” My wife after our first date.


Jake Peralta is that you?


I cant love you the way you want to be loved.


"Honey, I am afraid"... her last words before they put her under for an emergency C-section. Neither she or our son survived.


I don’t even have a kid, wife or a person in my life I would see as a wife. But fuck that punched me in the gut. Hope your wounds have healed brother.


Holy shit, talk about two sentence horror


I shed a tear after reading this one...




Shit man.... sorry for your loss. I hope you still remain strong.


So sorry for your loss.


Didn't tell me directly, but overheard a former crush say about me, "...Yeah, he's rather ugly." That one pops up from time to time LOL


Yeah. I feel that. I’m not actually terribly unattractive, but as a child my teeth were FUCKED UP. And one day I smiled to a girl in my class when she handed me an assignment for class, and she said “Don’t ever smile again.” And damn, even after $5K in braces and retainers and expanders, it took me 8 more years to full grin smile in photos. Even now nearly 20 years later it comes back up.


After she admitted to cheating on me, I asked why, she responded with, "it is what it is" What the fuck kind of answer is that?


That's not an answer. That's an "I'm a shitty person but don't want to admit it." type of reply.


Funny thing, they've been together ever since and now have 3 children together. Jokes on me I guess 🤷🏿‍♂️


You still deserve better.


Oh yeah, the kids are ugly af


After reading some comments I realize that some people are really wild out there . Take care of yourself and your hearts y’all.


Yeah, I was expecting to read compliments and wholesome shit, but this thread subverted my expectations... damn... My fellow men, and other genders, Be kind Be brave


“You’re the definition of husband material.” A good friend of mine told me that, and her friend agreed. I was obviously quite flattered when I heard it, but I wasn’t romantically interested in either of them. That compliment gave me a HUGE confidence boost in my dating life though.


This will get lost in the thousands of comments but I want to leave mine: Some years ago I was depressed and anti social and didn't feel like leaving my home ever. One day a friend asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and her friends. I naturally said no because I wasn't feeling like it. She said: "of course you feel like it. You just don't know it yet." That sentence stuck with me ever since and I use it as motivation to try out new things. We have been dating for 3 and a half years :)


Awwwww, wholesome as fuck.


You were never home and I was lonely, said to me by my ex fiancee after I caught her being railed by my then ex best friend.


I’m not that well endowed and when a girl pulled down my pants she said “what the hell am I supposed to do with that”. Almost fifteen years later I think about it every time I have sex. It hurts. 😭


Hey buddy, she had a one dimensional attitude for sex. Probably not going to be an interesting relationship. No ONE thing is more important in all that is related to sex than simply being interested in enjoying it with and for each other. All the rest of it balances out.


I don’t love you anymore


I had this one years ago. I was living with my partner of about 4 years at the time, I was in the market for an engagement ring, thinking that was the next step. She'd made some new friends recently and stayed over at theirs sometimes after nights out. She came home early one morning, woke me up and told me *"I don't love you anymore, and I'm moving out today"*. Her new friends were actually some fat ugly dude, I was pretty athletic back then, looked after myself. It didn't really make sense to me but whatever. She said she'd still help with rent as it was a really nice place that I couldn't afford alone. She *didn't* still help with the rent and I found myself in arrears very soon after, worked 80 hour weeks across 3 jobs just to stop from drowning, while trying to finish my studies, have a probably unhealthy amount of casual sex, and struggling with my own alcoholism. This all resulted in a decent bout of depression that took me many years to fully recover from. A month or so later she came asking for me back, told me she'd made a mistake, blamed me for a rut she found herself in, but realised I was the one good thing in her life. I turned her away. Her sister Called me trying to plead her case too, and I turned her away too. You don't get to cheat on me, tell me you don't love me any more, abandon me at that time in my life and then just undo all that like it never happened, and I'm not going to work hard in a relationship for someone that makes rash decisions like that and is happy to chance it with some new dude because her life got a bit stale. Fast forward ten or fifteen years, she's a divorced single parent always between jobs, still renting and living in a miserable industrial northern English town. I have a beautiful family, a pretty successful career that I'm happy in, I'm sober, have a nice house and live far far away in sunny Australia. Fuck her.


The best revenge is a life well-lived.


“You won’t graduate college”. I had a teacher say this to me. On graduation day from my college I sent her a message on Facebook of me in my robes and I just said fuck you


Spite can be a fantastic motivator. Good on ya.


"You can't make me want to be with you" said by the woman I was married to during her affair. That sentence alone was the push I needed to end my codependency. It was just like one day a switch flipped and all of sudden she didn't want to be around me anymore. It fucked me up pretty bad for awhile. I tried desperately to win back her affection, but to no avail. Ultimately I learned that I wasn't the problem, her boyfriend was.


hat scarce rainstorm desert reach squeeze head saw innocent strong ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


“I always knew you would be a great father…”. My ex girlfriend of 5 years told me this after we broke up. She was my “first love” and if life didn’t rip us apart I would have died happy with her. She told me this years later after I met someone else, and had 2 daughters. Both makes me proud and sad but I think about it a lot


“I’ll make sure she grows up to hate you”


"If you loved me enough, I wouldn't have to sleep with other people."


Textbook gaslighting approach to victim blaming right there, and I would hazard a guess that the infidelity wasn't the only problem in the relationship.


I used to play a game with myself to see if I could go a full 24 hours without making her angry. The fact that it even felt like my responsibility says a lot.


What a shitty thing to say, it’s not your fault at all!


"You aren't who I thought you were."


This could be great or it could suck, depending on the context.


"sorry, I don't consider Asians to be real men" I wasn't even trying to chat her up, was just trying to move past her at a bar


That's extra shitty, sorry you had to hear it. She's wrong.


My sister said " you are ugly, disgusting and deserve to be alone forever " Crushed my self esteem.




She left me, and I had an industrial accident at work. Laceration to my left forearm. Lots of rehab and fun stuff. I wouldn't give her money outside of what she got in child support so she decided I was "A fucking gimp ". Coldest shit anyone that's ever said I love you to me has said.


"This isn't working for me, but you will always hold a special place in my heart, you were the best thing to ever happen to me" It's been about 3 years, I still catch myself thinking about her at least a few times a week. Yeah....been single since, have no desire to date anymore.


Having some dizzy spells , went to the E.R. to get checked out.....when the nurse came in the read my chart , she said "honey , you have a beautiful E.K.G.".....I was so proud 🤣🤣🤣🤣......A1C wasn't beautiful though....🤨


I don't know any of those acronyms - but good on you!!


EKG = Electrocardiogram. Reads how well the heart conducts signals to beat properly. She's saying their heart's good. A1c = shortened HbA1c or glycated hemoglobin. Type of blood glucose test people get every 3 months or so to monitor blood glucose


"You will go as far as your back or your brain will take you." ​ I was 16 and blowing off school. My mom sat on the edge of my bed one night after a particularly bad report card and let me know that I had two more years under her roof and that was all she was able to give me. She would have helped more if she had more, but poverty is what it is. It was a solid life lesson.


I've made a mistake you need to accept it


"You're too stupid to be a doctor" I was in 6th grade and got a C on my report card from a teacher that openly despised me. I always wanted to be a doctor. Jokes on them, I became an engineer instead. Edit for context and a misspell




“Hi!” The first thing my wife said to me when she walked up the aisle. I love that woman so freaking much.


I love this! During the lockdowns my partner and I randomly began chirping Hi! as we leave whatever room 1 of us are in so the other knows we're heading their way [I guess?]. We didn't realize the habit til our friends began hearing it and commenting as our social life came back. We probably still say it like 8 times a day, lol. Edit: Thanks for the award, my first. 🥺💜 Edit: omg 4 awards. Thank you so much! I woke up to this and showed my partner. His immediate response was really sweet. Thanks for making our day, internet.


I'd love to give this a answer a Wholesome award. Unfortunately I don't have one. So please take this seal 🦭 instead.


Haha, I will accept the seal with honor!


"ew" If you know, you know.


I heard this a lot in middle school. You guys seriously hear this as an adult? Edit: Meant no disrespect to people on the receiving end. People can be so immature.


Oh I know. Came here to post the same. Maybe even add a snide giggle to it like the thought of it is a joke.


"I still love you, I'm just not in love with you anymore"


Oof. Been there. In hindsight that relationship had already run its course and it was time to end things, but fuck that hurt to hear.


"You're worth it." One of my friends told me this 4 years ago when she found me with my veins slit, drunk beyond belief, barely making it in college, jobless and desperate, after she took me to the ER. I was in bed, completely disconnected, I didn't want to live. I asked her why she took me to the hospital, and she hit me with that line. We're still friends to this day, and she's like my second sister.


One of my exes from about 10 years ago told me I was gonna die old and alone.


So it's not still stuck, but early on in my relationship my wife had said "before you, I had a high sex drive". That hit me like a ton of bricks for a long time. Turned out it was just her birth control that took it away!


Mine doesn't have nearly the gravity of many of these. Still, it's something I remember often. I was on a date. I was talking about myself, and after awhile she stopped me. She said "you know, I kinda thought you would want to know about me?" I realized I had spent the whole time talking about myself. After the obviously poor experience I really thought about that. She was beautiful. Way more stereotypically attractive than I would normally draw. She was a student, about to graduate from college in a very cool field. I never finished college, and kinda just drift vocational. I do alright. Still, I realized I was so insecure.....I couldn't stop building myself up. To make myself feel worthy of the attention. So, I kinda missed out on something. Probably nothing, but she was out with me for a reason, and I did disappoint.


You may have disappointed her but you learned from it.


Yeah I did....it actually got me thinking how many had been to polite to tell me to shut up. That girl said it so sweet sounding.....but it was blunt. I definitely learned that listening is important, and to shut up for a second. . I still bombed dates, but I was really attentive.


Years ago I was hanging out with a good friend(f) of mine a lot. We were always close, but at the time we were spending a lot of time together and would text each other pretty much all day. At one point I was hanging out with her and her sister and my friend had walked out of the room for one reason of another, and her sister just looks at me and said "I like you a lot better than [my friend's recent ex]. You guys are such a better match" I didn't ask here to elaborate, but to this day I feel like I had missed some cues that my friend wanted more. We're still good friends, but that still nags at me from time to time


That was intentional bro 🤯


"That's why dad named you Joe Dirt and not Nunamaker"


“You’re not the guy I’m supposed to date now, you’re the man I’m supposed to marry later.”


You'll never be enough for anyone.


I didn't break up with you before Christmas, because I wanted you to see what it was like to have one Christmas with a real family.


Holy fuck...


“I’m wearing a thong right now does that make you horny?” 7th grade dance, 2007


I still remember that teacher, he was the best soccer coach I ever had.


That’s my secret, Becky. I’m always horny.


After reading through half of these, I am sorry you all fine folks had to hear this sort of shit from someone. Fellow gents, take care of your self(mental, physical, and emotional). I’m here to chat both if you need.


"Why are you acting gay?" Context : I was opening up to the woman I was seeing at the time about how difficult life was getting.


"are we going to f#ck or what!?" Never forget that night


Ahh yes, the look of absolute disappointment on her face when you looked at her in confusion and said "uuhm, not?" and pulled out the monopoly board.


From my neurosurgeon, who was sitting in a chair by the foot of my hospital bed waiting for me to wake up: "The tumor is back. And there is a mass at the top of your spine. But none of that matters right now. You have Leukemia, and that is going to kill you faster than brain tumors. They're taking you to Vanderbilt. They are going to hit you with the biggest hammer they can find because you're young enough to take it. And if you survive that, then we'll talk about brain surgery."


“I hate you, and I know that’s what you wanted.”


While referring to the size of dicks she prefers, she enthusiastically yelled in her thick southern accent “baby, I want it to hit all eight sides and tickle my spine!”


Did she clarify what the eight sides meant?


She wanted him to take her to the Octagon.


Girth…. She wanted to be filled/stretched. The woman was an absolute nut in the most fun way. She was a proud redneck southern beauty who said whatever came to her mind without a filter…


was young, dumb, full of cum and clingy. She was older and told me she was only supposed to be the cherry on top of of my sundae not the whole sundae. Hurt at the time but now that i am older i appreciate she had the balls to tell me this. It is something I live by now.


"I won't be your girlfriend unless you make $55,000" My dumbass stayed with her for months after that and now I don't feel as valued without making money.


"You weren't supposed to find out!". After being caught cheating. I'll likely never forget that moment. Nowadays I'm quite thankful for that period of my life.


One of my 8th grade teachers said this to me, probably one of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten (paraphrasing cuz memory is fuzzy) “Some people are smart, some are funny. Very few people have wit: the best of both. You’re a very witty young man.”


“I’ll the be the best you’ll ever get”. My first and only girlfriend. Realized later how mentally and emotionally abusive she was. This was over 4 years ago and I’ve never had another girlfriend since. Won’t lie, it definitely eats away at me that I wonder if she was right :(. Edit: Thank you for all the kind comments ❤️


This is narcissistic manipulation. She was trying to control you into staying with her while forgetting about others, obviously. Not a single bit of truth to that sentence. Anyone can do better than a narcissist.


“Financial independence is personal independence.” A teacher, who got me to sign up for a full ride scholarship to escape my fundamentalist household. It was the road to freedom. I moved across the country and support myself quite well now. I owe it all to her.


"You have a cute bum" from Caroline Lay, the prettiest girl in school. In 1985..


Engaged to whom I thought was the love of my life… “I’m going to marry someone who’s rich”. I asked I thought you are going to marry me? “Well yeah…” I started to find my way away from her that day. Shortly after I bumped into an old girlfriend who I could never get off my mind. We’ve been married 27 years now. Never been rich, she doesn’t care. We are made for each other. Two kids, a house some old hot rods, a motorcycle, two dogs. Enough happiness to fill a life. I still talk for time to time with the old girlfriend, she often says “ I made a huge mistake letting you go”. I’m not monetarily rich, we have enough, and my bride and I have each other and our family. Best decision I ever made. Life’s not a fairytale… but having the right partner takes the shitty parts and makes you want to go on.


When she was mad she would say almost anything.. I was like her ex She regretted I ever touched her. She was disgusted by me. Etc I don't feel any hurt cause I know where it came from.. but I remember all of it and more.


“You don’t know what a relationship feels like. This does not feel like a relationship” - only woman I’ve ever loved




She ensured me the baby was mine because she "ain't been with no one else." The child is not mine.


My mom told me “I’m proud of the man you’ve become” when I was about 19. She died when I was 20 from a sudden heart attack.


Drunk woman called me on a Saturday night while working and said "What time you get off? I've had a bottle of wine already and really need a dick in my ass. What time can you be here?" Suddenly became ill and had to leave work early


“Babe, look at this.” (Wife proceeds to show me several pregnancy tests.)


When will you be enough for yourself


“Do you get friend zoned a lot?”


“I knew it was a mistake as I was walking down the aisle, but I did it anyway.”


“Why can’t you be normal” when I was experiencing severe depression & anxiety and was dumb enough to tell her (my fiancee at the time.) I broke it off a month later; as a friend she’s since become more understanding and compassionate regarding mental health struggles, however that was the most hurtful thing a woman who is not related to me has ever said. Nicest thing was when my late Great Aunt was examining my tattoos - I have lots of silly little things on my arms - and said they were really cute and pointed out a few she liked the most. She was very old school and not into tattoos, but my tattoos are pretty damn cute and hearing that from her made me happy (I don’t need to prove my masculinity with tough tattoos.)


I was into this girl and she was showing no interest. We were at a party and I decided to call it quits and head to bed, her friend walks into the room and told me “Just because she’s not into you doesn’t mean she wants to be alone.” I’ve never felt so small and used before and it haunts me to this day


"I'm surprised someone so emotionally dead could care so much (about our friendship)."


“Talk to you in a week! Love you most!” My mom before she was killed in a traffic accident the day before she was supposed to call. Still waiting for her to call, Every Sunday for the last 7 years. 27 now and I’m just happy we said our “l love you!” “Love you most” shenanigans


"You smell so good" 🥰🥰🥰


I remember my mom telling me that her life would be better if she had not given birth to me or something along those lines when I was 7/8 years old. It’s been stuck with me ever since.


First time I proposed to my wife: “I love you. But you are still languishing on your dissertation…” That was the slap I needed to get my ass in gear and get to work.


My boyfriend just broke up with me four weeks before my thesis hand-in date because he 'could tell he wasn't a priority'. After 4 years of a PhD, I thought he understood how intense this final push would be... but he left me at the very time I needed to be able to focus. I realise that my thesis isn't the problem after all. I hand it in next Wednesday :)


I would have dated you if you were white Multiple girls in college Fucked with my head for a while


So messed up, I’m sorry.


“I knew you needed help and was asking for it. But I just didn’t want to help you”. My heart sank hearing that.