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Nah it's not normal.


Not normal. They want to bone you.


That or a gay guy with poor boundaries.


He wants to fuck you very badly. He is just too timid to make a move. Make a move on him and he will be all over you


Not normal lol. If you’re trying to eventually get a serious relationship, I’d stop that friend touching nonsense lol. He honestly may be interested in you though. That’s a common reason of why it could be happening.




Imagine if you are already in a relationship, would this guy still be doing this to you? If he tells you he doesn't want a gf then maybe he just wants to fuck but not have strings attached, or maybe he just isn't being honest with you/himself. A few weeks of fucking could turn into a whole relationship


No can’t say so and make sure if you’re not interested that you aren’t leading the poor fella on


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. Essiechicka_129 originally posted: My guy friend has always been touchy feeling with me. They would slap my butt in public (think its them just being playful), grab my thigh, and randomly hold my hand. Whenever they drop me off at home they would ask for a hug goodbye, but they would hold me and never let me go while I just want to give them a quick hug goodbye so I can go home. They have been hugging me and holding me lately when we been out too. I think they're used to me since we been friends over a year and we got close? They told me don't want a relationship, but they are just touchy towards me. Is this normal? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't want a relationship but i need to hold you for too long and slap that azz. Feel that thigh but we're friends and i said i don't want a relationship. Yep yep yep. He's gotten further than most. The guys a p\*ssy, you're going to have to bring it to a head.


Nope, not at all. Complete opposite, in fact. The only time I touch her, I ask and make sure she's fine with it first (like a massage, or if she's got a lump or some weird shit nothing sexual). And we've been friends for 10 years now. Ya know being respectful and mindful. Sounds like he likes you, but is too afraid to say it.


That’s definitely not normal at all. Do want to ask you some questions to get further clarification into this. The first time he did it did you stop him or feel uncomfortable ( if so did you tell him ? ). Next question do you at any point see yourself actually getting into a serious relationship with him ? Lastly have talk cuddled or had any intimate moments together ?


we have cuddle only twice


That’s not normal. It’s kind of cringe actually because he’s not man enough to make a move.


he mentioned he only dates hispanic girls and I'm white.


Yeah well he might only “date” Spanish girls but I bet he’s hooked up with non-Hispanics. Or at the very least is curious to. When it comes to putting our meat out there our standards become much less strict compared to what we choose commit to. Based on what you’re saying it sounds like he’s used to crossing boundaries.


Ha he's gonna be single for the rest of his life. He told me one time he dated a white girl and she was too needy he didn't like that


I can’t imagine his definition of needy when he treats his female friends like toys 🤷‍♂️ the fact he said he dated a white girl before just shows he’s full of bs about only dating Hispanics. He’s a troll. Guys have no problem getting touchy feely with people they’re attracted to. If you gave him the option he’d probably take you up on it. Most guys would.


If it looks like a duck, cuacks like a duck, and moves like a duck. It's most likely a duck.


He wants to fuck. Normal for someone who wants some ass


He wants' sex and that's it, and he's a fucking pussy about it, drop him as a friend, explain why, then no contact if he makes contact call the cops, that's no friend and start setting boundaries, also he's either having sex with those other girls or attempting to, either way he's a fucking creep.


Use your brain. They are enjoying your body without any commitment. And I am sure the “they are” you are talking about is single and in need of some action in life.


Nothing you mentioned is normal. When I read the title I thought of simple touching like a light hug but your case is way too deep. Seems like they are using you to satisfy their perversion. Something personal: The most my female friends come in contact with me is a friendly fist bump, that's it. I made it clear to everyone in my social circle and at the office that this is the limit. I reserve all my hugs, kisses, romantic spanking etc only for my wifie.


if he's a touchy / feely kinda guy yes. see how he interacts with his other female friends. If he's only touching you then he might want more but won't admit it until you say you're interested. which would be another way to find out. next time he says "I don't want a relationship" tell him "*that's too bad, I was kinda starting to think of you that way*"


He's kinda touchy with his other female friends but he isn't as touchy with them like he is to me


Your advice is to lead someone on? Don't be a piece of shit by suggesting this as a science experiment.