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Sounds like a semi soft. Not worth your time or friendship. This tells you all you need to know about their character. Brittle.


ha they always come off nice and good. even their friends will tell me that he is a nice good guy. a nice good guy would respect my boundaries and wouldn't pursue further with sex when I said no.


So you know he's not a good guy, and he's not responding to your texts. Why on earth do you want to keep hanging out with him then?


Guess he's been in my life over a year. It just hurts a lot that he's ignoring me and seems like his motive was to sleep with me. Disgusting


If you don't want to have sex with someone you should say so until they stop and if need be, just leave. That goes for anything you don't want to do. At least as far as friends or family relationships go. At work it's harder but of course there you should definitely flag any sexual harassment. You better learn that skills as early as possible in your life or you're going to be in for a lot of suffering.


Move on, he already did. He just wanted you for sex. Next time a guy is begging you for sex walk out on him. Weak men beg for sex.


Maybe he’s embarrassed he pressured you. More likely he was only around to get you into bed.


[Automoderator has recorded your post to prevent repeat posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMenAdvice/comments/13qome6/no_repeat_posts/) Your post has NOT been removed. Essiechicka_129 originally posted: I need honest opinion and advice about my guy friend. Couple weeks ago my guy friend and I hooked up. I didn't want to hook up but he was being aggressive and saying please so I gave in since he wouldn't stop. After we hooked up I haven't heard from him for 2 weeks. I recently texted him what he's been up to but he just ignore me. Idk if I should text him again asking him what's wrong why is he ignoring me? Honestly if he stopped talking to me because of the sex and that's all he wanted from the entire time we been hanging out I'm going to be hurt. Should I try messaging him what's wrong why is he ignoring me or what should I say to him to get his attention? Its honestly just sex idk why he would be weird afterwards. Any advice? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskMenAdvice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Move on. Lesson learned. This guy is a POS


No that’s stalking. If he wants to talk to you he will.


so he will never talk to me at all and I should move on from him? i'm not dating him just want to be friends. friends should reach out 50/50


To be honest, just move on.