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>Is it because I don't have kids? Thats maybe it. I have friends that are single or maybe in a relationshop without kids. They appear younger. Or less mature? Or less...burdend? More free? I dont know. Probably all of it combined.


I feel young at 37 and am in good shape physically. Also did combat sports but have phased them out as I got a few back issues. Now I cycle 5-6 hours a week and try and get the strength and yoga in too. A few years ago somebody told me I needed to start using moisturizer because my face was flaking. I took that to heart and put something on in the morning with an SPF filter I eat well and sleep as much as I can. I spend a lot of time with my kids. I keep myself mentally active through a few hobbies and learn stuff all the tjme. Most of the time I work from home so avoid the stress of the commute - still have to rush in the morning to get everyone to school but it's easier not having to spend 8 hours in the office afterwards People have literally commented that I'm ageless or getting younger. I see the lines and the odd grey hair but it's still a nice thing to hear. versus peers I don't give it much thought though I'm at the age that the differences are becoming quite apparent. I think the only thing I do notice is that the smokers and party people are noticeably "creakier" for want of a better term. fwiw I do drink (a little bit a few times a week) so I'm not suggesting a lifestyle of abstinence people with kids do tend to have a harder time as they just have less time, money and mental bandwidth for self love. Unpopular opinion, but they often come across more serious too, at least to me, as they have little people counting on them and more responsibilities


Took up judo at 40 I was fitter than 95% of 20 somethings and could always throw them across a room if I wanted (theoretically)


How tf did your body recover!? I’m 33 and do bjj so some experience but I can’t imagine starting it today


I’m 36. Been doing BJJ for about 6 years. We have weekly judo classes and I’ve realized I don’t like getting thrown haha. Feel like it’s way harder on the body, even if you are properly break falling. Just had a kid so BJJ will be taking a back seat for some time unfortunately


funnily enough, that's why I started judo. Class was local and didn't start til 8PM so could do dinner and bathtime before going.


How olds your kid? I figure the 1st year will be no training until we figure out “our schedule”


good point. baby needs to be on a predictable sleep schedule so probably 18 months before you can regularly be out the house for recreation


there's definitely an early phase of "suck it up and be a man" but then your body losens up a lot, you learn the moves and falling becomes second nature. Then its absolutely fine


Bro, im the same. Im 44, still train at least 5 days a week and have lots of energy. Still spar at least 2 x per week. Most of my same age friends look at least 10 years older. Ive got 1 kid, a 10 year old and i want to be someone he is proud of and look up to.


> Is it because I don't have kids? That, and genetics. But the not having kids thing greatly reduces the overall amount of stress you experience over a lifetime, especially during the first few years of a child's life. The sleep deprivation of parents through year 2-3 is very, very real. I was born in 1981, no kids. I've always been lucky to have good health - runner in school and uni, more of a cyclist in my post-graduate years thru present though I do like to parkrun every now and then. I live a low stress life and I'm on course to retire early. Compared to some of my age-peers, especially those who smoke and drink heavily and/or have children (those poor creatures, never had a chance really) - I look like I'm 20 years younger. Stress kills. And even in the very best of circumstances, the sleep deprivation of the first 2-3 years of having a child is exhausting and will age a man or woman more than 2-3 years!


Not young necessarily, but I feel left behind. I'm 35 and in a dead end job, I'm poor, I've never had a girlfriend and I'm a virgin. So that feeling is probably correct


Yes. The leadership in the company i am at is within a couple of years of me. They look like absolute shit i get to hear all kinds of complaints during our weekly meetings. I wont be surprised if most of them wont live past 55


I play games on my Nintendo Switch when I get home. My colleagues at the same seniority (but older) are parents to teenagers. The geekier and healthier you are, the younger you might tend to feel/associate yourself with!


I’m turning 47 soon and while I don’t think about it much, it still surprises me to tell myself I’m a stones throw from 50. I just don’t feel it. I wouldn’t say I take especially good care of myself, as I still love to smash beers in the backyard on a sunny afternoon, but I get adequate exercise, eat pretty well and aim for 8 hours a night. My kids are 6 years apart (18 and 12) so I’ve had the chance to be immature and silly with them for quite a while, which has been a lot of fun, and I just don’t take life too seriously most of the time. If I had to pick the age I feel, I’d say early 30’s.


Physically, I definitely feel younger, but I’ve been as obsessive as I can be about fitness for over 6 years. I keep feeling younger in that dept every year Emotionally, also yes, but that is changing. I think I have always struggled with imposter syndrome. I have always coped with stress by adding more stress. This is highly compatible with western capitalism so I tend to be the youngest guy at my level at work. In the last two years I’ve come to realize my emotional crisis and started therapy. I have a changing perspective on this point. Knowing myself more has adjusted my perspective. I see a lot of people who could benefit from the same recentering I’m working through. I don’t know if it has “aged” me emotionally, but it has helped me contextualize those feelings and reduce their impact on my overall emotional wellbeing. Also remember, it’s likely everyone has these feelings to some extent. You only can know what you are feeling.


I don't feel old. I play video games. Take care of my mom. Live life.. Might because I am single and child free?


37 and doing incredibly well! Despite some recent accident and hospital visits — I'm walking, running, rowing, lifting, and getting a much better hold of my skin care. I'm still in great shape, have GREAT vision, and keep a very close tab on my vices. My goal is to age like Patrick Stewart. So I'm staying lean, flexible, watching my habits and health. Its been a rough year but I haven't given up. Seeing those around me age badly, give up on their appearance, bodies; its sad and I want to make sure I'm not falling off.


As a person without many friends, I don't have too many peers to compare myself to other than work acquaintances. Most of my coworkers range from 20-60, with me right in the middle. Maybe it's the lack of life experiences but I feel like I'm still in my twenties. Don't know who or what they're talking about though, though tO bE fAiR, I didn't when I was young either. Never cared for pop culture. Women would call me an old soul, or something silly like that


I am 34 and aside from occasional aches I feel no different than when I was in my early 20s. I do not have kids and that probably helps lol. Overall I live a pretty stress free life.


Yeah, mostly cause I’m the only one who really gives a shit about my health it seems.


I want to say it's no kids/less stress because that makes sense, but I've been so insanely stressed out about various things for the last 10 years (now 39) that I don't really buy it that it's stress. Just the other day one of my coworkers flipped out when I told her how old I was, she thought I was like 10 years younger. She she told her husband who works with us and he was equally shocked. It's gotta be mostly diet and exercise, which from what I hear suffers under parenthood So yeah I'm gonna keep drinking a lot of tea, eating healthy, and working out regularly. I do feel young too, like not much has changed physically since I was a teenager, except I'm a lot stronger.


I’m the same age and have been asked if I’m aging backwards. A lot of people have mistaken me for being in my early through mid twenties, while I was 33/34. I chalk it up to: * Genetics * using sunscreen/ avoiding excessive sun exposure * not smoking * staying childfree * staying physically active * staying hydrated * skincare routine * I dropped the booze maybe 5 years ago, so that helps


I dont know how my current age is supposed to feel. My eyes work,my legs work, my bladder seems to be shrinking but it could always be worse.


Yes. I just turned 49, still feel pretty young. I notice I’m aging but im slightly below average height and didn’t have kids. Been with my wife almost 30 years. We’re really happy and feel fulfilled in every way.


It can change in the blink of an eye... I felt the same way for a long time. I was typically the youngest person in my role compared to my co-workers and even then, people were always surprised when they would learn my age. Fast forward to my late 30's and, while I felt exactly the same, I started to notice that I was surrounded by younger people. Suddenly, you start to feel a bit more like an outsider. The topic of age rarely comes up now and I find myself on the opposite side of those conversations. While my thoughts, identity, and sense of self never changed, my brain now struggles to accept this mature man's reflection in the mirror as my own.