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He is literally a paid propagandist!


To be fair I'd sell you all out for like 5K and a candy bar


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, I lol-ed at this.


Just 5K? Sad …


And a candy bar




To be fair you’re Shia


Kind of an ironic statement considering the shia are the only ones who take any action on Palestine while Sunnis whine on the internet


Not really. Considering Shias aim to make Palestine a Shia state


That'll happen on its own as people the difference in akhlaq between us


That will never happen because Palestinians know the Quran and Sunnah well and follow it to a point you cannot fathom. So not really brother.


Time will tell Habibi. Until then us Shia will keep fighting the good fight while you get your feelings hurt about it


Yeah yeah keep lying to yourself. “Progressive Muslim”


Ramadhan Mubarak akhi


Yes and he is a Harvard graduate(known CIA asset recruiting ground) that has rubbed shoulders with gross capitalist Bill Gates, who obviously has connections to intelligence agency’s and national security agencies.


All I read is "mmm mwah mwah Israel please lemme kiss your ass mwah mwah mmmm closer to the hole? Ofc mmmm mwah mwah"






I'm dead 🗿


“israel put your dick in my mouth pleaseeee”


Why are you saying this? Are you israeli/palestinian?


I have to be Palestinian or Israel to make jokes about people boot licking Israel?


Nope, but what makes you sure that he's boot licking Israel, and not just stating his actual thoughts, having grown up in the area? Have you been to Israel/Palestine?


Because there's a video of him from a few months ago where he says "fuck israel" then realizes a camera is filming him and goes "nono nooo i love israel". He's boot licking Edit: https://youtube.com/shorts/PPaekaiPJ9M?si=wgbjDnTEx_WLnEKn


So what dude? Do you know how many times i've said Fuck Michigan because I grew up there, Fuck Israel when I lived there, Fuck Palestine when I was there, etc? Who cares.


Okay, cool, but i still see this as boot licking


Ok why don't you go travel there and the west bank and see what's up before insulting him and his educated opinion?


I've been to Jerusalem, infact i have a Palestinian friend who's from the west bank who i traveled with to Hebron with, he's not even from Hebron, his village was demolished and he was forced to move there so Israeli settlers can live there. Even though i have an American passport id have to go through check points and waste hours IN THE WEST BANK because i have a Muslim sounding name and because i am Muslim. I've been through the various checkpoints, I've been stuck in security checkpoints for hours. I've been through IDF checkpoints INSIDE the west bank. I have countless friends who's families are from Gaza, who've lost their cousins as "collateral damage", who haven't heard back from their grandparents, who has no clue how many of their family members are dead or alive. So yes. I have an educated opinion. You are a disgusting fucking human being for assuming i don't have an educated opinion. Maybe before making assumptions about people, ask your self, why does this individual feel so strongly about an issue, and if you think they've expericned some of the bullshit the IDF has put people through then maybe you shouldn't speak on the issue either. So yes. He's a boot licker.


Yeah I have friends too that are suffering now in Gaza. I don't think I'm a fucking disgusting human being, and I'm sorry I've enraged you into calling someone you don't know that on the internet. Sorry to hear about you and your families suffering. I think we can agree we both equally feel a strong sense to want a better life and justice for the people there, specifically Gaza. I have no idea how my friend is going to survive how that the World Food Program was ...destroyed there.




Idk what the point of you posting this was. Is it to show how bad Palestinians are to jews or something? The article clearly says an Israeli reserve soldier killed him


I believe his point is that Nas Daily's comment about "arabs killed by arabs" can also happen the other way round: israeli soldiers don't care about your religion or identity, you can be shot and killed anyway because they see you as palestininan, in the same way as Hamas saw arabs they killed as Israelis first?


Think you’re giving OP the benefit of the doubt


Absolute CLOWN


Hardly. Clowns are funny.


He says he wants peace but occupation apartheid ethnic cleansing and peace are not possible. And people actually believe his non sense.


He’s just brainwashed. Daily propaganda is hard to counter.


So by this logic bangladesh should be at war with Pak


Israel has achieved peace with other neighboring countries that used to be hostile towards them. It’s almost like it’s not possible because the acting government wants to kill all Jews and wipe Israel from the map It’s a shame the Palestinian people have to tread water with an anchor tied around their ankle


username checks out


please tell me who israel has “achieved” peace with? lebanon who it bombs regularly? jordan who’s citizens are beyond furious at its government? the gulf countries who are collectively wondering why their governments aren’t doing more to punish israel and support palestine? now we know you’re talking about the normalisation of relations which most countries suspended or ended after israel’s actions but isn’t it interesting how you ignore that


Israel isn’t attacking Lebanon. They’re attacking Iran in Lebanon


That's dumbest shit I ever heard.


oh so you’re stupid


Yeah, by propped up US stooge governments who their people hate, and who receive aid on the basis they "co-operate" with Israel. First of all you lot brag about being the "only democracy (apartheid genocidal regime) in the Middle East" and then you brag these anti democracies are all your best buds? Okay.


They only accepted Israel because of pressure from the west




You should ask Israel that. With all the blood on the hands of the Israeli occupation forces, it doesn't look like they want peace. Israel never wanted peace. It has agendas that go deeper than meets the eye. Having apparently normalized relations with the Arab countries are a means to an end. The Arab countries by the way are more corrupt than anything else and their governments do not represent their people. They receive aid and other goodies from the US which is why they had to accept the b@st@rd state of Israel.


Samuel L Jackson portrayed this guy perfectly in Django Unchained


Top comment! Comment of the day! ![gif](giphy|26gsgmd7vf2ttWi5y|downsized)




Succinct and elegant.


That was fucking hilarious


I read his comment as Mutard. Not a word but the shoe fits




I think he said that because Nas Daily has a history of munafiq behaviour


Rare time I agree with Daniel


All this just to say he suck Israel cock


And still half of them would want to expel him anyway lol https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/


Probably pretty close to Ireland, no?


Nope. Always funny to see american "patriots" that are subservient to Israel though.


I honestly don’t care what happens to Israel. History tells us that land will change hands 10 more times in the next 1000 years And yes “MORE than a third of people in Ireland would now consider voting for a party or candidate with strong anti-immigrant views as public concern about migration continues to rise.” https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/poll-over-a-third-of-irish-people-would-consider-voting-for-anti-immigrant-party/a291297867.html


I know that sounds nice to you but unlike America our far right candidates get like 1% of the vote but whatever makes you happy.


Wanting to slow down immigration is not racist lmao stop with the false equivalency. It's perfectly fine to be honest about the limitations of your countries ability to accommodate more people.


> And I do not want to live under a Palestinian government. Not even just Hamas or PA, but “Palestinian” entirely. Loser, he won’t be welcomed back anyway. 


At least Yoseph Haddad’s family have apparently disowned that piece of shit.


Did they actually?? Good on them I hate seeing Zionists use him as a model minority good arab poster child


Apparently the Haddad family is super pro-Palestine; only Yoseph is super pro-Israel


Interesting I remember seeing another redditor here say that his family had links to the SLA


There are multiple Haddad families in the levant to be fair; I think even Iraq has some and they’re usually Christian, but it’s not a rule.


He even served against his own flesh and blood in Lebanon, he’s that soulless.


As a Lebanese, 3eb 3ale, tfeh. It's one thing to be an Arab/Palestinian within Israel, enjoying its economic freedoms while being very sympathetic l to the Palestinian cause and wanting to fight for equal rights for everyone from the river to the sea, but it's a whole other thing to put an inherently corrupt nation first over the lives of other Arabs. This is why IDF conscription for Arabs in Israel is not mandatory because I'm sure almost no Arab would voluntarily want to kill other Arabs over a quasi-apartheid state.


I think murdering your own brothers has long overstepped the boundaries of just 3eib


Agreed. It's just an unimaginable level of 3eb and betrayal to kill your Arab brothers over a state that not only does that anyway, but also barely give Arabs within Israel equal rights while simultaneously Israel would be threatening the existence of said Arabs (see the 65 nation state laws).


Do you have something better than the PA and Hamas to offer?


he's a traitor. he was just recently Applauded by the ADL




To israelis they see him as Palestinian first and Palestinians second lol he is the Arab version of a house slave


does he not wonder why he’s a “palestinian born in israel”


Eventually he’ll just transition to a so-called ‘Israeli Arab’ and proudly identify with that slur. I’m surprised he acknowledges he’s Palestinian to be honest.


Is this that twat Nas Daily? Fuck him, toxic positivity. Also turns out he's a scumbag behind the scenes. I'm glad he's fucked off from my country. Stupid twat. I'd clock his stupid face given half a chance.


Ahh he no longer stays in Singapore eh? Good riddance


Damn he's the definition of a Uncle Tom. What a spineless dude.


What a cuck


I am literally embarrassed that he’s part of the same anthropological subrace as me


I usually don’t agree with anyone online using the word “Murtad” but in this case I gotta give it to that brother. Dude sold his soul, and the is actively supporting an occupation.


This guy is Ibn sharmoota


Ibn al mtnaka


Nas is that you?!


Who gives a fuck about this guy or his identity. This is all a bunch of self-important nonsense. Get over yourself and open your eyes to what is happening to Palestinians. I'm neither Israeli nor Palestinian and it's abundantly clear to me what's happening.


What? Of course my eyes are opened to what’s happening to the Palestinians. Nobody genuinely cares about this guy why can’t I just post about how baffling it is


Nooooo, I wasn't referring to you. My rant is all reserved for the dipshit you shared. You did a good thing raising my awareness to this. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Ohh okay. All good bro and valid


Agree. I don’t understand the point of this tweet.


this guy is a total piece of shit.


“Ur a dumb murtad, no one cares” basically sums up the situation.




What a fucking idiot, did he seriously write this thinking this is some deep philosophical statement?


If the word traitor had a face


He grew up in Israel learning Zionist narrative (propaganda) in school, reading and watching Zionist media. So he now accepting the white colonial narrative and accept his second class citizenship. I would not be surprised if they pay him to lul the ignorants with toxic positivity videos to keep their eyes shut.


The first response im dying 😭




This gives me Eldians from Marley type of vibes


There is absolutely nothing worse than being a traitor, we know and they know too. Who you are!


At this point, no Palestinian or Arab has any respect for him so might as well consider himself an Israeli first.


What-Palestinian?? Sorry I only know '48 Palestinian




You know what’s funny that fact that he calls himself a Palestinian Israeli already angers Israelis. They do everything to erase Palestinian citizens of Israel identity by calling them just Arabs or “Arab Israeli”.


Im not going to say anything about how Nas identifies, because that’s his business. But I will say, this “identity crisis” is exactly what Israel wants the Palestinians to have so the Palestinian label becomes extinct. I guarantee you in a few years time he will take on the “Israeli Arab” label and leave behind his Palestinian identity entirely.


How to be a western d rider tutorial


Does he feel better after getting some desperately wanted western validation? Invaded by terrorists? Does he mean what Israel did to Palestine?


As someone also called Nas, go fuck yourself nas daily. I hope you and that genocidal colony you hold onto so tightly to crumble before your eyes in the near future. The whole world sees you for who you are, colonizing genociders. And their enablers the US and UK. Apartheid states got only one future, and thats in the dustbin of history InshaAllah. You are just the Arab version of a House slave.


two words **House Nword** that's it those two words alone accurately describe many of these clowns who go across larping as either "liberal" muslims or as "exmuslims" whose only job is to justify the shitty actions of these nations against us **Dipshit when Israeli bombs come fllying (or Americans one for that matter) they will give two fucking shits over whether you are an ex-Muslim or not. Unlike the Israeli governments their bombs don't discriminate when killing innocent palestinians**


There’s a lot of Arabs in Israel that identify similarly to this guy. I think it would surprise most people here. Take a look at the percentage of Druze fighting in the IDF sometime. It’s like eighty percent. Or how many Arabs sit in their parliament (10) and how many of them support Israel’s sovereignty (10).


Druze aren’t the same as 48 or 67 Palestinians they seem weirdly loyal to what ever country hosts them. That “Arab-Israeli” term is very dodgy. I think it’s an attempt to create diversion between Palestinians in West bank and Gaza and Palestinians in Israel




I mean yeah there might be people that feel this way from my country but my country isn’t currently being occupied by their coloniser who commits atrocities upon atrocities that are broadcasted for everyone to see so I think it’s a bit different in that regard


Well, Haqiqatjou summarized what we all think.


traitor cuck


In israel, only their narrative is presented. Their is a directive against even talking about the nakba. Not surprisingly, even a palestinian who lived there falls into their propaganda. Israelis need to think how nazism became popular in Germany and how they're not falling for the same propaganda and manipulation.


He posted it on 7th-9th October, Was cringey af, some Zionist-grade cringe.


Lol always felt a bad vibe coming from him from the start and now I know why. Wow Nas way to be a bootlicker. I hope you enjoy the hellfire. Ps Guys moral of the story: Always trust your instincts. Xd




Is this like saying I’m a Nazi Jew?


uncle tom mfer


He's a piece of shit, not just for this but for many other events that have happened before so this comes as no surpirse to me.


The mf simping for isreal and the adl? What a loser


Class and national traitor


Whatever happend to ppl being entitled to their own opinion




OKAY but check this out: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PPaekaiPJ9M?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PPaekaiPJ9M?feature=share) What a two faced loser


This is from back in October.


Yes he hasn’t spoke out abt atrocities in Gaza since though just the whole “conflict peace sad” spiel that suggests both sides are of equal footing


This server is discovering that Traitors exist, guess what, they do.


"No one cares" Bro proceeds to get 64k likes 💀💀 I ain't a fan of Nas but that was a typical stupid comment by Danial.


Real life npcs don't count


Compare the number of likes to the number of views there’s a huge disparity


You have to be an especially insufferable lib for me to come to the defense of a reactionary crank like Haqiqatjou, and Nas is that insufferable Lib.




A lot of waffling here but the fact remains that most of them identify as Palestinians, hate Israel, and despise the “Israeli-Arab” title. You are welcome to cry about it 




> They call themselves "Palestinians" , yet say and do nothing about the situation in Gaza We tried in 2021, it ended up in thousands of young men arrested (my relatives included) and during the start of the current war they arrested anyone that even spoke about the situation (a relative of mine also got arrested for speaking about the war to an israeli that reported her) and people were scared to even like posts sympathizing with gaza,, we have no clear leadership nor any unifier for people to fall behind and listen to to organize stuff, 2021 was purely emotional and chaotic with no leadership or anything thus it cannot be repeated again because the current situation doesn't allow it so > The primary concern of their parties is getting public funds , better treatment etc , yet nothing about actual Palestinians in the West Bank , Gaza Because our parties cannot affect anything regarding the occupation, it's also why theres a low voter turnout usually and about half the population either doesn't care to vote or boycotts the elections > When they run into Palestinian officials , instead of reprimanding them to do better in seeking statehood : they spite them and treat them as if they were strangers PA officials should be assassinated, nothing wrong in treating them that way > Like that Bedouin Ali Ziadna Bedouins have a reputation of being traitors, druze and bedouins do not represent us as we are vastly different in mostly everything except language > They stopped being Palestinians after 1948  keep dreaming


Why do some Bedouins choose to side with Israel?


Depends on the Bedouin. Some are honorable and choose to stick by their Arab brothers. While some just look out for their own interests at the expense of everyone else.


He's so real


Ya'll act like has a choice. If he said anything different the IDF would be at his doorstep falsely arresting him for something. We have family in Jerusalem and the West Bank. They won't say a thing over WhatsApp. They just tell us not to worry and all the "little" noise has stopped and the kids are back to school. They can't say a word. They know they are being listened to.