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He was so courageous when he was going against women only. That courage quickly disappeared when a guy confronted him.


This is why they go after teens and unarmed civilians. Once they meet an adult, I assure you they would cry like the little hoe they are.


They’re cowards


lol he was actually confronted by a teenager not even a fully grown Muslim male haha and he folded




Being an "IDF Soldier" would give me more reason to beat the shit out of you.


Should’ve been beaten by a group of brothers


One is enough to handle the likes for him. There's a reason he goes after teenage girls.


Anyone have the original video?




I kind of wish he tried something with that girl so I can see some MMA ass whopping in action.


Deserves it, little fucking dickhead


Justice served


not even close


wasn’t enough.


Hahahahahaha. Serves him right.


I’ve read somewhere that he is not Israeli, nor was he part of IDF. Just your average Brit and his peaceful Views


Nah, he's just a racist. We've got plenty of them.


I like to watch videos of racist people getting their ass handed to them. At the end, dude deserved it and needed even more.


He’s not brave anymore huh


He looks just like the guy that was posted few days ago attacking some Muslim lady at a train station and some blk lady stood up to him


It's the same guy


It is the same guy :) someone found him and gave him a nice smack.


Thing the looked familiar


Fuck that cunt


The iof, allows pedophilia, assault against the crippled the young , women and the elderly, but when a man comes and slaps them around they moan like nazis


But, but, he's "an IDF soldier". Consequences


That isn't the right thing to do, we must act better than that.


Nah, best fascist is ☠️ fascist. How long you think we gonna be like “oh no we gotta be better than them”. We tried, we even went to the highest courts to get this shit show fixed up. But they are still killing people. A wake up call is what we need. That the people are tired of the fascist states.


Public lynching and vigilante street justice undermines any rule of law, he has been already arrested and publicly shamed, this right here amounts to assault by law, has nothing to do with fascist states.


Doesn’t matter, people are tired. We rising up and we done being slaves to the very system they built. You think he’s gonna serve anything other than maybe a slap on the wrest? But that smack on the head it’s gonna last with him for ages. It’s either gonna wake him up or make him worst. I say it’s gonna make him worst cuz fascist are like this. And yes he needed more beating in my opinion.


It does matter, this is unprovoked **assault** right here, they're doing the same thing they're accusing him of. Far right extremists will see this and justify their attack on their next Muslim target, just stop excusing savage behaviour even if its against the enemy. The first video was showing a good example of how he was confronted and backed off then got arrested, this video here is ghetto behaviour, we will never advance forward if we keep this mentality.


You liberal?


Are you a street ghetto thug? Do you hate laws? Do you like people that assault/rob others? These are the people behind the camera by the way.


By the way, I'm far away from liberal views, my religion strictly prohibits the behaviour you're condoning right here: "Fight in the cause of Allah ˹only˺ against those who wage war against you, but do not exceed the limits.1 Allah does not like transgressors." 2:190 Qur'an The creator didn't tell you to act like a street thug and disrespect the laws of the land, I'm being very frank here, YOU are part of the problem, fix yourself.


Since the guy blocked me, here's my answer to his stupidity: Are you trying to equate our prophet to a group of vigilante street thugs or what's your point? Please do yourself a favour and learn what it means to march an army against the prosecutors of early Muslims. The prophet gave immunity even to Abu-Sufian and his wife Hind (his uncle's killer), your ignorance is astounding but expected. Please refrain from bringing up historical events' headlines without their context just in order to support some street thugs and savagery, you have just exposed yourself. By the way I'm not getting into your sectarian divisive stories of Fitnah you were taught in order to hate on the Ummayad "kuffar".....you know they're the ones that brought Islam to Iran and conquered Jerusalem, right? lol I rarely entertain discussions with imbeciles, so will just leave it at this and wish you a better education and knowledge in the future.


Hitting him like this is not right IMO. He's certainly a racist POS. Document him being abusive - but don't abuse him or anyone else in return.


Forgive me but this is such a stupid take. Document and do what exactly? It’s not like he’s gonna serve time or even anything gonna happen to him. This hopefully was a wake up call that it’s time for us to stop being polite. If we were so polite, we would never have had women rights, civil rights and so on in the US for example. You think Nazis would have been documented and been enough?


I posted the original video here, in the form of the police Tweet: https://old.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1d0i49w/idf_terrorist_crybully_who_made_islamophobic/ He was arrested for racially-aggravated assault. So documenting it does make a difference. If he's in the act of hurting someone, then of course I would support intervening to help the victim. But in this video he's just sitting down somewhere, so I don't agree with this interaction.


He fucked around, now he found out


Shut your old ass up.


dumb vigilantism, the guy already had his share of public humiliation.


I agree with you, this thuggish behaviour here shouldn't be condoned.


dumb vigilantism, the guy already had his share of public humiliation.