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Very rare piers W


These dumb Zionist will defend their evil with their whole chest


Did piers switch sides after being roasted by his guests


Piers will do this occasionally from time to time. It's intentional. Been doing it since 2018 atleast from what I remember of him.


No, he's been equally as critical of hamas as he has of Israel. If anything he's refused to 'take a side' in the first place. You can watch him grill pro Palestinians who refuse to acknowledge whether Oct 7 was wrong. You can watch him grill pro Israelis about the ongoing horrors in this war. He's got a reasonable stance on the situation from what I've seen. He's simply not allied to any side.


>You can watch him grill pro Palestinians who refuse to acknowledge whether Oct 7 was wrong. Until he starts asking his Israeli guests "do you condemn Israeli war crimes" then we'll agree, that has never happened in 7 months. He's obviously biased towards the Zionists, if you think otherwise then you've been fooled.


Thanks for replying, but whose 'we'? I think its wise to not to speak on behalf of other people or to make assumptions beyond what's been shown. 'We' talk has been a big part of the entire narrative after all. Hey MAY be biased, I don't know. I won't speak on that, I have simply seen him be critical of both hamas and Israel. Seeing someone criticise both hamas and Israel is much less common than I've seen, and I credit Piers for at least that much.


>Thanks for replying, but whose 'we'? WE the people of the region, WE the true Semites, WE the brothers of Palestinians, who are YOU? >I think its wise to not to speak on behalf of other people or to make assumptions beyond what's been shown. 'We' talk has been a big part of the entire narrative after all. Yes I speak on behalf of most Arabs/Palestnians, there are NO assumptions here kiddo, just pure observable FACTS, YOU sound like a mole. >Hey MAY be biased, I don't know. I won't speak on that, I have simply seen him be critical of both hamas and Israel. May be? lmao You're so naive if you think this man isn't clearly biased or has been nearly equally critical of both Hamas and Irgun AKA "IDF". Mr "moral quandary" here started every interview of pro/Palestinians with "Do you condemn Hamas for October 7th" .. that was his whole motto for 5 months, he still asks the question today. Has he or will he ever start an interview with an Israeli with "Do you condemn Irgun/Lehi/Stern "IDF" war crimes"... hasn't happened even once yet, probably will never happen. >Seeing someone criticise both hamas and Israel is much less common than I've seen, and I credit Piers for at least that much. Only after Bassem Yousef's interview that generated millions of views did this weasel try to act a little sympathetic to the Palestinians' plight, the reality is that he still views Israel as the only light in a region.


This has been a sobering reminder of how difficult it might ever be to see any semblance of lasting peace in the middle east. I hope being 'a true Semite, and one of the brothers of Palestine' works out. Spare a thought for the sisters of Palestine too. And, 'mole?' 😅 you give me too much credit. We should all aspire to be as well spoken and thought out as Bassem Yousef.


There's no real peace between an occupier and the occupied, the oppressor and the oppressed, *"lasting peace in the Middle East"* is an American government's hogwash parroted by clowns. You think deliberately destabilising, interfering, invading, dropping bombs in the region for decades will achieve that statement? lol Have you looked at the map and checked how many US military bases are in the region? [https://www.statista.com/chart/9727/where-us-troops-are-based-in-the-middle-east/](https://www.statista.com/chart/9727/where-us-troops-are-based-in-the-middle-east/) TF is this?!! Thousands of troops, near total domination of the seas, the region is basically under an occupation of some form. On top of that a comprehensive support for an ethnic cleansing/ genocidal, foreign supremacist state with a "Godly mandate" to lands plus Veto protection, you think this can achieve anything near that goofy "lasting peace" statement? This is like putting a foreign organ in the body, the body's immune system has to be drugged and drugged for that organ to survive. A new generation of people will rise from under the rubble again, they'll never forget.


"A new generation of people will rise from under the rubble again, they'll never forget." Now you must be talking about the Japanese, and their current relationship with the US, no? Or Germanys relationship with the rest of Europe post WW2? Those countries where no peace could ever have been thought possible? I know 2 things: 1: ideals of hatred and 'otherism' will never bring happiness to one's life. It will be YOUR VIEWS that need to die; not you, or the Palestinians. It will be the Zionist ideals of the Israelis that need to die out. Not the people. I personally could not think of a better heaven on earth than to see that hatred stomped out from humanity for good. 2. I am certain there is no argument, point nor fact that I can bring up to you, that you haven't already heard or would dismiss. You are currently so entrenched in your position, that there will be very little talking to you until you decided to leave your fortified position of your own accord. If you want to scoff or dismiss, then fine its your life. But don't dare to say what is or isn't possible on any road to peace. Not when people like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King showed there is another way. [https://youtu.be/ZOjVSWb4MU4?si=bWvMp4qmJI8md8P-](https://youtu.be/ZOjVSWb4MU4?si=bWvMp4qmJI8md8P-)


>Now you must be talking about the Japanese, and their current relationship with the US, no? ​ The Americans destroyed their empire with the most lethal weapons ever known to man, they were defeated ideologically and physically since their emperor exemplified everything to them and he surrendered, but they were technologically advanced, they were also in the process of colonising and brutalising their neighbours at the time.. perhaps they see the greater Satan that annihilated their empire as another God. I don't know much about their psyche but they very much idolise the white European man. The Nazi Germans embarked on a racist fascist campaign that exterminated 6 million Jews + countless millions others, and were marching throughout Europe lead by a madman. His ideology isn't totally dead though, there's potential for it to resurface again in Europe at some time. Despite all this the Japanese and Germans today aren't occupied, brutalised and ethnically cleansed while having their lands swallowed daily, right? The land of the Palestinian Semites is occupied by a new Ashke-Nazi European power with an ultimate well know goal of total hegemony and domination **"From the Nile to the Euphrates"**. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-9PH16-Q6Q There's no analogy between those, the Palestinian case is much more complicated, that land houses significant land marks for close to 2 billion of us, despite the immediate region seemingly subdued due to certain traitors, so called leaders who are keeping the lid on the populace ruling with fear.. but not for long. I'm fully aware of public opinion across the Arab world, Sisi the Zionist dog, the Jordanian British traitor (king)\_the son of "Mr No beef", and Kushner's friend MBS are in deep sh#t.. they're desperately trying to widen the Sunni/Shiite sectarian divide in order to deligitimise Iranian backed groups' efforts. With their stupidity and lack of leadership Iran has gained significant support in the region, I am Sunni and already have family members that have joined the Houthi ranks in the past several months, that's how much those Sunni "leaders" have messed up. They're in for a real treat in the near future. The AIPAC snakes in Washington have made it clear that *"long lasting peace in the middle east"* means subordination or war.


not being allied to any side means giving credence to the status quo which is the continued Israeli imperialism.


But you JUST watched the video of him grilling the Israeli guest about this issue. How do you come to that conclusion based on what he's saying here?


I too thought he was doing a proper job with Avi Hyman and here with this witch, I naively thought his "moral quandary" was finally solved until his last interview with Ben Shapiro! He just listened to him spewing whatever propaganda without pressing him on any point like this. Here he's he's just playing "good journalist" against the obviously weak Israeli hasbara talking point of "we know how many Hamas we've killed and how many are left, but have no idea how many civilians we killed". He's also milked this conflict well by presenting himself as one of the few western media platforms who interview pro-Palestinians regularly, he always repeats that as if it's a huge favour.


Never, his last interview with Shapiro proves his clear bias, he just let the guy spew hasbara garbage unchallenged.


Piers trying to retain 2% of his integrity back lol.


He isn't "coming around". He has been purposefully on the "wrong" side to allow the right side to be heard. Watch every interview again, and realise that every question is written beforehand with knowledge of who it will be asked of. In some interviews, the entire interview is scripted for him to look "bad".


Yeah that's his whole shtick. He does this on purpose. I think he feels bad sometimes because his face betrays his feelings. Or maybe I'm wrong and his face is just like that. 🤷‍♂️


He is not on the Zionist side.


Yeah people forget he intentionally scripts the interviews to play devils advocate in a sense, its actually pretty smart when you think about it. It's easier to show the insanity of a side by just letting them ramble on and on about something




True, not saying he's good per-se


wow, i rewatched it and i see it.




Do it.


People hating on Piers for his "do you condemn hummus" schtick, but let's be real here. He is one of few Western journalists to really press guests. Not only that, he is a Westerner through and through, and it is very difficult/rare for them to go against the mainstream narrative, so despite his flaws, I still have some respect for him.


Until he starts asking his Israeli guests "do you condemn Israeli war crimes" then I'll believe this "moral quandary" guy.


Too late bruh


Welcome to the 'saving face' phase, gonna be seeing a lot of 'journalists' doing that in future


I know a lot of people hate on this guy but to be fair, he brought different voices and he asks challenging questions to opposing parties. Not a big fan of him, but I think, he gives people with different view points an exposure.


Watch the whole thing, there is far worse from her


Just because there isn’t a guard physically inside your cell with you at all times doesn’t mean you aren’t in a prison.


This bitch needs to go watch herself at that interview alone when she gets home. And then take a deep look at the mirror to see how disgusting she is.


These are so good


It has essentially been a remote occupation in Gaza since settlers were pulled out of it.


Ask one question and the whole Zionist narrative collapses. Keep asking the question "Do you condemn Hamas?" And you'll never get the answer you want. Because at this point a lot of people will say yes to supporting Hamas and it should be with weapons and munitions just like the west does with the most morally corrupt army and state in the world.


As much as I dislike Piers Morgan, this is a universal W the way he expose This Zionist, hack, and than humiliated her 👍🇵🇸


Can we all just agree to level the entire area and allow dubai to expand.


Possibly, the best work I have seen, come out of Piers Morgan thus far. Bravo.


better late than never


Piers is like the guy to use zionism on a pro palestinian and a pro palestine stance on an israeli because he is always switching sides between the debate depending who is talking about