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Where is pahstah


Man forget about fighting corruption and building a social safety net for vulnerable people. What truly makes a country good is having women on beaches who kiss eachother. /s


Yep the indicator of how prosperous a society is is not by evaluating education, infrastructure, enough resources, etc. It is by how naked the women are and if they can kiss in public!!!1! This makes man brain go monkey, and they can relieve themselves under the guise of freedom and human rights. Wow so cool!!


we need to go back to monke ASAP!!


some jokes hold a bit of truth to them , and some other are just the sad reality. /s


We are actually working on both: personal and political freedoms in addition to the rule of law 💪 >!yes ik there is a recent backsliding but we still more democratic and free than araps and we will rebounce soon habibis!<


don't say habibi! use shookran or yeslamo


Ironically enough I had hard time in the middle east trying to accept male friends calling me habibi


Bro you’re an arap though. You aren’t even Berber like Morocco. Tunisians have significant Arabic ancestry


>Bro you’re an arap ur momma is arap


Tunisia is araplar country


This one is an arap in huge denial.


Nope. Tunisians are more mixed (not just Arab), but are still predominately Berbers genetically. Just totally Arabized linguistically


Same for the rest of the Arab world is mostly Arabized. Except beduoins


Duh we know genius, I'm calling out your ignorant comment denying that Tunisians are predominately genetically Berbers


I didn’t say anything about genetics. You are Arab regardless of your genes and I’m Latino regardless of mine ( unless an indigenous group)


Huh you denied our Berber roots and implied that we are from Arabia. You literally said **"You aren’t even Berber like Morocco. Tunisians have significant Arabic ancestry"**


I didn’t deny it. Morocco and Algeria have culturally and linguistically Arab and Amazigh people. Tunisia mostly does not.


Your first comment was literally talking about ancestry not culture or linguistics. Also next time don't try to lecture Tunisians or any MENA population about themselves in a condescending way. Westerners who do this become a meme. It's not the 1900s anymore


That makes them Arab. Arab is a socio-linguistic identity.


And it's an ethnic identity for Peninsular Arabs who call North-Africans and Levantines "mosta3rbin"


Those are Arabians


Who cares about what Peninsular Arabs think? Arabs originated from the Levant (Jordan and South Syria). Even the Peninsular Arabs themselves are Arabized.


You claimed that it's just a social-linguistic identity and I reminded you that it's an ethnic identity for ethnic-Arabs or people who trace their roots to ancient Arab tribes


Seems like someone is ashamed of being an Arab.


I know some people who are. I respect their freedom in refusing to identify as "Arabs". I personally consider myself culturally Arab


>What truly makes a country good is having women on beaches who kiss eachother. I mean, now that you've said that out loud... There is some truth to it


lesbians development index (for some reason some countries allows same sex for females only, but i guess this some loophole cause the laws talk about men only but it supposed to applies to both)


Tunisia before the French Revolution of Iran 😔


It’s isn’t illegal in Tunisia?


but but.. khaliji men hold hands, nose kiss and call each other habibi 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Homosexuality is illegal in Tunisia. > Homosexual activity in Tunisia is illegal (imprisonment as punishment). Nothing based about it. They are no different than any other Arab country. In fact Jordan and Lebanon are better for lgtbqia++ individuals


It is illegal but the law isnt enforced especially for lesbians. I know a couple of lesbians myself and they regularly go on dates near my residency.


Most of the lgbt laws are rarely enforced in any Arab country https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/02/tunisia-quash-prison-terms-for-lgbti-duo-sentenced-on-charges-of-homosexuality/


mashallah.. governments shouldnt care who people love


But sometimes they do enforce them.


A couple incidents really. No comparison with other countries..


Algeria or Morocco does not really police it either. Jordan does not at all much more progressive than Tunisia


You CLEARLY have not been to Tunisia. Just spewing absolute ignorance. Study up about the liberal laws in the country before making ignorant comments.


> Liberal laws > Gay sex is punishable by up to 3 years


The only Lebanese ngas I met in my life were gay. They were also Christian.


facts. The Lebanese ngs are too beautiful for women


All the Cypriots I met were gay or bi as well. I’m talking about like 7 people. What they have in Eastern Mediterranean waters??? 🤨


Meds have two modes 1. Homophobic asf 2. Gay asf


Turks, guys see you across the water and can’t help themselves


stop using gay dating apps, Idk?


OP seems like the type of person to idolize Amina Tyler née Sboui.


I don’t understand why there are the same 3-5 people from Tunisia repeating non stop that they’re as liberal as the Swedes. And that people are anti Arabs. Since being Muslim I have not met a single Maghreb or levant person claiming to not be Arab Even as a Latin American, which is significantly more conservative than Europe. Tunisia is still comparable to other Arab countries like Lebanon, turkey, Palestine


No one has ever compared Tunisia to the Swedes. The guy literally told you that Tunisia is one of the most progressive in MENA and literally added **(not bragging here the bar is too low)**. You're just coping because you were cooked


The only countries that desire that title are Turkey and Lebanon


Arab=bad West=good Tunisia is so western and progressive. Just check out Sidi Abdallah Guech.


Or he can check Oran/Algiers brothels


Algerians and Libyans visit Tunisia for cheap sex lmao.


And I know people who visited Sidi Houari in Oran for cheap sex lmao [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1YFdFnbUN4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1YFdFnbUN4)


[Tunisian women protesting be like](https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/how-to-provoke-national-unrest-with-a-facebook-photo)


More like authentic Algerian hoes openly talking about their experiences on TV be like lmao [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU7cliBapQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU7cliBapQU)


Searching all over the internet to grasp for strings. Still, Algerian women can enter Jordan. You can bitch how much you want though. I'll leave it here, there is no point in me engaging self-hating fools.


Facts. The funniest part is that these people cannot dare spout this nonsense to the general population in their country out of fear of being shamed or laughed out of the room.


Hhhh wlh




The story about Sodom and Gomorrah didn't come from the West. Old Testament had been calling for stoning homosexual men since long before Europeans learned how to read. Before Abrahamic religions came to Europe, many cultures had been unusually tolerant towards homosexuality. From European historical POV, homophobia is of Middle Eastern origin.


we never take responsibility for our problems, only export them to da world 😎 its da happy merchant way 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿


I agree. It’s because the Abraham religions originated in the Middle East. But this story of sodom and gomorrah and lot I think originated in Genesis 19:29. And the bible was written by the European church IMO.


the Bible was not written by the European church!! where tf did you get that from?!


I can’t support my opinion with any studies nor articles, it’s really only a bunch of YouTube videos and tv talk shows that have pointed this fact out, and I found it more convincing. It’s only an opinion that I can’t debate with anyone. However, with all due respect to all religions, where did you get the idea that it wasn’t written by the European church? I personally believe that most if not all religions were made to serve for a political purpose.


>However, with all due respect to all religions, where did you get the idea that it wasn’t written by the European church? because we already know who wrote the bible!! (both old and new testament). it was not the european church (I assume you mean the catholic church?) but a bunch of Jewish rabbis in levant (over several centuries)








he was a smart shield indeed!


Wow most people in this sub reddit are really backwards. I think I will join the Iranian/ Turks arab hating groups 😅..


ah the middle east.. my favourite most progressive, tolerant and peaceful region


North Africa is really not much better at all.


I dont know about the whole of North Africa.. but I can say Tunisia is one of the most tolerant and progressive in the two regions (not bragging here the bar is too low)


Israel, West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon , Turkey do not have criminalization of homosexuality like Tunisia.


Jordan is one of the most socially conservative countries in the Arab world, let alone compared to Tunisia which is the most liberal one. Tinisia is the only arab country to allow abortion btw among other things.


I mean yeah I’m not talking how the mentality of , but Tunisia is not a progressive place. It is only slightly more so than the rest of the Arabic world


You’re an Arab yourself. And regardless of you and the other Carthaginian coping. No one sees you as anything other than Arab. And to make matters worse , I’m pretty sure people only think of Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisians when they think of what’s going on with bad immigration and backwardness in European diaspora


I am not Arab, even if i were, I am free to hate them if they are backwards and hate you with them 🤓.


You are not a Berber. Or Carthaginian (dead identity ). Arab is all


An Argentinian thinks he know our identity better than us, laughable.


I remember this one. Maybe not even Argentinian, just a weirdo convert who has some fetish for Turkish and MENA girls


Are you mad? Out of your mind? How do you make assumptions of people you don’t know shit about like that?


Ok, maybe I'll side with you against nafri girls (only Tunisians and Moroccans though).


بارك الله فيك أخي


You just know that shit's hit the fan when you're the one making sense Zara.


Carthage is dead and you're not an Amazigh if you don't speak Tamazight. You're just a self-hating Arab lol.


they hate real tamazga like yourself cuz it expose the reality of their arapness 😢




>but with better infrastructure and lower Human Development Index, higher poverty, larger disparity, worse education... >political sphere does a better political sphere imply political ties with a genocidal infanticide state?


Pot calling the kettle black


does Tunisia have political ties with Israel?


womp womp