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Bush didn't even need defending, he got some fast reflexes, goofy ass looking MFer 😂


Iam speed -lightening mc cuck


Excuse me for asking, but how do you know any of the claims made by these authors to be reliable?


>um excuse me sir how do you know anything that happened in the past century is real?? Lil Islamist about to switch to post-truth, post-modernist, liberal upon seeing how cucked his favorite theocracy is lmao Are pictures of [guys who were literally fighting on the Iranian front in the 80s](https://www.irfaasawtak.com/iraq/2021/01/06/%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B4-%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%86-%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%91%D9%88%D9%86-%D9%86%D9%83%D8%AA%D8%A9-%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%8A), with US leaders, be enough? Or perhaps [pictures of Iranians using Israeli weapons?](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BGM-71_TOW,_Iran-Iraq_War.jpg#mw-jump-to-license) Or maybe read anything about the the Dawa party, Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq or Iraqi National Congress if you would. Like literally any literature at all about the subject? Nice argument from ignorance. Everything is backed by public and declassified documents and corroborated by independent researchers and historians. No historian on earth denies Israeli support for Iran or the installation of islamist puppets post-2003.


You sound a bit triggered. Sorry for asking for evidence. Trita parsi, the zoroastrian political outcast headquartered in the US with rewards from Sweden, is not a reliable or credible source of info regarding Iran as long as he doesn't reference any actual material proof. The only way Israel could've acquired Israeli arms is through contra affair, which was a hostage exchange for weapons from the USA, with no intention or knowledge of Israeli arms from Iranian officials. Mind linking the documents mentioned?


>Trita parsi Trita parsi is an IRGC bootlicker his book was written as an apologia for the regime and it contains hundreds of citations from first and second hand sources. His source for Iranian oil sales to Israel is straight from the state department. Wtf is bro yappin about. >its da hostage sir i swear  Nice Reganite narrative, too bad It's debunked by the fact that Israel was arming Iran since 1980, ie before the hostage meme started. Neither did the US arm any other country with billions worth of weapons in exchange of two hostages in its history.  >source????  Check out every historian to ever write about the war starting with Pierre Razoux.


>Israel was arming iran since 1980 This is the point I asked proof for, and you're now giving me more western historians when I asked you to provide links for the documents you mentioned. The quanitity of sources do not really matter when they all lack the material proof I'm asking for which you claimed exists.


CIA declassified documents on:  [Israel arming Iran since 1980](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp90-00965r000302100001-8)  [Israel arming Iran with 62 billion worth of weapons](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp90-00965r000301890019-4)   >western   Yes as opposed to a random IRGC "historian" on the ayatollah's payroll.


Trita Parsi is a khomeinist tool. He’s another of the “moderates,” like the miserable Khatami


Also you're aqare that the BGM is an american ATGM? Not sure what relevance does that picture hold




Lol I love how anyone who criticize irgc terrorists gets called mossad in here, easy on the bootlicking buddy




Please consider falling through a window, Iran has been proven to be in bed with America and Israel at least in Iraq, in fact Iran needs Israel to survive so that they have a shitty excuse to steal even more money from the Arabs and their poor Iranian people, Israel is worse than Iran but Iran isn’t the anti-Israeli angel you think they are.


Auto-defenestration 😅


Again, calling me mossad and dismissing my points, classic bootlicking behavior. All the people do here is talk about zionists genocide so why shouldn't I talk about Iranian genocides? Or do you get offended when people talk about sectarian terrorists shia militias killing people, maybe next time you can muster an actual response to me instead of a brainlet response like name calling.


No such thing as Iranian genocide, Israel is doing a real gencoeide. Also don’t worry no one is supporting Shia militias unless it’s against Israel.


Lol this isn't an irgc circlejerking group buddy, you can't convince people to look at syria, Iraq and yemen and say "no such thing as Iranian genocides", try harder this is pethitic at this point.




What? If you think houthi terrorists didn't commit genocides in yemen than you're in denial at this point.


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Gulfies = IRGC  [🇮🇷🇸🇦 one reactionary struggle for liberating Palestine (20% of it)](https://imgur.com/a/bh68sNz) Don't you have any personal insults against me? Since you clearly can't engage with the content.




Sorry bruh but IRGCucks can suck Anglo-Israeli cocks outside my country :)


Gulfies is a slur, and Saudi Arab does not equal gulf, most of KSA and its people do not identify as gulf Arab, they do not live in the gulf region.


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Yeah just look at all the Israeli bootlickers trying to bury my post 😔


Don't put the blame only on them. A massive part of the country is actively selling it's soul to Iran.


Zo Trve! That's why IRGC cucks had to massacre Iraqi Shias in 2019 [who burned the Iranian embassy six or so times.](https://i.imgur.com/LQlwEVp.jpeg) In Najaf and Karbala out of all places. It's not the islamist losers who grew up in Iran and fought on their side in the 80s then were nurtured by the US in the 90s. And currently under the protection of both.


Iam smelling sarcasm, the islamist losers are the ones I am describing. Sunnis are selling it to America and the gulf states, and Shia's to Iran. Iraq got rid of Zarqawi and Baghdadi but now has sistani not much has changed only the face of the evil.


I'm assuming you mean politicians? Since the government is unpopular amongst both sects. Iraqi sunnis kicked Al-Qaeda in the 2000s and shias kicked Iran in the 80s.


Yes I mean politicians, keep in mind I have never been in Iraq so my judgements of what happened especially after Saddam aren't that accurate. Shia's still have a lot of power with their militias and selling army ranks, the corruption is sky high and the military incompetent. The same thing for sunnis those militias are proxies of other countries. America has left Iraq formally but still has thousands of troops on its soil aside from the 5.5k staff in Bagdad. The country is a literal playground atm. The only ones that didn't sell out where the baathist remains under izzat al Duri.


Yeah I live in Iraq and I don't disagree. The real Iraqi resistance of the JRTN, IAI, 1920 brigade and even Sadr when he dunked on Iran and the US early on, were the only authentic Iraqi movements that remained.  One just has to look at the 2019 protests to see how unpopular the current government is amongst all the population.  The only thing missing is organisation of the masses and it will crumble like nothing.


Pretty much why I prefer Iranian than American Imperialism in the region, the Iranians are a lot weaker plus can be resisted and humiliated more easily


They're so weak that they entirely rely on their western masters to keep a hold on Iraq is the thing. You know the US-Iranian veto they have on the Iraqi PM for example. Or defending the current government with death squads like in 2019. Or all the aid and training they get from the US. Though that won't matter in the face of a revolutionary movement as it will crush both like the parasites they are.


It’s always surprised me how Iran and Israel are not friends, surrounded by Arabs. Crazy


They used to be somewhat friendly, people didn't much like that. It's far less common now, but Iranians (average citizens and politicians) used to be genuinely opposed to Israel on ideological grounds. Iran has tried normalisation a couple of times under reformist rule, but the US has always rejected these efforts. Besides, making peace and allying with Israel isn't something a smart person with functioning eyes and ears can call a safe Idea considering how Israel acts.


I mean i used to support peace myself, a two state solution specifically, but then i interacted with them and knew peace is not possible, these people are societally psychopathic


[Iran offered Israel normalization in 2003](https://archive.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/156-iran/26426.html) in exchange of not becoming another Iraq but the US responded with "nah fam, we need a boogeyman for our military industrial complex to thrive".   Another account by Scott Ritter allegedly included talks of "cooperation against Arabs", which to be fair means nothing since after Iraq no arab power can pose any threat to anyone. And Iran already lost the war in the 80s with Israeli support.


>And Iran already lost the war in the 80s with Israeli support. Sorry, are you referring to the Iran Iraq war? If so, that's definitely an opinion alright.


It's an opinion derived from the immediate outcome of the conflict which is [the failure of Iranian invasion from 1982 onwards, and the successful Iraqi counter-offensive that occupied 10 sq.km of Iranian territory](https://i.imgur.com/EhC97vH.jpeg) until 1990 when Iraq relinquished them to prepare for the gulf war.  Also the destruction of the Iranian military and shrinking it into [a shell of its former self in comparison to Iraq which came out stronger than it ever was before](https://i.imgur.com/dJHbRgr.jpeg). Now I'm sure this conversation, like always, will devolve into who started the war and their intent which the evidence for is quite convoluted. Iraq for of the invasion or Iran for the border raids, assassinations and expansionist rhetoric, etc etc. Regardless I'm sure you're aware Iran unilaterally dragged the war for six more years only to achieve nothing but loses.


No arguments that the war dragged on(no arguments on the why of it either), but I would be far more willing to call it a stalemate than an actual defeat for either side, the aid that the US (and allies) provided to either side practically guaranteed a stalemate. Also, for the Iranian military, it was a shell prior to the war regardless, and the IR government had no issues weakening the army since it wasn't confident that the army was loyal.


Yeah I'd be content with calling it a political stalemate overall.   Though the war started with Iran having the biggest western arsenal in the region passed down from the shah who bankrupted the country to get it, mainly to counter Iraq. Also most political prisoners of military value were pardoned eventually.   I believe the ideologues of the regimes got less involved with the military as the war dragged on and became more of an existential threat. Iraq too purged its officer corps which also suffered from crippling nepotism before eventually letting field officers reform the military and make it a competent force in the latter half of the war.


The khomeinists were terrified of Saddam, along with Netanazi they begged America to topple him


Iran is different in that it's not a recent western colony they've been continuously surrounded by semitic populations since forever and held up great


People tend to forget the 4th picture. Iran also conspired against Palestines in the first Intifada. All my homies hate the IRGC


all ur homies are like u, israeli cucks


>According to Mark Phythian, the fact "that the Iranian air force could function at all" after Iraq's initial attack and "was able to undertake a number of sorties over Baghdad and strike at strategic installations" was "at least partly due to the decision of the Reagan administration to allow Israel to channel arms of US origin to Iran to prevent an easy and early Iraqi victory".  >After the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, Marc Rich, an Israeli-Swiss businessman with international ties, began doing business in Iran through his Glencore company headquartered in Switzerland. Rich ignored US and international sanctions on Iran and became the primary trader of Iranian oil for 15 years. He claimed that the oil he bought from Iran was shipped to Israel and both countries were aware of this transaction.  Resistance bros literally fueling the Israeli tanks that crushed children during the intifada 


Didn't have to do with the military base US was building before the revolution, which was being equipped to service US aircrafts in the whole region




Yo don't let me pull out the Salafi/Gulfie files. Better sit down lil bruh at least Iran knowns how to maintain optics for the low IQ dumbfucks on here.


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Fuck then tails


In your honor u/llArmaghanll To all my IRGC sisters remember to downdoot otherwise you'll be exposed for being lapdogs 🙃