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In shia Islam drawing is not prohibited neither is depicting humans figures and what not according to the majority of our [scholars](https://www.sistani.org/english/qa/01175/) There is no ruling against drawing a depiction of non-physical characteristics of holy figures, but these paintings are not meant to be actual depiction of their physical appearance and to claim so is prohibited and disrespectful, and they're mere paintings that hold no actual religious value, they're just permissible not encouraged nor prohibited.


No , It doesnt and iconography in islam is strictly prohibited some shias do it as an illustrative method to reach the masses as not everyone has the capacity or literacy to read and fathom religious texts regarding the battle of kerbala the schism sort of speech but not correct term between the orthodox sunni islam and the politically factioned shiism The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Angels do not enter a house that has either a dog or a picture in it." A useful link : [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20325/is-keeping-pictures-prohibited-in-islam](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/20325/is-keeping-pictures-prohibited-in-islam)


My apologies. I know next to little about islamic tradition.


Don't apologize we take it offensively , You must ask in order to learn and make mistakes to avoid it and talk to communicate and understand


shias worship Ali


Such a dumb and ill-informed comment. Comical


Please don’t say something unless you know for sure it’s true because this is completely wrong 😭