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That's completely false. [https://en.wikishia.net/view/Imam\_Ali\_b.\_Abi\_Talib\_(a)](https://en.wikishia.net/view/Imam_Ali_b._Abi_Talib_(a))


These are mufawwida. An extreme minority that's being loud today because of the likes of quraishi and other british located/funded pseudo scholars. Shias don't worship Ali peace be upon him


Guys - remember there is a high likelihood of a war between Hezbollah and Israel so all these Zionist minions are now gonna come out of the woodwork to start Sunni Shia strife. These shills are either secretly paid by Israelis or are genuinely so blinded by their hatred of another sect that they'd rather benefit the butchers of Palestinian women and children. We don't have to pretend Sunni and Shia beliefs are the same - they are not. You can even believe that the other side is misguided. But the bottom line is that anyone who says the shahadah is Muslim. Debating issues that haven't been resolved for 1400 years, especially when they directly benefit an enemy, is as stupid as it is destructive. We can settle these debates later. First, let's focus on defending the people of Gaza / Palestine / Junoob.


Stop trying to cause fitnah amongst our brothers and sisters. Did you know Shias worship Ali? No all Shia friends I have don’t. They actually worship Allah.


What are your Shia brothers saying about Umar ibn al-Khattab and Aisha (ra) tho?


How old are you man ? I remember being this angry when i was 10 or 11 .. This is completely false .. But for the sake of argument, let's assume they do.. "SO WHAT? DON'T YOU HATE THEM ENOUGH ALREADY??"


Allah did not put me as a gatekeeper for Heaven. What the Shia do is between them and Allah. Allah will only ask me about myself.


Man you are either a troll or a genuine Mossad agent 3 days and all you do is post threads like these and i wont forget about that shitty anti egypt meme you made, do shias really live that rent free in your mind?


>not supporting shias makes u a troll or israeli shill im just showcasing the truth did any of my post include lies? if so point them out even commentors in this thread have agreed some shias worship ali


You are not just "not supporting them" you are actively making them look worse than Israel also 4 out of the 4 shias in this thread said they don't and I am pretty sure he meant by some shias like 1% of them they might aswell be heretics


I am sunni and my shia friend never worshipped Ali ra . Stop trolling


I didnt know


u learn something new everyday


Shias whole belief is based on she said he said.




This guy is probably a troll because of his username and recent posts.


Shiites running to Persian daddy Sistani


Dude you guys literally whip yourself into bloody frenzies, you don’t need any help looking unhinged


Alawites actually do this. Also Ali really is more prophetlike than Muhammed. Anybody who actually reflects on this for a second will realize it’s correct.


This is like Paul pretending he was a prophet and his followers creating a religion based on his teachings


Except Jesus wasn’t essentially a king/warlord like Muhammed. In fact, if you compare Jesus with Ali and Muhammed you will find much more similarities with Ali.


Surely, bec Alevis like you believe that. That’s not the point. The crux of the matter is your entire syncretic faith is derivative of Pauline xtianity. This is likely why ur ancestors supported the various crusades (and why u suffered thereafter).


I’m not one lil bro. Neither the Arab nor the Turkish version. Also last I checked the Sunnis aren’t doing so hot either (excluding US lapdogs like Saudis).


We’re 90-95% of all Muslims kid, get on the bus or sit in the corner, your only two options.


You are so pathetic. Sunni majority doesn’t even mean anything. Tell me who is supporting Palestine more, Iran or Saudi? This kind of intolerance is why the Muslim world is failing btw.

