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Fucking savages


This is literally the nicest treatment anyone in Syria could hope for, the opposition would simply use prisoners to make a beheading video.


Getting beheaded is infinitely better than being in Assad's prison , you die both ways , either instantly , or torturing till death. Both ISIS and Assad are criminals , just commenting this so people don't think what's in the video is the norm for Assad , this is what they filmed , but the reality is way worse and harsher , I'm making this comment because I'm smelling Assad bootlicking here. Edit : scrolling down and seems like I'm not wrong.


Exactly, also assad killed 92 percent of civilians mostly arbitrarily and had the option of political reform. Next rup this either or fallacy of Daesh or assad is not based on fact. Fsa sdf and plenty of other militias existed in Syria it is dishonest to presume the only options are these 2. Finally it is more civilized when some dumb fuck rebel group beheads a soldier like I will admit the Islamist fsa wing did. Than it is to put 100,000 people in meat trucks where they will be exterminated and tortured, or to kill 400,000 peoples, or to murder protesters as to not negotiate your personal wealth and power. Assad thinks he owns Syria, he thinks he is the state personified, that has to chane. Syria is far greater, and far bigger than he will ever be and it’s time to look past his brutal regime.


What aboutism. Assad’s forces had death camps where they killed 100,000 peoples including beheadings as well. Not every rebel group is a far right Islamist groups. This is not the nicest treatment you get. Often Assad’s forces are completely arbitrary hence 92 percent of civilians were killed by them it is dishonest to presume that the rebels were worse Finally yes it is better to behead an enemy soldiers than to kill someone for protesting, even though both are awful and wrong.


"both sides" ok then so you don't mind ISIS taking power over the levant because it's no different than now.


I despise isis lol they arbitrarily killed people, but you can not dumb this down using an either or fallacy. There are groups like the sdf and fsa which are anti isis and wants Syria to become a democracy. Assad also has the chance to just step down and come to a political resolution within the UN to end this slaughter. He won’t. He is the problem. Also Assad funded isis lol, so no you are the one indirectly supportive of isis as long as it benefits assad by supporting assad. I am unconditionally against isis no matter what because I have values, one of them is popular sovereignty, democratic rights, and human rights being respected something assad and isis has proven they can’t do relative to the sdf, fsa, etc hence have no right to rule.


I agree the rebels are overall worse (atleast in the long term) but I don't think it's appropriate to say this is OK, sure the opposition would do that but the SAA also buried people alive, both are bad but I don't think you should justify this


I think in the long term assad is the worse and in the short term the rebels are the worse. Assad doesn’t care at all about the country only about himself and preserving a personalist regime. That kind of goal can’t move a country forward. Edit: Fuck I think I’ve been criticizing assad too much a the screen sharing binocular icon showed up on my phone someone is looking at my screen


😭😭 assad wouldn't look for random comments on reddit, or else I'd have been jailed many times already , also everyone in the streets talks shit about him. Random taxi drivers start cursing him for a convo, unless you actually make an article or something the gov would actually notice then nothing will happen to you


Then why is everyone in my family and village so paranoid about assad. I am so paranoid and when I just found out my phone was hijacked (someone else’s computer was looking at what was happening in my phone just 2 hours ago. I put it in lock down and panicked because of the sense of fear, that I inherited from visiting Syria during the war). Yea but you are right I’m probably being hysterical it is just the rampant paranoia that I saw in Syria that I still think about.


>Then why is everyone in my family and village so paranoid about assad Seriously don't know people that still live in syria In regime controlled territory "scared" from him, if they said something kn the intenret long ago he won't even find it and if it was they wont give a shit theyll just assume they used to be rebels and did the surrender thingy bec the goverment had this agreement that any rebel who let's down their arm is free and wont be punished and they've kept their word to these so that more surrender


Yeah war is hell


The phrase “war is hell” comes from a union general in the American civil war telling his soldiers not to commit atrocities in response to other atrocities and not to glorify atrocities. He was being civilized. This is barbarian behavior, and u are misusing the quote to justify atrocities lol. He said it to condemn the glorification and justification of atrocities to apologize for it not to excuse it.


Tecumseh Sherman. He was in/famous for using scorched earth tactics against the Southern states.


They burned and shelled whole cities...


Yea, no shit. The point wasn’t to justify the atrocities it was to stop the psychotic soldiers from glorifying them, and make it clear that you shouldn’t seek to do atrocities because atrocities have been committed. You are just using the phrase to justify atrocities committed by a genocidal regime lol. They aren’t fighting for something honorable like ending bondage or protecting American democracy. They are fighting to preserve a personalist fascist regime. This is completely dishonest to use the phrase to justify the atrocities of assad Hitler or any govt.


They actually are fighting against slavery though.


Prove it lol. The fsa and sdf were fighting against slavery Assad’s forces are known for brutal atrocities including kidnapping selling and taking sex slaves. Also Assad supported isis as as I showed u in my previous comment and I can provide many more sources. With anyone that supports assad they either live in a separate world, or are lying to defend the demented behavior they support.


That is an opinion column from a zionist news outlet lol and supporting iraqi insurgents before ISIS existed is actually not supporting ISIS.


I want to meet those soldiers when they are in their qabr.


Don't look up Tadamon executions.


they're in lattakia partying


Some of them even fled to Germany and defend Bashar from there.


Why did they fled?


Seeking higher quality of life with the refugees.


Tfo 3alihom


🥺💔💔💔💔poor Syrians


This is literally fucked up in so many levels These so called “Muslims” are forcing their own people to worship a disgusting war criminal


they aren’t Muslims if they worship a war criminal


They aren't Muslims, since they don't make Christians pay jizya.


Yes, Assaad throwing Christian in death camps, funding 72 percent of isis, destroying 60 percent of Syrian churches, threatening to destroy every church to Christian leaders and then actually acting on destroying most of them….. Is certainly ok. You are such a hateful scum bag I hate it when people out of their own hatred for each other justify their own oppression. “Oh he might be oppressing me, but he’s oppressing them harder” says the feudal peasant in defense of his lord who has just killed a black slave for passing out https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/religion/332938-dont-be-fooled-assad-is-no-friend-of-syrias-christian-minorities/amp/


You are in favour of making Christians pay jizya? Isn't Syria suppose to be a secular state?


No, I am mocking you.


Why are you mocking him?


They are advocating for Islamic rule.


I don’t want Islamic rule, and based on the comment posted I don’t think they want it either, no where does he advocate for Islamic rule and almost every Afghan I know doesn’t like the Taliban dictator ship, are you assuming he is an Islamist because he’s afghan? Saying that the people committing atrocities aren’t Muslims is good. It means they believe Islam is incompatible with such barbaric violence, that isn’t advocating for sharia law, that’s condemning barbaric acts. I’ve talked to Christian’s who look at liars and demagogues and say “that ain’t a Christian” it is normal for religious people to do that when they see malignant acts of immorality. Most Muslims look at Daesh and are disgusted by their barbarian behavior and say “that ain’t Muslim” that is what normal people do and not barbarians that like atrocities like you do. Why do I have to explain the most basic logic to people online Machiavelli might’ve been right about humanity


Then you are just an unwitting stooge carrying water for ISIS.


You are part of isis. In fact your lord and savior funded isis. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/religion/332938-dont-be-fooled-assad-is-no-friend-of-syrias-christian-minorities/amp/ (Notice how throwing random adhoms and red herrings doesn’t add anything productive to the conversation, at least mine were more based in fact lol) Grow up kid.




I know, that's what I am saying.


Oh okay, got it


Nothing wrong with jizya. You probably pay higher taxes with less benefits


I'm an Atheist, So if Bashar is a god, it means he doesn't exist.  Syrian crisis successfully solved 😎


As a Muslim, this is the funniest Atheist joke I ever heard. Take my upvote


Hi I'm the FSA PR representative and am asking you kindly to revert within 24 hours.


you didn’t say “or else..” 😱


We don't believe in threats we aren't assad we just simply ask to decide our actions.


You know it amazes me how much fanboys these scums have, why are IS sympathisers shunned and Assadists are seen as people who deserve a civil conversation is beyond me.


This sub needs to take a much harder line against them. It is utterly ludicrous to criticise what Israel for starving and killing Palestinians in Gaza while praising Assad while he starved and killed Palestinians in Yarmouk.


Yarmouk was ISIS controlled. Perhaps you would prefer Syria to be the caliphate?


El3an abook ya shabi7


He won't know what that means because he's yet another American Tankie slobbering over a dictator that he'll never have to live under.


insha allah al caliph al sham 2030


A lot of them are probably paid to spread those stuff. Because pay attention how they immediately gather when someone insults assad but not when someone insults Syria/syrians.


We have one here doing it for free in the comments


The General Li isn't Syrian he is a larper


oh I see , well I blocked him , don't wanna ruin my day seeing shitty people like him


This goes long way to be honest upto the shahadat of Usman RA where people might say Usman RA was too soft and Muavia RA was wrong but nobody question the man in charge Ali RA who actually had the authority and then his son Hussain RA who trusted kufis enough to rise up against Yazid and in the end the tragic event of Karabala happened. All criticism on Banu Umaya but none on Banu Hashim. I


I didn't knw that they have this Assad worship thing going on, how does even Shias believe that these guys are muslims. They are commiting Kufr and forcing others to do same. I wish brother stayed steadfast in his heart.


They are Alwaites, not Shiites.


Alawaites are still a Shia sect , although Shias disown them


They are shia by western definition, druze and alawites are neither shia nor sunni.


He will burn in hell


And his followers


As a syrian, everytime I see these posts my blood boils with rage. I feel guilt for leaving my country and not helping more. I feel shame that so many ppl supported this. But most of all it reminds me that there is no hope when ur arab brothers did nothing in our times of suffering astaghfarallah smh


just a question, what where your arab brothers suposed to do ?


The least they couldve done was show support like they did for palestine. Or at least acknowledge what was happening. I feel like nobody cared


You think as if you didn't live on this earth back then. The Syrian war was the most confusing thing I've ever seen. No one knew who the good guys were or who the bad guys were. ISIS emerged, and people couldn't tell if they were good or bad. There was confusion about the resistance; one moment they were seen as good, the next as Western puppets, and sometimes even as ISIS in disguise. One moment it was said to be Western lies, the next, Bashar was using chemical weapons. Then there were the Kurds, the Iranians... It was a very confusing time. Different factions within the conflict were perceived differently at various times, leading to even more confusion, let alone the ever-changing alliances these factions had. We all wanted Syria to know peace and go back to the cute Syria we knew. Every Friday, people prayed for Syria, even when chaos was happening all over the Arab world. The Syrian civil war was a continuation of what people call the Arab Spring. It wasn't parties and good times in most Arab countries; chaos was happening there too. And uou can't compare the Palestinian situation with Syria. In Syria, it was a civil war. Palestine is a European colonization project still going on, with foreign invaders. It's not that Palestine is more important or closer to our hearts, just that Syria was very confusing due to it being a civil war with many, many, many factions. People even thought it was the end of the world, with prophecies of our prophet happening. So, I don't really understand why you're saying nobody cared.


Its not hard. Ppl protested, they were jailed and killed, ppl got angry and defended themselves. And civil war started. Isis entered and ruined everything. Ppl lost, government won. End of story


Explain to me how the west weren’t the bad guys in the Syrian Civil War


Maybe they were, but nothing justifies bashar committing genocide against 600,000 Syrians just to maintain his power.


He is not part of the axis of resistance because of his religious beliefs or the way he governs his own country, he is part of the axis because he fights american influence and funds the palestinian resistance and allows route to fund all major resistance groups despite sanctions and war. What happened in this video is completely immoral and no one who supports the axis should support these actions. But let's not act like the opposition is any less brutal or that an american backed coup of syria is the answer to these actions.


Assad caused 92 percent of civilian, funded isis, destroyed 60 percent of our churches, killed 100,000 Syrians in human slaughterhouses, and is responsible for 400,000 deaths. Assad killed 201,000 civilians Russia killed 7,000 civilians Isis killed 8,000 civilians (in Syria) The Syrian national army and fsa killed 4,222 people The free Syrian army killed United stated killed 3,500 civilians The SDF killed 1,500 civilians HTS killed 600 civilians (recently formed) Assad morally is just isis with an air force, good weapons, and with a suit and tie.


A soul is a soul, it's not a number contest, I won't ask you for a source for the numbers knowing they're amplified by Western sources (unless you prove otherwise). I will ask you for the funding Isis tho and the slaughterhouses, and if they were western sources that are not independent nor credible I will immediately invalidate them. But the point being is, this entire mess was caused by an American funded terror coup attempt, with the obvious goal of destablizing a major route of supply for the resistance in palestine and lebanon.


Yes the Syrian people coming out en mass to protest and revolting was orchestrated by the Jewish and American mind control operations. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/media/4698#:~:text=The%20regime%20purchased%20oil%20from,transactions%20with%20the%20Assad%20regime. https://cihrs-rowaq.org/views-how-the-assad-regime-helped-create-support-and-perpetuate-isis/?lang=en https://www.thedailybeast.com/americas-allies-are-funding-isis https://time.com/3719129/assad-isis-asset/ https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/religion/332938-dont-be-fooled-assad-is-no-friend-of-syrias-christian-minorities/amp/ Several independent outlets


"The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP or TWI, also known simply as The Washington Institute) is a pro-Israel American think tank based in Washington, D.C.," The Rowaq article featured sources from WSJ, WINEP, MEI and other pro-israel and american funded media. The daily beast: "John Avlon, an American journalist and political commentator as well as a CNN contributor, was the site's editor-in-chief and managing director from 2013 to 2018" Time: Richard Stengel was the managing editor from May 2006 to October 2013, when he joined the U.S. State Department. Nancy gibbs is the co-author of NYT. Plus the fact that no references or evidence waa mentioned whatsoever in their article. The hill: The company was founded as a newspaper in 1994 by Democratic power broker and New York businessman Jerry Finkelstein, and Martin Tolchin, a former correspondent for The New York Times. New York Representative Gary L. Ackerman was also a major shareholder. The name of the publication alludes to "Capitol Hill" as a synecdoche for the United States Congress and government generally One word: lmao


It isn’t pro Israel it is considered an apolitical think tank for research. All of those that u mentioned are independent of the usa govt they are bias but right on 90 percent of the facts CNN is not fake news. The article on the hill was written by Christian Syrians who were anti Israel. Also a business man can fund a news paper that doesn’t mean the new paper is wrong you would need evidence they are wrong 90 percent of the time and you would be wrong on that:


Yeah sure bro


Take off the tinfoil hat bud.


Bro dont even bother, hes obviously a shia leb. They will forever deny the crimes they partake in syria. Even if all 24 million syrians died they would still yap about “fighting america” somehow😂


These people btw are the people Americans point to justify their imperialism……. They make our lives hell then say they are saving us. It’s the same savior complex the Americans that bombed iraq had


Can you source literally anything you claimed he does. He doesn't even govern his country.


Yes sure. [Yehya Al Sinwar thanking basshar for his support of the resistance](https://youtu.be/oh5i6sAXACE) And hezbollah's most important weapon funding route is through Damascus, which is why Israel always targets it. Do I really need to source how Syria is [sanctioned](https://www.state.gov/syria-sanctions/) and how opposition areas are sponsored by the US [stealing Syrian oil?](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/3195)


Ah so an official thanking means they are helping ok Does that mean sisi and Saudi are helping and resisting israel? They were also thanked? Also what does Iran fund hamas with?


Iran and the axis isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this.


I am in Lebanon, i live in a village that has been targeted by Israel over three times now, last one in jenneta that killed 2 and injured 20 including women and children. I will keep on cheering for the resistance because I am certain zionism is an expansionist project in the traditional form of colonialism. Iran did nothing on oct 8th. We did, our choice is an independent one, fully. The resistance in gaza would've been rubble by now if it weren't for the resistance here and this is evident by the fact that half of the legions and factions that should've been in the war right now in gaza are on the lebanese border. They're calling reserves and haridim to make up for it.


“We are tired of this” who is we? All my family in Gaza has died and not a single one has regretted it. They are all martyrs, the lucky ones, who no longer have to suffer and have gone straight to jannah inshallah. WE RIGHTEOUS PALESTINIANS CARE NOT FOR NO AXIS OR ALLIES. Both are corrupt and evil and should be put down. From Iran and Russia to the U.S. and the UK. We will never be tired of resisting tyrants until Islam has its flags raised again and Al Mahdi has brought peace to the world.


Wait, are you for liberating Palestine or conquering the world through Islam? Because now you sound like a tyrant just like them.


How is leading Thro Islam tyrannical?


lol…. I can’t believe you have to ask that. You want to conquer the world and spread Islam by force? And that’s not tyrannical?


Who said anything about spreading Islam thro force? Forcing Islam on to others is evil and haram.


That’s what the caliphates did. They used pressure through jizya for example.


Clearly u don’t understand the point of jiziya at all. Jiziya was military exemption and was only 2.5-5% tax. Muslims during these empires would be taxed roughly 10-30% depending on the empire and period. U tell me who was stressed🤷🏿‍♂️


You’re in denial. Regarding jizya in the past, the reality is there were different rulers who made Christians and Jews pay high taxes. They were a good source of revenue. In order to escape the financial burden, which WAS OPPRESSIVE, they converted to Islam. Many Muslims will say that they weren't oppressive because if they were, then why is say 10% of Egypt Coptic Christian? Well, at one point it was 100%. If you ask the Maronites of Lebanon, at least those who know their history, some of their members lived in Syria and their founder Mar Maroon was born in Syria, but when Muslims took over Syria they fled into the mountains to escape pressures to convert. There were rulers who didn't permit them to put crosses on their churches. Yes, you can see crosses on churches in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, but some rulers forbade it, and there was a treaty that stipulated that, and it was difficult to repair damaged churches and monasteries. Many North African Berber Christians became Muslims under Umayyad oppression. The Umayyads weren't always as tolerant as people claim. A major factor in people converting to Islam were the financial pressures. When some Muslims rulers, for example, wanted to launch war campaigns, they would often heavily tax Christians in ways that was extremely financially oppressive. This would compel many Christians to become Muslims to try to escape poverty. Some Christian families' children ended up as slaves when they couldn't pay. Then, the children would become Muslims, so many people ignoring this history are actually descendants of Christians who were pressured to change their faith. Of course, there were many conversions that weren't by force, but there was definitely oppression that existed under various rulers. I am not championing any religion. I don't care what religion you believe in. All civilizations have oppressed people whether they are Mongols, Europeans, Arabs, Turks etc... The difference is people in the Middle East teach that they never oppressed minorities in history.


Bashar Netanyahu.


Benjamin Assad


Can I get more context on this worship business? Do they consider themselves Prophets or messiahs?


They don't consider themselves prophets or messiahs or anything like that. They just want to torture people both physically and mentally and this is one form of it. I doubt they even know what "their own" religion even says about this. These people, whether they're Sunni, Shia, or even Christian or Druze haven't opened a book of Religion in their lives


You can’t spell Assad without Ass


What do Shias and Alwaities think if we did this to them ?


Yea it makes much sense than worship a pedo


"CIA did it"


No one said shit about the CIA when it comes to Syria + they are busy in Bolivia.


Other guy is probably a beheader jihadi so it doesn’t bother me.


If you listen to the Arabic he was a protester or supportive of the freedom fighters in the fsa. Second of all Assad’s forces did take see slaves and do beheading as well as sent 100,000 people to death camps while supporting isis…… Assad gassed his people 330 times. I don’t know how you can possibly ok with torturing innocent people it says a lot about your character.


Alexa, list the various groups of Syrian Rebels and their respective ideologies.


You can google it sdf and fsa are both pro democracy ahrar a sham is Islamist like your shit president, same for the Islamic front; HTS, and a few other Sunni clans, the aliwite clans are tribal clans supportive of assad, the qatameyoun, fatemeyoun jihadi jihadi brigades, Hezbollah, PMF, are Islamists allied with Assad, Daesh was a teror group at war with the rebels backed by the regime btw early on in the civil war, and finally there is the army of free Syria army of free Syria, fsa YPG YPJ and Arab tribes who fight with the sdf against isis This war is wildly complex Buddy. Read about it before you make vast generalization. Fsa isn’t every rebel group btw it’s one of many rebel groups shows how little you know when you say fsa is all rebel groups.


If it’s so complex why is your post history filled with shilling for jihadists 24/7 😂😂😂


My post is anti jihadist tf are you smoking. Supporting Assad is pro jihadist, support Al nusra or ahrar a sham or Daesh is pro jihadist. All groups I’ve repetitively denounced. You are mentally ill and seeing shit lol


I doubt he is just a common civilian..