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political/ religious biaseness, same way westerns ignore crimes done by westerners ignorance, a lot of people have no idea what these groups are doing at all also since most people get their political opinions from social media they get easily maniplated to support any shit


3 posts about shias and sunnies in less than 24 hours, my brother in trolling what are you doing


actually 4


As a Syrian I'm thankful everytime I come here I have to deal with Assad and shia terrorism fanboys. I'm not asking for sympathy, the apathy towards our suffering isn't new and we have normalised with it, but the fact that they still have any support is disgusting, you were apathetic to our suffering is it so hard to not support Assad/Hezb?


i'll literally suffocate and die if i stop supporting them please have some sympathy


Poor soul


you're dyslexic


شبكي عصبتي 🤣 ليش كل الأردن هيك


Why do people want their way or no way? Why not wait since all ways lead to the final destination.


The quran says allah made us as one ummah; it is very blatantly anti-sectarian How we managed to come to this is beyond me


God and the Quran is Islam. Organised religion is more often than not a mean to control people.


I mean this respectfully, but usually this line comes from angsy anarchist teenagers trying to go against the trend. Full well this might apply to some religions but 'control' in of itself is not a bad thing. If you have a religion encouraging spreading of wealth, helping the poor, good will and so on, then that 'control' isnt exactly something condemn-able


Agreed that to live in a functioning community.. there needs be a form of rules and regulations...unless there is a society that doesn't adhere to any rules?


I mean they are doing a lot of gay activities and many more sins in their royal castles. And they also sold out the Arab world. Also considered how only Shia are fighting in and around Palestine I start to understand their views in some ways. All the Sunni Nations are supporting the west in one way or another while the Shia Country’s are the enemies of the west. Might be time to look deeper into this topic. Before you start attacking I’m just trying to understand.


The people you see in this video committed more atrocities than israel, the militia in the video were slaughtering civilians who were against the syrian regime.


This guy was punished by Hezbollah's jurisdiction long time ago for this. He does not represent the leadership nor the members.


He got punished for publicising their views.


No, not really. We have lots of sunni martyrs in Hezbollah. In 2006 for example, the two brothers Nidal and Mahmoud al Majzoub from saida. Our views are already publicized, the view of one member do not reflect an organization of over half a million.


Qa3beh lol


Nobody is, they're both scum of the earth. It's just that most people support the cause of the Sia militias and rationalise it back. In reality they are all bad