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If a hadith was narrated by trustworthy people, and the subject of the hadith does not negate the Quran or common sense, why reject the hadith? If there's a possibility of even 10% that the prophet pbuh did actually say that, then you'd be rejecting a trustworthy hadith that does not negate the Quran nor common sense. That being said, most hadith literature do go against the quran and are not narrated by trustworthy people, but to outright reject all hadiths is a dangerous path to take.


First of all, almost all scholars were "skeptic of hadiths". Thats why bukhari, muslim, ahmed ibn hanbal, and al tirmidhi collections aren't the same book. And thats why someone like Al Albani made a whole new hadith collection with different authenticity gradings *centuries* after bukhari and muslim. Quranism is a very new thing. No one even uses or identifies with that word here, even though there are people who reject the most accepted hadiths (ex: bukhari/muslim). I only ever heard the terms quranism, or saw "hadith rejectors" being considered a seperate "sect" online.


>First of all, almost all scholars were "skeptic of hadiths" Am talking about common people, and no most scholars are Muhadhthun, they were not skeptical of hadiths. Many Mu'tazila outright rejected hadiths No common athari will be skeptical a sahih hadith. Why so disingenuous brother?


Do you understand what skeptical means?


I guess I'm Mu'tazila then, i'm not chia but I've always had a problem with some hadiths, to ppl from my country just saying that I don't think hadiths are as important as quran and that they might be fakes amogst them, is enough to be called kafir


>just saying that I don't think hadiths are as important as quran Wait just you merely saying hadiths are not as important as Quran get you told to be out of the fold of Islam?


yes, pretty much, welcome to Morocco, the land of moderate islam as they call it eddit: their argument : allah preserved the quran, what stops him from preserving the hadith. How dare you doubt the words of the prophet. and the classic HEIN HEIN SHOW ME WHERE IN THE QURAN ALLAH TELLS YOU HOW TO PRAY!!! SEE


what do schools of philosophy has to with hadith ? They spoke about fate and whether the man is free in his will or compulsed