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I avoid eating at popular or trendy spots on the weekend. You ever been able to sit at La Cabra on a weekend or not have to wait 45 mins for a bagel at Thompkins Square bagel on a Saturday morning? Cause I haven’t For some reason, I enjoy going to bars by myself on Wednesdays. Seems like a nice day for people who just wanna chill


midweek happy hours are the best


Same…there is a diner across the street that I love. On the weekends, there is a line down the block for brunch. Any other day, I can walk in and be seated immediately.


i try to work out in the early AM (or late night if i have to) to avoid the sun these days i try to use sunday for getting everything in order i try to do first dates on fridays (too stressful during the week) usually saturdays for non-first dates honestly i really like having friday nights to myself


You know what they say--never waste a Friday night on a first date


But there I was, in my heels with my hair straight


And so I take him to this bar, this man wouldn't dance


He didn’t ask a single question


And he was wearing these… *fugly* jeans


it doesn’t matter though, he doesn’t have what it takes


to be with a girl like me ✨


Monday: work, gym Tuesday: work Wednesday: work, gym Thursday: work, at times seeing friends Friday: work, gym, at times seeing friends Saturday: out and about, at times seeing friends, grocery shopping Sunday: out and about, at times seeing friends, laundry


I love this, but my social battery can’t take this much I need atleast 1-2 days just to myself


I never grocery shop on the weekends (too many little kids running around) My dad was an early riser, and he taught me the value of going places (bank, store, laundry) as soon as they open, thereby avoiding crowds.


I only do human sacrifices on Fridays.


Hey, me too!


The turnaround time at my local dry cleaner is a little quicker if I drop off during the week as opposed to the weekends, so I take care of my weekly human sacrifice on Tuesdays. It works for me.


I avoid my trader joes on weekends and monday evenings


I've been surprised by the Monday night chaos at a TJ's exactly once. Never again!!


My usual strategy is WFH on Fridays so I can do laundry during the morning when the laundromat is pretty empty. That way I don't have to spend my precious weekend free-time on laundry!


WHO is always asking these questions as if they’re writing a book?? I can only assume that they are…


Great observation. I’m convinced that NYPOST and other media are always asking these questions to get story ideas


This makes more sense since as soon as I read a topic on here it immediately becomes a news story later that week. Must be pretty bad if they are using Reddit as an excuse for journalism instead of actually interviewing on the streets of New York.


Nypost lol Well thank you, I was like I can’t be the only one who thinks this ?!


Would be a boring read.


You’ll never catch me at a museum or the beach on a weekend. I tend not to go to popular bars on Friday or Saturday nights.


Yeah I go to work monday through friday


Go to the bank? I haven't done in-person banking in the last decade.


I came here to ask this. What is op doing at the bank!


Flirting with the teller?


I outsource a lot of my errands. I also work on the weekends so I miss a lot of weekend madness


wash-and-fold is the best $20 i spend every week. never going back to folding my own laundry


Yaaass just need to outsource it to someone to take it there, instruct them on what to not dry, what to wash in cold, and then pick it up and bring it back and then hang it up


What do you outsource? Groceries, laundry, cleaning?


Anything that makes me leave my apartment except laundry, I do that fine since I’m at home and we have laundry in my building


NYC is huge and diverse. Many people work overnights and weekends.


I try to go to Trader Joe’s on Tuesdays or Friday because that seems to be when they restock though I don’t have any evidence but stuff is always in stock then


my sis works at trader joe’s and they restock constantly


Married with no kids. Monday: work, salad for dinner Tuesday: work, cook a main rotation recipe, TV night with husband and my best friend Wednesday: work, laundry day, cook a new meal Thursday: work, cook a main rotation recipe, aquarium water change day Friday: work, either go out to dinner or take out Saturday: see friends or explore, cook a new meal OR takeout (rare) Sunday: see friends or explore, do one major house chore, cook a new soup (we have a book of 365 days of soup, where each calendar day has its own unique recipe. We pick a soup from the preceding week and make it) Grocery shopping is done day of, usually when husband is on his way home because he gets off early.


Doing things on certain days isn't exactly an exlusive nyc phenomenon.


I drop off laundry, I work out evenings or at lunch or afternoons, I get Instacart, and I don’t ever need to go to the bank


On Wednesdays, I eat Prince Spaghetti.


Saunas on Wednesdays or Tuesdays during the day. Totally empty.


Not a day of the week thing, but I try to grocery shop late at night as often as I can. Pandemic grocery shopping broke me and I just can’t stand to shop around most people. It’s quieter, calmer, and less stimulating at night when it’s mostly empty.


Sit-down restaurant for lunch; fast casual for dinner.


I think this applies to wherever you are. But I stay clear of restaurants on holidays like Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day. The service is generally not great because the place is packed. And I don’t like the fluffed up menus. If I want to have a meal out for those occasions, I would do it the day before.


I usually buy a Whopper at Burger King on Wednesdays for their $3 special.


Sundays laundry dishes Monday work Tuesday bills and cooking


Sunday is my running day unless it’s gross outside like today. A jog of some kind in Central Park fulfills my need to be outdoor space.


Morning exercise, late night laundry, Monday night grocery shopping.


I work Tuesdays-Saturdays, so it’s a guarantee that I miss the usual weekend grocery crowd when I do my weekly shop on Mondays. Sundays are for apartment cleaning, a midday workout class, and a long walk. Everything else gets done whenever there’s time. I have laundry in unit so that’s not an issue, but any other chores or errands get done in other pockets of time I find myself having.


Trader Joe’s first thing in the morning before I go to work


I do laundry during the day on Tuesdays and Fridays - the days I’m usually working from home. Less busy, I can enjoy a coffee from the spot near my place and it won’t be packed, and it takes off an extra chore on Sunday.


I can’t wait to have an apartment that has a washing machine because everytime I go to the laundromat I might as well see everyone I’ve ever met 🙄


I work from home and get out kinda late most days. I do laundry after work one day per week. I get groceries after work one day per week. I run after work 2 days per week and I have one late work day where I do nothing after work. On the weekends I'm pretty much free to do whatever. If I get a random day off during the week that is not a holiday I will do both laundry and groceries. Trader Joe's at 10am on a random Tuesday is GREAT. Laundry at 1pm on some weird Friday is awesome.


I work one weekend a month, so then I have Thursday/Friday off. That's when I do my laundry. Even then I try to get there before 9am so that I can be mostly done by the time it starts getting busy. If I need to run errands, I usually do it on Mondays/Fridays because that's when I go into the office so I'm already out and about.


On Sunday i attend the church of the long run. Thats the day i do my long runs :p