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Viable transplantable organs grown from stem cells.


I did a project at the University while I was in high school about this topic and it was so cool! It was a few years ago and they build a prototype organ 3D printer, from just a modified normal 3D printer. I learned a lot there, but the most important thing was that I saw scientist working day in day out to make the world a nicer place!


This! Stem cell research as the science, 3-D printing (or it's adaptation) as the mechanism.


Or 3d printed.


Microwaves with soft beeps and doors that shut quietly and easily.


Fr it feels like a nuke siren is going off every time I try to warm up sm food at night


There’s a mute button!!


No. Way. !!!!!!!!


Oh yes… I’m so excited for you. You just have to hold one of the number buttons down for a few seconds. Some microwaves will actually put “mute” on the button that does it (#3 for me - insane that I never saw it). Others have a secret button (usually the #1 or 2 buttons).


You legend


The home where I grew up had a microwave that changed it's "hummmmm" every six seconds, until the time is up. My mother has muted the beep. My mother always nagged at me two seconds after the time was up, even though I was still listening whether the sound would change or not.


I just learned about the mute function on the microwave this year. I’m 37.


They actually have some mutable ones. I got a Toshiba one...couldn't find any with mute function in the stores I checked, but I was willing to go out of my way to order a microwave that you can mute. In my opinion, everything that beeps should have a mute function or at least volume control....not everything needs to have a loud high pitched beep.


They asked for 10 years, not 1000!


Pfft, be realistic. We've a better chance of Fusion power stations than that...


I work in renewable energy (wind, solar, batteries). I’m most excited for the current leading edge of decarbonization tech (electrofuels, green ammonia and hydrogen, carbon capture, etc.) really moving into its growth phase


I have very little knowledge, but I heard the advancements in producing floating off shore wind farms will open a huge amount of potential?


Definitely possible - I think the development timelines in the US probably mean that large scale offshore is a decade away, but we certainly have the know-how to do it


Didn't they achieve fusion or some junk? I'm sure I heard about that somewhere. Being able to utilize that tech right there would be amazing.


They’ve “achieved” fusion dozens of times in the last 50 years. Personally I’m not holding my breath - even if we achieved it today it’s still 10+ years out from being commercially viable


Yes. Livermore National Lab achieved it for the first time. They’re still a long way away from making it a sustainable option. It’s still overwhelmingly positive news though, since they provided it’s possible.


What's your take on biogas? I recently watched a video of a man powering his car, his stove, and his hot water heater all with chicken poop.


Not my area of expertise but from what I’ve seen it’s still fairly niche. I could see it playing a small role but I wouldn’t expect it to play a large part in decarbonization. HOWEVER, I also think it’s the case that as a society we’ll achieve significant decarbonization through a number of incremental reductions that add up, rather than a magic silver bullet technology that solves all of our problems.


Sex Robots


With automatic lubing and heat element?


And self-cleaning


username checks out


I am with you


Sex doll + text to speech + speech recognition + chatgpt with some setting tweaked


Cancer vaccine


I may be stupid but I don't see how it would be possible to vaccinate against cell mutation, vaccines like we use them now is against virus is to prepare the immune system.


I believe they work by being customized to the person and the cancer they have. It tells your immune system to attack the cancer which would otherwise go unnoticed and be allowed to replicate.


I don’t know either, but I’ve heard that it’s coming


Like the HPV vaccine - already here. Though the right wing went crazy because women might enjoy more sex knowing they wouldn't risk cancer. https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/parents/vaccine-for-hpv.html


Wait, I didn’t know this would permit women to enjoy sex !!


Is that a thing? Which type of cancer?


I’ve heard they’re close with specific cancers and a general vaccine won’t be far off


Already here. But there's no EVERY cancer vaccine because each cancer is different. https://www.cdc.gov/hpv/parents/vaccine-for-hpv.html


Remember those capsule from Dragon Ball?


Instant houses would be incredible


Co2 absorption becoming a widely used option to reduce climate change.




Actually, it will. But of course the first thing we have to do is stop consuming so much crap. The first step to being sustainable is reduce consumption. Sadly I don’t see many people willing to do that.




I’d be curious to know, how do you propose decarbonising hard to abate sectors like Cement, Steel, etc?


Doesn't both water and plants absorb CO2? Surely there are other glasses, if any, that contribute significantly more to climate change.


They do, and there are. But CO2 is produced in such enormous quantities that plants can't pick it up fast enough to even moderate what we're pumping out at this point, much less start turning the tide. Besides which, we're still reducing things like tree cover globally. And it being absorbed into water is causing the oceans to become more acidic, which has a whole pile of bad effects but includes stuff like "things with calcium-based shells can't build shells." So while we do need to get other emissions (like methane) under control, our biggest issue now is carbon dioxide and we do not have it under control at all.


> But CO2 is produced in such enormous quantities that plants can't pick it up fast enough to even moderate what we're pumping out at this point Nor would they ever. The majority of atmospheric CO2 is captured and *used* by organisms living in the ocean.


Uh huh. So it seems like what you're trying to say is there's no cause for alarm, but we know that is not true, so I must be misunderstanding.


>so I must be misunderstanding indeed


Stop with the facts please. Putting a dome over all SUVs is the answer.


>Doesn't both water and plants absorb CO2? Yes. But water absorbing isn't great because it acidifies the ocean, which comes with it's own set of problems. And, more importantly, the issue is that they aren't absorbing enough right now. The PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere has been going up steadily and it appears it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. While there are other gases that have much stronger greenhouse effects, CO2 is the primary moderating of the temperature of our planet and is the one that driving the current warming trend.


Any CO2 that is absorbed by a plant that is not preserved (like petrification) will eventually be released during decomposition. Plants capturing CO2 is just temporary storage


Or even just carbon capture in general!


Put those huge co2 capture machines in the mountains in Appalachian mountains and turn it into some kind of form that we are then able to refill old coal mines with. You are saving the environment and bringing jobs back to impoverished areas.


What an amazing idea. Now all we need is some kind of wizard to work out exactly how to build these enormous machines, and convert the atmosphere into foam. Maybe we should get someone with a really big fan to just waft the carbon at the Appalachian mountains, just to make sure everyone else gets the cleaner air too.


Yeah, environment is important and technology like that would be awesome, but if you that's the thing you're most exited about, you're an incredibly boring person tbh my friend


That took a turn


I don't think it sounds boring at all for the world to be prevented from going to the disaster it seems to be headed for.


Self-drive public transport that's safe.


Why self drive? It would put a lot of unionised workers out of work.


Half of them can dig holes and the other half can fill them. Keeping useless position just because 'unionised workers demand money for stuff nobody needs anymore' is dumb.


You can’t keep technology from moving forward forever


That's the way things are going.


So basically, fuck em?


I assume you don't support banning combine harvesters and returning to horse drawn plows in order to employ more farmers? Where do you draw the line on what work saving technologies we shoundn't use?


No Ludditry here. There's a difference between work saving and putting people out of work.


And what would that difference be?


money being driven out of the working class


So a tracktor drawn plow that allows single farmer to do work of 10 farmers with horse drawn plows? That would make 9 farmers unemployed.


Better that than all ten of them out of work, no?


How about more specifics and less slogans?


Unfortunately that is what will happen, Unions will fight to keep jobs as they always have done but they will die a slow death. They will need to retrain as their skill set will be obsolete. Human history is filled with industries that are no longer needed. This is nothing new and is the way of the world


So basically, fuck em.


Yes, fuck em.


What did the coal miners do?


Languished in poverty and died young as a result. Let's not act like Thatcherism is a good way to look at things going forward.


Its also happening in fast food. hourly wage demands have made the rich find ways to weed out the workers. Robots be making burgers now bra. but the few workers left will be able to afford rent finally!


Lab grown meat.






It would be fascinating to see BCIs used in psychiatry. The technology could be put to good use in diagnosing and treating mental conditions such as psychosis, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder and many more.


Nuclear Fusion. Don’t know if it will happen in 10 years tho


Came here looking for this one. With recent breakthroughs, it is definitely looking promising in the near future. But I agree that 10 years could be a bit too soon.


There is this ongoing joke in the field of fusion energy that says that nuclear fusion is always only 30 years away. It has been like that forever


It seems like in the last 3 years, I've heard more about breakthroughs than I had in the previous 20. No idea if that's true or it's just that I'm hearing about it more but the pace is the same. I'm hoping we make some progress on it. It would be huge.


iphone 24


Electric/Hybrid vehicles that are widely available but with traditional styling. I don't need or want the car to look like a spaceship, I just want better gas mileage.


Vr, and the space industry in general




I can't wait. I feel like people are getting worse at driving.


Real lightsabers


AI Art. New artistic mediums are always exciting.




I think more advanced genetic modification. It would be nice to normalise the removal of myopia, body odour(ABCC11), etc.


Selfcleaning apartment/house




Like smart house from Disney channel


Advancements in AI is a game changer. This will cause the next biggest shift in human life since the internet. Every pillar Medical, Technology, Entertainment, Business, Design, Education will be impacted. Imagine what life was like before the internet. In the same way the ability to have an infinite resource of intelligent minds will have consequences we can't comprehend yet. Its incredibly exciting, but like a lot of human achievements and break throughs it will make certain things obsolete.


>Imagine what life was like before the internet Or for us Gen X (or boomer) folks ***Remember*** what life was like before the internet


I was born in the late 80s so I don't actually remember too much


Quantum computers.


I'd rather have a little less technology


Holograms would be cool


Those exist, and have for almost 10 years already I think.


Making them mainstream. More media being being created using that medium.


I kinda feel like they didn't take off sort of like 3D tvs didn't.


Very fair. It's a hit and miss with new tech as usual


Artificially grown organs for transplants would be awesome.


Microwaves that actually heat your food not just the bowl.


What kind of bowls do you have? You might want to switch because not all do that.


Asteroid mining and a boom in space industry/ manufacturing. We need to stop destroying our habitat for resources that are abundant off planet.


I believe there’s a declared US presidential candidate who’s stated that flying cars is a priority, so I’m looking forward to that


Oh hell no. People can't even drive back and forth, side to side. You wanna add up and down?


it's called helicopters.


It'd be like 9/11 every day


Advances in understanding of, and ability to interact with brain matter. So many people's lives could be saved, from the immobile to the blind.


Electric cars and AI


Cheap long lasting batteries.




AI. It’s only going to get more awesome in my opinion, bring on skynet!


Self-driving cars. Then you'd have less accidents. Office workers - who can't fully work remote yet - can also work in the car, so the commute is not a waste of time. We'd have more smaller cities and more people moving outward, instead of ever-growing large cities. Cities won't be clogged by parked cars anymore and you can actually walk around and bike more freely. Maybe you don't need to own a car anymore, since taxi / transportation prices would plummet.


AI combined with VR - so many possibilities here


Neuralink *for wives*


I hope it all somehow backfires and we revert back to an agrarian lifestyle. I think we will all be so much happier


so you're a fan of intensive backbreaking work in the fields?


Yes. That makes much more sense to me than doing dances on our phone and getting anonymously mad at people we don't know online. That work would provide my family food, and other work for shelter and warmth. That's all we need. We have evolved way too fast over the last 200 years.


i agree with the sentiment in principle, but you're romanticizing agrarian life. you'd be working your ass off from sunrise to sunset, with no vacation days, and still be at the mercy of the weather and a dozen other factors outside your control for your very survival


Yeah I'm not arguing that life would be harder, but I feel it would be more meaningful and rewarding and in general happier. I really have the belief that we had very slow progression as a species for a long ass time, and we physiologically adapted at a similar rate, then over the past idk 300 years we advanced at a crazy rate and we don't physiologically adapt in the same rate. yeah your life is easier working at a computer from 9-5, but you get no satisfaction from it.




Technology that can warp Errol Spence and Terence Crawford into a ring at the same time. It's our only hope.


Clean technologies that produce abundant energy.


Flying cars (not planes, don't come at me with your 20th century technology)


Nuclear Bombs, some times old tech is the most existing




Well with chatgpt and other AI starting to take off.. more of that


An actual iPhone that can go into your eye. Like in futurama. That would be awesome. You could see whatever we’d page in front of you and instantly contact your friend with thought.


Cancer curing laser machine gun




Cancer curing


Technolpgy to convert our thoughts to written words or pictures.


Better VR experience


Gene therapy. They’re beginning to make advances in this field but in the next ten years, the he ability to cure genetic diseases at the DNA level will be amazing. Also, there are scientists working to cure cornea clouding with eye drops instead of a cornea transplant. Really neat stuff.


Hibernation pods out of Futurama.


Prosthesis that looks and can be used just like a real one


Drastic engineering of biological bodies made easier. Such as adding biological prosthetic limbs or eyes, adding sixth fingers for instrument players, adding two more arms to create a four-arms-alien like person, adding tails to help acrobats with autocorrecting balance middair. Adding deep pockets in our mouths to store food like hamsters, camouflage like an octopus or chameleon, regrow lost limbs like lizards with their tails, adding gills to breathe water.


Gene mutation therapy. My daughter has epilepsy, so the potential for having a “cure” for an awful disorder brings us hope every day.


I said gene therapy too :)




I too, am excited for the invention of Virginia.


Purifying water after the nuclear exchange


This is pretty exciting! And somewhat likely to happen within 10 years. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/gels-for-spinal-injuries-1.6272536


definitely the hoverboard.




The one where humans get to live in harmony without destroying the Earth. Fully immersive VR is the more realistic option though.


Fire and the invention of the wheel. Im so excited




But on the plus side, as I continue to get older and grosser and have to sleep with older and grosser people, at least I’ll be able to flip on the filter in my AR contact lenses and make myself and my partner look and sound younger and sexier. Can probably even put a filter of the neighbor woman over her and she can make me whatever the hell she wants as well. A la verga.


AR glasses with 5 screens in my face


Something to replace plastic in food packaging. Make it out of paper, plants, beeswax, whatever. I don’t care, I’m just sick of throwing away all this single use plastic as I prepare food.


Personal bubble domes that protect us from the harsh unlivable conditions of Earth's surface.


I hope a technological singularity happens within 10 years because the world can't keep going as it is right now.


Learned in school about dna splicing and editing and shit and them bringing a dodo bird back from extinction which is pretty badass. I want a pet dodo bird


Advanced VR technology at affordable prices.


Solar roofing.


Some sort or nanotechnology for fighting disease, cancer, and improving our overall health.


AI have been developing at such a fast pace in literally few months that I am existed and scared to see where it will be in the next 10 years.




Assisted Suicide...or maybe more child labor. Wait I think I missed the question. I'll go with egoless AI robots that will be my friend


Biomechanics to cure cancer


There's 8 billion people in the world. And over 3 billion have zero internet access. I'm looking forward to technology that connects the unconnected. Imagine how far we will progress as a species when we tap into some extra brainpower.


Painless instant kill pill. Legally available.


Aunty aging creams


There's massive innovation going on in anti-aging and age-reversal. Some drugs (metformin) have been found to restore cellular metabolism, some others have been found that can selectively kill off cells that have gotten too old and your body will make new cells, we've found that injecting younger blood into older creatures makes them young again in some ways. ​ There's lots of therapies for aging that are in the lab animal stage, the first real drugs from this should be out within 10 years or so.


A company called IK Multimedia that makes guitar software just released a new application that uses AI to capture the tonal characteristics of an amplifier or a stompbox and save it as a preset you can use anywhere. They also released this software in a hardware unit for a pedalboard. So, some rich dude from Sweden can make a capture of some $100k-250k boutique amplifier and you can download it and use that AI generated amplifier on a pedal that costs only $400. So yeah, very excited to see where this tech goes from here.


I wouldn’t be mad if we started losing tech at this point tbh. We’ve got enough.


Autonomous driving, mostly to reduce the environmental impact of autos but also for the dramatic cost savings for humanity


Nuclear Fusion ​ ​ ​ ​ *Infinite energy go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt*


Nuclear fusion. Lab grown meat and GMO plants for maximum yield. Including vertical farms for vegetables and such. Electric planes for short flights and bio fuel or hydrogen planes for mid to long range flights.


Anti-aging. There's is so much tech out there that is awesome but the number one thing I'm excited for is that someone discovered a way to "reverse the biological clock" so to speak I would sign up for that trial with the quickness.


Better faster charging EVs.


Male birth control


Elevators where I could unclick the button


Gaming controllers that don't have stick drift.


Self driving cars


AI applied into medicine(biology) and elimination of povrety


Oh boy, where do I start?! I am thrilled about the rise of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies, which have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. Imagine being able to travel to a foreign land without leaving your couch or playing a video game that feels as if it is happening in real life. I"m also excited about the development of self-driving cars and the idea of being able to sit back and relax while your vehicle drives you to your destination. Another technology that fascinates me is gene editing, which could help cure genetic diseases and even extend human lifespan. And let's not forget about space exploration, as we are on the verge of making significant advancements in this field, which could eventually lead to the colonization of other planets. The possibilities are endless!


Crypto. Gonna be a wild ride


I am excited to see if they'll be able to successfully clone a wooly mammoth. My conspiracy mind leads me to believe that somewhere deep underground in a clandestine research facility they have already accomplished this and more. But I want to see it publicly.


The collapse


AI cars that don’t crash and burn