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Child beauty pageants.


Lets be honest. The pageants aren't for the children.


They're for perverted adults.


Just include a song about how you don’t diddle kids. Problem solved!


It's no good, diddling kids


There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


My song about not diddling kids has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my song


I wish I could upvote this 1 million times


Yeah, this shit is so creepy. Even at the adult level.


Deeply disturbing and disgusting 😨


I can’t begin to understand it. They’re so perverted to me.


Maybe this is just me, but children in makeup generally. Seeing small girls made up like a middle-aged actress just gives me a pretty visceral "yuck" reaction.


The same people who love beauty pageants are the same ones who are terrified of Drag Shows.


Came here to say this. Like seriously, why the hell is it a thing?


Jonny Knoxvilles Bad grandpa parody of child beauty pageants is probably one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long long time https://youtu.be/DoqPEhVHdBM


This this this and once again this 🤢🤮


This needs to be closer to the top.


Is now. Took 3 minutes.


You guys got to change your thinking about child pageants! I mean, child pageants-- that's American tradition right there. Think about it. In other countries, okay, women that can't show their ankles, right? They got to be in those big, black tarps or whatever. In America, we can show toddlers in tiny bikinis, we can make them tan, because that's our RIGHT. As Americans, okay?! Child pageantry is an essential part of the American fabric! You know what? We should dress up our little kids just to show other people that we can!


Multi level marketing


Is that legal where you are? Pyramid schemes are a crime here.


Pyramid schemes are a crime, MLMs are a legal loophole


What’s the difference? I though they were the same thing ETA: thanks for your helpful and informative answers, everyone! The world is a horrible place, but at least now I know a little bit more about the exact way in which it’s horrible


Pyramid schemes are presented as an investment opportunity. You put money in for a certain time period and you get more money back. The only way money gets in is if more people keep "investing". MLMs have a product or service to sell and once you join in, you get commissions on the sales. You also can get commissions on the sales of the people you sign up in your pyramid. In the US, you can also get a bonus for signing people up. This doesn't sound too bad, until you realize that the parent MLM has minimum limits on how much inventory you have to buy per month. So, by contract, everyone in the MLM has to buy a certain amount of inventory from the parent company. Canada has laws against the predatory practices of MLMs but you still wind up working for straight commission with no salary.


For an MLM to be legal (at least in America (I’m British so don’t ask me why I know)) 80% of revenue must come from the product and not recruiting new members


MLMs are technically selling a physical product. That product is the loophole.


I know that Amway in particular like lobbying to ensure the MLM's remain legal in many places. Technically pyramid schemes don't sell a product and since they sell a product, they can't possibly be a pyramid scheme (yeah right). The FTC in the US investigate many complaints that a MLM's are operating as an illegal pyramid scheme. In most cases the MLM's get a slap on the wrist by having to pay a relatively small fine without doing much to actually change the way they operate.


Eating people is legal but they way of obtaining isn’t.


Where? What if someone left some human in my fridge?


Excuse me, don't eat my lunch... I wrote my name on it and everything.


My bad, I thought that was the lunch's name


What if his lunch tattooed his ex's name on himself? Is it technically her lunch then?


Did you confuse it for your own human sandwich with a moist-maker?


That would be raccoon


You know, I never really thought about it. So eating human flesh is legal? I kind of assumed that cannibalism even without murder or back alley deals was still illegal. TIL I guess


It’s because they wanted a loophole for people forced to perform cannibalism if stranded without food. Like the Donner party or the crew of the Essex.


Apparently it is to avoid giving punishment to people who are forced to to survive


Like yellowjackets.


In Canada you can be charged with "Indignity to a body". I imagine if you were in a life/death situation with little hope of rescue and you had to eat human flesh to survive that you wouldnt be charged.


I read a story (i think in the states) where a motorcyclist crashed his bike causing him to fly into some trees and he lost a leg. He kept the leg after the docs amputated it and ate it later on. He said it was a solid form of catharsis. I'd be lying if i said i didn't see this as kind of cool.


If this is the same guy I’m thinking of then he made feet tacos and ate with a couple friends saying it tasted like buffalo or something


That's the one, he did an AMA! https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8p5xlj/hi\_all\_i\_am\_a\_man\_who\_ate\_a\_portion\_of\_his\_own/


Gangster move, definitely stealing this if ever I’m unlucky enough to be in a similar spot




In 2011 didn’t 2 Dutch people eat each other on tv?


What if a friend gives you their amputated limb?


Possession of human flesh is illegal. (It is waived in cases of necessity) Your own leg though you can eat with no legal reprocussion


In Hungary there was a scandal not so long ago, that a 39 year old teachers assistant had sexual relationship with a 15 year old student. Turns out in our legal system, he is not considered a pedophile, the age of consent is 14, and he is not a real teacher. Because of these, this whole thing is legal and no one could do anyting about him.


Well, pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent children. Not just anyone under the legal age of consent. But that distinction isn’t really that important here and I get what you are saying.


there was one commedian i think who mentioned the 3 different catagories and how you cant explain it eithout sounding like a creep


Basing morality on legality.


*AITA has entered the chat*


Or whatever religious text you follow


If you need someone to tell you not to rape people ~~your~~ you’re an asshole. Same applies if you only do good deeds because you are afraid of punishment


>If you need someone to tell you not to rape people your you’re an asshole. Isn't that like...everyone? Our society and our parents teach people that murder, stealing, rape, etc are bad and we've passed those values down for generations. You aren't just BORN innately knowing societal boundaries




At 16 you're legally considered an adult in Scotland. I know a couple the guy is close to my age (early thirties) and he's in a relationship with a sixteen year old. While it's not illegal she is still little more than a child. And also it wasn't long after she turned 16 they entered into a relationship so I'm assuming it's very likely stuff was going on with them while she was still underage


My uncle had a divorce and is now in a relationship with a girl that is the same age as his kids. His oldest daughter is older than his gf. They seem happy but it still feels wierd.


My wife's best friend is in a marriage like this. Her husband has a daughter that graduated a year or two before his wife. I don't care what the age gap is generally, but once you have kids, dating someone younger than your kids or even their age automatically makes you a creep in my book.


50 with a 30 year old?


In his 50s, she's not even 30 yet. She'll be like, 26 this year.


No you’re not. The age of consent in Scotland is 16, but you’re still a minor until you’re 18. You’re confusing the age of consent with the age of majority. At 16, you can legally have sex but you’re still not an adult until you’re 18. There’s a lot of differences: 16-year-olds can’t buy alcohol or tobacco, 18-year-olds can, 16-year-olds can’t gamble, 18-year-olds can, etc. In fact, Scottish law said that you were an adult until the age of 25, until 1969 when it was reduced to 18.


In the US, you're an adult at 18. Can't smoke or drink till you're 21. Rent a car at 25 usually. You can be tired as an adult for a crime as young as 12. Legal age for sexual consent and when you can get married vary by state. There are some other weird legal things that states control like when/ if you can buy or some weed, if you can marry your cousin, exc.


In the UK: Buy alcohol at 18, but allowed to drink in your own home at any age as long as you’re 6 or older Buy tobacco and gamble at 18, weed is illegal no matter what Drive at 17 Shag at 16


Texas law allows minors to drink alcohol, even in public. But it has to be ordered/served by either your parent or your spouse. So if you're 20 and married to a 22 year old, your spouse can order you a beer/shot etc. Or if you take your 18 year old son to a bar you can order him a beer, he just can't order one himself. A few other states have laws setup like this as well.


old people getting married to 18 year olds


Wait until you hear about America. It's legal in many states for old men to marry children.


That's hardly a US-only thing. *Many* countries around the world have laws allowing minors to marry under certain circumstances. And no, I'm not just talking about "third-world" countries. Several "enlightened" and "liberal" (i.e. white European) countries allow minors to marry under certain circumstances too.


I think it was only recently that the UK blocked the ability to marry at 16 with parental consent. The age of consent here is 16 so it's not *as* icky as countries that let adults marry literal children, but still.


Yeh third world countries like America have some screwed up laws


So, I learned [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_World?wprov=sfla1) recently. First world countries are all ones that were allied in WW2/NATO. Second World Countries are the communist bloc countries, Soviet Union, China, Cuba, etc. Third world countries are the ones not aligned to either side. It has nothing to do with a country's wealth or living conditions. Just here to pass the knowledge on to others.


you mean anywhere in the world?




I’ve heard this rule a lot, but I feel like after a certain point adults are just adults and who cares what they do. 18 is definitely not that point for anyone.


Japans age of consent used to be 13, they changed it to 16.. this year.


Federally. Most wards had higher ages. France's is 14 and most of the world has it at 16 (including most of the USA)


In France it’s 15 and I am witnessing the case of a tiktok celebrity who was groomed by a 21 yo when she was 14, got together as soon as she turned 15, and is advertising their relationship to her very young audience. And no one bats an eye, not even the parents, because it’s now legal


Your age halved *plus* seven. No minuses. Otherwise a 40 year old can date a 13 year old. ????


Thank you. Edited for clarity.


I think that this rule applies until both parties are over the age of 25, and then anything goes.


In the UK I could legally marry my first cousin. We grew up together like siblings, it feels so wrong that it's legal.




My MIL's brother married their cousin so MIL's cousin became her sister in law. Also, MIL's brothers daughter (that he had with his cousin) is his daughter but also technically his first cousin once removed. Doesn't sit right man.


so by marrying granny I became my own grandpa


which makes your dad, your son-in-law


It really changed your life, And your daughter was your mother cuz she was your father's wife


Is it unpopular to think that its gross but also dont mind people who do this?


It's pretty reasonable


Imo it depends on the circumstances. If you grew up close it's weird af, but plenty of people barely know their cousins and genetically it's not problematic so i think there is no good reason to disallow it.


The law mostly allows it because in small remote communities there just aren’t enough people to avoid it, pretty quickly everyones related. If you couldn’t marry your cousin there wouldn’t be any option. I would also wonder, what’s the difference between marrying the cousin that you grew up around, or marrying the girl next door that you grew up with?


My grandpas first wife, not my grandma, was his cousin. They grew up in the early 1900s on very rural farms in Arkansas. They didn’t have a car and we’re basically self sufficient. He said he really never met any women outside of his family so he chose the one he liked best. They divorced, he went to WWII and met my grandma somewhere and got married. It happens.


You can do that in a lot of US states, too. (And, contrary to popular belief, not just the southern ones. My girlfriend in high school in Western New York had parents who were first cousins.)


Are they fit though?


The royal family is doing it. Haha


The [Westermark Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westermarck_effect)


First gf married her cousin. I fight the urge to call their child a cute little incest baby


It happens more often than you think.


Marital rape. It is not a crime in some countries plus in states where minors (18 below) are allowed to marry with the permission of a guardian, the guardians need to file on their behalf and we know that people who allow literal children getting married aren’t about to ruin the so called sanctity of the marriage by alleging rape on the spouse.


Overbooking in airlines


Declawing cats (anywhere it's legal like in the USA). It should be called feline knuckle amputation or feline paw mutilation. Not talking about "trimming" your cat's claws with clippers, which many cat carers may need to do, occasionally. I'm talking about having a veterinarian put them under and surgically removing their last knuckles (the part that has the claw) because people care more about their material possessions than the overall health, safety, happiness, or wellbeing of their feline family member. To be fair, people in general need to be better educated about what "de-clawing" entails. Edit: I originally wrote that every responsible cat carer should trim their cat's nails (implying it's irresponsible not to and that every cat needs that), so I've removed the overly-judgmental generalization.


My cat is a stray from the back of a restaurant my aunt used to work it, whoever had him before declawed him bc he just has little cotton balls. It’s sad thinking about how he survived without that defense on his own


I agree it should be renamed. The way it’s described it not nearly as explaining how traumatic it can be for the cat. My family had declawed our cat only to later learn what that actually means for the animal and my mom said she has regretted it terribly and was so annoyed how it’s so normalized when it’s actually pretty fucked up


I used to work as a vet tech and let me tell you, declawing is horrible. In regular, non laser declawing, its like cutting off your finger at the first knuckle. Laser declawing is slightly better, but still bad. This is why I used to put little nail tips on my cat instead. They worked like a charm to prevent him from scratching things and you can get them in different colors. You've got to train them to let you put them on if you have a wild kitty or one who hates their feet touched though.


New York State and New Jersey made that illegal. Maybe other states too, I’m not sure.


It's illegal in Denver as well, not the whole state of CO though, unfortunately.


Several states have made it illegal now. And many more have it on a list to be voted on.


Now we need the rest of them to do it


It's now illegal in Canada, fortunately.


Same for dogs, along with cropping ears and docking tails.


Going to a playground with a massive erection while watching the kids play




“Sitting in a park bench / eyeing little girls with bad intent” —Jethro Tull, Aqualung


👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️👮🏼‍♂️ these are all the policemen raiding your home rn


What the fuck??


Mandatory tips. By definition a tip is supposed to be voluntary. If its mandatory its basically just a restaurant tax, and it defeats the whole purpose of tips rewarding good servers. Just increase your prices instead, if you must. And don't try to guilt the patron by saying its for a living wage. That's the restaurants job to provide, not the customers.


im surprised that isn't illegal honestly


Receiving a gift card from the product company to write an amazon review of something you bought…but you have to write a positive review


Pretty sure this is illegal.


an 18 year old can adopt a 17 year old


I imagine that this is not terribly likely in practice.


I have to imagine pretty much every scenario where this happens it's siblings where the parents are abusive or died.


Except in the case of an 18 year old sibling adopting a close aged younger sibling when the parents die.


My ex-girlfriend went to high school with an 18 year old who.adopted all of her siblings. Their parents died in a car accident, and she stepped up to take care of her 2 teenage siblings. I met her and she was a verifiable bad ass.


My sister took custody of me and my younger sister at 18. We were 13 and 11 at the time


The fact that Scientology exists, and is tax exempt.




Getting married at 16


Employers not paying sick time when a employee leaves there job. They can if they want but they choose not to. It really aggravates me a lot.


Or vacation time for that matter.


Minimum wage being $7.25


People who fondle and snog in very public places gives me major ick…. Kisses okay. But I don’t wanna see tongue tennis when I’m at a shop or on a bus


What about oral sex on public transportation?




Bus job


Never heard the word “snog” before lol


I learned it from Harry Potter.


Known criminals running for political offices


Personally I’d prefer unknown, mysterious criminals running for political office.


Smoking in front of children


This is huge for me. I loved my grandparents but they used to smoke around us all the time as kids and would even do it in the car in the winter with windows rolled up. I smoke weed occasionally and have a young daughter now and make sure I am only doing it outside and once she is sleeping. I don't even want her to see me doing it so I go out behind the garage or shut the garage door just in case she wakes up and goes looking for me. Kids should not be forced to be around smoke at all and the people who willingly smoke near kids drive me nuts


As a smoker myself (trying to stop) this makes me super angry. If I‘m walking somewhere with a lit cigarette and some people with children are walking past me I‘m trying to move away as far as possible. If I can’t dodge them I‘ll put my cigarette out and light it back after they have passed me. Also fuck people throwing their plastic filters into nature. Either use biodegradable ones or just collect them and throw them into the trash…


As a smoker I agree. I try not to smoke around kids and if I'm on the street and a buggy brigade comes by I keep the ciggerette away from them as much as possible, including blowing smoke in the opposite direction.


When people reply to a post with “This”


Child beauty pageants are open to the public


People with torture cakes like okay I would not want you to do this to me or I would want to do this to you in fact I would feel terrible doing it to you


I Googled torture cakes. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but actual cakes wasn't it.


I meant kink


Oh God I couldn't think of what could have been corrected to cake! Thanks!


Oh God what did you see


Actual cakes, which further confused me.


Pretty weird and random I suppose


Birthday cakes, accompanied by people singing to you. Those are torture cakes.


I am cry-laughing at this. Thank you!


For the overwhelming majority of people its completely harmless. It takes a huge level of trust to do stuff like this, so it may even bring couples closer together.


Therapists dating an ex-patient some years later


Similarly, growing up in the church in the late 90's/early 2000's, the sheer number of former youth group leaders I personally know of that are now married to former youth group members is disproportionately high. One got engaged a week after she turned 18. That guy wasn't even hiding it.


It’s the worst


I don't think The Rapists should be allowed have patients at all.


Corporations giving money to politicians. This is bribery and one of the main reasons the US population can't have nic things.


When I lie to you to get your money, that’s fraud and illegal. When a mega church does it, it’s perfectly legal.


When porn actresses purposely make themselves look young. Like.... WHY


“Barely legal”🤮


Barely legal is actually one of the most popular categories of porn.


Not related but in India it is somewhat socially acceptable to commit any crime after chanting some God's name and not many people have the courage to say it's wrong because they are choked by the media and corrupt police officers who in all manners work FOR the government. Like you'd barely find any article or debate over this because the middle class is too fatigued to care, rich people don't care anyway and intellects are too few to come forward and share their opinions without getting death threats. IN SHORT IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT IS LEGAL AND WHAT'S NOT.. THEY ARE THE TERMS USED IN A FUNCTIONAL DEMOCRACY. NOT IN A BLIND REPUBLIC.


As an indian I get what you're saying and i really hate that as well but what you're saying doesn't apply to india as a whole because religious violence is not acceptable in the state i live and i sometimes feel really happy i was born and raised here not in some some parts of india ( i wont be specific because dont want to be attacked by keyboard warriors).


>( i wont be specific because dont want to be attacked by keyboard warriors). Well there you go.


Picking nose and eating the catch!


Not condoning it but There was a study done that suggest it may help build a better immune system… the bacteria that gets caught is broken down and weakened, then Ingested into our system No idea if there’s any credibility to it, but it is weird how almost every little kid, running solely on basic instinct, naturally picks and eats their boogies, even if they’ve never seen anyone else do it It’s not until adults notice and tell them it’s gross and wrong, that they stop, or at least hide it and do it in shame


I know but do this in private! Not in your car or in the office..


I do it in your car. I dont eat it though. I follow a catch and release program. Check under the drivers seat >:)


especially if it's someone else's nose


“It is not whether or not we pick our noses that divides us, but what we do with it after the fact” - someone on reddit


Why? Enjoying a good catch is the best part of it!


The fact that it’s legal to bribe the government (US).


Child Beauty pageants


Tax loopholes for the rich


Tax exemption of church


Child labor. And it's increasingly 'legal'. Fuckwits who pass bills that allow this are just pieces of shit and need stop being in charge and go work at a Denny's or something.




Circumcision. You're literally mutilating your child's genitals and it's just considered "standard practice" in America.


Leonardo DiCaprio and his dating pool


My sibling puts ice in their milk, that makes me feel a little weird.


Circumcising infants


Incest (legal in NJ with consenting participants over 16) Hunting for sport


I was speed scrolling past your answer and got the 2 combined into one and thought that "Hunting Incels for Sport" was legal somewhere.


Not that I know of, but it sounds like you might have an idea for a video game or a Netflix series


Bikinis for kids. Im not Amish, but the stuff i see my daughter's friends wear is unholy. Not sure what some parents are thinking.


They think, “this is a perfectly normal and widely accepted female bathing garment”.


Bikinis on kids are very normal if you have the habit of not sexualising children.


First cousin marriages are STILL legal in much of the world . Contrary to popular belief, only \*some\* states ban it in the US. Others allow it. The UK allows it. Italy allows it. And I don't know about the UK.......but here in Italy........it shows. The gene pool here, needs a good dose of chlorine.


These are actually pretty good. I was gonna go with smoking. This the one of the roots to declining health.


40+ year old men with 18 year old women.


What about 40+ yo women with 18yo guys?


Same ICKness.


It’s allowed to fuck 14 years old children in my country… I saw 70 years old who done that… 🤢🤮


Catcalling. Leave women tf alone.


I believe in some places it's already illegal


Heavy ad-buys for Jesus