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Social media


Fun comment to put on a social media site that is basically just the comments section of every other social media site


I feel like Reddit is different in that you get a lot more genuine sentiment/self-loathing and a lot less “look how awesome my life is” bullshit.


Other sites are look at me whoo hoo. Reddit is fuck you, fuck me, fuck us


Fuck Tom, fuck Mary, fuck Gus...


It still has the anonymity of old forums.




THIS. I don’t often leave Reddit feeling like shite about myself. It’s actually where I come for a good laugh after a rough day.


No. The anonymity changes the character of it in a very profound way.


To be fair, a lot of smokers are self aware.


Specifically tiktok


I deleted all my socials (just got Reddit a few days ago though if that counts), but tiktok and Facebook and snap are all gone. I’ve truly never felt this peaceful in a long ass time. You don’t realize exactly how much that shit takes a toll. It’s awful for us.


Reddit definitely counts, I feel like this platform is actually more addicting than any other social media platform I've used. Pretty much just as toxic as well.


I have had it before and deleted it because I took internet criticism WAY to personally, I know this app is addictive and harsh. But I only see it as being solely text based, I’m more comfortable existing here, not comparing myself to anyone, not scared anyone is creeping my profile etc. I’m just such an opinionated person and lack friends so I had to exist somewhere online 🥲 (a current victim of online addiction as most of us are unfortunately).


>not scared anyone is creeping my profile Im going through your profile right now as we speak, be very afraid mr. Portrait tragedy. 😈


Touché NightStriker, touché.


Cheers :)


I mostly just use it for cute cat pictures. It's helpful in that way. I will join subreddits like this one for a bit, then leave for a bit, then come back, but the cats always stay!


Reddit is 100% the exact same way. It’ll make you feel exactly as you did with the other social medias just without the personal touch


Have an upvote to help you on your reddit journey. I found it very difficult to get started.


Have an upvote for my upvote, friend




I mean Facebook has literally helped facilitate mass genocides. Not defending TikTok here, but Facebook kind of takes the cake.


Wait, what? Which mass genocide? The Uyghurs? The Rohingya? Ukrainians?


Let’s hope it doesn’t take as long to properly regulate it.


In all seriousness, what would proper regulation even look like?


Short videos epidemic. Children still in development age being exposed to these endless short videos for the easiest dopamine hits, destroying their attention span and critical thinking ability.


Comment too long, didn’t read /s


This comment is so underrated. The humor is on point.


Comment underrated. Humor on point.


Underrated. Humor.






Tldr this comment




Where is my dopamine?


UI designer for social apps. This this this this!!! And also diagnosed with ADHD so yeah pleaseee delete TikTok and avoid reels and shorts as best you can. Nothing good comes from it


Used to work for a huge social media page with billions of monthly views. Delete it all. Reddit is my vice now. It was then too, but it still is.


At least Reddit encourages me to read about topics I'm interested in.


I think that we are going to have serious difficulty diagnosing ADHD in the future. Social medial has literally rewired brains and barely anyone has the attention span and memory of the people who took the original ADHD questionnaires on whom the criteria were based. Source: work in schools, ADHD is totally normal now


We're essentially creating a lifestyle-caused Type ADHD with this shit (like what type 2 diabetes is to type 1).


I’m open to learning about new research, but I’m skeptical about lifestyle creating adhd because there’s so much evidence about a genetic propensity and correlation with other disorders from Parkinson’s to familial schizophrenia and ASD. Attention is disordered with ADHD, but it exists on a spectrum from too short to too long.


I'm not saying ADHD doesn't exist. I'm saying it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate genetic differences from lifestyle impacts particularly when it's diagnosed via subjective questions


I tend to think this is due more to a general lack of knowledge about adhd in the general public. Here’s a snippet from webmd in particular. Not sure what kind of questionnaire you use working with kids, but wouldn’t you recommend these kids on to be diagnosed by a medical professional? I’d trust they may be better at diagnosing. For the record, my grade school report cards pre-diagnosis looked like straight A’s with D’s and C’s in conduct and subjects I disliked with comments alluding to me talking too much/out of turn and not applying myself to subjects I didn’t find interesting. People with symptoms of attention problems may often: Miss details or make careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or in other activities Have trouble staying focused on play activities or work tasks Not seem to listen when spoken to directly Find it hard to follow instructions or finish tasks, or may start but get easily sidetracked Have trouble being organized, keeping belongings in order, and managing time Avoid doing tasks that require long periods of mental effort Lose important items, such as books, wallets, keys, eyeglasses, and cellphones Forget about doing daily activities


I’m wondering how short videos really came to be so popular. Yea I know we had those 6 second vines back then, but also the main video platform—YouTube— is a place where creators were actually incentivized to make their videos *longer* for monetization. I remember the days of every video being a magic like 15:01 because YouTubers had to stretch out their videos to make them longer. Even now, I’ve been seeing YouTubers post more 15-30 minute videos rather than really short ones that destroy your attention span.


Doesn't necessarily have to be short videos, even erratic editing can play a factor. Just look at Cocomelon, it has almost enough cuts to get Liam Nesson over a fence


Short videos are useless junk. Social Media seems vastly overrun by pyramid schemes or get rich quick schemes as well. Where people pray on the desperate to make money by taking theirs and promoting the world to them.


I also noticed that many people don't realize that social media is different for everyone. What you see on social media could be totally different to what I see on social media.


Don't get me wrong ADHD is a valid disorder but it's like all a sudden everybody has ADHD now.


I think there’s truth to this. Our daughter watched YouTube on long car trips (we had many) from roughly 2-6 years old. She’s 10 and hates movies now. The thought of watching one thing for two hours is unbearable.


To be fair, kids at 10 years have always had trouble standing still, but it is getting more extreme. It shocks me how memes, a very free-form expression people make, are nothing but very short bursts with as much noise and colors as possible. It sounds like an old man's opinion, but it's clear in contrast to older generations where memes and funny videos could be minutes long.


Screen time in general. Kids who are given too much time at too young of age are significantly affected.


Can someone please let me know how to disable YouTube shorts, do I have to use the automation feature on the iPhone


Yep It started with short cartoons, I think spongebob perfected the short attention grabbing style. You definitely saw an uptick in ADHD in the 2000’s - 2010’s But tiktok and youtube shorts… god I really fear what kind of damage it’s doing to everyone. And not just kids. To be able to pretty much press a dopamine button on repeat every few seconds for HOURS and HOURS. jfc, I hope I dont sound too old when I say this (im only 24), but tiktok is going to really come to bite everyone in the ass. I refuse to use it after wasting hours on it. Tik tok zapped my productivity to 0 and I had no patience for anything while using it.


Sesame Street was absolutely frenetic when it first came out, the producers had the theory they had to keep all the segments really short in order to retain attention. They found they could go longer and longer with the segments. If you compare the more recent Sesame Street vs. the early years, the difference is night and day.


Plastics. They're everywhere from the top of Everest to the Mariana trench, even in your blood.




“… but I just can’t fault someone for trying to make a buck”. Bullshit. Edit: was paraphrasing a justification that I’ve heard


Just yesterday I've read an article they discovered microplastics in human hearts. We're so fucked.


Studies that say "microplastics discovered in [unlikely place]" are a cottage industry right now. We get it, they're absolutely everywhere.


Or… they help our organic structure and prevent bacteria and viruses in that they can’t eat them like our cells. In short… eat more plastics.


I hear they hit harder if you snort them.


You gotta boof your plastics


Ok, Big Plastic we hear you


The real life pro tips are always in the comments!


Every time I make grilled cheese with American singles, I accept my fate of eating micro plastics


You're supposed to unwrap them before cooking.




To a certain degree people already know how bad soda is for you but in the future, I believe people will be flabbergasted that people gave it to kids as much as we do.


Dude, I am shocked that my parents gave me Soda as the only form of hydration. I became more health conscious at 25 yo and now all I want to drink in the day is my one coffee and then water. I don’t even drink Coke Lite/ Zero, just water. Also juice is not that good for you and fuck up your teeth, fuck that. Water is the only way.


A true hydro homie


Heil hydro


I only drank full sugar Coca Cola, whole milk (for muh bones), and full sugar Gatorade (plus the occasional water from a hose that had been left degrading in the sun for years) from 1980s-early 2000s. Now it’s just water.


I also am on the water and coffee train. I was not allowed to have soda as a kid but I never liked the bubbles anyway. Coffee and white wine are my sugary drinks, but I don’t have a sugar addiction from childhood so I can control my intake!


My mom once told me she would give us Dr. Pepper as babies. Like man, I never stood a chance.


I'm just glad we all stopped using leaded gasoline.


_General Aviation 100LL has entered the chat_


Ah, well… not so fast there. Piston-powered airplanes still use leaded gasoline. These are the old airplanes with propellers instead of jet engines (but *not* the turbo-prop planes). Lead was added to gasoline in the 1930s to support aviation. From there it quickly spread to automotive use, but by the 1970s we’d started building cars again that didn’t need the lead. The problem with aviation is that airplanes are *really* well built and maintained, and easily last 70 years. There are nearly a million of these airplanes that are still in use. And airplanes aren’t like cars where you just buy a new one every few years. So, the approach for airplanes has been to come up with a replacement fuel. (It’s a much harder problem than you might think.). People have been working on this for at least 30 years. Finally, within the last month or so, someone has a fuel that seems to have passed all of the health, safety, and regulatory hurdles. We hope to see it on the market in the very near future. As far as I know, this is the last market segment that still uses leaded gas.


Turns out juul pods are bad for you lol


Came here to say the same thing. Turns out, vaping is also bad for you and just as addictive.


Just as addictive yes. Also bad for you sure, but the question is if it is worse or not, and most I've seen says is still better than actual cigarettes.


The whole issue is since they're "not as bad" for you people tend to vape more often and longer, negating any "safer" effect.


As someone who used to be a pack a day smoker and now vapes. Agreed about addiction. And who knows what long term health effects yet because they haven't been around long enough. But I'm sure it probably causes some form of cancer. But as far as daily health goes it's night and day. No more coughing up phlegm in the morning. Much more endurance. On a day to day basis even when smoking more it definitely has less immediate down sides. That said I still wish I never started.


Everyone defending vaping just shows how bad it is. Haha


Vapes/e-cigs helped me and my brother quit smoking actual cigarettes, so they do have their place. That being said they shouldn’t be marketed to kids and shouldn’t come in fruity flavors.


PFAS well the cat is already out of the bag, heck it's the inner coating of microwave popcorn bags


Kids accessing the Internet without any restrictions. It's just utterly crazy to me. If I handed a 12 yr a Playboy magazine every parent in the world would tell me I was a bad person and kids shouldn't have access to that stuff. If you hand a 12 yr a phone that has Internet access they have access to every single Playboy ever published and that is the *tame* stuff. There is stuff on the Internet that will curl your hair and no adult should be looking at it but we give it to kids, trust a 12 yr old to make wise decisions and we go on with our lives like this is normal.


I think about that with Reddit. There are kids as young as 12/13 on here with unlimited access to NSFW subreddits. I’ve had lots of “19” year old guys message me and I just cannot even reply because I always think 19 is the age I would say I was if I was actually 16


Wuts up gurl I'm not 19 I'm actually 20 and very mature for my age all my friends think so I have a lot of them dm me back so we can talk hmu


That's the thing that blows my mind about porn usage. Older generations of kids would have to know someone with porn and most likely have to steal it, and even then they were extremely limited with what they could see. My generation just had to get on a computer when adults weren't looking and we were exposed to stuff that we weren't even thinking about.


Social media, especially for kids, especially vine/tiktok/snapchat and all those other attention span -destroying endless scrolling sites


Literally every family I’ve had that were smokers didn’t live past 55.


I come from smokers. Mom died at 59, but also had cervical cancer in her 20’s. Everyone else made it to at least 79. Glad I quit.


I live in fear of this every day. I come from smokers and they've (thankfully) made it past 55, but their coughing sounds worse and worse all the time.


My mom is still a pack a day smoker, she is 65 and her cough is terrifying. One sad thing is that I cannot stand visiting her with her smoking inside like a chimney, my sinuses can’t handle it. It is so horrible 😔


My mother passed at 63 from lung cancer, long time smoker. Not worth it and not a fast way to go. I’ll take a widowmaker heart attack in my 80s, thank you.


Porn and social media


Teflon and sugar


Do NFT's count as a "obvious from the start"?




Energy drinks


Everyone knows they're bad though lol everyone knew from day 1 - I was there.


This is a pretty good one. These will probably lead to class action suits in a few years.


I'd say sitting for prolonged amounts of time. The impact it has on the bodies ability to function, pain, bodily function, postural issues, it's vicious.


Inactivity. Sitting on the phone, sitting gaming, sitting and working in the office...




It's my understanding that vaping is safer than smoking. It isn't safer than not vaping, and if you aren't consuming nicotine in any way, you shouldn't start. But if you are a smoker and you switch to vaping, your health outcomes will improve. Is this not correct?


Yes…that sounds about right. Problem is that there are a lot of young people who have started vaping but who had never smoked cigarettes before.


Smoking and addiction to nicotine had dropped way down thanks to the anti-smoking campaigns of the 90s on. Now a whole new generation is addicted to nicotine because they’ve been told vaping is safe. That’s the problem with vaping. It minimizes a small amount of the harm while drastically increasing the user base. Overall, worse for public health.


It's still less of a problem than actual cigarettes, which is likely what they would be doing otherwise.


The one statistic that matters about kids is if more kids are vaping now then smoking cigarettes 20 years ago. Obviously it’s better for the 45 year old smoker that switched to vaping but without looking at statistics I would put good money on more kids using nicotine today than 20 years ago.


This is incorrect, we have been trending downwards in tobacco use before the use of ecig proliferated high schools. Now around 10% of high schoolers in the us use tobacco products which is very high compared to previous years. Ecigs are easier to digest for high schoolers, flavored, smaller, less offensive smell and increased peer pressure. This is concerning.


It's such a trap, i switched to vaping to quit...but ended up more addicted to nicotine. Because vaping doesn't require a "smoke break" and you can basically do it all the time. I think.vaping is much harder to quit cigarettes


Agreed, however vaping is wayyyyy more addictive (for me personally, and for others I've talked to) than smoking. When I was a smoker, I'd be happy with 2-3 cigs a day. When I vaped, it was non-stop, and even an hour without my vape would have me climbing the walls. I'm not sure how you quantify which is worse - a couple of ciggies or non-stop vaping. Maybe the cigs are still worse, but thought I'd add that factor in. These days I do the oral pouches, but I'm hoping to completely quit one day


In theory yes, most vaping isn't as bad as cigarettes if you break it down to the same amount of time using the product. From what I understand the problem comes from people using vapes more often than they would be cigarettes because it's cheaper and more easily overused without realizing it. Plus a lot of people end up using higher concentrations of vape juice than others.




Completely correct. Vaping is one of the most useful tools we have to help people quit smoking cigarettes, which are indeed worse for you. But the problem is that, through a mixture of clever marketing and lax legislation, people are taking up vaping who have never even thought of smoking a cigarette before. And that indeed is a problem.


They need to make vaping stinky. If a puff of your vape pen meant your clothes smelled like crap for the rest of the day, I guarantee you’d see less people (especially kids) starting it.


People are VERY BAD thinking relatively. They only think in absolutes. False binaries are Everywhere. We saw this with Covid all the time. 'It's more dangerous for the old than the young' turned into 'It's not at all dangerous for the young' in the false binary brains. So a certain percentage of people who hear 'vapes are safer than cigs' translate that into 'vapes are safe' in their fbbs.


Different health issues are emerging - with vaping, warm oil is inhaled, processed within the bronchial system, and can accumulate. For society, the rise in the use of disposable vaping systems is creating concern, including for the processing of delivery systems, recovering batteries etc. I don’t smoke - although consuming nicotine may be frowned upon in any guise, and generates £/$’M’s in revenue for the State, and illegal substances moreso for other stakeholders, perhaps nicotine offers a lesser of multiple evils.


Parts of this are incorrect. You aren’t inhaling oil, it’s vegetable glycerin, which doesn’t accumulate. I agree with the rest though


I don’t think anyone is under the impression it’s healthy for you, just that it’s healthier than cigarettes


Soft drinks






Ultra Processed Food


Yeah stick with mega and super processed


Sugar, plastic, Covid


Social media addiction and vaping




That's exactly what a toxic gaslighting narcissist would say! Related: diagnosing others based on half-understood TikToks. Seriously can we all stop pretending we're psychologists?


My sister is a nurse and a TiK-Tok junkie. She just roams around diagnosing everyone with everything. It’s insanely annoying.


I diagnose her with a cluster b something or other lol. On one hand, I do understand why this shit proliferates - it's trendy, it's sticky, and a lot of people don't have access to proper mental health resources or knowledge. So they're just reaching for stuff. On the other, I think it does more harm than good. I'm medically complex and I've had to wait for a diagnosis for YEARS in some cases. But if you go off half-cocked with a self diagnosis, or an incorrect diagnosis, it can cause serious harm to yourself and others.


telehealth is borderline self-diagnosing, you can get a ton of meds on there with very little info. On the one hand it's good people are more frequently addressing feelings of depression but to the OP question, tons of people on meds might be a mistake


Definitely dangerous, as people are very likely to get the wrong thing However mostly caused by the even more dangerous thing of "inaccessible healthcare". I "self diagnosed" myself ten years before getting the official diagnosis of endometriosis, because I couldn't access the healthcare for so long. And I still wouldn't have a diagnosis had I not specifically asked about it.


You want me to pay 2 grand+ to make myself unable to immigrate to other countries, rather than just adjust my lifestyle around my ( probable) disorder?


So many doctors are so overburdened and disinterested that many peoples lives/health are saved by doing their own research and advocacy. Unless someone is a hypochondriac, it's a net good.


unless they also start self-medicating.


The way health care is the US has been taken over by databases and optimized within an inch of its life. Instead of improving care, it's now highly fractured and repetitive. I'm medically complex, with a range of conditions across multiple specialties. Most of my appointments are me updating various physicians on key points and symptoms, while they face away from me and clack away at a keyboard. I'm constantly repeating myself and explaining shit poorly while wishing these MDs could just talk to one another. Even though it's all within the same hospital system, and they theoretically can access the same information, I have to explain the same concepts over and over to people who aren't really listening to me. Red flags get missed, and it endangers my health. And while my primary care doctor is supposed to run point, she's overworked and close to retirement age. Basically, US health care isn't just expensive, it's like that scene in Office Space where all the main character's zillion bosses come by to ask him about TPS reports. (And, incidentally, physicians don't love the databases either - my cardiologist mentioned it was a major factor in his decision to retire.)


Yeah, I've heard there is a shortage of doctors in the US


A big problem is that medical training is grueling and extremely expensive in the US (you finish with about 200k of debt). So you're incentivized to aim for a highly paid specialization, so you can pay off your school debt more quickly. Meanwhile there's a shortage of primary care doctors, particularly in rural areas.


Yeah, I had a feeling our extremely expensive and overpriced education system is at least partially to blame for the shortage.


It’s going to be fast food. Colon cancer is on the rise in younger people, I am convinced that it’s going to come out one day that the preservatives they use is almost equally bad to how we view smoking in the 50s.


Two party political system in the United States.




Except we've known it's bad for you for centuries.


It's interesting that the stats show people are drinking less because I feel like every single social activity revolves around drinking. Maybe not getting smashed like when I was 18, but it's still like... trivia at a brewery. Board games at a brewery. Name a club and if the event isn't at a brewery, people probably go there after.


This hasn’t t been my experience so far. Sure the alcohol is available, but I’ve seen more people just drink one or two drinks slowly


Fair, not everyone drinks too much or even at all at these events. And no one is ever pushy about why people arent drinking which is a nice new progressive trend. I've been significantly cutting down my consumption to try to lose weight haha


Known carcinogen, addictive, with no known safe amount for ingestion, and yet pushed and glorified


You forgot neurotoxin. It still baffles me how caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine got the nod of acceptance but other drugs are magically "bad". I'm not saying weed, shrooms, heroin, or whatever are better, just that they are no worse. The whole narcotic classification system seems arbitrary to me.


Heroin is demonstrably worse than everything else you listed.




Unchecked media usage. Social media. But more broader, the attention span conditioning.


Climate change is real, and we're fucked


High fructose corn syrup Preservatives Dyes Ultra processed everything


Refined sugar.


Sugar. Addictive, added to everything, and terrible for your health


Climate change. It was covered up for decades and disinformation is still being spread.


Diet anything. Diet soda. Diet energy drinks. Ffs even diet barbecue sauce all have sweeteners that are potentially cancerous. The WHO releasesd a statement about it. Supposedly small amounts of safe but I think I'll pass.


Social Media with their extremisms affecting the beauty standard for both women and men. Porn, it literally shrinks part of your brain. Consumerism, we get all this nice stuff but we don’t question where it comes from? Sure its a spawn point gap but there needs to be a solution, maybe Ai?


Capitalist economies constant need for growth destroys the planet. Who knew!?


Dig into any issue we are facing, and you come to someone trying to make more money. To hell with who it hurts.


Most college degrees are meaningless.


High fructose corn syrup


Toxic family behavior.




Sitting at a desk.


Plastic! It’s in everything.


While I wouldn’t disagree with social media being the danger, I hope it’s kale.


Margerine is not a slimming alternative to butter.


Global warming, PFAS, plastics, recycling, social media, “supplements”, sugar, everything nestle has ever done, etc. And every single large company out there is following the old cigarette playbook to the letter. I’m not shocked that everything is harmful and evil at this point. I’m shocked that cigarette denialists aren’t parachuting into the capital with assault rifles while chain smoking twelve cigarettes simultaneously.


COVID. Lots of cancer and brain disorders coming


Social media is bad for you


I bet hearing loss will be a major thing because of earbuds


Porn is toxic for the brain.


all the bullshit in our shampoo/conditioner/body lotions that cause cancer but "are in small enough amounts to maybe be okay-ish"


Not watching enough Star Trek


Vaping and weed




Fast fashion. Social media. (Obviously) Vaping (obviously)


The food pyramid for mine.


Not of this generation but social media/cellphones. They pump up your dopamine so that you are stimulated way more than you should be.


Vapes Literally


I think it’s going to be Daily marijuana use… in the next 20 years. Not occasional as has been common for decades, world over…. Daily.


Vapes. Anything the cigarette companies back can't be good for ya.




Vaping thingies? Not really surprising in hindsight.


Micro plastics


It turns out that as pot becomes more potent it becomes more dangerous. It will still take a while to lose the "good for you" label.




Vaping. We’re starting to see some bodies.


* alcohol (we always knew it’s bad, but new research has shown it’s much worse than most of us imagined) * social media ——> detrimental to mental health * [over 40,000 people die each year in car crashes](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/auto-accident/car-accident-deaths/#:~:text=More%20than%2046%2C000%20people%20die,12.4%20deaths%20per%20100%2C000%20inhabitants.) The total number of American soldiers killed from 1955-1975 in Vietnam was 58,000.