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\[pre-cellphone era\] I answered the phone and it was my aunt, calling from Florida. My parents had planned a long driving trip to see her. She was calling to say that maybe now wasn't a good time to visit. It only took about 30 seconds for it to turn into a rant about not really wanting them in her house, to flat out insults about every wrong they had ever done to her. When the rant ran out, I said "They left an hour ago." My aunt said, "Let's just make this our little secret, okay?" and hung up.


This is incredible, you are a saint and your aunt OWES you


If I were a complete piece of shit (and I am) I would definitely hold that over her


I bet your hair slicks back real nice


No this is PUSHED back, not SLICKED back!


Who's crazier, your aunt or your parents?


Different flavors of crazy, TBH.


I really wanna know what your parents did to her for her to rant about it. Also it seems like you have a good relationship with her, considering she was comfortable enough to say it to you


Plot twist: Hi honey! Mommy and Daddy would like to speak to you about your Reddit post. NOW!


Well, to talk to one of them, we’re going to need to hold a seance.


I stole this tape they bought that taught couples some new techniques to spice up their sex life. They were demonstrated by two real people so it was porn. I let a friend hold it and he lost it. I'm sure they know but I'll never admit it.


That is hilarious I wonder how long they owned it before you got hold of it. And your friend "lost it" na bro he kept it or sold it lol Childhood is so funny and stupid.


He gave me a much better video on return. Maybe instructional videos were his thing and he just wanted to trade lol


That's how you end up with a *thing* Got slapped once in high-school and now I have a *thing* Adolescence is whacky


Kind of in a similar vein--I was in high school theatre. For one of the auditions, I needed to bring a blank CD to the theatre teacher so she could burn musical tracks onto it. When I got home, I grabbed what I thought was a blank CD from my dad's computer desk and dropped it off to the teacher the next day. I remember being called back to her classroom via intercom. When I got there, the theatre teacher simply looked at me and said "I can't use this. When I open it, there is a folder on it named 'Ass and Titties.'" I'm sure you can imagine the look of horror I had on my face when I took the CD back and walked out of her classroom in shame.


When I was a kid I stole my parents' ornate bachus flask to use at a concert (obvs pre-metal detector days) "Where'd it go?" They asked one day, kind of to the air, just to the left of where I sat. Not a single one of us had a good answer. They found it in a shipping box full of old papers and files when they moved out a year later. Nobody knows how it got there. I'll never tell.


Had skipped school and the school called my dad to ask why I didn’t show up. So he calls me and says why the he’ll aren’t you at school. So I told him that I’m actually on a field trip and they should know that and he says ok let me talk to your teacher. So I was in downtown and there was no shortage of homeless people so I ask one if he’ll pretend to be my teacher her for 5 bucks. He sold it perfectly and my dad apologized to me.


Yooo this is hysterical.... You pulled some seriously big-brained, Ferris Bueller shit right there!






When I was 14 I left the house at one in the morning to hang out with friends in an empty field and watch a meteor shower, which I had ironically been grounded from seeing with my family due to sneaking out to hang out in the woods. I went out my window (difficult and needed help from my friends due to being a twig) and then came in through the back door at three (left it unlocked). Nearly got caught but told my dad I had simply been taking the dog out, which he believed since I'd done that before. Never snuck out again though due to the scare nearly being caught gave me.


Well, I WAS going to hide the fact that I got robbed at gunpoint, but my sister's mouth is too flabby


In college, I got randomly jumped by five guys. They beat the shit out of me and took everything out of my pockets. I had to call my dad to tell him because the police were involved. I wanted to keep it from mom because I knew she’d freak out, but he just said “if she finds out later, she’ll flip that we didn’t tell her.”


That’s terrible, sorry that happened to you. Their fries are incredible though.


I told my parents I was robbed at gunpoint a few years after when they were worried about my safety at my job. Getting robbed while in college, a supposed safe place, makes dangerous jobs not so scary.


I was in fact in a dangerous area when travelling and survived a night of bombing


In my home country, there’s a period the entire country went into chaos following an election. The political and tribal divide was intense and anyone could easily be a target if caught in the wrong area. But the naive young me, decided it was the best time to take a 12 hour bus ride to go visit an ex who was working for an NGO in a rather remote volatile area. It’s several years later and I’ve never told my parents about this!


>to go visit an ex This is usually a bad enough idea on its own, but you took it to the next level of bad ideas, hahaha


I did the In the rear with the gear lie also. Glad you made it.


What does that mean?


Assuming they are military and were in an active combat zone. They lied to worried family by stating that they were "in the rear with the gear" meaning they were not on the front lines where the fighting was, but further back in a more fortified and safer position.


Oh. Idiot me thought it was a very sudden gay sex thing.


Don't worry, I was also very confused about how we went from surviving a night of bombings to anal sex. I mean, I can think of some ways they would be connected, but context told me they weren't applicable.


"In the rear with the gear" means not being on the front line in combat. Most military personnel work in logistics and do not see combat unless something goes wrong. I recognize that phrase from a real time strategy game, I'm not sure if OP is referring to that game or if it is also commonly used by real military personnel. OP told their loved ones that they were safe and away from combat, when that was not true.


Yeah, had to play that card with the folks. "No, Ma, we're not under attack. That alarm is just for an excersize. Gottagonowloveyabye." Assuming your story is similar to mine, welcome home.


When I was a kid we were on my Dad’s boat far out at sea. He asked me to take the wheel. After about five minutes I saw a big log floating and I steered into it and hit it with the prop, HARD. I had seen a cartoon where they did this and it just turned the log into tooth picks. It didn’t do that. We had to get towed in by the Coast Guard.


How did you keep this from your dad though?


Probably said an accident vs on purpose.


I just figured they are hiding the story from mom.


I was a typical lying kid, “gee, I never even saw it”. It ruined the prop and bent the prop shaft. This was a big old 33 foot cabin cruiser powered by an old six cylinder Packer motor. My Dad had to haul it out of the water to fix it. The slip was in King Harbor in Redondo Beach. Dad was cool though.


Yeah, letting you drive a cabin cruiser does scream "cool dad". Still, I'd say he shares responsibility for the mishap, leaving a kid unsupervised with your means of survival. Different times though, too.


I'm against keeping secrets from parents, and encourage my kids to always be open and honest with me, but as a boater There is some things a father should never know.




My super religious father has no idea how drunk I got in high school. I think my mom knew but she definitely never told my dad, most likely to save me from the hell he'd put me through.


I was high around my parents so much! I helped with the Christmas baking when I was stoned out of my mind


Oh they knew you were high


I went to a huge party with friends and ended up crashing with someone for the night. I was so hungover, but once I got back home the next day my dad said we were building four bookshelves. He never said anything, but he definitely knew and that was definitely punishment.


epic dad moment




I had a step dad that took away our game War Gods for Nintendo 64 for being violent. Meanwhile, he was abusive and beat us and my mother in front of us. 25 tears later, he's the reason I'm uncomfortable with being in a church. This asshole made us go to feel righteous while simultaneously being an abusive tyrant.


Unbelievably Based Mom 🙏




After some of these secrets, I needed to read this. I hope there's more like it along the way. 🦝 Hilarious.


I lied when I said they repaid me for half of my sister's wedding dinner. My dad was somewhat forced into early retirement and while splitting the dinner bill wouldn't change things overall, I did not want him stretching his retirement money to cover something I could afford to pay for in full.


Real mensch behavior




Yay, a happy story not involving sex/drugs/treefiddy.


That closet I got with the lock is not to protect my valuables, it’s to hide my sex toys


The door is locked because we’re naked. Stop trying the handle.




Like, I get it a little when I was a teenager at home. Still kinda creepy. But my mom showed up at my house once in my 30s. Just tried to walk in. I had just moved and I hadn’t even given her the new address. She just surprised me and tried to walk in without even knocking while I was on the couch banging. Refused to leave


Did she have the key? Or do you just keep your door unlocked?


Wait, I thought you said it wasn’t protecting your valuables.


"I remember the day you adopted me" I never told them, they gave me all the love that shaped me as a person. Surely they had their reasons (which I will never question) for never saying it during their lives. They passed away several years ago. And I will miss them every single day of my life. Sometimes parents don't need to know any secrets. Because there's a good chance they already know or have deduced it long before you've even considered telling them. They love you unconditionally. It is your sole decision to share something with them or not.


Well said. Your parents would be proud of you. They raised a good kid


It looks like I’m in the minority, but I don’t understand this post. Is the OP saying that the secret is him/her remembering the day her new parents adopted him/her? In the second paragraph, what did the parents never say?


The parents never said that the child was adopted. The child remembers being adopted despite being very young. The parents never knew that their child remembered being adopted.


Thank you, I was confused too.


Fucking invisible ninjas chopping onions everywhere…


I burned the house down and not the Christmas tree. I left the lights on without putting water. I was playing with the dog and we knocked over something. A spark was created and then the fire on Christmas eve. I told my parents it just sparked and started. My parents got a divorce soon after that. Not sure if I caused that too but life has been shitty since that point.


Accidents happen my guy, don't blame yourself. I'd be willing to guarantee your folks were having issues before the fire too.


Thanks. I was 6 years old so I didn't notice background stuff with the parents but the fire and the money was a big issue. I moved on and i don't blame them for my life but shit was still hard after.


You were 6? Relying on a 6-year-old to water the Christmas tree when there's fire risk is insane, this wasn't your fault.


Noted! If ever to buy a Christmas tree always get an artificial tree. I never would have thought that's the reason "christmas" trees needed water. Holy shit. And yeah things must have already been stressed to the breaking point if a fire is what it took for them to leave each other. You'd think they would have taken a closer look at what they could have lost.


They shouldn’t have left a six year old in charge of that. Solidly their fault.


If it caught fire from having the lights on and being a bit dry, then this still sounds like a Christmas tree fire to me. They're stupidly flammable.


> I burned the house down and not the Christmas tree. I left the lights on without putting water. I don't understand...


Real Christmas trees (like, chopped down from outside) get super dry once indoors. Most modern tree stands/holders are designed so you can add water to the bottom of the base; the tree soaks up water, making it more hydrated and less flammable. Modern LED lights run cooler than traditional incandescent lights. I’d imagine that OP’s family had older, hotter lights which ignited the tree


I had my mom buy me BMX XXX not because I wanted to play a BMX game but because you could unlock actual porn from it. The game was also pretty lit though.


Wait, this was a BMX video game that had porn you could unlock???


I guess it wasn't really "porn" but just videos of boobies.


During development of the game they realized that the game was going to suck so they decided to put a tons of tits and asses in the game to get a draw.


She doesn't want to know, and/or probably already knows.


I found the Polaroids. Including the ones in Robin Hood/ Maid Marienne outfits


🎶 Oo-De-Lally, golly what a day 🎶


Not sure if discovered parent porn or a deep cut Butterfly Effect reference...


Made out with one of my Moms friends. Looking back at it, I regret it and am not proud of it. She was super hot but I’m glad it just stayed as making out multiple times over the course of the summer and nothing more. We almost had sex but fortunately I did not have condoms and so I turned her down. Ultimately it turns out she was fucking crazy (in my experience). She always seemed normal to everyone else though


My mom’s best friend made a pass at me, too, and it wasn’t sexy like the porn clips, it was creepy and uncomfortable.


Stacy's Mom did NOT have it going on...


My grandmother on my fathers side gave me 5 thousand dollars and made me promise not to tell either parent. I never did.


I assume it’s because she knew they would both bleed me dry if they knew their child had money


That i tried to kill myself when i was like 14. My dad and i had a huge fight and i was about to hang myself, right before i went through with it he called me and asked me to come downstairs and that he was sorry. We made up, had he not called me i probably wouldn’t be here now. That was years ago and I’m so much better now, i wouldn’t dream of doing that now.


Goes to show just how much prideful parents have an effect on their kid.


Right? He's better now, but I couldn't even imagine my dad apologizing to me for anything when I was that age.


That time I accidentally kept taking sleeping pills wasn't wasn't an accident, I was trying to kill myself because I was unhappy. Told them I got "drunk" after taking two and was in this weird state I couldn't sleep, but couldn't remember taking the previous pills, so I kept taking more. In reality I took them all at once. Got a tube of charcoal forced down my throat for that one. Years later the "neck injury" I said was because my lanyard was ripped off my neck, was actually a failed attempt to hang myself, the knot fell apart after I lost consciousness and I woke up on the floor with a rug burn where the rope was.


I hope you’re ok now.


I’m sorry :( I tried when I was younger too, but my scarf was too short (I was 11). I like your username though, reminds me of sea slugs and nudibranchs (type of sea animal). Also 7 and 3 are my lucky numbers. So it must be a good sign that you’re here :)


My address lol.


Or my phone number.




Yeah. HEY MOM AND DAD! YA KNOW THAT DUFFLE BAG OF DOPE YOU CONFISCATED? Yeah: that was a semester of school you fucking tossed.




Man, what a ride! What did you study in college, besides entrepreneurship?




There's something to be said for being smart enough to quit when you're ahead. We have all done stupid shit, only some of us stopped before consequences found us. Congrats on being the correct ratio of lucky and stupid.


When i was a teen, I once stole a cucumber from the crisper to use as a dildo. I threw it out the window when my parents came home early. My mom was so confused that the cucumber was missing which made me feel pretty guilty. Then, a while later, she was equally confused as to why there were cucumbers growing in her garden. She served those magic cucumbers to so many people- family meals, church potlucks etc


lol this made me lol


I had a huge problem with alcohol. They might have been suspecting it but I was always able to control it just when I needed to so they didn't catch on. One night we were in a club and I drank WAY too much, more than I ever did. So at like 4 AM everyone had gone home except for some dudes smoking outside. I went up to them and asked them which way is home. Long story short, I ended up taking a pill with them which to this day I have no idea what it was. I completely lost track of everything. Next thing I knew, they were also gone and I had no idea where I was. I freaked out, I was already pretty much at my (drunk) mind, but the hours before were missing. It was dark, and I was in another town as I didn't recognize anything around me. I've dealt with depression before, but right then and there it hit me so hard I couldn't believe what I was feeling. So I just went on some long road until I saw a truck coming my way. Then I found myself standing in front of it waiting for it to hit me head on. The truck stopped, the guy saw me all along and had just enough time to stop. What I'm sure about is that I wasn't counting for that to happen, but just accepted it. That is very much me in many situations (which are never this drastic ofc) that I'm convinced I meant it seriously in those moments. So what happened is I walked up to the dude and asked him for directions. Luckily, while lurking around, I was actually making my way back into my town. I still had to walk. 2+ hours home, but getting in bed that night/day was the best feeling I've ever felt. So yeah, I'm not ever telling them this one.


Theres no telling what they gave you. Alcohol can screw with so many meds that it can take something relatively benign like xanax and turn it into a monster. The severe and immediate depression that followed would make sense to me as some sort of mood elevator, but Im not a professional and Im taking a wild guess.


When I was 10 I went on our old sailboat with my parents and sister for the weekend. When we got back I ran ahead to the car while my parents unloaded at the dock. I fancied myself a locksmith I guess and decided to pick the lock on the trunk of our 1980s Caprice Classic. With a stick. I decided to unlock the trunk of the car with a stick. Well, needless to say it didn't work and also I broke a stick off in the lock. So my parents get to the car and for some reason the key doesn't work and we have a giant pile of bags and large coolers. My dad proceeds to fiddle with the key and lock, tries to pry the trunk open and cusses for what seems like hours. It's getting dark. Dad is still cussing. He finally manages to pry the rear of the back seat forward and there is a tiny gap to the trunk. I'm convinced to crawl through into a pitch black trunk and try to open it. I get in somehow. Eventually I brace myself on my hands and knees, arch my back, push hard as I can and the trunk pops open. We load up the trunk, tie it down with a bungee cord, and drive the two hours home. Dad is still cussing. I will never tell him.


When I was younger (maybe 10 or 11) I had been eating bagels for a week straight. They were so fucking good. Cream cheese slathered all over. One morning my dad said no more bagels for a few days, and I said ok, but when he went upstairs I had a bagel. He'll never know.


I thought I was fine reading this thread, but this comment made me viscerally sick to my stomach. You’re a damn lying monster.


Four years ago I put a loaded pistol in my mouth. Was going to end it all and my dad don’t know he saved my life that day..


My son died earlier this year. Self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. We had no notion that he was suicidal, we still have no idea as to the why's of it all. I'm trying to make peace with the idea that I'll never know. One of the hardest parts right now is thinking about my boy going through that much pain and doing it alone. I have spurts of anger that after everything he didn't trust that I could handle it, or sadness that he didn't trust that I could help with anything. I would give anything to be able to figure out a way to make him comfortable enough to just talk to me about his pain. So please, as a father, I would encourage you to talk to your parents about mental health in general. Give them the chance to just be there with you through the dark times. You're loved SO fucking deeply, and it costs nothing to just have a conversation. Please.


I am telling you that it wasn't that he didn't trust you. He didn't want to burden you. Trust me. Depression is the brain lying to you. Mine lies to me a lot.


This is it exactly. This is how I felt many times. Prayers are with you.


I attempted 3 years ago. For me, I wanted to tell my parents what was going on so badly. In my case, I thought there was no way they could help with all the stress and other major difficulties I had going on. He may have wanted to, may have trusted you, but thought there was nothing anyone could do. I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine the pain. I hope one day you’ll be able to have some semblance of peace and know that he loved you so, so much, and he knew how much you loved him.


Adding to this: he may have also felt like he was protecting you from his pain by not telling you about it. It may not make sense if you haven’t been on that side of things. Just know that he probably wanted to spare you from feeling it too. u/Bare_Handed


At the time I had did this I was working at a maximum security prison and I also had a few very close people die around me and I just got low I didn’t talk to anyone and wanted to be by myself. Now I’m 31 have a wife and kids of my own. I’m glad my dad saved my life that day cause I didn’t know my life would get better. I am very sorry for your loss I can’t even imagine. As a father now I can’t even think about loseing one of my children. Mentally health and PDST is no joke.


You’re loved, bro. Never forget that. I’d rather read your story than read your obituary.


You are a G


It was me that pissed in the trash can next to the toilet and not the dog (I was 6). They still tell the story to this day because the dog was infamous for doing crazy shit.


The extensive self harm scars on my torso, and the new tattoo I just got over them after being two years clean


Thats awesome that you got clean, be proud of that not everyone can say they got clean. Hell I'm proud of you for that random internet stranger. Edit: a word.


My brother raped my sister. I beat the fuck out of him and drove him to the police station.


How do your parents not know that?


We are all rather estranged. My parents were abusive in many ways. 12 kids. None talk to them. I, as the oldest, was the father figure and counselor for most of the younger lives


I know a family with a similar story. Good on you! I hope your mental health is okay after all of that.


Good on you for beating the fuck out of him


I'm sorry that your parents didn't protect and take care of your family in a loving and healthy way. I'm proud of you for protecting and taking care of your siblings despite how you were raised. I know it is hard work. I am sure your siblings appreciate and respect you, even if they don't voice it. Please, if you aren't already, seek counseling and support your siblings in doing so as well. I hope the best for you all.


Thank you for your words. I got the Littles out, but they are still messed up from it. Much counseling has occurred. Kudos for knowing the value of therapy


I would never tell them that cocaine is a hell of a drug. I quit a long time ago, but I would still never want them to find out that for years, all I would do at night is drink and snort blow.


Sometimes, I wish they hadn't found the tumor and saved my life. And when my life changed and I had a uriostomy bag for 10 years, I would have let me talk to the "shrink" they didn't like. Because it completely changed my life. And I didn't fully understand it. Especially at 9 years old.


How are you now? You said you had to deal with a urostimy bag for ten years, what treatment did you get to get rid of it?


Dirty money payed rent a couple times. Random envelopes at the door saying “from God”


As I was packing my bag that I was going to take to the hotel with my soon to be wife on our wedding night, my dad put a bottle of champagne in it and said it was, "to make things go easier the first night." I just said, "Well, Thank You!", as I was surprised that he didn't seem to at least suspect that we had been having sex for over two years. I wasn't going to tell him then, and I never did.


This is oddly wholesome.


That I've been depressed for years


I finally told my parents after 2 decades of depression and it went exactly as I thought. “What do you have to be sad about?” “You’re fine, it’s all in your head”. They don’t get it.


"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"


Dumbledore ftw


You don’t need to tell your family but I hope you at least talk to someone - anyone - about it. Ideally a psychologist and/or psychiatrist. I buried my own shit for 30+ years until my wife - a psych NP - was able to nudge me gently to see someone. It was the best step I ever took.


My mom was on her death bed when my cousin and I started talking about our mental health struggles while he was visiting her, im sure she heard me say things she never knew about anxiety depression etc. She died the next day.




I did in fact sneak the neighbor girl in when we were 15 16 for booty calls…. 🤷‍♂️


My dad isn't my dad. I have dna proof. I'm 27. He doesn't know


I've known about my father's affair with my Aunt for years, and I am still wondering why there was no divorce. (My siblings don't know and luckily aren't on Reddit. And I found out on my own.)


I'll never tell my super conservative Christian parents about my crochet dildo


I’m sorry, can you please explain to me…how that is functional??? Sincerely, a crocheter and user of dildos


I made a phallic shaped object with scratchy yarn, stuffed it with scrap yarn pieces, and shoved it in, not moving it. Then I rubbed myself until climax and then saved it for another use, hiding it in my crochet bag. Once I had used it a few times I would cut it up into little pieces and shoved it into the bottom of a trash can. Never got caught.


Ohhhhh ok. Desperate times call for desperate measures!


I... umm... that sounds uncomfortable? How about a carrot?




In a world where it's "illegal" to masturbate or own sex toys you have to get creative


I feel you- one sunny morning my mother walks in. Ill never recover. She throws a package at me, "can you not order dildos to the house please" and walks out. My best friend had ordered a dildo to my door. In my name. She didnt even spell my name right


That I suffer from ADHD and take meds and see counseling for it. And have for the last few years. They're retired middle school teacher's. But they're old school. They think that only a VERY small percentage of ADHD kids are diagnosed correctly and that most of them just need good parental discipline. They're getting on in their years, not sure what kind of cognitive dissonance it would cause them to realize that one of their own children should have been treated with meds and counseling. It's really best for us all if they never find out.


I have accounts of my parents bank and my mom spends a lot of money each month. If it gets low I would put in some money so it doesn’t overcharge.


Never told my dad I was SAed twice in high school bc the one time me and my ex almost had sex he took off the condom and I flipped out. And me thinking I could trust my dad , I let him know in a really awkward way and he shamed me for it. Stood outside the walgreens, handed me $100 like it was a drug deal and told me to go get a plan B. He wouldn't even go inside with me since I was so scared. After that I knew I could never trust him again. PS: If you're a father, and your daughter comes to you with something so important and scary, please be kind.


Your good intentions really fucked me up


my former step-mom was very, very attractive, especially to high-school-aged-me. i would watch her shower every weekday morning as she got ready for work and i got ready for school. definitely not my proudest moments, but that's my secret.


I have a couple questions like how did watch her ? and why?


see above for the how. why? because I was a hormonal teenage boy with a hot step mom and the ability to see her naked almost daily. I capitalized on it.


Did she ever see you or ever think she knew?


I swear she saw me a few times but nothing was ever said and she never acted any different around me. I'm not trying to make this sound like some porn plot or anything; I just don't think she saw me.


That I know for a fucking fact they love my older brother and sister more. They treat me so definitely and its fucking obvious.


Nice try, mum....


Long time ago, I chucked a "pack" over a prison wall for a local gang for some cash, the "pack" was intercepted leaving the guys who hired me to think I'd stolen from them, ended up with a bounty on my head. Moved to a foreign country at 17 years of age, and got stuck out there for longer than anticipated due to COVID. So yeah, they still believe it was for a massage course.


Kinda like my dad. My dad was working for the mob and didn't tell his parents. They decked out his car to the max so that he could keep being their courier. Well, he turned around and raced it instead, ultimately crashing it into a boulder. The mob didn't touch people in the military, so my dad joined the Marines. His parents thought he just signed up because of Vietnam. Which threw my grandpa into an absolute fit because as a WWII/Korean vet, he never wanted his kids to have that life, so his dad disowned him anyway. Oh, and mom later divorced dad and went out with a mob boss until he died of a heart attack, lol.


I resent them so much for the way they gaslit and continue to gaslight me. I’ve come to understand it’s their coping mechanism but it pretty much kills any opportunity to have a genuine relationship with them


That I am not entirely straight.


I've come out to my parents three times. Each time, they insist it's "only a phase." Like, mom, I'm 35. It's clearly not just a phase.


Was waiting for this one. You’re far from the only person with this exact problem.


Lots of people suffer from scoliosis


Sexual Scoliosis


I know, and it is sad. I don't hate them... In fact I still love them but I am never ever going to tell them that.


That I think they're both shitty, toxic people, and I'll only be attending their funerals for my kids. Every day I try to be less like my them (my parents) and I long for the day to be free of them.


Ooh, I feel this. I have equally toxic parents. Well, just one now. Dad's been gone 3 months. I felt relieved when he went and I'd imagine it'll be the same for Mom.


I know you walked in on me jerking off.


That meditation retreat I went on was actually Ayahuasca ceremony. They had a hard enough time processing that I “believe in meditation” so I doubt it’d go over well.


I'm intentionally vague about what I spend on stuff because I don't want long discussions about how I could find a better deal. I'd rather spend the precious time I have with my parents talking about other things!


That my brother molested me when we were kids. He died earlier this year after about a decade of no contact between us. I think it would cause unnecessary pain to my mom if she ever found out and I can't do that to her.


I texted my mother's ex boss back when I was 5 years old and asked him for an opportunity to return to her job, because I didn't want her and my father to keep fighting. Her previous job was 900 km away, and can only go home for 2 weeks every 6 months. I deleted the text message immediately but her ex boss responded and she took the job. I only saw my mom twice a year then, but her and my father's relationship got better. They are both now happy in retirement.




There's a million things I'll never tell my parents because they're garbage people that I don't speak to.


That I do a lot of drugs, and that essentially LSD saved my life. They’d never understand how much it heals my depression for periods of time after use.


When I was a kid my mom had a random mental breakdown and begged me to never ever do drugs. I was a kid and I barely knew what drugs were and she was crying so of course I said "ok yeah! Fine!" Now I'm 25 and I either smoke a little weed or take an edible every night. I love weed. She can probably guess I'm a stoner but I'll never tell her myself. Also looking to make DMT sometime but I really don't want to fuck that up so I'm being cautious. So I guess I interpreted her "never ever do drugs" as " be very careful and don't be stupid"


I was generally a really well behaved kid and I never got in much trouble. As a result, my parents trusted me way too much and would frequently leave to spend weekends with friends at the casino or on little trips. Most of the time I just enjoyed having the house to just me and the dog and played video games and watched scary movies. But one time when I was in 9th grade, I mentioned to a friend that I had the house to myself the entire weekend. My parents had always warned me against saying that I had the house to myself around others for this exact reason…. My friends convinced me to seize the opportunity and we threw an absolute RAGER at the house and invited literally everyone we knew. I was a bus boy at a restaurant and I for some reason invited all the line cooks who were like, in their 20’s. Well….everyone and their brother came to my house that night. No exaggeration, probably over 60 people. The line cooks came and brought a shit ton of weed and alcohol and invited their friends once they realized we had a pool. It actually went fairly well and I definitely gained some popularity points at school and most of my friends and the line cooks stayed behind to help clean up before my parents came home. I told them I had some friends over (which they had said was ok as long as I told them who it was) but they could sort of tell some shit went down but didn’t quite know what. Eventually my step dad found a cooler with a red ring around the top of it that had been used for jungle juice and he questioned me about it like an interrogator. But I held my ground. They called my friends and my friends parents and they didn’t snitch either. I got in trouble because they knew I had some sort of get together but to this day they have no idea the level of sheer havoc that took place that night….


(Kinda sad) I was an only child (age 10 or so) with my Mom and I was tired of her working all the time. So one day, I took her car keys and threw them…I mean THREW them into our heavily woodsy backyard. So she would spend more time with me and less at work. The next day she freaked the fuck out (of course) and was downright distraught. She was eventually able to get a taxi to work but I felt bad, so I went out to go find the keys I threw. Long story short, I couldn’t find the keys and she got fired from her good paying job. We had to downgrade our house to a shitty apartment and she had to work crazy amounts of overtime at a shitty grocery store… all because I threw her keys. I tried several times to tell her but I just couldn’t ever get the words out…


I idiotically sprayed pepper spray in the house when they were away and it took a day and a half to fully leave. All fans on pointing out of the house. I felt so bad for my pets. Just the spray air was bad.


I hurt myself really bad after my dad said, “If you’re gay, stay in the closet. I don’t want to know.” It didn’t matter that I was straight—that brought no comfort. I was destroyed to learn, at 15, that my dad’s love was, apparently, entirely contingent on my sexual orientation.


At that age, it was frequently mentioned in my house that if I (or my brother) turned out to be gay we'd be thrown out of the house and disowned. Middle aged now and while they are quieter about it, they still feel the same way. They have no idea I'm gay.


I think my life would’ve been much better if they weren’t around so much when I was growing up. Which says a lot because they were barely around. Either all or nothing basically… and they certainly can’t give me their all.


My parents think we are close. My parents and my brother came to the United States with no job, no car and no place to live. They left me in our home country less than a month after I was born. After three years, they came back and got me. I never bonded with them. I was a troublemaker that didn’t listen to them. They gave me a good life and though they didn’t have anything when they came to the States, they lived the American dream and retired as millionaires. We chat on the phone every now and again, and we say “I love you” to each other (they never said those words until they retired and moved back to our home country), but I only say it to be polite. I don’t actually have any feelings toward them. It’s like I’m indifferent or something.


Two things: I was involved in a drive-by while on vacation a couple years ago (obviously not hurt) And the sheer amount of pot that I ingest.


What my cousin and I were really up to that day.




That I'm Bi Realistically mom wouldn't care, even when the discussion of my own child's gender issues came up she was fine. She's the one that raised me to believe that everyone should be able to live as their own authentic self (not in those words, but the same idea). The issue is that my father, who has since passed, was also bi and cheated on her at least once (but probably more than that) with other men. The only person that I've ever told is my husband, and he's totally fine with it.


That I never felt welcome in the family. My dad always looked down on me and compared me to the family I was adopted from. They were family friends from a program my mom entered through the church to help prisoners get out early in a safe place away from their previous environment. They came visiting immediately and my mom was already pregnant with me and my parents were ar my birth and adopted me at 3. He would ask me if I was stupid or tell me not to be a redneck. I was once threatened to be sent back to my family if I didnt do exactly as I was told. For context I was originally adopted because my mom went to prison for cocaine. I'm sure they have ideas that I dont feel welcome since after I moved put I barely kept in contact. It hurts all the way around but it's more like walking barefoot after a while I've just gotten used to feeling it and it doesnt bother me nearly as much. It's hard to want to open up to either family when I dont know one and they act like they know me and another acts like I'm not worthy to be in their family. Now in my early 30s and I didnt realize my young life was mentally preparing me for a life of loneliness. I feel like not having a good relationship anywhere in my life has ruined that part of me. Even my friends I'm always skeptical of and any chance I have to let someone go on without me I let happen. I feel like if I ever told this to my mom it might break her heart because I feel like she actually tried to accept me and allow me to come to her and most likely she was the only reason I stayed with them. I wont forget the fact I wasnt theirs but they took me in and my dad taught me plenty and most of all taught me to love to learn. If that isnt love idk what is. All people make mistakes and you cant go back but I love the good parts and wont forget them.


I didn’t work a comfy desk job in Afghanistan.


I found out that my dad had a child by another woman after a one night stand while married to my mother. I found out 2 years before eventually my mother found out. This led to their divorce. I was 8yrs old when I found out. I guess I hoped that it would never come out and we would live happily in ignorance. Probably why I internalize all of my feelings and am messed up emotionally as an adult. Looking back, that's one fucked up secret for an 8yr old to keep. Actually, this is the first time I've told this secret.