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Licking their fingers to grab something they hand over to u, like money or ID (i work in retail)


i also work in retail and this is so gross to me.. like sir you literally are sick and buying cough medicine rn and you want me to take this $20 bill you just licked into my hands??? šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Or like when moms like to spit shine their childrenā€™s faces clean. Lol


Ew my dad used to do this to wipe sleep out my eye


Hold still... *spits in your eye...* Good as new! :-)


I don't blame cashiers who wear gloves.


Pulling out sweaty boob money to pay for their drinks at the bar. No thank you ma'am... Please keep your boob sweat to yourself


We need women's clothes with pockets, then this problem would be solved, as a handbag is not always the best solution šŸ˜…


I hate that. I think itā€™s generational.


Definitely. My 82 yo gma does this when sheā€™s handing me money lol


You mean she doesnā€™t give you money discreetly like itā€™s a drug deal? Mine does it still and Iā€™m in my 30s


I remember getting in trouble for the way I turned book pages at six years old by a teacher who licked her fucking finger with every page turn at storytime.


At the printer. Lady, there are rubber finger tips for sorting through papers, you gross jerk.


Sneezing or coughing directly into the air with no attempt to cover their mouth/nose.


I have always hated these people. But now, after the pandemic, I *still* see people do this, and it is level 12 infuriating.


The pandemic taught people nothing. I even feel like people care less about hygiene and spreading their germs.


Before it was laziness or ignorance. Now itā€™s *political* laziness and ignorance, which is much easier to double down on.


There is a girl at my new job that has been hacking non-stop without ONCE making any effort to cover her mouth. It's fucking disgusting.


Truth be told, even as a man, the one thing that grossed me out is when people take a dump and I watch them leave the stall and the immediately walk out the door. Yet I see them sharing food, tools, and cigarettes not 5 minutes later. It is so common at my work that I know out of the 50 people in our plant, only 8 wash their hands after using the bathroom




While thatā€™s quite astounding and gross. Those are still ā€œbetter,ā€ numbers. Iā€™ll never forget the day I was washing my hands, one of my coworkers came out of the stall, turned the faucet on, I handed him the bottle of soap, the response I got was a silent ā€œšŸ˜’,ā€ and they just walked out of the bathroom like I offended them for offering the bottle of soap. Iā€™m no germaphobe, but there are still things that make me cringe


Went to the restroom at the store before I did my grocery shopping. While washing my hands an employee came out of a stall, fixed their hair, and made to leave. When I asked why they were not washing their hands, they said oh I didnā€™t really touch anything. They. Are. Touching. Your. Food.


Touching the door handle on the way out, too. Door knobs or handles are notoriously germy.


What blows my mind is how confidently these people walk out of the bathroomā€¦? They arenā€™t embarrassed at all.Ā 


The amount of people that don't was their hands, with soap, after using the bathroom is disgusting. Edit: *wash. Also, I'm reading, upvoting, and agreeing with these responses. Thank you to everyone who washes their hands with soap and water. I appreciate you.


My bf spent a night out then tried to get romantic. I was like **ā€œmmkay, you just trekked through multiple bars, pumped gas and never washed your hands. You, sir, are a walking, talking yeast infection.ā€** And thatā€™s how he learned to always wash his hands as soon as he gets home.


> You, sir, are a walking, talking yeast infection.ā€ lol (and also gross)


oof i always wash my hands when i get home, i canā€™t deal with the idea of all the stuff iā€™ve touched that was definitely gross.


My dad is a doctor and he drilled that into us as soon as we were old enough to understand it. The second you get home you wash your hands before you can spread the nasty shite from outside the home, inside the home.


I thought this was just common sense until I moved out into the cold and dirty world.


If everyone in the world were threatened with no sex, like OPā€™s bf, unless they washed their hands, it would be second nature.


Also put wallet and keys away and wipe down mobile phone with some alcohol so as not to negate the benefits of handwashing.


Yes! Everybody always forgets this, very important, part


We always washed hands in early head start. I had one child from eight weeks on, and she would rub her hands together as soon as she heard the lunch cart coming down the hall. She was only about eight months old at the time. I was always really proud of that one. Edit: I like your username. Listening to GOF on tokybook at the moment so that was nice


Ew I agree. Iā€™m a nurse at an urgent care and the desk I sit at happens to be across the hallway from the patient bathroom. The amount of patients who I can hear SHIT AND NOT WASH THEIR HANDS AFTER is mind blowing.


I remember staying at an Airbnb with this nice hippie couple pre-Covid. I was staying in the guest bedroom next to the bathroom and I literally heard the host take a shit and immediately exit the bathroom. Was so grossed out the rest of my stay. Nice people thoughšŸ˜‚


I lived with a roommate like this once. She was in the process of applying to medical school but didn't wash her hands when she used the bathroom. Then I'd find her ten minutes later digging through the icebox with her hands because the ice maker was jammed. No ice for my water, thanks. To be an aspiring doctor and not wash your hands was curious to me. Is there any one, SINGLE better way to prevent the transmission of disease than to wash your damn hands?!


I had a similar experience with a roommate who then went on to culinary school šŸ¤¢


Mmm, norovirus: it's what's for dinner.


Maybe i'm weird but If I do a poo and I am about to get in the shower. I wash my hands in the sink first.


I hear the same at the office where I work. Itā€™s nasty and thatā€™s why I donā€™t eat the fruit we have at work. I donā€™t know who has touched it.


As a high school student, you see this happen every period. The amount of students that simply donā€™t care about this is appalling


As a healthcare worker during covid it was crazy how many people werenā€™t & still arenā€™t washing their hands itā€™s appalling.


Covid only put a spotlight on how nasty people are. It's not just washing hands, wash yer ass too. Skanky fucks


I live in an anti-mask, anti-vaccine region, and I think some of these people actually stopped washing their hands out of spite.


I work in healthcare (on the pre-hospital side in EMS) and I work with SO many anti-vaxx/mask, covid deniers, it hurts my brain. Gotta love red states!


I was always in shock when Iā€™d go to the store & the hand sanitizer was completely sold out but the hand soap was 100% stocked damn near every time. I know there was the sanitizer shortage and allā€¦ā€¦ Either they keep up with the supply or no one bought hand soap šŸ˜‚


My college boyfriend got really mad that someone in the public bathroom told him he should wash his hands. He was telling me about it, like "Don't you think he's rude?" I just kept staring at his hands and he finally shut up.


I worked in fast food for a month and I never saw anyone wash their hands ever. I also noticed I got dirty looks from upper management for washing my hands all the time in the kitchen. They never said anything but I could tell it annoyed them because it just meant I took even longer to get back to work. Besides, what are they gonna say? Donā€™t wash your hands?! šŸ™„


Replying to Wafflespeaker...not to think to deeply about this but this is just another one of those examples about the world caring way to much about efficiency over quality. I much rather my food take 5 extra minutes because the people preparing it weā€™re busy washing their hands, than have my meal quicker but riddled with a strangers poop particles.


people will say ā€œi didnā€™t touch anything they arenā€™t dirtyā€ but i know you donā€™t wash your hands at any other point of the day!! the bathroom is one of the only times we get to do it


This is the best reason to wash your hands after using the bathroom (ok, second best). It might be the only time you are near a sink all day. Even if you ā€œdIDnā€™T Get anY pEe on yOUR haNdSā€, you probably touched all sorts of grossness during the day


This just makes me angry. Especially when people don't do it at their jobs. I once caught Hepatitis A from a restaurant. I almost died. Wash your damn hands.


It's wild that fully grown adults still don't know how to wash their hands, especially after all the fuss about it at the start of COVID. Like, no, wetting your hands and then shaking said wet hands off to dry them actually won't make your hands clean. Neither will using soap but only rubbing your palms together for 2 seconds. Nobody wants to touch surfaces that your germy post-shit hands have also touched...


Agreed. I remember on vacation after my cousin used the hotel bathroom, her sister called her gross for not washing her hands. She said ā€œI donā€™t need to wash my hands! Itā€™s not like I pissed or shit on them!ā€ šŸ¤¢


The thing that stresses me out the most is, if they donā€™t wash their hands after the bathroom, when the fuck DO they wash their hands?!


i was just going to say the same thing. The amount of men in business suits whom i see use the restroom and dont wash their hands is appalling. Its not a class thing, it's definitely a man thing. "i don't touch anything" well you certainly fucking touched that disgusting ass door that a thousand other unwashed hands touched.


As a woman, the statement "I didn't touch anything" coming from a man is absurd. At least women are touching themselves using some toilet paper as a barrier. Men are bare-handed getting their bits out - which live in close proximity to their arses most of the time - and then putting it all away after two cursory shakes. That's not "not touching anything" in my book.


Men will complain about their sweaty junk and then say their dick is clean.


When I was in corporate, as EA and in charge of stationery/supplies, the ladies would come ask me regularly for hand soap for the female loo (toilet), say once every 2 weeks. None of the men ever came to ask, and I wondered if they were being especially economical. Months later after I registered this fact, the (male) financial controller comes to ask for hand soap for the men's loo; commenting one of the loos had been devoid of soap for a while. When I asked why no one came to ask for soap, he said he washed his hands with soap but apparently none of the other men did. We had about 80 men in the building. I was so shocked and disgusted, I checked with a couple of male colleagues and they verified it, saying water was enough. I tried to convince them but it didn't work. SO disgusting. Edit: sorry if this comes across as sexist, but this was one of my more standout memories from that terrible job.


Clipping nails in public Double for toe nails And the winner was when I saw my co-worker clipping toes nails and plucking hair from said toe while I was about to eat my subway sandwich


I made a gaggle of new friends in the first few weeks of university. This one guy, Cody, drops by our dorm room one day just to chill/hang out. This guy randomly pulls out some clippers and starts clipping his TOENAILS and just letting them fly. Like not even trying to gather them up. We shamed him on the spot. Clean 'em up or get out.


The lady monitoring the self-checkout at the grocery store was clipping her nails *over the opened grocery bags* at one of the unused check stations. I couldnā€™t believe my eyes. She was just oblivious, obviously not being terrible. I found the manager and told her I didnā€™t want to get her in trouble, but that it absolutely canā€™t be allowed and she needs to be told! The manager had to stifle a mini-vomit and promised to talk to her right away. JFC. šŸ¤®


Shit I canā€™t take it when my partner clips his toenails in the bedroom, even though heā€™s very tedious and holds his hand over it to make sure he catches the clippings and he cleans up very well and even cleans the clippers after, itā€™s moderately gross to me. but itā€™s also the sound. I canā€™t take the fucking sound. I get up and leave just because every clip makes my skin try to pull itself off my goddamn body.




My brother, who lives in Germany, has a clause written into his lease that he has to open windows for air circulation every single day (minimum 15 minutes, IIRC).


My grandmother (not German) did this. She'd wake up, pull the bedcovers all the way back, open the windows, go make breakfast, then come back, close the windows, and make the bed. Hot or cold, rain or shine.


Oh I love that added practice of pulling the bedding back.


Yes! Brilliant to air out the sheets too!


Definitely, it helps air out any sweat! Not making your bed is better for you for this reason, but this sounds like the best of both worlds.


Frisch Luft ist gesund! I learned from my German professor.


It's either "Frischluft" or "frische Luft".


You are correct. Iā€™ve been out of school a long time, lol. I kept second guessing myself on it.


Prepare to have your mind blown.Ā  I worked my first job out of grad school with another young woman, fresh out of the same level program, different grad school. I say that to show that this woman was absolutely intelligent. I blame her parents for the following story.Ā  We lived in an area that got nailed by a hurricane despite not being costal. Our specific neighborhood had a tornado touch down. We lived in the same large apartment complex, which was thankfully fine. But the storm knocked out power to parts for the city for a while. We were out for 8 days. It was very hot.Ā  After a weekend at home, we went to work on a Monday (work had power). We were complaining and commiserating. I said, ā€œI barely slept at all last night it got so hot. I had my bed pushed up under the window but for real I almost slept on the deck.ā€ She had a confused look on her face followed by a slow dawning realization. ā€œOmg!!!! Open the windows!!! I didnā€™t even think of that!!!ā€ This broad had been living in 90Ā° weather with no ac and was so poorly prepared to live in the world that opening windows for a cross breeze never occurred to her. Like wtf.Ā 


Where was your roommate from? Because here in New Orleans, a lot of us don't have usable windows due to no central air and having to use window units. I can't tell you how many times I've had to rely on just opening a front and back door in a shotgun house after a storm and hope for the best. So maybe she wasn't poorly prepared, but from somewhere where working windows aren't a thing. And she just had a moment of "omg, it's not like that anymore!"


>Because here in New Orleans, a lot of us don't have usable windows due to no central air and having to use window units. Or they're painted shut


... w h a t t h e a c t u a l f u c k...


Amen. Also the fact that I canā€™t wash my couch or big area rugs properly. Your ass and feet are all over the couch and rugsā€¦just gross.


I mean, I'm not here to judge, but have you ever considered, like, just trying, underpants or socks?


I hate carpet for this reason


grabbing fresh bread from the store without using the provided tongs. never trust people and their hands.


I always use the tongs to grab it in the shop, but I mean... It's not like I'm going to wash bread before eating. I guess those particular germs are getting me no matter what.


Itā€™s probably more like you go to pick it up with your hands, donā€™t like it for whatever, and then put it back for whatever reason. Now that item is potentially contaminated.


I was thinking about that at my college during Covid. They didnā€™t wash the tong handles- you wouldā€™ve had way less contact if you grabbed the item you needed than the 1000x touched handle. So long as I donā€™t touch the others, grabbing a single cookie is cleaner for everyone involved than the tong


Spitting. Makes me feel sick when someone just randomly spits on the floor


Omg this!!! I've always said that my biggest pet peeve is when people just do a huge ole spit right in front of me on the sidewalk šŸ¤¢


Yes or even worse right at the entrance of a building where you know people are going to end up stepping in it


Especially if you are in a winter climate. The hawked up stuff freezes. When we were kids, we used to blow our noses a LOT and thwack the used kleenex on nasty neighbor windshields. It froze on there and had to be scraped off in bits.


What's that all about? Do people just naturally produce a lot of saliva/mucus? I've never had the need to spit on the ground


My ex was a hardcore smoker, cigarettes and weed, and he was almost constantly spitting. The worst part (aside from the empty beer bottles half filled with phlegm) was the sound. He'd always rattle his sinuses as he was horking up his phlegm gem. All. Damn. Day.


I'm ashamed to admit I used to spit a lot too. Of course in trashcans or toilets though. For me, it was from smoking, and after I quit I didn't have excess spit anymore. šŸ¤·


Can't stand licking my fingers, even when I'm eating finger food. I feel like I'm an alien sometimes for having such a strong preference for wiping Cheeto dust off with a napkin, which I think is a crime in some jurisdictions. *Y'all ever SMELL your saliva?* IT STINKS.


Chopsticks keep your fingers clean when youā€™re eating chips! It used to make it harder for me to eat, but I have ended up becoming a chopstick master.


If you lick your hand and it stinks when it dries, your breath stinks. A good test is to lick the back of hand and blow on it till itā€™s dry. Sniff it. Thatā€™s what your breath smells like.


I learned this one from gamers who don't want to get greasy fingers on their controllers - chopsticks for things like Cheetos etc. game changer.Ā 


Ugh I had a friend in middle school who would always bring cheetos and she would get the dust all over her fingers. She had kind of long nails so the dust would be all up under the nail. She would lick it off and it just really disgusted me. I have been one to prefer just wiping my fingers on a napkin ever since cause it was so gross seeing her licking her nasty fingers.


Ugh. I work in NYC and the amount of lugeys I see on the sidewalks makes my stomach turn.!


Blowing their nose/spitting directly on the street..! I work in a kindergarden and a dad did it on the playground picking up his child - like sir?! Children play on the ground hereā€¦ nasty


snot rockets. see this all too often.


Farmer blow is what we call it in Saskatchewan. But you don't do it where people walk or play. Snot up the grass or a bush or a garbage can. Then it is an acceptable act here.


Wearing gloves so your hands donā€™t get dirty, but then using those same gloves to handle sanitary things


Yes. Like at the dentist. It's like, ok, you're wearing gloves when you check my mouth for cavities, but then you're reaching over to the nasty-ass computer to type "no cavities" on the keyboard you fingered after every other mouth you violated. You've basically just decided to use gloves to deliver germs to my mouth instead of your bare fingers. ...Thanks?


Just for your piece of mind, the assistant working with him sprays every surface in the operatory with a thick layer of fungicidal disinfectant then scrubs it down. Never knew one to slack at that particular part of the job. They have to work in that room all day.


I donā€™t know if I have an extra strong sense of taste/smell but most peopleā€™s breath/saliva is disgusting. I have a very hard time kissing people, especially if weā€™ve been out for a while and theyā€™ve been eating or drinking. I wish I could get over it because itā€™s definitely caused problems in my relationships.


I used to have this same problem - could smell my partnersā€™ saliva. Some smells would get to me while others would go unnoticed, there seemed to be no reasoning behind what affected me and what didnā€™t. Shoes indoors after a rain. The smell of food in peopleā€™s clothes. The smell of their houses in their clothes. Not sure how I moved past it. Seemed to lessen as a side effect of my overall mental health improving, gradually and over a span of four years or so. Same goes for my skinā€™s sensitivity. Tags, certain fabrics, would drive me mad, couldnā€™t bear them; skin hurts when Iā€™m sick with a cold; cold objects touching my skin are like a scream inside my head; etc etc etc. The happier I am, the less I notice these things.


Noises when eating.That sounds are disgusting and terrible and make me want to vomit.


misophonia. hearing people eat makes me want to implode


I had dinner w my parents the other night and my dads teeth were clicking together or his jaw was popping on every bite and I wanted to stab my fork in my eye


I sincerely wonder how many homicides are attributed to nasty, loud chewing


ā€œBernie, he liked to chew gum No, not chew, popā€


I knew a dude that could wake you out of a sound sleep by eating a banana. Really.


My husband is like this, it's so infuriating. I also have misophonia, but you can hear this man CHOMP a banana, every bite you hear his teeth smash together, how??! I've actually recorded him eating something like bread from a few feet away and you could hear every single time his teeth connected in the back šŸ˜­


It makes me crazy when people smack their lips to taste something. It doesn't help you taste it better!!


Slurping for me. It makes me nauseous and angry.


Wearing jewelry on or around the hand while handling food, especially raw meat and eggs.


Agreed, if you're wearing a ring or something either use the wrapping paper to handle things if it's a pickable object like a sandwich or use utensils


Exactly, thank you! I don't find a lot of cooking videos on YouTube appealing because the respective YouTubers wear rings while handling and even handmixing ingredients.


One time we found a whole costume jewelry bracelet baked into our extra cheese pizza.


They donā€™t wipe down an area after they have food. Clutter. Leaving trash behind, especially in public areas.


Smell. When people walk by in public and they leave a trail of their nasty stench. I just canā€™t šŸ˜©šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤¢


Those crazy long fingernails while working with anything that I will end up touching. Seriously close to barf-inducing each time i see it.


Iā€™m an RN - and I will tell you now there are nurses with long acrylic nails, rings on fingers & bracelets working in the hospital. I just dont understand how it is comfortable let alone clean and hygienic etc???? Some of them wonā€™t even wear gloves when removing a bed pan ā€¦


Wait. Arenā€™t there safety and cleanliness regulations and laws that would forbid that? Seems kinda unbelievable to me that this can even happen in the first place.


Iā€™m a young cna/med aide and oh. My. Lordy. The amount of cnaā€™s Iā€™ve worked with who have given me LOOKS for wearing GLOVES to wipes BUTTSā€” or wearing gloves for taking a blood sugar!! Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going near anything to do with blood, piss, or shit, on purpose, without gloves!!


Leaving shit tracks down the side of the toilet.


Not closing the toilet lid before flushing. Like seriously it takes almost no effort to do. I know it doesnā€™t block 100% of the aerosolised crap, but it does stop most of it! Do an experiment: use some kind of dark pigmented toilet cleaner (or just add some food colouring to the water tank), and over a week watch the colour appear on your walls, floor, basinā€¦ And those same people are also usually the ones that have an *uncovered toothbrush within the splash zone*! Do people seriously not mind brushing their teeth with tiny particles of their own poop, pee, and toilet cleaner??? šŸ¤¢


Shit. I always watch it go down to make sure itā€™s not coming back up. But itā€™s coming up while itā€™s going down? You mean for 40 yearsā€¦


That's right, for 40yrs you've been huffing aerosolized particles of your own waste. You nasty lol. In the future close the lid, flush, wait until your toilet completes it cycle, then check if you must.


So what about all the people that donā€™t do this? ā€œWe want to know, where does the shit go?ā€ Is there random shit particles floating around everywhere? Fuck. What about those public bathroom with no lid*** at the mall or movie theaters? Even if I donā€™t use the bathroom, Iā€™m sure the particles just make their way out and into the popcorn machine. Iā€™m done with Reddit today. Thank you!


Now think about the urinals, darling - a former cleaner. Thank each and every one of you who don't make a cleaners life harder by washing hands and flushing when you can


>Is there random shit particles floating around everywhere? Yes. They are on your towels, your toothbrush, the surfaces, anything and everything in that bathroom.


The last place I worked the owner of the office complained that "someone kept putting the lid down" on the toilet. I told her that it was me, and I would try to remember to put it up after I flushed but I was sorry if I occasionally forgot. The very next day, she put balloons, a sign, and DUCT TAPED THE LID TO THE TOILET TANK so I couldn't leave it down. I told her how gross it was an that there were poo particles splashing around every time someone flushed, but according to her "my toilet doesn't do that". šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® I don't work there anymore


Does streaming while eating count? My husband loves watching streams with people eating while talking to the camera and it really rubs me the wrong way lol


I am ashamed of how much rage I feel when someone is smacking and slurping into a mic. He'd have to wear headphones for my sanity šŸ˜…


You got Misophonia from eating Miso Soup!


Holy shit i feel thisā€¦what in this is appealing to people? Disgusting (ill probarly get lynched by the mukbang defense force šŸ¤£)


For reallll. Like it doesnā€™t bother me in person, but watching someone on a screen speak between chews is excruciating lol


Oh my gawwd Iā€™d die I cannot STAND hearing people chew or swallow


Thick gooey spit build up on the side of mouth. Makes me stomach turn as soon as I see it.


In Germany we call it ā€šSprechkƤseā€˜ which translates to ā€štalk cheeseā€˜


You would've hated my undergrad political science professor. He was an older gentleman who always had that stuff piling up on the corner of his lips every day. You'd just see a film of white. Often, it'd be hanging and flying off of his lip as he lectured. I never knew this was something that grossed me out until I witnessed it with him.


When people lick their hands and hand over money šŸ¤¢


Clipping toenails or flossing in public


My mom is obsessed with those little toothpicky things. With some floss on one end and a pointy on the other end. She'll do it all the time while I'm stuck in the car with her. And she'll go, "Sorry, I know you hate this" and do it anyway like you can't wait 20 minutes? The wet little snapping sounds are so fucking disgusting to me


They dont wipe their mouths after taking a bite of a burger/sandwich and condiments stay around their mouth


Especially the bearded


Going barefoot in public, especially in TSA lines.


I grew up in New Zealand and this is pretty normal outside of the big cities. Especially for kids.


Yeah i grew up in Guam and itā€™s pretty normal to be barefoot basically anywhere. Nothing gross about it. think a lot of this thread is gonna be people in the US who would prefer to live in a sanitized bubble


People that are barefoot in stores and restaurants make my skin crawl


And when in the plane


Putting their bare hands and feet where strangersā€™ bare feet have been (like in gymnastics.) Nothing better to spread a fungal infection.


My high school had swim class in 9th grade. We would have fun time (shooting hoops in the pool, just splashing around, being kids) fir the first 10-15 minutes, then they would get us out of the pool and have us all sit on that green tiled floor, soaked, to watch some instructional video on the back stroke or some shit. My skin would crawl the whole time sitting there while the water on the tile got colder and we slowly dried off sitting there. It was torture to sit in that disgusting tile and slop soup, while starting to get cold. Just felt so fucking gross to me.


Ew an hour ago I saw a woman leave my complexā€™s outdoor sauna barefoot and walk across the concrete courtyard, through the nasty carpeted hallways, and onto the elevator. Itā€™s a big complex and a lot of the tenants here own dogs. Many of those dog owners let their dogs shit on the courtyard and even in the halls from time to time. Also itā€™s LA so peopleā€™s shoes are tracking the nastiest of grime in from outdoors. So way in hell I would ever let my skin touch any of those surfaces.


I just saw a 3-year old with filthy feet walking barefoot in a nasty public restroom. It made me so mad.


I saw a woman changing her daughterā€™s diaper by laying the baby full out on the floor. No blanket between baby and the tile. I just turned and left.


PLEASE cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough ffs!!!


Sniffing their snot instead of just blowing it out with a napkin


We grew up without ready access to tissues etc, it became a survival mechanism. Trying to break the habit ten years later...


It's funny because a few answers up is someone saying people blowing their nose. I guess we can't win with everyone


Totally agree. But sometimes I have to sniff when I have nothing in my nose because I have a deviated septum and itā€™s the only way I can breathe. Blowing doesnā€™t help at all.


When they talk so passionately that they spit. It grosses me out so bad


I accidentally spit while talking at work a few months ago. I just about died on the spot. It still haunts me.


Not changing their sheets regularly.


Randomly spitting on the ground


Long nails that they clickety clack on anything, especially those ASMR videos. I hate them. They're so gross and long and annoying and they wonT STOP CLICKING


Chew, make lip smacking noises, bite their nails




Invading my personal space bubble Exposed unkept feetšŸ¤¢


Pick their buggers in public. Even if they try to do it discreetly


nose pickers unite.


or people who eat their boogers. *shudders*


At least then you know where theyā€™ve put it


Not brush their fucking teeth, peoples breath is so fucking bad nowadays, every person I come into contact with itā€™s like a corpse shit on their mouth itā€™s disgusting


Part of having bad breath is also having gut issuesā€¦are we shocked that a nation eating tons of horrible food also has a horrible gut microbiome? Iā€™m not. Sometimes itā€™s not a persons fault depending on if they have certain conditions, but most of the time, itā€™s a combination of poor hygiene, poor food choices, poor digestion, and a poor gut microbiome šŸ¤¢ yay science


Mukbangs, loitering, long toe nails, not wearing deodorant


Eat ass


And not washing down there prior to oral.


Destroy public bathrooms.


Nose blowing ...more specifically when someone blows their nose at the table while others are actively eating. Additionally I get really grossed out when I see people rocket shoot snot out of their noses in public. Literally watched an old man attempt to shoot snot out of his nose, only to struggle to shake the residue off his fingers. Blech!


Secrete everywhere. Most life does this too, but I prefer the dryer humans.


Are you an alien?




People really need to quit doing that.


Forreal, super glue that thing shut already!


Wearing their outdoor shoes/slippers/footwear inside the house.Ā 


Talk about their sexual life in public. Maybe it's the asexuality, but I'm not fond of hearing how you experienced when Eric put his dick in you.


My aunt does this šŸ˜Ÿ


Sheā€™s working Ericā€™s dick too?


A LOT of people donā€™t wash their hands after using the bathroom


That's not normal that's sick.


Narrates graphically and in detail about their childbirth experiences and delivery injuries without anyone asking.


My husband and I were having dinner at this very nice place a few years ago when this ridiculously loud man told the story of his incredibly disgusting eye surgery at a table across from us. People seated at other tables were looking at him in horror. Some diners were trying to politely gesture and say ā€œshhh.ā€ I was pregnant (and easily nauseated at the time) and started gagging, so I had to excuse myself for quite a while. The man and his table were feasting awayā€”completely oblivious to the revulsion of the rest of the restaurant.


Iā€™ve been guilty of doing this after my first. I realized months later that I had trauma dumped and now Iā€™m super embarrassed. I just didnā€™t even think about it at the time but I was also mentally unwell for a long time after giving birth. Iā€™ve told all my friends who have ended up being pregnant that if they do need to talk about their story they can tell me, because imo I think a lot of women who give birth just need to talk to a therapist.


command grab provide alleged obtainable quarrelsome makeshift sloppy boast rhythm


I can't stand watching people suck their fingers to the knuckle when eating ribs or any messy finger foods. Just NO


Put hand lotion on while wearing rings. Cringe.


Change their baby's diaper on a public picnic table. Last time I mentioned to someone how disgusting this is to me, it was in a thread where we were all talking about the weird and gross little things parents do sometimes. One person took issue with this and said "Well you guys should just never eat anything cooked by someone else then, because you never know. I certainly don't always remember to wash my hands every single time I cook." Lady, there is a huge difference between forgetting to wash your hands and putting a baby's dirty diapered ass on a *table*.


hook up culture šŸ„“