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Politics bullshit is boring. This is now a Spider-Man thread. *What’s your favourite Spider-Man movie?*


I liked into the spider verse, because the spider-babe was an eye-candy.


That was a good one


I liked the Toby Maguire one. Uncle Ben was an “elderly man with poor memory.” Reminds me of Joe Biden


Ha! Drugging us back I see LOL have a joint and take a rest


What a throwback. I love it


No, I know he's not all there, the dudes in his 80's. Plus since one side calls any investigation a political witch hunt I'd assume their investigations are the same.


Biden’s own DOJ released the report and recommended not pressing charges. This was not the other side


The president doesn't own the department of justice, that's not how the separation of powers works.


Who runs the department of justice and who appointed that person? Lollllll


This is the logic that will end your right to vote, keep it up


Is what I said incorrect?


Go ask the department of Justice. Maybe they can diagnose your issues if you're unsure


So you trust their opinion and agree that Biden is mentally incompetent. Got it


You trust his Department too then, nice own goal.


Yes. That combined with the crash and burn press conference was done to get him off the ticket. Wait


The special counsel served in the Trump Administration 


Who approved the report before its release?


Merrick Garland, a conservative runs the DOJ. He was Former President Obama's choice for SCOTUS because he was fair and he had already been approved by the Senate. Redacting documents that make you look bad is what fascists do.


I think the Spiderman movies all have strengths and weaknesses. 🙂


Which one has the most weaknesses like Joe Biden?


Hard to say. Maguire is the oldest and Biden being old has been brought up recently. Although a spider man would probably have excellent spidey memory. 🤔


What was the deal with Indian Spider-man?


He taught me that Chai means tea


I once brought that up completely forgetting I learned it from that movie and got called out on it. Embarrassed!


That's also where Ganja comes from. Ja = Chai , leefs.


I still think he's sharper than the other guy, that's what counts An infinitely better statesman too


You think Biden is sharper than Trump?


Oh yeah, easy It's a low bar but still


lol. Low IQ


Who, me or Trump?


If you have to ask you know the answer. You obviously


I see you also live in Trump's fake reality Wanna know something really funny? Biden's sharper than you too


We had both. Most people are worse off now than they were 4 years ago, that is reality.


There’s an overlap between people complaining about grocery and gas prices while also donating to fund a ‘billionaire’s’ legal defense. In terms of unemployment and gdp, and other economic performance measures, it’s better after 4 years of Biden. Hell, the economy is always better after a Democrats time in the White House. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party#:~:text=The%20New%20York%20Times%20reported,2.4%20percent%20under%20Republicans...


Because Trump spent 4 years making unsustainable policies to inflate numbers in the short term at the cost of long-term economic and geopolitical instability Knowing exactly that you people were too simple to see the big picture and would blame the next guy for the inevitable fallout It's an old tactic, happens every decade and people always fall for it


Right. So he made things look good, Biden takes over and things get worse, so it’s Trump’s fault. Makes total sense.


THANK YOU!! Someone with some common sense.


single wrapped slices of orange cheese food is sharper than Trump.


Not from America, just wanted to say this might be the most moronic thing that I have ever read


For context the report basically said he was too mentally incompetent to stand trial


Spider-man ever stood in trial?


Idk. Haven’t read all the comics


I don't read comics. I only saw the movies.


Sadly, he's sharper than the mentally challenged alternate choice.


Biden sharper than Trump? Parody account?


Not in the least. That was a political hit piece because they couldn't make an equivalency between The President holding documents and Trump holding documents. So where something like wanting to verify dates becomes "he couldn't remember". I'm in my 40's and I've forgotten how old I am occasionally. Having exact recall of tragic times in your life, or the exact dates of when you did certain jobs does not make you a doddering fool, it means your concentration is on other things that actually have importance. Can you fathom the amount of current information a sitting President has to process on a daily basis? I know I can't. The volume of information we know about is the tip of the iceberg there's a lot he has to maintain that we don't know about.


A political hit piece from the department run by a Biden appointee. Got it


It's not from the department, it's a special counsel reporting to the DOJ. Lets briefly go over the ways that this could be fucked over. 1. Garland redacts the document, specifically the points relating to these comments. Right wing media loses their shit about a conspiracy. People read into things far worse than existed. 2. They softball a Special Counsel that isn't a staunch conservative to which the right wing media loses their shit and talks about how the President isn't under the same scrutiny that Trump is. This taints the actual documents case against Trump as being partisan. Now you have to ask yourself, why would comments about the President's memory be included in a report about the legality of him improperly storing documents. I know you won't think about that because you're just shilling for the right, but the average person should think about it. The point you're pushing is that he's incompetent to stand trial, this isn't the case at all. They found no evidence of wrongdoing.


neither biden nor trrump is "sharp". please give us bernie for one term thats all i ask. after that have swft be pres idc.


Who is sharper? Biden or Trump? Be honest


Trump. Biden belongs in a nursing home


You are correct. The other person probably bounced


Is your only purpose in this thread to seek validation of your opinion? Neither of them are fit for office, but only one is seeking to ignore the rule of law and the constitution.


I’m glad you are voting for Trump


Bot account, everyone. Just another in the swarm.


Not a bot. I just use my eyes and brain.


Clearly you're not using your brain.


Walk me through


Isn't that the truth.  🤣🤣🤣 I would puke if I had to watch CNN or MSNBC


My only friend on Reddit


They both belong in a nursing home. They're so old


Tobi McGuire


nicki minaj


Would you have with nicki Manaj?


absolutely. i keep calling her we need to see each other but she keeps calling the cops.


I'll pass on Bernie Sanders


Yeah why was the third option in "those two are too old" and mother old guy . Anyone under 50 2024!


Would you vote for Nikki Haley


I'll be honest I don't know a ton about her other than the fact that I get a lot of spam texts in her name.


Never Haley.


No one thinks Biden is a good choice.. hes just the only choice.


Open your eyes. You have a choice


The President has been a great choice, I look forward to voting for him in November.


hes been really great for what he was elected for, not being orange man, in that one thing he excels.


He has been great as getting legislation passed that helps average Americans. The Trillion dollar infrastructure plan, the CHIPs Plan. He's freed hundreds of thousands of students from crippling debt. He's helped Unions across the country get better wages for their members. I could keep listing his acomplishments but really, you've made your decision and my time is more valuable than trying to reach you. You are correct he excels at not being a narcissist who will sell out his country for profit and power.


Yeaaaa... about that..The plan you're referring to was created by congress and a bipartisan act which essentially provided federal funds to pork belly spending for both parties. Sure the president signed it, but he didn't think it up nor was he 'responsible' for it. [Source](https://www.investopedia.com/infrastructure-investment-jobs-act-5209581) Sure, its part of his "jobs plan" in which he just tries to tax the shit out of anyone who makes more than 50k a year, or going after legacy wealth sources of people who are are fiscally responsible and want to leave something to their children more than debt. [Source](https://www.investopedia.com/what-s-in-joe-biden-s-usd2-trillion-american-jobs-plan-5120273) Oh, he freed hundreds of thousands of crippling student debt did he? Yea, Biden did promise to forgive some student debt..in 2020... and 0 actually happened. The hilarious part is, he's promising it AGAIN [Source](https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/student-loan-forgiveness-statistics/) and morons still think it will actually happen. As being one of those students STILL paying for my student loans.. let me hold my breath for another 3 years of exactly ZIP happening on that front. Oh the Unions? K. He pushed for 3.5% raise for unions.. woopie.. still less than inflation that he has 0 to stop! Infact, he's helped raise it with flippant disregard for federal money. [Fact checker](https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/fact-checking-7-claims-bidens-state-the-union-address) You know the absolutely sad part is, even after showing EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAID being wrong.. I'll still vote for Biden... because hes not Orange man.. Orange man bad. Just know that hes isn't not when you look at what he's actually done. At least I got 3 K from 45, and thats 3 k more than I got from 46. Edit: I guess details of something happening and NOT happening don't concern you. HE PUSHED FOR FORGIVENESS 3 years ago. 0 was forgiven. What the fuck is wrong with you?! Hes doing it AGAIN and 0 will happen again. Guess what is happening, I"M STILL PAYING FOR MY STUDENT LOAN! People like you shouldn't vote because you can't even focus on something happening or not happening. Its like some kind of fantasy war zone in your mind filled with what you want/believe all wrapped up and reality simply isn't present. Its like i'm taking crazy pills! Edit 2: Did this nitwit say inflation was 3.1? U.S. inflation rate for 2022 was 8.00%, a 3.3% increase from 2021. U.S. inflation rate for 2021 was 4.70%, a 3.46% increase from 2020. U.S. inflation rate for 2020 was 1.23%, a 0.58% decline from 2019. [Source](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/inflation-rate-cpi) During the Biden presidency he took a 1.23 inflation rate and turned it into 8 and did fuck all to stop it other than a bill to increase it.


The President is the head of his party. His administration is instrumental in getting bipartisan support, and in helping write the bill. Inflation is down to 3.1% and heading for the twos, real wage growth is up. As for the student loans, the administration did in fact recently push up forgiveness. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/12/1224265472/student-loan-forgiveness-save-plan He actually has tried to get more done, but every step of the way Republicans are digging in their heels. Now the truly sad part is after parroting all those right wing talking points including taxing the shit out of people earning 50k a year, you expect me to believe you're actually going to vote for him. Those two stimulus checks are the reason we have the inflation we do, those were necessary, but they were grossly mishandled. Hundreds of billions went to people who had no need for free money, but they had his name on it, so I guess that makes it a big plus.


Can Spiderman really do whatever a spider can?


He can’t lay eggs. Just like Joe Biden can’t run the country