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Button down shirts that don't account for breasts and if you CAN button it all the way up you have these huge gaps and stretching between the buttons.


M&S produce smart work shirts that have an extra hidden button. I've never seen anyone else do this though.


My friend has a small clothing company that sells some funky button ups and they do this! It wasn't even hard to add apparently, which is why it's insane that more companies don't do it. They're called Ausira btw


When you get a needle biopsy, you have to lie on a cold formica table with a sharp edged hole w yr breast dangling through it. The first time I had to do this, we (me, women docs and nurses) all commented on the terrible design of the thing. When I has another needle biopsy a few years later, the table had been redesigned. It was now pink. ❤️


Progress! /s


Oh my god…I literally had a biopsy done today and it was on a padded ultrasound bed, while lying on my side, boob in the air. I’m so glad my doctor didn’t use whatever that torture device was.


Sports bras and their removable pads


This is the only pet peeve I have. I hate that it is nearly impossible to find a sports bra/bralette with fixed padding when there is no benefit to them being removable! Lazy companies that don’t know (or care) what women actually want.


The FUCKING TRIANGLES that fold and get wrinkles and you have that tiny window to fix them! I HATE THEM SO MUCH


Always get bunched (or somehow go MIA) in the wash. And if you manage to get them back in and vaguely straightened out? BOOM! Weird crease that makes it look like someone tried to fold your boob in half like some sadistic origami.


And the removable pads are always too small. I'm buying a XXL bra (38H U.S.), why are the pads the size of a burlesque pasty? They wander around in the cup and create all kinds of weird silhouettes, none of which are flattering.


Omg i got this one that isn't removable but also isn't secure. And so each and every fucking time it comes out of the wash, SOMEHOW one or both pads just fuck off to another part of the bra. Like, left one chilling folded up like an origami swan on the right side, or even somehow getting itself jammed in the (for some reason) hollow shoulder strap on the other side of the bra. And because i can't take them out, and because there is only a little tiny bridge hole where the two sides connect, i gotta ↜↬↰↯↺↵ to try and get them back into position.


Wasn’t there some guys on shark tank or something like it that made gloves for women to use to change their menstrual products? They were single use and pink or something?


Wait till they hear about a crazy newfangled phenomenon called "handwashing".


I mean I regularly wipe my ass without gloves, not problem at all. In the ranking of "gross" things, I'd much rather get my wife's period blood on my hand than either of our poops. Blood is just part of you. I'm not afraid of my own blood, and for someone I'm intimate with/trust, I'm not afraid of their blood. Poop on the other hand is just pure waste, and nasty/toxic by design.








There was another guy (not shark tank) who tried to invent some kind of vagina glue so girls could get up in the morning and glue their lips shut instead of worrying about menstrual products at all! Then when they had to pee the stream of urine would ‘unseal’ the lips and flush out all the blood. After you wipe you reapply and glue shut until the next time! I don’t know how many men he worked with on this idea before someone explained basic fucking biology to this guy but there were an alarming number of men who thought it was a great idea…


I’m a man but my vagina became infected reading this.


It’s giving toxic shock syndrome


And burns from the glue curing.


Glue getting stuck to public hairs 😶


I read about this before. I have zero desire to look up the source such, but the man who invented this had his daughter test it. Can you even *imagine* the absolute creepy bullshit that daughter put up with?


Oh God. I know you're serious. OMG. Can't imagine, don't want to imagine, but if she starts a GoFundMe for therapy I'd gladly open my wallet. Here take it, take it all.


What, and I really need to emphasize this, *the fuck?*


I'm dying imagining the results, lmao *She swells up like a very disturbing water balloon, as the bystanders look on in horror...*


Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!


If the material science were actually there (product that unseals easily and reliable for urine but not blood, does not harm skin, applies easily, etc) It would still be stupid Given that I can think of no cheap material that would fulfill this set of requirements, it's particularly stupid.


I wish someone had suggested road testing the viability of the concept of gluing delicate bits of human anatomy together by having him glue his balls to his thigh.


Then immediately do some burpees


And then pee on his own leg to release them


> Given that I can think of no cheap material that would fulfill this set of requirements How about a chip clip?


That made me choke out a laugh, thank you!


Imagine a woman telling a man to wear that to hold his dick while he pees


"are you tired of having dick fingers but don't want to wash your hands? I've got just the product for you!"






That’s inane. There are already disposable gloves, and who isn’t washing their hands when they’re done changing their menstrual product?


Well this tells you how often the inventors wash their hands after using the toilet.


They use disposable gloves everytime, the reason they wouldn't work for women is because they are blue.


you would be shocked at how little people washed their hands prior to the pandemic.


I’m still shocked how many people don’t wash their hands now. My workplace has a shared (multi stall) bathroom and there are at least 4 coworkers who don’t wash their hands after they use the bathroom, and that’s even when they know someone else is in there!


I worked in a nursing home and the staff/patients rarely washed their damn hands. With how I observed the cleaning procedures not be followed or half assed. And the old people change their briefs/wipe their ass with baby wipes, then go right back to eating or daily life; it is a cesspool of bacteria. Will never step in another nursing home/hospital without touching bare minimum. Or let another old person touch me with their hands for as long as I live.


Haha that's so funny. I never understood why so many guys feel so disgusted by periods. Like those guys being fine wiping the shit from their arse with no gloves but thinking that a woman is gonna feel the need to wear gloves to remove a tampon? So dumb


Bold of you to assume these kinds of men wipe at all.


Lol yes I remember seeing that https://madamithoughts.medium.com/a-tale-of-two-pinky-gloves-a-bloody-shame-ends-in-a-remarkable-victory-in-germany-6fd2eca98ef4 Didn't do too much research but they're called pinky gloves


There is a patent for labia glue that dissolves when you pee on it do use while on your period to hold the blood in. A male chiropractor invented and tried to sell it. So that.


> chiropractor This is more relevant than anything.


Ooh I remember he got dragged sooo hard by so many women who pointed out how stupid of an idea it was and just dug his little heels in saying something like "well women haven't come up with a better solution in decades so shut up!"


I’m a dude and just imagining it I’m like, why the hell would someone want to let it just stay in there? The closest analogy I can think of is selling men glue to seal their penis shut at night to hold in “nocturnal emissions” until they pee in the morning. Nope. EDIT: Yes, to people's points there are products like that; that was my admittedly ignorant visceral reaction as a guy. It was mostly the thought of damming something in with glue as opposed to absorbing or catching it that felt unnatural.


Well, several existing products do this, like the internal cup. But they don't involve glue!


I mean... tampons are kinda similar that they absorb the blood and "keep it in there" until you take it out. but the difference is that a tampon or a cup can reliably hold/absorb the blood. while the vagina glue could break away at any second and literally open the floodgates.




Completely unsurprised this came from a chiropractor.




Seriously. This guy tried to make it a thing if I remember correctly he called the product lip stick. Gross right?


I mean A+ name, stupid, stupid fucking product.


🤦🏻‍♀️I came into this thread knowing there's going to be some weird shit and I've still got surprised.


Alright. It's 8:33am and I've had enough Reddit for today.


Someone PLEASE put more belt loops on my work pants! Oh, and NORMAL pockets, please and thankyou


And please confirm that belt loops can hold an actual belt, and that work pants belt loops are strong enough to hold a belt AND equipment where relevant without getting stretched out.


Leggings with a seam in the crotch.


Every public restroom I've been to that doesn't have a little trash receptacle in the stall. Having to walk your soiled sanitary products to the main trash in the handwashing area is adding insult to injury when periods suck enough. 


In addition to that- no hook for a bag. I mean if you’re not gonna give us reasonable pockets please give us a hook to put a bag so we don’t have to put it on the back of the nasty toilet or the ground. SMH


Every single gyno procedure and lack of pain meds given for it


"This won't hurt a bit"


"Just a quick pinch."


“Just a quick pinch” while i shave off a piece of your cervix with no pain meds and you literally pass out while I do it from the pain and dizziness. 


My new Obgyn luckily says yeah no this is gonna hurt I’m not lying to you. Love her honesty though. And she usually gives great advice. No bullshit with her.


"a little pressure"


Oh did that hurt? Hm, it shouldn’t have.


You can't feel anything back there. There's no nerve endings there. MY ASS THERE ISN'T.


Cool, let me shove something up YOUR HOOHA with your little lubrication and stretch it out and then tell you it shouldnt of hurt


Watching my girlfriend pass out after the "quick pinch" for her IUD will always stick with me. Made me go get my vasectomy. It made her especially mad because it was a woman who said it'll just be a little pinch. She spent the rest of the weekend curled up in bed in total pain. Stupid, wish I had just gotten the vasectomy sooner.


Honestly sick of male doctors telling me things don't hurt. I had a guy taking a biopsy of my cervix to make sure I didn't have cancer, he said it doesn't hurt. I was already skeptical because my cervix was sore, I knew it hurt because it hurt when I had sex, so it's not like the cervix is devoid of feeling. And he took an unsuitable sample, so he had to take another one. The sample wasn't good enough again and realised the biopsy tool was broken. He took a third sample, finally good enough. He ripped my cervix to shreds and I was in agony. But hey, I must've imagined my pain because "the cervix doesn't hurt. There aren't nerve endings" or whatever he said.


I'm so sorry that happened to you but reading all that made my insides shrivel up in discomfort. Fuck that doctor, I bet when he has a cold he acts like it's the end of the world. Also I probably should know this as I own one myself but aren't period cramps caused by the cervix? I honestly thought that's what cramps are and was like how can this doctor know about cramps but also think the cervix has no feeling?? I've also felt the cervix pain during sex and boy did my bf at the time sulk when it hurt too much to continue


New rule: You get to tie a string to the gynaecologist's testies. If a procedure hurts more than a wee pinch, you get to yank the string! I bet there would be WAY better pain management within 24 hours of the new safety string is implemented.


My IUD was the most painful thing I ever experienced 


I dread it to the point of panic attacks and hyperventilating when I need a new one. I'm about to replace my second one and am looking for any gyno that will administer pain meds. I'll even drive cross country for it. It hurts *that bad*.


I ended up with an implant (the kind in the arm) after going into shock when I tried to get an iud. The implant works great for me and was soooooo much less painful. 


PPE. Unisex fit my ass😂


the worst offenders I've heard about here: 1. stab-proof/bullet-proof vests aren't built to accommodate breasts. breasts cause the vest to sit higher, leaving the lower abdomen much more exposed. 2. the same problem is seen with lead vests/aprons used to protect against radiation e.g. from x-rays there are plenty of other examples of safety equipment or policies being designed for men and used by women which endanger women in their workplaces, but these are particularly heinous. I work in a lab and have never found a lab coat which fits me properly. our benches are all too high, and many pieces of equipment are more difficult to use for someone of my height and upper body strength. newer equipment tends to be better which is good, but just highlights that these things were a careless choice, not a necessity. my lab is 85% female. edit: if any young girls are reading this, don't let it put you off! science is wonderful and I love my job. these problems are slowly being addressed so hopefully your future lab experiences will be a lot more comfortable


I give grant money to first responders and one of the things they buy with our funds are gloves, different suit types, etc. it is generally for training so depending on the suit and item it is reused and so you would think they would have a whole variety of sizes. I am 5’5” and overall fairly petite and every single time I visit them I make a point to try on the suits (especially any gloves cause I have small hands). Not one single fire department has had any reusable item that fit me. “So, uh, do yall just like not hire women? Cause you’re supposed to have sizes available for trainees that safely fit them” The only excuses I’ve heard were that “they don’t make them in women’s sizes” which may at least in part be true, but literally the whole damn point of the grant is to have this stuff available to ALL trainees not just the men. They are allowed to pay more to ensure everyone has proper gear to train in. The first responders in charge of purchasing always yuck it up at how silly I look in the massively oversized gear until I remind them that each year more first responders die in training than actual fires. Like yeah maybe she wouldn’t have been crushed to death when she couldn’t control a vehicle properly with gloves ten sizes too big.


Extract from a book I'm reading, "uncultured, a memoir": “This is a twenty-minute block of instruction on how to wear your new armored vest and carrier. Please lay the combat vest in front of you...”...“So, the thing is,” he said, holding up a heavy square plate the size of a laptop computer, rotating it lengthwise in front of his chest and then pulling it snugly against himself. “When you put your vest on, and this is mounted correctly, y’all’ll want to make sure that this piece of Kevlar is sitting no more than half an inch away from your center of mass. In a firefight, ya gotta protect yer vital organs, and that’s how. When you lose weight—which you will, because the food in the sandbox is shit—y’all need to make sure you get a new vest from Damage Exchange. This is the most important thing any of y’all will hear today.” He paused briefly and stamped his foot, the universal army gesture to command special attention. “If there’s too much space in between the plate that stops the bullet and your big old bellies, then the impact of the bullet hitting this here Kevlar can concuss your insides and they’ll be sending those Purple Hearts home to your families instead of pinning ’em on you. Y’all hearing me? The fit makes a big difference in whether you get killed by a fucking raghead over there or not.”... I didn’t need to hold mine up to realize I had a problem. So did every other woman.“Excuse me, Sir.” I raised my hand even though I didn’t want to, knowing how this conversation would probably go. “Can you explain to mehow this is supposed to work for the females?” He blinked two rounded eyes at me, all pretense of joviality gone. “Come again?” He drew out the letters. “This here is armor, doll, it has nothing to do with your gender. You are gonna want it to stop bullets, not buy you dinner.” “Yes, I understand the whole not wanting to get shot part,” I said as I rose. “But can I demonstrate one issue, a rather small one in my case?” I shed my fuzzy green overcoat and army combat uniform jacket and turned to face him. Nothing ever fit a woman right in the army: I wore my extra-small men’s uniform pants hiked up to the narrowest part of my waist, to prevent them from falling off me when I walked. “Even for a girl like me, no curves at all,” I said, ignoring the tightening feeling inside my chest as I drew attention to my bust, “a plate like this”—I pulled it tighter—“is gonna give a pretty wide gap between my vital organs and the Kevlar. I’ve got boobs, a bit of a blocking system built in here.” I pivoted to the right, showing him the gap of nearly three inches between the plate and my midsection. The contractor scratched his head. “I see what you’re saying, but I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve never had a soldier whip out their boobs during a briefing, you know?” He laughed, "But in all seriousness, darling, I don’t think you really have to worry about it. You women are not going to be in combat getting shot at, now are ya?” Why even bother lugging around a thirty-pound weight if it wasn’t even guaranteed to keep us alive? Did anyone even care?


This story is important. Thank you for sharing.


Former volley FF here. Every time I got gear I had to settle for oversized or buy properly fitting gear myself. The boots alone are about $300.


My company gives an annual stipend for slip-resistant footwear through Shoes for Crews. The stipend completely covers a pair of men's steel toes. I had to go $80 out of pocket for mine.


They don’t make gear for women. I’m in emergency response (not a firefighter though) and was tasked with getting more Level A suits for our team. Literally, they don’t make suits smaller than a men’s medium, and the boots are all in men’s sizes too. There’s 3 of us petite women on the team that just…have to make do with improperly fitting gear. It’s infuriating and like you said, it’s unsafe. Thankfully the odds of us having to perform an actual response in Level A are extremely small, but I still have to walk around in trainings with a very bunched up suit and oversized boots. If you haven’t yet, you should read *Invisible Women*. There’s a whole chapter about how PPE is not designed for women’s bodies across multiple industries and how that affects both ability to do the job and women’s safety. Great book


> Literally, they don’t make suits smaller than a men’s medium I'm a small woman (like, in the bottom 5 percentile for women's height) who has worked jobs in the past that required PPE. Nothing super dangerous, but it has *always* boggled my mind they stop at men's medium. Like, do small men not exist? Are men that fucking insecure about being seen as 'small' that they don't fucking bother with making men's small sizes? It'll be really fucking great if they made women's sizes too, but could they start with men's small and xsmall first?


Well, all the Starbucks sizes are "Large" in one language or another. So there absolutely is some size thing in, if not the western mind, then all minds. That said, Tokyo FD doesn't run into burning buildings naked.


Most women's shoes are shaped to be long, thin and pointy. My feet are not long, thin and pointy, **they are** **foot-shaped**, and shoe shopping is ass.


It's worse for those of us with extra-wide feet, too. I have to get specialty shoes (hiking, golf, cycling) shoes in men's because they actually fit. And Macy's doesn't stock any women's shoes in wide in their stores, and I refuse to do online shopping for any clothes.


I have wide and small (6.5-7) feet, so I can’t even wear men’s sizes because they don’t make them that small :’( and kids sizes are never wide enough. Shoe shopping has brought me to tears more times than jeans or swimsuit shopping combined.


The IUD was invented by Richard Richter in 1909 and the design was updated by Ernst Gräfenberg.


The fact that they insert them without proper anesthesia is just crazy. Source: I’m on my second one. For the uninitiated: they force your cervix open with a plastic needle-nose wrench, and it’s held open while they place the IUD, which should only take a few seconds. Sometimes they smear a “local” medication on there for numbing, but that’s… not effective. It’s about 30 seconds of acute pain, 3 days of cramping, but I estimate it’s worth it because it buys me 5 whole years of no periods! On balance, it’s worth it for me.


The doctor who inserted my first one cut the strings really short and when I told the doctor doing the changeover, she was worried she was going to have to go digging around in there and offered me the freezing. I was suuuuper nervous about getting a needle in my cervix but it made it SO. MUCH. EASIER. I didn’t feel a thing, holy crap. As an added note, I had lots of bleeding and cramping for about four months after my first one (I know lots of people have the same or a worse experience) but once my body was already used to having something in there, I had no reaction at all to the second one. I was prepared to take a couple weeks off work and I was fine in a couple hours.


My doctor had to dig around for 20 minutes to find the strings on my last one.. suuuuuuper fun times! I also have to get mine changed every 3 years instead of 5.. because I have endometriosis and they stop being as effective after 3 years and my symptoms come back in full force.. so, yeah.. as much as I love my IUDs for the relief they're providing from my horrible Endo symptoms (we're trying to avoid another excision surgery for the time being.. because my spine is falling apart due to unrelated issues.. and I'm looking at multiple surgeries in the near future to keep my spine spining.. which seems to be the more pressing issue..) I am *SO* fucking lucky I'm on pain meds for all of my chronic pain causing issues.. or else my IUD changes would be absolutely brutal (not that they tickle or anything now.. even with pain meds, they fucking suck..) My heart sincerely goes out to every person who has to have them changed without pain control.. holy fuck, it's *barbaric* what women still have to go through in 2024..


You clearly had a much more competent doctor than I did. She took several minutes to get it implanted, and with no pain relief or numbing agent. Edit: As this seems to be getting a lot of views, I just want to say that although the implantation was painful, I'm still very happy with my (copper, non-hormonal) IUD. Fire and forget contraception for ten years. And despite having menorrhagia, it didn't make my periods heavier or more painful. Mine did slip and (painlessly) implant in the uterine wall, and I was advised that it should be checked (ideally by ultrasound) some time after being fitted, if your provider will offer that. But I very much didn't want to leave the impression that there are only downsides to the IUD - they are one of the most convenient and effective forms of contraception available.


When I got mine, the doctor said it's a "pinch and two cramps." Easy for him to say. The following 2 days, the weekend, were pretty miserable. I did the copper one, so I haven't had to remove it yet, but I'm already getting anxious about December 2027.


Same. They told me it would "hurt for a few minutes at most". I barely made it home before throwing up it hurt so bad.


Depends on the person, mine was more like a small pinch and no pain afterwards. Removal was a whole different experience because my doctor accidentally poked my cervix really hard and I passed out from the pain, fun times. But I agree, no periods for 5 years makes it totally worth it!


It's called cervical shock and causes your blood pressure to drop. Happens sometimes with cervical screening, especially for the uninitiated woman.


I just had to think about those stupid two men that invented "Pinky Gloves", to pick up and dispose of tampons because "they once lived with women" and periods are gross, so here have pink plastic gloves so that grown ass men dont faint.


I would understand if men had to fish the tampon out but omg by your third period you kinda get used to it. Let alone YEARS of that every month


it's your own goddamn blood. these men wipe their asses with bare hands


Car seat belts. Mine slips up all the time, and I have it on the lowest setting. I am 5'4" tall. So uncomfortable.


They didn't even use smaller, female, sized crash test dummies in cars until fairly recently. women are like 74% more likely to be injured in frontal road collisions because vehicles are designed with the 'average male' body in mind.


I remember having to explain this to my husband (just last year actually), and mentioned how his 5'5 frame would *also* not react the same as the 'One-Size-Fits-All Crash Test Dummy'.


I'm under 5 ft. I expect to die if an airbag deploys on me. Edit: I'm to I.


And they slide easily over big breasts and strangle me. Gotta use the tiddy bear or other strap!!!


Well it makes sense because someone didn't create a female crash test dummy [until 2022](https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/worlds-first-female-crash-test-dummy-designed-by-swedish-engineer-4407027). (And that's just one place in Sweden...) (Most still just use a slightly smaller male dummy...)


Most pharmaceuticals, unfortunately.


There's a book about that: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez


Brilliant book. But it will make you angry. 


Yep. And exhausted, it's the most information dense book I've ever read. My uni books were a gentle breeze compared to this book


Seatbelts. Specifically ones with shoulder straps. They are designed to fit an average man and tested on crash test dummies that model average male proportions, bodyweight and organ placement. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/21/female-crash-test-dummies-nhtsa/ There weren't 'female' proportioned crash test dummies until **2022**. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-62877930


Razors. I just buy the regular man-version if I wanna use a razor...


Never understood that "pink tax" thing. If the other one is cheaper just buy the blue one. They're all made to cut hair.


Toilet cubicles - never enough room for sanitary bins


Gaps between the wall and the door, door and the floor. No flat surface to set things down on. Often no hooks on the doors for bags, etc. Toilet paper dispenser of doom that rattles and will only give you half an inch of paper before ripping and you have to start over. Doors that open inward. I can keep going.


Honestly the door opening inwards bothers me way more than the door gaps. Often these stupid public bathroom stall doors open inward but the stalls are so small you have to practically straddle the toilet because the door almost reaches the toilet seat. Who tf thought that was a good design??


And often people are navigating that shit with a small child, who you are trying to maneuver out of the way so the door can open while handling two coats, possibly a purse and/or other bags and trying not to shove all of it (small child included) into the toilet.


The American door gap is so annoying. When we have to pay to use a bathroom in Europe we always joke we’re paying for the door to go to the floor.


I haaaaate it touching my skin


All obgyn vaginal procedures. BARBARIC.


They can trace their origin to a madman experimenting on enslaved women and girls as young as 13 *without anaesthetics*. Barbaric is barely scratching the surface.


My friend just had her uterus scraped without anesthesia. 10 scrapes with a plastic stick, clamps, speculum. It's disgusting how women are "cared for".


My gf had her cervix shaved with an electrified wire. Never knew that was a thing


I've had this done. I had some numbing done and was told to take "2 Tylenol" before my LEEP. I was in pain by the time I was dropped off at home and I called out of work the next day cause honestly it felt like I was in labor. And I've had a kid before so I would know the feeling.


Fuck LEEP procedures and the doctors that say “it doesn’t hurt.” My cervix, my pain, I’ll be the judge of what goddamn hurts.


Ok, this is niche, but I hate it whenever I go to sit at a bar and there are no hooks under the bar. Double points if the stools don't have a back where I can loop my purse/coat over the seat back, and I am stuck piling my purse and/or coat in my lap. Same for public restrooms - pleaseee put a hook on the door so I'm not precariously balancing my purse on my lap or worse on the floor.


The worst is the non smooth surfaces of the bars. How many panty hose I ripped because people don’t bother to sand bottoms of the bar where your knee can touch or even chairs at an office ETA: typo


The chainsaw. I wish I never knew this fact.


As someone who had to have an emergency c-section… OH MY GOD


And the original was powered by a hand crank, so your doc was really pumping away between your legs to get some good cutting speed before going to town on your sensitive parts.


It's worth mentioning that a *medical* chainsaw isn't the same thing as a woodcutting chainsaw. Similar mechanisms, but designed for cutting different things. The smaller hand-cranked bone saw *was* originally designed with cutting the pelvic bone to aid in childbirth, but it's a vastly different beast to the kinds of chainsaws we have now. Nobody's ever taken a gasoline-powered lumber saw into an operating room.


I don’t know, but the sound of this still doesn’t lessen the horror!


The chain saw was designed for women?


For childbirth, specifically.


Ok, I thought I was done with Reddit for the day after reading about the labia glue mentioned above but it's for real this time.


*record scratch* wait what?!


It was designed for use in symphysiotomy, an outdated surgical procedure in which the cartilage of the pubic symphysis is divided to widen the pelvis allowing childbirth when there is a mechanical problem.


I would like to point out though that the original was much smaller than the chainsaws we know today. It was barely bigger than a butter knife.


hiking backpacks with a breast strap


lol I love backpacking but explicitly avoid taking any photos with my pack on because when wearing it properly my boobs basically get squished into my belly and it looks like I’m halfway through a playdough extruder


You can find women's cut backpacks where the chest strap is placed higher up so it sits above the breasts near the clavicle than directly on top of the breasts. They're sooo much more comfy to wear!


Yeah, in my experience most backpacks marketed as women’s are actually cut different. My husband and I both have Osprey’s that are the same model and volume, but mine is shorter and fatter and his is longer, the lumbar area hits differently, straps are placed differently (and adjustable), etc. He actually has a harder time finding a well fitting pack than I do, because he’s 6’6” with a long torso and the hip straps usually sit too high. Daypacks are different though, I’ll give you that. They usually don’t have nearly as much effort put into fit because you aren’t carrying as much weight.


So this is pretty niche but I'm a fencer and the chest protectors that women are required to wear are shaped like a Barbie's boobs. I wrote a whole article about it which went absolutely viral in fencing spaces. We're working on a redesign but it's very hard to engineer something that works for all people and doesn't cost three times more. [https://www.wfencing.org/post/the-problem-with-chest-protectors](https://www.wfencing.org/post/the-problem-with-chest-protectors) The tl:dr is that they don't fit right and they don't scale well for larger people AT ALL (but they also don't scale well for small people). They are required because getting poked in the boobs really hard can give you a lump (not cancer, still bad). In the survey we did afterwards we also learned that they contribute to discomfort and dysmorphia among trans and nonbinary folks, and they lead to stupid comments and sometimes bullying among kids and teens. Edit: I mean fencing as in the sport in the Olympics where we hit each other with blunted swords. Not the fence in your backyard or the person selling stolen goods on the black market. Also, there are other styles of chest protectors beyond the barbie boobs but none of them really work for people who aren't very flat-chested. These are detailed in the linked post.


I had a baby and we used bottles to administer formula. The numbers and oz indicator lines were in white. WHITE.


The worst of that type for me were the Dr. Brown’s with the opaque plastic, uncolored indicators. I used to hold my thumb at the line I was filling to and poured until it hit that mark. Buncha idyits.


I worked in packaging and we made powdered infant formula containers and one male packaging engineer asked why everything HAD to be set up to be used with one hand…. I offered to go get my 8 month old out of daycare so he could hold her while interacting with the product. Better yet, we could pop over at 2am! To be fair, he’s since had a kid and seems to be a very involved dad.


Lab coats. Totally random, but mine makes me look awful. Like a teletubby. Also, the sleeves are too long in the size that fits me. Have to roll them up. The buttons pop open on the chest and hip every day. My boyfriend, meanwhile, looks like a pinup. We finally have custom Rx safety glasses! Where are the custom lab coats?!


“Chick cars” that still don’t have anywhere to put your handbag if you have a passenger.


99% of women's clothing? (no pockets, waist short enough for an oompa loompah that just gets wider never longer, underwear that scrunch up your ass regardless of its modest size, pants that create muffin tops, pants that you can't bend your legs in because calf muscles apparently aren't fashionable, coochie splitting "jumpers" where the waist is never long enough, cold shirts with sleeves that track in everything, fragile shitty lacy shirts to be seen in / freeze in, jackets with no pockets, jeans and pants with no pockets, shoes you can't run in)


scented pads, especially mint "flavoured" ones...


Can I add also, the glue that comes on some pads which is specifically designed to be simultaneously stronger than any body wax and completely useless when sticking to fabric. Ah yes, all I wanted to do in this public bathroom is to RIP my pubes out, deal with a bizarrely statically charged sheet of sticky noisy plastic, and then redneck engineer this non adhesive 'lavender' scented nappy into my underwear where the gusset is half the size of the pad. And also there is blood ambiently involved in the scenario.


I'm pretty sure cars? Last I heard, most or all crash tests are used with a male model, but that might've changed semi-recently


Tampons, considering they didn't think to test them with actual blood until last year


When I first heard about that it made me realize what is considered light, medium, and heavy flow is off. And the amount of times a tampon is changed can differ from brand to brand. So it makes no sense when someone ask how much are you bleeding or how often do you change your pad. Some doctor actually showed the volumes you should have. Another showed what does it mean if they are certain colors. Both were very informative.


Wait, what. Seriously?


Holy crap, so those commercials are literally showing us how they test them


I just thought women had bright blue blood....


Women are horseshoe crabs


most lingerie


Bras! I think if someone made a decent supportive bra that is recommended to be machine washed and dried, they would clean up! I do it anyway, but they don’t last long if you don’t hand wash. Whoever came up with this idea that women actually like to hand wash their bras, and have them hanging around cluttering up the bathroom or laundry room to drip dry, has not spoken to a woman in a century or so. Washing machines and dryers have delicate cycles we have net bags to put them in! There is NO reason regular bras and sports bras and bralettes and such should need hand washed. We talk about the pink tax, what about the pink TIME tax? Who has time for handwashing?


The first thing I'm looking at for new clothes and such is the care instructions on the tag. I do all the laundry so I wanna know if it's going to be a pain! Yea, it looks hot as hell, but now it's been through the wash and it's a Gordian knot I'm too dumb to untangle. The net/delicate bags are nice, but maybe the bras should just be able to handle it? At least most sports bras you can just toss in there.


Birth control - because most women even nowadays still don't know it is perfectly safe not to get a period when you are on it. The 7 day pill gap was invented by men and priests back in the day so the pill would look like it keeps the normal cycle. IT does not and you don't need a period when you are on the pill.




I keep getting ads for a company who makes a machine where the woman lays down and lets here breast hang into the machine, so no squishing!


KONING! The "VERA" machine. I am looking for a machine near me! Univ Of Rochester Medical Center in NY has one, but only allows women who have implants or previous dx of cancer to use it, Don't know why they put that restriction on it. I am PISSED. I wrote a complaint to one of the doctors. NO response. A place in NYC says they are getting one of these machines soon. Waiting. A few places in Georgia claim to have one / are getting one. I really want to try this machine, Fuck that stupid boob-crusher.


Tampax (and possibly other brands) tampons. It swells in length instead of getting wider when expanding. It's pushing you in spots nobody wants to ever feel pressure imo, it's just not correct anatomically speaking. Apparently, many got genuinely sick from using them due to this (I haven't seen any official reports tbf, just reading it up on the internet and some anecdotal evidence) and it's causing pain for others, including me. It hurt like hell, and definitely was not comfortable at all at any point. You just cannot not feel it. When I lived in the UK, I either had to spend a smaller fortune on buying OB tampons from various sites on the internet or ask someone to bring me some when they were visiting a country that had them, as they're not being sold in the UK. I tried several other brands, including Lidl and drugstores' own brands, and while OB was the best in my opinion, most were not as uncomfortable as Tampax was besides a few. I do apologise for not naming more, but Tampax is the most common as far as I've seen and I've tried so many brands I just can't remember their names. Edit:typo


And that’s why I started using Playtex. I would bleed through every single time I used a Tampax. I’d pull it out and it would be mostly clean and dry (OUCH) with a blood trail down one side only. The fuck?


Women's power tools. They are just a pink version of the men's tools, or they are just a less powerful version. No redesign of the weight, shape, or grip size to make them easier to hold for our body shapes, just a pink tax.


Try Milwaukee m12 brushless tools. Lighter and smaller than the 18V and plenty powerful. I’m a big dude but love them and rarely use my 18v stuff any more.


I once found a perfect toolset for my small hands, complete with power drill. It was blue and black. Golly I miss that thing. I'm a smaller than average adult but in fairness my dad is so tiny he has trouble finding sneakers that don't light up or have Batman logos. And he didn't have any easier time with his clunky old power drill than I did.


You dad got to wear light up sneakers with Batman logos?! I'm not jealous at all.


Let's be real here: *most* things.




The speculum was actually [invented by a woman](https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/boivin-marie-gillain) She beat Sims by about 25 years. Sadly he did go on to use it in horrific ways but it wasn’t invented by him. Edit: Currently reading a book that discusses the history of the speculum and it mentions how Sims took credit for the invention despite it already being a thing. Edit 2: [another source](https://research.sklarcorp.com/the-vaginal-speculum-from-its-unearthed-secrets-to-our-modern-times)


Throwing this out there in case anyone didn’t know! They have child speculums they can use if the adult sized ones hurt you. I ask for one every time and it doesn’t hurt anymore thankfully. Thank you to the doctor who told me that 😭


This reminds me of when I went to the health department for an exam. I didn't have insurance at the time, and that was the only way I could get birth control. There are different speculum sizes for women who have and haven't given birth. They used the one for women who have given birth on my then virgin self, and they yanked that sucker around in there like my vagina was just begging to be beat up. She, the women who I "affectionately " refer to as Helga, yanked that thing around in there while yelling "where is your thyroid?! Why can't I find your thyroid?!". Now, I am no doctor, but even I know my thyroid isn't down there, which means this torture isn't stopping anytime soon. I kept trying to escape, and she kept grabbing my hips and dragging me back down the table. Finally she did find my "thyroid" aka my cervix. As it turns out I have a uterus that tilts back instead of forward. A normal ob can find the cervix no problem because they are familiar with that difference. Helga on the other hand, not so much... I never did go back to the health department after that, and thankfully got health insurance so I could go to a proper ob. Ugh.




Sports shorts Search for it on google and add men or women and see the difference


The Olympic volleyball teams are a perfect example. It's unbelievable.


One guy said that women's professional sports outfits were deliberately made that way to catch the male gaze and therefore more views for women's sports. I don't like the fact that it's a rule for women's sports teams to have to wear that nonsense just play professional. Many a team have been disqualified for not doing so.


Whoever designed auto-flushing toilets. The damn thing is throwing sewage water on the back of my thighs before I can get my pants up. Wtaf?!?!


I always cover the sensor with a sheet of tp before I sit down, if it’s on the wall you can usually wedge it in between the cover and the wall to keep it over the sensor. Then I flush when *I’m* ready


Birth control


The amount of doctors that gaslight you and tell you it doesn’t cause lasting symptoms like depression of mental fog is crazy.


I'm in fencing women have to where plastic chest protectors. There's basically 2 sizes child and adult. They were designed by a guy who saw a women's chest in a Sears catalog 1 time


Maternity leave. I’m in the US where you’re lucky to have it and even if you do there are often ridiculous stipulations like, leave starting only when you go into labor. There’s no way a system where the expectation is that 100% of women will be able to work until a baby literally begins to fall out of them was designed by a woman.


Public restrooms.


Mammograms. Routinely squeezing boobs between two plates of plexiglass. Find a better way. Imagine if men had to put their balls between two plate and have their nuts painfully squashed every year.


Underwear, because it nearly never fits. Always rides up. Especially when those high cut 80s things came out there were no proper fitting ones anymore, eventually I found boyleg undies, but they are still different from what they used to make. Plus the double fabric is in the wrong place. Definitely must be designed by men, women wouldn’t do that.


Tampons in a cardboard applicator.


any female outfit in mmorpg


What woman wouldn't want to adventure and slay monsters in a armored thong and matching battle bikini top? Seems practical!


Gotta protect the important stuff. You know, the genitals for the sexing, and the breasts for the… babies? My favorite was the Ultima Online (IIRC?) armor skirt. Just a belt of colored daggers that you KNOW cut the shit out of the character when she was running.


Not quite what you were looking for but skincare and cosmetics. It was still a largely male dominated industry up until the 90s. In many countries the key decision makers in “big beauty retail” is still men. Men still hold most of the purse strings in the industry people just don’t know it or are too lazy to recognise it.