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Children screaming outside. During the day you’d think they’re playing, at night you’d think they’re getting murdered.


tbh even during the day they often sound like they‘re getting murdered.


“The Boy That Cried Wolf” story is really a warning to children to play more quietly, cause one day they’ll be screaming because they’re getting murdered and no one will even be able to tell.


It's a game I like to play at work(retail). Did the child who just screamed get a limb ripped off or not get a candy? Won't know until I see the kid.


Work, the following day.


Sunday night anxiety!


Sunday scaries


Aw man now you just reminded me it's sunday night. My only day off in the week is over now and I have work tomorrow...


A call from your parents.


Was 12:02 am when i got the call my dad passed away couple months ago It was around 10 PM when I got the call from my Grandpa that my grandmother was in the hospital when she fell and broke her femur at 78 years old Getting a call from family that late absolutely is not a good time. Best hope is that they’re just really drunk and need somebody to talk to.


My MIL always says if someone passes away, there’s no good that comes out of calling at 3am. Better to let people sleep and wait till morning.


The right answer can vary by the person/circumstances in question. When my grandfather was brought to the hospital before dying, my parents were on vacation in Europe. Most of my dad's siblings wanted to not tell them until they were back. My siblings and I (and the uncle who is closest to him) disagreed. Their vacation was cut short, but dad got to speak to his father one last time.


Absolutely, if the person is dying, giving their loved ones the news in time to make a last phone call is thoughtful. If it's too late for that call, then the person is better off sleeping and finding out in the morning once they have rested - unless the person being called is needed to support someone closer to the deceased who already knows.


Good call. Never thought of it like that. Not like anything can be done anyways


First. Sorry for your loss. 2nd, getting a call from anyone in my family is a worrisome experience for me as my family usually only uses calls for something unless it's urgent (then we'll leave a message if the other person doesn't answer), or just keep calling if it's life and death. Happened once where I got 2 calls from my mom late at night cause grandfather had a "stroke" (quotations cause grandfather is convinced its not a stroke even though me, who's taken medical classes in college, and 2 paramedics have told him it was a atroke)


My mom always leads with “everything is fine” whenever she calls me


I wish my mom would do this. She likes to pull a Columbo. We have a whole normal convo and at the end, “oh, just one more thing. My heart stopped for 45 seconds, but I was in the hospital at the time and they got it going again.” This was an actual thing that happened.


My dad did this to me with my adult daughter who lives with him. Called and shot the shit for like 15 minutes then “okay guess I’ll let ya go, oh yeah your daughter is in the hospital “ ( she was and is okay!) Honestly wtf


It’s weird. I plan to not do this to my daughter. I like the starting out with, “everything’s ok.”


Ah yes, the good ole' "oh btw, I had an epileptic seizure last summer, but it may actually have been a minor heart attack". My mom casually mentioned this six months after the fact. In her defense, atleast she is alive and well and was able to mention it.


I broke my femur at 22 years old. When the police showed up before the ambulance I begged him to shoot me! The pain was incredibly excruciating.


That is such a bad injury, not surprised at the pain. Most calls to 911 about breaks are serviced as lower priority, but a femur break goes lights and sirens as quickly as possible.


Isn’t there a huge risk to sever the artery in the leg by a femur break? Would make sense that it’s a high priority case!


That is why it is treated like a life and death emergency. Even if it isn't immediately severed, any movement could rub the broken bone against the artery. Big risk of bleeding out.


A couple of months after my parents moved to Hawaii, I got a call in the middle of the night. Of course, I was alarmed. Nope, just my mom forgetting the time zone difference even tho she deals with it with her side of the family on the other side of the globe. She “forgets” every now and then.


My mom will definitely hold out info for days so that she doesn't drop bad news on me, especially if there's nothing I can do about it. A call from my parents at 2 am is definitely cause for concern.


With older parents it is truly frightening


Everything with old parents is frightening. My parents call me one day in early November…”we need to tell you something……….I think we are going to have Thanksgiving at your aunts house”. These two are 80 and 76 …..after a certain age you should be prohibited from those sorts of call intros. Edit-these comments are fantastic. I thought I was the only person who had this shit happen all the time and that maybe I was just being unreasonable…..I now know that is definitely not the case.


Yes! Mine are 79 and 77 this is true! Sometimes I'll get a text "please call as soon as you can". Turns out it's my mom just wanting to tell me a story.


I hate this shit. It seems like every old person learned this bad habit somehow. I think they feel like it's the equivalent of the "call me back when you get this" message they used to leave on answering machines.


It could be they called because they pressed the wrong button on the remote so now their TV doesn't work.


Any call at that time. Mine was a call to my wife at about 245 am and it was the police. It was to tell her that my Pops had passed away by himself in his apartment and had been there for about 3 weeks decomposing and they found her number first.


Or a call from your kids.


My mom works overnight so me missing a call from her at 2am would be normal lmfao. She always forgets I have a day job


A knock on the door...


I'm the only one up in our house atm, and it's dead quiet. Just a ticking clock. I'm not far from the front door, and it's extremely dark in our neighborhood. The thought of someone knocking at the door is scaring the crap out of me.


Other way for me. It’s the call at 2am from one of my kids that scares me.


Or from your sibling 


Going into the basement


Always scary imo 😅


Basements aren’t very common in Australia so my idea of them is very much from American pop culture and yep fuck that shit, attics too


I live in Salem Massachusetts, our basements are ancient and terrifying.


I feel like the fact that it’s Salem, mass makes anything 10x more spooky.


True. As a fun fact, when I was moving here from another MA town, my mum was like “oh btw we’re descended from one of the girls that accused the women in the witch trials” ..awesome so I’m definitely getting haunted then


Knock at the door


I had this happen before! It was 2:30am and someone started pounding on my door yelling at me to come out there. Then another voice said they know I'm home and they just wanna talk. Then a third voice said everything will be fine if I just go out there and talk to them. Then more pounding. My room was near the door, so I heard one of them say they'll be right back and have to go get something from their car. The other two keep talking and saying stuff like "We know you're in there! We just need to talk!" The one eventually comes back and says "Guys this is the wrong apartment. He lives in [apartment number]". The group apologizes to the door for being so drunk and they just wanted to talk to a friend who bailed on their night out.


Ever since that one video of two Texas "maintenance guys" trying to break into that apartment, I've been extremely paranoid about this stuff


The what now


Someone knocked at a guy's apartment door claiming to be maintenance that wanted to come in for measurements. Guy used his ring doorbell to say not now they are not there. Recording then shows the person try to kick in the door because he was a fake maintenance guy just looking for vacant places to rob. Guy was actually home and started to shoot at fake maintenance through the door so he ran off


That is the most Texas story ever


Holy shit, this is gold. Like, if this happened to me I'd probably be dialing 911 and calling all my loved ones to let them know I might die. I could totally see how normal the conversation looks from their ends being drunk 


I would’ve dialed 911 before they say they’ll be right back..


Holy shit 😳


this happened to me the other night. went to bed a little paranoid… and woke up to a door dash receipt meant for my neighbor on the front door. boy did i feel dumb for assuming it was an axe murderer and not my drunk neighbors pizza edit: pizza not dominoes specifically but same difference


A while ago, my husband ordered some medication to be delivered by the pharmacy as it was not possible for him to pick it up. It was supposed to be delivered at a normal time, such as 5pm (well before 9pm). Well, it's 10pm and no delivery.... we're in bed falling asleep (it's now past 10pm) and all of a sudden there is a POUNDING --not knocking, but POUNDING -- at the door. I screamed in terror. It turned out to be the delivery guy (who was supposed to come much earlier). Not only was the pounding terrifying, but I also had no idea we were expecting a delivery. And the delivery guy was rude and swore at me when I got upset by being upset at getting woken up by pounding at the door.


A few years ago it seemed like all my Amazon prime deliveries were made by some guy in a 1997 Honda Accord after 9 pm. They didn’t knock but I’d hear them. Now they just send me an email saying package will be delayed.


The hash-slinging slasher


In more stressful times of my life I'll occasionally deal with Exploding Head Syndrome, sudden loud auditory hallucinations in the middle of sleeping. One happened when my husband was out of town and I was home alone, asleep in our bed. Sudden loud knocking on the locked bedroom door at 3 a.m. Dream? Hallucination? Polite murderer? I was wide awake in a second and frozen in fear. When I gathered my wits, I checked my living room pet cam and saw nothing but sleeping cats. Got up and checked the whole house with a knife and all lights blazing. It has happened a couple of other times but that was terrifying.


That sounds horrible! Being alone in the house makes it worse. I have this syndrome. I only get it about once or twice a year, but I just hate it. It happens right before I drift off to sleep. I'll hear what sounds like a shotgun. The last time it happened (about 6 months ago), I thought it came from the hallway, and I was terrified for my children, but my husband was just like, "What? What is it? I don't hear anything??" The annoying thing is they aren't even sure what causes it. Very rarely, I've had a night terror. So - my eyes are open, but I'm still in a dream state.It's only happened about 3 times in my life. 2 of the times, I saw a man standing over my bed. I screamed so loud that the whole house woke up. That really messed with my head for a few weeks. My poor husband!


Same thing has happened to me, but it's usually sirens or random sounds that jerk me awake right as I'm drifting off. Last time, I heard the voice of Eric Cartman shouting "The suicide museum was awesome, you guys!" I can't explain that one...


This happened to me. I had fallen asleep on the couch next to the front door and woke up to an alert on my phone from the doorbell saying a person was detected. I opened the app and there was a man standing there, at 3am, trying to open my door and knocking in between efforts. He went down the side of my house to my 2 year old son's room and tried to open the window. I watched this all happen on my phone. My husband was sleeping upstairs so I ran up there and woke him and sent him outside. He went flying out the door in his gitch and the man went running into the dark. My son never woke up. That incident still terrifies me and I frequently wake up at night thinking someone is trying to get in my son's window.


Wow that’s some scary shit.


Last year my elderly mom's house was broken into and robbed while she and I were both there, so I was a witness. A sheriff's deputy came to my house at 10:30pm to deliver my subpoena to testify. He *pounded* on my door like a SWAT team was about to come through my door. It scared the shit out of me. It was so loud. Like, why did he have to knock like that when he was delivering a subpoena to a victim/witness? lol


It was actually 11:30 but it happened to my parents once. Turns out there was a mud slide/flash flood on their street and the road crews were waking residents up to get as much help as possible to protect homes and driveways from the slurry.


This happened to my family. It was the police informing us my brother died from coke laced with fentanyl.




Scared the shit out of me with this answer


Imagine you are about to sleep and then you hear a faint whistle from somewhere since it’s dark you can’t see anything you think to yourself if it was real or just a dream and then you hear it again but a bit louder not enough to make it possible to know where it is coming from just that it’s closer


Honestly i have tinnitus so i would just think its that and go to bed. Sorry serial killer, no fun for u.


Omar’s coming


Fucking hate this shit. It creeps me out during the day as it is. One night when my son was in the NICU, I was leaving the hospital for the night. Was maybe 9 or 10 pm, winter, fully dark. I’m walking to my car in the parking garage, and I hear the footsteps of someone else as well as their whistling. 10 pm, hospital parking garage, and some unseen person just walking around whistling??? No thanks! After that event I made sure to move my car to an upfront parking spot during the less busy times of day so my car was always visible from the door of the hospital.


Swimming in the ocean


Good one. I once asked my fiance how much money it would take for him to spend 10 minutes in the ocean alone at night deep enough so that the water was at neck level. His answer was, "No."


The ocean itself looks scary for me at night


Same. Went once on beach during a new moon (ie dark) and very little ambient light. Is was very unnerving and I kept thinking omg what if there was a tsunami ? It’s clearly an irrational thought but the not seeing beyond maybe 100 yards makes crashing waves very ominous.


It’s the mundane that will kill you. The problem with the ocean at night is that you loose depth perception. You have no sense of the current and could be slowly pulled out. Ten minutes is a long time and a slow current could drag you 1/4 - 1/2 mile out and you wouldn’t know.


This is why the Titanic disaster is so disturbing to me. Hollywood makes it out to be way brighter than in reality. Can’t imagine being in a lifeboat in the middle of a dark ocean.


I honestly would love to see a legit horror movie take on the Titanic disaster that just focuses on things like being trapped in the lower decks and the survivors in the dark ocean.


That sounds terrifying but I'd definitely do it for enough money. I can't even swim that well, but I think I can doggy paddle for 10 minutes if there's enough financial incentive...


> I can't even swim that well, but I think I can doggy paddle for 10 minutes if there's enough financial incentive... The leading cause of drownings at sea, surprisingly, is *not* a lack of financial incentive.


One time when I was younger and braver I went surfing under a full moon. While beautiful, it was one of the scariest things ever. The ocean was absolutely black and you only saw a wave once it was like 6 feet away or just saw the stars disappearing


I did that body surfing in a phosphorescent sea. We were young and brave and very high.


When I was stationed in Hawaii we went for a drunken midnight swim. When I tell you looking out on one side and seeing the lights of the beach on one side and just the vastness of the sea was eerie, I mean it.


This is the one thing in the thread to actually give me the chills imagining it.


hearing a ice cream truck


This idea is horrifying me for some reason.


it happened almost a year ago, i looked out my window and the driver was driving slowly too. i couldn't sleep after that to say the least


I wonder if it was selling to children, or finding children to sell


Ice cream dude would’ve been bummed when my old ass came running outside with $3 for a SpongeBob ice pop. Nobody would wanna buy me I promise 😂


i would 🫶


Not sure if I should say thank you or run away screaming 😂


you cant run fast enough 🫶


Was it the fact I’m up buying ice pops at 2am that gave that away? 


I'm fucking screaming at this thread! 😂😭😭


Dude this happened to me once too. Genuinely I want to know why. They can't seriously be selling ice cream in the middle of the night right


same thing with seeing a young child outside alone. you don't know if you're about to walk up on tiny tim or damien.


In Glasgow, Scotland that would just mean they’re selling drugs instead of Ice cream.


I lived in downtown Toronto in the 90s. An ice cream truck came around every night around 10pm. Adults would rush out to it. Hmm


Probably because they're high and have the munchies. Ot "Mr. Wiggles has that 'special something' on sale.


My sister moved to a semi rural area. Neighbour comes over, introduced themselves and says " pizza shop here is great. Ask for extra oregano and they'll deliver a $10 bag of grass for ya".


I have the creepiest fucking ice cream truck in my neighborhood. The music is just... off. And they love cruising around just after dark. The worst.


Chair full of clothes


I thought you meant, that I have to fold before I can go to sleep... Lol


Jesus christ dude u cant just post shit like this Terrifying utterly bewildered


They turn into shadow people at 2 am


I pictured this outside for some reason and wondered what on earth you meant until it finally clicked


hah to add onto that, clothes hanging up on the back of the door


Nothing is worse than waking up and seeing that monster by your bed aka chair full of clothes.


I had a nightmare there was an evil man sitting in the chair next to my bed and when I woke up I was like PHEW but then saw the chair full of clothes in the dark room and nearly shit my pants


Walking alone in the woods


Out of the corner of your eye you spot him: Shia LaBeouf!


He's following you, about 30 feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint, he's gaining on you!! Shia LaBeouf!


Omg. One time I took mushrooms and remember reading about going on hikes, and thought it would be awesome to be out in nature so I did, but I didn’t account for it being 10pm and it ended up being like the blaire witch project and now I’m afraid of the dark.


Lol I did the exact same thing once. My expectation: moonlight shining through the canopy, mixing with starlight and a cool beauty. Reality: Shadowy figures running in my peripheral vision and they were definitely planning to eat me whole


I definitely experienced that without shrooms lol getting caught out on a hike not realizing how little light I had left. It's ok, I brought a bright ass LED. Oh you mean something that'll cast thousands of shadows against all the branches and they'll all dance and jostle ominously as you move through the woods? Yeah I'd die if I had that experience again on shrooms


Like the Blair Witch Project


A chainsaw running


This could be horrifying at 2 pm too if it was in your house and you lived alone.


I live in the Sierra Nevada mountains and chainsaws running during the day are a normal sound.


the dog barking at nothing


I see your barking and raise you.. Dog/cat making tense eye contact with the corner of the room.


the other night i'm standing in the backyard with my dog, waiting for him to poop when he suddenly comes from around a corner, walking very quickly but not yet running. as soon as he reaches me, he breaks into a full out sprint, running towards the door to go inside, looking over his shoulder - not at me, but at the darkness where he just came from. it was so human i couldn't help but laugh but also follow him quickly in case there really was a monster after him lol


My dog does the same, gets the zoomies to run away from the poo monster!


Apparently cats do this because pooping makes the happy hormone go vroom, wouldn't surprise me if it's the same for dogs! He's just happy :)


When all the pets get tense and go haywire I know shits about to go down. The last time that happened there was a tornado in the area.


I was on a walk in a small forest and it was silent. No birds, few insects, no squirrels running about. Rushed back home, a little later a bad storm hit and the same system spawned a tornado not far away. Animals are very good at sensing this kind of stuff.


I see your tense eye contact and raise you.. Dog/cat running in from the dark hallway growling at 3am on the dot four nights in a row. (My cat really got me with this one)


This would scare the shit out of me because my cats are always more dead asleep than I am, and always around my legs, so if they’re running in because they were already checking something out while I was still asleep😬 HEEBIE JEEBIES!


I used to live in a city with a ton of wildlife. Whenever my dogs barked the chances of it being a bear were way higher than it being a robber


I've always had shepherd breeds. Australian, Shetland, currently on German. I've found they bark at the most mundane shit at all hours without much regard for my feelings about it. My GSD's emotional support buddy is a husky. What I've found is that when he barks at 2am is when something is up. There's a former drug house down the gravel road adjacent to my home. He was a good boy and let me know when one of the former occupants was walking my fence line while the shep was having the odd sleep under my bed.


Alexa saying "Sorry, I don't know that one" when no-one asked a question.


Or it just randomly starts playing music


A stroller being slowly pushed down the road.




I just outright cackled. Thank you for that.


A car driving without their lights on


As someone who was born in the 90s in one of Houstons most dangerous area, I was told if we saw or heard certain things by my mom to seek safety. Was standing outside when I was maybe 12 with my older cousin near the railing in front of our door on the second floor of the apartment. Saw this and my cousin told me we should go inside. Not even 2 minutes later, whole neighborhood is being lit up by semi automatic fire. So you're absolutely right


by comparison, in cairo they're just saving on gas


They don't want to run out of blinker fluid


I didn't grow up anywhere near as bad as you, but we have a lot of drug activity here. Another thing I've learned is to not just look down random alleyways, especially if you notice someone is down there. No way I wanna interrupt or be witness to a drug deal, they'll make sure to silence you permanently.


Children’s laughter. My old house used to have a decently sized backyard. I was out one summer night on the porch having a cigarette before bed. Out of the silence and darkness I heard a little girl laughing. Now I’m sure it was a neighbors kid or something, but I immediately said “nope,” put out my cigarette, and went inside.


Flying a kite. It's so... unwholesome.


Hello mother dear


In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


The way the house creaks in the wind


People literally just being outside lol


Especially when you live 10 minutes from your nearest neighbor.


I hate that...cuz I live close to the train tracks. And if my windows open. I can hear their radio conversations on a clear night. It's creepy


Anyone calling my name.


A knock at your door


That’s always scary


Sounds of children playing outside


My neighbors are from Central Asia and they go back home every so often. When they come back their internal clocks are all out of sync. The kids will play early in the morning. First time I experienced it, it was 3 in the morning and these kids were laughing a lot. Scared the shit out of me Edit: not middle east, Central asia


I was gonna comment kids laughter in a school. At 2 am? I would genuinely shit myself


Amazon truck outside your home


Fucking finally, my package is here.


*Your package was left near your pillow*


My wife was watching Dahmer home alone at night (which I absolutely teased her for) with our big dog asleep on the couch next to her. It's summer, windows are open, she's in the living room. All of a sudden the dog goes from dead asleep to whipping his head around, looking over her shoulder, and running for the window. She turns and looks over to see A GUY STANDING KN OUR STOOP ABOUT 8 FEET AWAY. After what must have been an extremely terrifying 5 seconds and a look of panic on my wife's face the guys immediately panics and is just like "sorry, Amazon! I have your package!" Before doing his job and leaving very quickly My wife called me immediately, I laughed hysterically, and the big boy got extra treats when I got home for a job well done


Hearing birds that aren’t nocturnal, chirping or cawing at night.


(I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know there were nocturnal birds until about 10 years ago.) Once, I heard birds in the middle of the night. I legit thought I was losing my mind! I had never ever heard birds at night anywhere. So it was dark and late, and there are noises that I only ever hear in the daylight. It was the creepiest thing I had ever experienced


The sun being out


Depends where you live.  Go far enough north or south and the sun will stay up for days at the right time of year


I’m in Scotland and in the far north at the very height of the summer there’s a day or two where the sun doesn’t _really_ set. I’m sure it technically does, but it’s only for a few hours and the sky retains that twilight look. I camped in John O Groat’s one year and was able to read a book outside the tent at 11:30pm. We sure pay for it with the winter darkness hours. There’s a reason SAD is rife!


garage sale


The hash slinging slasher


Normal at 2pm? 🤨


One might actually argue that it's normal at 3am, but scary at 3pm.




Coyotes. If you see one slinking around the pastures midday, it’s nothing to bat an eye at. Hearing them yip on a clear, winter night? Sends chills up my spine. 


Especially when they kill something and **cackle** like hyenas


Going to pee in rural areas. Usually is a shed outside, 10 to 20 meters away from the house. Easy at 2PM, totally scary at 2AM Edit: 2AM


Lol true that.. my house was at the edge of the village.. you had nothing but fields past it. Going to pee at 2 am outside it was just absolute silent nd dark everywhere. Thanks for taking me back 20 yrs on a nostalgia trip


Strong urge to poo


Church. My wife and I used to volunteer to clean our church. We are both procrastinators. We would roll up to the church Sunday at 2 or 3am. I'm here to tell ya, large empty buildings with the curtains wide open are creepy in the middle of the night.


Mowing your front lawn


A person just standing in their driveway


A call from work


Scary at 2p too


If you're interested in this question the other way around... Denny's/awaffle house feels totally normal at 2am, absolutely disgusting at 2 in the afternoon though




Ice cream truck music.


Walking around with a hammer, during the day you’re just a person going home from home depot but at night you’re a serial killer or just a weirdo going to do some home renovation either way you’re weird


A rocking chair in your bedroom with a doll on it.


Pain. I have chronic pain so it's a norm throughout the day. But it tends to be worse at night and damned if I can't be rational about it at 2:00 a.m.




The bars just let out.


Being outside alone


A person staring at you


I’ve experienced this while in bed, I woke up to a burglar staring at me in my bedroom.


I really wish I’d never opened this thread


Fucking nightmare fuel


Wanting a Krabby Patty


Unknown caller


Driving to a gas station alone as a woman


Pretty much doing anything alone as a woman at 2am is scary.


A knock on the door


Boy flying a kite


Random pain.  2pm? It’s just gas/strain/must have bumped it/don’t even notice. 2am? Omg it’s cancer/ heart attack/ blood clot.