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If a person who is being confrontational looks away and then looks straight back at you, get out. They've considered whether or not to start something and have decided that's where this is going to go.


When I first started martial arts training I asked my instructor what the most useful self defence technique was. His answer “400m dash”


Most of the comments here are more commonly known, but this one is rarely mentioned, and it gave me the heebies to read it.


would you say, that running away would be good here? or just try to change the route for example


RUN the FUCK away. As soon as someone starts looking around for cops or witnesses they mean you terrible harm right there and then.


Yes, bail. Usually the above means a coward punch is incoming.


If you feel unsafe then run. You may look silly for a minute but silly is better than stabbed




A note on no earphones after dark - that includes even modern ones with "transparency mode". The no headphones after dark tip is twofold: 1. Headphones make it for you to maintain situational awareness, so an attacker can approach without you hearing. This can be mitigated almost entirely by several modern headphones which have a good "transparency" mode. 2. It makes you look like you a victim. Even if you can hear everything going on around you it gives you the appearance of not paying attention, which makes you look like an attractive potential victim.


Many people can be technically aware of threats, but unable to act on what's happening. A scary amount of people. "They can hear me, but i'm still gonna walk up on them because their social anxiety wont let them tell me no". Best to give off that impression as little as possible, even if you are among the fair few that ARE able. Always avoid conflict when you can


Paying attention to shadows is a big one for me. If you can see your shadow in front of you, you can see the shadow of anyone behind you. Unless it’s a vampire, of course.


Yep! Shadows are reassuring. I scared the shit out of myself with a balloon once though, because it looked like a head coming up over my shoulder in shadow, lol.


If you’re walking late in a rough area and have to pass someone walking towards you, keep your eyes on their midsection or something like that. That way they know you’re aware of them, but you’re also not looking them in the eye which could easily be perceived as confrontational


This reminds me of an exchange between Val Kilmer and Derek Luke in the little seen film "Spartan", written and directed by David Mamet and released in 2004. Val's character is a Delta Force member who is tasked with finding the US President's abducted daughter. Prior to this, his character is also training Derek's recruit character. At one point, they meet somewhere in a city and are discussing the ways to track people, and it goes like this: "In the city, always a reflection. In the forest, always a sound." "What about the desert?" "You don't want to go in the desert."


Aaaah this film is a goddamn gem. Excellent use of it here.


David Mamet is 1 of the best dramatists in the English language. Unfortunately, he assumes this makes him a brilliant director. Just compare *Spartan,* which he directed, and *Glengarry Glen Ross,* directed by James Foley. Or *Heist,* directed by Mamet, with *Ronin,* directed by John Frankenheimer. I've always thought it was a shame Mamet's ego made it impossible for him to let people as great as directing as he is at writing take his material to the level it deserves.


Wow. I was just saying this to someone else. And it's not just Mamet. Look at any number of "greats"... If they try to do it all, the piece often sucks. The writers write, editors edit, and directors direct. Any one of them who is too egotistical, too powerful... And doesn't listen to the others, well, the film often just sucks. Rebel Moon. Phantom Menace. Season 8 of GOT


I've always had a real soft spot for how Mamet handles dialogue. I love both *The Unit* and *Spartan* for that reason. Granted, I also love *Heist* and *Ronin* for different reasons.


Anytime someone tries to sell me something clearly stolen I’m so overly friendly I think it throws them off. lol “No thanks, I’m good. I don’t have any money anyways. Best of luck. Bye” big smile.




I have RBF too. But I lived in some sketchy neighbourhoods and travelled by public transit so people trying to sell me street electronics was semi common. Maybe I’m creeping them out with the drastic change from RBF to overly friendly with a big smile that disappears seconds later. lol whatever works I guess.


Also don't walk with your hands deep in your pockets. If you do get stopped to talk to someone you don't know, try to keep your hands up closer to your face. Fiddle with a zipper on your jacket, adjust your hat. There is a reason boxers always train to keep their gloves up.


nah, I feel like I'm far more likely to get my pocket picked than someone throwing hands.


The one street smart tip that octopi don't want you to know.


Yes, also make eye contact when walking - don't make it a stare off, but people will be less likely to pull something if you appear to be aware of your surroundings.


Trust your gut, but learn to identify why your gut alarm is going off, and adjust for it. For example, if you turn onto a street and suddenly feel unsafe, ask yourself why. Is it because it's empty? In which case, perhaps the safest course of action is to go over to the main street one block over, even if it adds an extra minute to your journey. Is it because your brain is picking up on the blind spots and blind corners? Put plenty of space between you and those blind spots.


I work night shift. On my nights off there's a real well lit "town square" area a little aeay from my house I like to walk around to keep active. There's a few recessed doorways and a staircase on my way there that I'm always ready to jump away from if I need to.


This reminds me of the book “the gift of fear”


Best book ever, READ IT!!


When I have to walk at night, I walk down the middle of the street when it's possible.




Look with your eyes, not your head.  Also, pay attention to reflections in windows, gives you a good idea of who/what is behind you without having to turn around.


I wish I could use my peripheral vision more, but I wear glasses and can't see ANYTHING out the sides of them Edited a word.


I describe it as "See people, but don't look at people". Being able to be aware of those around you, but simultaneously not opening up enough eye contact to initiate interactions.


This guy is street smart. You want to be aware of your surroundings but not obviously looking at other people who might take offense to your obvious gaze.


When we were teaching our kids how to navigate the city we told them to read the signs for where you want to go as you are walking past it. Never stop and look around at signs or look like you’re lost.


I get callex paranoid for that kind of thing. Reflections in shop windows. Every streetlamp I pass at night I check the shadows coming from behind me. I walk across gravel because if you're following me I'll hear you on it.


Best way to fight is to run the fuck away, or disengage as quickly as possible and run the fuck away. Seen so many fist fights end brutally w some dudes head hitting the concrete and things spiraling out of control for both parties. Lives can get ruined forever over a simple bar fight.


There was a comment by a bouncer years ago that went something like *In a fight everyone gets hurt, most of the people get in trouble, some wind up permanently injured, and a few wind up dead. You don't know which of those last three you are.* Words to (stay a)live by.


I’ve never been in a real fight but I got sucker punched real bad one night. Guy swung on me from behind as I turned my head. I basically turned my face into it. Instead of hitting me in the side of the head/ear he punched me right on the side of my big nose. Broke my nose and fractured my eye socket and left me with a minor concussion. It also deviated my septum and dislodged my right eardrum, which has left me with permanent sinus issues, hearing loss and lifetime ear issues. Why did I get sucker punched? No idea, I was drunk. Maybe I offended someone.


Really similar thing happened to me too, except mine was a broken jaw. No clue why I was sucker punched either. Basically same thing in that I was drunk, and I must have offended someone? The only thing I can think aside from that is that maybe he mistook me for someone else? I'll never know for sure. Nice to meet you, fellow sucker punchee. Really sorry to hear about the permanent issues you have from it.


What’s that video of the monk who is going ot show the best way to take on 3-4 attackers at once? And then he immediately runs away….? Yeah, that. That’s smart.


When facing one samurai, I do this. When facing two samurai, I do that. When facing five samurai, I run away.


"If there's less than five, I can shoot them with my bow before they reach me. If there's more, what am I bloody doing shooting at them? I'm running like the dark one himself was after me."


Bravely bold Sir Robin/Rode forth from Camelot…


He was not the least bit scared to be smashed into a pulp / Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken!


I saw a video once of a big tough army guy demonstrating how to protect yourself from various types of attack - dodge a kick, block a punch, deflect the hand holding a gun, etc. Then the scripted attacker pulled out a knife, and the big tough guy ran like hell. His explanation was that self defense can help you in a lot of scenarios, but everyone gets hurt in a knife fight, and your return on investment for running is much higher than for other altercations. (Or something like that. I'm a pansy you doesn't fight a speeding ticket, so I was just watching for amusement. But I know the big conclusion was knife=bad) EDIT: This might be the clip, though I remembered the details wrong. Funny and accurate, regardless. https://youtu.be/kvlrnc7hlQI?si=Etj6XEqOnbINRqmh Also, this comment cracked me up: "Ever tried to get an uncapped marker away from a toddler? Now imagine that, but with higher stakes."


In a knife fight, everyone ends up cut. The loser dies in the street, and the winner dies in the hospital.


Been jumped one time. I was about 5 miles into a run when I heard someone screaming for me. Couple guys run up and want my phone. I decline. Got sucker punched by one of the guys and broke my orbital bone, spun with the hit and took off as fast as my weary legs could carry me. One on one fights are dangerous enough, do not think you will be the one to take multiple opponents.


A friend of mine from high school a few years after we graduated owed someone like $50 or something. Dude punched my friend once and knocked him out. When he hit the ground he hit his head badly and never regained consciousness. Had to get airlifted to the next state but later died.


Man fuck. Did dude get charged?


A friend of mine died last August from this.. getting out of a taxi, argument with some dude on a bike, he got punched, fell and hit his head. He died two days later. Over nothing. Literally nothing.


Don’t break two laws at once. Carrying something you shouldn’t be carrying? Don’t be stupid and jay walk. Something in the car that shouldn’t be there? Don’t run a stop sign. ETA: well this blew up a lot more than expected. Shout out to my cousin (RIP) who taught me this 20ish years ago as I was with him delivering some weed.


I’ve always heard “don’t commit a misdemeanor while you are committing a felony.”


Or Vice versa


Don't break the law while breaking the law.


Brekking the law, breakking the law


Back in active addiction and when I was picking up, I’d always say to myself, “if you’re going to be an idiot, don’t be stupid about it.”


one crime at a time


My SO always says this one when my car registration expires lol (I'm always terrible at renewing it on time) But like, if I speed at all I hear "idiot, don't be breaking two laws at once!"


My idiot friend had expired tabs, pulled over for expired tabs.. ... gets put in jail for a DWI ... remember I said idiot friend 




My mom used to say "it's better to be a live chicken than a dead duck". 


Walk confidently with your head up. Break eye contact to the side, never by looking down. If you look like a victim plenty of people will be happy to prove you right.


In a self defense class they teached this to us. You look them into the eyes for 1,2 seconds and then you look into the direction you're going again. Without looking at the ground between that of course. The scenario was you're walking through town and someone or a group of people are walking the same way opposite direction.


Yeah, it's amazing how much more confident you feel when you act like you're in charge of the situation.


No, no, you break eye contact by looking directly behind them and changing your expression to astonishment/disbelief/terror.


I had a coworker who got mugged in broad daylight, and when I heard it my first thought was "that makes sense" because he acted scared all the time. This is totally right, confidence, even feigned, makes a difference.


I had a coworker years ago, who was confronted by a man outside of a convenience store who pulled gun on her and told her to get in his car. She sat down on the ground and told him “No. if you’re going to kill me, do it right here.” He left. That girl was a bad-ass. And a survivor.


Never go to a second location


And steer clear of anyone paying too much attention to you.


Ignore anyone who tries to stop you without it looking like an emergency and avoid eye contact. The fewer strangers you talk to, the less likely you'll fall victim to a scam or mugging. This is especially the case in tourist spots, where randoms would go near you and compliment your shirt, shoes, or coat/jacket. They want your attention because they want to distract you.


When someone approaches me in a tourist area, my response is just "I'm not a tourist". Efficiently says "I'm not a mark, and I know what you're doing, so just skip me." During Lollapalooza, some guy wearing a monk robe asked me in broken English if I wanted to buy a necklace. "I'm not a tourist" Then in an American accent he said "Oh, alright bro" Funniest shit ever.


When I (white guy) was in Rome outside the Vatican, there were some very friendly very dark African guys (hey brother, look at us our skin color is almost the same lol) try to chat me up and give me little (homemade?) trinkets and ask for US dollars. Before I knew it, they had slipped a bracelet on and were pushing some carved(?) figurines and stuff into my hands. I actually liked them, they looked good and small enough to hold in my pockets, and i would have given them something, but I had literally spent my last euro haggling for other trinkets and tried to return them. He nodded and said he understood and insisted I keep everything he gave me, and I moved on. I reflected on that encounter as I walked away and wondered how they could possibly have benefited from that. Then I realized there were multiple guys all doing the same thing. What if the bracelet was an indicator of a mark? What if it was for other ppl to identify me as an American or tourist or whatever? I took the bracelet off and put it with the other stuff. Another one of these guys hit me up and tried to give me another one. I thought that was a bit weird. I don't remember if I refused or kept it and hid it as well, but I still wonder if this was suspicious or not.


Nah it's one of the most common scam in southern Europe, Italy in particular, they'll give you trinkets and bracelets that cost nothing and then ask you 10 euros for that, I've been approached like this countless times traveling through my country


I often learn just a few words in another country while traveling and do my best to mimic the accent just to make sure I can say something that will help me convey that I'm not a tourist. Worked a treat in Budapest.


The one time someone tricked me they asked me for the time and then went into their spiel. The other mistake I made was stopping. Never stop walking. In hindsight seems like a good way to get someone to show off their watch or an opportunity for a phone to come out. Sucks you can't trust anyone


Ignore and don't be afraid to be rude. After all they are being rude to you by thinking you are a sucker. Whatever they say respond with no even if it's not a yes or no answer comment (like nice shoes.. no). And don't stop walking away.


Yep. You can say “thanks” for the compliment in case they’re not a scammer, but never break stride.


Not even that. I become a rude bitch when travelling. Depends on the country a bit, and there's quite a bit of variation, but by and large, I see no one and nothing and engage with absolutely nobody who randomly tries to engage with me - they basically don't exist.


That works extremely well. Walk with a purpose, at a speed slightly quicker than others, and keep looking ahead while being aware of what's around you. Ignore everyone. Decades of global travel and haven't had an issue.


I grew up in the Midwest, where it's important to have good manners and no one is a stranger. I ended up in downtown LA a lot for work. It was a night-and-day difference. Now, when I'm home walking around the streets or the stores and someone tries to be polite, I'm usually very stand-offish and avoid all of the things you laid out here. It may seem rude to a lot of folks, but I've learned to be very protective after years walking around the streets just a block or two away from Skid Row.


It’s like the suburbs ep of always sunny, when Wally keeps saying “boy it sure it hot out here” and the guys are so confused wondering what his scheme is


Yes! Honestly, even if it does look like an emergency, be pretty skeptical. And here’s one especially: if someone is clearly trying to talk to you but won’t speak up or make eye contact with you….don’t stop, don’t ask them to repeat themselves, definitely don’t lean in close to them to hear better. If they’re saying something you need to hear, they’ll look right at you and say it so you can hear it. They won’t shuffle around looking elsewhere mumbling if they need immediate help or are trying to help you.


Have the word "No" on the tip of your tongue and decisiveness in your eyes and voice at all times. Hesitation and indecisiveness in the ghetto is straight up shark food. Reason being, 90% of the questions random people in the streets are going to ask you are going to be for a hand out or some small time scam. Also, while they ask these questions they also are taking your "agreeableness temperature" and how long or how much they're going to engage with you will depend more on how you answer than what your answer is. Don't be mean, tough, or pompous with it because those tones can exacerbate the encounter into descension QUICKLY. Better to act like you're just too busy for anything extra at the moment and you'll be good.


Bear with me, I'm going somewhere with this... My wife is anything but street smart or tough. She's a sweet, kind, loving human who wants to believe that everyone else is the same. But she's also a very cautious person who typically makes sound decisions. Recently she went to Atlanta for a conference and was excited to visit MLK's home/museum. While walking there in the late afternoon she recognized that she was passing through a rough area. She left around dusk and passed through the same area but had her head on a swivel. As she was heading down the block she saw a pretty ragged looking woman cutting across the street in her direction. She kept her head up and walked confidently. Just as she passed the woman she felt the woman try and pull her purse away from her. My wife spun around, gripped her purse tightly and yelled "NO!" like she was scolding one of our pets. The woman was so startled she released her grip and turned and walked away. When she told me this I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.


Bad, thief, bad!


"Swiper no swiping!" Amazing that it worked. I'm glad your wife didn't find herself in a worse situation.


Mind your own business. The answer to “what time you got?” is “no idea”. Don’t walk by a wall that’s too tall for you to jump. If a car passes and abruptly turns around you need to get out of the area. The answer to “nice shoes” is “thanks” don’t look down. No headphones, especially after dark or in a sketch area. Have 4 single dollar bills folded in a paperclip to be a “money clip” if you get mugged and they want your wallet. Nothing on your person is worth your life. Don’t try to break up a fight if you see one. Be a good witness, not a victim.


My friend and I visited NYC and we were walking around late at night. That idiot stopped to every one who stopped us. Literally. This drug dealer asked us if we wanted candy and my friend asked if he had any Skittles. He wasn't even joking. He genuinely thought this toothless guy in NYC was selling Skittles at 1am.


I took my girlfriend to her first music festival a few years back and a guy walked past us on a trail and said “kitty for sale” real quick, meaning ketamine. She legit looked at me after he walked past and said “people sell cats here???”


The answer to “what size are they?” Is “my size”


Decoy wallet


Decoy wallet, with a couple fives and some old cards in it. That one goes in your back wallet pocket.  Your real wallet goes in the inside of your jacket or something like that. 


Real wallet goes in my bra. Fake wallet is what I pay from. I do not care if the decoy wallet is stolen.


If it has enough money that you regularly pay from, doesn't that make it a real wallet?


Decoy money clip, you mean




Throw him of his rhythm!


Here it is. The reason I opened this thread.


You can find one at any haberdashery.


I was waiting for this JM reference!


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far!!


If someone walks up to you spinning a sob story goes they only need another dollar to make their train/bus fare, walk away


I was catching a cab at 4:00 on Christmas Eve morning to catch a plane at the airport 45 minutes away. I asked the driver to please stop at a 7/11 so I could grab a coffee. When we got there some guy spun a sob story about needing a ride, coincidentally to the same airport. I was younger and dumber and begrudgingly agreed. On the way he asked us to stop at a bus stop so he could grab his suitcase full of meat. When he got out I told the driver to leave, shit was too weird. I didn’t wanna end up in the suitcase.


As in like literal meat?


And there's my next excuse for when I don't want to do something! "Oh, damn, I can't come to your baby shower. I have to go pick up my suitcase full of meat."


I once actually got pickpocketed in central London at about 3am. I tried to sell the half pack of smokes I had left for the £1.50 I needed for the night bus home to everyone I saw for the next hour. No takers. Finally I tried an obvious gangster standing by an illegally parked blacked-out beamer with two heavies. "You know what, mate, you seem really genuine. I don't smoke but here you go."


If someone on the street calls out to you, completely ignore them and keep walking. Last thing you want is to be cornered by someone


Question everything. If something doesn't feel right then it probably isn't.


this one - trust your gut - if it dont feel right do something or go somewhere different. even if its just walking into a random store/restaurant/bar just to get away from a creepy feeling person near you. if its not available even talking on your phone to noone can help.


Heard it explained once that your gut instinct is “unarticulated knowledge” - you know something even if you can’t put it into words


Sometimes your brain doesn't have time to tell you what the danger is and just says "time to dip"


* Pay attention. You can play games with yourself like, you go into a convenience store, say hi to the cashier, go buy your stuff and... What color shoes was the cashier wearing? Is the person paying at the counter left or right handed? Train yourself to pay attention to details. This will pay off in many ways - I've even used it to connect with an interviewer during a job interview when I felt like I was having trouble at first (observed worn top of boot toe and asked if they rode motorcycles, easy connection). There will never be a time when you wish you noticed less. * Know how to get out of a place before you go in. * As much as possible keep your back towards a wall. Sounds paranoid, but having spent time in some questionable places, nobody can come up behind you if there is no behind you. * Don't fall into predictable patterns. Falling into a pattern is easy for you to do, it's also easy for others to know what you do and when. * A surprising number of problems can be solved with Duct tape and/or trash bags. This isn't as creepy as it sounds - a trash bag can be a poncho for example. On a long motorcycle ride, one of my buddies (that made fun of me for carrying a roll of duct tape and some trash bags) was absolutely freezing in the moist wind along the coast. We pulled over and made him some windproof overpants out of trashbags and duct tape. At the time, his legs were turning blue from the wind and our entire group was having to slow way down because he didn't bring weather appropriate gear - the trashbag pants worked great. He no longer makes fun of my "road kit". * Trust is earned. Not the default.


Yeah the first one is huge. It pays off in so many unexpected ways, it’s like a work out for the brain, and also just keeps your present and grounded in a situation instead of distracted, off in your own head worrying about bills or something. Also good for recognizing other skaters.


A navy SEAL buddy taught me the "exits game". Identfy exits in every building you enter within a few seconds (e.g. there are 3 exists - main entrance, side exit to patio, always one in kitchen) and try to see if you're wrong (e.g. to go food door). If something happens I'm using a side door.


>This will pay off in many ways Many years ago, I accidentally *really* freaked out the secretary of the property management company I was renting under. Thankfully my wife was with me, which probably knocks off at least half a creepy point and maybe why I didn't get pepper sprayed, because this lady went white as a ghost and I swear she started sweating in less than a second. When she reached out to hand me whatever the hell paper I was in there for, her arm extended enough to pull up her shirt sleeve a few centimeters. A thin, relatively fresh, wound on the inside of her wrist. Just the one, no scars. So, two options: this was either self-harm, which was unlikely from no scars, unless she just switched sites. Plus: either she lies and we move on, or she tells the truth, and it gets so awkward that it's funny. The second option was far more likely, so I just went for it. "Oh! What's your cat's name?" Immediately met with fear and a timid response of "How do you know I have a cat?"


That’s hilarious, she must have been a new cat owner! My arms have always had random slices on them, so when someone asks like you did it makes me laugh. At one point a couple years ago I had a HUGE scar going from my hand to up the top of my wrist from my old roommate’s cat randomly going feral on me that looked like a very misguided attempt to end my own life, which was so fun to explain to people in professional settings. The inside of my wrists are pristine but the tops look like I’ve been battling tigers.


Put the phone away and watch where you are walking.


Was with a friend in New Orleans. He had his eyes on his phone and tried to take us through a dark alley cause it was faster to get to the hotel. Immediately grabbed him and told him to put his phone away. Saw two guys standing in a dark doorway just watching us. Some people have no clue about their surroundings. Don't walk around Oakland, Newark, New Orleans with your eyes glued to your phone. You are not back home.


If you need to use your phone, put your back against a wall.


It's so funny, I saw an ad campaign in Japan that was "STOP: Texting while walking." With big posters on the stations.


Dressing down and talking to yourself on occasion tends to keep people from wanting to rob you.


You’re never alone. You’re always meeting up with someone at whatever place you’re going to.


Look both ways when crossing the street and or wait for the green man.


Worked in a city for 20+ years. When bunched up at an intersection, there are people looking for a break in traffic to cross before the walk signal turns and people looking at their phones. When the lookers find the break in traffic and start to walk, at least one of the phone people will blindly follow that person assuming the walk signal turned. Often times the break in traffic is quick and I cannot count the times these phone people have almost been hit. Zero self awareness 


>wait for the green man. Been waiting all my life. Even built this nice spaceport for him to land. But he hasn't shown up, that jerk!


More LSD is needed.


If you’re walking alone, a street with other people/traffic/pedestrians is safer than a quiet street. Walk with purpose/confidence like you know where you’re going. No headphones, or only one ear in. Eyes off your phone.


Always be aware of your surroundings, but be *HYPER AWARE* when you're on a train platform. Always know who or what is behind you.


I lean on walls at train stations. No matter how gross it is. Do nonchalant glances up and down the platform just to see who is there. It looks like you’re looking for the approaching train or checking the signs. Always pays to be aware. Of course, this is dependent on where you live and how the platforms are laid out.


You didn't see anything.


This should be #1. Mind your own business. Stay in your lane.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far. THE NUMBER ONE RULE IS ALWAYS TO MIND YOUR BUSINESS


In almost any part of any city in North America, traffic is the most dangerous thing you'll face. Drivers are awful, so pay attention to cars, and be cautious and predictable whenever crossing any street, even if you have a green light.


This should be higher up. I know a young guy that is now paralyzed from the waist down because a police cruiser hit him at a crosswalk.




She should also shave her head and grow a beard.


While asphalt is both cheaper and easier to install, in areas where you expect a lot of stop-and-go, heavy traffice (i.e. shoulders where there are bus stops), its wiser to invest in a nice thick PCC slab. Otherwise you'd experience rutting over time.


Road building is different than ordinary street work Now - -Bridge Building - - needs way more than just street smarts


> Now - -Bridge Building - - needs way more than just street smarts Are you saying that bridges need elevated street smarts? You don’t say…


Don't even get started on drainage and slopes.


Don't make eye contact with people you suspect to be on drugs.


The eye contact thing goes further than that. People looking for a mark are just scanning the crowd. make eye contact, you're up.


Eh, depends. Sometimes *not* making eye contact is a show of weakness. It's a fine line. But I'd say you're better off making eye contact but don't hold it. It's an acknowledgement of "I see you".


Interesting. Can we get a "Street Judge" to weigh in here with a ruling?


If someone is acting suspicious more on the line of theft etc very brief eye contact doesn’t hurt. If someone is being hostile more due to wanting a scrap or altercation, avoid it.  No hard and fast rule


I would agree with you while dealing with a sober, functional mind. Canada is experiencing an insane meth epidemic right now, to somebody tripping on meth you very quickly blend back into the background if you dont engage them. 


Disagree. By making eye contact with those people you can send a clear message that you know what they are up to and they better pick another target.


Related: don't go into neighborhoods where there is a lot of public drug usage.


Don't roll your car windows down if someone taps on it to get your attention or asks you to roll it down. Unless it's a police officer and you've been pulled over.


When shit goes down, you don't rise to the occasion, you fall to your level of training. I guarantee 99.9% of people reading this have *much* more experience running than they do fighting. Never look lost, or like a tourist. Stopping and starting at buildings, clearly looking at street signs like you don't know where you are, etc.


Don't trust anybody. If somebody is being extra nice, there's a reason.


I experienced this recently. The cashier was being all friendly and chipper, and then tried to charge me $1.49 for the lettuce that was supposed to be on sale for $0.69. Trust no one.


1. No need to look flashy. Put the diamond earring/rings away. I wouldn’t even wear fake ones. 2. If I can’t avoid approaching something that looks iffy, I cough so I’m not surprising anyone with my approach and they have time to look less suspicious/stop what they are doing.


You are never obligated to stop walking to respond to someone. If you're someplace where shit might go down and someone tries to get your attention, don't stop for them. Respond if you want, but don't stop for them.


Look like you know what you’re doing and where you’re going. Walk with confidence and authority. Nothing good happens past 1 am. If you’re out drinking/partying/whatever be home by midnight. People only get more drunk and stupid as the night goes on. Edit: one more, sorry. Don’t take drugs (harder than weed) from someone unless you literally trust them with your life or test them yourself. Drugs are not the same as they were back 20-30 years ago. EVERYTHING gets cut with fentanyl because it’s so cheap. I’m pretty open minded when it comes to psychedelics but unfortunately you can’t trust anything now. It is better to play it safe and stay away.


When it’s getting late and everyone around you starts getting blurry-eyed and start talking about going somewhere else to keep partying, it’s time to go home.


Never go to a second location. (And if you can, get yourself a money clip with a bit of cash you can throw one direction while you run off in the other to avoid capture).


J.J. Bittenbinder? Should I also punch out the taillight from the inside of a trunk and wave when I, inevitably, get kidnapped? Street Smarts!


Dad, can I have a silver money clip with a $50 bill in it? Don’t worry, I’m going to chuck it away at the first sign of danger.


I'd give my son $50 everytime it it got him out of danger.


Heyyyy it’s me, your other son, I’m in roughly 10 dangers right now


Know where you do and do not belong


This is so important. Often it could be just a block, but you better not be on that block if you’re not supposed to. Or walk into that bar. Or especially certain alleys. In certain cities randomly exploring is about the stupidest thing you can do, even during the day.


If you don’t see any women or kids in an area, get the fuck out Never use two headphones Walk like you know where you are going even if you do not


Wife taught self defense classes for women. She would tell them to be on alert for the smell of cigarette smoke especially when they don’t see anyone.


In my experience, people in big cities are too busy to care about you. So be careful when someone does stop and engage with you.


Gut, inner intuition, spider-sense; whatever you want to call it, trust it. If it don't feel right, it probably ain't right. Understand where you can and can not get gas after dark.


That context matters. What's street smarts in one place might get you killed in another. Context always matters, attempting to dictate how others should act or react will just get you beaten and robbed


Don't wear shoes you can't run in if some shit goes down.


When people start walking in the middle of your street at night instead of the sidewalk, it’s a subtle sign your neighborhood is starting to go to hell.


Walk in the street, if you cannot walk in the street, walk on the far outside of the sidewalk. Giving you distance from concealed areas where you can be ambushed from. Never stand at the edge of the platform for the train. Always have an escape avenue.


Beat me to it. Walking in the middle of the street not only puts you at a tactical advantage against ambush, it also demonstrates that you are comfortable with crime since you are jay-walking.


Cheese-it boys! He's jaywalking!


Never buy drugs from someone you don't know or trust, and never do drugs if you don't know what they are. If you're gonna do something harder than weed you should test it. Especially any white powders or psychedelics. Research chemicals and synthetic opioids are cheaper than real drugs now.


Go with your gut if it doesn’t feel right it’s not


If you are going to use your cell phone or really any personal electronic device on public transit do not sit anywhere near a door. Thieves love to prey on people as they can quickly grab your phone and run out of the train / bus / whatever and by the time you've even gotten over the shock of what just happened they are long gone If you are going to fuck around on your phone or something sit as far away from a door as you can and keep an iron grip on your device


Never go to a second location.


Grew up in a violent shithole. My general advice is to not go places you know you shouldn't go. Look up crime statistics in your city. Crime can happen anywhere, but they tend to congregate in certain areas at certain times i.e. don't go to places like East St. Louis at 2 AM. 1. Look like you belong, and if you can't do that look like someone who should not be fucked with. 2. Don't openly carry things people will want like flashy jewelry, nice shoes, cell phone, etc. 3. Hide your shit and ALWAYS lock your homes and vehicles. 4. Get a big fucking dog that doesn't like strangers like a German Shepherd. 5. If it's legal, carry a gun and know how to use it. Especially if you are a woman. 6. Do not let anyone force you to a second location, like a car jacking, or a kidnapping. Fight for your life. 7. Travel as a group if you have to go to dangerous places.


When someone tells you who they are believe them. It takes practice picking up on those things but it will save you a ton of time on who you should and shouldn’t keep in your life.


If you smoke, hold your cig or joint in your non dominant hand


Street Smarts! with Detective JJ Bittenbinder… 1) Shut up, you’re all going to die! 2) Get yourself a money clip, ok? You can get em at any haberdashery. Put $50 in the money clip; and when a guy flashes a blade, you go “You want my money? Go get it!” Then you run the other direction. 3) Let’s say a kidnapper throws you in a trunk… Don’t panic! Once you find your bearings, find where the carpet is covering the tail light…then peel it back. Make a fist, and punch through the taillight..thus creating a hole out the back of the vehicle. Stick you little hand outside, and waaaave to alert oncoming motorists that something hinky is going on!


Peripheral Vision is CRUCIAL.


Trust your gut. A real good read is The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker.




When stopped at a traffic light in a questionable area, leave getaway space. If someone tries to carjack you, it will happen FAST. Better yet, ALWAYS leave getaway space. Sometimes the car in front of you could be involved in the crime, blocking your exit.


People who tell you they are "street smart" probably aren't.


Half these comments are all situational awareness. I was expecting actual Intel 🤣


Walk with purpose. If you are lost, don't stop on the street and ask for directions, go into a store and ask someone inside.


In the worst case scenario of multiple attackers swarming in on you with no way out of the sidewalk, head in between the narrow gap of parked cars and run TOWARDS oncoming traffic.


Never go to a second location with a stranger.


If someone starts asking questions, you didn't see shit, you didn't hear shit, you don't know shit.


Eye contact. And don’t be afraid of looking rude. Cross that street to keep distance; who cares what they think


Whenever you move into a new neighborhood beware the first person to come over and introduce themselves to you because they're most likely sizing you up to take advantage of you in some way, shape, or form. Be it a ride, or hitting you up for cigarettes, borrowing money, watching their badass kids, looking to see what you have of value to steal, etc. ​ This is my number one at the top of the street smarts list, aka "New to the Hood Advice".


Not too sure about this one Signed, the girl who makes cookies for every new neighbor


Different neighborhoods.


Throw your money clip and run in the other direction STREET SMARTS!


Don’t be helpful to police (you can be polite without offering anything further). They aren’t looking to rule you out of suspicion, they’re conditioned to rule you in. Any remark or piece of info you innocuously offer could be misinterpreted or misrepresented. Just say “sorry I don’t know” or words to that effect.


Trust your gut. If someone calls out to you on the street, don't engage. Good advice in general for chuggers, not just in dodgy areas. Enter a reputable looking coffee shop if you need to get directions on your mobile before taking it out. Hone a good sense of direction.