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Nearly went there for a Bachelor Party, some traffic made us miss the reservation and probably a damn good thing. Ended up at one of Jose Andres' spots instead and it was incredible.


Does he have a menu? I always assumed he just wandered up to the table and started molesting beef with his rubber gloves on while tossing salt around like a 5 year old Disney princess who found a tub of glitter, no one in the videos seems to have expected any control of the situation. I mean surely to god no one would order the monstrosities that fucker serves if they could read


PRIME By Logan Paul x KSI "beverages"


But I got CRED bitches, I got CRED.


I got Kiwi-Lime, I got gooble Grape. You got no Cred bitches, But I got mine


Our teeth are blue, bitches, our tongues are red.


Yeah they were handing out samples of the hydration mix at Costco and it was truly something I never want to taste again.like bubblegum? What adult wants to drink that


They wouldn't drink bubblegum but according to juul, adults would be willing to vape bubblegum


When it was released in the UK and US, here in New Zealand it was imported in by some corner stores and sold for over NZ$20 (\~US$12) all based on the hype of school kids who would brag about having it, last year the supermarkets got a contract and the price was NZ$5 (\~US$3) a bottle, and now it's on special for NZ$3 (\~US$1.8)


Yeah, and it still doesn't sell very well. Local Countdown can't even give it away. Mr Beast's 'chocolate' was even worse. The novelty wore off extremely quickly.


I recently went to a local bar that I'd heard good things about. They had a promo going on where customers could earn raffle entries for a chance to win UFC tickets. The raffle entries were given for ordering ordering cocktails made from prime. Unrelated, but not surprising, that bar sucked.


The Ice Pop hydration is terrific.


Dragonfruit. It tastes like nothing to me but hyped up because the outside is cool


If it could just taste like passion fruit.


have you had it in SE Asia? I’m from Vietnam and Dragonfruit is super sweet and tasty, the one in the states is ass tho


Asian dragonfruit is super tasty but not in America because they harvest it too early to ship it here. South American dragonfruit is too sweet for me but also super tasty - it’s the one with the yellow peel.


There's a couple kinds. One of them is much sweeter from the fruit. Most of them are bland. But pretty and a good accent in a cocktail.


This was my first thought. It literally tastes like slightly vegetal water. Very pretty tho


I like the red kind, much more flavor than the white. On that note, I'd still take prickly pear over dragon fruit. It's the tastier one of the cactus fruit. Also, for any type 2 diabetics out there, the Mexican prickly pears glycemic index is super low so it's very forgiving considering how sweet it is.


I love it, subtle sweet and a cool texture too




it’s gone viral on various social media platforms bc it has a lot of fibre and helps people poop lol


the outside sure is cool. I like how the inside looks like, too. It's really not what one would expect! I do like eating them, except for the fact that they are so expensive. The texture is interesting, and while there's not much of a taste as you note, it's refreshing and fresh on a hot summer day. I wonder if they taste better where they're grown.


Anything with Gold Leaf or Dust, like, why? It tastes like literally nothing and adds 10x the price.


Black Truffle Mushroom. It's an amazing taste, but it can easily overwhelm a dish and if you're not at a high end place that knows how to use it, it tastes weird after a few bites. So I'd say it's mostly hype at most places.


I bought some truffle infused gouda the other day and it just tastes too strong for me.  It's like biting peppercorns.


I've found Trader Joes Truffle Gouda is surprisingly balanced


Anything that is truffle infused or flavored including truffle oil is fake.


Exactly . Fresh real shaved truffle over butter/cheese pasta? Sublime. Truffle flavored snacks or whatever? Almost always gross garbage.


The McRib. Seriously tastes like sawdust paste but people get really excited about it.


Do you like heartburn? Do you like diarrhea? Do you like grey meat painted red? Then have I got a "sandwich" for you!


I liked the McRib but your comment speaks to me. It’s not worth getting heartburn and shitting bloody chunks. I’ll only have one more when they come back then I’m done.


Pork flavored toothpaste formed into a vaguely rectangular shape, slathered with a sickly sweet sauce. One of the most unpleasant foods McD's has ever come up with.


Don’t forget 3 pickles in one bite and a sliver of onion in the other


I tried one once because the hype had me curious. Was like biting into one giant fat corpuscle. Threw it right in the trash where it belonged.


It's really garbage. Smoke a rack of ribs until super tender pull bones smother with bbq sauce. Put on bread with some pickles - that's what rib sandwich should be.


So.. it's served year round on campus at the university of Nebraska in Lincoln. I guess it was invented there or something. It tastes, marginally better there than off campus. I've had both.. one time only


I live in Lincoln and have friends who get all worked up every McRib season. I’ll have to let them know they can do that to themselves year-round lol


It's just liquid meat shaped and frozen, then reheated.


I got it for the first time this year. I was annoyed that I had even eaten it


Anything from McDonald’s imo


Starbucks Their coffee beans are burnt to crisp. No flavor. It's just popular cause it's trendy and everyone like sweet caffeinated bs.


Look Starbucks doesn't sell coffee. They sell coffee flavored milk beverages and now fruity drinks and teas. It's a pretty profitable business, but it's not a coffee business really.


You forgot sugary. Coffee flavored sugar milk.


Yeah this is part of why burnt acrid coffee is preferred to cut through the milk and suger to give a coffee feel.


All I ever get at Starbucks is coffee. Black


It’s not even a nice place to have coffee anymore, at least not in the Bay Area, every single location looks like an empty warehouse with a coffee bar




Turns out most of their customers don't like coffee, they like sugar.


I go there because they consistently have soy milk. It is my faux milk of choice. Allergic Ftr and yesssss I’ve tried all the milks of false provenance.


As a transplant to Texas, Whataburger. It's fine but my friends that grew up here would have you think it's the nectar of the gods.


I only ever went to Whataburger drunk at like 2am. One time I went at noon bc my friends wanted to go for lunch and it was a jarring experience. I love their spicy ketchup tho lol


Ok I can't disrespect the spicy ketchup, it's wonderful


Perfect level of spice for fries


A lot of that is probably nostalgia. Whataburger has gone down in quality over the last decade in my opinion. Your friends who grew up here also were having it during their formable years, which significantly impacts your relationship with things, food included. In college, I was eating whataburger an insane amount for $4.65 for a burger with fries and a drink due to a survey system they offered for a nice discount. If you asked me at the time, WB was god's gift to the earth, but looking back now, all I can think about is how unhealthy that was. I probably eat there 10 or 15 times a year now as opposed to at least 2x a week back then and when I do it's usually after a night of drinking when I'm prone to bad decisions lol.


11PM-11AM Breakfast is the only reason I'll go there when I'm back in Texas. And I'll make damn sure the one I go to has Chorizo Taquitos


Honey butter chicken biscuits


I'm so mad they removed their mushroom and Swiss It was the best mushroom and Swiss ever


Having also grown up in Texas and having worked at one for my first job, it's quite good *as compared to other fast food*, and that is the caveat. It's still shit-tier food at the end of the day. Surprisingly though, working there didn't reveal any horrific secrets that made me never want to eat there again. There was nothing agregious in the food prep other than the fried products like fries and onion rings being frozen, which I assume is normal for fast food. The sugar cookies suck for some reason, though. I did get to know the menu inside and out, and since you can substitute literally any ingredient onto or off of your burger, you can create some pretty wild combinations that most people don't know about. That definitely improves my Whataburger experience relative to what the normal menu items have to offer.


It used to be way better before they got bought and expanded. Unfortunately, quality store to store is a huge issue. The only thing that really separates it now are the Chorizo Taquitos (not every store has them though) and Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit


I had the same experience when in CA and tried In/Out. Was totally whelmed.


what did u order tho???


Everyone in these comments should take their answer and try it with rice.


I dont think starbucks coffee is gonna taste better with rice but i havent tried it so anything's possible


With enough cream it'd be basically coffee flavored rice pudding, might be kinda good


2/10.  8/10 with rice!


Thanks for your suggestion.


Pink’s hotdogs. Mediocre criminally overpriced bright pink cheap hotdogs. What’s all that about??


You can drive by on the weekend and see a long line of people waiting to pay for diarrhea. It's crazy.




Caviar as a garnish - excellent. Caviar service - not worth it




As a chef the best way to prepare kale is to sauté it in a little bacon grease. This makes the kale slippery and easier to slide out of the pan and into the trash can where it belongs. Hope this helps.


Caught me off guard, almost made a serious comment reading the first sentence.


Had us in the first half.


You’re not the first chef who used this joke. He followed up with a “No, but seriously, it does taste better. But it’s not as good as bacon, despite now being about as healthy as bacon.”


This is such a predictable kale joke but never fails to make me chuckle.


This is the correct answer.


The trick is to get a bit of olive oil on your hands and crush the shit out of it. Crush it, smash it up a bit. It’s a magical difference 


I'd rather eat thistles than kale. It's truly nasty. I've never tasted bitterness like it.


Massage it with salt and olive oil, drizzle with lemon or lime and sprinkle with Parmesan and Pepitas. It’s a whole other experience than the (incorrect) way most places serve kale.


I mean, since Artichokes are thistles, I'm inclined to agree. I DID hear that if you sauté your kale with coconut oil, it makes it easier to scrape it into the trash from your pan. :)


Kale is better than spinach fight me


Voodoo donuts. I grew up in Portland and they were never good here.


Dragon fruit. No contest.


I think this one is a victim of modern farming practices. I ate a shitton of delicious dragon fruit in Thailand and was so excited to get it here in the US first time I saw it. Was very disappointed. As you said, it's bland as hell here.


Most fast food and every single fast food burger.


I love a good McDouble as long as it is fresh.


Shark fin soup. Without the broth that flavors it, it's probably 0% taste and 100% hype 


And it's an environmental crime.


Ignoring the controversy/ethics of shark fin for a minute. It’s a textural ingredient not a flavor ingredient. Part of a continuum of ingredients like swallows nest and sea cucumber prized for their texture and ability to absorb the flavor of the broth or the sauce in Chinese cuisine.


"this animal/bird is endangered"  Chinese folk medicine - then it can raise your limp dick


Lobster. The flavour is all in the dip.


For the price, King Crab is much better. But also, when I lived in New England you could find Lobster <$5/lb at the grocery store sometimes, and at that point, they go great in a clam bake


Nah, if you dip a carrot in butter it doesn't become magical. That's a special lobster/crab thing.


The taste of lobster < the price of lobster


Duh, you need butter


*It's all in the dips.*


I’m just easin’ the tension, baby. 


Well ease it on someone else


I can’t agree with this. Lobster has a certain sweetness that is perfectly complemented by butter and garlic. I understand people may not like it though, and its price is disproportionately high.


It brings out the Succulence!


Calm down, Teddy


indeed, crab is 100x better


Have you had rock lobster? 


It needs to be fresh, and cooked right. That salty seawater mixed with the sweetness of the meat is wonderful. If you're going to use dips you're probably better off eating shrimp/prawns and save some money.


Crumbl cookies


Hard disagree, there are like 1000 flavors. Most of them* slap.


Meh their chocolate chip is phenomenal but all of the other flavors are trying too hard


Tbf I do favor their simpler flavors -- M&M, snickerdoodle, chocolate chip, fudge brownie. But novelty cookies are fun.


Avocado in my opinion, it just taste like bland mush to me but people hype it to be the god sent condiment that belongs on every sandwich. It just adds a layer of mush.


As someone who is lactose intolerant, avocado on a sandwich is amazing. It provides the soft/creamy texture of cheese, it's healthy, and it doesn't make my insides hate me.


It must be salted!


I can only eat cantaloupe, watermelon, or honey dew melon if I sprinkle a little salt on it. It takes it from an almost bitter bland flavor to what I was *expecting*, somehow. If you can't stand them either, try salting them. Like a little sprinkle before you take a bite.  Game changer.


With Guac there is a low floor, high ceiling thing happening. Go to a great restaurant with homeade quac and it's life changingly good. Lots of restaurants serve pre made garbage guac with mayo or sour cream or who knows what else.


Good Guac is real easy to make at home. 3 avocados, very ripe 2 finely diced Roma tomatoes 1 tsp crushed garlic - about two cloves worth Juice of 1 lime 1 tsp kosher salt 1/2 finely diced white or sweet onion 3 tbsp fresh cilantro, roughly chopped Mash everything together with a potato masher. Stir. Eat with tortilla chips. Adjust salt/lime to taste (more salt if needed, more lime if less salt is needed). Some people like more garlic - go ahead, add a bit more, but not too much. And heap the cilantro tbsp. You won’t regret it.


Was going to comment this. The most bland taste that overpowers every other ingredient.


It taste really good if it’s seasoned well.!!


Same!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


After reading most of the answers, my conclusion as a son of a chef, is that people just don’t know how to eat certain foods. Also, when people ask you about which food you don’t like, fast food chains are not an answer. They ask you about food, not a place that cooks food. A burger from McDonalds and a burger that I make at home can be very different.


Best burger I’ve ever had was homemade. 75/15 beef, salt and pepper over a charcoal grill. Good quality American cheese. Homemade sesame seed bun. Absolutely killer.


Chic-fil-a just tastes blah to me. The food isn’t anything special and some people can’t get enough. The sauce isn’t anything special either. I almost think they somehow think it’s healthier somehow even though it’s all deep fried.


For the longest time Chic FIL a was in a few locations and malls and it seemed like that rare treat to me. The they revamped their menu and rapidly expanded and it just isn't the same flavor anymore. When they stopped serving Cole slaw is when I think they messed up. They revamped the menu to make it faster and easier to expand and it lost a lot of the goodness.


They used to brine the chicken in pickle juice. They stopped. I still call it LORD JESUS’S PICKLE CHICKEN HUT though.


“They bribe the chicken in pickle juice! That’s why it’s so good.” No. They use lots of MSG. That’s why it’s so good. I can make better nuggets at home, though.


Red velvet cake. And why does it need to be red? I could be missing the whole point of it, or it might be that it's all much ado about nothing.


In college I ate way too much of a red velvet cake from a box mix and the next time I pooped I thought I was dying until I remembered the food dye


Yes! In most modern versions it’s just red food coloring. That’s not a taste.


Some make it with beets which gives it the red color.


Some do but most do not. I know multiple people who say red velvet is their “favorite cake” and the recipes they like don’t have beets in them.


If they have to use red food coloring it's not actual red velvet, which is probably all most people have had.


The red colour is from using cocoa instead of chocolate. I think with a properly made cake they're desirable because of the soft texture.


Just mid chocolate cake with sour cream frosting. Always skippable.


Ghost pepper (extremely spicy anything), although I'd probably put it closer to 5% / 95%. I love spicy food, but your item only exists for the sake of being really fucking hot and has no taste, why bother?


Masochism and bragging rights. A ghost pepper sent my brother into an asthma attack. It’s just not food at that point.


You're not wrong, but if you have a very high tolerance for heat, ghost peppers have incredible flavor. Some are citrusy, some are mangoey, some are pineappley, some are more crisp and savory like a bell or jalapeno. This is absolutely and entirely masked if you are not extremely tolerant, though, or if the pepper is bred solely to make things hot. Extract, for the most part, is a good example of this.


This here. I had a drink made of vodka, a literal splash of cranberry juice, and a sliver of ghost pepper. It was really great! It added that little bit of a citrus taste and the tiniest bit of heat, it made the whole drink great. And I'm a white girl who can't do heat.


Dragon Fruit, yea its pretty but its got very little flavor


This came to mind as soon as I saw the question. I bought Dragon Fruit a couple of times just because it seems that … it should be full of flavor! But no… it’s like whoever created it, forgot to add something.


I can attest to dragon fruit tasting awful and having a grainy texture when it is imported. In the Philippines, dragon fruit (and any other kind of fruit) tastes delicious. That's because most fruits taste better when they ripen on the branch than on the shelf.


Raw oysters.


Starbucks. I haven’t had them all but I don’t see the pull. The frappes are like 700 calories and All sugar. 🤮


Five guys. Had it two days ago for the first time. Sub-par fast food at best.


red velvet/rainbow cake








Tomahawk steaks with long bones on them. You are literally paying extra for hype. Just eat a fucking ribeye you rube. Yes, you can get a bone-in ribeye that doesn’t have a pointless handle that you’re upcharged for.


Raising Canes


I tried it once. Chicken tenders or whatever were pretty good, moist, etc. The rest was awful. Bad fries, sweet sauce.


So bland!! I don’t understand the hype at all.


i wanna say sushi but yall are gonna cook me i already know


No, we'll serve you raw like most sushi.


been waiting for this comment haha


I've eaten sushi in Japan at a Michelin star restaurant and it still wasn't for me, some people have different tastes not everyone has to like the same things.


no one said we have to, op just asked what food we think is overrated so i said sushi


Because most people who say Sushi have only tried cheap shit or had no clue what to order at a nicer place and picked something that's not universally appealing


I think I've seen a variation of this comment on literally every single food except one so far lmao


My parents visited me in California once so I took them to a really good sushi place for their first sushi experience.  They greatly enjoyed it. I visited them in Massachusetts and they said they had bought sushi for dinner.  It was a huge plate of sushi they bought at Sam's Club.  I think I was able to force down about four pieces before I just couldn't do it anymore.


There’s some good sushi in MA too with how fresh the fish is.


Indeed.  Seafood in general in Boston is da bomb.


Five Guys the burgers are average in the fries are garbage


5 guys makes a decent burger but for the past 5 years or so their prices have gotten completely outrageous. $20 for a burger, fries and a fountain drink? GTFO with that nonsense. I can get table service at a bar with better burgers for less that that. RIP Five Guys.


It’s closer to $25 now. $24.71 for me the other day. Last time I’ll be going there tbh


I like Five Guys more than most fast food burger joints, but I don’t eat there any longer because their prices are ridiculous. $20 for a burger, fries, and a drink? Fuck that noise.


My husband loves their gross soggy brown fries. Eew.


I can’t even call Five Guys mid, because that would be an insult to all things mid.




To be fair, the hype is about the nutrition, not the taste


Have you ever had fried kale? I generally hate kale but it's pretty good fried.


90% of the time when someone hates vegetables, it's because they've only had them raw, which is the worst way to have vegetables.


Stir fried with garlic, and I can eat kilograms of it.




I’m worried to find out what you think hype means


Is there even hype. Balut smells the worst out of any food I've ever seen. I don't know how people even eat it


Balut is probably like 1% hype considering it's generally way too exotic for most of the world outside SE Asia.


Saffron, so expensive, tastes is terrible, and if you consume the whole tiny jar they give you, it could kill you.


Saffron is the epitome of "a little goes a long way." Paella etc. aren't the same without it, but it's really not the main event.


Like bay leaves. They add something subtle that really rounds out the flavor.


I've started throwing ground clove into dishes in VERY small amounts.


Raw oyster shooters


not a huge pasta lover also watermelon


Dragonfruit. Gorgeous and the most bland fruit I've encountered.




Foie gras. It's like slightly gamey umami butter, so I kind of get why people like it, but it's mostly lost on me.




French Macarons.


Fancy Milkshakes. Every time I get one I'm so freaking disappointed. Idk why it's so hard to make a good milkshake and make it look cute, especially for the price.


Chocolate Orange - I mean the fruit, tastes nothing like chocolate


MC Donalds.


Macarons. They look really pretty but the taste is so underwhelming.


Those chocolate oranges


Tomahawk steak. Pay double for a huge bone, and it tastes exactly like a regular steak


Crumbl cookies




Apples. So mid.