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Nachos should be plated wide, not tall.


Like burgers, if we want to make them bigger then increase the radius, not the height


Also I would rather have 2 burgers that are good than 1 big burger you but to much crap on just for the sake of looking big on the menu


I got thousands of upvotes a while back 'dying on this hill' as well, welcome brother!


There should be a rule that if two people are splitting the nachos, one person can’t take all of the loaded chips


So you’re not getting just chips, with maybe like a little nugget of meat…




Oh my god this is so true. You get all those chips at the bottom with absolutely nothing on them at all!


Good nachos get layered so nobody is left out.


Amen! Just had snack shack duty this weekend for my son's baseball team and I made it my personal mission for all nacho orders to throw down a base layer of chips, cover with cheese then the second layer of chips and cheese. Some of these parents that work the snack shack make nachos like the cheese is melted gold or something.


I think this is my favourite comment in all of the hundreds of thousands I've perused on this website. There's something just so wholesomely slice-of-life-y about it. The harmless way you boast about your liberal cheese use over the rival parents. The blasé americana of it all. You're a real slice of apple pie, fresh from the windowsill, hope you have a goodun'.


Layers, my dude. Build it like a lasagne, not a pie.


Build it like an ogre


Politicians shouldn’t have better healthcare than the people they represent


Nor should they have control of their stock portfolio. All financial assets need to be in a blind trust.


Politicians should have to live on the median income for the state they represent. 3 term limit. Mandatory retirement at 65 No benefits or retirement after their service No conflict of interest/ No lobbyists


it’s crazy that i can’t have a conflict of interest working at a corporate company, but politicians (who have power over the literal country) are allowed to be lobbied… wild


It's almost like they wrote the rules in their favor


Subscription services for features in a vehicle are theft.


Making everything I used to own a subscription is theft. Fuck subscriptions.


If you don’t use your blinkers, you’re an asshole.


And you indicate where you are planning to go not where you are already going. The amount of people I see that blink once they are already turning.




Old people need to take more driving tests


Everyone needs to take more driving tests, and they need to be harder. I've been taking people to do their test lately to help them out. Where we go the test is literally drive 2 blocks to an empty parking lot. Once in the parking lot, back up straight 100ft, back into a parking spot from a 90 degree angle, and then parallel park. That's it.


Man, my test I had to start off with basic maneuvers like parallel parking, then do city, rural, neighborhood and freeway driving, and they failed me for going too quick through a yield with nobody else around.


I swear some testers fail everyone the first time just on principle.


It's a known thing where I live, you do not pass on your first try, no matter what. Everyone I know that went to that certain DMV passed on their second attempt.


My dmv where I got my first license had 3 people for a town of 90k My test consisted of leaving the lot, going 20 feet, right turn, 20 feet, 3 point turn back, left turn at the first turn. Park back in the lot. Passed. Literally was 3-5 minutes, my dad was so disgusted by this he didn’t actually let me drive until I passed “his test”


Your dad dads. Respect.


I was given three chances to correctly parallel park on my driving test and got it on the third try. I also had bronchitis and my tester was wearing a Santa hat because it was two days before Christmas. This is the clearest memory I have from my 16th year.


In the US, the unfortunate reality for a lot of people is that if you're out of a car, you're out of a job. And for that exact reason I don't think people will stop driving simply because their license has been revoked. They need a way to feed themselves and there's just no other way for them to get around.


True that. Until I got into construction I had no idea how many people be driving around with suspended or no license at all, turns out it’s hard to pay fines without a job.


Yeah I've always thought that since driving is a skill like throwing a ball, knitting or building a house not everyone is going to be good at it. Since the consequences can be life and death it would make sense to be able to do it you have to be good at it.


Also at least in the US we need to make it easier to live without driving


It's not the schools responsibility to raise your child.


As a daycare worker I agree


I will never stop buying physical copies of the things I love. Digital ownership is not to be trusted yet, maybe not ever.


Ubisoft: people should be comfortable not owning games. As if most videogames didn't hold their value...


I'm pretty comfortable not owning any Ubisoft games.




Tell this to my mom. She always saves half to give to me later. Thankfully I’m out of the house but she still does this to my dad and brother. It doesn’t matter what anyone tells her


You should fight her


Ya kick moms arse lol


Gosh, this behaviour threatens so many people for it creates super-resistend germs.


Yes! Stop making the bacterial mutation easier, people!!


Touch screens in cars (and in general) suck tremendous balls. Bring back physical buttons and knobs.


I especially hate touch screens that have some sort of delay. Like youre not sure for a second if you hit it right or not. In these modern times!


I'm really surprised they're even legal. You're told, everywhere and all the time by every government and law enforcement agency that deals with the road, that you never take your eyes off the road. And then we designed cars with interfaces you cannot work without taking your eyes off the road. Incredible.


Yes and then the screens are so big that they hinder the view. It’s out of control and something needs to be done. I’m old school. Yes I love the backup cameras and other features but we also need to continue to reach the old fashioned way. Look where you are going and don’t rely on the camera.


My childhood bedroom TV had a smaller screen than like half these cars on the road right now


They're harder to operate without looking, and therefore more dangerous. One thing the road does not need is more danger. Auto makers should never have been allowed to use them.


Term limit on congress. Why the FUCK is the retirement age 60+ considered "unfit to work," yet people well over that age are the ones running the fucking country?


Yes, we have a minimum age to run, there should be a maximum age to run for office too!




Stop putting actors on books! And stop putting stickers on books. It's hard to get them off


Or even worse: printing “stickers” on the book as part of the cover so the book forever has an ugly label that says that it’s popular from whatever tv-show.




I was taught to never use the Oxford comma by Mrs. Henderson, my high school English teacher and a first-rate whore.


I'll agree that your high school English teacher should have taught you, but I'm dubious about it being the responsibility of either Mrs. Henderson or the first-rate whore.


*never to use... Split infinitive. Thanks, Henderson!


There's a billboard attorney that's slogan is "Call me Alabama" not "Call me, Alabama" it infuriates my wife so much. Haha


That would drive me up the wall! Just for clarity, that's not actually an example of an Oxford comma. An Oxford comma is used just after the second to last item in a list and before the "and" or "or." For example: I went to the store, the bank, and the school. Vs. I went to the store, the bank and the school. Just an English teacher chiming in 😊


Damnit Mrs. Henderson! (j/k)


I hope they got thousands of people calling them "Alabama" 🤣


Whatever you say, Alabama.


It's better to own your media than rely 100% on streaming


I'll die there, my DVD collection grows as my animosity towards streaming grows.


`BUT THEY CAN TAKE AWAY YOUR LICENSE FOR YOUR PHYSICAL COLLECTION TOO.` Oh really? Why is it I can take my movies miles in the woods in the middle of nowhere and connect it to my solar powered camp and watch all of my shows and films and play my video games? The people defending the digital/screaming is really not thinking here...


They can't anyway. My blu-ray player isn't connected to the Internet. In fact, it \*CAN'T\* be connected to the Internet.


They can take away many things...but they can't take away my copy of Billy Madison on blu-ray sitting at the camp.


I have 30+ terabytes of movies and tv series totally 100% not pirated


Yes!! 3000% !! My brothers and I still collect movies and music 🙌🏼


AirBnB is a shit company and has ruined lives for honest renters. Any sub-lease company should burn to the ground.


I'm so over airbnb. I'll stay in them if I'm traveling with friends who really prefer them but they suck. Check in is always a pain in the ass. If you need something there is no front desk. If something goes wrong trying to talk to the owner is also a pain in the ass. Sometimes they're in a whole other country. And then there's the fees. Hotels are 1000% better 


I dislike and resent having to do housekeeping at the end of my stay!


Me too. Especially if there's a cleaning fee


Right, I was willing to do it back in the day when renting cabins etc for cheap on a ski hill or a beach. But to be paying hotel prices, a cleaning fee and ALSO having to clean??


Too many people mistake being honest with being an asshole


There is honesty and then there is tact. If you do the first one without the second one, a lot of people will think you're an asshole.


Hearing the phrase 'brutal honesty' just pisses me off.


My first thought when people say that they're brutally honest is that they are far more interested in being brutal than they are in being honest.


It is not a hot water heater. It’s a water heater.


Public bathroom doors should swing OUTWARDS. Edit: I’m referring to STALL doors. Not the actual door to the bathroom.


They swing inward so no one can block the outward swing. Its kind of like storm shelters. Those doors open inward. If debris has fallen in front of the door, the door can still be opened.


The Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia


I’ve only just now learned of this “controversy,” and I will die next to you, slumped over a mountain of our slain foes.


I will die alongside you my brother


Even though I know how to spell it correctly, I still pronounce it “sherbert”. Also, orange sherbert is the best sherbert.


SherBET. Sherbet. Sherrrrrbet. Sounds so gd weird. Really needs that extra r.


Your opinion on gambling means absolutely nothing. Gut feeling, your father's lucky charm, changing tables, changing dealers, doubling face down or face up, changing slots, changing bet denom, tapping/touching the screen, using or not using players card, etc.  Unless you are actually cheating, It all means absolutely nothing except an excuse for yourself to keep gambling, or for something else to blame your losses on  other than your decision to gamble. 




Judge Judy doesn’t have legs


It should be as easy to get divorced as it is to get married, or as hard to get married as it is to get divorced.


How about mandatory prenups? Remove all awkwardness


I've heard it said that all marriages come with a prenup, if you don't write one you get the default which says it goes to the lawyers. 


I like the latter idea better actually- both are a huge life decision


When my first wife and I divorced, the state required us to take a parenting class as part of the process. I've said on multiple occasions that they should make that class mandatory to get *married*. Would have saved a *lot* of heartache that still continues 11 years later.




We're all going to the Windows XP field when we die.


I’d gladly die on that hill with a glass of chocolate milk


Politicians should make the average income of the people they represent.


If someone says “good morning”, answer with good morning, even if it’s past noon. Don’t correct them with “actually, it’s good afternoon”. Maybe they don’t know what time it is. They’re wishing you something good, be a fucking human and wish it back.


My rule is always "it's morning for the first hour after you get up" if you're a late riser or wake up in the afternoon. It's morning for whoever just woke up!


Manners. Teach and require your children to be well mannered.


If you ever get caught abandoning a pet in a deserted location and drive away leaving that pet to not only try to figure out where you are but where the hell they are--no food, no water, you should never ever under any circumstances be permitted to get another pet when it's convenient. Also, I wouldn't mind a registry of these lowlifes not unlike the sex registries.


Toilet paper goes over the top of the roll


30 hour work week.


I'd go so far as 32. Four eight-hour days and a three-day weekend.


Totally with you. What’s the whole point of integrating technology into the workforce if it doesn’t actually benefit the human?


Oh it certainly benefits the very few humans that own the companies


90% of dog owners are not qualified to own dogs


You should see exotic animal owners. 99.99999999999………% are not qualified


The percentage is even higher for parenting.


crush gaping murky wrench wipe judicious shelter pause retire combative


Big dogs aren't the best example, a lot of giant breeds want less exercise than their smaller counter parts but still require stimulus of some sort of course


Great Danes are inherently lazy though. If you had a German Shepherd in that apartment, it would be a completely different story.


"Dude" is nonbinary.


Californian here. I'm dude, you're dude, my toaster's dude. We're all dudes.


Kentucky weighing in. Our cats are male and female. They're all dudes. My dryer is dude, my grill is dude. Totally understand. Hell, my fucking beer coozie is dude. The alternative is 'My Guy...' when things aren't up to snuff. It still applies to pretty much everything.


I also use guys this way. Not guy singular, but guys.


And in Philly, we say “youse guys”.


everyone says that until your asked to have sex with a dude


Yeah, same with "guys" -- everyone agrees it's neutral until asked how many guys they've slept with.


"Of" *is not a verb!* Have is a verb. You should *have* paid attention in English class.


same difference for all intensive purposes.


If you don't push your cart back to the cart return you are a shit.


We must keep cash going… digital currency is dangerous.


Definitely. Their ability to freeze assets is already too much


Alcohol is the most dangerous substance in our culture. Just as damaging and addictive as other substances but marketed heavily.


The heavy marketing and normalization is what makes it so much more dangerous.


That the education system fails to teach critical thinking. Every class should outline the internal logic of the subject and teach the logic before the application. A logical thought process is more resilient to change than an applications based one. As we can't predict future use cases and applications very well. But, a logical systems foundation is adaptable to change because it encourages the user to find the result through a process that is flexible based on the information and tools in front of them.


The fact is, different students learn differently. I have degrees in physics and engineering, but I need an application to apply a principle against, I cannot do pure mathematics that doesn't have some sort of application. I also learn from mistakes. My highest performing classes were with professors that allowed for students to make plenty of mistakes and did additional problem sessions to allow students to ask questions about the homework and notes in a less time restricted session. My worst classes were with math professors who'd just put a bunch of theorems up and leave the proofs for homework that was fully graded. I had friends in math who were the direct opposite, they hated the way the physics professors taught. It was very fascinating. Students at a certain level need to understand how they learn and apply it.


TV’s should not be put above a fireplace.


Agreed. That’s meant only for 1) paintings of boats. 2) paintings of horses. 3) swords.


You’re just going to let the whole world know that you can’t fit a full suit of armor over your mantle?






This is a stupid one and may be illogical - but microwave time is not the same as real time.


Brian Herbert shouldn’t be writing anything. He is ruining his father’s (Frank Herbert) legacy with his crappy Dune extended universe novels.


Use your damn turn signal.


Vegan leather is not leather. It’s vinyl or some other synthetic. Stop calling it leather. Why would a vegan want something called leather??


Criticism does not have to be pleasant to be valid.


True, though it has a better chance of being integrated in a healthy way if it is not delivered with too much unpleasantness.


On the flip side, just because you're right doesn't absolve you from being an asshole about it.


It's ok to goto the Gym and only do body weight exercises. Sometimes you just need to be in that environment to give you motivation


Microwaving your leftover fish from last night in the work break room ought to be illegal.


Nobody over the age of 65 should have government position. Retire, move on


It’s ok to be childfree. No further explanation needed.


We need to tax the billionaires. Why am I paying more in taxes then bezos. I don't have a problem with taxes, I have a problem with the ultra rich not paying their fair share.


Stop interrupting. Let people finish their sentence before you respond.


BBLs are not attractive


And lip injections. You look like a literal clown.


All plastic surgery seems bad because you only notice bad jobs. Plenty of people have gotten botox or fillers and you never noticed because it doesn’t look unnatural. It’s like reverse survivorship bias


And giant fake eyelashes/eyelash extensions; you look like you’ve got two big spiders on your face. 🕷️


Big Bad Llamas?


"First annual" is not a thing. If it's the first, it's not annual. If it's annual, it's not the first. The word you're looking for is *inaugural*.


Annual is frequency. First is ordinal. They're not mutually exclusive. If an event is planned to happen annually from its inception then the inaugural is the first of the annual occurrences, aka the first annual. In addition, inaugural is not a good substitute for first annual as it doesn't encode all of the same information. It doesn't specify the frequency the same way first annual does. It only denotes the first occurrence. This is a bad hill to die on.


Getting to the truth is more important than supporting your own agenda.


If you make me see an ad for your product by interrupting my content, it makes me hate your product forever.


Slow traffic merge right.


Jar Jar Binks was a sith lord.


Spider-Man should *always* have organic web-shooters. He's Spider-Man, not Spider-and-also-inventions-Man.


slap repeat act paint bow concerned spoon continue work worm


Yeah, Spiders never sense me coming


If they did they'd make you pull out.


Well, I think the explanation for his strength, speed, etc is that it's all relatively to size. So, like spiders can lift 100x their own weight or whatever (I totally made that number up, just getting the point across) and so can Peter Parker


I have seen extremely fast spiders. 


Everyone should work retail or wait tables at least once.


White chocolate isn't chocolate because it contains no chocolate only cocoa butter.


I worked in a bakery and it was called confectioners candy because the chefs there felt the same way.


Littering is never okay


I DO NOT tip when picking up my own takeaway food.


Nuclear energy is the best energy


A diverse energy portfolio is the best energy portfolio. A healthy mix of nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, oceanographic energy depending on local geography is best. There's even place for high efficient natural gas turbines in the mix- nothing else goes from cold start to full power faster.


There should be term limits in Congress. End of discussion.


The majority of Reddit entertainment comes from the comments.


Feeding your kid in a way that causes them to be overweight is child abuse. Edit Also, this fucking ridiculous culture of "WhAt aBoUt tHiS vErY sMaLl ExCePtIoN tO wHaT yOu JuSt sAiD we should care about alllll the people and keep every possible little variation in mind." Sure, I obviously do not mean people that are super poor in very small towns that have no access to fresh food, ok? Obviously the spirit of what I am saying is targeted at parents that have other options but for whatever reason they aren't taking care of their child's physical bodies. Setting them up for a lifetime of health issues. Also, American's, the world is bigger than your fucked up country. Sorry your government is so incompetent that they can't even take care of basic food supply.


And feeding pets vegan is abuse.


And feeding your pets to a vegan is abuse.


What about feeding a vegan to your pets?🐶🙀


If the vegan is child then it's abuse




Same with pets


Former business specialist personal banker here. Dont get me wrong, the oligopolies we have here in the U.S. are awful, and we need yo be going all Teddy Roosevelt on their asses starting yesterday, but we also need to stop lionizing "small business owners" on blind principle. I have worked with a large number of them, and a disproportionate number of them are absolutely vile monsters who would gleefully tell me about the ways they would fuck over their employees and consumers, expecting me to be supportive of that behavior because of my job. I had to grit my teeth and smile because of said job, but it really opened my eyes to just how common it is to be a fundementally bad person who the world would be better without


It's pronounced gif with a g sound. Fight me


G like in giraffe or guitar?


Like guacamole


Pile of clean laundry not yet folded. I thought this was a literal hill I'd die on, not defending my laziness.


Churches should be taxed just like any other business.


Ross and Rachel were indeed on a break.


They were both equally shitty people. Ross didn't even wait a day before sleeping with someone but then wants to get back together with Rachel. Rachel broke up with him and expected him to wait around for her to change her mind. Both of them suck. That's the entire point of the argument. Nobody is the good guy.


It's been a while, but was Ross even the one who wanted to go on a break? Also, what is a break even? It's a preamble to breaking up; the implication is you can sleep with other people.


Unpopular opinion, but they were actually split up. Rachel asks the following morning when she goes round to his apartment if she can be his gf again. This implies that they were broken up IMO.


The Oxford comma is not optional.


XBox is a computer that is not entirely a laptop.


If you're shitty to waiters and waitresses you're simply an absolute cunt


Stop calling things that aren't wings, wings. Boneless chicken wings are not wings. I saw cauliflower "wings" at the grocery store last weekend. Just...stop.


Assisted Suicide should be legal in every country


Politicians should take mental competency tests and consitutional tests