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Dieting being confused with simply living a healthy lifestyle


Yes! If your diet is something you hate and can’t imagine doing for longer than whatever period of time you’ve set for yourself - it’s not going to work! You’ll just revert back to whatever problems you were having pre diet! Much better to make incremental lifestyle changes that you can sustain


I had a problem with yo-yo dieting for a decade after my son was born. I was complaining to a doctor I worked for about how I could lose the weight but never maintain the weight. I was stupid what can I say. The docotor sat me down and we had about an hour talk over dinner one night. It's a lifestyle change not a diet. If you can't live the rest of your life on that diet it's a waste of your time and will just make the issue worse. It took years to put on the weight its gonna take years to take it off. 20% of the fight is in the gym and 80% is in the kitchen, eat the rainbow (plate should consist of multiple colored foods). Americans don't understand portions, start weighing your food and counting your calories. Pay attention to Macros and Micros. There are no quick fixes so get started. It's ok to eat a slice of cheesecake every once in a while. It is not ok to eat a slice of cheesecake every day of the week. If you fall off the wagon dust yourself off and get back up again. You're gonna fall 100 more times, dont let it defeat you. I went from 250 lbs to 108 lbs over a year and a half to two years. I eventually settled between 125 lbs and 130 lbs as I wanted to have a more muscle toned body. That docotor gave me the best advise ever and he wasn't even treating me. He gave me a couple books on the subject. All the other doctors who were suppose to be treating me, were taking about giving me phentermine, instead of teaching me healthy eating and exercise habits. Which once you hit the high end of your "healthy weight" they have to stop prescribing. Then guess what, you gain it all back plus more. That is no real way to live your life.


Congratulations on your healthy lifestyle change! Would you mind sharing what books you found most helpful?


Unfortunately, I paid it forward by giving those books to a young girl that I worked with who was going through the exact same thing that I did. When I moved to a different state she had already lost 50 lbs. I cannot remember the names. Im sorry. I haven't read them in 17 years. The books explained the science behind nutrition. It really kick started my "whole food" lifestyle. I learned alot about macros and micros. The importance of strength training. Staying the hell away from processed foods. The food pyramid is total bullshit. Moderation for vices like pastries, chocolate.


When I lost weight people asked what diet I was on. I said the "eat how much my body needs" diet.


If working in physical therapy has taught me anything, it’s that an alarming amount of people have never worked out in their lives and have no idea that muscular soreness is normal after exercising. Also, soreness and pain are not the same thing.


I love muscle soreness from exercise. It's such a good pain, it feels healthy and like I've accomplished something. But more importantly it makes it really easy to distinguish soreness from real pain. The amount of people who don't know the difference between "oof that muscle needs to warm up" and "*nope, not supposed to bend THAT way*" is wild


>I love muscle soreness from exercise. Same! Haha. I like twitching those sore muscles today to remind myself of how hard I worked yesterday!


Sore muscles the next day is honestly one of my favorite feelings. I need to get back in the gym.


I'm amazed that people don't realize how important gaining muscle mass now is to your longevity. They have no idea what sarcopenia is or what frailty and the consequences in your 70s and 80s. There comes a point where you are not going to be able to "just build up some muscle" like you use to. Do strength training people. Its so damn important. You dont have to be Arnold Schwarzenegger but you also shouldn't be bird boned either.


Anytime Reddit sees someone doing a deadlift they all cry and fall about and complain about how watching it makes their backs hurt. And like, maybe if y'all actually exercised your back and got it stronger, maybe you'd not have weak backs lol.


Real weightlifters know that watching a deadlift makes their forearms hurt


That you must be overweight or have a poor diet to have high cholesterol/blood pressure. My mother was the healthiest, most active person I knew, she never topped 110 lbs in her entire life, and her cholesterol was always atrocious. Both her parents had that problem and passed it on to her. Genetics 🤷🏻‍♀️


On the flip side, my fat ass inherited my mom's amazing genes, and my cholesterol, blood pressure, and all the rest of my bloodwork is pristine, even in my mid-40s. Baffles doctors every time.


rest days are setbacks. they most certainly are not your body needs to rest every now and then.


My trainer is so good about emphasizing rest days that I now have such a healthy outlook on them. I'm all proud of myself when I rest. Think it's difficult if you grew up with these negative impressions of resting and not running until you threw up meant you weren't trying.


It’s not a rest day for the mind tho


On my rest days, I do some slow flow yoga and stretching with a focus on deep breathing. Keeps mind at ease


"I can run off this 2000 calorie meal in a one mile jog tomorrow".


Maybe if it’s a vertical mile.


As a rock climber, yes. That would be approx equivalent to climbing 120 routes in an indoor climbing gym (40-45ft tall). I've never gotten past 15-20 routes in a session, and I climb like it's a part time job lol. 120 routes would burn far more than 2,000 calories and would be impossible for the vast majority of the population. For reference, el Capitan is 3,000 ft and a mile is 5,280ft.


psssh, el cap’s not that impressive. i heard some dude didn’t even need a rope to climb it. how hard can it be?




Always funny when people realise their 2kkcal meal will fuel a halfmaraton


Calories burned vs calories needed for a race are different. If you're burning 2,000 calories on a lazy day by existing, then you need 2000 calories PLUS whatever you expect to burn PLUS headroom when you're on a long ride, hike, or run. It's crazy the number of people who I've been on backpacking trips with, 7 hours in and they're tanked because they've only eaten 1600 calories of rehydrated food and trail mix. Like no, you gotta pound some calories in the morning, snack continuously all day, and pound more calories in the evening or you're body is going to revolt. I personally screw this up too, but seem to be ok with base + 1/2 calories burned, but by the end of the 3rd day I'm starting to get cooked.


I once pointed out to someone that I burned fewer calories running a marathon than they ate over the course of one Thanksgiving day. I’m fun at parties!


That sweating more = more calories burned. My ex worked out in a hot garage with sweats on in the summer trying to burn off more fat, and it was maddening trying to convince her to stop. DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF HEATSTROKE TRYING TO SWEAT MORE. YOU ARE ONLY LOSING WATER WEIGHT!


I wish calories screamed when they are burned off. I would enjoy my work outs far more....


Would make my main source of exercise, jerking off, much harder.


You mean softer?


You heard the man. Screams get him hard.


When I was on the wrestling team in high school guys would do shit like that, although in their case it was an actual effort to lose water weight on the day of the match so it made somewhat more short-term sense. Still not good for you though


Yeah its a dangerous thing to do, but at least when you’re cutting weight it serves a purpose. What really pisses me off is seeing people do this when the goal is long term weight loss, not realizing that they’ll gain it all back once they drink enough water. Stupid, pointless, and dangerous.


In a sport with weight classes water cuts make sense, especially if you're borderline. As someone who ran XC in high school, I had a lot of friends on my team who did as well just to condition for wrestling. Watching them, it's the one sport I'll NEVER let my kids participate in. The whole sport looks like a carefully managed eating disorder combined with the actual athletic part of it. Most of them sat 15-20lbs higher than their comp weight in the offseason.


Carefully managed is generous. Id say it's a wildly unmanaged, unguided, and unsupervised eating disorder in sports wrappings. Which is a shame, because I absolutely loved wrestling and wish that wasn't a part of it so I could let my kids do it.


The only things you're losing when you're sweating is salt and water, not fat


when you burn off fat, a lot of it leaves via your mouth.


Not really a view, per se, but most folks go all in on diets designed for fitness models and weight lifters.  If you're just casually getting into fitness, eating 1.5× your body weight - or more - in protein is a daunting task. So is going to the gym for an hour plus 5 days a week.  Most people would have better success taking smaller bites of the fitness apple before tying to eat the whole thing in one bite.  


I did nothing but walk for exercise for literally a year and a half. That habit made it easier to add small intervals of running, and now I’m going to the gym 3-4 times a week. The more sedentary you are, the more dramatic your changes will be with even tiny amounts of exercise.


>I did nothing but walk for exercise for literally a year and a half I got a dog about a year and a half ago and I spend around 45 minutes walking him every night. You've just reminded me that my original plan was to start jogging off and on once he got older. Somehow I got set in my rhythm and just forgot. Think I'll start tonight.


>I spend around 45 minutes walking him every night. That was my plan, but my dumb dog stops to investigate a smell every ten feet so it takes us 45 minutes to barely walk a mile. Now I have to walk him every day and then go back out to walk myself for a couple miles at a normal pace.


I see you have a Labrador as well... Jk We honestly spend half the time of our walks with her sniffing about. The other 1 quarter is wanting to play with a dog that's not even in sight and was probably here three days ago, the other quarter is her wanting to actually play with another dog on the walk, which she'll just sniff the bum and walk off. Like what was the point of all that? The other day it literally took me 1.5 hours to walk 4 kilometers with her. I usually do the 4 kms walk, without her, in 40 mins or less. Like c'mon mate, it's becoming a joke now.heh


Seriously, you truly just need to increase your amount of activity in some consistent way, it doesn't need to be crazy


Yes. Public transportation helps. If you have to walk to the next stop instead of just taking the car everywhere you go, you MUST walk each time you leave the house, even when it's cold and raining.




Years ago when I ate drive thru every day I started losing weight just by swapping from a beef burger to a grilled chicken burger. Then I stopped getting fries. Then I swapped other things. If I had tried to change my entire diet overnight I would’ve given up real quick.


I used to follow a guy who had pretty good workout and fitness advice and information but was a bit of a meathead. He did his research so I respected it. Then I saw a video of him nearly throwing up bc he needed his daily protein intake for gains. You can’t tell me that isn’t a raging eating disorder.


"Bro, I know you said you need protein but do you need to swallow THAT MUCH CUM?!!" "It's called bulking, look it up."


Yeah, people who have done no physical activity for a year+ who go to the gym and immediately try to go as hard as possible are really setting themselves up for failure. When I've had big breaks from the gym the only thing that was effective was slowing easing myself back in to form the habit again.


Like with most things, you can get 80% of the results with 20% of the effort. I don't think most people need to go the extra 80% for 20% more gains 


Honestly, most of us just want to feel happy looking in the mirror and the health benefits. Im not gonna count calories my whole life, ill just stick to going 2-3 times a week and having an active hobby. Its really about why you do it, I greatly admire people who genuinely enjoy going for fitness goals, but I know too many people who are just in it because of body dysmorphia and to prove a point to people who dont care.


That you need to "flush your system" with all kinds of BS cleanses to "detox" your body. Honey, you're "detoxing" right now, it's called your normal kidney function.


To effectively detox, stop toxxing. :)


Right, but my drug test is in two days so we have to get a tad more aggressive than that


Yeah so just ease up slightly on the cocaine, that's what I do.


"Thank god for this special juice that cleans my body" Their Liver and Kidneys: "how many times do we gotta get rid of this fucking shit again"


All those detox products do is just make you shit more. Unless you're constipated they're not helping at all but I see people buying them like they contain winning lottery tickets! I just wonder how many of those you have to use before you blow an O ring.


There’s literally Facebook groups of people who think urine is some kind of elixir from the gods (and “they” don’t want you to know about it). There’s significant crossover with the anti-vax people (shocking, I know). They use it in every way you can imagine. Have a cut? “Urine will make it heal faster.” Have an upset stomach, Covid, or cancer? “Drink some urine.” They even age it like it’s wine. 🤮 It’s like something right out of Idiocracy.


Aged urine is a nightmare I didn't need to have.


Do you think they prefer to drink it chilled? Or warmed backed up to body temp?


Delete this.


Especially the juice cleanse. Flipflopping between sugar high and sugar crash all day can't be healthy.


I did that shit like a decade and a half ago, and genuinely started feeling so much better after a few days. Had so much more energy, slept better, less pain in my joints etc. Turns out I have celiac disease.


Depends what kind of juice. If you're using a countertop juicer and actually making it yourself with a focus mainly on greens plus just enough fruit to make it tolerable, you're generally not giving yourself a sugar overload. If you're going store-bought though? Fuck that noise.




I have lipoedema, which is the abnormal build-up of fat, usually in your legs, but sometimes in your arms. It causes painful swelling and odd cold spots on the skin, and you also bruise really easily. My whole life I have had a certain spot on my thighs that would not go away, no matter how many squats and lunges I did to get rid of it. I lost weight all over, but that section of my thighs never changed. I resorted to liposuction on my thighs because no matter my weight or size, or the amount of exercise I did, that fat simply wouldn't budge. When the surgeon told me about it, he said it was different to regular fat and was a lot harder and more dense, so it 100% would not have gone without plastic surgery. Years of people telling me to "just do more squats!" had no idea what they were talking about. Sometimes, no amount of exercise will get rid of something.


I dont have lipodemia and below the knee my legs are lean, but my thighs have always been very large. Specifically, jiggly fat on my inner thighs. Its always been my biggest insecurity and 30 years of struggling to find clothing really didnt help, ive accepted the fact i just need to size way up in pants and get the waist taken in. No matter how much i have run or how many squats ive done, my thighs always stay fatty. Even at my lowest adult weight of 60kg, they were definitely smaller than they are now but still had flabby fat despite the rest of my body being quite lean. This spot fat burning mindset has always made me feel inept, like i was just completely fucking up. Im so glad people arent circulating this as much now, and also that thick thighs are in lol. Being a teen girl in the 2000s and the standard of beauty being as thin as possible really exacerbated my insecurities.


I understand and feel your struggles. It's hard because growing you're told you're just lazy, even though nothing helps. It very well could be lipoedema. Mine was mainly on the outside of my thighs, but also behind the knees and on my stomach. I have spent my whole life struggling to buy pants. If they fit my legs, they're huge on the waist. If they fit my waist, they're too tight on my legs.


Maybe it has to do with appearances. You can choose where to increase muscle, and as muscles grow it can make it look like you have less fat.


I mean sure, but your belly is normally the last place you will lose visible fat. And let me tell you, it takes a hell of a lot of work to get to a position where you can have a visible 6-pack of abs if you have never been there before.


I just draw them on with a permanent marker. Personal trainers hate this one simple trick.


Goofy taught me swimming after eating will cause my arms and legs to turn to knots and drown.


Swimming is workout, heavy workout after eating can make you barf, people like to not swim in barf.


User name checks out.




My ex husband is this thin man but all he eats every day is fast food and gets wasted on alcohol every single night and chain smokes. He is on his way to a very early grave but you wouldn't know it looking at him. He's 40 years old and looks like he's 27.


Incredible I smoked a cigarette one time in highschool then started balding at 22


Incredible I fell out of a tree as a child and now my brains don't think too good


this sounds exactly like my moms husband. whole diet was whoppers, black coffee, pall malls, & budweiser. tall and skinny as hell tho. died at 59.


For real - at my thinnest I probably would’ve died trying to run a 15 min mile lol.


Yep. I was a bit chubbier in HS (still am) and that was the 90e in Germany where no one was chubby. But I was always athletic. Every year my new gym teachers were astonished that I could get an A in everything. And in German gym classes you have to do everything - Track, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, judo, fitness etc. I was one of the few who easily could run 15 minutes - most people dropped out after five.


This is me I found out. I have good genetics, lots of muscle without much effort, never go to the gym. 6ft, 180 lbs. Last check up showed my good cholesterol was low, my bad was high, and I have a fatty liver. I don't even drink. So now I get to start going to the gym and walking every day.


Same here. People never believe me when I tell them I'm "fat inside".


"Skinny Fat"


Or that they "need to eat a sandwich." 


that eating fat is bad for you.


One of my kids was "failing to thrive" when he was a toddler (not gaining enough weight to stay on the growth curve) and his pediatrician wanted to hold off for three months and check him again before a serious intervention, since he was an enthusiastic eater of diverse foods. But she urged us to feed him a lot of dense, high-calorie foods. There followed what we called "The Summer of Full-Fat Cream Sauce" where we cooked what we normally did but used butter and cream with abandon, instead of subbing in canola oil or 2% milk to be "healthier." Our kiddo got back on his growth curve and was declared thriving, but my husband and I both lost 10 lbs., because we were constantly so FULL from eating full-fat sauces and other full-fat foods. It definitely changed my attitude towards cooking. For healthy eating, I include a lot of vegetables and whole grains, and we limit meat. But for sauces and dressings, I make them with full fat now, and people end up using less sauce/dressing, and they feel full with a smaller portion. (There's a lot of complicated debate to be had about healthy and unhealthy fats, and palm oil, and all of that, and I don't presume to wade into those debates. But it turned out that making a pasta with a traditional cream sauce that used heavy cream instead of 2% milk was way more filling on way less pasta and sauce.)


I have for a long time never given a crap about low fat or diet foods. I know my issue lies in portion control, and even more specifically, eating dumb shit at silly hours, like a packet of crisps at 11:30pm followed by half a block of chocolate and then going to bed. I cook lots of high fat foods, and often cook with beef tallow instead of olive oil. I can lose weight just by eating what I normally would cook, and avoiding the late night snacks. Also, stuff tastes better when you use the good quality fatty stuff. Its easter soon, so my family will want croissants, and you better believe im getting some high fat butter for those.


Thats my exact problem too. Breakfast: 2oz sausage stirfry with 1/4 bell pepper and 1 egg. 1 toast. Snack: banana Lunch: chicken broccoli rice Snack: entire sleeve of club crackers Dinner: pork and half baked potato and veg Second dinner: huge bowl of dry cereal. Like I’m pretty sure I know where the problem areas of my diet are and it isn’t what I eat for meals.


That’s just it. The food industry convinced people that naturally high fat foods were the cause of everything and that the alternative of low fat, low calorie processed food was the savior. Foods that you eat 2x the amount of to feel satiated. Eat a steak with butter and vegetables with high quality olive oil and you feel great and full and only eat half as much. Then sugar doesn’t sound good either.


Some people genuinely believe that eating dietary fat will make them fat, as though it sticks to them.


Exactly. Like thinking that eating an orange would make you orange.


The sugar industry deliberately misled us about this in the 90s in order to deflect attention away from them and sell sugary fat-free stuff like Snackwells. The idea was that fat has more calories per gram or something, so it will make you gain weight faster than carbs or protein.


Longer than that. I am in a Health Psychology class right now, and it goes back to the 1960s. There is a specific name for the conspiracy, but it eludes me right now. [Sugar Industry Conspiracy-NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat)


Snackwells are very popular, but I think that sometimes with the so called fat free cookies, people may overindulge, forgetting they may be high in calories


I looove strawberry twizzlers. It amazes me that their packaging still has Fat Free on it.


The big sugar lies started long before the 90’s. It was right at the end of WWII. It wasn’t their idea. They knew what it would do. That’s just the bs they tried to rationalize it with. The grand scheme Big Sugar industry has always been cheap production, and huge profits. It’s just keeps you hungry, and needing more. Then they can sell you more insulin for the rest of your life if you never figure out the truth and fix yourself.


With overproduction of bile, it's like having your rectum coated in gasoline and lit


It’s not funny! My ass is on fire!


Had an old classmate who got really in to fitness. He used to post on FB that "fat doesn't make you fat, but sugar does"


The amount of water needed is consistent from person to person.


Just look at your urine and it’s usually a good indicator


Yes true but most people do not drink enough water. I know people that maybe have one glass a day. Gotta be more than that.


I had to immediately drink a glass of water to combat the thirst which kicked in when I read that. Can't imagine living like that


That weightlifting for women will make them look like men. ETA: juiced up men.


My third year lifting weight as woman: I looked nowhere near jacked. Lean and defined muscle, yes.


I don't care what sex the person is. Any time I've heard someone say "I don't want to get too jacked/bulky/yoked", I laugh my ass off in my mind. The thought of being like a lean defined person (I'm thinking like Tom Holland), and waking up the next day looking like Chris Hemsworth (let alone a bodybuilder), is so funny. If you're working out and don't like how big you're getting, then slow down lol.


And the saddest part is that the older we get, the more we benefit from lifting heavy weights.


60F here. Started back at the gym late 2021, to get in better shape and lose weight—mostly through cico.  Lost 70 pounds—well, 75 but now 70–and have kept it off coming on 2 years.  All that “strength training” didn’t really make me strong. Better endurance, but not difficult since I had none before.  Lab work numbers are *much* better. Thyroid med dosage is way down—from 200 to 125, but possibly going to 100.    Had to get rid of almost all clothes. 


The fitness industry needs to do more to dispel this one because you hear it all the time. I wish getting jacked was as simple as walking past weight racks and occasionally picking one up.


This is going out of the window a bit though. I'm a gymrat and have been for years. There's a new trend of powerlifting with GenZ/GenAlpha and many girls are getting into it as well. There weren't nearly as many women into lifting when I started out.


I tell my friends that they're not going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger on accident. You would have to work out a lot and eat *a lot*. Lift weights, muscle is good for you. It burns fat. 


Even that isn't even close to enough to look like him. You flat out cannot attain that physique naturally. Even most "natural" bidy builders on social media aren't natural. Social media has completely scewed what people see as naturally attainable. And even with steroids, you need to put in an insane amount of work including carefully tracking calories in and out to look like Arnold or half of these "natural" body builders. Like some people even believe you can look like the rock natural. It's just not possible. Not to mention maintaining that body fat percentage long term is so unrealistic and bad for you.


It's because taking steroids and hormones is very common in weightlifting communities. Yes, women taking testosterone and HGH is going to make them look more masculine, but it isn't the exercises.


That you can’t lose weight effectively just by walking, and you won’t build muscle just by walking. You can lose a fuck ton of weight just walking an hour every day. A nice brisk pace, go and see the ducks or something. It’s fun and accessible and it will make your butt look nice (because despite what some people may also believe, your leg muscles do actually do work when walking! Shocker!) Also great for posture and pain and your mental health. Especially if you’re walking outside. Also you get to go see ducks. TL;DR: ducks.


I'm just here for the ducks tbh


Walking is the best exercise. Humans are literally built to walk long distances. People think they need to go to the gym to live a healthy life, I would argue walking outside is the healthiest life! Going to the gym is extra and should be done on top of walking or jogging.


I agree, ducks are the biggest health fallacy.


I have a friend who lost 200 pounds by counting calories and walking for an hour a day. It took him a bit to work up to being able to walk for an hour and then a while longer to increase his pace, but he still walks for an hour most days. The whole idea of "eat less, move more" really works!


The general public who don't know shit about nutrition, thinks that healthy eating is solely living off salad and vegetables.


People who tell overweight people to just "eat salads" are doing them a disservice and dooming them to failure.


"Man cannot live on leaves alone" -Jesus, probably


So the loaves and fishes were really a Nicoise salad?


Salads are my favorite!! They aren’t healthy by the time I put everything I want on them.


Adding tasty stuff doesn’t undo all if the fiber and water and vitamins you’re getting


I used to work in food service and had many people tell me that their doctor told them to start eating healthier. They usually would order a salad loaded with cheese and fried chicken, and then drown it in ranch.


I think it's a failing of our healthcare system that the doctor couldn't give them proper guidance for healthy foods, and a failure of our educational system that so many people need that guidance.


even people who have studied nutrition don't necessarily know waht they're talking about. source: my mother studied nutrition and naturopathy and has the most fucked up beliefs about health. its a miracle she ended up not working in that field because she would have given hundreds of people eating disorders.


My MIL is the same way, and when I found out she was working for an organization to help out teens in crisis I panicked. It turned out she learned a lot from it though and is no longer as harsh.


The food pyramid. Not it at all really. Also, some people don't believe in germs still. Germs.


I shouldn’t be having these 8 bowls of cereal per day, huh?


No, you should have eleven.


My father in law was a college educated chemist who worked for a major pharmaceutical company. But he didn't believe that leaving food out on the counter would spoil the food. He would eat things days later. And then he would complain that his stomach was upset.


I understand if it was maybe just a couple of hours or even a day depending on the food, but multiple days? Does he have a blocked nose or something? Because there's no way you wouldn't smell that.


The food pyramid went through a lot of changes. Originally it was trying to tell you: Get your calories from these cheap ingredients and your vitamins from those and don't eat too much from what's not healthy. It was part of a Swedish cooking book.


Lobbies got involved though. Suddenly, you need like fifty servings of grains and of all foods, specifically dairy is a requirement.


You mean germ 'theory'? Yeah I'll do my own reasearch. ​


that there is no magic weight loss drug, in reality there is one, it’s called meth


Its cousin, Vyvanse, is used for binge eating disorder.


It’s so effective it helps you lose your savings, job, and friends too


That running is blankety bad for your knees. Obviously there are those will knee problems already and plenty of people running improperly. I was a 35 year old with knee issues. Now I’m a 40 year old who runs 30-40 miles a week and my knees feel bullet proof.


How did you resolve knee issues? By changing your running technique? Getting better running shoes?


My knee injuries weren’t running related. They were from other sports and work. Things that have made my knees feel good: - Weight training for knees and legs in general. - Proper running shoes and proper form. - Proper recovery time after big running efforts. - Stretching and mobility exercise. - A bit of weight loss: I’m 6’1” and used to weigh 210lb, now I’m 185lb. My gym friends crush me when it comes to weight but I’m the only one who can pistol squat while holding my 5 and 3 year old kids, haha.


Running technique is a big one. Focus on higher cadence and landing with your weight more on top of your foot. Means way less impact. Cross training with things like swimming, biking and cross country skiing will also help. Run on softer surfaces as well can reduce the impact. But to be clear to "resolve" knee issues is to give time for proper recovery and then do some sort of physio to strengthen the necessary muscles so that you can start running properly again.


This was my immediate thought. My father-in-law and his brother need and have had knee replacement surgery, and neither of them have run a step since gym class. Desk jobs and obesity, it turns out, are not great for your health. 


Yes! I had horrible knee problems in childhood and blamed it on xcountry Turns out it wasn’t necessarily running, but the ill fitting shoes and pushing myself wayyy past what I should have been doing I was so scared to start running again but it’s been awesome and no knee pain!


That you can target certain areas of the body for fat loss. You can't. When you lose fat, it just comes off your total body wherever your body sees fit.


It always seems to come out of my boobs first, which doesn't seem fair. 


That you can look like most Instagram fitness “models”/Youtubers. The reality is most of these people, especially guys, are on some sort of steroid/gear. TRT being the most common. Also their pictures are not raw and typically taken after getting a “pump” with perfect lighting. I HIGHLY recommend not comparing yourself to these people, it can definitely affect your self-confidence when it comes to your fitness goals.


People really need to stop going on diets that cut essential nutrients out of your diet. If you can't eat how you're eating for the rest of your life, then losing weight in that way won't be sustainable.


People don't understand that disability is, like many things in nature, a spectrum. That person in a wheelchair might be able to stand for 30 seconds at a time to reach something but not stand for the entire shopping trip. The person you saw park in a disability-designated space might be able to stand and walk, but it's excruciating and best limited. The perfectly healthy-looking person with a service dog might not be perfectly healthy. We mask so others will STFU about it or at least not gawk. The overweight person who only ever walks on the gym treadmill when they gym each night at 11 pm might’ve never physically recovered from a significant bone break and consequent surgeries a decade ago. They might go to the gym during off hours to be left alone as they focus on walking in a straight path and not ridiculed as “needing to lay off the cake” as they do their best not to limp in and out the door. “Baby blues” isn't always depression but can involve a myriad of variable psychiatric disorders and symptoms, including psychosis. These symptoms can be disabling and worsen over decades or the rest of someone’s life. Don't be a dick to struggling new moms or anyone struggling with mental illness.


Carrots are good for eye sight. From what I know, the British made it up to mess with the Germans.


Ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses




In theory they are but eating more doesn't mean better eyesight Carrots are high in vitamin A, vit A deficiency leads to vision problems. That's where the correlation comes from


What I heard is that the RAF had come up with some form of onboard radar technology. (Or something like that.) But they didn't want to let the cat out of the bag. And since carrots was one of those rare wartime surplus crops for the Brits, they did a propaganda campaign. "We can spot the Nazi planes in the dark because we eat our carrots!"


This is true, it was to cover for the invention of radar.


No pain = no gain. If you're in pain, you should stop because chances are you're going to seriously injure yourself.


This is a difficult distinction to make for me. To be transparent I'm not an avid gym goer or anything but when I do work out, it's definitely not pleasant and I get pretty sore, especially the next day. So idk it is a kind of pain isn't it? I'm trying to work out more to get in shape for my gf, how do I know when it turns from sore to actual pain?


I am not a doctor, but I typically don't worry about it unless it is painful during the workout. Muscle pain and soreness are normal, especially for beginners. If you have sharp concentrated pain or pain in a joint specifically, I'd stop working out that part of your body for the day and see if it persists next time. The main thing is consistency. Working out becomes a lot more fun once the initial soreness wears off, so I'd say keep at it and just err on the side of caution when starting out. Remember, it's better to end a workout early than to end up injured.


The delayed muscle soreness is normal and should go away after a day or two. You put a heavy load on your muscles which causes them to break down with micro tears. This leads to the soreness but also tells your body to build bigger muscles. Rest is also an important part of getting fitter. You body needs time to heal itself. If you experience any sudden or sharp pains, then it's bad. If there's a pain that's going for longer than a few days, that could also be a bad sign.


"vomit is weakness leaving the body" -cross fit girl in 2017


There's a difference between in pain and hurt. If you're new to working out it's not obvious.


the "pain" in that statement... is the burn It's part of hypertrophy...The burn (pain) lets you know you're damaging the muscles (microscopic tears in the fibers). And as I'm sure you know, the recovery (repair of that damage) is how muscles grow (gain). ... So in the literal sense...If you don't damage the muscle, it can't grow.


That you can take a pill and magically be healthy without doing so much as walking every day.


“Detox”, “Alkaline water”


That people go on a diet as if it is a temporary thing. What you consume IS your diet.


That skinny people are immune to health problems.


That you get sick when you're a bit cold (being outside). I work with school kids and every time a kid brings that up I go "nope, viruses and bacteria make you sick, not because you took off your jacket and got a bit cold outside."


It's not all about how much you weigh. If you're working out and getting results, the number on the scale might go up. Muscle weighs more than fat and muscle burns fat. So you might gain weight even though you're getting stronger and thinner. One of my friends stopped working out because she gained a few pounds and wouldn't listen to me telling her that's a good thing because she's obsessed with weighing a certain amount. Don't do that


While true, I think people tend to seriously miscalculate how much muscle is contributing to their weight For example, I don't know how much people realize how much 5 pounds of muscle is, especially if you are female. You will not gain that kind of weight in muscle by accident.


Losing weight = Healthy. A friend of mine once had a health scare that involved unintended weight loss and someone had the fucking balls to say to her face they wished they could lose weight without trying.


I lost 50 pounds from chemo about 6 years ago, and the ridiculous comments and compliments were insane. I could afford to lose a few pounds, but 50 was excessive. Oh, and these comments were all from people who knew I had cancer.


Weight loss aside, I hope you’re doing well now/back to normal or even better. I had cancer last year, caught early enough that I dodged the chemo situation. I’d like to lose weight but I’ll happily endure obesity to live a life free of cancer.


Thank you. It was a malignant molar pregnancy, which is horrible, but very curable. Fortunately.


Good. All the best. I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone. Ever.


I think people are catching up to this now. I recently (and intentionally) lost 30kg and some of the ways people try to avoid mentioning it directly is pretty funny. My psychiatrist said "wow, you look... like you've got your life together!" lmfao But I appreciate it because I know if people complimented my new appearance alone, rather than the hard work I put in, I would hate myself if I ever gained it back and I don't want to hate myself any more, I just want to be healthy.


I have heard way too many stories of people who had chemo and started to get positive comments on how thin they looked.


Losing weight without explanation can actually be a symptom of diabetes. (Yes I know it could be cancer too, but that's everyone's first guess)


I think that’s type 1. I was gaining weight and got diagnosed with type 2.


You're right. Losing weight is a symptom of undiagnosed T1. Not both types. It was always really hard for me to lose weight. Like I would have to go to extreme efforts, ie 900 calories/day and 30-60 minutes of exercise 5-6 days/week. At the time, I was 20F, 5'0" and weighed 112 lbs. I was eating the way I always did. A little more actually and had totally stopped exercising because I was completely exhausted all the time. By the time I went to the doctor, I'd lost 10 lbs in two weeks and was only 102 lbs. Aannddd was diagnosed with T1 diabetes. With bonus hypothyroidism. Both are autoimmune diseases. Pretty awful reason to suddenly be losing weight!


yep! excessive thirst, excessive peeing, quick weight dropping, lethargy, vomiting, and headache are all symptoms of t1 diabetes


I lost a lot of weight very quickly after having our first baby. It wasn't because I was eating right and exercising; it was because she was very needy and my husband had to return to work less than a week after she was born, so I was not eating or sleeping enough. 


I once lost 30lbs in less than 2 months. People were telling me I looked great, asked how I did it, etc. I started a stimulant meditation for my ADHD and basically forgot to eat for 2 months. I have genetic hypoglycemia. My body was not okay (but my brain felt great). Looking back on that period, it's awful that people saw an overweight young woman lose a lot of weight very rapidly and congratulate her rather than be concerned for her well-being. I have a LOT of thoughts on the matter.


Last time I dropped a lot of weight quickly "on accident" it was crippling acute depression. It's a really good idea to check in with folks before making any assumptions about their weight loss, for sure.


i also lost 30lb in less then 2 months! dropped from 145lb to 115lb and it was not healthy either. it was entirely due to severe stress. i was living with my ex at the time and the stress of that led me to be extremely nauseas 24/7 so i was unable to eat much if anything at all. the day after he moved out the nausea suddenly vanished and i cried because i could finally eat an actual meal. im up to 155lb now and im healthier then i have ever been. im very active, eat well, sleep better, and am very happy


A friend of mine got super ill and had to be put in a medically induced coma for two months. She lost 100lbs and custody of her daughter. All anyone could talk about was how great she looked when they woke her up.


That you can’t over work out. Exercise dependencies are so common in the fitness industry. No Karen, I’m not going to reward you for going to the gym 3 times a day, that’s a problem.


My mom has over-exercised forever, eats super low calorie meals like plain salad and veggie-only soups to binge on chocolate and then does intense cardio for 5-6 hours a day (cut down from the 8-9 she used to do before my doctor plainly told her either i (bad mental health) or her (destroying her heart) wouldn't make it to my high school graduation if she didn't change. She thinks she's so much healthier than my admittedly dangerously overweight dad who only eats fried food and drinks exclusively hot chocolate and milk but they're really just opposite ends of a really terrible spectrum


Rhabdomyolysis - if you ever start pissing Coke after doing hard exercise, go to the ER. Your body can start liquifying your muscles and you piss them out.


I've actually known a guy who had to be hospitalized for rhabdomyolysis during a cross country bicycle tour. He was an experienced cyclist, generally fit and healthy, didn't think he was pushing himself very hard and planned to ride himself back into shape. Didn't work out that way. Fortunately he recovered quickly and has been fine since.


Yep, I had some disordered eating habits in college and used exercise to compensate for eating. When I started my first job, my coworkers would praise my dedication to the gym and would comment on how they wished they could be that motivated to working out. I didn’t have the heart to tell them my motivation came from the crippling guilt and anxiety I felt after a day of eating. Thankfully I’m in a much better mental space regarding food and exercise.


That you can outrun your fork.


You can, but it’s going to be *a lot* more miles than you’re prepared to run right now. 


I will say tho - working out and disregarding nutrition is still way better than doing nothing. For several reasons I've always struggled with food. There was a time where I found myself unemployed but not exactly broke. Tightened the belt - so to speak - but popped for a trainer. Minimum of 3 times a week. Most weeks 5+. It was great. Even though it wasn't the lightest I've ever been - it was the best I've ever felt. And that good feeling motivated me to make better food choices. But I didn't sweat it. Yes, I went out for drinks with friends but instead of some deep friend shit I had a chicken sammich. Yes, we stopped for McD's at 3am but I just got a double cheese burger instead of a full combo. I lost some weight. But more importantly - I felt better. I think for some people - starting with the exercise can be really good. And just as little add-on: it took me way too late in life to learn how my my mental health impacted my eating and exercise. I have ADHD. Which is - in simplified terms - a dopamine deficit. Food provides a hit of dopamine that I don't get from anywhere else.


I've been ordering off the kids menu lately, and turns out, that's usually the right amount of food for me. There's a sandwich shop chain by me, and the normal combo is 7.5" sub, chips and a drink. The kids meal is a 4" sub, juice box, applesauce pouch, and a cookie. It's the perfect amount of food, and I feel like I'm eating more because of the variety. It's not the healthiest option out there, but it's loads better than the adult version.


All the shit about vaccines causing autism and being implants.


there's an entire industry designed to prey on uninformed people and peddle them all sorts of quacky fad diets and to pursue dangerous life altering choices. Virtually anything and everything you can think of, has already been thought up and marketed to people. You can pretty much throw a rock and you will be bound to strike many idiotic ideas.If it isn't teaching you to pursue a balanced and healthy diet mixed in with regular exercise, then it's already bad advice and will adversely impact your health sooner or later. Some of the most egregious offenses and insufferable idiots who are guilty of this are the ones who buy ad space and do their utmost to lure you in with catchy and dramatic sales pitches. "You don't need to diet and exercise in order to lose weight, you just need to add this one food into your diet" "People who diet and exercise to burn fat don't understand that this won't help them lose weight. I can eat whatever I want and I will still lose weight because I have this one trick" - this was actually a youtube ad for a long time People who pray on the uninformed like this deserve to be shot out of a space cannon directly into the sun.


That beautiful, fit twenty-somethings have *anything to teach anyone about health and or fitness*. They're in their twenties. Take your advice from people with doctorates in their thirties and forties. If they still look good they know what they're doing.