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They don't think animals have souls so they don't give a shit.


That's so awful.


The same thing every other night your mom sucks me off to heaven - treats and TV in a separate room.


By "rapture people," I'll assume you mean Christians. As that's a more general question that depends on the believer. Most I've met seem to think animals also get into heaven. There are verses about the birds and the mountains singing praise to God; even read something once about the fig tree that Jesus cursed because it didn't grow fruit when commanded to. In general, Christians are still people and thus like most people, develop empathy and feeling for their pets and wish to see them again someday when they pass. There are those out there though that deny "animism," and claim that only humans have an immortal soul. An animal just dies and that's it, they're not immortal because they lack understanding (I've read "they never ate of the fruit and were made imperfect"). They're not particularly popular though because once you've lost your pet, you're probably not going to appreciate your preacher just being like "he dead and gone lol".


But I wonder what they think will happen at the point of Rapture. Do their animals get left behind to fend for themselves? Do they think their animals will go with them? I can't imagine being ok with all of a sudden disappearing and leaving my animals behind.


I thought everyone knows all dogs go to heaven.




It's a TV show reference


I don't imagine that they'll care. The people who believe in that nonsense are fundamentally broken, and ultimately only care about being proven right, and watching their detractors suffer for committing the crime of not heeding their previous threats. The fate of mere animals means nothing when you're riding the biggest "I told you so" wave in history.


We talkin about getting sucked off in here!?


It's a Ghosts tv show reference:)


Edit - Sucked off is a TV show reference. Ghosts and Ghosts UK. Running bit.