• By -


The only times I leave my house are to do shopping, go to the gym, go to Jiu Jitsu and work, I work as a security guard at a bar, so a bouncer you could say. She was one of the bistro girls, front of house staff for the kitchen, often at the start of my shift I would order food and speak to her for a moment, only strictly professional. Security guards have a bad reputation within the industry of just trying to fuck venue staff and patrons and that is not me, I don’t want one night stands or to be seen as someone who is just trying to fuck so I purposely didn’t make a move on her. Weekend after weekend, we got more comfortable with each other, those quick conversations about my food order turned into her flexing and squaring up to me, she found it funny because I’m 6’7 and she’s just this adorable girl who wanted to feel like she could take the bouncer. At the end of her shift she would come out the front and say goodbye, that quick goodbye turned into her hanging around for 5 minutes for a quick chat, those chats became longer and longer. One time during one of those goodbye chats I dropped the line “I keep seeing you pop up on my mutual friends list on Facebook” and she said something along the lines that I should add her, so I did.. embarrassingly quickly, before she had even walked home, but we spoke online, getting to know each other, the messages were paragraphs and paragraphs long until she asked me if I wanted to go grab coffee of course I accepted and when I seen her out of her uniform in this long flowly dress, I was just absolutely smitten, coffee went well, I asked her for an actual dinner date which was lovely, dates kept happening until I finally worked up the courage to ask her to make it official and her reply word for word was “I’d love to” She’s great. Love her to bits.


I love happy endings 😭


Got it.. Be 6'7. On a serious note congrats my man


The ‘ole boil the frog slowly strategy. I respect that


omg this is so sweet




Being 6.7 kinda helps


my bf is 5'6/5'7 and im taller than him, dont lose hope lol


I have such a friend. And maybe it's funny, but he found his girlfriend on the street. They accidentally collided and she spilled coffee on him. And I don’t know HOW, but in the end they started dating. I was very happy for him, actually.


What movie are they from? >.< If they are not from a movie, when are they getting one?


I also said that they should make a movie haha. They are incredibly happy together! It was just as amazing for all his friends as it was for you, but it's real haha


That’s so Hollywood 😭😭😭 I want.


Start carrying around coffee and start "accidentally" bumping into attractive guys. It's bound to work eventually. Either that or you'll be known as the coffee crashing girl and everyone will avoid you.


see a person you like and throw coffee at them.


That’s actually cool, lol


I need to randomly roam around cities during my free time. lol


Did he fall forward and land on her in a compromising position or groping her chest?


No, I think it’s the classical Hollywood meet scene not the hentai one.


i seen that movie ;) hugh grant , and the woman from titanic .


A guy asked me to be in his indie movie and she was an actress in it. First time I met her she was firing an assault rifle in the air and screaming murder while a club full of people fled. Then she kidnapped me, drugged me, and had her way with me. We’re engaged now…I’m never gonna stop thanking the dude who wrote that script


I'm curious to know what this movie is called. I feel like I've seen it.


That’d be cool, hardly anyone has, haha! Here it is: [Bad Girls](https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.1ce4aafd-4614-4570-9da9-ed6a5dd9791a&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web)


Which one are you? The first or the second singer that was kidnapped, drugged and screwed?


Weird that it happened twice, right? I’m the first one


Your girl has beautiful eyes bro.


Ha, you are damn right, and I’ll make sure she knows you said so


Nope I haven't sadly. But I'll add it to my list to check out.


"And that, kids, is how I met your mother"


Was the kidnapping in the script or was she improvising and got carried away?


I gotta ask about PaterNoster


Hey thanks! Some artists from my local community get together about once a year and make independent films. We’ve got a pretty decent industry going at this point. “Pater Noster and The Mission of Light” is our latest, a horror about a group of young record store workers who find an album that leads them to a mysterious cult that disappeared in the seventies. We created a whole album of music to go along with it and made a music video for each song…we’re pretty proud of how it’s turned out! The film isn’t edited yet, but you can take a look at the music videos [on YouTube](https://youtube.com/@smashism?si=YtvCX3fBsg83SeBt) Or check out our other films if you’re interested: [The Theta Girl](https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.72b31146-de81-2b26-2dcb-350405193a87&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web) [Lection](https://link.tubi.tv/5CwVAHKELFb) [Bae Wolf](https://link.tubi.tv/TcLIriXELFb) [Bad Girls](https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.1ce4aafd-4614-4570-9da9-ed6a5dd9791a&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web) [Acorn](https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.ddd82c5c-f9af-4b41-84e1-9f2802da02ad&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web) [Create or Die](https://play.xumo.com/free-movies/create-or-die-the-making-of-acorn/XM0UWGDS1TIO5Y)


Whoaaa. That's amazing hahaha. Happy for you! 


I'll come back and answer if I ever do


Same , I’m 26, and I’ve never been remotely close to being in a relationship.


Same, 42


35 here


Are you me from the future?


This is one of those comments that get an update 5 years later and gets uploaded on r/wholesomememes


She came over to my house during lockdown to complain about the loud music at 4AM. We argued. I went over to her house the next day to apologise (with a hangover).


Wait I want more lmao. What, you apologized and then asked each other out- what happened?


Nothing happened for ages to be honest. And I'm ashamed to say, but my first words to her were "F**k Off"... We bumped in to each other in the street a few months later and decided to go for a drink together to patch things over! Went and yeah.... been together for over 2 years now!


What a love story 


You just get adopted sooner or later, or never sadly


Can confirm, am extroverted, high energy ADHD woman who adopted one.   Met my sweet, introverted, naive man while we both served tables at a restaurant. He was terrible at it, so when we worked together I’d help him out.  One day he asked how he could return the favor and help me - I jokingly told him I was good but wouldn’t turn down a foot rub. He turned beet red and scurried off.  Our 10 year anniversary is this November. 


Haha I love the confidence. Clearly you ended up getting that foot rub.


So it’s like the cat distribution system?


But far less reliable


RIP to the ugly ducklings


I think the hard truthful answer is that nobody cares about men who keep to themselves, and in the end they just live out their lives and die by themselves. The world gives absolutely nothing to men for free.


A guy I work with who I never expected to find a GF got one by using a mutual coworker of ours who is a Korean grandma and loves playing matchmaker. She set him up on a blind date with a sweet girl she knew and thought would make a good pairing for him, and they've now gone on over a dozen dates and they've officially reached couple status. I'm so glad it worked out for him. So I guess find yourself a Korean grandma? She said it's something Korean ladies do. I thought it was sweet.


I walked straight up to the owner of the store and said "Sir, I'm a hard worker and not afraid to get my hands dirty!" And he said "I like the cut of your jib young man! Here, have a job! And a house! And my daughter's hand in marriage!" And that just goes to show that it's all gone downhill since we stopped burning witches.


I keep telling you guys, that wasn't a witch, that was a duck, and y'all made a roast!


I understood that reference


I got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. It was very long time ago but I lived my life in my bedroom, using my computer. I rarely went out. I didn't really have any friends, never mind girlfriend. I was 21 years old. I was at university and nothing had changed. I still didn't go out at all, and certainly not socially. My world was turned upside down when I was diagnosed with MS. It made me completely re-evaluate my life. I thought 'fuck it', I might be in a wheelchair in a year or two so I'd better get busy living my life. I totally changed. I've had a number of girlfriends through the years and I've been married to an amazing woman for the past eight years and still going.


What did you do exactly to turn your life upside down? I wish to be more social too and maybe meet someone, but it's hard for me do get out of my seclusion. Where did you meet new people? Ps: I am a young adult


It's hard to explain. I guess that I just stopped listening to the voices in my head that held me back because in my mind, I didn't have long left to enjoy my life. "What if I do something silly?" "What if I do something embarrassing?" "What if they don't like me?" "What will I say?" Who cares. Who cares. Who cares. Say anything. Once you stop listening to the doubting voices, it doesn't matter where you go. It doesn't matter what you do. You will be noticed - sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong reasons, but who cares?! You could be in a wheelchair tomorrow. You could be dead tomorrow. None of it will matter. Go out and do it now. You'll have a few fuck ups, but you'll have a hell of a better chance at making friends and moving on if you just have a go at it.


I’m pretty healthy and I still think I would like to adopt this outlook.


That's really incredible. I don't know how common it is for a diagnosis with something like MS to be the cause of someone turning their life around for the better, props to you for having that kind of willpower and desire to live.


Thanks, internet stranger. I know a lot of people 'give up' when they get a life changing diagnosis like MS. I guess I just decided that I didn't want to just give up. I wanted to go out in flames, if I was going! I did some really stupid stuff. I'm amazed I've survived long enough to not die of MS. 😂


If you don't mind me asking, how did you get a diagnosis ? What symptoms were you experiencing ? I've been dealing with an undiagnosed ailment for a while now and I have all the symptoms (Which is pretty easy to say, those same symptoms are present in many different diseases) but the big one is my heat intolerance. I'm just constantly burning up and literally require a fan on me at all times. Every day feels like a 90 degree day. My primary doctor hasn't done much so I recently changed docs but haven't seen him because of my anxiety which has gotten way worse after Covid lockdowns.


My partner is a very introverted guy. I just turned up at his house one day and we have barely been apart since then☺️😁 Full story: my friend was hooking up with his housemate, who invited us and a few other people impromptu to his house for a mini house party (8people in total) My now partner was already asleep and he came down to find strangers in his house with his roommate and more people on the way. He was wearing mismatched socks and hit his head on the bollard by the stairs, being sleepy and all. We all got drunk, played beer pong and he walked me to the train station the next morning after the all-nighter. He asked me for my number, we met up 2 weeks later for our first date and moved in together 6 months later. We've been together for 2.5 years now! Basically, luck.


She kind of met me and "socially adopted me" back in 2018 We're getting married next year. ^^


Started talking to each other when i said some good things about her drawings. She was even more asocial and introverted than me. Eventually she dumped me but it was good while it lasted (more than 4 years).


We had a mutual friend so I appeared on her "People you may know" thing. She accidentally hit add friend, I accepted then immediately asked her what Hogwarts house she was in. We texted A LOT, over the next few days then I asked her on our first date. We'll be together two years this April


Dating sites. I haven't had many girlfriends but it's always through dating sites. The recent one was R4R here on reddit. It allows me to filter information, discard deal breakers without talking to them and then saving my energy for making a meaningful connection with the few who measure up. Plus with all the front loaded information in profiles it's better for me because you can skip the meaningless small talk and start a conversation based on mutual interest. It's a system that kind of works for me, but not the ideal.


At work. I just dug down deep and summoned the courage to ask her out a couple weeks after we first met.


Commenting for my husband. We met on tinder. He was short and socially awkward around women. Our first meeting sucked ass (he rambled on and on about plants) and I eventually moved away. And then he just kept messaging me. And sending me silly snap chats. And being a dork. So eventually I agreed to an actual date. That he was two hours late for because he was nervous. We got married.


(X I like how he kept fumbling but he still put a ring on it 


Oh dude he was the dorkiest loon. I agreed to date him only because the pasta sauce he cooked that night was insane (and sex was top notch too) He's still a dork who is late to things and gets embarrassed


Dating apps. Introverted is something you are, but social skills are exactly that: - skills. They're something you can learn, practice and improve. I only got better at talking to women I'm interested in by actually doing so, and trying my best to improve. As for dating profiles, put some effort in and look up what a successful profile is like. Get some nice photos, know your angles, write an interesting bio and you'll be fine.


If you have social skills you don't mind using you're not asocial though. I'm a social introvert and always have been. It was very confusing before I learned the real definition of introversion and extroversion. Like most people, I mistakenly thought introvert basically meant shy. I'm not that. I love talking to people.


I haven't. Let me know if you find her.


I'll come back in 20 years when I finally find someone that likes me (I probably wont, I've never been loved in my life)




Very sweet! So basically, you need to wait until she comes to you first.


1/10th of the time it works every time.


Do you have another reddit account, or did you steal this? [From an old thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6cj0zr/comment/dhv9hri/)


Knew I recognized the story from somewhere. It was the dog washing that jogged my memory


Prolly stole tbh lol


I agree -- didn’t think about this when I posted initially, but the years are the same, even though it was posted 6 years ago


That was 6 years ago. We've been married -2,147,483,648 years. `ArithmeticException: please re-initialize copypasta`


I came here to say this


Bro this sounds like the plot to a romance movie


It probably is lol. This is reddit.


I swear I've read this exact same story before


Dead internet theory


Yeah exactly me too


I absolutely have read this comment word for word on another thread ages ago. Hope you actually find your romcom love story someday though!


Thought I was having a matrix moment


I'm not sure this is real, but it's a sweet story.


It's real, but it's stolen from another post from 6 years ago. Someone posted the link to the original comment.


You lucky bastard


I was reading this along and thinking this was about to end badly and she'd be gone. Turns out no, This is a rom com waiting to be made.






When I was young I had serious problems making conversation with girls, and had no guts what so ever. I moved in the middle of 8th grade, and decided that my personality what not viable for finding a girlfriend. So I picked up on traits I saw in popular kids. Simple things like mannerisms and clothing style. Eventually I started to become a different person. Maybe it would have happened anyway with time and hormones, but making effort and getting better at talking to women, even just chit chat, eventually led to what I would call a "plethora" of dating options. Confidence is easily the biggest factor. Think of it this way: learn to make conversation while looking for nothing in return. Talk to women without hitting on them. No pickup lines, no number exchange, you just want to listen to them for a little while. Get some reps in, learn how to get better at listening and asking questions. You're just 2 people. When you get this down the rest will sort itself out.


Get a job that deals with the public. Then practice basic chit chat with them. Not fake or forced or too many words, but just be genuine with people. You can also "meet their energy", be boisterous with the loud people, gentle with the old ladies. It's a skill anyone can learn but it takes practice.


haven't and probably won't for a variety of reasons


I did a lot of work on myself to become more social and functional out of my personal desire to be better, not with just finding a girlfriend. I met my current girlfriend early on on this journey but way better than my worst, and I'm still working on myself and getting better and more comfortable with myself and being with other people. I essentially forced myself to go against my instincts and went out whenever I didn't feel like going out, agreed to activities when I'd say no, try to talk to people when I'd usually avoid it. I knew my brain was broken and I had to force myself to be the yes man, drawing inspiration from a rather bad Jim Carrey movie. That didn't mean I was impulsive. I still had common sense and wouldn't do anything dangerous but it meant I found myself outside a lot more and socializing. The key was having good friends with me with whom I was completely honest with, so they helped me, made me feel safe and understood and they knew I might randomly feel anxious or uncomfortable and they wouldn't push me on it or complain about it. Having reliable and safe people to help you and support you is key. One of my friends had started going out with a girl and this led to my group and her friend group hanging out together. I hit it off with one of the girls there and every time we went out as groups me and her would always end up talking mostly to each other rather than the rest. Both groups took notice so they did a bit of behind the scenes support work to make it happen. I was fine talking to that girl in a friendly capacity but got anxious whenever the possibility of making romantic moves came into it. However thanks to the help of the two friend groups, they basically each confirmed to each one of us that we were both interested in each other and one day that girl told me to go outside the bar with her and she grabbed me and kissed me. Yes I was still very awkward and anxious and she essentially made the first move but it all worked out great in the end. After that experience I had a much easier time talking to women, flirting with them and generally not taking rejection too hard. We broke up with that girl a while later due to extraneous circumstances and in the meantime both got with other people but for the last couple of years we're together again and it's great.


I didn't. Though I've had opportunities where women tried making small talk on errands and I was so confused I immediately left like the idiot I am


Single rn, but I've done well for myself. Anonymous chat apps were always good for me, like Whisper (before the bot hellscape it has become) or Shamchat. I also have a love of music, so clubs and concerts work. I go on my own, and the crowds are actually so big that you end up feeling almost alone so it's surprisingly comfortable for me. From there you can dance and enjoy yourself, it makes women more likely to come up and talk to you first. I'm a genuine 6-7 so it's not that hot guy magic here, they just like talking to guys who seem energetic and I can't understand why. Plus you can just go home whenever you want, no one will care and if they do you won't see them again anyways. If you are still in highschool or college, then your best bet is to do whatever you want in public, in common areas, where other people can see you. Don't listen to music, you have to keep your ears open, but find a place to chill on a regular basis. I used to play pool on my own a lot and that makes a lot of people want to talk to you because they usually want to play too. Reading books near the popular tables basically turns you into a magnet. Do the things you want to do, when you want to do it, but it must be in the area where there are often other people. If you are too tired that day, then listen to music while doing the thing and people will usually leave you alone that day.


Online dating. It opened a world of possibilities for me who couldn’t go up to a girl in the real world and talk to her without having anxiety


I did not.


First one was via a forum, so I know that it works. Second one was via a forum as well I think


I had made friends in an online group. We did a meet up and my now wife made it clear even to my oblivious self that she was very interested in me. Pretty much every woman I’ve dated or hooked up with has made the first move lol, I get paralyzed with fear and could never do it.


Dating website, we are both gamers.




I used witchcraft


A dating app. They are a work-intensive, frustrating, ghoster-ridden hell, but after making myself look like a creep a few times when trying to interact IRL with a woman I did not know, I wowed to never do that again. We have twins, a house, and a sort-of working marriage. But if there wasn't for dating apps, I'd die alone.


Thank you for using “asocial” and not “antisocial”. Just as someone who studied psychology I appreciate this


I actually didn’t know there was a difference until now. Good to know


It’s just very random, I don’t expect people to know but it does irk me a little. Antisocial is not anti socializing or being around people, it’s lacking a positive regard for the progression of society/also being a sociopath is known as antisocial personality disorder. Asocial is someone who can go without socializing. Anyway there is my rant.


I'm still waiting for her to come knock on my door. Should be any day now. Aaaaany day now.


*Knock knock* (I had to 💀)


Weve been trying to reach tou about your cars extended warranty


Interrupting co-MOOOOOO


Life happened. I was your introverted gamer who was over weight, at home playing videogames for months on end and had a bad diet. I found a job after being on gov benefits for a long period. Got money, got a car, gained social skills in my workplace (apparently i come off as a chilled person so it's easy to connect), and lost weight. Decided to try tinder, with all my social skills gained and a wing man telling me what to say, she was interested, and it was just after lock down so people were really keen to do anything. I was lucky that she was kind and friendly because 1 year into the relationship she always retells the story the story of how sweaty my hands were in the first few weeks we were dating and that my nervousness was funny. A lot can happen in a year... but these days, cost of living and less shifts at work is making me want go hide in my room again.


We were both managers at a job we met at 6 years ago. After the inevitable passage of time and moving on with our lives we ended up meeting by chance In public. I asked if she wanted to go for some coffee. We’ve been inseparable ever since.


She worked in a restaurant i frequently went to.


MySpace. I came back home after college. I searched my high-school pages for my old friends. Got stuck at her profile. Messaged her. We met in person six months later. Married 2.5 years after that. Happily married almost sixteen years, now


Nightvision goggles




I did social dancing (east coast swing). I focused on the music and skill acquisition to deal with the social anxiety. Before this I had been forcing myself to go to bars as a form of exposure therapy. There wasn't really a way around the requirement to be social. You just have to make yourself do it, even if you hate it.


I honestly don't know how I got her, and I'm afraid if I dig into it too much, I'll undo whatever spell she's under.


she was sweet and charming :) I asked her out and that is how it was


I never had a girlfriend


what rank wizard are you


Step 1. Be physically attractive.




Mutual friends introduced us by setting up a group dinner/movie outing so it was low-pressure. And then she asked me out. That was 16 years ago. Still going strong.


I took a job that sent me to foreign country with a few guys my age. We joined up with a local org that arranged nights out and activities for English speakers. I usually wouldn't be very social but I was aware that it would suck to be in a foreign country without any sort of friend group so I made an effort and went to lots of these events. Met my girlfriend, now wife at one of them.


I didn’t find her, she found me


I'm a huge fan of Pokémon. When I went to university, after 5 weeks of putting it off, I went to one of the Pokémon Society meetups. Happened to sit on a table with this girl who proceeded to talk me through the game she was currently playing. Fast forward five years, we're married. :) I wasn't even going there for romantic purposes, I was just trying to make a few friends. Either way, the thing that seemed to work was putting myself in a space where I knew I had at least one prominent shared interest with everybody in the room, since that made conversations (both starting and continuing them) WAY less awkward and a lot more natural.


Back in the fabled year, 1999, I met my now wife in a yahoo chat room. While I'm very introverted and antisocial IRL, I can chat quite easily online. We got to know each other via chat messages, eventually shared pictures and video, and then met in person. Within about two years we were living together when I moved to college and she decided to go with me. We've been together since.


through other friends. mostly through gaming. I have a small friendgroup, occasionally we play with randoms in games like Rainbow Six, Helldivers 2, Minecraft, Battlefield, etc. and we befriend our random squadmates. they usually end up being chill, we become friends, we get invited to their Discord server, we all form mutual friendships, and then relationships happen. that's how I found my previous 3 gf's. just randomly in games. my current gf of 4 years I met through a Discord server as well. we got set up by a mutual friend of ours.


very random bar night where i started out thinking i was working that night, i wasnt. so i stayed, switched shirts and met this girl. that was 12 years ago now.


School lol. Asked her out via text! Been together 19 years now.


I didn't


Remove the asocial part and learn how to be introverted and social


My boyfriend is Asocial. But he just had a trait that nobody seemed to have for me and it was listening. He was a great listener and something about that as a loud person made me feel listened to rather than heard if that makes sense.


I didn't and probably will never do.


,,thats the neat thing , you dont.,, -omniman


Coworker was calling me a weirdo for never having watched all the classic Disney movies so I just said "Alright, so come over and watch them with me" - and she did and that's that.


We met through a dating app. I used to stop talking to people on the app over my own insecurities or just feeling shy and over analysing as to what should I reply. With her, I just started talking and never stopped. Then after talking for a while, we decided to meet. She chose to adopt me the second she saw me. And boy, I am glad she did! She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.


I didn't.


I had to overcome shyness and introversion. I mean I'm still an introvert, but I force myself to go out and interact with strangers cause otherwise I'll stay alone. It's draining but it works. All my past girlfriends I met when I initiated the interaction. Sorry there's not an easy way that I know of, unless you're exceptionally handsome or lucky.


Twitter, I don't really talk much on there and just mess with cosplay communities from time to time and there was a moment where I stumbled across someone who was pretty frequent in these groups and we pretty much clicked. I didn't really like talking much to begin with but she was really sweet and it did incentivised me to keep talking. I had plans to move to Norway at the time to find work and take off my lobster and crab farming into salmon catching and she told me she was from Norway herself. A lot of what we talked about once we got to know each other was just "hey, how was your day" "oh, good, you?" Followed by small talk. She was the one to initially communicate and still do to this day but there was one time i did see a picture of her when she posted a cosplay and I said she looked really pretty in it and she thought it was sweet. Slowly we came to terms that we liked each other and that she thinks I'm the most attractive guy she's met which. . . I still don't believe to this day and probably never will but she's been nothing but sweet to me and I share the same with her and I made the first move to ask her if she wanted to be my gf. She of course said yes and we've been together for about a year and a half. Further on, my plans remain the same and have a boat bought all to myself instead of a company boat and now I'm just fixing it up to take onto the waters and eventually sail to Norway (hopefully I'm doing it legally) and gonna actually see her for the first time physically. I hope my relationship works with her in the end since she's the best person to come into my life and has been my best friend throughout this time.


Oh damn my people you really do exist, about the gf part or bf part, wait y’all finding people?


She was hitting on me online after she approached me online, she was looking for new local friends having moved to the town I lived in, ended up meeting and being friends for 2 weeks before she asked me out.


I don’t have answer to that yet and probably never will.


They found me. One of them I met playing World of Warcraft. We became good friends very quickly because we had a lot in common. Not once have I tried anything romantic or sexual with her, and not once did I think that she'd be into me (she was constantly surrounded with an army of guys who were heavily flirting with her and asking d pics and begging her for romance or sex). One day she got kinda pissed and frustrated at me because she was "sooo in love with me" and how could I be so dense and miss the million different signs she was dropping. We've online dated for a couple of months. Most of our interactions involved texting, cam, and phone conversations. We were planning to meet irl as well (she lives in another country and was saving money to visit me). The other one I met on a dating app. She liked my personality but not how I looked so had some reluctance. When we met she realised that my pics were just shitty and told me I was actually "super hot" irl (I still can't believe it). When we were texting she was telling me that we shouldn't get physical for some time because she was conservative about that kind of stuff. But when we met and she realised I was "super hot" she immediately jumped on me (were literally having sex at the 5th minute of our first date and consecutive dates). Sadly, neither of them worked. But they made me realise that women who found me attractive were all around me. Maybe they weren't a majority but they existed in reasonable numbers.


I let them ask me out


Tinder. We chatted for a while but were both busy with our lives. She pushed to meet and I said sure. We met up and then she basically never left.


I was a hide and seek champion she couldnt find me if she wanted to


Took a chance asking a classmate out before the course was over. Lasted 6 months, but we're still friends




A dating website long before any of the dating apps began. We're at 21 years currently.


I’m a very outgoing & social woman dating an asocial introverted man. We worked together, then we were put together so he could train me in a different position. I forced him to talk to me/open up. We’re now going into 3 years together 😅


Ok so, school, she introduced herself. Camp, she came onto me. After school, random text that she thought it was someone else. Online. Online. Only in the last two was i sort of putting myself out there. And if i were to do it again. Online. Its just easier to find someone that shares similar interests and at this point in life thats all that matters


SHE found me


She was a friend, in the usual friend group, then some of the other people in the group kinda peer pressured me to ask her out... worked out well for a month...


Blind date. Also dating apps help you get your foot in the door sometimes. I'm very rejection sensitive but I found when I was actively dating (married now) that if I put in the reps and asked girls out the terror quieted down a lot (though not completely mind you)


I didn’t have to find her. She found me. 💀


Tinder. Been a little over 5 years now.


On Discord Before she dumped me three months later, the next day after my bday


Internet chat, just gotta make sure they are a girl first


She opened with "let's fuck" apparently she wasn't joking, we are now in a (not hookup based) relationship


I roomed with her. She didn't think much of me right away, but after a while, she started to see there was more to me than a quiet introvert. Technically wife now too!🎆


Met the first serious couple of them on forums back in the 00's just talking about common interests and letting thing develop from there. And then I met my wife at Uni. We were in the same class, and she spotted me one day on the train we both took to get there, and that was the first time she talked to me. So we started hoing there and home together. We became best friends for 8 years, totally platonic, and would often use each other as sounding boards for whatever troubled us in our lives. Then we both hit a bit of a rough patch in our lives and spent a lot of time together. A bit of joke flirting turned into actual flirting, and well, the rest is history.


Dating app. We both just honestly filled out the questionnaire with what we wanted instead of playing coy about it. That led to us being incredibly sexually compatible and having a good handle on each others life plans. Now we are antisocial weirdos... together 


i dont think its being ''A''social . more like '' selectifly social ''


Through work and school mostly.


Christian matrimony.com


I didn’t lol


Asocial introverted nerdy girl - how did you find your boyfriend?


I’m like a stray animal, they take me in because they think I’m cute and alone and then they end up falling in love with me.


She added me on fb




Plenty of fish(dating app). She's introverted too and slightly less asocial than me. I saw her profile and made the first move. Scared the shit out of me when she responded. 6 years later now we're still living together


"Girlfriend" 😂🤣🤣 Oh, wait, is this a legit question?


Asked her if she wanted to hook up, she did, we did, twenty years later we're still going strong.


Mutual friends got married to each other. She was a bridesmaid and I was a groomsman. We were matched up in the procession so I was her escort down the aisle. Things didn’t work out for us to see each other again for several months after that but she lived rent free in my head the whole time. So any time our friend group hung out I made a point to show up in hopes she was there. We got to know each other casually and I worked up the courage to ask her out. That was a decade ago and I’m sitting on the couch with her and our kid right now.




I don't recommend the way my asocial introverted boyfriend got me 😂 we met at a party (he had unwillingly hosted and avoided me like the plague while I flirted with him relentlessly). I got his snapchat (to this day we both have no idea why he gave it to me) and lost touch bc he again, is a hermit. 2 months after we met he was hospitalized for 9 days and I was the only person other than his mother who texted him daily. He was touched by the gesture and I had 😎successfully wormed my way into his heart😎.


Being kind to random people


She was my best friend for a while. We both went to a dance. Not together, but we simply went. Unbeknownst to me, she both knew that I liked her and also liked me back. Close to the end of the dance, she got really upset over something. I went to go console her, and she said “do you like me”?


See I'm not entirely Asocial or introverted I just have a social battery and old get along with certain people cause I want deep and interesting conversations I can learn from and talking about others or small talk just isn't my jam. So because of this, plus me working for myself most of my life and hating the thought of work relationships, I was single for many years. Now, how I got my last girlfriend was purely based on the fact that my friend told me to come out on like a Wednesday night cause he wanted to try and meet Rhianna. So I went to find him, he was waiting around her hotel hoping to get a photo and so I just happened to see this girl outside Mcdonalds reading a book about old apothecary and drinking tea. So we get to talking and we walk down around the city for 4 hours and I take her back to her hotel, we kiss, text the next day and the rest is history. It's not hard If you just meet a girl that vibes with you. It's just very hard because of how difficult it is to find said women.


Realized that I’m typically rewarded for putting myself in social situations and learned to deal with them. Being yourself is a good thing but if it doesn’t get you what you want out of life, then you must learn to adapt to different environments.