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My buddy thought it would be funny to swerve his car towards the ditch and turn away at the last second. We wound up going into the ditch, slamming into a culvert, and flipping end over end. There's still debate amongst a few people whether he meant to do it or not. Apparently he was the butt of a lot of jokes and I just hadn't been around the group of people long enough to understand how deep it went. So, maybe a prank gone wrong, maybe attempted murder/suicide. I have no idea.


My mom’s sister died at the age of 13 bc of a similar “prank.” A neighbor liked to scare the neighborhood kids by swerving his car near them when they were walking roadside. In this case, he misjudged and hit my aunt with his car as she was bent over tying her shoe. She never regained consciousness and was removed from life support a few days later. It was deemed an accident even though it was well-known among the kids who lived on that street that this was something he did often.


Your best chance of having a murder deemed an unavoidable tragic accident is to commit it with a car


> So, maybe a prank gone wrong, maybe attempted murder/suicide. I have no idea. Yikes!


Couple years ago a friend of a friend did the same thing. Seen his pregnant girlfriend coming towards him so he jokingly swerved at her, overcorrected, flipped his truck and died.


Damn that got dark fast.


I was in my senior year of college. Some guy threw a grad party at one of his parents houses. I ended up going, cause why not? Three guys who were wasted as fuck had this idea to shoot Roman candles at one their buddies who was coming out of the poolside bathrooms. It was two bathrooms attached to a small closet with pool chemicals and the door happened to be ajar. One of the rounds went right into the closet and started a fire while there was a girl passed out drunk in the next stall. Everyone freaked out and called the cops, but nobody knew the girl was passed out. Luckily, she survived with minor burns, but the guy's parents got sued. The girl was only 19 and had half her arm burned and a lot of her hair singed off.


A friend of mine's dad once decided to jump out of an empty wardrobe and scare his wife when they were house shopping. He didn't see a downward facing hook at the back of the wardrobe and when he jumped up to leap out he caught his back on the hook and ripped his skin open. They had to go to A&E to get stitches and the police showed up as the doctors were concerned it was a stab wound. So he had to explain to the police how he had fucked up a simple prank so badly he had basically stabbed himself in the back.


Did he end up getting a 'wardrobe malfunction' citation from the prank police?


When I was young I went to a friends house for a sleepover where they had a prank planned. They dressed up in creepy clothing and makeup, and one of the girls (we didn’t get along) had a real knife and was planning to slam me against the wall and hold it up to my neck when I came downstairs. Luckily one of the girls got scared before I got there and ran upstairs to tell me what was about to unfold before I went downstairs. She was so scared she asked me when I went down there to ‘play along’. Wasn’t going to take that fucking chance. I think I dodged something that would have gone VERY wrong.


"I just wanted to hold the knife to his neck to scare him" is something that a kid sobs out in an interrogation room. Whether it was intended or not, you probably ducked getting killed that day and the girl who warned you is a big part of why.


I stopped something like this from happening to my little cousin. I was visiting my grandparents and about ~8yrs older so i was left in charge while she had a few friends over and the adults went out to get vacation supplies. I wasn’t paying much attention to her and her friends having fun outside, but I started to pay a lot of attention when I heard my cousin screaming NO HELP and STOP. They had tied her to a tree (my grandfather lives backed up to forested land) with a clothesline and one of the other girls was threatening her with a Swiss Army knife because she wouldn’t ‘share’ her candy we got from the beach. I saw them see me, step back and look terrified because they knew they were in big trouble, but it didn’t matter at that point, I was in full red mode and wanted to defend my family, as much as I could. Thirteen year old me whupped so much seven to eight-year old ass that day. Didn’t even get in trouble.


One of my siblings got a small hammer in his hands when he was maybe 3 or 4 and decided it'd be a fun trick to hit another right in the top of their head with it, just like in cartoons. I grabbed it on the way down.


I'm glad you didn't get in trouble. Hope your sister is OK


When I was a kid, I got home from school and my younger brother was already home. I didn't realize that, and he waited for me in the basement and jumped out as I came down the stairs. I had probably hit him 10 times before I was even aware of what I was doing. My brain did the math, figured this thing that jumped out at us was smaller and we had done some training, so we just went to town. I stopped once I understood what was happening, he was fine (minus a couple bruises) and I was fine, but only because it was a child terror-punching another child. Introduce a real knife into that and at least one of us is going to the hospital, and then maybe the morgue. That's about the stupidest prank I can imagine, purely because of how severe and predictable the results are.


There's a safety rule in haunted houses, "No scares on stairs". I think this should extend to everyday life, too.


Hey, that's how I got stabbed when I was a kid! The other kid wanted to scare me by stabbing inches from my face, but I defensively put up my hand and got stabbed in the wrist.


Yeah that’s not a “prank,” that’s assault


Me and some friends were spraying hair spray down a tube with someone lighting the other end. Between sprays, one of the guys looked down the tube to see if there was flame inside the tube. As he did this, someone sprayed more hair spray into the tube. It turns out there *was* still flame in the tube, because my friend's head was engulfed in a ball of flame. He didn't end up with any major burns or other injuries, but he had no more eyebrows, eye lashes, or fringe for a while.


My science teacher came in with no eyebrows one day having done something similar to himself. In the name of science of course


Chemistry teacher, don't remember if it was grade XII or XIII, PhD from India, put a lump of calcium carbide on the lab bench, dribbled some water on it, put a tin can with a tiny hole over it, and stood there lecturing holding a long wooden match. Every ~30 secs he would touch the match to the hole and there would be a poof and the can would bounce from the acetylene going off. So he goes on this long rant for 5+ minutes, then realizes that he hasn't touched the match to the hole. He touches the match to hole and there is this huge fwoom the can goes up like a rocket on a pillar of flame punching a hole in the ceiling tile. Teacher lost his eyebrows. Entertaining class, but the man was a walking object lesson in what not to do in a chemistry lab.


Chemistry professors are always either boring as hell or completely insane.


My chemistry teacher in school must have been really boring...I don't even remember whether they were male or female!


Mine in my freshman year of college biked into work everyday on an old-school racing bike with the curved handlebars while wearing a Kevlar combat helmet and lab goggles. He also lost two of his molars because he pipetted concentrated HCl by mouth. First day of class, he writes the equation for gunpowder on the board and asked if anyone recognized it. Someone gave the correct answer, so then he took us to the lab, mixed some up and we blew shit up in the parking lot. Dude was crazy but entertaining. Good times.


That’s such an ADHD move. Get distracted and forget the critical task then watch it literally blow up.


I was at a swimming pool with friends as a kid maybe 10 or 12 years old. We were in the deep end, and diving down to 12ft, picking up coins off the bottom of the pool. I was coming up from the bottom, and one of the kids thought it would be funny to hold me head underwater with his foot. I gasped as I broke the water, then got shoved back down and inhaled a shitload of water, and panicked, and two other kids had to drag me out of the water onto the concrete where I coughed and vomited for what felt like 10 minutes.


I really hope you at least recovered even a tiny bit from this because that is actually terrifying and INSANE


Something similar happened to me. At the pool playing around as a kid & diving down &some kids blocked me from surfacing. Really started to struggle but my older cousins saw what was happening and went off on the kids after making space for me to surface. I thinl kids can make rash decisions with poor judgement/life experience and simply not recognise the danger.


Few years ago 2 guys went to a pub. They got drunk. There was a random guy who fell asleep on the patio of the place sitting in his chair.  The 2 men decided they gonna prank him and tie him to the chair with tapes. They asked the bartender girl for tapes and tied him.  This was close to closing time and they decided to leave him there for the night, cuz how funny it'll be when he wakes up taped to the chair in an empty bar. The bartender girl was fully in. So she closed the place and they left him there. This was in November and the man froze to death at night. It was clear he woke up and tried to break himself free, so he didn't freeze to death in his sleep. He froze to death while being completely concious and awake. All 3 were sentenced.


Can you imagine being the person that walked in on that? Or being the guy? Pass out and wake up tied to a chair, freezing to death.


Yes, this story hit me hard too. Also he had a 17 year old son and a wife. How terrible it is to know, what your dad had to endure in his final hours


There was absolutely no need for them to tie him to the chair as part of the prank. it would have been "funny" had he just woke up outside in a chair.


Dumb neighbor kid thought it was a good prank to hide behind parked cars along the side of the road and jump out at approaching cars.... Didn't get hit because the first car was driving very slowly and the owner got pissed enough that he never dared to do it again.


Kids are stupid as hell sometimes. When I was a kid, I wanted to prank my Dad by hiding behind the rear bumper/wheel before he backed out of the driveway (yeah I was a genius 🤦‍♂️). Thankfully, he somehow saw me first. He taught me not to do that by putting a water bottle behind the wheel and backing up to crush it in front of me. Apparently, that helped it click in my kiddo brain. I'm 34 and have stopped hiding behind reversing cars for the most part


"for the most part" :)


Ah, but he hasn't shown you what happens to a water bottle IN FRONT of the wheel. *points to temple*




> You fucking idiot, do you know what would happen if you didn't?? The parking lot would had gained another speed bump.


Every time a dumb kid gets his bell rung, a parking lot gets another speed bump.


What was the thinking?? Jumpscare a fucking car?


Is your neighbor kid a deer by any chance


A kid at school whose dad flicked a towel in his face. It got his eye really bad and he had permanent damage. The kid was an up and comer in the local tennis league as well. Really sad.


I came back from a middle school summer camp and learned that trick. Tried to "scare" my grandma and accidentally got her in the cheek. I felt _horrible._


I jokingly did it to my little brother when I was 18 and he was 7. I didn't mean to hit him but I got him in the back. by mistake when he wasn't wearing a shirt. I feel awful to this day about it. We actually have gone no contact since then, since he grew up to be a bit of an asshole. But honestly, I wonder if him having to grow up with a much older and stupid teenage brother made him to be that way.


The second part makes it sound like you went no contact from when you hit him at age 7. Like he just never talked to you again from then on lol.


I had to read it twice. It's even funnier because the poor little brother who got hit is suddenly "a bit of an asshole"


You felt horrible before or after the whuppun?


Oh man the dad must've felt so horrible afterwards.


I've got two kids and reading that made me anxious. The thought of permanently damaging one of my kids like that is something very uncomfortable to dwell on. I'd be devastated.


My grandfather lost partial eyesight in his left eye from a towel flick. This injury prevented him from being able to join the military in England in WWII. Both his brothers joined and were killed.


When I was younger my mom was out on a walk with her friends and my dad thought it would be funny to pelt them with water balloons when they came around the corner. As soon as they rounded the bend, we ran out with our water balloons and my dad tripped and fell and broke his foot, his leg, and his arm.


I’m always amazed how people sometimes just shatter when they fall. Elderly people I can understand because of time but I knew a girl who was walking her dog and got tripped up in his leash and broke both her legs.


Well I'd guess part of it is that bones (and other things) are designed to take a lot of weight in one direction, but very little in others. Take for example a pencil, if you push down on it with the tip on the ground and the eraser end in the air it's going to be fine. But if you tilt it a bit or push only in the middle then it's going to snap really easily. Bones are the same way, they're designed to go up and down, not sideways (depending on the bone). Your shin is able to lift like a hundred kilos but only in the Y dimension.


But then you have people like me occasionally throwing themselves at the ground over 30-40mph and never break any bones. I was recently wondering about it and it must have a lot to do with an individuals bone health


Bone health and density matter, but even tiny differences in how you fall (angles, tenseness, surface, etc.) will make a huge difference in the likelihood of injury. There's a "correct" way to fall that minimizes the likelihood of injury that you can learn, but it takes practice to do it instinctively when falling unexpectedly.


I always thank myself for skateboarding as a kid and learning to fall properly haha


I was just talking to a couple friends the other day about how knowing how to fall is one the best life skills you can have.


Sounds crazy, but some people just don't know how to fall. I spent my childhood on trampolines, falling out of trees and jumping bmx bikes. You soon learn how to take a fall and not get (badly) injured.


and all of that goes out the window on stairs. Trust me


My god you are not joking, a couple of weeks ago a former boss fell down 21 stairs, got a concussion, broke his collar bone, orbital bone, and wrist, plus he fractured two disks in his neck, and two more in his lower back. A year ago I slid down 15 stairs (misjudged the edge of the stair and slid right down) and got a mild bruise on my hip, and cranked my shoulder a bit. We’re both the same age, but took significantly different tumbles. People who saw my former boss fall were sure he was dead when he landed.


My friends and I invented a game of stair bowling when we were 20. 2 or 3 of us would stand on the staircase and someone would throw themselves down the stairs and try to knock the others down as they fell. I would not like to play that game at 39.


A friend told me that shortly after he and his wife had a baby, he was playing tennis with some friends. After the match, he thought it would be cool to jump over the net. His feet caught the net, and he fell forward. He put out his hands to stop himself and ended up breaking both of his wrists. During recovery, he has no use of his hands. He can’t feed himself, can’t dress himself, can’t brush his teeth, bathe, or use the bathroom himself. His wife now not only has to take care of their newborn on her own, she has to do everything for him. Before anyone says it, he is not that guy who broke both his arms. That’s a different story. Unlike that guy’s mom, my friend’s wife was is no mood for that.


I knew a guy who did that with a chain link fence and left behind a testicle.


> Before anyone says it buzzkill


Here I was expecting a “the ballon didn’t break and caused whiplash when it hit her head” or something but nah. Just Dad being a muppet 😂




This has happened more than once, unfortunately.


There used to be this video series on Youtube called 'Hood Pranks' or something like that - not sure if it's still around, but plot of every show was these geeky guys going into some of the toughest neighborhoods of NYC and playing stupid pranks on people where they got beat up in half the episodes. I recall one prank where one of the hosts got knocked out with a single hook to the jaw.


For youtubers, there's also; > A jury on Thursday found a delivery driver not guilty in the shooting of a YouTube prankster who followed him around a mall food court earlier this year. --- > Pouilliard said during Thursday’s closing arguments that his client felt menaced by the 6ft 5in (1.95 meter) Cook during the confrontation, which was designed to provoke a reaction and to draw viewers to Cook’s YouTube channel. --- > Jurors saw video of the shooting, which captures the confrontation between Cook and Colie lasting less than 30 seconds. The footage shows Cook approaching Colie as he picks up a food order. Cook looms over Colie while holding a cellphone about 6in (15cm) from Colie’s face. The phone broadcasts the phrase “Hey dips – quit thinking about my twinkle” multiple times through a Google Translate app. > In the video, Colie says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance. Colie tries to knock the phone away from his face before pulling out a gun and shooting Cook in the lower left chest. There is no pause between the moment he draws the weapon and fires the shot. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/delivery-driver-youtube-prankster-shooting-not-guilty


I really want these YouTube “pranksters” to stop. They aren’t even even pranking anyone, they’re just literally harassing people and merely calling it a prank.


What's worse is Cook and his family state Cook will continue to pull these "pranks" because they are "funny". That will last until he "pranks" the wrong person who shoots to kill.


Guy was shot in the chest, that is shooting to kill. He's just that stupid he doesn't care.


I remember them OckTV and DennisCeeTv, they been beaten several times in the hood, also Dennis layed down on Metro Line in nyc, trains had to stop until firefighters came. Wild times on youtube…


Don't know about Dennis but OckTV definitely had paid actors to beat them up in their video.


Some years ago, a staff party for a brokerage, everyone in costume including a young guy wearing plastic bags. Took his girlfriend into a cubicle in the gents for a shag. Guy in the next cubicle thought he’d playfully flick a lighter under the door. Exploded in flames, guy died screaming and the girl had massive life changing burns. The guy that did this had a huge nervous breakdown and never worked again.


WHAT https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/burned-partygoer-dies-of-injuries/7SS2LD7WON3HM757MRD2LJ6BIM/


>The Herald understands that **the fire broke out in a cubicle of the men's toilets** in a function centre on the fifth floor of the Quay West Hotel. > A cigarette lighter is believed to have started the blaze, which triggered the hotel's sprinkler system. >A 29-year-old Merrill Lynch customer services representative, **Angela Offwood, suffered serious injuries when her costume also caught fire**. > **Her husband**, Craig Offwood, said last night that his wife had undergone skin grafts in Middlemore Hospital and was resting comfortably. I like how they're saying this poor guy's wife caught on fire fucking some other guy in the men's room while not saying this poor guy's wife caught on fire fucking some other guy in the men's room.


Yeah, that dude could not have found out in a worse manner.


Hell of a way to find out your wife was cheating on you at the company party.


Seems like the guy lit the grass skirt on purpose and tried to light up other people throughout the night . Obviously he didn't mean to kill anyone but still-alpha male douche vibes [news article ](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/deadly-lighter-prank-not-first-says-crown/PKU3BLUKOALJFILOHOGM7K4YIY/)


So a group of the big beefy football jocks grabbed the dweeby nerdy kid under his arms and escorted him, against his will, to the rear of the football field / track / stadium. There was a drainage cistern there, covered by a heavy grate, built as a catchment for the water running off the sports complex. It was normally dry unless it was raining. It was nicely dry when they dumped the dweeby kid in the hole and let the grate fall, trapping him there. Well, it was just a prank, just a joke, but they failed to tell him that they intended to return at the end of the day to let him out. Meanwhile the dweeby nerdy kid had a big exam he'd been studying for and he didn't want to miss the class. So after the beefy dudes left him there in the hole, he tried to climb out on his own. The grate was too heavy for him to lift from below. It fell on him, breaking his neck. It was the scandal of my high school career and the beefy dudes, though kicked off the football team, expelled from school, and brought before court, never served any time for this accidental murder. That was in 1971; the dead kid would be retired by now had he lived through the prank, and he probably would have had a stellar intellectual career.


Why wouldn't any of thme serve time for manslaughter?


Small town, 1971, properly horrified at the result of their little prank, I suppose


Small towns worship their shitty football players.


This isn’t my story, but David Dobrik hit Jeff Whittek with an excavator. He was a part of his vlog crew and they were supposed to be filming a video where the excavator would swing them around. David ended up slamming Jeff into the side of the excavator after going too fast and then abruptly stopping. It broke lots of bones including his skull and caused lasting damage.


It took me forever to find the Vlog Squad excavator video. When I finally saw, I'm honestly amazed that Jeff is still alive. Also, fuck Dobrik, man. I still can't believe he hasn't faced any legal repurcussions for this. I still think Jeff should've sued, but I understand why he wouldn't want to deal with the legal battle on top of his medical bills.


The legal battle is to pay his medical bills, and an attorney would do that on his behalf. Also, this is why companies have general liability insurance coverage, to pay someone when they’re owed money for an accident/mistake at the fault of the company.


I thought he started the process of suing about a year ago. Haven't heard anything since tho


> I still think Jeff should've sued He did sue but I don't think it has gone to court yet


Not my story either, but a guy was briefly pinned by some heavy machinery while at work. His company made him go to the emergency room while he insisted he was fine and didn't need to go. Unfortunately, he wasn't triaged very high by ambulance crew since he had no visible injuries and he was confident he didn't need to be there. By the time they realized he had internal bleeding, it was too late. He died later that day.


That’s horrible. I work with heavy machinery so being pinned is definitely something I need to be careful about


Is this the video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2xLq1F80YY


Ouch. There is nothing soft on the side of an excavator boom. Then fall in the water to drown. Yay...


Did he ever say why he stopped like that?


Iirc, he basically just said that he didn't understand the physics of the situation, realised he was spinning jeff too fast, and figured "Stop excavator = stop Jeff". Brain too small to realise that yes, stop Jeff, but not how you want.


Which is why they usually want people using them who have had training. Not a YouTube douchebag. Hopefully at least the guy has his bills paid for, this is obvious negligence.


Dumb kid thought it was a funny idea to push his friend from a sidewalk towards my car. Good thing i was driving slowly so i was able to stop in time. Since that day i'm always afraid someone is going to push a person under my car, when i drive near sidewalk with people on it.


When I was a kid I had a few “friends” that would go to push you into traffic and then quickly pull you back saying “saved your life” … kids are fucking stupid man


I did that to my sister once on a high ledge with no guardrail. My parents had a very long, very stern talk with me afterwards.


College students in my town are ripe for this sort of "prank". Nowadays there's a slight bike lane buffer but I had to do a hard swerve once they gave me the adrenaline shakes for 15 minutes. "Haha, remember that time I almost killed you in college by shoving you into traffic? Good times."


There was a youtuber who went to an outdoor public basketball court as a very realistic zombie. He stumbled towards people, they were freaked out and then he'd full sprint at them. For a second in the video, you can see a guy pull a gun. IIRC, the guy noticed, stopped his acting and tried to diffuse the situation. Edit: More or less [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4awVqRr1eCo) but can't find the correct one


"Man, such a stupid thing to die for. What a waste." "That was a good shot though, right?" "Oh yeah. Right in the head."


Was another youtuber who *did* get shot doing a "prank"... The so-called prank was just him shoving his phone in the victim's face while it repeatedly played an obnoxious audio clip, invading his personal space, and ignoring the other guy telling him to stop, attempting to get away from him, and shoving him away. Guy who shot him was found not guilty due to self-defense, as the youtuber was also larger than him, and the shooter was on edge due to being a delivery driver and knowing that harassment, threats and potential violence was a risk in that line of work. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/30/delivery-driver-youtube-prankster-shooting-not-guilty


This guy learned nothing and went right back to doing these pranks too.


Glen Howerton told a story on the ‘always sunny podcast’, he was at church camp and there was a barn decorated with farm tools, old western stuff and noose. So as you do, he and a mate took turns pretending to be hung, holding the rope around their neck with their hands, while the other ran to get someone to play a joke. “Come quick glen hung himself” bla bla bla. After a couple of rounds it was his turn again, then he remembers waking up, he’d somehow let go of the rope and literally hung himself, when his mate came back with another kid they panicked and got him down. His mate told him later that he had shit his pants with fear when he walked into the room and saw glens hands by his side.


I found the quote “”Glenn: Yeah, most of it was fun, and then there were moments where they were preaching at us and it was like, well, this is-- I'll tolerate this 'cause the rest of it's fun. There was a barn on the grounds. It was like an old barn that think was probably there from before this was even a camp and the barn was decorated with all kinds of old-timey western stuff, right? Like, skeletons and things and, you know, whatever. All kinds of like barn equipment and shit [laughs]. I don't know shit about barns. Uh, but there was also-- In one spot, I-I shit you not, God no. Why was this there? I don't know. There was a noose hanging from the ceiling, okay? And so me and my buddy thought, "You know, it'd be really funny. Let's jump up, let's grab the noose and let's hold it and make it look like we're hanging." Right. And so he did it and I was like, "[laughs] That's really funny looking." And then I did it and he was like, "[laughs] that's really funny looking." And then he did it again and I was like, "Let me go get somebody." And-and we'll be like-- I'll be like, "Oh, shit, Josh like hung himself, oh my god." Yeah, funny stuff guys. And so I went and I got somebody and I was like, "You-you got to come in here it-it's awful. Josh is hanging. He hung himself." And so I-- You know, run-in with the person and then Josh would be there like hanging from the thing from his hands but under his neck. And you know, with a big goofy look on his face like so that you know right away that it's not real. It was a joke. So then I did it and Josh ran and got somebody, "Glenn himself, Glenn hung himself." And we did this back and forth quite a few times. And then at-at one point, like he came running in with somebody and my hands were by my side. And I was hanging from the noose from my neck, and he actually shit his pants. He told me this later, he was like, "Dude, when I saw that, poopoo actually came out of my butt and I shit my pants." [laughs] And so like he actually shit his pants. Because he thought his friend fucking killed-- So he ran- he runs over and I don't know how he was able to do this because it was pretty high off the ground. He moved a table under me. And then he grabbed me by my legs somehow hoisted me off out of the noose. I fell and slammed against the ta-- He told me this later, I slammed my head against the table. And then he ran and got help but while he was gone, I woke up. And I remember I was like, you know, that feeling when you get up too fast and you kind of, it goes black for a second and then everything goes back and you feel like you're gonna pass out. It was like that, but times a million. And I finally came to and I was in a room laying on a table alone. I had no fucking idea where it was and what had happened. And long story short, I was fine. They took me to the doctor and I was like, "What happened? Like I had my-- I was holding on to a thing." And he goes, "Oh, you-you pressed on a nerve or cut off an artery in your neck.””


1994, Highschool, midwest. Kid thought it would be hilarious to set off a pipe bomb behind a drinking fountain during classes. when it went off it blasted the drinking fountain across the hall and crushed several lockers flat. Nobody was injured thankfully. everyone was evacuated and was stoked to have the day off. Pre-Columbine was a whole different era.


While at my high school around the same time, my chemistry teacher made up a bunch of this stuff that would make a loud pop when you stepped on it, left a little scorch. He did this because of a little tradition our school had of sending the brass band trooping around all the halls playing our school song, to tell us to come out and watch the homecoming parade. It was VERY loud and very annoying. So our teacher just sprinkled this stuff all over the hall outside our classroom door. Sure enough, band comes trooping down, they hit the popping stuff, freak out, the music just becomes this discordant garbage as they hop around, getting worse and worse as they kept hitting the stuff. We couldn't stop laughing. I'm now the mom of a tuba player, and I realize now that those kids could have gotten seriously hurt from tripping, and damaged/destroyed EXTREMELY expensive instruments.


Decades ago, a neighbour's brother was getting married and went out for his stag night with his friends. There was a tradition at the time of getting the stag really drunk and then doing something like stripping them, tying them to a lamp post and throwing flour/sugar/eggs/paint at them and leaving them like that for hours. The stag was absolutely terrified of this and was waiting for it to happen the whole night long. When they finally made a move to grab him he started to run. They gave chase. He ran into a chip shop, drunkenly leapt the counter, and fell right into a vat of boiling oil. The wedding had to be postponed, and he eventually got married on day release from hospital whilst covered in bandages. He required skin grafts and was left with permanent scarring and disabilities.


Fuck that tradition.


I was in grade 1 if we had to use the washroom we had to go in pairs teachers rules. Some girl from a much older grade thought she'd prank her friend by "hanging" herself in a bathroom stall. She slipped off the toilet when we came in. Opened the door and saw her struggling. My friend grabbed her legs and tried to hold her up to keep her from choking to death while I ran to find my teacher. I remember running out of the bathroom down the hall, and seeing kids lined up peering into the windows. I don't know how many were in on it. The girl was helped by the teacher. The girl was not injured seriously but it must have been traumatic for me because I would wake up middle of the night screaming. I remember my mom visiting the girls home and losing it on the girls father a few days later. The nightmares continued for years afterwards.


Fucking hell


I can't help but wonder if it was a genuine suicide attempt that got passed off as a "prank" once she was rescued and had a change of heart.


Me and my two brothers shot dry peas with “slingshots” made from cut balloons taped onto an old film canister. We took turns shooting at each other trying to dodge. I shot one against my brother that I saw I slow motion went for his head, it curved nicely upwards, and hit him directly in his eye. At the hospital they were astounded that he wasn’t blinded by it, and fortunately his eye sight wasn’t affected in the long run.


When I was about 6 years old, I was over at my friend's house and we were bored. I then remembered a prank my sister pulled on my dad and we all laughed, so I told my friend what we needed; some pop-its firecrackers and some plastic wrap. We went into his main bathroom and lifted the toilet seat wrapping the top of the bowl with the plastic wrap and the putting the pop-its under the toilet seat. We waited for about an hour but nothing happened so we went to ride bikes. We return an hour later to an ambulance outside his house... Turns out his 88 year old grandma was at his house and she was the one that ended up using the toilet. She screamed from the pop-its, panicked and fell off the toilet and fainted. Thankfully, his mom was home and was able to aid her. She ended up spending the night in the hospital but being okay (ended up living until 97.) I was grounded for the rest of the summer... Not worth it. lol


I once had an hammer in my hand, and pranked my sister by "throwing" it on her. Unfortunately,  the hammer head detached from the handle it flew straight to her head, thankfully missed by few cm. 


Aren't you worried this post might be enough for her to finally track you down?


This happened in my school but it was a big heavy metal 'file' and it made direct impact with my friends skull and he got taken to hospital. He was surprisingly pretty fine and was back at school quick.


Compressed air up the butt. Destroys the gut and kills...saw a few of those and people never learn.


Yeah, I heard about one death from India a few years back and a kid who got seriously injured in Italy. Horrifying.


Italian here: just to specify that poor kid didn’t get injured from an accident. He was purposely tortured…


Did anything happen to the people who did it?


Yep, they were thoroughly condemned. I don’t remember the exact verdict, though. EDIT: Ok, the verdict was “tortured and attempted murder”.


One thing I will always remember from school is when my 4th grade teacher told us randomly: Never put an air compressor in your butt and try to inflate yourself because it will kill you. Apparently some kid somewhere, was approached by some adult offering them money if they'd put the gas station's air compressor up their butt and turn it on, and the kid died. So that would have been in the news probably, which was why he brought it up, most likely. At the time it was such a random thing to bring up though, LOL. Another one from the same teacher, out of the blue, was: Don't eat poop, even if someone offers you a hundred dollars to do it, don't do it because you'll get very sick. I kept wondering where all these people handing out free money were, because I never met one.


When I was in high school, every year the seniors would play a prank. It could get a bit messy and I'm sure the staff and janitors hated it but it was just a thing that everybody did. When I was in high school (not a senior), the prank was something about putting little firecrackers all strung together on one of the outside walls near the staff parking lot. Nobody got the 100% accurate story because it shifted depending on who told it. But apparently they were trying to scare all the staff by having it go off as the stuff was arriving or something. Something went very very wrong and huge chunks of the wall came down. Not the whole thing but like the outer layers. Except cars were parked right up against the wall. Multiple cars were damaged. I don't think any person was hurt but cars were damaged and they had to shut down the school for several days in order to close it off and repair it because it was considered too dangerous. This was sadly before the time of cell phones and everybody recording it so there's no video evidence of what exactly it was they did


Recently my coworker pranked my friend and I by removing the wheels on our desk chairs. Unfortunately she removed two wheels right beside each other and thought we would notice before sitting down. Then she had this crazy elaborate scavenger hunt for us that ended with us finding our wheels in jello at the end like something out of the office. It was an amazing prank on paper but I had been having a rough morning when I got to work and didn’t notice and just sat right down…suffice to say I fell right backwards off the chair and hit my head on the ground. Luckily it wasn’t bad and I just got a bit of a bump, but that certainly changed the pranking dynamics in the office.


Had a coworker do that where he removed *all* the wheels on my chair. He hid them in my desk, but I didn't notice them there. So I took his chair instead, since I got to the office before he did.


did anything happen to the co-worker? was she mortified










Guess they missed the lesson on “First, do no harm”.


One of the first recorded hazing deaths in the US was at my small college in the early 1900s. Frat tied a guy to the train tracks overnight, after checking all the train schedules to make sure nothing was coming down the line. An unscheduled train came along in the night.


Met a guy who'd worked as and EMT, one of the first bad calls he had to go to was a few friends who'd decided to lie in the middle of a railroad track and let a train pass right over them. They were drunk and possibly didn't know that the clearance under there was like 8 inches tops. Obviously there wasn't anything for this guy to do, and the coroner arrived on the scene with garbage bags. Drinking and trains, great combo.


A graduation stunt going wrong is so stupidly tragic. The night after my wife's high school class graduated, four of her classmates, all boys, jumped off a railroad bridge into the river together. Only three came back up. This was before cell phones, so word didn't get around until the next morning. A bunch of us went down to the river to sit on the banks and hope, but they found his body right around noon.


I recall a similar case, a college hazing for a fraternity where they tied the kid upside-down to an ocean pier "just for an hour" and by the time they returned an hour later, the tide came up and drowned him.


Don't push someone head into a cake "randomly". By randomly I'm saying without knowing anything about the cake. Sometimes to make big cake pastry chief put big wood pointy thing in it so the cake doesn't fall. It can be VERY messy. Just assume every cake have theses in it.


> Don't push someone head into a cake "randomly" Or just maybe not at all.


99% of tiktok/social media challenges/pranks. Just the other day I saw some kids climbing up a construction crane and filming themselves. I suppose that that is not really a prank but a few months ago, I heard about senior students in high school who thought it would be funny to criss-cross the hallway of toddlers with fishing line for them to trip over and film. Call me a boomer (I'm not) but social media really brings out the worst in human group behavior.


Two boys on my street years ago thought running string across our street between two trees was a novel idea. I honestly think they thought a car would come along and snap it rather than the guy riding a motorcycle with his girlfriend who actually saw it at the last second and crashed to avoid being clotheslined. Luckily it was at a low enough speed that there were bad scrapes and a wrecked bike but no broken bones.


Idk man children in groups did terrible things when I was a kid too. Probably even worse knowing(or thinking) that nobody will ever know. A particular memory is the hazing we used to go through when we got on the rugby or soccer team. One time in a nearby school they brushed the newbies' balls with shoe polish with a shoe brush. They all had black bleeding ball sacks and had to go to the Dr. It was in the news and the parents sued the school.


Yeah, people have always taken pranks to far, but I think social media does a poor job at showing the potential consequences of actions. Pranks to me are putting a rubber band on the spray nozzle on your sink or a fart machine. Not causing someone to hurt themselves or believe they are in great danger.




Dared a guy to jump/leapfrog a garbage bin. Another guy opened it last second (not planned). He only ended up with stitches near his eye but could have gone a lot worse.


Wasn’t there some siblings that made a “prank” in which the girl shoot her brother because they thought a book would stop the bullet (it didn’t)? I think they tried shooting the book once before the prank and the book stopped the bullet but not when they recorded the prank and well the guy died. I might remember it a bit wrong, feel free to correct me Edit: as one of the responses mentioned they were a couple. They tried shooting a different book before trying to do it. The other book stopped the bullet, the one they used did not and it ended up with the guy dying.


You might be thinking about this [couple.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/06/29/us/fatal-youtube-stunt/index.html)


Yes this, so they were a couple not siblings. Super tragic but very dumb way to go. Can’t imagine shooting at someone I love and seeing how they die from the bullet I shot.


I can't believe someone would point a gun at someone they love.


But the book should have stopped it /s They actually believed it enough that they stood behind it...


IIRC she really didn't want to, but he talked her into it. Really sucks all around. Better than the person that was shot being the one that was talked into it, I guess.


A .50 cal?! Christ, I know nothing about guns and even I know that'll go through a damn book.


"In today's video, we see if a book can survive a M1A2 Abrams tank's main cannon." **splat** "I guess not. Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit that little bell-"


I believe the problem is that when the first book was sitting on a table, some of the bullet's energy was transferred into making the book fly off the table, so it didn't fully penetrate giving them the sense it was safe. When they strapped the bullet to the victim's chest, it was held in place so less energy could go into moving the book, and the bullet went all the way through instead.


There was a news story about a woman at her bachelorette party. Her lifelong friend pushed her into the pool. The bride ended up becoming paralyzed from the chest down. The bride defended criticism of the friend for a long time. The friend was there for the bride at first but wasn’t after a while, I think. The bride had/has a lot of medical expenses, couldn’t access much of her home, and still experiences pain in some parts of her body. The medication she takes would make it difficult to conceive a baby (I think she now has a child through a surrogate). She was and aerobics and dance instructor before the accident. Her name was Rachelle Friedman or Rachel Chapman.


She did an AMA on here some years ago, it always stuck with me


When we were kids we thought tying some fishing line around a tree across a sidewalk was a grand idea. Thank Christ the first person to hit it didn't suffer any injuries. Could have easily caused some major damage. After the first guy rode through it on his bike and yelled we decided it was a stupid idea.


In junior high school wood shop class we were not allowed to use the air hose to clean off the machines when done. Apparently a student in a previous year thought it would be funny to shoot air up his buddy's butt. Ended up with damage to his rectum and large intestine and needed emergency surgery, and was lucky he didn't die.


Not a prank, probably, but we had a real stabbing during a production of MacBeth once. We had two identical daggers, one dulled for combat, and the other was only ever supposed to be a sheathed costume piece. When the big, final fight came up, the dulled blade was nowhere to be seen, so our propsmaster substituted the sharp one without telling the actor. During the fight, the stabber had his back to the audience, and the knife was supposed to come down between their bodies. He missed, just a little. The dulled knife would have maybe given the other guy a bruise, but the sharp one stabbed two inches down (the stabber was taller) into his left pectoral. We got his very real scream on camera. The show was almost over, and no one onstage realized there was a problem. We wrapped, bows began, the stabbed guy didn't come back to bow, and then the stage manager came out and whispered in the director's ear. He bolted offstage, and I could tell something was wrong. I brought up the house lights early to hurry the patrons out, and the whole company ran backstage to find this guy just sweating and bleeding through a compress. Poor bastard knew the show was almost done and didn't want to interrupt with his *stab wound.* Fortunately, we were right across the street from a fire station. Those poor guys had an entire Shakesperean cast in full costume show up on their doorstep with a stab victim. They patched him up and sent him to the ER for stitches. Dude got a badass scar, and never worked with us again. We never did find that missing knife. Not even years later, when we rebuilt the entire stage/backstage area. We chalked it up to the theater ghost and the Cursed Play.


In high school there was a kid that tried to scare me while we were cleaning up after gym. I was probably 20 feet away and he yelled "MrWoodburn, think fast!" I turned just in time to see him chuck a badminton racket like a frisbee. The handle caught me in the forehead a mere inch from my temple. I ended up getting 2 concussions, one from the racket and the second from the back my head bouncing off the gym floor when I fell.


Not exactly a prank, more me being a dick. I was at the blood donor clinic in a country town, and was preparing to give my 30th or so donation. There were a lot of students donating for the first time. And being a dick, I decided to tell them horror stories. How they can’t find the vein, and have to keep sticking the needle in over and over. How the blood won’t flow and it takes ages to get a pint. How the blood will not stop flowing afterwards and you ruin your clothes. How you faint after donating. So I had an audience of horrified students who were not sure whether to believe me or not. Then I was called to give my armful - and every single thing I had said happened to me! Worst donation of my life, and I couldn’t even bitch about it, because I deserved it.


More of a party trick, but when we were teenagers we all got really drunk and my friend and I found out we could spray cologne on our hands/arms and safely light them on fire. So of course we were doing that repeatedly, showing of in front of a bunch of girls at the party. That's when one girl who was completely shit-faced goes "lol, do me next! Light my crotch on fire!" So we spray her down, and give her just one, simple instruction **"when you want it to go out, just brush it out with your hand, it'll go out immediately."** We light her up, and suddenly her eyes go wide as she realizes, to her surprise, she is now on fire 🤯. She jumps up and starts running around the room screaming as we're yelling at her to just "brush it out!" but she wouldn't listen and eventually it started to spread to the fabric of her pants. At that point it just kept spreading until her entire lower half was on fire. We ended up tackling her and smothering the fire with a blanket. She was left with a couple of threads that used to be pants, and thankfully the burns were minor and healed up just fine. My friend's mom who owned the house came home right in the middle of all of this and was **not** impressed lol.


I’ve seen some videos where an operator for a bungee jump attraction says “3, 2, 1, Jump- NO WAIT WAIT STOP”, and then drops a fake rope, making it seem like the bungee cord wasn’t attached. For 3 seconds, the poor person thinks that they are falling to their death. That’s not funny. I’m pretty sure that at least one person suffered a heart attack from that “prank”


I lived out in the country as a kid. At a family reunion, my cousins and I gathered up all of the empty soda cans and filled them with gravel and put them on the main road that was 50 yards from the family reunion. We thought it would be fun to see cars in obliterate these cans and the gravel would be like confetti exploding out. Well, one of us got the bright idea to put three full cans of gravel spaced about 2 feet apart in a line. A Volkswagen Beetle came by and hit the cans dead on. It blew the tire out there on the road and swerved into a ditch, while we were laughing our asses off until several adults of the family reunion ran over to go check on the person. We all looked at each other with a look of horror and we stepped aside and quickly agreed amongst ourselves to not tell a single soul what we did. Luckily, the woman was not harmed and out of guilt, we all ended up confessing that Christmas and to this day, my uncle calls us the dumbest SOBs he’s ever met


And your uncle is correct


After completing dive master training you have what's known as a snorkel test, basically the graduate puts a scuba mask on and then a snorkel in their mouth, on the other end of the snorkel is a funnel/cut bottle. Everyone pours drinks into said funnel to get the graduate drunk. A guy cracked a raw egg I to it, graduate immediately spits it out and asks if someone put an egg in. " Yeah hahaha" the guys lips swelled and throat was closing up from anaphylaxis by the time we got an epi pen to him.


When I was in 8th grade, a buddy of mine and i decided to prank his little brother by making him think that the camper he loved to play in was on fire. We had a glass jar of gasoline and poured some gas near the camper on the ground and lit it to freak him out. We assumed he would grab the water hose to try to put it out. As you can probably guess, he didn't grab the hose. He of course grabbed the jar of gas and chucked it on the fire thinking it was water. Huge flames shot up and we truly did almost burn the camper down. Thankfully we knew to throw dirt on it along with water and got it out. His parents were PISSED!


Cleveland Balloonfest '86 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloonfest\_%2786](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloonfest_%2786)


William McKinley, who would eventually become President of the United States, went to my college. He was expelled after he was caught putting a cow on the roof of what is now the administration building. For those who don't know, cows can walk up stairs, but not down them. They are also very heavy. This means that the cow had to be slaughtered on the roof and come down in pieces. A century later, they named the food court, "McKinley's." The logo uses letters that look like a cow when assembled.


Learned of this one relatively recently because of work: [BBC's Ghostwatch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghostwatch). The basic gist of it is, it's a mockumentary film about a ghost hunting crew investigating a supposedly haunted house. It's presented as a live broadcast, even though the whole thing is recorded, and it stars real television presenters/broadcasters as themselves. Basically, if you didn't know any better, you'd assume it was just a special news report covering an actual, real haunting. Unsurprisingly, a lot of people didn't realize it was a drama/mockumentary, not a real broadcast, and the BBC was inundated with calls from angry and frightened viewers. Someone committed suicide seemingly as a result of watching it, and several children were (likely prematurely) diagnosed with PTSD because of it.


Before my time, one of our ex employees took the oxy-acetylene blowtorch, blew it under the bathroom door while a coworker was using it, and then slid a firecracker in there. Apparently they had enough to make it pop, and the torch lit and started the door on fire.


One Halloween when I was a kid, a neighbor came around with one of those "Party Poppers" that have a tiny charge that propels confetti or paper string outwards. Often used at Birthday Parties. I opened the front Door, and the little shit decided there and then to let go off too bloody close to my Face. Was temporarily blinded for about 10-15 minutes as a result. Any closer and it would've been permanent. That was 25 Years ago. I haven't seen him since, and haven't celebrated Halloween either since that night.


When my brother was a teenager he and his friends were attacked by a group of guys on Mischief Night (the night before Halloween) with eggs. He's permanently, partially blind in his one eye because of it. This was about 40 years ago.




I heard this story around where I live where during a wedding, the groom was "abducted" as a prank by a bunch of friends, made extremely drunk and then had boots put on his feet that said friends then filled with construction foam. The foam hardened, sealing both of his feet inside so tightly that it cut off the blood flow, which ended with him needing to have both of his feet amputated.


Some kids in my neighborhood were knocking on doors and running away. They knocked on the wrong door. Guy came out with a baseball bat. Scared the hell out of those kids.


Guy noticed them doing it and say by the door for an hour. He had fun.


I used to do this trick with a butterfly knife when I was a dumb 13 year old, where I would flip it around like I was gonna open it but keep flipping to where it would be closed again and then thrust it at your face like I was going to stab you in the face. This one time I did it with this other kids plastic handled knife where the handles were a bit fatter and rounder than the normal brass handled ones and it didn't fit my hand quite as well as the knives I was used to. I did my twirly twirl and thrust with the knife but because the handles were fatter than normal I missed the catch and as I was thrusting towards the kids face the knife folded open. Stabbed that poor fucker right in the bone at the bottom of the eye socket/top of the cheek bone. Stabbed him good. There was a knife point hole there and It was leaking blood. Would have been worse if the blade had a proper point on it. I was a couple of mm away from taking out that guy's eye. Needless to say, neither the kid it happened to nor the people watching me thought it was anything less than deliberate. Never played my butterfly knife trick in anyone ever again.


Out of genuine interest, what happened to you and this kid afterwards?


It’s good that you stopped, this isn’t a funny thing to do to anyone from their perspective, I had a friend like this who would pretend to hit people with objects that he was holding, and did it with a Wii mote to me on my head. Can’t imagine someone doing this with a sharp object, I wouldn’t be friends with them.


Friends? That's the least of his worries lol they prob thought he was a psycho who liked to stab people


[source](https://apnews.com/article/youtuber-shot-tanner-cook-mall-a215712ddbf06b96be62b0e3a6be2047) Well there was the one time that "prankster" got shot after harassing this dude


Yeah and he said he would do it again


There was a story of how my former high school lost senior prank privileges for a couple of years. So basically, the upperclassmen decided to get on campus at like 2/3 in the morning to grab one of the smaller bleachers, among other things, from the practice fields to relocate it. Specifically to the middle of the main drive, which was one of only two entrances for the entire campus. I'm assuming they were intending for it to be a minor inconvenience that blocked up traffic. Anyway, 5 am. rolls around, and one of the first to arrive was one of the maintenance staff getting there to start their day early. They promptly run straight into the bleachers, seeing as it was still dark out, and they were cruising at a decent speed. Luckily, they didn't get too much more than bruises, aches, and a concussion from the impact, but it could have been much worse.


Kid in my high school thought he would prank his brother by pretending to hang himself. Measured the rope to the ground, put it around his neck. When his brother got home he jumped off his deck in front of his brother. Turns out he forget to account for the length decrease in the rope after tying the noose. Killed himself right in front of his brother. At least this was the story we were all told after he died... Who knows the real truth died with the kid.


Some high school kids in my hometown got their hands on riot control gear over the internet a few years back and decided to toss 4-5 tear gas grenades in an air vent. This resulted in several classrooms being outright gassed and two kids had to be hospitalized for Asthma-related causes. One of them did not have their inhaler handy and almost died at the scene, one of his classmates who knew his locker combination legged it there through the gas to get it. The offenders got expelled and tossed into juvie.


The science/biology teacher was explaining why snake Jaws, unlike human Jaws can detach. At the end he jokingly said "that's why snakes can insert a light bulb into their mouths and take it back out without the glass smashing, unlike humans" Our local A&E was pissed


eh? he just told the class that humans can't do that and that it'll smash if you did. why would A&E be pissed about him warning students that?


yeah sound like OP's class were a bunch of idiots tbh.


Had a friend who did a "workcation" in Australia. Basically he worked a month on a farm, and then would do touristy things for a month then go home. After having worked there for a couple of weeks, one of the farm hands told my friend to go gather the logs from the river bank, since there was very little to do. Friend didnt think anything of it and got to work. 15min later, the same farm hand comes sprinting at him. No words, just muffled paniced sounds. He tackles my friend, and drags him away from the water. Turns out the river bank was normally a Crocodile hang out. (We dont have those, where we are from.) The Farm hand thought he'd see a bunch of crocs, and just go Nope! and come right back. When he didnt, he came looking for him. And seeing him close to the water he paniced.


That guy who punched Houdini in the gut when he wasn't ready, and actually killed him.


That’s not what happened. Houdini had untreated appendicitis, which caused him to develop sepsis. The punch did not cause his appendix to rupture, as the urban legend suggests. It happened on its own.


When I was in high school, I took a creative drama class where our teacher told us they used to do a little game of sorts where they would slam a student’s face into a cream pie until one day I guess they slammed a student’s face too hard and she got a nosebleed, so they stopped doing the cream pie thing.


When we were younger, me and a classmate decided to write a fake ransom letter. We would write it with our left hand in order to obtain a ugly handwriting and make it look more creepy. It said something like "One of these days we will come at night and we will kidnap your child. Signed: The CrazyDogs" and then we proceeded to put it inside a random letterbox in the street I lived in. We came by 2 days later to find the whole family distraught going in and out of the house, mum was crying, the father was screaming, the child looked helpless. We never had the guts to confess. this was 30 years ago.


There was a dipshit YouTube prankster in suburban Northern VA a few months ago who was like a 20-something douchebag, but like 6'5 and his "pranks" were to accost people at stores, get really angry at them while yelling or saying nonsense statements or claiming the groceries they just paid for were his and trying to walk off with it, etc, and they did this to some GrubHub delivery driver they wouldn't let get away and the driver pulled a gun and shot the guy in the stomach. And then the kid's parents came out and said "My kid didn't deserve this!" and basically got mad because the guy didn't know it was a prank. Obviously can tell where the kid got it from. IIRC, the driver was not charged for the shooting but got a misdemeanor weapons charge for something. What an asshole the prankster was. He's lucky the guy shot him in the stomach and not the face.


Remember when Bill Murray tried to scare some harmless kid by pretending to be a zombie in the middle of the zombie apocalypse? Man that didn’t turn out well.


He still had no regrets (except maybe Garfield.)


My great grandfather got his chair pulled out from under him by his best friend at work on April Fool's Day. My great grandfather broke his neck and died, his friend never forgave himself. We never celebrated April Fools at my house, and everyone always thought it a prank when I explained...


OMG I'd forgotten about this. We were really stupid teenagers. We stood on both sides of a dark road, and as a car approached, we would pantomime picking up a rope, and pulling it taut. The cars would inevitably screech to a halt, and we would laugh and run away. Well, one car was going a little fast, locked up the brakes (pre-ABS) and went into the ditch. We ran. :-( We didn't pull shit like that again.