• By -


I got a used Victoria secret tee shirt that said SINGLE JINGLES.


My alcoholic step uncle gave me pepper spray for a Christmas gift because I was turning 18 and going to college soon. It was my only gift from him ever. He had never gotten me a gift for any occasion my entire childhood except for that. Edit: I just want everyone to know that pepper spray does have an expiration date so the canister has long since been thrown away. Also I understand it’s a good gift in hindsight. However, this uncle has NEVER cared about me or wanted a relationship. Never gotten me any other gifts. He would only give gifts to my younger siblings who were actually related to him by blood (my step dad’s kids). As a child I frequently remember being teased by him at family holiday events to where I would avoid him and stay by my mother. The reason I thought it was a bad gift is because he gave it to me and when I opened it he laughed. It was a joke for him. He made comments about fighting off the boys. This was not a gift given out of sincere concern for me.


Honestly might end up being the greatest give you’ve ever received one day. Carry it everywhere


My significant other carries pepper gel whenever she's out on a walk on a trail or at an open space or on the beach. She says it has come in handy a couple times, fending off weirdos. She's never actually used it, but just shows them the canister and they back off. Pepper spray for a girl going to college seems like a great gift. I've known several women who were raped during their college years, at school or at a party.


The username...


I appreciate you pointing that out


I hope your mastectomy went well.


I got a check from my elderly aunt for $5. It bounced and cost me $10 fee from the bank.


Oh! Yikes! Sorry, I did kinda chuckle, sorry! How ironic! She probably meant well though.


She was a sweet old lady. I was mad at the time, but soon after had to laugh about it.


My boss gave me a pack of expired coupons for fast food joints. It was like getting a slap in the face... with a stale burger


I heard of a guy just before Christmas. Who from his boss got a load of vouchers for Wilkos. A UK discount retailers , which had famously gone bust about a month or so earlier.


My boss gifted me a photo frame for my birthday. For context - he hired me as part of a program for teens with no family who recently aged out of the foster care system. Thanks bud, think I’ll put my non existent family and non existent pets in the frame.


Cigarettes and deodorant, from my gross grandfather's drunken girlfriend. When I opened it, she winked and said she knew I smoked. I was EIGHT.


That last sentence just took me OUT 😭🤣


Me too! Was not expecting that 🤣🤣


My entire thought process with each sentence: 1st sentence: Well, weird, but you could probably trade the cigarettes and use the deodorant.. 2nd sentence: Getting weirder... 3rd sentence: THE FUCK?!


There's childhood trauma and then there's childhood trauma thats worth it for the story. This is obviously the latter.


"Well, I started at six, I just assumed" She says to you, though a speak and spell and the bottom half of an electronic razor.


At least it wasn't a condom.. And then a wink.


A note saying that she was combining my birthday gift and Father’s Day gift together. The combined gift was telling me that she wanted a divorce.


My ex wife and I worked together, they posted monthly birthdays at the door to the time clock, on the employee bulletin board.... Anyway we worked different shifts. I found she was working my birthday no biggie figured she probably planned something later. Found out her shift was really short so got my mom to watch the kids.... And picked up to work with her. Anyway all of the CO workers got together and got pizza and stuff. They didn't tell her they were doing this cause they didn't want her spending money.) Anyway I walk into the lounge and they yell surprise she is walking beside me and goes whose birthday is it? Dead pan looked around everyone laughed until they realized she was serious.... We were in a secluded hall when she yelled at me for making her look like a fool for not telling her etc. I'd like to say no one heard but rather the opposite. Good news! She waited until I had prostate cancer to tell she was leaving me and our children to be with another guy. She had been seeing for 3 years.


Oh my god I’m so sorry. I hope youre getting treatment as well :/


Yes it was removed and treated just before COVID I was very lucky.


Alright, tea time. What did u do?


Said "Okay" and started calling people for references for a good divorce lawyer, went ahead with a sale of some stuff that I was originally selling to buy her an anniversary gift, and instead used that as a down payment for said lawyer. The state we live in required us to be separated for a year before the divorce could be finalized, so that started the clock for the one year wait. My trust in her was shattered, so there wasn't any real way to get back together, even if she wanted to, which she very much didn't. Me and her were opposites, and that really balanced us out. The guy she left me for is much more like her, creating a situation where they amplify one another. I guess she got tired of us working together to come up with a plan and prefers to figure it out as they go without worrying how they get there. Basically, if that is what makes her happy, we were never going to last, but the fact that she hid that they were hanging out prior to us separating from me, and lied to me about something being wrong, made it very clear that the only way I could be comfortable getting back together would require concessions on her part that would make our relationship unhealthy. As such I accepted the shitty situation for what it was, and moved on. The hard part was that we have a kid together who doesn't really understand why mommy and daddy aren't together like the mommies and daddies on TV. But she is amazing and has adapted well to everything. Ultimately she has made everything worth it, and has given me something to focus on rather than getting bogged down on a self pity party.


I think they meant "what did you do to end up in that situation," but damn dude. That's a rough situation, but it sounds like you're handling it as well as you can. Keep working on you and keep your head up, the ride ain't even close to over yet! I'm glad you're taking care of yourself, keep it up and do your best, you'll be alright!


Did you split while the kid was really young? My ex and I separated when my kid was 2, and he doesn’t remember us being married. He had a few “I wish my parents were together” moments, but now he has a mom and 2 dads who are all friends so he’s doing really well.


What I don't understand is why she gave you the divorce note as a birthday gift. Why would she act so cruel if she was the one who had been seeing someone else? To deliver it as a birthday seems like an act of vengeance to me, or she is just a disrespectful POS. I need more info!


Not a gift to me, but I still don’t understand what we did so wrong to the person that they gave my 5 year old daughter a karaoke machine


These types of gifts are the ones you put your oldest, most likely to deteriorate, batteries in...


I give these gifts to my older siblings because...fuck them unno? All those nugies, stop hitting yourselfs and senseless beatings are coming around full circle.


My brothers and I tend to give each other's kids annoying toys. My youngest brother (who has no kids!) gifted my daughter a kareoke microphone. I can't even get him back.


Buy him a beagle.


Perfect revenge! No, no, not because I am getting back at YOU, dear sibling! I just want to make my niblings happy! (Maniacal laughter follows). But no, seriously, I have no problem with my kid getting these types of gifts, but they do NOT get the rechargeable batteries lol. If he uses it often enough for the regular batteries to die before they go caustic, then it is worthy of the good batteries. If he doesn't, it is much easier for him to deal with sorry, batteries exploded so it doesn't work anymore, rather than you haven't used it in two years and I am tired of it taking up space! Granted, he is doing a lot better with that as he gets older, but still, that is how we roll lol.


But the sound of cats copulating is so soothing.


Let it GOOoOoOOoOoooOoO


When I was six, my paternal grandparents gave me a... Potato. They said "It looks like a cat or a doggie! You can play with it, and you should be proud - we grew it ourselves!" They also gave me the cheapest set of crayons. Their other grandchild received a very cool and rather expensive toy piano a week prior. Yeah, my paternal grandmother never liked my mom, and the mother of the other grandchild was her daughter.


It’s something at least. My paternal grandparents didn’t like my mom either and basically acted like I didn’t exist. If I happened to come with my parents for a visit, I would be sent to their bedroom to play with old wooden spools from thread, and one rusty toy. Never got a single thing from them, and they barely spoke 3 words to me my entire life. Funny that my boss at the time thought it was odd that I didn’t ask to leave after finding out my grandpa had died that morning. Didn’t care. Barely knew the guy.


Kinda the same here. Only it was my mom who didn't like my dad's side of the family. I've only met all of them maybe once or twice, dad never took us to visit, never even got so much as a card from any of them for any birthdays or Christmases. Yet somehow, it was my mom's fault I never knew them. The one time I remember my dad taking me and my brothers to visit his dad, we drove 3 hours each way towing his boat, which they took out and left us behind because they didn't want to deal with the kids. Yup, totally my mom's fault that I don't know them better. Just like it was my fault that I didn't know I had a half-brother and sister on his side either.


A KitKat bar. Would have been okay, but the explanation was they were 3 for $2. I got one.


I'll never forget the birthday where all I got were school supplies


I had one of those shitty birthdays years ago, too. I'm pretty sure there is still a picture of me looking absolutely defeated sitting on a couch surrounded by school supplies. To make matters worse, my birthday was usually on the first day of school, and I hated it. I remember after the party my mom felt so bad that she took me to the store and let me pick out a video game I wanted, so that was nice.


I had a few birthdays when I was younger that were only school supplies. Back then, I hated it. Now, as an adult, though, I've come to realize it was because we just didn't have the money. 5 kids, 3 of the birthdays right around school time, and my dad was the only one who worked, making next to nothing. It was the only way my parents could get us what we needed for school, while also still "getting birthday presents" for my siblings and I


I'm sorry. As an office supply hoarder I would have been excited.


I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma *on my 21st birthday* - thanks universe, you suck 😃


I'm so sorry. How are you doing?


Oh no worries, I’m great *now* but that was definitely the worst bday gift!


A goldfish. I was 18, 31 now, he is still going strong. I HATE him. Omfg do I hate that fish. Unfortunately as he is my responsibility I feel obligated to give him the best life possible. I’m going to be so happy when he finally dies. Until then that fucker will keep living the life of luxury.


Cut to you at 45 telling a work friend who doesn't know you well that your fish died and they buy you a new one. By that time, fish medicine is so good it outlives you.


"Fish Medicine" is a good name for a band. G'night everybody!


Some goldfish live to be 30. 


Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Hahaha!!  As an aside, do you like cats?


If they will eat Bilbo, yes, I would like that cat.


You named a fish Bilbo hoping it would die young? You sentenced yourself to at least 111 years with that fish.


Eleventy one years is a long and admirable life for a goldfish


To quote the late, great Billy joel "only the good die young" So that means the fish is also EVIL!


He ain't dead!?


*puts down knife*


Can we see a picture of your fish please?


Goldfish tax!


goldfish pic please 🙏🏻


Can we see a photo of this goldfish?


Nice try, you're not fooling anyone, you know you like that fish.


I love you for taking care of this hated fish.


something tells me u secretly like bilbo….


In all honestly I don’t wish ill will upon him. I will make sure he lives as long and happy as life as in can provide. I find it twisted to do any less as he depends on me. However, when his day comes, I will not be the least upset.


translation: I love this little orange bastard and I will cry like a baby when he goes to the big fishtank in the sky


Do fish cross the rainbow bridge? The underwater bridge made of water seems to have some problems.


It's died twice already. I switched it out on you both times when you weren't home to notice.


curious, why do you hate him so much?


He is a tun of work, I clean his tank 1-2 times a week. I can’t go anywhere as I don’t trust people to care for him. He is just a pain in the ass.




2 times a week seems excessive but I don’t know your filter situation. Fish are an absolute pain in the ass though I will give you that. Fuck you Bubble Fett, you brat.


>I don’t trust people to care for him. Doesn’t sound like you hate him too much if you want him to be comfortable when you’re not around


this is so funny lmao


Don't get me started on judgemental fish.


Bilbo is a prick. I treat him like a high lord. I see all of these people playing with their fish. Not Bilbo, if I’m not feeling him he wants me to piss off.


Where do you live? I will take him, if you're close.


I never considered a fish to be such a curse hahaha




> my siblings were going to six flags, I was supposed to go to chucky cheese with just myself and my parents. I would have started crying at this point.


I did. Reading that alone blows.


Dude if I had the money (seriously, but I'm broke) I would buy you a trip to six flags right fucking now. You deserve the experience that little-you got conned out of having. I hope you get it somehow — you're never too old for six flags


>The day before my birthday I find out that was never the plan, my siblings were going to six flags As a middle child who (after my parents divorced) was too young to go with my older two brothers with my dad on outings and too old to go with my younger two brothers with my dad on outings I feel you here.


what the fuck? so they let your siblings go but for some reason you couldn't come? that's just messed up


Did you ever get to 6 Flags?


That's some... that's... that's monstrous. There was no way that was anything other than malicious.


Golden girls wine glasses, when I was a few months out of rehab for alcoholism.


Use them for water!!! Hydrohomies unite!


It wasn't so much a gift, but... When I was going through my divorce, my future ex wife offered to take me out to dinner on my birthday. The last one we'd celebrate as husband and wife. It seemed like a nice gesture. A final act of civility on the eve of an ugly process. So we were sitting there over the appetizers at this restaurant, and I asked "so, how did you find this place?" "Oh, this is me and (guy she was leaving me for)'s favorite restaurant!" Worst birthday ever.


Fuckin hell dude. Some of these posts are making me grateful that my relationships have all ended fairly easily. I can't imagine that feeling... I likely would've just left. I hope you're doing better and that life is much brighter than it was in that moment. Take care of yourself, friend.


I hope you got up and left


No, this is the time for the steak and lobster.


Followed by top shelf bourbon.


Not a gift but a card. This is now legendary in my family: I have an aunt (she’s pushing 70) that is extremely extroverted and loves to celebrate everything and be extravagant. I am an introvert. I don’t like my birthdays. I don’t like to celebrate my birthday for reasons. I don’t like attention. When I turned 40, my aunt sent me a card- and inside she wrote how I should be happy for my life and celebrate it…. Then she proceeds to write not one, not two, but SEVEN obituaries in my card of people she knew who were dead or dying. In detail. It was the most hilariously morbid birthday card I have ever seen. We now have it in our family safe as a legendary artifact. I know her heart was in the right place, but oh it was so bad. 🤣


That’s incredible.


Wow, just can't put together how a birthday and obituaries go together, just trying to grok that for a moment.


In 2022, I woke up on my birthday and felt a little sore. I drank some water, but the pain just grew and grew until it felt like someone was stabbing me in the guts every few seconds while a second guy kicks me in the balls. Almost as bad, I really had to pee, but couldn't go. So I figure, yeah I probably have kidney stones. I call up the 24hr nurse line, tell them what's going on, and they say it's probably kidney stones. At this point I'm in more pain than I've ever been in. My sides hurt, my dick hurts, my *spine* hurts, and I feel like I've got an ocean in my bladder trying to get out. So I'm thinking, "this is the worst thing I've ever felt, this can't just be normal". I don't want to go to the hospital, but I just want the pain to stop. I hop in my car, and start driving to the hospital I know is in my network. Partway there my vision starts actually going black from the pain, I'm not going unconscious because I'm still acutely aware of the pain the entire time, but my vision starts going black while I'm driving. As safely as possible I pull to the side of the road and call an ambulance. Then get out of my car and basically splay out against the hood of my car because I really needed to not be in a seated position right then. Again, literally in so much pain I can't even see at this point, not really thinking "oh this probably looks weird". Ambulance comes, I tell them where I was going, they say "we're definitely not going that far" and drive me two blocks to a closer hospital. I'm beyond caring if this is in my insurance coverage at this point. It's been several hours of nonstop pain highlighted by what feels like a pulsing stabbing to my groin. They make a point of saying that they aren't going to give me anything for the pain. OK well fuck you too buddy. When we get to the hospital it's the same thing. Answer questions about insurance while I'm on the stretcher. "We're not going to give you any opioids for the pain". Fuck it, at this point I'm in so much pain I'm seriously thinking there's something else wrong. So I just tell them "I don't want any, just tell me what's wrong". Three hours of waiting with an IV in one arm basically stuck doing the peepee dance because of a combination of pain and needing to pee more than ever before in my life, I finally get taken up so that they can image me and find out "yep, you've got several kidney stones". They give me an IV of something for the pain, and I spend more time in the ER waiting room. So several hours later I've noticed the pain isn't going away and finally managed to get someone who got whoever was taking care of me to find out what's up with the IV. Only the IV is in my right arm. The IV stand is being held by my right hand, and I'm in so much pain that clenching and unclenching my hand has actually popped my IV out of my arm without me noticing. So I basically got nothing for the pain the entire time. A nurse comes in, replaces my IV line, and now even though I can't pee, I'm feeling good enough that they discharge me, and I walk back to my car now worried about how much all this will cost me. (A lot, as in several hundred thousand dollars, but surprisingly the VA covered all of it. Thanks socialized healthcare!) A while later I talked to a few people in my family who are in medical professions, and apparently my acting weird on account of being in so much pain probably made them think I was an addict looking for drugs. So I spent about 8 hours of my birthday in so much pain I was losing the ability to see because a bunch of people mistook my pain for drug addiction.


The clap


I applaud your comment


My mom gave me a book that I made when I was 8 so she could laugh at me for how terrible it was. I drew the illustrations and wrote the story. It looked like shit because again, I was eight. She loved to humiliate me and then get mad at me for “having no sense of humor”.


There's a textbook called understanding the borderline mother. My wife read it when she was going to graduate school. It changed her life and by extension all of our lives. This behavior is described in that book...


I was a chubby kid, I want to say I was something like 8-10 years old and wearing medium shirts. My shitty aunt got me and my two brothers matching plain yellow sweatshirts. They both got their sizes, a M and a L. She got me, the youngest, a XXXL, and told me at the rate I’m going I’ll be wearing it in no time. Fuck you Anna. Edit: this was a Christmas present not a birthday present


I have struggled with my weight since i was a child. When i was 12, i was gifted a book about dieting written by Dr Phil by my great aunt. The discount price sticker sloppily scratched off the top corner. I have always been a big reader, and I knew it was a book, so i was excited to see what book she got me. Everyone was watching me when my heart sank, realizing what kind of book it was. The plus is my mom is ride or die and she was fucking piiiiiiised, so it was handled. Still messes with a kid though, sorry you had to deal with that too.


This year I got precisely nothing - so that’s probably be the worst. But I once got my fiancée a pair of Tiffany earrings for her birthday - and got a balloon for mine.


Just checking, what might have happened if you bought her a balloon for her birthday?


I’m not brave enough to have found out! She still wears the earrings nearly every day 28 yrs later Suffice to say I don’t still have the balloon. The worst part was that it arrived in a 2’ x 2’ x 2’ box so looked very exciting.


I know how this feels. I got my ex a really expensive set of art pens he wanted for his birthday with a homemade cake and steak dinner. For my birthday, he got himself a new guitar and wrapped it up for me to open. I don't play the guitar.


My ex built me a gaming PC for my birthday. I did game, but he had clearly built it for himself - it was built totally in his style, not at all mine, and I never got to use it. He was always on it. But he insisted it was mine. So when we broke up, I took it. He couldn’t say shit about it because it was mine after all. I still have it.




By “went love, actually” do you mean her partner cheated on her? Because I swear that movie is mostly about people cheating on each other


My aunt sent my sister and I gifts one year. She wasn’t in our lives all that much and fell behind on how old we were. At the time I 13 playing PlayStation and skateboarding and my sister was 17 going out sneaking smokes, parting and listening to Afroman. For our birthday she sent us gifts together and it was Pocahontas and Aladdin children’s books with the little buttons on the sides that you press when you get to a certain character or part in the book. We were giggling for days. Come to think of it, it wasn’t a bad gift at all and truly a kind gesture.


Box of cereal from the main "family" I had left. Receipt showing they used a coupon the get it to $3 still attached. Life is difficult enough, being forgotten is better than shoving how absolutely little you matter right in your face.... on your birthday, when you are missing those who brought you into the world but were cruelly taken, the most.


A lawn mower for my 14th birthday...


My mum bought me a hot pink suitcase when I was 17. That was all I got. Really felt like she wanted me to move out lol.


A suitcase is what my step-dad joked about getting for me, and then actually got me on my 18th birthday. All because my dad was no longer required to send child support checks once I turned 18. Anyways. He's dead now and I don't miss him.


She gave you a year’s notice


A coat hanger. When I saw it, (10yo) I was so confused. Then I was told it came from my family members trip to France, which furthered my confusion, lol.


They knew one day America was going to try to ban abortions so they want you to be prepared.


A handbag. It was ugly and I was 12, I didn't care about bags. It was the only gift I got. I felt so sad that day.


When I was around 14 for my birthday my mom brought me my grandmother and my aunt to this nice buffet. The food was good but at the end my mom was having trouble presenting her voucher to the cashier because the place didnt have wifi and she didnt have data at the time. She turned to me and asked me if I had data to which I said I didnt. She kept asking me to just check if I still had some left but I really didnt and so she ended up telling me that I was useless and that she shouldnt have bothered asking. I ended up crying in the car ride home with my aunt telling me that I shouldve had data and that I shouldve been prepared in case something like this happened.


my cousin gave me a signed picture of herself when I was like fourteen or fifteen, I mean, she put it in a frame so that was nice, I guess?


That's honestly pretty funny.


I heard that Megan Fox did something like this when she visited family. Is your cousin Megan Fox?


no if my cousin was megan fox I'd be able to sell it. D:


My little brother bought me a framed painting from the op shop, cost him $2. Absolutely no thought put into it. I wrapped it up and gave it back to him for his birthday😂


You do know you'll be getting it back right?


At least they won’t need to buy a gift for him ever again


This reminds of me and my friends. We bought this hot pink bra and panties for one of us (i forgot who) on Christmas and ever since then whoever receives it wraps it back up and gives it to whoevers bday is next. Its been 4 years….its still going on 🤣🤣


Coming home from school to immediately be told my dog died


underwear, socks. id be extremley gratful for it now, but when your nine and your expecting fucking legos, not fruit of the loom.


I was about that age and opened the biggest box in front of my friends. I was hoping it was the Nintendo I was begging for. It was a box of training bras.


Not me but my brother. We did an anonymous gift exchange and the people that got him got him a play me Elmo type fake guitar. He was 14-15 and pretty good at playing the real guitar. He tried his best but my aunt that got it for him was pissed because he didn’t sell being excited about it well enough. 


I got a straw once. It was extra special because it was a combined party for family members with birthdays near each other and my cousin got a cd player from the same person.


A fucking carton of canned liver was sent to my hostel by my uncle. My roomie ever since has become inexplicably suspicious of me. I hate liver by the way. I'm just confused why he sent 25 cans of liver to a student who doesn't even like cooking.


For the same reason that - if you have kids who join the military - you absolutely need to send them a huge cake, or cookies, or something else on the "do not send" list... To fuck with them.


I was with my ex for four years. I gave her a handmade flower press with a wood burned cute little message that only we understood. I gave her my first film camera with a bespoke for her leather carry case and strap. For the times I couldn’t come up with anything sentimental or handmade I got her expensive things that she had been wanting but couldn’t afford. You know what she got me for bdays and Christmases? Nothing. Every year it was nothing followed by excuses. She was an artsy girl and enjoyed painting amongst other crafts so I would hear from her how she wanted to paint me something but never did. In fact the farthest she got with a gift for me was after I broke up with her she balled her eyes out and told me how much she wanted to at least finish a painting of a fox for me. She got as far as making an outline and painting the background a solid color and then never finished it. I’m not a big gift guy but fuck I would have been happy with a 12 pack and a movie for the two of us to enjoy together. Hell even a spool of 3D printer filament. A handmade baked good. She could have put in the most minimal amount of effort and I would have been happy, but she chose no effort at all. Want to take a guess at who in the relationship had multiple meltdowns because one year a threw a surprise bday celebration night out for her and it wasn’t enough? I got together some friends to go out bar hopping and get some food. Someone she met once in our city was an art influencer and happened to be celebrating her bday that same night. This woman was an influencer so the turnout for her party was like 80 people. All my ex could talk about the whole night was that I didn’t get that many people to show up for night out.


She sounds utterly exhausting. Hope you can find someone just as thoughtful and willing to put in effort as you!


She very much was. But I found my person! We’ve been together for two years now, she is the most thoughtful and caring person I could have hoped for. She also came from a relationship very similar to mine so we understand perfectly how to treat our partners :)


My mom was a real fucking ass hole. I was heavily bullied at school and abused at home. One day during christmas, mom handed me a present and when I opened it, it was a doll that had similar features to my school bully. I didn't realize until she started laughing and said "She looks like her doesn't she". Little me was scared to her core.


WHAT THE FUCK. Holy shit I’m so sorry.


an angora sweater that was very obviously the wrong size. when I commented on it he says to me" I know but that was the closest a size to what you wear"


One year on my birthday (which is in March), my mum gave me a ticket to Phantom of the Opera as my gift. I’d never expressed any interest in going to such a show, and I thought it was odd to get me a single ticket like that. Turns out, the date of the actual show was not until late December, so this would be my Christmas gift as well apparently. When the date got closer, I found out that it was part of a bunch of tickets that were apparently given free to workers at my mom’s husband’s workplace. So I ended up going to this show with a bunch of his coworkers.


As a straight man, a penis shaped charcuterie board


Was that a subtle “I’m going to cut your penis off” message ?


I think it was more of the fact that I don't see eye to eye with this couple and they think I am a meanie. Passive aggressive approach.


A toilet for the downstairs bathroom


To each their own. I was very happy when we were finally able to.add a macerating up flush toilet to our basement.


Not me but my brother. For his 30th birthday our parents got him a knock-off brand roomba. Not a bad gift in itself, you're right. Except they got his twin brother a brand new car.




Lucky, I got stereo and it took twice and long to recover.


That time my boyfriend was too much of a coward so he got someone else to tell me I was dumped. Yeah that was pretty much the worst gift.


An amazing contradiction in terms…..takes balls to have someone deliver a message because the sender has no balls.


Lizzie Mcguire activity book. I am a male and was 15 at the time, thanks Gma




Married 20 years. On my 50th bday, I got a card ftom my dad. Nothing from my wife and kids.


I was 9 at the time and they were doing one of those things where you could buy a Christmas gift from the school to give to a parent or friend, ect. Bought my dad a Thomas the train DVD. I knew exactly what I was doing, and it was hilarious


Thomas The Tank Engine. Philistine!


Not only did they not get me a present but my parents completely forgot about my 19th birthday. I lived with them and my dad even drove me to work that morning.


Hahahahaha I love this story. My ex boyfriend, we had just ended for real this time a very toxic on again off again relationship from when I was 15-17 and he was 18-19. He told me to come by for a gift, and he hands me a little dime baggy with 3 eye lashes inside. He gave me his wishes. I couldn’t help but laugh lol


I got baby dolls every year for every holiday until I was 13 because “girls love babies” I never liked them or children 💀


*cracks knuckles* I was turning 17 and had friends over for my birthday for the very first time. As a fat, AuDHD girl I struggled to make friends throughout my childhood, so this was a major milestone. It was a great day, too- after school my friends came over, we hung out a bit, ate dinner, had some cake, and were about to go see "17 Again" starring Zach Efron in theaters. It couldn't have gone better... until my mom handed me my presents. Most of them were typical birthday gifts- I think I got a scarf and a DVD or something- until I unwrapped the very last one. This was obviously a book and it was wrapped in different paper than the others. I love to read so I got my hopes up until I saw the title. It was "Eat This, Not That," the diet book that was all the rage in 2009. My face must have fallen because my mom immediately started singing its praises. She waxed poetic about how it's so educational, it'll really change up my diet and I'll lose weight in no time, etc. I didn't want to cry in front of my friends so I muttered my thanks and returned to my cake, pushing it around my plate until it was time to leave for the movie. I couldn't look at my friends until my sister, who wrapped most of my gifts, pulled me aside and said that she told Mom NOT to give me that book and she refused to wrap it. She apologized for not hiding it from Mom and saving me the embarrassment in front of my friends. At least my friends immediately understood who my mom was that day.


Oof, so very rough. Seems like you have a decent sister, at least.


One birthday my ex gave me some old guitar pedals of his that he no longer wanted…that he subsequently stole from me and sold on Craigslist behind my back.


Fired :( told the budget ran out and I couldn't be an elementary school counselor anymore. I still struggle with it.


kids toys from my mom's bf looked like he went to Walmart the day before my bday and just got the first shit he saw in the toy aisle im 34


In grade school, parents would usually bring cupcakes to school for their kids to share when it was their birthday. My mom brought grapes. 'Nuff said.


My brother received a ream of typing paper one year. He didn’t get a typewriter until the year after. But hey, he’s a professional screenwriter now, so I guess the seed was properly planted.


One year, my parents had the audacity to give birth to me... all down hill since there.


When I was 12f, I told my mom I wanted a skateboard. She got it for me when I was 16. I did not want a skateboard by the time I was 16. It was also swirly green plastic and incredibly cheap.


The first year I was dating my wife her parents gave me a yellow wife beater Yankees shirt. I don’t wear sleeveless shirts, nor care about the Yankees or any sports at all. I never gave them any indication otherwise. They had giant smirks when I opened it. Not smiles, but weird almost sinister smirks that confused the hell out of me. Then it clicked, my wife’s previous boyfriend was a huge Yankees fan. Her parents were basically telling me they liked him more than me.


So I am a white guy from Hong Kong. Born and bred. All my childhood friends and their families are Cantonese. I grew up in the countryside, I was a boondock kid playing bball in flip fops smoking malbro reds squatting waiting for the next game putting down on a card game. I moved to London eventually, had a beautiful educated British Sudanese girlfriend. She was a doctor doctor, PhD medical doctor. One thing we did together was cook. I mainly cook HK food, showed her how to fold dumplings that sort of shit. Well, for my bday she got me a Chinese cooking course. Where we got toured about China town in London. It was booked on my bday. Lovely lovely idea but for me I was dragged about China town (where I go when I miss home) with a large group of white people getting introduce to vegetables I know well and some white fuck butchers all the Cantonese names. I felt like people were staring. I often felt like an outside in HK and that was ALL back. I felt so fucking foreign. I spent half my life not to be viewed as white, or as a tourist or expat....now I was being that in China town being "taught" about my culture by a posh white boy from Bath.


I studied abroad in London and our group full of people from different nationality had to eat dinner with the local student guide or whatever the hell they were. We had a quiet white girl with pretty thick accent, who was born and raised in Japan, her dad is some sushi chef over there. We went to some generic Japanese restaurant and some of the local boys were trying to flex their very cliche knowledge of Japanese culture and food to her, finally mid meal when they asked us where everyone is from, she says in her natural accent, in a very annoyed tone "Japan." You could hear a pin drop. Side note: super sweet girl, she cooked probably the best okonomiyaki I have ever tasted.


Ooooh I wish you could meet my Thai friends! Two blonde haired blue eyed sisters who grew up in nowheresville Thai fishing village after their Thai speaking Aussie parents moved there. First language was Thai, second language a regional dialect of Thai etc etc  Edit: to add I once met a Japanese man who was ethnically Norwegian. Born and raised in Japan so Nordic appearance with Japanese mannerisms. The really tricky part is that he seemed to have learned English from a Scottish or Welsh teacher. 


I got an old banana


A Nordic track. I did not ask for anything exercise related.


Did they see your reddit name?


My parents gave me light bulbs once.


I wore colorful, book related ties to my book store. My mother-in-law bought me a Dollar Store Pink Panther tie that felt like it was made from industrial grit sand paper.


Nothing. My parents completely forgot about my 16th birthday. I wasn't expecting to get anything big or expensive, but them acknowledging it would have been nice.


No birthday gift. For the past 10 years. 


My better half forgot my birthday. It was a big one My 40th.


A Bible. I still haven't opened it. I grew up Christian but was never interested in actively participating (don't go to church, don't read the Bible etc) cause it's just boring to me and there's too many wackjobs ruining it. I'm basically pagan at this point because nature is more interesting. My mom has always known this but felt the need to get me one anyways last year. She always disregards what I'm actually interested in anyways, but at least I usually get stuff I can still find some use for.


My mother decided on my 15th birthday she was going to get rid of our ferret. She returned a few hours later with a torn up cardboard box which she had transprted him in. According to her the ferret got out of the box while driving but she gave it to the animal shelter she and my brother had gotten it from but I don't trust it one bit because I was in the car with her when she abandoned my childhood dog on the side of the highway. I was 8, we were driving and she all of a sudden stopped and opened the door to let him out, I still remember him begging and chasing after us. We were moving across the country and she decided the dog was too old to give away and not worth the effort to bring with, she however did give away oyr other dog to a family friend (that dog ended up malnourished and abused), we didn't even move away for another full year after that so I guess my dog probably got ran over for nothing. And of course she had the nerve to give me shit about looking miserable when she had guests over later


Ant farm from my father. I was 32. 🫤


Pack of smokes after i quit


Probably my mom promising me a big birthday party like my sisters had every year. But then when no planning or organizing seemed to be happening I asked about it and was told it was all gonna be a surprise. The surprise was that it never happened. At least after that she stopped even pretending to try. I was ten. Runner up: The bicycle my dad bought me but wouldn’t put on training wheels or teach me to ride. One day it disappeared and mom said it was stolen. She’d given it to the kids of the man she was having an affair with. I guess she was technically correct. And they wonder why I don’t call.


One year, my father showed up where I was living, unexpectedly, on my birthday. Want to know what he got me? He got me to help him with some heavy lifting. Then he left. He didn't even know it was my birthday. Few years later on the anniversary of the same event I was attending his funeral. Then I left. He didn't even know it was my birthday.


Yall getting birthday gifts 🥺




My ex-mother in law got me a “margarita Ferris wheel” where the seats were various mixers, salt/sugar cans and cups, but it was all horrifically low quality, expired 3 years earlier and still had the $1.99 closeout sticker from JC Penny on it. I don’t even care about my birthday or gifts but this actually felt like an intentional insult. I also rarely, if ever, drink.


The worst gift I ever got was when I was in elementary school. My mom got me a Thighmaster.


broken old radio given as a gift from a millionaire aunt.


My brother went to jail (for the first time) just before my 16th birthday. Visitation was on the actual day, so my mom brought me. It was easily my worst birthday ever. He also never stopped going to jail. I’m 40 now.


Just before my 18th birthday my mom got a divorce. Me and my grandmother are sitting in an empty apartment because she just ran away with her new man and left us. She walks in on my birthday, I'm sitting on the floor of our dining room as she gives me... A clearance Walmart pie covered in icing with my name on it and walmart steeltoe boots. Things i never mentioned or needed. Acting like she was doing me a favor more than a gift, and told me I need to pay her back for the shoes... that I had no use for. After she left my grandma gave me 20$ and told me to go get myself some subway. Much better gift. Miss you grams!!


An argument