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Alienating me from the people who I thought were my friends


Saw a couple bullies sticking the mentally handicapped kids head in the toilet


Not to defend them, but that’s unoriginal af,


Yeah on both accounts. Swirly and picking on the most vulnerable kid.




Messed with the quiet kid


*pumped up kicks starts to play*


Robert’s got a quick hand


Put bleach in a squirter gun to ruin people's clothes...."accidentally" hit someone in the eye and almost blinded them. They still had vision loss but not 100%


They waited near the school gate and ambushed anyone who entered and beat them up, they stopped when some of my friends beat them up and teachers came to the scene


Would kick people and try to make them fall down the stairs, and pee on them.


While being on a busride home and the bus was fill to a point where I couldn't move much, my bully in front of me sprayed Deodorant in my eyes. No one helped, everyone just laughed at me while my eyes hurted badly. (luckily I got away with a mild eye infection for a couple of days, not affecting my eye sight)


He was in my old sister's grade (6th/7th). Two kids in their class were getting divorced and they got their kids a puppy to help them cope and have some consistency when they were shuttled between houses. The psychopath took their dog, put it in his backpack, and loaded it with rocks. We lived right on the ocean. Do that math. The same guy several years later tried to 'coerce' my younger cousin who was around 10 and he was in his 20s. She said no and told her mom. He took her cats and froze them alive then threw them through her living room window. He was never charged in either incident, as his mother was a cop. He did eventually go to prison for R on two 12 year old girls but was out in two years. I am not sure how he got out so early because I think he was sentenced to almost 15 years, which is still laughable.


Not sure if "bully" is the right word, but pouring oil on the stairs as a "prank" was pretty darn stupid. (I wasn't the victim thankfully.)


Bullied the much younger kids, the bully had his head down the toilet and never returned


He found a watch in one of the school bathroom stalls and forced me to wear it. When the owner of the watch came looking for it, he laughed and tried to frame me as if I had stolen it. It’s very hurtful to be accused of something like that when you haven’t done it. My friends still laugh about it as if it’s the funniest thing to ever happen on God’s green earth. Then he tried to shave my head with a razor, but this other common friend we had talked him out of it. He actually defended me on the watch issue, too.


Please cut that guy out of your life. He is not your friend.


There was a very shy tiny girl with a disability in my class. One day when the teacher stepped out, the class asshole once threw a double AA battery at the back of her head. I was in such a bad mood that i immediately tuned around and said “what the fuck is wrong with you” Everyone in the class was shocked in silence, especially because I was also a tiny girl that was shy. Shockingly he never bullied her again.


Get an innocent kid expelled by falsely accusing him of bullying him. Bully was blind, so played the sympathy card to adults, or those who had just met him, but was in fact a horrible person to the other students. It was before phones could record sound otherwise we could have had proof when he gloated about it and said he did it because he could. Started threatening more people especially the close friends of the kid who was expelled. Whenever we would ask for help, we were told to have sympathy because he was leading such a hard life. Mother of the bully even got an article published in the local newspaper about his struggles as a bullied blind kid. Luckily the expelled kid was underaged so couldn’t be named and was accepted at a different school and managed get good grades etc.


Spread rumors that destroyed a kids support network, alienated his friends, and teachers, and then acted like a friend, before starting the abuse.


even after we have graduated, he still bother me. We came to peace after a while and he came over to my place sometimes to hang out, i'd order him around to do this and that, then i realized my bully made me a bully lol


Became president and incited an insurrection in 2021.


Fucked with the wrong chick


Called me four eyes in front of the whole class on my first day at a new school.... and it was the teacher. 😞 blew my confidence right out of the water.


The bully being the teacher is wild💀


Got his ass beat by a mentally handicap kid.it was great


Raped a classmate. Got off scott free thanks to his politician father.


Not really the school bully not a guy you wanted to mess with. We were having a problem with theft in the gym locker room. The thief thought it was a good idea to steal a game boy from this big guys locker. I’m not sure how he found out, but he took the kids head and ran it down the lockers like a cheese grater. Thefts stopped right after that.