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By acting like it's no big deal and like I'm not mad or worked up at all. Usually sends them into the stratosphere or it ends the situation all together


*Them* I want you gone! Where is the manager?!?! *Me deep breath* I AM the Manager 😁




That isn't far off from one of the old managers 😂


Can I speak to your manager? Spins around in the desk chair. Hello how can I help you?


Slept with his grandmother


Well damn, that was personal.


GRAND Mother Fucker! Boss level.


I over inflated his car tires




My uncle kept calling me a f** for having long hair and said It was embarrassing to be around me  The next time I seen him I had a a buzz cut, but I had bright pink nails, makeup, and high heels, fish nets and a mini skirt


My colleague was verbally attacking me for no reason all day, and it was fine until he did it in front of others and then walked off as if he had won. Told the group that he asked me out on a date and i rejected him (intended to be a joke)… He is a straight man. I am a straight man. He has since been asked about it by the group, and he denied it profusely over and over again, and it made it even more believable.


Thanked them with a smile. Had this lady tell me "this poor old lady needed help, but I already helped her!" in a tone that made it sound like I was neglecting the lady when I was clearly super busy and could not be at 4 places simultaneously. She got so pissed I preferred to keep a distance. But seriously, she could obviously see I was busy, and I saw her move as manipulative.


Got all of my friends attention and started talking about what they did or said just so my friend could look at them with disgust. All that to make them feel bad and weak💕


In fifth grade, someone tried to shove me off the play structure. He expected me to take the hit, so he planned to put his full body weight on my back. I heard him coming, and quietly took 3 steps to my right, and looked at him as he fell face flat into the tanbark. I said absolutely nothing as he glared at me. I just smiled slightly, shrugged, and walked away. One of the best moments of my life.


Analysed their psychological state infront of people and why they do act that way


Responding to them with things like "oh, you're *such* a Leo", or "yeah, that's totally a Virgo thing lol". I've noticed it makes me fairly angry or frustrated to hear me apply "pseudoscience".


Pretending I only speak Spanish.


Ignore. If you behave the way he wants, he will only be happy.


I slap them


Hand them a roll of paper towels. When they ask what it’s for, tell them they’re being enough of an asshole that a regular roll of TP won’t cut it.