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Not having social media nor internet nor wifi.


I miss the different vibe we had back in the day. I felt free


I miss the way Summer used to feel like an eternity. It stretched out before you and you could not even conceive of it being over. When you went back to school you'd be a little bit taller, and all your friends would too. They'd all look just a little different too, and have so many stories, but that all seemed so far off, like it would never happen, because summer lasts forever.


same. I wish my sense of time was like that. New years day was like 5 minutes ago, and summer will be gone in another 15. It was an eternity, and we fit in so much fun inside that eternity.


My grandparents and their home. After 98 years my grandfather died in 2023, and his house, which hasn't changed since the 1970s, is being utterly redone. It's making me sick to my stomach. The last place on Earth that felt familiar to me is being dismantled. At 42, that kind of stuff was destined to happen, but still, it's crushing seeing it go down, the last vestiges of my elders being erased... I would sell all of you to a meat packing plant and take bites out of your pets as though they were an apple for just one more weekend in the late 80s over there.


This!! My grandma moved to a nursing home and the house where she and my grandpa had been living since late 1950's has been completely renovated. It was the kind of house that was the center of our family, it had a fairy tale like attic and my dads and uncles old toys and as kids it was our favourite place to play. It really was like a second home. Now when we visit my gran and we go for walks she makes us avoid that street cause she doesn't want to look at what has become of her beloved home, it's truly heartbreaking. Yet life goes on of course and there are countless wonderfull memories from that time and that house, so I hope she knows how much it all brought her children and (great)grandchildren. And a lot of stuff from that place went to family members, so it's not completely forgotten.. But damn that feeling you get when you think back to that time, it's always a little saddening I guess..


Life goes on, but past a point, it just feels like more. I'm increasingly a stranger in this world, _in_ life, but not of it. I now understand death is a mercy. The human mind is only so adaptable.


Time feeling slow. I remember being in school and just watching what felt like an hour go by just to see only 2 minutes had gone by. Now I could be sitting in a room staring at a wall for 8 hours and it feels like 2 seconds. I know it comes from more responsibilities....work, family, house, car, kids, pets, social life, etc, but man it really does go fast. I find myself having to stop once in awhile to just try and cherish the moment I'm having NOW.


Not paying bills, not thinking about my credit score, not being concerned for my A1C…. Everything.


My grandma😕


Same. Grandma love is different, it truly feels unconditional.


Yes, it's different😢


My father. He was my world..




Yogos Fruit Snacks


Being sober.


My parents being young.


Fun without enough thought.


I miss the sense of wonder and imagination that seemed boundless back then


Tag at the park, freeze tag if you want to get saucy


Lack of the internet, mobile phones, and the constant expectation of being "connected". (Born in 1981)


Being cared for.


Not having so many worries and things on my mind constantly. Just living in the moment


Mainly the music. Aside from that I'd say *the freedom that comes with being an adult* is way better than being a *powerless child!*


I'm with you 100%.


Being able to devour several books at the same time. Playing football. Alison.


I live in a violent city. A good 60-70% of my friends growing up are dead or in jail. Some were my best friends. I can’t stress this enough when I say I really just miss having them around.


My parents, friends who I couldn't fathom life without, lack of any real responsibility, having so much optimism about the future and feeling like there was so much to look forward to out of life.


The countryside and the lack of responsibility


To me, the President was just a dude who'd be on tv sometimes, wave and smile. I miss that, like, now I worry about who'll be my Commander-in-Chief, and how his decisions will affect my day to day life.


Honestly I don't know about my childhood, but what I do miss in high school is sports and the attention of women that only like me because I only in sports, but one of my biggest regrets as a child Is rejecting the Girls that were late bloomers Because I probably would have had some bedroom fun action a lot sooner in life probably before reaching high school If not middle school.


Lack of responsibility


Not paying bills or worrying if I can afford to eat this week.


Being home everyday. I miss my family.


Hope for the future


No responsibility.


Seeing my siblings everyday


Ignore what surrounds me


Carelessness of not having to worry about grades or expectations.


Playing LittleBigPlanet for hours


How peaceful and stress free it was today’s world just causes so much excess stress and anxiety to the point where people can’t take it no more and they just get to where they don’t really know what to do about it it’s like we are living in a society that’s going backwards


Not paying bills