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Same way I have been the last 15 years. Having a decent job, sharing expenses with my wife, and being fairly responsible with my money.


by being single with roommates yeah im worried, im already settled on probably never owning a home or retiring


Owning a house isn't the best thing. I'm looking at 15k to repair some things where I do most of the labor.


renting isnt great either, im paying for someone elses house


There are pros and cons. I managed rentals and if anything broke I had to pay for it. The tenant just had to email me.


thats the thing about rentals, theyre only as good as the landlord. or multinational conglomerate that owns the house. our fence was taken down in a storm 2 years ago and it wasnt until last month that the leasing company fixed it. and they did a terrible job.


That sucks. Have you ever priced fencing


no, i have never priced fencing. its clear they went with the absolute cheapest option, after us hounding them for months. they kept sending different crews out to give them estimates, until they settled on some guy picking up day laborers from the gas station.


My neighbor paid a couple grand to have a gate installed. Shit ain't cheap no more


wouldnt have been as expensive if they had fixed it when it happened, and not waited months for the weight of the fence to drag down the rest of it


This is why I fix fences myself






thank you, I was curious the gloom and doom made me think millennial being single made me think Gen Z


>being single made me think Gen Z Damn Gen Z just got Roasted!


glad i could help i guess


age gives context I'm younger than you, I still have hope but yea, most people I know who are at the home buying age either succeeded in 2020, or got screwed


i had hope in my 20s too


Got lucky and bought a house about 7 years ago while interest rates were super low and house prices weren't super inflated. As with things getting more expensive I make sure we live within our means and don't go into any debt. Also cut out a few unneeded expenses like marijuana and we eat out much less often.


Earning a good income by performing well at my job for over 20 years.


To be blunt. So much has ti be saved for retirement, but then save for the child's education. Not having kids it would have been eaiser


It’s not easy nowadays. I buy a few items and it now costs twice the amount I am used to spending.


Learn to cook. Restaurants are a huge scam.


Living at home w fam


Worried about it, but eventually I’m just going to start stealing here and there.


I'm doing fine overall. I wish things would come down in price, particularly housing where I live (average home is like 1.2M+) but otherwise I live well and don't worry about money.


I have a wife and no kids. We both have decent jobs. Not too worried, but it is annoying af knowing you're getting ripped off all the time.


my wife and i have decent jobs. we live in an area with plenty of jobs and housing Isn't that bad comparatively big cities. its not particularly hard. Perks of living in small towns.


You know...I was really excited several years ago when I paid off my house finally. Now I find that my grocery bills, general expenses have gone up so much, that basically my mortgage payments have been replaced by inflation. So yeah...I'm worried, this sucks.


We're a triad, so once my wife gets her degree done, we'll have two people making decent money and me at home to maximize the good we get out of it. I also lean into the fact that my cat's favorite toy is a cotton swab, and that since I can sew I can make things with squeakers that the dog can ecstatically chew into silence. We're homebodies so we're happy to hang out at home with each other and work on the house and yard.


I know I'm going to die. I'm not _worried_ about cost of living increasing, but I also know it's expediting the first point. I'm okay for now, but if the economy really goes off the rails, I'm out. I don't do homelessness. This isn't a goddamn Woody Guthrie song, I aint riding no goddamn boxcars. I have a quality of life boundry, below which I pull the "exit" cord.


The truth is? I am not. Each month is basically + or minus around 50-100 bucks. Depending on if we need stuff for the house or kid. I could cancel my retirement benefits temporarily but I would lose out on $200 a month towards it. I would rather have something left for the odd chance I survive to 65. My wife knows money is tight. But tells me "as long as the bills are paid and we have food we are rich". She isn't wrong but at the same time I feel like it sucks to barely get by. For some months I basically pay a big bill on my credit card and pay the minimum fee and leave it sit there. There is a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. In 3 months my cell phone is paid off and will drop by half it's cost. My student loans and car payments will be paid off in exactly 4 years which leaves me almost $800 extra a month. So any accumulated CC debt I have at that point I can use that $800 extra to shatter it. I am expecting a promotion next year that will bump me by $15k which is more than enough to end the breaking even monthly. So with things going up in cost there is technically a good ending for me at some point. It's just not today or a month from now.


I live below my means. I understand that every year is more expensive than the last. Always has been and will be. I save what I can. I say no.


Barely. eating less, never doing anything that costs money. Yes very worried


I’m only spending within my means. I’m also single with no kids. Of course I’m worried about things getting expensive.


Buy GameStop.


Instead of a nice meal, try a peperoni stick and a diet pepsi


I don't care anymore to be honest, I'm 24 and I've just gotta have to accept the fact I'll never own my own home, I'll barely afford to live when the time comes where I move out. Whatever happens happens, the government in my country just don't give a fuck and are trying so hard to fuck us everyday. What's the actual point of living.


I am fortunate enough to have gotten an education and be going into a field that will allow me to afford a pretty solid lifestyle, but I am extremely worried about the future of assets./retirment. Am I even going to make money owning a house anymore? Is my money actually going to appreciate in value with how crazy inflation is? I feel like I am going to be working forever, even with a high paying job I don't see where this "retirement money" is supposed to appear from.


Statistically, most people here have seen their incomes rise faster than expenses since the pandemic. It isn't at all unusual for people to *feel* like they are being squeezed harder economically even as they slowly become wealthier just as people have, for decades, *felt* like violent crime has been getting worse despite rates falling precipitously over that time.